I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 852 848 Retreat bravely from the rapids

Chapter 852 848. Retreat bravely from the rapids

"Recently, a food documentary called "A Bite of Heaven on the Tongue" broadcast by our station quickly aroused heated discussions on the Internet and received a strong response. To this end, the reporter specially interviewed the chief director of the documentary - Xu Xin. Please. He came to tell us about the ideas and themes conveyed by "Bite of the Tongue"."

"The reason why "Bite of the Tongue" chose the topic of food is actually to abandon the broad theme of big and empty, and use the small topic of food to introduce the country to foreign countries. We govern a big country like cooking small delicacies."

"To me, this documentary is like the epitome of nostalgia. I not only hope that domestic audiences can see it, but also hope that it can bring comfort to those wandering overseas. The taste of food is nostalgia. , is missing. The other side of missing is the hometown that we dream about. This taste contains my country, my home, my relatives, and my most sincere emotional sustenance."

"With 7 episodes of the documentary, our production team cannot show everyone the full flavor of our country. However, why not express our feelings and mountains and rivers? My hometown is at the end of the world. I hope everyone who is far away from their hometown can be treated with tenderness."

In front of the TV.

Yang Mi looked at her husband sitting in front of the camera chatting and squeezed his hand unconsciously.

News Feeds……

This program is familiar to everyone in China.

My husband boarded the board for the second time...

A strange sense of glory filled her heart with an emotion called "pride" at this moment.

So, naturally, this pride turned into a compliment:

"You have really made great progress in fitness recently, and your muscle lines look great! You are so handsome!"


Xu Xin chuckled lightly.

Just about to speak.

There was a ding-ding-dong-dong sound on his cell phone.

"Sanjin, I see you! Darling, what you said is so good!"

"I find that your cultural quality is amazing now!"

"Good baby! That's right!"

"I see it, I see it. Brother, my grandma said that you talk like you sing. It sounds so good!"

Messages from loved ones appear in WeChat chat boxes.

Yang Mi followed and asked:

"Did our dad see it?"

"I don't know, hmm?"

Suddenly, he was stunned.

He turned to look at his wife.

"It's quite authentic."


Yang Mi showed her small white teeth:



Just as he was talking, another WeChat message was sent.

Sent by Xu Daqiang.


"I saw it. I'll make myself whiter next time, the black one won't look good."


No praise.

But it makes people feel that all the praises given by the old father are contained in the three words "hahaha".

After Xu Xin saw it, he was about to reply when he suddenly heard Yang Mi say:


Then, she took her husband's cell phone and re-clicked on the photos sent.

The content in the photo is a TV, and there are screenshots of Xu Xin's interview on the TV.

It looks unremarkable.


"Who do you think our dad is drinking with?"

Yang Mi enlarged the photo, moved it to the corner of the coffee table, and asked her husband.

Xu Xin was stunned and looked over.

Only then did I discover...

There is a cigarette and a glass of red wine on the coffee table, and in the corner of the photo, there is a small silhouette of a cup filled with red wine.

After looking at it twice, he shrugged:

"Brother Hao."

Yang Mi simply rolled her eyes.

Talk nonsense with your eyes open.


"...What's wrong?"

"You slapped my glass of wine in."

"Really? Let's take a look."

Hearing this, Liang Binning handed the phone to Xu Daqiang, who was lying on his lap.

"Look, half of the cup is exposed."

"What's the matter? Sanjin has a rough heart."

Xu Daqiang had an indifferent look on his face.

Liang Binning was even more speechless when she heard this:

"But Mimi is so attentive."

"That's okay...the two children know everything about us, they just don't talk about it."

"How embarrassing..."

Maybe it was because of drunkenness, maybe it was because of something else.

At this moment, a blush appeared on the woman's face.

Looking at the photos on her phone, she muttered, but she continued to hold Xu Daqiang's scalp with her other hand.

The nails rubbed against the scalp, making a rustling sound.

Massage the scalp more often to promote blood circulation and prevent many diseases.

She now pays great attention to Xu Daqiang's care.

At this time, the mobile phone placed next to him rang.

Seeing this, Liang Binning casually returned the phone to Xu Daqiang, then picked up her own phone and answered the call.

By the way, I turned on the hands-free:

"Hello? Director Jin, hello."

A woman's voice came from the loudspeaker:

"Bingbing, are you busy?"

"Yeah. I'm reading the script."

Liang Binning is also a person who talks nonsense with her eyes open.

On the other side of the phone, the voice named Director Jin immediately rang:

"Is it my script?"

"No, it's another script. Director Jin, you just called, and I want to talk to you. Sorry, I can't accept this script. There is a film appointment in the factory, which I attach great importance to. During this time, I Preparing for this play."

"Uh... Bingbing, this script won't take you much time. The story is also very simple, not difficult at all..."

"I know, but the tasks in the factory are tight. Moreover, not only you, I may not be able to accept other scripts this year. The factory has already started preparations for this script, and there is nothing I can do."

"This... a month at most."

"I know, I have read the script and I like it very much. But as you know this year, I am a jury member of the Silk Road Film Festival. I will start reviewing films in a few days. After August, I will shoot this film in the studio. Story. It’s probably the end of the new year. I’m sorry, Director Jin, we can only work together next time.”

Although his tone was full of apology, Liang Binning's meaning was very firm.

It even seemed a bit helpless.

It seemed like she really couldn't accept it because of things in the factory.

Director Jin seemed not to give up and continued:

"Bingbing, this film is an investment from China Audiovisual, and it actually has nothing to do with Beijing..."

"Director Jin, don't say that. You've really misunderstood. This is our relationship. If we can film it, I will definitely agree directly without even reading the script. But...there is really nothing we can do this year, really I’m quite sorry.”


Seeing that Liang Binning had said this, she felt a bit unwilling, but in the end she could only say:

"Oh well."

"Yeah, let's work together again next time. I'm sorry, Director Jin."

"Haha, it depends on what you said. Okay, Bingbing, then you can get busy."

"Well. Director Jin, go to bed early, good night."

"Good night."

The phone hangs up.

Xu Daqiang, who had already started to read the weather forecast, asked casually:


"Jin Yimeng. We collaborated on a movie in 2009."

"Looking for you to film a movie?... Just film it."

"don't want."

She also looked at the weather forecast on the TV and pouted.

A little woman's temperament suddenly filled the air.

Unfortunately, Xu Daqiang was resting on her lap and didn't see it at all.

"I'm just going to be lazy this year. Aren't we going to travel in a while? I don't want to work anymore~"


Xu Daqiang laughed twice and replied:

"That's fine. If you don't want to do it, just don't do it."


Liang Bingning responded, but her hands did not stop. She found the acupuncture points on her scalp and pressed them slowly.

"Okay, my head is getting hot."

"No, press more to prevent cerebrovascular diseases. You have to press for 30 minutes~"

"This is all in the weather forecast..."

"Just press it a little longer. You'll have to stay with me for many years to come."

As she spoke, she suddenly leaned forward and combined two glasses of red wine into one glass.

"How about finishing the drink..."

"No drinking. For the sake of your health, go out for a run with me later."

"This... is great."

Xu Daqiang reluctantly agreed.

Liang Binning took a delicious sip of the glass of red wine.

The blush on her cheeks became more obvious.

After Xu Xin appeared on Xinwen Network for the second time because of "Bite of Tongue", the effect was obvious.

On the 20th, he received a message from Qi Lei:

"I have received instructions from above to fill in the form of the top ten outstanding young people announced before May Day next year. If nothing else happens, next year, you will be one of the top ten outstanding young people in Shaanxi."

When he received this news, he was having a celebration banquet with the crew at Qinchuan Yashe.

People feel refreshed when happy events occur.

Although he has already been an outstanding youth once. But that was from Shenmu County, and now... it has changed from a county to a province.

I just don’t know whether it’s possible for the whole country… or myself.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard someone calling me:

"Director Xu, we propose a toast to you."

Seeing Ren Changzhen, Yan Dazhong and others standing up to toast, Xu Xin also stood up.

Holding the cup and smiling:


"Lao Xu, don't you say something?"

After hearing Fang Xiu's words, Xu Xin thought for a moment and raised his wine glass high:

"This glass of wine is for everyone, thank you for your hard work! Thank you!"


People at more than a dozen tables burst into cheers.

Then, everyone stood up:

"Do it!"

He drank more than a tael of wine in one gulp.

He exhaled a long breath of alcohol.

Endless fun.

The six episodes of "Bite of the Tongue" achieved a Douban score of 9.2, the first CCTV video to have over 50 million views, the highest ratings of 1.33, and an impressive average rating of 0.98.

And when the last episode is played tomorrow, the average ratings will exceed 1, which is almost certain.

This achievement...

It cannot be said that it is the first of its kind in the world.

But... this is the most outstanding documentary record since the establishment of CCTV.

Moreover, with more than 8 million clicks on his interview clip, more implications of what he expressed in the full version of the interview have been interpreted at a speed visible to the naked eye.

After the discussions about low grain prices hurting farmers, market economy, etc. were put forward, they were recognized by many people.

These people are all consumers. After reading Tip of the Tongue, they have also bought something and have indeed discovered the premium of the product.

At first, I complained that these people who appeared on TV were so mercenary in private. But after Xu Xin's explanation, they gradually understood that in this economy, these producers really have very little say.

They can only earn a minuscule fraction of these "premiums."

And the reason why prices have risen so fiercely is not because middlemen are reselling and raising prices.

To put it bluntly, it is still determined by the market...or the purchasing power of consumers like them.

Xu Xin made it very clear in the interview that excessive consumer demand in the short term will cause product prices to increase rapidly. But as the popularity of "The Tip of the Tongue" tends to calm down little by little, then, in the end, they will reach a win-win situation for all three parties.

What people say is so clear, if you are really reluctant to spend money, or you feel that you are suffering a loss. Then just wait for a while before buying it.

not to mention……

As his interview appeared, as the most "named" Nuodeng ham, the local department of Nuodeng immediately made a commitment to strictly control the quality of the product and strictly control the quality of the product.

Three consecutive news articles were published to express their determination, asking consumers to trust them, and at the same time, they also thanked "Tiangue" and Xu Xin for their contribution to the income generation of local agricultural by-products in Nuodeng.

Nuodeng took the lead, and other product parties that quickly benefited from the film in just a few days have also made commitments and posted messages of thanks.

At the same time, a number of "tongue-recommended" products were quickly born on Taobao and JD.com.

There are definitely some unscrupulous businesses that sell shoddy products, but overall, the flaws outweigh the flaws.

This documentary is like a shot in the arm for agricultural and sideline products across the country. Although only a few areas benefited, it provided another way of thinking for everyone.

The 21st.

The seventh episode of "Bite of Tongue" "Our Field" has finished playing.

It means that it has been lively for seven days. In these seven days, a glutton seduce pill has been dropped into the stomachs of everyone across the country, and the food documentary has stimulated countless tons of saliva. In this May, it has moved towards the most perfect stage with great vigor. ending.

The highest ratings were 1.42 and the average ratings were 1.05.

"The Heaven on the Tip of the Tongue" is officially finished.

number 22.

The "Focus on Agriculture, Rural Areas and Rural Areas" channel of CCTV 7's agricultural channel invited three experts to make a special program on "Tip of the Tongue".

The program started from the promotion of agricultural and sideline products from various places triggered by "Tip of the Tongue", to what kind of market economic stimulation it brought, and how to make more agricultural and sideline products from all over the country known to people. From these three angles, we chatted for half an hour.

Among them, three experts gave unanimous conclusions.

The economic effect brought by the seven episodes of "Tip of the Tongue" and a series of gourmet products is a long-term, long-term, and conservatively estimated to bring a huge increase in economic value of over one billion.

In the future, as long as this film is known to people, everything that appears in the film will have a steady stream of markets and consumers.

This documentary surpasses many previous propaganda methods!

They hope that there will be more documentaries like "The Tip of the Tongue" to help the country's agricultural and sideline products reach thousands of households.

"Focus on Agriculture, Rural Affairs, and Rural Affairs" is the most important news output window for the agricultural channel across the country. The fact that "Focus on Agriculture, Rural Affairs, and Rural Affairs" can receive such an evaluation shows what position "Tiangue" holds in CCTV's heart.

While CCTV gave its evaluation, Xu Xin also received a call from Luo Ming:

"Director Xu, on June 2nd, CCTV will hold a commendation meeting for "Bite of the Tongue" to commend the crew for their achievements and contributions. You must come and participate then!"

"Haha, that's for sure. No problem, Director Luo."

Xu Xin agreed happily.

Then I heard Luo Ming say:

"Well, in addition...Director Xu, although we are still having meetings to study, we have decided to start the second season of "Bite of the Tongue"."

Hearing this, Xu Xin was not surprised.

"Bite of Tongue" is so popular that it is only natural that the second season will be released. What's more, there are many ideas in the team that have not been implemented due to length constraints.


So, he asked:

"Is it the original crew? Or..."

But this time Luo Ming did not answer directly, he just said:

"If possible, I hope you can continue to serve as the chief director."

Xu Xin's reaction was to frown directly.

What this means...

However, the two of them started chatting on the phone, so Luo Ming couldn't see his reaction.

In the end, Xu Xin did not give a definite answer. I just asked about some things about the commendation meeting and hung up the phone.

A commendation meeting will definitely be held.

After all, the documentary channel fought such a beautiful battle this time, and it would be unjustifiable not to reward the three armies.

But compared to CCTV, the market's response was more rapid.

Tencent Video, Youku, iQiyi and other online platforms have extended invitations to Xu Xin.

I want to invite him to be the chief director to produce a food documentary.

Among them, Tencent offered the highest price.

For one episode, the salary alone was 5 million.

The subject matter, the format, the crew, etc., Xu Xin can play whatever he wants.

As long as he agrees.

Nothing is a problem.

Xu Xin looked at what his wife had brought back from the company... which was a list of business invitations. After thinking for a moment, he dialed Ren Changzhen's number.

He made appointments with Ren Changzhen, Yan Dazhong, Hu Yingying, Ma Yujie... the directors of seven episodes. Among them was old classmate Fang Xiu,

The location was still placed in Shuangwei’s exclusive conference room for the “Tongue Tip” team.

At this moment, many materials in the conference room have not had time to be moved.

These materials that witnessed the brilliance of "The Tip of the Tongue" were placed on the table, on the floor, in the cabinet... and when everyone walked in again, they all felt the absurdity of things being different and people being different.

However, this emotion was only fleeting.

What’s more, people feel refreshed when happy events happen.

"Old Xu, why did you come to us today...?"

Listening to Fang Xiu's words, Xu Xin smiled and signaled Su Meng to send the morning invitations that she had just copied to everyone.

After everyone got it, they looked at it, and doubts quickly spread in their eyes.

Aren't these invitations... all for you?

Send it to us for a look?

Seeing that everyone had finished reading, Xu Xin said directly:

"This is actually the reason why I called you here today. You are all members of the core team of "Bite of the Tongue". That's why I called you here individually. Lao Fang, apart from you at CCTV, other people like Director Ren, Director Yan is not a member of the staff. But we are classmates and have a close relationship, so I won’t hide these things from you."


As Xu Xin's "recommender" and a photographer for the "Tip of the Tongue" team, Fang Xiu's face was full of doubts.

Frankly speaking, after the commendation meeting, he was not far away from being promoted.

After all, "The Tip of the Tongue" is like a battle. After victory, when it comes time to judge and reward, everyone's credit must be clearly calculated.

His next step should be to be the chief photographer of a documentary.

These days were a happy time, but as soon as he heard Xu Xin's words, he immediately understood that things were unusual.

So he nodded:

"Well, you said, I only have ears, not a mouth."

Upon hearing this, Xu Xin said directly:

"'Bite of the Tongue' plans to have a second season. Of course, the news has not been confirmed yet, but Director Luo asked me if I can continue to be the chief director..."

When Xu Xin said this, he stopped talking.


"The original cast needs to be replaced, right?"

Before he could say anything, Ren Changzhen seemed to have guessed it and said this directly.




Except for Yan Dazhong, the other episode directors were speechless.

In fact, these episode directors were hired by Ren Changzhen. In other words, regardless of professional level, Ren Changzhen actually has a greater say than Xu Xin in terms of speaking power.

So, after she finished saying this, she looked at Xu Xin and explained:

"Director Xu, I can only say that I am not surprised. You are the calling card of "Bite of the Tongue", but we are actually all soldiers on the camp."

As she said this, she glanced down at the business invitation lists, thinking that Xu Xin was compensating everyone, so she said:

"My next step is to go to Qingdao to shoot corporate videos. I won't accept these business orders."

As soon as she said this, everyone understood what she meant.

Instantly, there was a sense of betrayal in Xu Xin's eyes.

Facing everyone's gaze, Xu Xin couldn't laugh or cry:

"Why are you looking at me like that? You don't think I picked up, do you?"


Ren Changzhen and Yan Dazhong were both stunned.

Yan Dazhong, who has always been a man of few words, asked:

"You won't accept it?...Season 2! Director Xu, you won't accept it?"

"No answer."

Xu Xin shrugged and pointed around:

"When Director Luo told me about this matter, I asked if it was the original team... After all, we still have many ideas and materials that have not been realized. But... I guess this matter should be replaced. After all, other people I also need credit. The second season may be from the top to me. The staff will remain the same, but I will...have to change it. Rather than doing this, I plan to push it."




Everyone looked at him blankly, not knowing what to say for a moment.


Just push it?

Just give up if you say you give up?

Especially Fang Xiu.

He looked straight at Xu Xin...

Although he didn't speak, his eyes had the same meaning:

"Lao Xu, don't you know what the second season means?"

Faced with these looks, Xu Xin's answer was simple:

"To call everyone here today, on the one hand, I want everyone to be mentally prepared. On the other hand, these invitations... To be honest, I have no interest. As I said in the interview, I am in this team The contribution, up to 10%, only provides the creativity and theme.

But other work is done by everyone under your leadership. And with "The Tip of the Tongue", I believe everyone is already familiar with this kind of documentary shooting method. After all, my area of ​​expertise is in film.

I have a lot of things to be busy with next...

If you are interested in these invitations, I would recommend them to you. I believe that the elite team of "A Tip of the Tongue" will definitely be very tempting to these invitations. If you have other work, don’t delay. After all, documentary is also a long-term process.

As long as you are interested, recommend me to do it, I will communicate with them, and then you can go. Creating content on these online platforms will give you more freedom, and you can use more of your talents. how? "




In the silence, Ren Changzhen, who had been the most determined just now, couldn't help but ask:

"Director Xu...are you really not planning to go to the second season?"

"That's right. Next I'm going to Italy to shoot a movie. I still have a lot of scripts to work on in the coming year."

Xu Xin smiled unusually easily.

In fact, he also knew that his decision seemed absurd to everyone.


Perhaps it is a qualitative change caused by a quantitative change.

At first, he just felt like his child had been snatched away.

But now, seeing these old brothers who have shared weal and woe being directly "abandoned" is like the straw that breaks the camel's back.

He does not reject CCTV.

It's just that... Luo Ming's style makes him a little disrespectful.

not to mention……

Since we all share the joys and sorrows, we must advance together and retreat together in the end.

Not to mention, his goal has been achieved.

Although he missed this year's "Starlight Award", "Tongue" is definitely a clear nominee for the 2014 "Starlight Award".

That's it.

"The Tip of the Tongue" created a documentary format unique to China.

It's not that he's conceited.

However, these people went from broadcasting, to imitating, to producing with sincerity... they would not be able to make it to the next Starlight Awards.

Because the documentary itself is based on "years".

Only slow work will produce fine work.

He has this confidence.

Undefeated confidence.

As for whether the absence of his business card will cause CCTV to be dissatisfied... there is no way to discuss this matter.

Wouldn’t it be enough if I took the initiative to step aside and give way to others, and took out some scraps from the team, and put on a posture of “I am not greedy for merit,” “sensible,” and “I will lead you?”

Are you really willing to let me, a non-staff member, take the huge credit for "The Tip of the Tongue"?

What a credit.

Nothing more than that.

The right solution is to retreat bravely from the rapids.

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