I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 859 The tenderness of 855 lunar eclipse

Chapter 859 855. The tenderness of lunar eclipse

Lin Li's arrival is the last territory of "Telephone Ringing".

Although Jasmine recommended a photographer to him, it is still unknown whether the attributes of director and photographer are integrated. As a disciple who inherited Li Pingdong's mantle, Xu Xin was obviously more at ease with Lin Li after working together on "Scorching Sun".

Rather than starting over with a photographer who doesn’t know what to do, it’s better to use someone who is comfortable with you.

Nowadays, the crew of "The Ringing Ring" has almost been formed, and the actors are in place to perform their respective duties.

He didn't do any big audition this time...it wasn't necessary.

The total investment is about 4 million euros, which is considered a small production in Europe. In a high-profile audition, whether the quality of the actors can be guaranteed is on the one hand, and on the other hand, the people recommended by Jasmine are indeed good.

Good actors also have a circle.

Jasmine's circle belongs to the "upper class".

And her friends were very generous after receiving the invitation. The one with the biggest background is Marco Giarini, who is the husband of "Eva" played by Jasmine in the play. The plastic surgeon Locke was nominated for the David Award for Best Actor five times. Award winner.

He has a very high status in the Italian film and television circles.

The combined salary of the six actors, including Jasmine, was only 950,000 euros.

For these people, whose normal salary starts from 6 to 7 million euros, the price they were given to star in this movie was simply a friendly price cut from the heel.

Coupled with the guarantee of acting skills backed by various honors, Xu Xin naturally won't be too picky.

Friends of friends give face and come to help.

If you are still picky, that would be a bit against the rules.

What's more, including the few sitting here today, everyone has met in the past two days.

Everyone plays their role very accurately.

Although Xu Xin can only control the lines by themselves, there is really no choice in other aspects.

As for Liu Yifei...

Her salary is only a symbolic 100,000 euros.

After calculation, it’s about 880,000.

Quite auspicious.

But there aren’t many discounts on other things.

For example, in Rome Cinema, the usage fee of a studio is settled monthly, which is close to 200,000 euros a month.

Another example is the crew.

I won’t mention Alejandro’s position. For the most ordinary employee, even if he just serves tea and water, his salary is about 3,000 euros a month.

And you also have to pay a fee to the Actors Guild and so on.

However, according to Xu Xin's guess, this 30 million is not enough.

There may not be enough money left to spend.

As long as everyone understands the story thoroughly, the filming will go smoothly.

Lin Li was arranged to go back to the hotel to rest first, while Xu Xin continued to chat with Eduardo about the role of "Casimo".

After chatting for a while, we finally found the person we were waiting for.

Marco Giallini

Jasmine's "husband".

Italians are famous for their weak sense of time, and this one is obviously no exception.

After coming to a few people, he said hello to others, and when shaking hands with Xu Xin, he said:

"Sorry, director, I'm late due to traffic jam."

Xu Xinxin said that only if I believe you can you be considered a ghost.

"Traffic" seems to be the most common excuse Italians use for being late.

As long as it doesn't delay the business, no one cares whether you are late. Over time, this excuse has become a universal one.

As for Xu Xin... do as the Romans do.

As long as these people don't lose their temper when making movies, it will be fine.

Then there was a sound of a stool being pulled, and a seat was vacated for Marco. After sitting down, he just ordered a glass of ice water.

Brackets: the kind with bubbles.

After coming here for the past few days, Xu Xin has a rough understanding of the preferences of these Italians.

For example, I never drink hot water, ice water is everything.

If you drink water, you will choose soda or carbonated water. It is rare to drink "plain water" directly.

All kinds of habits reveal a sense of leisure and laziness.

But I have to admit that as long as the size is right, it is not annoying, but makes people a little envious of their leisurely life outlook...

Moreover, Marco respects Xu Xin very much.

After everyone became familiar with it, everyone else liked to call him "Xu", except Marco. He was the oldest in this film, but he always maintained the style of an old-school Italian filmmaker.

The director's authority on set is supreme.

It has nothing to do with age.

Therefore, he insisted on calling Xu Xin "director".

"Director, did I miss anything?"

"No, we were just talking about the character. Marco, do you have any questions about the character of Locke?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Marco nodded directly:

"Yes. After reading the script, I only have one question: Does Marco know about Eva and Quasimo?"

Speaking of this, the muscles at the corners of his eyes that seemed a little flabby due to age drooped slightly, expressing a thoughtful look:

"There are several contradictions in this script. There are some words that Locke says that are unclear. This is my biggest doubt. He...what role does he play in this story?"

Don't even say it.

Although Big Brother is late, the problems he brings are indeed the central theme of the film.

After Xu Xin heard this, he suddenly became happy.

Phillip also showed a somewhat playful look.

At this time, Xu Xin looked at him:

"Are you going to explain it or should I?"

"You designed the plot, of course you came."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded, looked at Marco and said:

"Marco, what kind of person do you think the character Locke is?"

"Calm, wise, elegant and easy-going. This can be seen from the completely opposite attitudes between him and Eva towards their daughter. Eva is worried that her daughter Sophia has met a scumbag and wants to protect her first night. She has a strong The controlling nature made the relationship between mother and daughter very awkward, but Sophia did have 100% trust in her father.

This can be seen from Sophia's boyfriend inviting Sophia to stay at home. At such an important moment, Locke's reaction and that line can be seen. He is a good father and a reliable friend. In fact, among these people, he is the cleanest one. The only act of cheating on his wife was because he had a psychological problem and instead of communicating with his wife, a psychiatrist, he found another doctor..."

Marco expressed his understanding.

Xu Xin's next words not only stunned him, but even Jasmine, who played Eva:

"Then why do you think a person with such a strong heart like him would see a psychiatrist?"



In the surprised eyes of the two people, Xu Xin shrugged:

"Locke's story line was actually designed by me. He is the kind of person I... hope to be at his age. Of course, except for his marriage. But the reality is that he is the most important person at this table of friends. Jian is the eldest brother and the calmest person. Of course he has his own dilemmas, but he can deal with them calmly. Although I did not name him in the script, I hope that the audience will also have the same feelings after watching the movie. You think the same thing.

Did Locke know about Eva's cheating?

And his seeing a psychiatrist is actually evidence of "knowing" this tendency. He knew that his wife had cheated on his best friend, so he had no choice but to seek help from a psychiatrist. As for the reason...you can look at the script and everyone's attitude before the mobile game started. "

As he said that, he pointed at Eduardo and Liu Yifei next to him:

"Casimo is resisting because he has a secret that he cannot let his newlywed wife know. But he is resisting, but strong opposition at this time just proves his inner guilt. So he is pretending to be tough. Others are Everyone was laughing and joking, but Locke was the only one who expressed strong opposition. Although his opposition was still mild, he just told everyone: Human nature cannot stand the test. From this point, we can know that from beginning to end, he is The most sane one. It’s a wild story, my friend.”

Pointing to the script, he said word for word:

"But its background is that it happened during a lunar eclipse. Even at the end, I brought up an intriguing thing. That is, after everyone disbanded the dinner, these people walked out of Locke and Eva's house with normal expressions. And The lunar eclipse in the sky has disappeared.

Did this story really happen?

Does it really exist?

Even in the lines, when everyone gathered together to watch the lunar eclipse, someone said that they saw "two" moons.

Why do they say they saw two moons?

Why did they leave calmly at the end of the story, talking and laughing? "

Before Xu Xin finished speaking, Jasmine had already reacted:

"You left the suspense here?... Parallel world?"

"That's right."

The moment Xu Xin admitted it, everyone's eyes widened in surprise except for Philip, who had followed Xu Xin's ideas from beginning to end to construct this story.

Such details...

They read the script several times without paying attention, thinking it was just chatting among friends...


"Aren't you afraid that the audience won't be able to tell?"

Liu Yifei couldn't help but ask.

"Doesn't it matter if you don't see it?"

Xu Xin asked back.

At this time, Phillip spoke.

"When Xu and I discussed this idea, I also felt that it was a bit too casual. However... the next email he sent me made me understand the significance of this ending."

As he said that, he opened the screen of his mobile phone, and without much searching, he found the one that Xu Xin had replied to at that time among the "favorite" emails, and handed it to Jasmine next to him.

"I think Xu's words sublimate the whole story."

Following Phillip's words, Jasmine looked down and then looked up at her curious friends.

He coughed lightly and said in Italian:

"Philip, friend. Have you ever thought that if this cruel game had not started, people could still live in the illusion of stability.

But if we use our souls to torture.

In the darkness of reality, beneath the layers of folds, is the life you see a lie or the truth?

If you know it is a lie, do you have the courage to seek truth and change, even if your eyes are devastated and your body is bruised and bruised?

Some of the dark sides of human nature, like the secrets hidden in your partner’s cell phone, are destined to never be completely eradicated.

When two people move from strangers to familiarity, perfection no longer exists.

If you ask me a couple, how can we grow old together?

Sorry, based on my experience, the current response I can give you is: I have understood the truth about marriage, but still hold each other's hands without hesitation.

The rest of my life is so long, and there are so many roads I have never traveled and scenery I have never seen.

Even the little surprises hidden in ordinary life, because of each other's company, can show that memories are valuable and worthy of this life.

This is what I want to express to the audience through our story.

This game is brutal. Black is black and white is white.

Human nature cannot stand the cruel test.

The gray area between husband and wife is the last tolerance in the test.

Occasionally wandering is the bottom line for those who love me, but if I linger frequently, it is easy to leave. The cruel game in the story is the dark side of the moon. The lunar eclipse is the tenderness that we, as story creators, leave to the audience. "




When Jasmine finished reading.

What ushered in was everyone's thinking and silence.

Because they don't know what to say.

In other words, when the director expresses his thoughts...

This story has reached another level... or several heights in everyone's hearts.

They don't even need a deep understanding.

A good movie is worth watching over and over again. It's like pasta and pizza.

They keep people full.

But it is also the cornerstone of Italian cuisine. From the basis of this gastronomic concept, hundreds of flavors have evolved.

Or use a more vivid metaphor.

This story has become a cup of espresso at this moment.

Good coffee beans are not only bitter.

There are also cranberries, citrus, candied dates, and even more complex sweet aromas.

For most people, it’s pasta and pizza to fill up the stomach.

But as time goes by, those who really like this movie, watch it repeatedly, or have the ability to appreciate it, will be able to taste the long aftertaste of espresso unique to it.

Some stories.

Have this magic.

And the script in front of me...

Apparently it's one of them!

When the "truth" of the entire story was fully understood from this email from the director to the screenwriter...these actors, who had originally just received an invitation from Jasmine and agreed to star...only then did they truly understand that they had encountered What a story it is.


What kind of luck did you have to encounter this story?

"Director, when do we start?"

Marco, who was obviously the last to arrive but the earliest to realize, had a sense of longing in his tone at this moment.

And his words seemed to pierce the last trace of chaos in everyone's hearts.


In an instant, countless eyes were locked on Xu Xin.

They're saying: Yeah, director, when do we start?

Already... can't wait!

But Xu Xin just smiled and shrugged:

"Then it depends on when the rest of the crew will arrive. The actor you recommended Eduardo to play Sophia, and other crew members besides the director and photographer... To be honest, I am also... can't wait."

(Note 1: Regarding the explanation of the core ideas of the script of "Perfect Strangers", I refer to the film and television reviews of a certain author of "Sheng Sheng Bu Xi", which is mixed with some of my own processing, polishing and understanding. I would like to explain~ In addition, considering that many people do not know who the character actors are in this movie, and may not even have seen it, in terms of description, I will describe some of the parts of the acting that I think are wonderful after explaining the plot. Finished. It won’t be as detailed as other movies in terms of “heaven”. That would look a bit watery. Of course, I also recommend you to watch the original film, it’s really great.)

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