I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 855 851 Flea Market

Chapter 855 851. Flea Market

When Xu Xin's watch showed it was past 3 p.m., the flight attendant came over to remind:

"Director Xu, the plane is ready to land."

"Oh, okay."

After looking away from the face of the fairy sister who was listening to the song with her eyes closed, Xu Xin agreed and waved to Liu Yifei.

Seeing this, the fairy sister who was wearing headphones came over directly, sat next to him, and fastened her seat belt.

"What's wrong?"

"Do you want your hair cut?"

Xu Xin raised a difficult topic when he came up.

Liu Yifei was stunned:

"Huh?...Cut it as short as Mimi?"

"That's not the case. I guess... we'll be here."

He pointed to the connection between his shoulder and neck:

"Bianca's character is a bit outspoken, and your long hair makes you look too quiet. I think short hair of this length might be more suitable."


Liu Yifei thought for a while and said:

"I haven't cut my hair short yet. I don't know what it looks like... Do you think I'm suitable?"

"I've just been staring at you for a while, and I think your short hair is suitable. If you don't go to Rome, you can buy some short hair of different lengths and try it out. In this film, you can't look too fairy or too young, you have to have a certain A mature femininity. Don’t forget, Bianca is married and has officially entered the next stage of her life.”

"You just been staring at me?"

Liu Yifei was speechless for a while.

Xu Xin nodded, not thinking anything was wrong.

Probably every man in the world would be offended by looking at a beautiful woman.

But the director is definitely an exception.

Especially the people watching are actors.

"...Let's buy a wig and try it out first. Can't we just put it on?"


Hearing this, Xu Xin glanced at her again.

Then he sighed:



"Have you noticed Yang Mi's hair?"

Liu Yifei was stunned.

His expression suddenly became strange.

Unconsciously, he put his hand on his head and patted it, and then... seemed to be a little bit unbearable and comforted:

"My mother said that women will lose more or less hair after giving birth."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Go ahead and tell her, I won't let it fall off. But your hair is really thick, that's true."


Suddenly, the plane was turbulent.

Su Meng, who had been sleeping all the way, bumped into the plastic protective shell on the edge of the massage chair, and the sound interrupted the conversation between the two.



Xu Xin and Liu Yifei both looked around and saw that Zheng'er had been sleeping all the way. Their eyes were swollen at this moment. While rubbing their heads, they changed from |*`) to Su Meng who looked like Yanω罒.

"What a sin."

He sighed helplessly.

"Why do you think I got into such a bad situation..."

"Haha, cuteness is so fun."

Liu Yifei couldn't help laughing.

Then he showed an astonished expression and picked up the headphones from his chest:

"Hey, do you listen to Deng Ziqi's new song?"


Xu Xin became interested, took the headphones and put them on his ears.

"The foam under the sun is colorful..."

Listening to the singing inside, he asked:

"New song?"

"Yes, the new song sounds pretty good to me."

"How are the results?"

"It's definitely not bad. After all, it was from The Voice."

Following her words, Xu Xin listened for a while.

Just a feeling.

This girl has a really high voice.

Especially the sentence "It's all bubbles~~~"

He said he was hungry.

He took off the headphones and gave them back to Liu Yifei. He leaned on the chair and remained silent.

At 9:30 am Rome time, the plane landed at the airport on time.

This time Xu Xin didn’t need anyone from Volvo to pick him up.

Jasmine came with Phillip, and Jasmine also brought a car to pick up Su Meng and Wu Qiqi.

"Haha, Xu~"

Looking at Jasmine who was waving excitedly to him, Xu Xin told the truth...the first thing that came to his mind was whether the cheek ceremony should be done right first and then left or first left then right?

Don't let the two of you kiss each other after a while, it would be awkward.

So he quickly waved and asked Liu Yifei:

"What's the order of the veneer ceremony?"

"Left first, then right, please be careful and don't kiss me."


The two of them thought of going together.

Xu Xin actually wanted to complain... Why don't we all just greet each other normally? We have to do this.

However, as the Romans do, he walked up to the two of them and gave Jasmine a polite hug. Then he tilted his face to the left. After the two of them touched each other for a while, they tilted to the right and then pressed against each other again.

Then the two of them did not "stick to each other", and the romantic Italian screenwriter gave him a bear hug directly.

"Haha, welcome back to Rome."

After Liu Yifei and Jasmine finished posting, Xu Xin said:

"Have you two eaten?"

"Of course not. When I went to find Jesse, we had a special discussion. Considering the time difference between the two countries, we did not have breakfast, but planned to have brunch together. Let's go? My friend, I Know your taste, authentic Italian!”


After listening to Phillip's words, Xu Xin, who was no longer able to complain, nodded:

"Shall we go back to the hotel to put our luggage first?"

"No problem, let's go."

Xu Xin chose the local Hasler Hotel in Rome this time.

Not to mention the long history, the most important thing is that it is the hotel where VIPs from the consulate stay. I stayed there last time I came to Rome. Although it is a public-funded accommodation, it feels pretty good.

It's also close to the Colosseum.

There were four people in one car. Su Meng and Wu Qiqi were in another car with Jasmine's driver.

Phillip drove, and Jasmine, who was sitting in the passenger seat, handed Xu Xin a folder directly after getting in the car:

"Xu, here, these are my friends. They have also read the script and are very interested."


Xu Xin took it and opened it directly, and Liu Yifei also came over.

He looked at the name and subconsciously translated:


"It's Valerio Mastandrea. Valerio Mastandrea~"

Following the fairy sister's correction, Xu Xin nodded.

I have to admit, this guy’s photo is really handsome. Especially the melancholic temperament about him is particularly catchy.

After a slight nod of approval, he looked down at the other person's height, weight... and finally his resume.

As soon as he saw it, he heard Liu Yifei mumbling a lot in Italian.

Jasmine, who was sitting in the passenger seat, suddenly looked over from the front with a...surprised look. Philip, who was driving, was also a little surprised and kept turning his head to look at her.

"what are you saying?"

"I asked them both if David di Donatello was the David Prize."

At this time, Jasmine also said a lot.

Liu Yifei directly helped Xu Xin translate:

"Varino has just been nominated for Best Actor at the 56th David Awards on the 7th of this month, and he is the most watched actor in the Italian film industry in the past two years."

Xu Xin's eyes were full of surprise.

This guy's achievements don't make him like this. He paid attention to this year's David Award, because Jia Zhangke's wife became the first Chinese to win the David Award for Best Actress for her film "I Am Li".

Domestic people are still paying more attention to it. But it’s been a month since the news, so it’s really not new.

What really surprised him was Liu Yifei's language talent.

How long has it been?

It's a good idea... less than a year.

"Is Italian easy to learn?"

He couldn't help but ask.

The fairy sister nodded:

"It can be said that it is easy to learn, but it can be said that it is difficult to learn. They are not from the same language family. English is a Germanic language and Italian is a Latin language. But I have a certain foundation in Latin. I learned it when I was a child in the United States, but I didn’t finish it halfway. After I picked it up again, it’s actually not particularly difficult, I just have to practice.”

"……All right."

After hearing this, he realized that he was still not good at Italian, so he stopped asking any more questions.

Then I listened to these three people chatting all the way.

Occasionally, I would hear some English words popping out of her mouth, and then the two people in front would translate them into Italian. Finally, Liu Yifei would say another paragraph in Italian with that word...

And he continued to look at the information of these twenty actors.

Jasmine did not lie.

Xu Xin saw the words "David di Donatello" on all of their resumes.

Obviously, regardless of whether they are nominated or awarded, these people have all been shortlisted for the David Award.

For the film and television industry...or to put it more simply, for actors, it is a relatively important proof of acting skills.

If an actor has not won any award, you cannot say that his acting skills are not good.

But those who have won the best male and female award in a certain award must have good acting skills.

To put it bluntly, even those domestic awards, as long as they are not Pheasant Awards, do not dare to mess around.

After reading through the names of these people, Xu Xin said to Jasmine:

"Jesse, I have to go back to China to participate in an event on the 1st. And then on the 8th is my graduate graduation exam. I won't meet these actors these days. Instead, I need to visit Italy to find inspiration for the scenery. The crew Have you done everything else?"

"It's done, Xu. They are all my friends, just don't worry."

"Where's the translation?"

"It's no problem, Xu. This time I'm looking for Zhao's translator for "I Am Li". He followed the crew of "LI" throughout the whole process. What do you think?"

"What a coincidence?... I originally said that I would tell Jia and ask him to help me find a translator."

Xu Xin was a little surprised, and then gave his friend a thumbs up:



Listening to his broken Italian, Jasmine smiled happily.

Soon, the car reached the hotel all the way, and on the way, everyone also decided where to go.

After eating for a while, because Xu Xin came on a tight schedule this time, the first stop was for everyone to go to a place called "Porta Portese".

According to the two of them, this place is the largest flea market in Rome.

But before that, Xu Xin had to hand over his wallet and mobile phone to Phillip.

In other words, he was going to put his mobile phone and wallet on the chest bag hanging on Phillip's chest.

The flea market there is adjacent to the Antique Street. You can find everything from furniture to ornaments there. The kind of "old but new" things Xu Xin wants, that's the most suitable place to go.

But even if the glory of the great Rome never fades, it still cannot stop the rampage of those Gypsy thieves.

Especially foreign tourists are their favorite targets.

Therefore, for safety reasons, it is better to leave these things to Philip for safekeeping. After a while, the backpack was turned backwards, and with the advantage of being a local in Rome, there was basically no mistake.

In Jasmine’s words:

"These gypsies can easily tell who is a Roman and who is a stranger."

Take a look...

Or it could be said that foreign countries are not peaceful.

As for Liu Yifei...

She doesn't have to.

She had just finished talking, and she planned to go to the Pantheon and find a cafe to sit in.

The work itself of director and actor is also separate.

As he came to Italy more often, Xu Xin found that he was gradually showing signs of being "domesticated".

Or maybe there’s just something about Italian food…

In short, he is really used to it.

Is this place really my second hometown?

After finishing the meal, Liu Yifei nodded and left with Wu Qiqi in Jasmine's driver's car after repeated instructions from Jasmine and Phillip.

After she left, the remaining four people walked towards the flea market.

Mainly because everyone kept chatting, and technically he only ate one pasta dish.

On the way, the three people kept talking about Xu Xin's knowledge of the filming of this movie.

The two were not surprised when they heard that he planned to use the restaurant as a "grey area" and the main area for dealing with conflicts.

After all, most of the story takes place at the dinner table.

However, Jasmine also put forward her own point of view:

“Will the restaurant be smaller?”

"In my vision, it will also connect to the living room. And that's the point of the setting. Jesse, I don't know if there is any tradition in Italian house decoration, but I need a hidden line."


"Yeah, or the wall."

In the job hopping market, which was crowded with people in the morning, Xu Xin stood behind a stall and gestured with his thoughts:

"The light in the restaurant should have a contrast between light and dark, but it should not be too deliberate, or too deliberate, so that the audience will easily notice the unnaturalness of the setting. What we need is a setting that is familiar to Italian audiences. Way. Let them take a look and feel like... returning to their own home."

he said, and the two listened.

"But the light in the restaurant cannot be too monotonous, it needs to be embellished. On the one hand, the tableware, we need to select some... tableware that fits my idea, or that matches Italian characteristics, to make the picture lively. At the same time, because everyone is gathered together When someone is eating, the camera will inevitably show the background in the direction of the living room. We need to give the audience a sense of space. This is the dining room, and the background over there is the living room. I need an invisible wall."

Phillip sounded okay, but Jasmine suddenly frowned after hearing this.

"How does it sound..."

She asked with some uncertainty:

"Like The Secret?"

"That's right!"

Xu Xin slapped her face:

"It's like The Secret, but more natural. The Secret... like I said, it's more staged and unnatural. We need to bring the audience into our home, Let’s attend this party together. So, although we are in the same space, we can’t let everyone feel crowded because of the large number of people, so the living room and dining room should be connected. However, I also need an invisible wall to isolate the two Space. In this part, I plan to use light and dark lights and furniture to make a fuss. And this is what we need to pay attention to in a while. We need to find something suitable to be used as a dividing line..."



Hearing Xu Xin's words, Jasmine glanced at Phillip.

She found that Phillip was also looking at her.

After the two stared at each other for a while, Jasmine shook her head sincerely:

"Xu, to be honest, I can understand what you want to express, but I don't know what exactly is going on in your mind. To be honest... I can't keep up."

And Philip also said:

"Xu, this is the director's job. I am only responsible for providing the story."

As he spoke, he patted the backpack hanging on his chest:

“And protecting our property.”

"……All right."

Seeing that the two of them didn't quite understand what they meant, Xu Xin didn't care.

Is there any specialization in the art industry?

Looking at the crowded flea market, he said:

"Let's go and take a look first."

While walking and looking, Xu Xin finally asked for his mobile phone from Phillip.

He wanted to use it to take pictures.

Some things may seem ordinary to the naked eye.

But if you look at it from a good angle through your mobile phone, it may exude a sense of beauty.

He needs to fill himself with inspiration.

This visit lasted all morning.

In the flea market, Xu Xin, a Chinese man wearing a baseball cap, looked like a strange tourist.

He would stop in front of a stall for a long time, and from time to time he would squat and look, bend down, or walk a few steps away to see a certain area.

Or maybe you take a quick photo of something, then shake your head and leave when the shop owner wants to come over and ask for a price.

Or just go to an old book stall, match several books of different colors, and then let your companions hold them for a photo.

In short, to sum it up in one sentence, I don’t pay for pennies, but focus on companionship.

I didn’t buy anything during my trip, but by the time I finished visiting the flea market, it was already past 12 noon, Italian time.

Even Jasmine, who is the best at shopping, started to regret it. She wished she had chosen sneakers instead of wedge heels today.

But the next sentence left both of them speechless:

"Let's go to the antique street next to it."

"...Xu, I need a cup of coffee."

Phillip wiped the sweat from his head and pointed in the direction of the alley where several restaurants stood nearby.


Xu Xin nodded and everyone walked that way together.

This should be a place specially come here to eat. At this time of the year, there are still a lot of people. As luck would have it, Xu Xin saw a Chinese restaurant called "Shaolong" at a glance.

And the reason why he saw it at a glance was actually because there were many people surrounding the window of the restaurant.

He thought to himself that wherever there are people, there are Chinese restaurants.

These compatriots have really made an indelible contribution to the spread of Chinese cuisine to the world.

The "café" that Phillip wants is right opposite "Shaolong".

It's called a cafe, but it's actually a food truck.

There were three or five Italians sitting in front of the food truck holding espresso cups.

Xu Xin, who is no stranger to Italy, naturally understands what coffee means to them.

If you really want to talk about it... the most vivid metaphor is Zheng Laofi in "The Mansion Gate".

Zheng Laofi and Bai Jingqi were driving. On the way, Zheng Laofi met a wine shop. He quickly jumped out of the car, put down a copper plate to the waiter at the counter, took a sip of wine, ate a piece of meat, and ran back to catch the bus.

Smash your mouth with wine and meat as a way of relaxation and entertainment.

And "having a cup of coffee" actually means the same thing to Italians as Zheng Laofi.

When you are free, find a cafe, sit down to chat or rest, drink slowly and enjoy your leisure time.

When you're busy, just look for a coffee cart like this and get a cup of espresso. You can finish it in three to five minutes and leave, and you can continue working without any delay.

To Phillip, he is Old Fart Zheng now.

After shopping all morning, I needed a glass of concentrate to refresh myself.

Even if we hadn't been so full just now, it is estimated that everyone's destination now would not be this kind of food truck, but a cafe.


"I do not want."

Xu Xin, who had never been interested in coffee, waved his hand.

But I saw there was an ice cream vendor over there, and I was just about to go take a look when I suddenly heard Su Meng say:

"Brother Xu, "Tip of the Tongue"!"


Xu Xin subconsciously turned his head and saw through the crowd of "Shao Long" that inside the window, a TV was playing an extremely familiar picture through the window.

And these Italians were gathered in front of the window and watching.

There were not many people, about ten or so.

But no one left.

He seemed to enjoy watching it.

Also, there are Italian subtitles on the screen.


Xu Xin was just wondering when he heard Jasmine walking next to him and saying:

"Ah, "A Bite of China", Xu, your country's documentary has become very popular on the Internet in Italy recently. Although I haven't watched it yet, the business of Chinese restaurants in Rome has been much better recently because of this documentary."


Hearing this, Xu Xin's mouth twitched:

"Very hot?"

Jasmine nodded:

"Yes, it was first shown by international students in Rome at an exchange festival, and then it became popular among college students. You know, college students, they are always the fastest to spread certain things. So, now there are many People want to go to your country because of this documentary.”

Seeing that she knew nothing, Xu Xin looked dumbfounded.

This made Jasmine look puzzled:

"Why do you have such an expression?"

"Because I filmed this documentary, Jesse."


Jasmine was stunned.

But after reacting immediately, his eyes straightened:


I recommend this basketball article. If you are interested, you can read it. It’s not bad.

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