I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 857 853 Crouching Dragon and Phoenix Chick

"I am Hercules!"

"Do you know what Hercules is?"

"...I am Hercules!"

"You are little Hercules!"

"I am Hercules!!!"

"You are little Hercules!"


Xu Xin, who was driving, glanced at his wife sitting in the passenger seat speechlessly.

The culprit who made the child cry showed no sign of repentance at this moment. Instead, he looked triumphant, as if he had won a battle.

Then look through the rearview mirror to see Nuan Nuan crying there.

She was restrained by the safety belt of the child seat at this moment, otherwise she would have kicked her mother in the face.

Even that didn't work, I kept kicking on my mother's seat and continued to cry.

Yangyang next to her looked at her sister with a "stupid Earthling" look...I don't know if it was an illusion, but Xu Xin always felt that there was a sense of schadenfreude in his son's eyes.

The reason why this controversy arises is also very simple.

Nuannuan wants his wife to hug him.

But she was too weak to unbuckle the child seat.

Keep making a fuss in the back.

Yang Mi laughed at her, probably meaning if you can unscrew me, I will hug you.

Nuannuan tried hard for a while and found that she couldn't open it no matter what, so she asked her for help. The result was a debate about who was the strong man and who was the lesser one.

At this moment, the mother and daughter's victor's posture and loser's face seemed particularly real.

The father and son sitting on the same side were as calm as a rock, maintaining Zhongli's appearance.

Just kidding...Xu Xin is not stupid either.

If he opens his mouth, Nuan Nuan will ask him for help.

When the time comes, I will become a little strongman and will not be able to make a fortune.

After raising the child for more than two years, the couple has learned a lot about the child's temper and how to deal with it. Regardless of how noisy Nuan Nuan was at the moment, the actual situation was that as long as Yang Mi ignored her, she would see that crying didn't work, so she wouldn't force it.

That's all this child is good for, just follow Yang Mi.

Never stubborn.

I will make it clear to you by assessing the situation.

Of course, if grandma and grandpa are here, let’s talk about it separately.

Anyway, according to the wife, since she had the child, the beatings she has received since she was a child are not as many as those for "offending" her daughter.

So, Yang Mi took out her mobile phone and planned to surf the Internet for a while.

In order to cover up the crying, Xu Xin quietly turned up the sound.

Just listen to the noise inside the Volvo.

It made his stomach growl.

As for Yangyang...

It would be nice if he, who is at the bottom of the food chain, doesn't get in trouble from his sister right now.

Looking at the scenery outside the window, it seems that it has nothing to do with oneself.

The daily life of a family of four is calm and warm, and even the cries are perfectly embedded in the notes of Aunt Deng Ziqi, followed by the heartbreaking roar of "It's all about steamed buns~"...

It should have been calm all the time.

Until Yang Mi suddenly discovered something:

"Ah! Husband, there's news! News that Director Zhang left the new scene!"

Xu Xin glanced at her and asked:

"What did you say?"

"Let me see……"

Yang Mi quickly read the news and said:

"Director Zhang hasn't said anything yet. This reporter received the news from the people on the New Screen. It is confirmed that Director Zhang has submitted his resignation letter. But now Zhang Weiping has been unable to find anyone, and the outside world is speculating on what he got. Sick. And then..."

Suddenly, she stopped talking.

"What's wrong?"


There was a trace of speechlessness on Yang Mi's face:

"This reporter said...Zhang Yimou can only share wealth and honor, but not adversity..."


In Xu Xin's silence, Yang Mi asked:

"What did you say about Zhang Weiping? It's been... a year, right? Why is there no news yet?"

"Because we have to wait."

Xu Xin seemed concise and concise:

"Some things will not come out until a new stage."

He spoke in general terms, but Yang Mi only thought about it briefly and understood what he meant:

"Three fires?"

"Well. This fire cannot be burned without a name. Everything depends on the teacher. His matter is actually like... a small hole. After it is pierced, some things will always come to light. But when? Meeting and how to meet is not something we consider. Including the old man's matter, it will not change due to his personal wishes. We can only wait and wait for the wind to blow away some of the fog. "

"...In other words, there is nothing we can do?"


In just a few minutes, after figuring out the cause and effect of the matter, Xu Xin nodded and sighed:

"A hundred secrets and a few sparse, in the final analysis, no matter how thorough you consider it, it is impossible to consider every aspect."

With that said, he handed his mobile phone to Yang Mi:

"Call the old man."


Yang Mi dialed the phone first and then asked:

"What do you want to talk about?"

"Ask him what he thinks about this matter."

I heard a few beeps and the call was connected.

Zhang Yimou's voice sounded:

"Hello? What's wrong?"

"Happy Children's Day."


Zhang Yimou's laughter came from the loudspeaker.

"I should say this to you. Have you celebrated the holidays with your children?"

"I'm having a good time, no, I just came back from playing around."

"That's fine. You should spend more time with your children when you have time. Children grow up very fast. If you don't pay attention, they will grow up. By then it will be too late to feel guilty and spend more time with your children when they were young."

When he said this, Xu Xin and Yang Mi could clearly feel his somewhat sad mood.


Xu Xin responded and then asked:

"Did you watch the news?"

"No, what?"

"...Have you submitted your resignation letter?"

"It has been submitted a long time ago. It was submitted a month ago."

"Uh... Then why did the news come out today? Yang Mi was watching the news just now, and a reporter already knew the news."

"It's normal. The owner is not here and others don't dare to give a reply. They can only wait for the thirty days to end. The resignation letter submitted last month is too late to be announced this month... Is this what you are calling me for?"

"Yeah. If you haven't watched the news..."

"Well, wait a minute, I'll look for it."

"Farewell, I just want to ask you...has the studio been registered?"

"Yeah. I've been working on the script of "The Chinese Criminal" recently. Have you read the book?"

"……not yet."

"What? Not interested?"

"Absolutely. After reading the beginning, I realized that it was talking about things from that era again, so I lost interest. I threw it aside and didn't pick it up."

Although "The Hawthorn Tree" is recognized as his highest achievement so far, he really has no interest in that era.

"The Hawthorn Tree" is more like homework than something of his own.

Each generation has its own mission.

After explaining the reason, Xu Xin quickly said:

"Don't read the news on the Internet. It probably means that the reporter dug up this matter and said that Zhang and Zhang officially broke up. There is nothing else. If you read it, it will be eye-catching..."

"Are you referring to what others said about me being unkind, able to share joys and sorrows, and unable to share wealth and honor?"

"...You found it?"

"Yes, when I searched for my own name, it all came up."

Xu Xinxin said that you type very quickly.

It was found so quickly.

But then I thought again... doesn't this also mean that this matter has received a lot of attention?

The news that comes out just by naming it is very popular.

So he said:

"The media is just talking nonsense. Don't take it seriously."

With his words, Zhang Yimou understood why he called.

So, he said:

"Well, they don't know the real situation and can only make judgments based on some guesses. I'm not going to explain it. If I really have to work hard to clarify these things, I will be exhausted if people believe it or not. Don't worry, it won't affect you. .”

When Xu Xin heard him say this, he knew that the old man was much more perceptive than he thought.

My heart felt at ease.


"Speaking of which, why hasn't there been any movement from his side? It's been so long. If it's just a tax issue... there's no reason not to let him go, right?"

Obviously, Zhang Yimou was also a little confused.

Because according to procedures, the 90 days have already passed.

It's too inappropriate to be silent for so long.

But Xu Xin could only say haha:

"Then I don't know. Maybe there are other things?... Anyway, as long as you don't get affected, there's nothing else. Then I'll die?"

"Hmm. Okay... read the book. The story is very good."


Xu Xin said a few perfunctory words and hung up the phone directly.

Just listen to Yang Mi say:

"Director Zhang won't be suspicious, right?"

"Probably not. I don't even know how this happened. Why would others doubt me?"

Although what he said was self-deception, it was essentially correct.

In front of the real "big cake", it doesn't actually matter to the "birthday" person who passes the knife.

The important thing is that you have the knife in your hand, and you can divide it however you want.

That's it.

While he was driving, he began to think about this matter in his mind... It was said to be thinking, but in fact it was more of a self-suggestion in a different direction.

Warn yourself not to cross the line and not to be tempted.

Don't be greedy that you shouldn't be.

Everything he is doing now is accumulation.

As long as you keep putting off using these accumulations, they will turn into endless help when you officially get started.


There is another question.

8 years……

I don’t know how far I can go.

And 8 years later, where should I go?

Hard to say.

It’s hard to guess.

I wanted to make some plans, but found that if I didn’t get started... there would be no direction after all.

After getting started...

Are you still a director?


Maybe this is life.

There is something to be gained.

It all depends on thinking.

The breakup of "Two Zhangs" is not a big deal in the circle.

After all, the two people had been together for more than ten years and suddenly received this news... Although it was only a unilateral confirmation, there was no reaction from Zhang Yimou, and he did not even accept an interview.

But it can basically be said to be a real hammer.

After it was confirmed that the two Zhangs broke up, many people were dissatisfied with Zhang Yimou.

There is no other reason.

When a friend is sick and in trouble, you leave him at the most critical moment?

This is not kind at all.

There are still some people who choose to defend Director Zhang, thinking that Director Zhang is not this kind of person and there must be something hidden inside.

They very much hope that Mr. Zhang will come out and clarify.


The mud cow enters the sea.

For a whole day, Zhang Yimou allowed time to ferment without any response.

There is not even a public relations tool.

Xu Xin, who is recognized as having the closest relationship with Zhang Yimou, also remained silent.

It was obviously very popular in March, and it was even rumored that the kind person who solved the scolding war between Zhao Zhen and Zhao Zhen was strangely silent at this moment.

Xu Xin's silence might have been nothing in the past.

But everyone knows that you are Director Zhang’s disciple, the person who brought you here personally.

You can even get involved in matters in Beijing that have nothing to do with you, so why are you silent now?

Is it wrong?

Or... I am speechless and unable to refute?

Suddenly, his reputation began to decline, which was rare in the past few years.

I have to admit that the Internet has really brought everyone closer. There are really two completely different public opinion environments before Weibo and after Weibo.

Within half a day, some sounds had already begun to surge.

Xu Xin didn't know if anyone among them was adding fuel to the flames.

Even when he went to bed at night and found that the fire was burning him, he just touched his head.


The old man didn't say anything, so who could he refute?

Zhang Weiping's matter was not going to be started the day before, so it was destined to be a mess.

Xu Xin didn't know how to say it, and couldn't say it either.

After figuring this out, he seemed unable to do anything else besides scratch his head. On the other hand, Yang Mi, after seeing the news, although she hadn't burned herself yet, she still asked Xu Xin:

"Do you want some PR?"

"For example?"

"For example, if you release some inside information, the two pictures are not compatible... No, it's not appropriate."

After she came to her senses, she shook her head before she could finish her words.

"Actually, the difficulty in this matter is that no one knows that the two Zhangs are not compatible, and now Zhang Weiping's excuse is to recover from illness..."

Speaking of this, she scratched her head in distress.

Xu Xin comforted and said:

"Okay, just ignore it. The truth will come out one day, right?"

"...That's what I said, but I'm a little worried."

The worry in her eyes seemed real:

"Don't forget, you have a lot of enemies. You have been fighting for power and power in the past few years. But with Xiying Studio here, they can't do anything to you. It's rare that you make some news... Do you think they Will you miss this opportunity? If nothing else, a few interviews will break your audience, and the loss will be immeasurable."

"It's just the price."

He seemed very indifferent to his wife's concerns.

"It is said that people's words can be feared, and this is true. But... don't forget, what month is it now?"

"How many more months? One month is enough for you."

"The question is can I stand it."

Leaning on the pillow, in the dim light, he looked at the ceiling and said:

"In the past few months, I won't mention whether they will focus on attacking me. Just... treat me like a steel-backed pig. If I don't fight back, let them beat me. The pig hair on my back has been A dozen points of damage, but if you keep stacking it up like this, they will find out that no matter how hard you hit me at the beginning, it will hurt them later. What's more, they don't have any movement. Let's wait and see. "

It's rare that he "failed" on something that needed to be prepared for a rainy day.

As for her husband's idea of ​​​​showing off, Yang Mi actually understands.

In this matter, my husband and Director Zhang are somewhat similar to the child who was wrongly accused.

The child was wronged and scolded harshly, but he was very sensible and did not talk back.

Then when the adults at home come back and see that their children have suffered such great injustice, they will always have to make some compensation.

How do you say that?

Low profile, forbearance, killing...

There is definitely nothing wrong with my husband's choice, but...

"It's so annoying...it's best if they don't make any moves. If they do...if you ask me, just press them to death!"

Rarely, she said very innocent and angry words in an irritable tone.

Xu Xin was delighted:

"Haha~ Okay, okay, it's not a big deal. This is just a question of character, not a slander. It's so late at night, so it's not okay to be angry."


Yang Mi said nothing.

I just looked through some comments on my phone.

Such as:

"Where is Xu Xin? Why are you silent now?"

"Can't you wash it anymore?"

"So, everyone in the entertainment industry is dirtier than the other, and no one is nobler than the other."

"You treat others as an idol, and others treat you as a fool."

Such remarks annoy her.

She wouldn't care if he scolded her.

But the problem is that she really can't stand scolding her husband.

But I couldn't talk back.

So, she could only make the same vow and said to her husband:

"We must seize the opportunity this time and crush them to death, until now!"

Xu Xin was also speechless.

Although he won't think too much of his enemies...but now this is just showing signs, why is he so angry?

not to mention……

"Why do you have to kill them completely?"

"...You still keep them?"

Yang Mi was shocked.

As soon as she heard what she said, Xu Xin understood that she probably hadn't understood some rules yet.

"Regardless of whether we can press them to death, even if we can, we can't do it. Because if they die, we will be the next Beijing Circle."


Yang Mi was stunned.

Turning to look at her husband:

"Why do you say that?"

"Because a dominant company is a monopoly in itself. When a certain group of people in an industry forms a monopoly, the industry's ecology will fundamentally change..."

"Stop, please speak human terms. Don't make a postgraduate defense. Just keep talking about the market and monopoly every day. Is it okay? You said you were interviewed by CCTV and why did you do something so low that it hurts farmers...Brother, you The persona is that of a local tycoon, rich and wealthy, can you please not destroy your persona?"


Xu Xinxin said that your little mouth is really full of honey.

Sweet, sweet.

It's almost like diabetes.

He shook his head helplessly:

"Just think about it this way. What we need is to strengthen the Chinese-language film market, rather than letting the Chinese-language film market become our monopoly. For things like art... it is much better for a hundred flowers to bloom than for one to stand out alone. Do you understand? Even so, I will fight For example, even if one day in the future, regardless of whether Feng Xiaogang, Huayi, or Beijing Circle is hit hard due to some reasons. If that time comes, Mr. Tian will definitely tell me: A Xin, stop it. Believe it or not?"

"...What's the reason?"

"The reason is that Xiying Film Factory is a state-owned factory. Whether it is the Big Six or China Film and Television, what they hope is the prosperity of private enterprises under the leadership of the state, rather than the dominance of one state-owned factory. The lessons our country has learned along the way have been told us.

When state-owned factories are too powerful, they will inevitably fall into rigid and insensitive misunderstandings... We have all these examples over the years.

Why does the Northwest Circle get the tacit approval of China Film Group?

On the one hand, it is because of the nature of national brands, and on the other hand... in the entertainment industry, private capital has too much say. China Film Group can see it, but it is powerless. Because it cannot end things personally and can only regulate macroeconomically, but the market is controlled by private enterprises.

Therefore, the reason why our factory is going so smoothly now is because there are people behind it. By pushing us to the leadership position, the factory's mission has actually been completed. And when we establish our leadership position, you will find that capital companies in the northwest circle will begin to "flood."

They will start a brand new war with everyone in the Beijing circle and even the entertainment circle. In this war, the factory was absolutely sitting on the mountain watching the fight between tigers and tigers. Only when we see that the trend is wrong, we will give guidance... What our circle needs is guidance, not annexation or erasure, do you understand?

At most, the Beijing Circle has not reached the stage we were at back then, and that’s it. Nothing deeper will happen. If you take something from the people, you still have to give it back to the people in the end. This is not the principle of officialdom, but is determined by the commonality of the entire market. "

Speaking of this, he shook his head:

"In this circle, there has never been a real fight to the death. To put it bluntly, today's Beijing circle is like Dong Zhuo. And Xiying Studio is Cao Cao... Of course, this metaphor may not be appropriate, but the truth is like this. We are only responsible for helping Han. After success, the emperor will still be the emperor, and the world will still be the same. It’s just that Dong Zhuo is no longer an eyesore."


I broke things apart, crushed them into pieces, and explained them to my wife bit by bit.

Yang Mi fell into silence.



It's just...vaguely, she was a little unsure.


As if thinking of something, she couldn't help but ask:

"Then wasn't Cao Cao also holding the emperor hostage to order the princes?"

Xu Xin nodded:

"That's right, so I said it's not appropriate, but I can't compare us to Liu Bei, right? That would be unlucky. Besides, who am I? It's Liu Bei in the factory, am I not like a sleeping dragon or a phoenix?"

"...What's wrong with Crouching Dragon and Phoenix? I think you are Crouching Dragon and Phoenix!"


Looking at his wife's confused eyes, Xu Xin opened his mouth.

He also thought there was nothing wrong with this.

Aren’t you also praising our old Xu as Zhuge Wolong?


Why do you always find this so awkward?

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