I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 863 859 Extremely Excellent

Chapter 863 859. Extremely Excellent

My friend ruthlessly deprived me of the right to name my new company.

Finally, Wang Sicong told him that you should not worry about the name of the new company.

Otherwise none of our friends would do it.

Take a look...

You're stingy.

On the 30th, he took a day off at home.

On July 1st, I flew directly to Xi’an.

Zhu Huailiang, who can almost be regarded as Xu Xin's royal editor, is already waiting for him, as well as people from the subtitle team.

In order to make the editing smooth, they will add subtitles to all the videos, saving Xu Xin and Zhu Huailiang the trouble of comparing sentence by sentence.

At the same time, the film will be translated into Chinese, Italian and English versions according to demand.

These three versions are the most basic versions. As for the subsequent subtitles, it depends on which film festival Xu Xin attends and which country's film producers will buy the film.

Of course, if you are more ambitious, you might as well not buy it.

Let’s talk about cooperation for global release.


Although he is very confident in his work, the global release of his work is still relatively illusory for him.

The total cost of a film is only 2.7 million euros, which translates to 21 million euros. Unless it is a big hit, it is simply a magical story to be released globally.

As for the film festival…

"Can Venice make it in time?"

"It's too late."

Qi Lei shook his head helplessly.

"Unless you can give me the finished film on July 20, it will definitely be too late."

July 20th is the deadline for works to be included in the Venice Film Festival.

It can’t be completed in just 20 days, so there’s no need to think about it at all.

Unless Lao Zhu and A Kun are immediately successful and can complete the soundtrack and editing work in 20 days... this will only require that there is no problem with the film's post-production dubbing.

After hearing this, Xu Xin looked at the calendar in his office.

Some of the dates above are specially marked with the time of the film festival's included works, opening time, etc.

Since Venice is too late...

"Tokyo is October 28th this year?"

"Yeah. Is it too late?"

Since he hasn't seen the original film, Qi Lei doesn't know what Xu Xin's movie is about.

I just have a rough idea of ​​the storyline.

Xu Xin counted with his fingers, then looked at the date of collection of works that ended on September 15th, and nodded:

"It should be in time. This film should take a month to two months at most, and it will be almost completed in the later stages."

"Then let's go to the Tokyo Film Festival. That place can be considered a blessed place for us. Besides... although it is not as good as the three major ones, it is the most valuable film festival in Asia."

"Yeah. Let's do it then~ Don't be anxious about the theater issues. We'll see what happens and then we'll talk about it."

After confirming the matter of "Telephone Ringing" in a few words, Xu Xin asked:

“How was the film festival this year?”

Mentioning this, Qi Lei's face couldn't help but have a glimmer of light:

"Better than last year! This year's works, as of the end of the collection time yesterday, included a total of 413 feature films. This is more than 100 films more than last year!"

Xu Xin was stunned:

"More than four hundred?...So many?"


Qi Lei nodded:

"For so many films, nearly 200 people have been recruited for this year's review alone. At the same time, another batch of membership applications have been accepted this year. The current number of members of the public review has exceeded 500. Who will talk about our work in the future? The film festival has no value, I have to smash his face!"

As he said that, he saw Xu Xin's brows suddenly wrinkled and asked subconsciously:

"What are you thinking about?"

"...Do these movies require a lot of investment?"

"Of course not much."

After realizing what Xu Xin meant, Qi Lei shook his head directly:

"On the contrary, the number of small investments is more than last year. If you really want to blame it, although it's hard to say clearly, in my heart, at least more than half of it is stimulated by "33 Days". Because this year's urban emotions alone There are nearly 170 stories in total, accounting for the absolute majority. I’m not talking about realistic themes, but simple love and emotional stories like "33 Days"."

"That is to say..."

"That can't be said."

Xu Xin clearly hadn't finished speaking yet, but Qi Lei seemed to have guessed what he was going to say, shaking his head and saying:

"In the final analysis, there are many advantages to this genre. For example, the subject matter is easy to control, and it is suitable for new directors. The investment is small, the story is easy to construct, etc. If you think about these more than 400 movies, they can be released in theaters. How many? It has been more than a year since "33 Days" was released, and the real dividends in the small-budget film market have been almost eaten up. It's not that people deliberately imitate you, I can only say... you set off a trend. Open a window for them.”

Speaking of this, Qi Lei paused and showed a dumb smile:

"Actually, I'm not afraid to tell you that when I didn't do the film festival before, I didn't have such deep feelings. But since I started doing it... or after seeing the number of these films this year, I really felt a kind of cruelty. .

Don't mention anything else, just calculate it as one million for one movie, 100 movies, that's 100 million. With this 100 million, if I can’t go to theaters, I’m not shortlisted, I can’t make it through...then I’m just being blind.

Although our circle is also about survival of the fittest, it really hurts me to see them wasting money like this.

No, I went to Yanjing for a meeting some time ago and met several friends from the movie channel. We all sat down and chatted. Let’s talk about the film market in the past two years. I won't mention other TV stations, let's just talk about movie channels. They also keep the prices down for some movies that are eye-catching. "

"What's the reason? Movies are flooding in?"

"That's right."

Qi Lei nodded:

"There are more and more people making movies. Usually, you might buy digital rights, which are a little more famous, and I won't mention the ones that are withdrawn from theaters. Let's talk about the most common digital movies, Fifty Ten thousand, six hundred thousand, the price is normal. But do you know what the price is now? Twenty, thirty. The broadcast rights were won in one round.

Two days ago, when Lao Zhang came back to supervise the production of "Journey to the West: Conquer the Demons", I met him and asked about the situation in Hengdian. Just a few days after your paper was published, I asked him about the current situation of actors in Hengdian... Your paper's inference is correct. Nowadays, extra actors are really everywhere in Hengdian... and there is a mix of large and small crews. According to According to him, the behavior of some film crews is like that of a gangster... The industry is full of chaos. "

Xu Xin lit a cigarette and said:

"But I can't meet it."

"That's for sure. If nothing else, if you let out the news now that you are going to make a costume film, see how the people in the film and television city react... They will all have to rob you. Who dares to pretend to be a big-tailed wolf in front of you? No. Dead?"

The corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

I don’t know whether you are praising me or hurting me by saying this.


Qi Lei is right.

He really can't be found.

No matter what movie he makes...unless there is a guy with a really abnormal mind, or someone who is confident and thinks that his backstage can suppress him.

Otherwise, from the film crew to the actors, and even everyone big and small, they are all good citizens in front of me.

No one who has any dirty thoughts would dare to show them in front of him.

There are many advantages to being a director, but there are also many disadvantages.

How to see the score.


"What about the rest?"

After hearing his words, Qi Lei said calmly:

"Now no one dares to mess with us directly. Not even in the Beijing area. Everyone does not offend the river. But... we have indeed suffered a loss. Including actors like them, resources this year have been somewhat tightened. Under our strategy of valuing talents but not valuing many, Actors who find their own way do still have to be subject to some restrictions."

Xu Xin frowned.

But when Qi Lei saw him frowning, he waved his hand:

"You don't have to worry, these are all minor problems. When I went to Yanjing for a meeting, Lao Xue and I also had a chat. You are our sharpest spear now, just move forward. As long as you can open up space , others will naturally be able to keep up. Otherwise...if there is no space, everyone will be in real disaster.

Mr. Tian is already talking with Shaanxi TV Station, and next year the two TV stations will work together to develop the TV series section. At the same time, we can make our own digital movies. Once the channels are opened, it's only a matter of time before you get ahead.

Besides... our actors' main business is also in movies. Now, there are probably one to two movies coming out every month at the Art Creation Center. There are opportunities. Not much, but at least fair. Everyone speaks based on their strength.

Let’s build up a reputation for being cheap and easy to use first. No matter how hard others try to seize the market, they still won't be able to finish the cake. "

Although Xu Xin knew in his heart that Qi Lei's words were only half right.

Because according to the current situation, if there is no particularly large external force to intervene, the resources of the northwest circle will definitely not expand as fast as they do.

The director is okay.

When the base of actors increases, there will really be a shortage of people.

But... what he said is quite right.

This brand name of mine...cannot fail.

Because if you don’t collapse, you can hold on and give everyone room to survive.

Whether it’s money from the box office, fame, or influence.

If you fall down, it's really all over.

As for the current predicament, there is really no good solution. Unless the factory can produce five or ten works at once, and produce three or five TV series at the same time, this situation of some actors being out of work can be alleviated.

But if you really do this, the risk is too great, and it is tantamount to drinking poison to quench your thirst.

The Northwest Circle has just begun to show signs of renaissance, and this road is inherently difficult. If you're not careful...it's too dangerous.

Thinking of this, he asked a very touching topic:

"Our funds are not tight, right?"

Qi Lei was stunned.

Then he looked dumbfounded:

"What kind of worry is this?"

"I see that a lot of projects have been launched this year, including Wu Jing's movie, which started last month."

"It's barely breaking even. The wealth you saved in the past few years is still there. Besides, we also have a financial tilt now, which doesn't matter. However, if you want to expand... To be honest, it's not enough. They are in If you roll it over, basically nothing will be left. Except for your budget, which is basically approved without even looking at it, other budgets in the factory are quite tight."


Xu Xin nodded silently.

After smoking a cigarette, he said directly:

"Okay, I think things are clear."

"Well, as long as you understand. But you don't have to worry about money. Let's balance things out. But if you really want to make some big move or something, just say hello in advance. It will definitely be fine."


The two finished chatting about the serious things that were not serious matters, and then chatted for a while.

During this period, Qi Lei also shared a piece of gossip with him.

Qin Hailu is in love.

and an actor named Wang Xinjun in the factory.

The two met while filming an anti-Japanese drama co-produced by the Shaanxi Armed Forces and Shaanxi Taiwan, and this year they confirmed their relationship.

In other words... Qin Hailu is now part of her mother's family.

Xu Xin looked strange when he heard this.

He didn't have much impression of Wang Xinjun as an actor, and he didn't care much about their love history.

Just weird...

You are the future leader of the northwest region, so why do you have time to care about such trivial matters?

And the look in his eyes made Qi Lei feel quite embarrassed.

Smile awkwardly.

Lower your head and drink tea.

Xu Xin went directly to Lao Zhu's studio, drank Maggie and worked together.

There are a total of 9 people in the subtitle group of "The Ringing Ring".

In 2 days, they translated and proofreaded the Italian translation of all the shots.

Translated into Chinese subtitles for the first edition.

With subtitles in place, Xu Xin and Zhu Huailiang began intense editing work.

The two of them almost ate and slept together, day and night.


After 4 days of busy work, the finely edited version was completed.

Yes, you are not mistaken.

Just four days.

On the first day, I took Xu Xin’s work notes and completed the rough cutting.

In the next three days, the two worked overtime day and night, fearing that they would not be able to keep up with the progress of the Tokyo Film Festival. Xu Xin didn't go home for three days, almost killing Lao Zhu.

But the results are gratifying.

Because when the movie was shot, almost all fixed shots of Qing Yishui were used, including some transitions in the middle, which were all freeze-frame transitions. The editing difficulty was almost zero. The only difference was that because of too much talking, close-ups were interspersed. Cumbersome.

However, Director Xu personally supervised it.

In 4 days, Lao Zhu gave a perfect answer sheet.


People asked for leave.

No, I drank too much milk tea in the past few days, and every time I pee, I'm covered in foam.

He needs to check for urine protein.

After drinking San Pellegrino for a few days, Xu Xin felt less stressed.

When all the editing of the film was completed, on the 7th, he submitted the new work for review and review.

Qi Lei, Tian Shuanghe and other backbones of Xi Film Studio once again gathered in the small screening room.

When Tian Shuanghe was called, there were still question marks on his head:

"Isn't Xiao Xu here on the 1st?"

"Yes, arrived on the 1st."

Following Xu Xin's reply, he lowered his head and looked at the date on his phone...

"Is the movie finished in 6 days?"

"Yes, it's done."


In Tian Shuanghe's speechless gaze, Qi Lei on the side said:

"Lao Zhu took leave today and went to the hospital. He stayed up too late these past few days and his urine was full of foam. He went to have his urine protein checked."


The leader of the Northwest Circle is even more speechless.

He came up with a rather darkly humorous saying, and I don’t know who he learned it from:

"Did Xiao Xu sacrifice Lao Zhu?"

Under Xu Xin's mixed expressions, he shook his head helplessly:

"You are too useless as an editor."

Amidst the joking, everyone took their seats.

The movie starts playing.

Because the editing has only been completed, and the sound effects have not been processed in the post-production process, the sound is more or less hollow, and there are some noises from time to time.

However, when Tian Shuanghe watched the scene start, Liu Yifei appeared holding a phone and making a call in Italian while putting on makeup in the bathroom. He was stunned:

"Xiao Liu's change... is quite big."

His words were recognized by everyone.

Not to mention her fluent Italian, just her short hair style is surprising enough.

Then there is the sweet entanglement between Casimo and Bianca in the bathroom...

It's said to be sweet and touching, but the movements are actually quite normal.

Then when the two of them went out, the camera turned and Carlotta came out of the door...

No one said a word.

Everyone just looked at the picture.

The only thing I didn't get used to was having to read subtitles.

But as the movie progresses, these are no longer problems.

In the first 20 minutes of the film, Tian Shuanghe opened his mouth, originally planning to say something.

Because from his point of view, the first 15 minutes... were too cumbersome. Although Xiao Xu's story makes it very clear that it is a gathering of friends.

But just listening to these Italians chatting with each other, there is definitely an atmosphere.

But the question is... will it be too... wordy?

Especially Italian, which sounds very wordy to Chinese people.

But it must be admitted.

The scene designed by Xiao Xu this time, including lighting, colors, furnishings, etc... is really pleasing to the eye.

He even asked:

"This was taken at someone else's home? Or in a studio?"

It can be seen how rich the atmosphere of life is under these scenes.

However, when the time came to 16 minutes and everyone started to sit at the table to eat, the moment Jasmine picked up her phone...

A more elegant description would be:

"The gears of fate begin to turn."


From the beginning of the movie to the end.

87 minutes and 9 seconds.

After 87 minutes and 9 seconds, everyone was speechless.

The movie returns to the WINDOWS desktop.

The staff opened the thick light-blocking curtains in the screening room.

When the sun shines in from the window...

Everyone narrowed their eyes.

In a daze, it was somewhat difficult to regain consciousness.

Is this movie simple?

It couldn't be simpler.

They were like spectators, spending an hour and a half at a friend's house.

But...is this movie complicated?

Extremely complicated!

Through the previous 16 minutes of foreshadowing, plot hints, phone calls, and character reversals... layer by layer, Xu Xin used a party to lay out a topic about human nature, husband and wife, gender, gender, and even philosophy. In front of everyone.

The rhythm goes from relaxed and happy at the beginning to tight reversals at the end, climax...

Obviously during these 87 minutes, someone else is talking every moment, and the plot structure is quite cumbersome. But the overall rhythm is terrible.

There is a degree of relaxation.

What a complete mess...

Especially this story!

At first, everyone thought the story seemed too long-winded.

However, when the play was over, everyone had only one feeling left in their hearts.

The meaning is still unfinished.



"Pah, pah, pah..."

Tian Shuanghe's voice sounded together with the applause.

There is still a hearty aftertaste on the face.

"A wonderful story."

He applauded and looked at Xu Xin and said.

Then, the same applause filled the entire small screening room.

Amidst the applause, Xu Xin said with a smile:

"Do you think there is any shortcoming?"


Tian Shuanghe nodded.

Gave his own answer:

"The only thing that makes me feel that there is a flaw in the ointment is... I didn't watch enough. Although at the end, I saw that you were constructing an illusory story. You borrowed the lunar eclipse to foreshadow that this was just an ordinary night. A few It was just a gathering of friends for a happy dinner. But... I would like to see if this is a true story, how they will face their own lives after returning home. After all, everyone has bad deeds. The spotted side..."

Speaking of this, he sighed with emotion:

"I haven't seen enough..."

But the conversation changed again:

"However, this kind of shortcoming is not a kind of perfection?...Tsk. What a good story. It is the best one among the "foreign" movies I have seen in recent years. Well done, Xiao Xu !”


He takes the lead.

The applause resumed.

Two consecutive applauses were enough to represent how satisfied he was with the movie!


It's really an excellent film!

Moreover, it is a film produced by West Film Studio!

Everyone is happy!

In Xu Xin's equally happy eyes, he said:

"Hurry up and process it and pass the review. I'm really looking forward to everyone's feedback when it's released!"

"Eh, no problem."

Xu Xin nodded vigorously and agreed.

By the way, there will only be one update tomorrow. The kindergarten stopped a safe study and had to take the children with it. Times of Day. Please understand.

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