I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 865 861 Prototype

Chapter 865 861. Prototype

Jay Chou's words were actually not very firm.

Otherwise, he wouldn't have used the premise of "discuss" with the three of them in the first place.


Exit the good voice...

As the flagship program of "The Voice", it can be said that the success of "The Voice" is inseparable from the four judges. Especially Jay Chou. Since the first episode, the program has been able to continuously break various ratings records, increase its commercial value, etc., all of which are inextricably linked to him.

It's not an exaggeration to say it's a soul.

And now that the soul is withdrawing, it definitely means that its value has been damaged.

Even if we replace four equally well-known mentors, we will definitely lose a lot.

Do the three of them understand this?

Of course I understand.


"Why? Are you tired?"

Lang Lang didn't resist, but was a little curious.

Jay Chou nodded slightly:

"That's right. In fact, the real reason is that every year many plans are disrupted by "The Voice". Music, albums, concerts..."

"Just wait a moment."

Xu Xin quickly interrupted him, and after randomly playing a card, he shook his head like a rattle:

"The Voice is not going to take the blame for this. Whether your album comes out or not has nothing to do with us! Don't pass the blame. If the talent is exhausted, the talent will be exhausted!"




In Jay Chou's ridiculous expression of "What the hell are you talking about?", the two people next to him also have an expression of "Brother, are you telling the truth?"

Xu Xin continued to ask indifferently:

"Besides these reasons, what else is there?"

"Falling in love counts as one."

Wang Sicong interrupted.

"Well, this reason is acceptable."

Lang Lang nodded directly.

Xu Xin also responded:


Jay Chou was speechless now.

I specifically said that it was delaying my music making, but you said that I am a talented person making excuses.

In the end, Lao Wang found an excuse to fall in love, and the three of you unanimously agreed?

...Why are you so mean?

"I also delayed my brothers from going out to play. I said I would go to XZ by car. I have been saying it for two years and still haven't gone."

"Yes, he goes to Xi'an every year, and we bump into him from time to time. I haven't been back to Tamsui Old Street for many years."

"I remembered it when you said this, Lao Xu, didn't you buy a house in Tamsui?"

"Yes, I picked up Guo Caijie in Tamsui. I haven't been to that house for several years. When he comes, I am too lazy to go to Wanwan, but if he doesn't come, I can still go to Wanwan."

"Besides, he's almost the same age... Kun Ling isn't here, so let me say one more thing. It's time to have a child, right?"

"Kun Ling isn't here, so I'll chime in. Are you out of your depth?"

"Hey! Lao Wang, this is too much. How can you doubt him?... It's okay, don't glare, I believe you will be fine. Don't worry, Kun Ling is not here, I will just say this more, I will definitely say it at other times behind you!"

The three people started chatting.

Obviously they were talking about "The Voice" at the beginning, but as they were chatting, Jay Chou was completely speechless.

Why are you still worrying about important life events for me?

"Are you very free! Huh?! Why are you all so cool? I'm talking about work matters... What do you mean by taking advantage of Kun Ling's absence? Does Kun Ling's absence have anything to do with this matter?!"

Seeing him talk back, Wang Sicong shook his head:

"Okay, then I'll tell you my opinion. From the company's perspective, I don't agree with you resigning. However, as long as you admit it to your friends personally that you want to spend more time with your girlfriend, then I will agree. .what about you?"

"...Why are you so good at being a human being?"

Xu Xin looked disgusted and was about to say something, but when he saw Kun Ling taking out a plate of fruit from the kitchen, he said the first half of the sentence:

"I heard the sound of the abacus even in Liuli Bridge. Bah, what the hell! How hypocritical!"

Then he immediately changed his words:

"...Brother, I support you unconditionally! I am your fan!"

"Hey! Let go!!! Wow, you are so disgusting..."

Lang Lang on the side was also happy:

"Okay, okay, let's get down to business... If you want to quit, then..."

"Actually, in addition to Li Keqin, Teacher Han Hong and Teacher Dao Lang also want to quit."

Looking at the surprised looks in the three people's eyes, Jay Chou shrugged and showed a helpless look:

"The players... are becoming more and more mediocre. For example, last year's champion Li Qi, I really think he is very mediocre. I don't see any potential in him to become a top singer. Even... eh, I can tell you this, last year For the singers throughout the season, I don’t see any possibility of them becoming mainstays in the future. Sometimes I even wonder where the talents from the first season have gone. Why have they disappeared..."

After hearing his words, Xu Xin's first reaction was to look at Wang Sicong:

"What about the number of auditions? Are there any problems? The review mechanism? A shady story?"

Wang Sicong's expression also became serious.

The core competitiveness of "The Voice" is that the music is authentic. However, when the brothers came up with this program, everyone hoped that it would bring more voices to the Chinese music scene in the future.

And when the wheel says that these people are all mediocre, it means that no matter whether there is a problem or not...or the situation that Lao Xu mentioned, the problem must be at the source.

So, he nodded and explained:

"When I go back, I will fire a group of people from the review team, and then recruit a new group. Then I will send people to the audition stage to find out. But... one thing I must also say is that in fact, not only last year, but also from the first Starting from the second season, music majors account for at least 50% of the auditions every year. The remaining 50% are mostly bar singers, or singers who are unsuccessful in a certain audition... Starting next year, I don’t need to audition people from Jewell, okay? I think they are also a little tired of aesthetics. I will recruit a new group of people."

"Okay, I think so too."

Jay Chou didn’t have any reluctance:

"Moreover, I think it's best to rotate once a year. Everyone has different tastes and aesthetics. Because of these differences, sometimes more talents can be found. People like Jewell may have really solidified their thinking over the years. "

"Then just change them all."

Suddenly, Xu Xin said something.

Then seeing the three people looking at him, he said directly, having not played a card for a long time:

"If Li Keqin is willing to stay, just keep him and replace all the others. Replace with three equally heavyweight ones. For example, Lin Junjie, isn't the wheel a good friend of him? And Chen Yixun... Sun Yanzi! This is good! The only woman who has defeated Jay Chou~!"


On Jay Chou's suddenly colorful expression, Xu Xin began to dance in his honor.

"Replace three people, and then we will no longer solidify the judges every year, but start... looking for responsible judges and teachers for each song type who are willing to do something for the music industry. How about it?"

"This is fine. Whether it's an audition or a blind audition, it rotates every year, so everyone has different tastes!"

"Let's not change the host... I think Zhang Jiao did a pretty good job."

"Then you definitely can't change it. Jiaojiao is Yang's mother's cub~"

"Tsk, Old Wang, you still know how to speak..."

"I hope this change will bring more good voices to the music scene instead of such mediocre singers..."

The few words spoken by four people, which can almost be said to be very flat, determined the prospects of a program that still dominates the ratings of domestic music programs.

But Kun Ling, who was sitting next to Jay Chou and eating fruit, didn't show any surprise on her face.

Obviously, she already knew that her boyfriend was quitting The Voice.


Although not unexpected, it was surprising.

Because... "The Voice" is really profitable.

When her boyfriend initially decided to quit, she stopped him because she thought it would be a pity not to make so much money.

He also expressed his suggestion on whether to consider the ideas of the other three people.

I think it’s better not to have your own way.

Naturally, my boyfriend also understands this truth, so he came up with such a carefully considered topic.

And now listening to what they were talking about...

In fact, Kun Ling had a doubt in her heart unconsciously.

Do they... have too many things to worry about?

"The Voice" is just a talent show. The talent show’s ratings are so good and its popularity is so high, so there’s no problem at all.

Although the boyfriend's withdrawal will definitely cause some low points. But... just focus on the show, right?

Why should they worry about whether these singers are mediocre or not?

No matter how mediocre he is, he is still a champion, right?

Are you a little...worrying too much?

These don't seem to be things they worry about~

She was filled with doubts.

But don't ask.

Because...from the moment the two confirmed their relationship, her mother told her that the people around her boyfriend were very powerful people. The reason why these people are so powerful and successful must have their own outstanding characteristics.

She is still young and does not understand many things.

But I also understand that every successful person has his own philosophy of life.

This is also the reason why so many books written by rich people on how to become successful sell so well~!

I still lack a lot.

Learn slowly and observe more.

I really don’t understand... I can just ask my boyfriend in private~

While she was thinking about it, she suddenly heard someone calling her:



Kun Ling came back to her senses and took a look. After realizing that it was Wang Sicong calling her, she nodded:

"Brother Cong, what's wrong?"

"Oh my bones..."

Xu Xin quickly yelled something strange.

Lang Lang also nodded:

"I'd be happy if it were me..."

Jay Chou didn't know whether to laugh or cry, but he still explained to his girlfriend:

"He asked if you would be interested in being a regular guest on a show."


Kun Ling didn't react for a while.

Just listen to Wang Sicong say:

"A program called "Running Man"... is still in the planning stage. However, the show has seven people, six men and one woman, this basic format. Regular guests, are you interested?"


Kun Ling seemed to understand something and immediately spoke in English.

Wang Sicong's eyes lit up:

"Yo? You know?"

Kun Ling nodded:

"I've seen it~ The one that's super popular in Korea is super interesting!"

Hearing this, Big Lao Wang's face showed bursts of contentment:

"Look, brother, I am very discerning, right? As early as when the show first aired, I had a hunch that this show would be a hit! I bought the five-year copyright right away!"




As soon as he said these words, the three people next to him were speechless.

Xu Xin opened his mouth...

Want to expose him.

But looking at his coquettish character, he finally chose to save face for his buddy.

never mind.

Do you have good taste?

Why don't you have a lot of money and people give it to you?



It must be admitted.

Fortune favors fools.

When I bought RUNNINGMAN, the show was really half-dead. At a stage where he could be cut in half at any time.

But this year it started to become popular inexplicably.

Even Yang Mi became an audience member of that show.

She especially likes the silly big guy in it, whose name seems to be... Lee Kwang Soo.

And the ratings of that program in South Korea are now said to have exceeded 40%.

There is even a sense of déjà vu that has become so popular throughout Asia and even the world.

And the original move of buying the five-year copyright for 3 million a year and 15 million became Wang Sicong's proud work.

He obviously didn't do anything, but he took the most credit.

According to Lao Wang, several domestic companies are now in contact with South Korea.

The intestines in South Korea are also regretful.

The copyright contract signed by Lao Wang is not for a fixed period of time, but for five years starting from the launch of the program.

If this trend continues, even if he does nothing and just sells the copyright, he will be able to earn at least five times or even ten times the profit.

But this good thing will certainly not be exhausted.

There are so many things that can be developed in a variety show.

Therefore, he is planning to do it himself and has already started recruiting a creative team.


Stupid people have stupid blessings.

But Kun Ling, who received the invitation, was not carried away. Instead, she immediately looked at her boyfriend.

The meaning of the inquiry is extremely obvious.

Seeing this, Jay Chou asked softly:

"do you want to go?"

"I... I won't mention whether I'm going or not. The main reason is... Ji-hyo and GARY are Monday lovers~"

Jay Chou obviously also watched RUNNINGMAN.

I immediately understood my girlfriend’s concerns.

He smiled and shook his head:

"It's just a program script."

Xu Xin also nodded:

"That's right. Work and life should be separated. Besides, we don't necessarily have to fire. Just wait and see. If you feel it's inappropriate, stop it in time."


Jay Chou obviously holds the same view.

Seeing this, Kun Ling thought for a while and said:

"Brother Cong, can I think about it?"

"No problem. I plan to release this show next year, so I'm not in a hurry. I still have to find candidates. Don't feel pressured. If anything happens, you two will discuss it then... Oh yes, Lao Xu, let's talk about this. , I still have to discuss it with you."


"Lin Gou, he's going to be on this show."


Xu Xin frowned:

"Is he going to come?"


Wang Sicong was also a little helpless:

"A pretty determined one."

"...What did you say?"

"I definitely said no. I said you are an actor, why are you involved in variety shows? Are you afraid that your character will be fixed and the audience will see you in the show in the future?...I don't know what this guy is thinking, but here comes: It’s okay, don’t be afraid.”


At this time, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

To be honest, is Lin Gou short of money?

Of course there is no shortage.

Being an actor is a hobby.

Now I want to be in a variety show... No need to ask, I am definitely interested.


As a friend, Xu Xin naturally supports his friends in doing things they are interested in.

But the problem is that he is an actor.

As a director myself... give me the most realistic example. For example, his current movie needs a host role.

Will he find someone to audition for this role? Or should we directly find someone like Sa Beining or He Jiong to play the role?

The answer is undoubtedly the former.

Because whenever the latter two appear in the position of host, whether it is a movie or not, the audience will be shocked.

Therefore, as a director, he naturally hopes to use pure actors instead of some variety show star.

But it just so happens that this person is Lin Gou.

A forest dog whose palms and backs are full of meat.

He wants to be on a variety show... If it's just a standalone variety show, there's no need to tell him.

Lao Wang immediately agreed.

But the relationship between everyone lies here...

He was struggling.

At this time, a voice intervened:

"Lin Gou can come if he wants."

Yang Mi, who walked out of the kitchen with insulated gloves on her hands and a tray, came to a few people at some point.

It also has a serious wheat aroma.

In the tray are freshly baked cookies.

"Try it, it's fresh from the oven."

Holding the tray, she motioned for everyone to take a piece and try it, and then she said:

"We are friends first, and then actors. Besides... Lin Gou actually has always been quite Buddhist when it comes to being an actor. I assigned him jobs. Wasn't it also his interest when he signed up for acting? If he wanted to, he could do it. I I don’t think it’s a big deal. When he comes back in a few days, I’ll have a good chat with him. Besides... being on a variety show doesn’t mean that you’ll never be able to act in a movie. It’s not that exaggerated..."

Hearing this, Xu Xin, who was holding a biscuit in his hand, first reacted:

"You know a hammer."

As a director, no one knows better than him what state an actor likes best.

But when he subconsciously looked at his wife, he found that she was also looking at him:

"We can't impose our wishes on others. I understand your concerns. But... everyone is an independent individual. If Lin Gou is interested, just come."


Although I was reluctant and felt it was inappropriate.

But Xu Xin also knew that what she said was actually right.

We are friends first, and then we have working relationships with directors, actors, and company bosses.

Imposing intervention does not mean saying something is wrong.

It's just that...it will cause imbalance in everyone's relationship.

So, he could only say:

"Then you have a good chat with him then."


After getting down to business, only a few cards were played.

The troublemakers are back.

Xu Xinxin said that it was no wonder that his wife, who had always been afraid of her children eating cold food and had indigestion, asked Brother Seven to take her to buy ice cream.

After a long time of quarrel, the two ancestors will make trouble.

Seeing the two children entering the door and going straight to the mahjong table, grabbing the two cards in Lang Lang's hand and about to run away, Xu Xinxin said that this card was unplayable.

It's a pity that I lost my temper immediately.

After leaving a harmless bluff saying "I'll let you guys go today", he picked up his eldest daughter, whom he hadn't seen for a few days, kissed her face that had cream left on it, and said to him Wei started chatting.

The main thing we talked about was "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons".

Yang Mi, on the other hand, went directly into the kitchen.

Today, the two eldest sons came with their daughters-in-law. Although the other eldest son didn't say it clearly...but it's true that he hasn't seen MIUMIU in a long time.

Both emotionally and rationally, she had to exhaust all her skills.

After getting off the card table, Lang Lang also changed from a gambler who was too upset to lose two hundred to Nuannuan's dearest godfather.

The piano at home rang again.

Nuan Nuan has also transformed from a young warrior into an elegant little princess.

Not to mention...even though she hasn't started learning systematically yet...she already has that aura about her when she plays the piano with Lang Lang.

Even after she played a short section of an intermittent piece of music with both hands that Xu Xin didn't know what it was, Lang Lang nodded directly:

"Lao Xu, it's time to find an enlightenment teacher for Nuannuan. Leave it to me? I'll find a good teacher for her to enlighten her!"


Xu Xin nodded indifferently.

Then he glanced at Wang Sicong:

"You pay for my daughter's piano lessons. Did you hear that?"


Wang Sicong was speechless for a while.

"Why did I do it?"

Before he finished speaking, his girlfriend sitting on the armrest of the sofa touched his head:

"Because this is what your godfather does~"


Although he wanted to refute, Master Wang rubbed his nose in embarrassment when he realized that this seemed to be the case... and then looked up at his girlfriend fiercely:

"Let's have a baby too! Let's have a few more children, and we'll all be actors! Let him take care of them!"

"Be virtuous to you."

Di Wei rolled her eyes.

However...she did not refute the matter of giving birth to a child.

Several other people watching smiled knowingly.

The years are quiet.

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