I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 864 Chapter 860

Chapter 864 860.

"...Who? Yu Yan?"

Duan Yihong opened his mouth subconsciously and looked at Wu Jing, who was sitting opposite him, with a stunned look on his face.

Wu Jing was also stunned:

"Yes, Yu Yi, what's wrong? Haven't you two worked together before?"


Duan Yihong continued to stare at him with his small eyes, as if to make sure he was joking.

Seeing that Wu Jing was just confused and puzzled, but had no intention of joking, he finally couldn't help but ask:

"Why did you find her?"

"I think her acting is good. She also has a military temperament, and... Lao Duan, the studio approved 28 million for my film. In the end, I discussed it with Director Xu and added another 200. A total of 30 million. The budget is so much, who do you think I can find? Where can I find actresses who are good at acting, beautiful, and have a military temperament? The most important thing is that their salary is not high... Do you have anyone? Can you recommend one to me?"

Wu Jing had a look on his face that said, "You're weird."

But who would have thought that after hearing this, Duan Yihong looked at his friend with a look that said, "You are even weirder."

At the same time, he couldn’t help but ask:

"Do you... know her?"

"I know, she is an international movie queen and her acting skills are guaranteed. People even say that she is more famous abroad than Gong Li..."

"...That's not all. I'm talking about Yu Yan, her background, her... past, do you know about her?"

Wu Jing was really stunned now.

Seeing him banging his hammer here and there and asking questions without saying anything, he couldn't help but ask:

"What on earth do you want to say? She has a good reputation. I asked a few people, and when they mentioned her, they all gave a thumbs up. They praised her for her dedication... Brother, you don't know about my drama? We are going to the army for training. , the shooting conditions are also quite difficult. Most people can't bear this. I must find someone who is dedicated. If she has a sweet temper, should I ask her to act in the movie? Or should I hire her to serve her? "


After hearing this, Duan Yihong was sure that he really didn't know anything.

So, he put down the chopsticks for eating, pursed his thick lips a few times, organized his words, and said:

"Her ex-boyfriend... is Wang Quaan'an. Wang Quaan'an from Xiying Studio. The two have been in love for ten years. After Yu Gong became pregnant, Wang Quaan'an not only did not marry her, but broke up with her and switched to Zhang Yu Qi’s arms. I’m not sure if Yu Qian knows that you got the money from Xiying Studio, but... Wang Quanan is still at Xiying Studio, and his status is not low. You take the money from Xiying Studio, I’m filming with someone’s ex-girlfriend… I just got my license with Zhang Yuqi last year… and you’ve only joined Xiying Film Studio for less than a year…”


Wu Qingfeng was stunned.

Looking straight at Lao Duan, I felt "buzz, buzz, buzz" start to sound in my head.

And Duan Yihong stopped talking.

He took out a piece of mutton from the steaming shabu-shabu in front of them with chopsticks, put it into the sesame sauce bowl, stirred it twice, and said:

"I understand your difficulties, but... you'd better talk to Director Xu and ask him how to deal with this matter. There must be mountains in Xiying Studio. At the beginning, you were helpless and suffered losses for so many years. .It’s so easy to find a backer...Don’t rush forward with all your heart in whatever you do. It’s too much of a disadvantage.”

He did not continue to distinguish the pros and cons for his friend.

What about Wang Quanan's position, what about Yu Yi's embarrassment, etc... It's not necessary.

Everyone is not stupid.

He believes that his friends can understand.

As a friend, what he has to do is to give him a quick tip and let him know how to deal with this matter now.

Wu Jing's reaction was equally direct.

He nodded directly, picked up the phone, and was about to call when he suddenly asked:

"Is it appropriate for me to fight now?"

Duan Yihong checked the time.

Early 12 o'clock.

"It should be no problem. Director Xu doesn't pick the time when he answers the phone. But... you know what to say, right?"

"……How to say?"

"Just say that the crew of "Wolf Warrior" is now looking for a heroine. They want to find a heroine who is good at acting, dedicated, and down-to-earth. And for Long Xiaoyun's character image, you think the most suitable one is Yu Yi. But considering Yu Yi The relationship with Director Wang... Director Xu, you can decide whether it is suitable or not. Give him the decision-making power, and don't say anything like you have to be Yu Qian..."


Wu Jing nodded vigorously and dialed the phone directly.


The phone rang about seven or eight times before the call was answered.

Then I heard the sound of the door closing over there, and Xu Xin's voice sounded:

"Brother Jing, tell me."

"Director Xu, are you busy?"

"Um...no, just tell me if you have something to do. I'm not busy. What's wrong?"

At this time, he saw Duan Yihong's gesture.

Remind yourself to turn on speakerphone.

So he quickly operated it and said while operating:

"Director Xu, it's like this. Aren't I currently preparing for "Wolf Warrior"..."

"Yes. Have the people in Nanjing been in contact with you?"

"Hey, I've already communicated with the comrades over there."

"That's fine. The relationship is directed by Zhang Wu. They are comrades in arms, and they are also responsible for the publicity aspect. Your script is very good, and it can highlight the positive image of soldiers. Director Zhang told me to just do the work, so it should be fine. question."

"Yes, yes, they are very supportive there... Director Xu, that's it, I have another thing to call you about. It's about the heroine. My goal is to be a good, down-to-earth, dedicated actor. Then ...For the role of Long Xiaoyun, when I was chatting with several of the main creators, they recommended a person to me. Yu Dong, but... considering the relationship between Yu Dong and Director Wang..."


Xu Xin asked as if he didn't hear clearly.

"Yu Yan."


Xu Xin thought about it and felt that the name sounded familiar, but he couldn't remember who it was.

Then, he asked in confusion:

"Who is Director Wang?"



Not to mention Wu was shocked, even Duan Yihong was speechless.

I wonder why Director Xu doesn’t even know this?

After receiving approval from his friend's eyes, Wu Jing quickly explained:

"Wang Quanan, Director Wang."


Xu Xin was stunned.

"He and Zhang Yuqi broke up?"



have to.

Duan Yihong couldn't laugh or cry.

My heart said what the hell is this...


Xu Xin, who understood the cause and effect, said:

"Oh... that is to say, do you think Yu Yan is suitable for the role of Long Xiaoyun?"

"Yes, very suitable."

"Then choose her. As long as she doesn't have any grudges."


At this time, Wu Jing was a little stunned.

Just listen to Xu Xin say:

"In the future, there is no need to worry so much about casting. Don't worry about who is whose ex-girlfriend, or whether everyone is in a different circle. No need to think about it. The pay is reasonable, the play is okay, and the role fits. To put it bluntly, everyone is the same. In China, everyone is an independent individual. As long as there are no moral or principle issues, you don’t have to consider who you choose. If you don’t mention anything else, you are just arranging Director Feng to play a role in this play. That doesn’t matter. It doesn’t matter. You are the director, so you can make your choice with confidence. No one from me or in the factory will have any objections. If anyone has any objections, just let them come to me directly."




The phone hangs up.

Duan Yihong took out a cigarette from the cigarette case and lit it.

After thinking for a while, he said to Wu Jing:

"Next, you have to talk to Yu Yan about the situation of this script. Tell him that the script is your own, and although the investment is from the factory, it is Director Xu's project. She...should be very interested in Xiying Studio I understand. After all, when she left, Director Xu... seemed to have gone in, right? She must have some connections there, and she should know about the script if she inquired a little bit. As long as she has no worries, then there will be no problem with this matter. "


Wu Jing nodded, but did not rush to call, but said:

"I'll call her in the afternoon. Let's eat first, come on."

He picked up the wine glass.

"A big mouthful."

As a reminder, Duan Yihong was speechless and swallowed the remaining ounce of wine in his cup.

Although Duan Yihong was speechless, he also didn't owe him wine.

After taking a big sip, he grinned.

Apparently, the wine was very strong.

Take a puff of cigarette quickly.

When a puff of smoke came out, I suddenly heard my old friend with a slightly red face say:

"Damn it, is this what it feels like to have a backer!?"

Rarely, he cursed.

But in this foul language, his temperament is fully revealed.

That was the sigh after being ignorant and bumping into the south wall countless times.

Duan Yihong was speechless for a moment.

After taking two or three puffs of cigarette, he said:

"Although it is impossible for everyone to be like Director Xu... but I can only say that he is indeed different from others."


Wu Jing nodded, suddenly looked at him and asked:

"Are you coming?"


Duan Yihong smiled and shook his head:

"I don't mix in circles, I just act."


Hearing this, Wu Jing didn't say much.

Just picked up the bottle again.

Every time the two brothers sit down to drink together, they're afraid it won't end without Erjin.

Today I feel...much happier.

After putting down the phone, Xu Xin returned to the box in the factory canteen.

After sitting down, he said:

"Wu Jing called me just now."

Under the confused looks of Tian Shuanghe and Qi Lei, he briefly explained the matter.

Tian Shuanghe nodded slightly.

Obviously, Xu Xin got his approval for doing this.

Qi Lei sighed slightly.

"Oh...Xiao Yu..."

He seemed to want to say something, but in the end he just shook his head.

And Xu Xin said:

"Speaking of which, Wang Quanan's side..."

"The movie should be finished by now."

Qi Lei's words stunned Xu Xin:

"So fast?"

"It's been a year. The construction of the Bailuyuan Folk Custom Village in Lantian is almost completed. Probably at the beginning of last month, the entire crew has withdrawn from Bailuyuan. The filming should be completed."

Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded first, and then asked:

"Then his total investment in this drama..."

"Several companies in Yanjing gave him 85 million. Counting our 10 million, I estimate that when the movie's promotion is included, the investment in this movie will exceed 100 million."


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, and suddenly sighed:

"A big production worth over 100 million yuan..."

At this time, Tian Shuanghe said:

"Xiao Xu, what are your plans next?"

"I also have a script that I have been saving for several years."

After understanding the leader's intention, Xu Xin said directly:

"A movie... adapted from the real experience of a friend of my dad's. I plan to use Yang Mi as the heroine of this movie. I have been working on it for several years. The investment... won't be too big, maybe only two You can get it for 30 million. After this movie is finished, I plan to actively embrace the market and make some commercial films."

Tian Shuanghe and others, after hearing his words, actually didn't have much joy on their faces.

But he didn't object either.

In fact, if this were said to other people, when they heard that Xu Xin was going to make a commercial film, considering that he could even harvest so much box office for literary films, how many people would be tempted by the estimated profits from commercial films.

But this group of people does not have that "lust for profit" appearance.

On the contrary, Tian Shuanghe said:

"There is no need to be blind, just pick the subject matter that interests you. There is no income-generating standard in the factory, not to mention that everyone else is also working hard. As long as you follow your own steps, everyone will support you."

"Hey, that's good."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded.

After finishing the meal, Xu Xin planned to say goodbye.

He had to go back to Yanjing to talk to A Kun about the soundtrack.

Finish the soundtrack and complete all other post-production work during this time, so that when Jasmine and the others come over, they can re-restore and record a few places where the sound sources are not authentic, and the entire movie can be said to be finished.

Before leaving, Qi Lei went to the airport to see him off.

I didn’t forget to remind him: July 20th is the time for all the judges to select the film awards. Tell him not to be late.

Xu Xin naturally remembered.

Then, the two parted ways, and he set out on his way home.

Actually, he didn't say that he had to go back today, but...

"Don't you guys have a home?"

Xu Xin, who pushed the suitcase back home, couldn't help but complain when he saw the three live dads sitting in the pavilion next to his fish pond, playing mahjong.

"Brother Xu."

As he complained, Kun Ling greeted him politely.

"Hey, sister-in-law."

Hearing his name, Kun Ling quickly waved her hand to signal not to call him like that.

Jay Chou, on the other hand, didn't care about his girlfriend and friends at all. Instead, he looked at the cards in front of him with a sad face.

Then, Xu Xin walked into the pavilion and took a look at Jay Chou's cards.

"Yo? There are four six holes and five holes."


Jay Chou was stunned when he heard this, and he wished he could punch this bastard to death.

When Lang Lang, his next boss, heard this, Lang Lang, who originally wanted to play five cards, quickly changed his cards:

"Eight items."

Five, six, seventy-eight, five to eight are all the same virtue.

Then in order to cover up his guilty conscience, he even said:

"You just came back... Stop! Just stand behind him, don't come towards us."

Seeing that Xu Xin was about to go to him to look at the cards, the artist raised his hands worth eighty million and stopped him.

Yang Mi didn't even look at her husband, and started to draw cards with the same frown.

He grabbed it, touched it, and was stunned for a moment.

It must have been that he didn't pick up any cards with his middle finger, so he picked it up again, took a look at it, and threw it out casually:

"Dongfeng...what a bad card! Why is it so difficult to deal with it!"

Wang Sicong, who was sitting next to Jay Chou, looked down at his pair of Dongfeng and was about to touch the cards.

"You didn't touch? Didn't you just straighten up after touching?"


have to.

Now everyone knows that he has a lot of talent.

Wang Sicong was speechless.

"I tried to hold it up, but it was stuck. I want to adjust it again."

"Good cards are worse than bad cards. You go first, the wheels are all over, and there are only 7 cards left. Why don't you hurry up and play?"


Seeing that he had revealed all his cards, Wang Sicong was even more speechless.

"Why are you so disrespectful to others... touch."

Dongfeng, who had left Yang Mi behind, grabbed Dongfeng and played the 90,000 card. The card type was Hu 79,000. He complained and pointed at Kun Ling:

"Hannah, what are you doing? Go get him a bowl of rotten meat noodles and let him eat it outside the door."


Yang Mi looked surprised:

"Okay, what are you starting to watch?"

"That's called Lao She!"

Lang Lang couldn't laugh or cry.

Wang Sicong, who was complained about, rolled his eyes:

"Why are you so humorless..."

"Huh! Hahahahaha! I'm crazy!"

As soon as he finished speaking, Jay Chou caught the five-ticket card.

As soon as the card was pushed down, he grabbed the hand of Wang Sicong, who looked extremely ugly:

"Thank you, big brother! Thank you, big brother! Touch yourself up and down!"


Wang Sicong was speechless.

Yang Mi also looked at her husband as if he had eaten shit:

"Why are you so disrespectful to others!!!"

have to.

It took less than three minutes to get home.

This is the achievement that makes people hate dogs.


"Hey hey hey, let me play for a while. I haven't touched this for a long time. Let me dunk a few."

He licked his face and said nice things to his wife for a while, and then coaxed Yang Mi to stand up.

"Just two, don't hit too many, do you hear me? You will change them when Brother Seven comes back."

"Okay...why did Seventh Brother go?"

"I took Nuannuan and Yangyang to buy ice cream."

"Oh, okay."

Xu Xin asked while counting the cards:

"How big is it?"

"One hundred."

Hearing this, he felt relieved.

Well, it's a small gamble.


He looked at his wife's few remaining playing cards in the drawer and asked again:

"How many tickets per person?"


Twenty pieces, that’s two thousand dollars.

Did she lose more than a thousand?


How dare you play mahjong at this level?

After finishing the cards, he took a look at his starting hand that was both stylish and dragon-like, and nodded with satisfaction.

After both Wheel and Lao Lang finished playing cards, they threw out one without even touching it:


That momentum clearly told everyone:

"I have no luck with this card!"

As soon as I got a piece of three cakes in my hand, I heard Wang Sicong say:



Looking at the three two pieces pushed down by the other party, Xu Xin's face was stiff.

Wang Sicong glanced at him with a smile:

"A hundred."



Sun thief.

I had sex with Ya today!

If we demolish the house and sell the land, I will kill you today!

We're not done yet!

And while the card game was going on, he casually asked:

"The Voice is about to start?"

"Hmm...one piece of cake."

Jay Chou nodded, played a card, and said to Xu Xin:

"By the way, A Xin, there is something I want to discuss with you."

"Say it, Nanfeng."

As Lang Lang's cards were played out, Xu Xin was just about to draw the cards when he heard him say:

“I want to quit ‘The Voice’.”




The three of them were stunned.

(This is an activity organized by a kindergarten for children. Why are the adults more tired than them? I am as tired as a grandson...)

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