I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 851 847 Low price of grain hurts farmers

Chapter 851 847. Low grain prices hurt farmers

In fact, "The Tip of the Tongue" can be broadcast on the CCTV9 documentary channel this time.

However, as a channel that was officially launched in January 2011, CCTV9’s ratings are definitely not as high as CCTV1’s, nor is it as influential as CCTV.

But in fact, "Charming Record", a channel name dedicated to CCTV, has been transferred to Channel 9 after CCTV9 started going online, and other stations no longer use it.

However, the quality of "The Tip of the Tongue" is really excellent. After reading it, the leaders decided to put it in the first set. After the first set was released, the 9 sets were rotated again.

We want all the ratings from the first and second rounds.

For this purpose, the 7-day frequency band was specially adjusted and provided to "Tiangue".

And "The Tip of the Tongue" certainly lived up to expectations.

After four consecutive episodes, the discussion on the Internet has become more and more powerful.

the reason is simple.

have not seen.

Not before.

cannot be defined.

Is "Bite of the Tongue" a food documentary?


But its copywriting, its content, and its core theme are not about gourmet food.

But explore.

Horizontal and vertical exploration.

Composed of food culture, the veins and roots that have continued in this hot land for thousands of years... are closely connected by food.

What Xu Xin said during the Weibo promotion was not adulterated at all.

He really made the audience taste it in this documentary.

Overnight, the warm wind from the East China Sea moistened the faces of people from the northwest.

The blue sky and white clouds of the loess in the northwest floated over the ice and snow in the northeast.

It’s gourmet, but not gourmet.

It's culture, but you can really feel it... and even imagine the taste.

In just four days, whether it is the various delicacies in "Tian Bian", the popularity of e-commerce, or those on Weibo such as # Tian Bian # , # Learn to cook with "Tian Bian" Rice # , # What to eat today # , # A bowl of rice to comfort homesickness # These are topics triggered by the four episodes of the "Bite of the Tongue" documentary.

Although "Bite of the Tongue" also has behind-the-scenes footage, obviously... everyone wants to know more and more urgently about how this film was made in Xu Xinna.

At the same time, CCTV also hopes to use the popularity of this documentary to open up more new hot spots in the cultural field.

Therefore, although Luo Ming did not get the manuscript, he repeatedly asked Xu Xin: "You must answer well."

Because this CCTV interview will go from the Internet to the midday news, and finally to the News Network in about 30 to 45 seconds.

To put it bluntly, Xu Xin must have a "golden sentence" of at least 10 to 15 seconds when appearing on the news network.

Luo Ming explained this process to him twice.

All Xu Xin could do was take a shower and shave. Yang Mi did his makeup herself, and he put on his most formal suit and took a car to the CCTV building in the afternoon.

Today is the airing day of the fifth episode of "Tongue".

As for the news interviewing him, if nothing else goes wrong, it will be broadcast on the noon news tomorrow.

Appeared on the news broadcast in the evening.

Luo Ming took him inside the CCTV building until he came to an interview room.

The style of the interview room looks very generous, with two chairs placed opposite several lighting lamps.

Obviously, today is a hosted interview format.

Xu Xin sat down and the photographer began to look for light.

Yang Mi, who knew all the characteristics of his facial features, made the makeup perfect, even the color difference between his neck and face did not exist.

While on the way to find the light, today's interview host came.

She was a female host wearing black-rimmed glasses who looked familiar to Xu Xin.

Age should be around 40.

But he didn't know the other person's name.

However, after the female host walked in, she took the initiative to say hello to Xu Xin:

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Xi Qian, the host of today's interview."


Xu Xin stood up and shook hands with the other party politely.

The two sat on the chair together.

Then he heard Xi Qian ask:

"have you eaten?"

Xu Xin subconsciously glanced at the light and camera that were still being adjusted, and said with a smile:

"Eat, what about you?"

“I ate it while watching the second episode of ‘Tongue’.”

“The staple episode?”

"Yes, I especially like that part. It's about the backstage of the Qinqiang Opera Troupe. The actors are eating noodles from bowls, and there is a clown who is eating noodles and making funny expressions at the same time."


Xu Xin naturally knew which paragraph she was talking about.

At the same time, he said with some regret:

"It's a pity that you can't get particularly authentic Qishan noodles in Yanjing. There are even few authentic ones in Xi'an. It's best to go to Qishan to eat them, which tastes the best."

"So which episode is your favorite? Or which clip?"


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"It hasn't been screened yet, it's episode seven, and there's a scene of filming highland barley. That's the scene that our team recognizes as the most life-threatening."

"Then I'll have to pay closer attention then."

As soon as Yu Qian finished speaking, she said over there:

"Director Dong, it's almost time to start."


Xi Qian responded, turned to Xu Xin and said:

"Then let's start?"


Xu Xin subconsciously sat up straight.

But he soon realized that he was a little tense and relaxed again.

Finally, the interview took place while sitting in a chair.

But after thinking about it, he still asked:

"Is there any general scope for these questions? Teacher Ji, can you give me some hints?"

But this time Qian Qian shook her head:

"These are very normal questions. Director Xu just needs to answer them according to what he thinks."

Hearing this, Xu Xin thought for a while, nodded and said:

"All right."

You won’t tell me the scope of the problem…

Then I'll think about it carefully.

It doesn't matter if you answer slowly... right?

What's more... I'm afraid that if you don't know, I, Mr. Xu, may have a crooked building.

If you don’t tell me, I won’t tell you either!

Soon, on the photographer's side, the recorder was making notes.

"3, 2, 1, start."

"As the chief director of "Bite of the Tongue", sitting in front of the camera at this moment, what is Director Xu's truest reaction?"

There is no opening host and no introduction.

The first question was asked directly by Xi Qian after the board was made.


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"The truest reaction is actually guilt."

Xi Qian was stunned.

Unexpectedly, the answer to this first question was a bit beyond my expectations.

Her question itself was actually a question to draw the guests into the interview state, and it was basically planned to be edited out later. But I didn't expect it...



There was a searching look in her eyes under her glasses.

It's like saying:

"Are you sure you're right?"

Xu Xin nodded:

"Yes, guilty."

"Why do you say that?"

"Because I contributed very little to "Bite of the Tongue". First, I did not shoot it myself. Second, I did not write the text myself, and I did not even dub or score it myself... This documentary was made by 7 of us. Episode directors, leading everyone's camera, lighting, planning... a series of works completed by more than a hundred people. Now, the documentary is completed, and they are hiding behind the scenes. But I am standing in the spotlight today. So I feel quite guilty.”

After hearing this, Xi Qian asked:

"But as far as I know, the creative plan for "Bite of the Tongue" was proposed by you?"

"Well, yes, it's my idea."

"Things like..."

She lowered her head and glanced at the interview book:

"Make a flavorful documentary and start a journey of "root seeking". Use food to express the historical changes that have carried China for five thousand years, and use the different eating habits and commonalities between the east, west, south, and north to express Show the hard-working and intelligent values ​​of the Chinese people...Who came up with these concepts and the core ideas of the documentary?"

"Well...it's me."

“Were these already drawn up in the early stages of the documentary’s creation?”

"That's right. The surface talks about food, but the inside talks about culture. This is the core theme."

After Xu Xin finished speaking, he actually already guessed what she was going to ask, and simply said directly:

"But in fact, from the time the film is set up and the crew is assembled, all the shooting is done by other storyboard directors. Including the preliminary preparations, information review, research, etc., it is also everyone's hard work. . I am only responsible for two things in the entire film. First, control the core theme of the program. Second, I am responsible for deciding on the opinions put forward by the team. In fact, 90% of the work is completed by them. That’s why I say, Sitting here, if you ask me what my truest thought is, it would be guilt. Those who really deserve to be praised are those who have worked so hard."

Don't take credit or be proud.

Be humble and sincere.

He had a very correct attitude.

This time, it made Xi Qian feel a little confused.

He looked down at his question...

"2. Ask about the source of inspiration for "Bite of the Tongue". 3. How did the team produce this work and what is the behind-the-scenes story. 4. How to find the theme of the program "Culture". ..."

There is no way to ask.

Because the other party has said everything that needs to be said, if you continue to ask, it is actually nothing more than breaking down what the other party has said.

On the contrary, it was a bit nagging.

She was speechless.

However, her rich hosting experience allowed her to naturally understand what she should ask.

Quickly focusing on a question in the script book, she nodded and asked:

"Are you paying attention to the various social phenomena caused by "Bite of the Tongue" these days?"

"Like why is it playing at such an evil time?"

Xu Xin asked with a chuckle.

Xi Qian also smiled and nodded:

"Yes, I think you should be very happy to receive so much love from everyone, right?"

"That's for sure. Whether it's a movie or a documentary, if the video work can resonate with the majority of people, then it will be a success for the filmmakers."

As he spoke, Xi Qian nodded, and when she finished speaking, she naturally asked:

"Apart from these, I don't know if you have noticed that some of the products that appeared on "Bite of Tongue" became famous on the Internet and became popular instantly. Many of them have even been sold out."

"Yes, such as Nuodeng ham."

"Well, when you were selecting the materials for the original shoot, did you consider these situations in the future?"

"Absolutely not."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"The core of the material selection for "Bite of the Tongue" is actually not fixed. How many types of ingredients do we need to find and understand their behind-the-scenes stories... In fact, this is not the case. After we have determined the 7 major themes, the episode directors will be responsible for the themes they are responsible for. Everyone has their own understanding. And everyone’s sources of inspiration are also diverse... Let me take Nuodeng ham as an example.

Why did we choose to photograph it? It’s not that it has a long history or that it has any beautiful legends. The actual situation is that the episode director of the first episode, Ren Changzhen, was traveling in Yunnan and accidentally ate this ham in the ancient city of Dali. I thought it was delicious, so I asked the restaurant owner what brand the ham was. It tasted very good and was slightly different from other hams.

The boss told him that this was Nuodeng’s local ham. Only then did she learn that Yunnan also produces ham. This incident left a deep impression on her. She happened to agree with the theme, so she went to Yunnan again to learn about it on the spot, and finally decided to shoot it. Many of our stories actually come from the personal experiences of the director and team, as well as the recommendations of some gourmets... It is an accident, a very accidental coincidence, but it creates the most beautiful fireworks..."

Speaking of this, he shook his head slightly:

"In other words, it is more like the director's inspiration. Countless people's inspirations collided. As for attracting everyone's attention after the broadcast, we at least did not consider it during the filming. Instead, we waited until we got the finished film and divided the labor into different , you filmed this, I filmed that team, everyone gathered together to watch the film. They would make various sighs... For example, some young people in the team used to think that Lanzhou beef noodles were Lanzhou ramen... After watching It was only after the film that things changed.”

"I see."

Xi Qian nodded appropriately and said with a smile:

"But no matter what, the film "Bite of the Tongue" has invisibly promoted the development of many agricultural and sideline products."

"I don't dare to take it seriously. I can only say that it just happens at the right time...it must be a good thing to get everyone's recognition. However, it is not without hidden dangers, but...in fact, everything still has to be left to time."


Xi Qian was stunned.

She was originally planning to move on to the next question, but as soon as Xu Xin's humble first half and concluding sentence came out, her train of thought was instantly "interrupted."

Asked subconsciously:

"Hidden danger?"


"For example?"

"For example...hey, it's the most expensive product anyway, let's just talk about it. It's still Nuodeng ham. Has Teacher Dong paid attention to the current price of Nuodeng ham?"

"This...no. A big change?"

"It's not big, but it's not small either. Before the first episode of "Bite of Tongue" aired, it was 29 per pound. Now I think the price has reached 40."

Xi Qian seemed to understand Xu Xin's meaning instantly, and asked a... sharp question that was not sharp:

"Are you worried that someone is using "The Tip of the Tongue" for profit?"

"That's not true."

Xu Xin waved his hands with a smile and gave an answer that was unexpected by everyone:

"On the contrary, seeing it increase in price, from my heart, I think it is a good start."


"Because the low price of grain hurts farmers."


Xi Qian was stunned again.

Seeing her confusion, Xu Xin explained:

"Let's not talk about foreign products such as Iberian ham. Let's talk about domestic products. The price of Jinhua ham in China is 45, and the price above is around 60. In fact, Nuodeng ham is no worse than Jinhua ham in terms of craftsmanship and raw materials.

Its limitations are that its output is not large enough and its reputation is small. It is a local specialty that is not very famous. The people who are familiar with it and buy it are actually locals near Nuodeng.

It is a commodity, and when commodities are created, profits must be generated. This is in line with market rules. "

"But its current price is not much lower than Jinhua ham."

"That's right."

Xu Xin nodded again:

"This is a reflection of the increase in commodity value. In fact, in this regard, producers and consumers will be in a contradictory position. If the value of Nuodeng ham increases, it will attract businessmen.

They acquire, sell, and generate economic value.

For producers, an increase in profits means an increase in income. "Bite of the Tongue" is like a businessman. We filmed it and made it famous. Consumers recognized it and came to buy it. This is a virtuous cycle.

But in fact, in the entire industrial chain from production to consumption, producers have a very low status without a consumer market, or before a consumer market.

We have a saying that the market determines the price. When your market is not big, if you want to sell the goods you produce, you will inevitably have to compress some profits of the goods.

This kind of profit compression is not decided by you, but by the market for you. Because the market is small, producers have no choice.

Now, its market is getting bigger, with the intervention of businessmen. Then, the three parties of market, businessmen, and producers will reach a balance. Businessmen set prices, the market determines sales volume, and sales volume determines production volume. This is a stable triangular trade cycle.

Although its current price is rapidly inflating, as the popularity of "Tiangue" and other movies recedes, its market will eventually remain at a stable normal state. The market that expanded rapidly before will eventually be stabilized within a fixed range. In the short term, I estimate that Nuodeng ham will continue to rise as the supply and demand relationship changes.

But because Jinhua ham serves as a reference for the market, its price will not exceed that of Jinhua ham. In the long run, more consumers will know the name of Nuodeng Ham, which will expand its market. For producers, they will broaden the market.

It's a win-win situation.

But for consumers, everyone will inevitably bear the price increase due to the rapid expansion of demand. And, some issues such as counterfeiting and shoddy products require the market to control quality. This is a hidden danger, but like I said, in the end, leave everything to time, and time will make these three parties stabilize again.

Rather than like now, the demand is greater than the supply... This is true for Nuodeng ham, and it is also true for other agricultural and sideline products that appear on "Tips of the Tongue" and arouse people's desire to buy. They will all go through such a period, but the final result must be a win-win result for all three parties. There is no stable triangle in which cheap grain hurts farmers, rare goods are available, and market-led consumption..."




Those words stunned everyone in the room.

Although no one said it clearly, but...

At this moment, everyone's mood is the same.

Surprisingly consistent.

"Are you sure you are a director? Not an expert in market economics?"

No...why is this so strange coming out of your mouth?

A director...don't talk about humanities, lenses, or stories...are you here to talk to me about market economics?

You...what are you doing! !

Everyone was stunned.

As for Xi Qian, she subconsciously asked:

"Director Xu is very knowledgeable about market economy?"

"It doesn't count as research, but the paper I recently prepared is about the mutual guidance relationship between the film market and investment costs. It contains related discussions about market development and the possibility of "standardization" prospects. After doing a lot of information, Just convert them to the "Tips of the Tongue" thing, and it will be easy to understand."




The whole audience was shocked.

They were all confused.

Xi Qian just felt that her twenty years of interview experience seemed to have turned into dust at this moment.

Market economy...standardization...productivity...

Under various proper nouns, the interview questions about "Bite of the Tongue" in her script gradually began to blur.


What were he and I originally planning to talk about?

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