I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 858 854 New Stage

Chapter 858 854. New stage

number 2.

The matter of Er Zhang is still fermenting on the Internet.

Some people are speculating that after Zhang Yimou left Zhang Weiping, his career will reach a higher level? Still never recovered.

Some people are also wondering why Zhang Weiping, who is obviously a loudmouth, never said a word at this time. What is the disease? Can you be so sick?

Of course, some people still think that what Zhang Yimou did was unfair. Even the people around him are the same...

All sorts of strange things.

But the person involved didn't respond, so they could only guess.

And the online media are also digging into Er Zhang's past. From the time the two met to the end now, what happened in the ups and downs in the past ten years.

Not to mention, this kind of news is the most popular.

Because many young viewers don’t know or understand it, they watch it with gusto.

But we must admit that in the media, Zhang Weiping was kind to Zhang Yimou.

In a word: don’t read the script, don’t look at the investment.

From this point alone, Zhang Weiping's kindness is self-evident.

Therefore, everyone is very dissatisfied with the man who has been honored as "National Master" in recent years.

Especially since he didn't talk back and let others say that he was wrong.

As for Xu Xin's side...it's actually not bad.

Most people just discuss him, thinking that since he wants to be an "upright" person, he needs to take a stand on such major issues of right and wrong. Not taking a stand, pretending to be dead, or being mute is wrong in itself.

In their mouths, Xu Xin should be a saint.

And the current inaction is a sign of dishonor.

Just a hypocrite.

Therefore, his current reputation seems particularly true.

After Qi Lei noticed the news, he called to ask about the situation and wanted to discuss countermeasures to see what to do. After all, Xu Xin had told him about Er Zhang, but he had also mentioned it to him early, with only ears and no mouth.

Now that he has been wronged, he should think of a countermeasure, otherwise...who knows what Xu Xin will face next?

But Xu Xin's attitude was the same as towards his wife.

Don't refute, don't say anything.

just saying.

At the same time, I didn’t forget to complain to Qi Lei:

"Now I want to clarify this situation, and I will truly become a saint from now on. If there is any slight disturbance, my death will be even more ugly."

The audience's moral standards for public figures will only be raised without limit.

Just like expectations.

You can only get better step by step.

If you dare to go a little lower, there will be signs of "loss of reputation".

In the past, Xu Xin understood this and knew that this kind of thing was dangerous. Therefore, he has been taking the initiative to distance himself from the audience for so many years.

Let people see themselves in their works as much as possible, rather than in the news about their private lives.

But now, after truly experiencing this feeling, his thoughts have become even more firm.

Now, because he "knows the basics" of this kind of thing, he is not worried about it. But once he is allowed to improve his image without any restrictions, or if he takes the initiative to manage it and makes his image shine, then he will be pushed away unconsciously.

It’s hard to even think about dying.

He spent the whole day on the 2nd thinking about these things in his studio, while continuing to perfect the preliminary preparations for "Telephone Ringing".

When the time came in the evening, they set off and rushed to the scene of the celebration banquet.

When he arrived at the place, he met many people from CCTV.

Everyone was talking and laughing.

But until the banquet started, Xu Xin didn't see Ren Changzhen.

Obviously, she didn't want to participate.


In fact, Xu Xin always felt that it was easy for someone with this kind of personality to suffer.

It's a bit too jealous of evil.

What's more, this is not a grudge.

It is a film made with other people's money...

And his approach is simple.

"Director Luo, here it is."

Luo Ming, whose face was glowing red, saw Xu Xin hand over a USB flash drive. He glanced at several colleagues who were also curious around him. When everyone looked at him, he asked doubtfully:

"Director Xu, this is..."

"In the "Bite of Tongue" material, there are still some unused clips, as well as some ideas and themes prepared by the team that were too full and had to be reluctantly cut off. Everything is here. In the next period of time , I have to start busy with my studies, I will go back to school as a teaching assistant in September this year, and I still have several film projects waiting for me...haha."

Speaking of this, Xu Xin had a wry smile on his face.

"I don't know how long I will be busy. But everyone's hard work can't be buried. After discussing with the team, we didn't talk on the phone last time. Although I don't know how much I can help, the things inside should be it works."

Sitting at this table, Yan Dazhong and the other six episode directors were smiling and nodding in agreement.

From the moment Xu Xin said these words, everyone already understood some things without having to explain them clearly.

Luo Ming nodded and took the USB flash drive.

There was no surprise on his face, and no greed could be seen on his face.

Just a little regretful:

"Director Xu is very thoughtful... Although I know you are very busy, but... it's a pity."

"There will be many opportunities for cooperation in the future."

Xu Xin laughed and stood up on his own initiative.

"Come on, come on, I'll take this glass of wine with the directing team to toast you all. Thank you Taili for supporting us during the filming of the documentary. Here's to everyone."

You can take the credit that you can strive for and the reward that allows you to continue on.

I don't want it at all.

As for the future...

It all depends on your own level.

If you shoot well, you can achieve greater success.

Although the filming was terrible, the directing team of the first season still achieved fame and fortune.

You can't take away this glorious real estate of "The Tip of the Tongue" even if you want!

June 8th.

The scene of the graduate student defense at Beijing Institute of Film and Television.

After Xu Xin walked into the scene, he saw several teachers, including his future doctoral supervisor Hou Keshuan. After bowing politely, he took his USB flash drive and came to the laptop.

Insert the USB flash drive and load up my graduation thesis.

Above the curtain, the title "On the possibility of Hollywood's "implosion" due to huge investment and its future judgment" appeared.

The following teachers also picked up the thesis outline submitted by Xu Xin.

Xu Xin bowed again:

"Hello teachers, I am Xu Xin, a student from the 2009 Directing Department of Beijing Film Academy. My thesis title: "On the possibility of Hollywood's "implosion" due to huge investment and its future judgment" was completed under the guidance of teacher Yu Zhen . Now I will report the design purpose and main content of this paper to the teachers, and I sincerely ask for your criticism and guidance."

After almost all the graduate students made the same opening statement, Xu Xin pointed at the thesis title:

"The first is a partial discussion of the ideas involved in the thesis title..."

Xu Xin began to talk endlessly.

In fact, when talking about these papers, Yang Mi has the deepest feelings.

Just like what she said to her husband a few days ago.

Your old man's character is that of a rich man who doesn't know a word of Chinese characters. Suddenly he starts talking about market economy and the like, and his character collapses a bit.

But in fact, from the side, it also represents the hard work Xu Xin has put in these days.

He was indeed not a good student before.

Grades in elementary school, middle school, and high school are mediocre.

With only 300 points for the college entrance examination, if Xu Daqiang hadn't spent money to find connections, he wouldn't have been able to get into Beijing Film Academy. And after he joined Beijing Film Academy, he could be said to be one of those "illiterate" people.

In fact, education is really important.

He didn't feel much about it before, but as he spent more and more time in this industry, he felt it more and more.

So what to do?

Make up for it.

When people first asked what Guernica was, he had a question mark on his forehead.

But diligence can make up for clumsiness, and even a stupid bird can fly.

His knowledge in other aspects may still be weak, but in terms of film expertise, his reserve of knowledge can be said to be among the best.

Coupled with the things from all walks of life that I have been exposed to over the years.

If anyone continues to think that he is a "rich person" now, then it is really a bit stereotyped.

Personal design is personal design, no one can stop others from progressing.

Soon, the round of defense was completed.

After the concluding remarks, these teachers were also very satisfied.

Xu Xin's results are here. Although Yu Zhenna's paper was evaluated as "someone-sided", evaluation is evaluation, and polishing still needs help.

This paper is very standard and can even be said to be within the scope of examples.

Xu Xin made it watertight.

And in the following teacher's question session, his answer was the same.

From the source of the data, to personal experiences in Hollywood, to the echoes of this paper with the arguments of George Lucas and Spielberg at the Directors Forum.

The "possibility" in his paper has been confirmed.

At the same time, please get some data from the special effects company from Jodi, as well as some data from the film union in the United States on the investment reduction of over 100 million US dollars from the beginning of this year to the present, and make statistical charts, etc.

These facts are in front of us, proving that his paper is forward-looking.

The basis is also very solid.

After answering the teachers' questions, he temporarily left the room at the signal of the host of the defense committee.

After about five minutes, he was recruited again.

Holding a "Resolution Letter" in his hand, Hou Kehuang personally read out the news that his thesis defense had been passed.

As for the voting, 7 teachers unanimously decided to pass it.

There is no dispute or doubt.

Xu Xin officially signed his name at the end of the "Resolution".

And the moment the signature is completed.

Xu Xin’s nearly three-year postgraduate career has officially come to an end.

"Thank you teachers."

Along with his bow, Hou Kehuan smiled slightly and patted his shoulder:

"See you in December."

December is the assessment period for doctoral admissions.

However, the preparations this time do not need to be complicated. Yu Zhen will help him sort them out, and then he can just apply for the exam. It is nothing more than the results achieved during graduate school. Such as movies, academic papers, and doctoral research plans, etc.

There is no need to involve a lot of energy on his part.

The only pity is that he will not be able to make it to the graduate graduation ceremony held in School No. 14.

But no matter what...

In terms of academic career, Xu Xin made great progress after walking out of the defense scene.

After coming out, he nodded politely to some other graduate students, and then walked out of the institute with Su Meng, came to Teacher Yu's parking space, and got into his Volvo.

After getting in the car, Su Meng asked tentatively:

"Brother Xu...did you pass?"


Xu Xin responded.

Then he smiled unconsciously:



Looking at the assistant with a ヾ(°°) face, he smiled and took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Yang Mi:


Yang Mi did not answer directly, but just sent a photo.

The photo was taken in the kitchen of the home.

The kitchen was already filled with a table of dishes waiting to be cooked.

it is more than words.

"I'm home!!"

When Xu Xin returned home this time, he received extraordinary treatment.

At the critical moment of parking, he saw his wife and two children, each holding something like a grenade in their hands, rushing towards him.

Just wondering.

As soon as she got out of the car, she saw Yang Mi shouting with a smile:

"Three, two, one...congratulations, dad!"

"Happy daddy!"

"Graduate student...yeah!!!"

Mother and daughter, three people, three mouths, three different words.



Yang Mi pulled the "grenade" tab in her hand hard.

Strips of colorful ribbons sprayed out from the grenade.

The two little strongmen didn't pull away because they didn't have enough strength, especially Nuan Nuan, who was holding back his face and turned red.

Xu Xin didn't know whether to laugh or cry. Just when he was about to help, he saw Yang Mi waving her hand to signal him not to come.

Then he squatted down and helped his daughter pull hard.


Then it was in the hands of my son.


Suddenly there were some scattered colorful ribbons in the yard.

Then, the young woman took the lead and stood up to applaud:

"Quick, quack, cluck~ Congratulations to dad on graduating from graduate school! That's great!!!"

Don't tell me...

Although this welcome ceremony was a bit "crude" and even full of errors.

But when he heard his wife's words, his only thought was to take a few steps forward and take the initiative to hold his lover in his arms.

Take a deep breath...

He smelled onions and garlic, and oil fumes.

These smells covered up the fragrance of his wife's body, but the smoke full of smoke enveloped his whole body and mind.

Not all popular female stars are willing to spend every day just to make a delicious lunch for their lover.

Not all lovers will use this kind of ceremony... even if it is full of mistakes, they still hope to express their feelings to celebrate the other person's achievements.

Xu Xin was very grateful.

Also very touched.

Lovers hugging each other, everything is silent.

It's just a pity it didn't last long.

"Mom, I still want to poop!"

Nuan Nuan, who had not had enough fun, held the empty ribbon tube in her hand and grabbed her mother's skirt with a longing look on her face.


At this moment, all her mother's tenderness is with her father, not her at all.

After hearing what my daughter said, I said simply and rudely:

"What are you playing at? You can't even pull me away. You little strongman!"

"Ah!!! I am Hercules!!!!"

Nuannuan immediately became furious.

When Yangyang heard something was wrong, he ran away.

Counting from the time you were born, you have been beaten for almost 4 years. If you don’t have any experience, then you are not just a fool?

This silly elder sister is going to cry again. Run away quickly. If you don't run, you will get beaten easily.

So, Nuan Nuan grabbed her mother's skirt and started playing tricks, trying to change the stereotype of little Lux.

The instigator, under the helplessness of her husband, smiled and hugged his neck:

"We'll have to eat more soon, you know? I'm the one cooking today! Our director Xu finally graduated from graduate school!"

"Wow!!! I am Hercules!!!"



Clearly, mother and daughter are experiencing varying emotions.

Nor do they communicate with each other.

And Xu Xin looked at his wife's smiling face, and then looked at her legs like a stubborn donkey, wanting to drag her mother down to prove that she was the daughter of a strong man.

He sighed helplessly:

"Oh... just give her another one to play with."

"Who is it?"

The beautiful woman asked knowingly.

Xu Xin was even more helpless:

"Our daughter, who else can we have?!"

"Little Lux?"


Nuannuan cried even more happily.

After seven or eight days of fermentation, the "two pieces" incident has almost dissipated.

Sometimes, don’t respond and wait for time. It is indeed a very correct approach.

But again, it is unknown whether there will be any subsequent impact.

Zhang Yimou is like this.

The same goes for Xu Xin.

These days, many people are hoping for some response.

It's a pity that Zhang Yimou seems to be invisible.

However, according to the feedback from the old man, many websites have been looking for him recently. LeTV, Youku, iQiyi, etc. have all contacted him to find out where he is. Or invest, or sign a contract, etc.

Everyone wants to get this great director.

The only news from Xu Xin's side is that on the 8th, someone sent a photo of him at his graduate student defense.

This is more or less an "excuse" for those who believe in him.

It turns out that Xu Gou is busy with graduate school graduation.

After the 8th, Xu Xin disappeared from everyone's sight again.

Not bad actually.

Regarding the "two pieces" matter, the central point of the conflict is not with him.

In addition, he usually has a very low-key personality, so this kind of behavior is not abnormal in the eyes of the public.

But...that's the same sentence.

His choice of silence on this matter will inevitably affect his reputation in the hearts of some people.

But how big the impact will be... No one can say now.


Rome Cinema.

Outside this "holy place" in the eyes of Italian film master Fellini, in front of a street cafe.

In front of a long table made up of three tables, Xu Xin, Liu Yifei, Jasmine, Philip, and the winner of the 2009 David Award for Best Supporting Actor Guiseppe Battistone, the winner of the 2011 David Award Best newcomer director Eduardo Leo, set designer Alessandro and others sat together.

From time to time there were bursts of laughter.

Obviously, everyone's chat atmosphere was extremely harmonious.

Xu Xin and Eduardo Leo were sitting next to each other, with a piece of paper placed in front of them.

On the paper is the guidance map of "Casimo".

"I'm serious. With a wife as beautiful as Liu, who would cheat? Besides... Jesse and I? Are you sure?"

Eduardo Leo looked ridiculous.

That exaggerated expression once again caused a group of people around to burst into laughter.

Liu Yifei, who had had her thick long hair cut to a length near her shoulders, with her hair all flowing to one side, couldn't help but cover her face.

Xu Xin nodded:

"That's right. That's how it was designed. The character of Casimo is a very plot-advancing character. He is strong, like a..."

Just when he was about to use the words in the script design, he heard Philip speaking Italian.

Then the people at the table burst into laughter again.

Xu Xin looked at Jasmin in confusion.

What are these guys talking about?

Jasmine shrugged helplessly and explained in English:

"A stallion in heat."


Xu Xin seemed to have thought of something and suddenly realized.



Hearing his "Wow", the fairy sister covered her face again and burst into laughter.

But the tips of the ears were already red.

Seeing Liu Yifei's reaction, Eduardo Leo spread his hands and made a bow:

"grazie~Thank you for your compliments."


Gotta admit it.

It was really a pleasure chatting with these Italian guys.

If you want to talk about scale...it's a bit rogue.

But given the atmosphere at this table, it was more like a joke.


Quite relaxing.

"So, Leo, I think your style should be more...stronger. Cutting your hair short also fits Liu's style. Her hair of this length represents a straightforward personality. What can you say? One side. But when I met a stronger you, I tried my best to show my gentleness... And you are the best expression of strength in a man, which is exactly what you reacted to when Guiseppe revealed that he was a "gay" Great expression…”

As Xu Xin spoke, he pointed to the guide map on the paper and expressed his thoughts on the character.

Others nodded vigorously.

Xu has been here for three days.

During these three days, I was either looking at the sets or communicating with the actors.

Through these communications, everyone can feel his thoughts on the film.

Just like now.

The actor's appearance is used to express his heart, while his inner character is expressed through his lines. Use lines to advance the story, use the story to express the character, and finally, the character echoes the appearance of the character throughout the movie.

A perfect closed loop.

Although they haven't filmed it yet, just listening to Xu Xin's words, as practitioners and outstanding actors in the Italian film industry, they can already vaguely and instinctively feel the fragrance of an excellent work!

Including Jasmine, everyone has more and more confidence in Xu Xin.

Genius director, genius idea.

Including Eduardo Leo, those who came here just at the invitation of Jasmine in the past few days have gradually felt the outstanding level of this director from a foreign country.

They can't wait for the movie to come out.

At this moment, Xu Xin's phone rang.

When he saw it was an unfamiliar Italian number, he connected directly and said:


"Director Xu, I have arrived in Italy."

Li Pingdong's disciple, Lin Li's voice sounded.

For Xu Xin, the last piece of wood for the crew...


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