I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 854 850 Bold Lines

Chapter 854 850. Bold lines

"I found that Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang are really two completely different personalities."

Sitting on the sofa, what Liu Yifei looked at was the two children's completely different ways of being alone.

Nuan Nuan is like an energetic adult. She is taking the trouble to move the foam bricks used to build the castle from one end to the other.

Moreover, if the foam blocks placed here form a rectangle, then when she moves to the other side, she will try to build other shapes with blocks of different colors. Not even the color is the same.

Just now, Liu Yifei thought of teasing her for a while, stacked two blue building blocks together, and helped Nuannuan build a "rocket". As a result, Nuannuan discovered that two of the foundations of the rocket were the same color, and she revealed a lot of turtles. With Mao's dissatisfied expression, he pushed down all the bricks without hesitation, separated the two blue bricks, mixed another color in the middle, and then started to put it together again with satisfaction.

Then he wrinkled his nose at Liu Yifei in dissatisfaction.

This made the adult look embarrassed.

Compared with her sister, Yangyang is much quieter.

After he came back from shopping for groceries with his grandfather, he sat on the climbing mat and pulled out a painting album from his pile of things.

Then he stopped moving.

Liu Yifei was also curious about what kind of painting book the couple bought him, but when he took a closer look, he found that it was some color pages of oil paintings.

She squatted in front of Yangyang and glanced at the title page of the picture book.

"Collection of Paintings by Michel Cascella"


She asked Xu Xin who this Michel Cascella was, and the answer she got was:

"One of the most outstanding Italian painters in modern times, best known for his oil paintings and watercolor paintings. Yangyang especially likes to see his paintings... maybe it's because his paintings are very colorful. He especially likes to see those colorful paintings. "

So, after observing the two little guys for a while, she came to the conclusion just now.

Xu Xin is sitting on the coffee table, writing and drawing with a pencil, trying to build the "Locke and Eva" home in his heart, and then add his own "color" to it. After hearing her words, his train of thought was interrupted. After looking up, he said:

"how to say?"

"Nuan Nuan and Mimi are just like each other, and Yang Yang is just like you. He moves every moment and is still at the same time."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded:

"That's true. But people say that women imitate father's visit to mother. I don't know why it's the other way around when it comes to us. Speaking of which, when it comes to Italy, what's your impression?... I'm not talking about humanities or history. Something like that. But some fixed impressions.”

Although his words were a bit general, Liu Yifei understood what he meant.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"What impressed me the most was Marco Polo and the ceramic tiles."


Xu Xin looked confused and asked unconsciously:

"How much did Marco Polo give you? I paid three times!"


The fairy sister gave him a white eye.

"I'm talking about that kind of ceramic tile...haven't you seen it? It's the kind...with patterns on it, colorful and very beautiful to look at. Each piece is not big, just a small square piece...you forgot When we were in Venice, we saw antique tile rings or necklaces on the streets..."


In an instant, Xu Xin understood what she was referring to.

He lowered his head and glanced at the "decoration plan" he designed, and continued to ask:

"anything else?"

"Then... Italian furniture. I think their furniture is very unique, especially in terms of color. I bought the villa for decoration a few days ago, and I also went to the market, and I felt that Italian-style furniture looked very different. It’s very conspicuous, just...you can see its style at a glance among a bunch of furniture. This is what I like better...Are you designing the room?"


After writing the words "tiles, Italian furniture" on the paper, Xu Xin nodded:

"The difficulty of this script lies in your actors' grasp of the lines on the one hand. The interactive chemical reaction between you must really make the story...just like an ordinary gathering and chat between good friends. Another On the one hand, because it is very "monotonous", a lot of effort has to be put into the background. I want to design a room that looks very Italian at first glance, but with a background of my own thoughts."

"...Wouldn't it be better if you let people from Italy design it?"

"That's what I say, but at least I have to know what I want. So I have to find it myself. But..."

Having said this, he once again put the draft he drew casually into the script's preparation material folder.

There is already a lot of line drawing data accumulated there.

Obviously, he has not been idle in the past six months.

"You are right. You still have to go and see Italy. Just thinking about it... is useless. Go there to see the decoration and the furniture... Choose the furniture for your house. Really? If you take this opportunity to go directly to Italy to buy furniture and have it shipped back home, won’t it be over?”

"bought it."

Liu Yifei shrugged:

"You can go by yourself when the time comes, and don't drag me with you. My mission there has been planned. Go to the cafe, listen to people chatting, chat with people, and read the script. You have to integrate yourself, so Once we get there, we'll both be busy."

Regarding her words, Xu Xin was full of praise:

"Well, he is such a dedicated and good actor."

The fairy sister smiled proudly:

"Then look~"

I do what I say.

After Liu Yifei had a meal, she left with three versions of the script.

The two agreed to set off the day after tomorrow.

And Xu Xin also started to prepare things for the business trip.

In fact, he only needs to take care of his own business. Yang Mi has made clear arrangements for him in terms of food, clothing, housing and transportation.

After contacting Philip and telling him that he would arrive the day after tomorrow, he received an invitation from his wife:

"Let's go, go for a walk?"

So, the two put Nuannuan and Yangyang in the cart, and the family of four went out for a walk.

In fact, frankly speaking, the most flaw in Shijia Hutong may be that it is too crowded.

Not to mention the alley that gets narrower as you go east, the couple lives on the west side of Shijia Hutong, which is a two-lane street.

The main reason is that there is no greenery nearby or a place for children to run and jump.

In Yanjing City, where every inch of land is at a premium, a green belt seems so luxurious, especially in this "old and shabby" area.

And if the child's grandma and grandfather take the child out, they can go for a walk in the nearby Jinbao Street shopping mall, but if they take the child out, they can only go around the main road.

Fortunately, the heat didn't really get hot in late May, so the weather was quite comfortable at night.

Xu Xin pushed Nuan Nuan, and Yang Mi pushed Yang Yang. The two wearing baseball caps walked low-key on the street, chatting together.

Most of the conversation was about company matters.

For example, she took a look at Lin Gou's film "Chilling" two days ago and found that the quality was very good.

Only his bad taste will definitely have to be dubbed later.

Another example is Baozi, who is helping to run the lead actress of a TV series. It's called "The Legend of Lu Zhen", and the story is pretty good...

She said and Xu Xin listened.

Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang in the cart looked at the busy traffic in Yanjing at night.

Not to mention, the family of four is living in unbelievable harmony at the moment.

And when she finished speaking... In fact, Xu Xin only listened to what she said and didn't take it to heart at all.

The two people's careers now have a relatively clear boundary.

The focus of his wife's work is on Shuangwei, but he has no knowledge of Shuangwei... It can't be said that he knows nothing about Shuangwei. It can only be said that he "knows" but doesn't care.

Yang Mi doesn't need him to care.

My husband's career is much more important than my own.

So, after finishing her story, she asked:

"You won't be able to stay for a few days this time, right? CCTV will have a celebration party on the 2nd, and you have to come back on the 1st. Will you only stay there for three or four days?"

"Yeah. Meet the crew, then talk about the set and finalize the construction."

"Where are the actors?"

"Jasmine has been looking for several capable actors. I thought that since I can win the David Award, it means that my acting skills are definitely good... As long as they can fit the role, that's all."


"What are you laughing at?"

"I was just thinking... if your movie has a strong response, how popular you will be... in Italy."

Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned.

Then he chuckled:

"Ha~ I guess some girls will write love letters to me and treat me as the lover of their dreams."

"Brother, this is a bit exaggerated. Do you think you are a football star?"


Amid Xu Xin's laughter, Yang Mi continued:

"Then I've started preparations here too?"

She didn't clearly explain what she was preparing, but Xu Xin nodded directly:

"Yeah. Wait until I finish the movie."



"Hey, baby~"

"I want to eat ice cream~"

"Let's go, let dad treat us, let's buy ice cream and eat it~"

When she thought of "Broken Silence", all Yang Mi's emotions turned into tenderness towards the child.

Don't say you want ice cream.

I can pick the moon for you if you want!

Early in the morning on the 26th, Xu Xin and Su Meng said goodbye to their families and embarked on their journey to Italy.

After meeting Liu Yifei at the airport, at early 9 o'clock, the plane flew into the sky.

Italy is 6 hours behind China, and the plane will arrive at around 8 a.m. Rome time.

The jet lag is also easier to adjust to, it’s equivalent to staying up all night.

You can often hear Liu Yifei's "jirgulujirgulu" on the plane, but unfortunately, Xu Xin can't understand it in Italian.

You can learn it, but not now.

He didn't interrupt and continued to stare at the information folder in his hand.

For a while I was in a daze, and for a while I started to outline some lines and draw a new sketch.

Back and forth, back and forth.

To be honest, he was actually a little nervous.

Although this trace of nervousness is very weak, it is still there.

And this nervousness comes from the anxiety of filming foreign movies.

Even though he came up with this story, after being baptized by Hollywood, he was afraid that his information was full of "stereotypes" about Italy.

It's like the whole world through the eyes of Hollywood.

Fortunately, there are no big scenes in this film, and everything is confined to one room.

But unfortunately, because the scene is very monotonous, every detail has to be carefully crafted.

The story of "The Ringing Ring" is advanced one by one through incoming calls or text messages, but similarly, its "world" is only the size of that one room.

Xu Xin's shooting concept this time is actually similar to that of the "Secret" period.

This time due to the hard conditions, except for the bright moon, he spent all his thoughts on the scenery.

Through details such as lighting, different scenes and the different inner worlds of the characters are expressed to the audience.

In his conception, the lighting of the entire film is actually a layered stretch that gradually recedes.

Perhaps because he thinks a lot, since he was a child, he has felt that the Western way of eating with a knife and fork is dangerous.

Think about it, that's a knife.

Especially after watching some foreign bloody movies, every time he watched a family eating at the dinner table in the movie, he would have a fantasy in his mind.

One second ago, everyone was eating happily.

But in the next second, a perverted character suddenly stabbed the person next to him in the throat with the knife in his hand.

What is needed is this sudden and instantaneous transformation...

It feels great!

Even, it is not just the way of eating abroad, it is also the same when he followed the old man to eat at the homes of Inner Mongolian people when he was a child.

Seeing them cutting meat with knives, this thought always comes to mind.

Although he later learned from some friends that there is a table etiquette when eating in Inner Mongolia, that is, you should never turn the blade of a meat-cutting knife outward.

If you want to cut, you can only cut with the edge of the knife facing you.

Otherwise it would be a huge disrespect.

Just like if one of their children dared to insert chopsticks directly into the bowl when eating rice or steamed buns.

If a child does this, he will definitely get a slap.

Xu Xin understands the truth.

But every time he saw someone holding a knife, this thought always lingered in his mind.

Therefore, in this script, it is logical that he finally has the opportunity to fulfill this "long-cherished wish".

He wants to make the dining table a "grey" area.

The story of the script itself also takes place at this dining table. Several people put their mobile phones in front of the table, and then revealed the "secrets" deep in everyone's heart through one phone call after another.

It can be said that on this night, the dining table controls everyone's destiny.

In this case, what Xu Xin wants is "multiple reversals."

In his imagination, just a second ago, everyone was chatting happily. They all grew up together, and each other knows exactly what embarrassing things happened to each of them. Even before these people were married to their wives, their reckless behavior when pursuing each other, worry about gains and losses, sadness and crying, overflowing with longing, etc., can become a good "laughing stock" and conversation topic at today's table.

Everyone was drinking, chatting and having fun.

But now the lights are warmer and brighter, and the expressions on everyone's faces are so bright.

But the next second.

"Jingle Bell."

The call comes.

A secret that only the person involved knew was exploded in front of the table in an instant!

The original harmonious atmosphere disappeared instantly.

Under an absolute sense of oppression, everyone's expressions froze.

The expressions on the faces of the couple involved, combined with the camera angle and the "cold light" of the light on the knife and fork, made it seem as if one of the two people would pick up the knife on the table and cut it in the next second. Open the other party's throat that betrayed you!

The cold, tense atmosphere made him feel particularly enjoyable.

You can even make the lights brighter, like in "The Wind". From the joyful gathering with friends in a warm home, in an instant, in a slightly exposed shot, their home background, which was warmly decorated and full of life, turned into a dark story.

That sense of oppression once again forced everyone's "distance" to get closer.

Come closer.

A little closer.

So close that you can easily slit the opponent's throat with a knife.

So close that the opponent has no way to escape.

Every time he imagined this, he would feel a sense of inner joy.

So much so that I occasionally wonder if I am a pervert.

After all, which normal person... would have such a fantasy?

The kitchen, which is separated from the dining room and living room, needs a sense of transparency with bright and clean windows. This sense of transparency is complete light and warmth...

"What are you doing?"

While he was thinking about it, a gust of fragrant wind came, accompanied by Liu Yifei's voice.

Xu Xin subconsciously raised his head, glanced at her sitting opposite him, and rolled his eyes speechlessly:

"You came at the right time."

Liu Yifei was stunned...

"Excuse me?"

"It counts...it doesn't count."

He looked down at the somewhat scrawled sketch he had drawn, thought about it, and handed it to the other party:

"Tell me, what did you see?"

Liu Yifei, who still had some guilt on her face, heard this and looked down at the sketch in front of her.

"This is...a bookshelf and books?"

"Hmm. How do you feel?"

Although the drawing was scrawled, it was for Xu Xin.

To ordinary people, no matter how sloppy his drawings are, they can be called "realistic".

After identifying what the drawing was about, she noticed a detail.

On this entire wall...or rather on the bookshelves, some of the books are just a simple light outline, while others are very hard, with a black mark drawn with a pencil.

At first glance, the lines appear to be a mess of light and heavy lines.

But...it gave Liu Yifei a very awkward feeling.

"I...can't tell."

After watching for a while, she frowned and gave her reply:

"Something doesn't feel right. It's obviously just a bookshelf, but the books made up of these lines look very awkward... Do you have trypophobia?"

"Why do you ask?"

"I do. And this line drawing you drew gives me the feeling...a little bit of trypophobia. It's not strong, I can only say a little bit, but it makes me feel very awkward. "

Hearing this, Xu Xin turned around and was about to call Su Meng when he saw the assistant lying on the massage chair with her mouth open and sleeping soundly on her back.



The corner of his mouth twitched.

He sighed helplessly and said to Wu Qiqi beside him:

"Qiqi, ask the stewardess to close all the curtains on the plane and turn off the lights."

"Oh, okay, Brother Xu."

After Wu Qiqi got up and communicated with the flight attendant, they both started to close the window.

The plane's light dims at a rate visible to the naked eye.

Finally, the lights were turned off.

This time, Liu Yifei couldn't see anything.

"What are you..."

She turned and glanced at Su Meng:

"Want Mengmeng to sleep more comfortably?"


Xu Xin glared at his worthless snack angrily, and then said to Wu Qiqi:

"Qiqi, open the farthest window."

The obedient Wu Qiqi quickly came to the front of the plane and opened half of the blackout curtain:

"Is this so, Brother Xu?"


The shades are opened 2/3.

A little light came in, making the entire cabin a little clearer.

At this time, Liu Yifei heard Xu Xin's words:

"You're looking at it."


In the dim light, Xu Xin's bold lines are particularly eye-catching.

Maybe it was because of the visual gap, but all of a sudden... Liu Yifei felt like she was seeing a "mess".

These lines seemed to have come to life and began to squirm on the paper.

"...It looks even more uncomfortable!"

She pushed the piece of papyrus onto the table in disgust.

Xu Xin took it and looked at it... but shook his head again.


Still didn't achieve the effect he wanted.

"Qiqi, open the curtains."

With that said, he opened the blackout curtain in front of the table and asked Liu Yifei:

"Do you feel depressed?...Don't answer for now. Just think about it. Is there a big contrast between the feeling of this bookshelf under normal light and the feeling in the dark with a faint light? "


Liu Yifei nodded sincerely:

"That's right, your heavy strokes look like insects in the dark light, which is awkward! ... Are you planning to do the scenery like this?"

"Still a long way to go."

Xu Xin's eyes were filled with regret.

"Black, under the light, will definitely be hidden in the darkness. If you want to use books to create this feeling, you must use white or light colors. But light colors may not produce this effect. Not to mention the thickness of the books , and other color matching is also a very complicated task... I am thinking. Should I use this kind of visual guidance with a little psychological suggestion, or... use the line sense of "The Scream" to express... For a while, I still Didn’t think about it.”

"...Munch's "The Scream"?"



Seeing his distressed look, Liu Yifei quickly stood up:

"Okay, just pretend I'm not here. I originally wanted to talk to you about Bianca's character... Just think about it first, and I'll think about it myself."


Xu Xin responded.

At this time, I heard Liu Yifei say:

"Xu Xin."


Looking at him who looked up with a puzzled look on his face, the fairy sister was speechless.

Just a thumbs up.

One word: absolutely!

This movie...sees the whole thing at a glance.

Just judging from the thoughts contained in this sketch...

Liu Yifei knew...

This movie must be as excellent as "The Hawthorn Tree"!

Munch, "The Scream"?

Psychological suggestion, visual guidance?

What a genius idea!

There are also nights. In addition, let me tell you that after the child recovers, I will change the update time to two consecutive chapters in the early morning as before, because writing one chapter and posting another chapter in this way prevents my brain from calming down to fill in the plot bugs and deal with them. Please understand some details.

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