I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 867 863 Chase the light, principal

Chapter 867 863. Chase the light, principal

"Speaking of which, Shishi...you've been alone for a long enough time, right?"

As if chatting at the dinner table, Xu Xin asked curiously:

"Isn't there anyone chasing you around?"

As for the dinner party, there must be something to talk about.

And... I don’t know why, but my wife’s friends are more alone than the other. I feel like an old nun every day, especially when the Chinese New Year is approaching and everyone starts to take a break.

As long as these people come to the house, Lao Xu's house looks like a nunnery every day.

He looked awkward at that.

Before Liu Zhishi could answer, Yang Mi said:

"What are you doing? You want to taste a third person?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

"Why are you so silent?"

Listening to his disgusting words, Liu Zhishi didn't react for a while and looked at the two couples:

"What are you two talking about?"

Yang Mi chuckled:

"You are still young, so don't inquire about social affairs."


Instinct told me that Mimi shouldn't be holding anything back.

However, she still said to Xu Xin:

"What can I do if I don't get along? How about you introduce me to someone?"

"Can you meet my little ones?"

"Xu Zhi and the others?"


"...Forget it. We are too familiar. It would be awkward if we couldn't get together. What's more...I'm not in a hurry. Being single is fine."

"That's true."

Before Yang Mi finished speaking, she was greeted by her husband's murderous gaze.

Frightened, she quickly changed her words:

"Of course, it's better to have a husband to stick to!"

"You two are really at odds with each other."

Xu Xin looked indifferent when he heard the complaints from his friends.

It’s almost time to eat.

He touched his pocket:

"I'm going to smoke, so I don't care about you two."

"Go ahead."

Yang Mi waved her hand indifferently.

After leaving the soundtrack to Brother Ji, Xu Xin basically had nothing to do.

Just wait until the 20th, when all the shortlisted films are released, and he can go back and be a judge.

Yang Mi and Liu Zhishi took their children out for a walk in the afternoon, and they didn't know where they went. He didn't pay attention, but stayed in his studio, messing around with hammers and sticks.

The next morning, he took his bag and went to the gym.

It was around 9 a.m. when we arrived at the gym.

I didn't see Deng Chao this time. After all, "Four Famous Catchers" was about to start, and everyone's schedule was different, so it was quite difficult to meet him.

But he did see sesame seeds.

Parentheses, big variant version.


Looking at the newly arrived sesame cakes, Xu Xin sat on the chair in the dressing room and stared blankly at his brother:

"What are you..."

Subconsciously he got up and touched the belly of Shaobing who had taken off his shirt.

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Shaobing grinned unconsciously.

"195, Brother Xu."


2 months.

Reduced from 228 to 195…

The most important thing is that the child's muscles are gradually showing up.

Although she still has a very obvious fat and muscular body, and due to fitness, the flesh on her face looks thin.

But I have to admit that he has really lost weight.

The whole person's figure gradually changed from that of a fat man to giving the impression of being tall and strong.

"Ok, Ok."

After knowing each other for so many years, Xu Xin finally saw this child lose weight and was filled with admiration:

"I see the effect!"

"Hey Hey……"

Upon hearing this, Shaobing became even happier:

"I think so too... Mainly because I have great motivation! My sister said that when I lose weight to 180, she will give me a car. Hehehehe... and I do feel comfortable after losing weight. Brother, you don't know, I eat very clean now. I have oatmeal in the morning, eat here at noon, and cook boiled vegetables and chicken breast in the evening. The coach said that in 2 months at most, I will be able to lose 180 pounds. And I will gain weight. It will also have better results on your skin!”

"Yeah, yeah, yeah!"

Xu Xin looked surprised.

This kid really worked hard.

There is no doubt about this.

That's great.


"You don't need your sister to send it to you. You tell me what kind of car you want, and my brother will get it for you."

"No, no, no, no, I don't want a new car. Sister said that Sister Sun Ting has a Tiguan that is ready to be replaced, so I can just drive that one...hehe."

"What kind of second-hand car do you want? Just get a new one. Do you like SUVs? ... Wrangler, I will give you a Wrangler!"

Xu Xin was in a good mood and made a dream for his younger brother with a wave of his hand.

When he heard the words "Wrangler", Shaobing's eyes lit up:


"Haha, what else is wrong? Do you want a single door or a double door?"

"...Single-door! Bro! Just want a single-door! That car is so cool!"

"no problem."

Xu Xin agreed immediately.

Patting his belly, although there was still fat, the feel under the fat had changed from soft to firm:

"Practice hard! When did you hit 180? I'll get the car over the next day!"

"Hey!! Hehehehe..."

Shaobing's mouth is open, and the flesh on his face is blooming like a flower.

"Okay, I've finished practicing and am ready to go... eh?"

Suddenly, Xu Xin paused:

"Where's Dalin?"

Hearing this, Shaobing's smile faded.

Shaked his head:

"He hasn't been here during this time... He moved out from my place after joining the fourth team. Then we met sometimes, and I told him and asked him why he didn't go to the gym. But... ...Brother, don’t be angry. The last performance had a big impact on him. I heard from Luan Yunping and the others that he worked every day during this period and basically didn’t take a day off. Then whenever he had free time, he would go to the uncle’s place... …”

"Would you like to improve your cross talk skills?"


"This... okay."

After all, crosstalk is a craft that is passed down from family to family, so there is no need to delay it.

Xu Xin didn't force it.

However, he still asked:

"Then you have to keep an eye on him. It's hard to lose weight, but it rebounds very quickly. You two have to persevere, do you understand?"

"I know, I'll try my best. Brother Xu, don't worry. But the mountains are high and the emperor is far away. The fourth team is not with us. I can only speak, but I can't help whether you listen or not..."

"...Well, try your best."

Xu Xin patted him on the shoulder:

"Okay, I'm leaving then. Are you going to have dinner at home at noon?"

"I can't go, so I will eat a fat-reducing meal here, which is healthy and full. There is a performance in the afternoon~"


Xu Xin no longer forced it.

After saying goodbye to his brother with a look of relief, he left the gym.

While driving, I was still sighing.

The child has grown up...

According to his self-disciplined rhythm, basically reducing to 175 to 180 is actually a normal weight.

After all, he still had to gain muscle.

The little fat guy with freckles turned into a muscular man?


Not to mention, as a leader in weight loss, he really feels a sense of accomplishment.

"Hey, Lao Xu. If nothing else, in the past few days, you can see the news on the Internet about the acquisition of the light-chasing special effects production studio owned by Price Capital. I handed this manuscript directly to Price It will let everyone know that this is a company of just a few of us. There will be several interviews in the next two days, and then we will participate together."


After hearing Wang Sicong's words, Xu Xin agreed directly.

As for what kind of media interview it was, he simply didn't ask.

Lao Wang is still reliable in his work.

Facts have proved that Wang Sicong's ability to do things is indeed good.

On the 16th, a piece of news appeared on the Internet.

"Pulse Capital established a light-chasing special effects studio and fully acquired two special effects companies, PO Chaoting and MOREVFX"

This news is quite official.

And they are only news in the Internet financial sector, which is the type where people in the circle know what is going on, but outside the circle there is little attention.

However, after this news appeared, many media began to ferment the news at the same time.

"Is the special effects circle going to be popular? Wang Sicong makes a strong move into the field of film digital special effects"

This news imitates the Weibo post of Haitao, a famous commentator in the DOTA commentary circle, when he entered the e-sports circle last year and acquired the CCM team... which is now IG.

At that time, Haitao retweeted Wang Sicong’s Weibo post about acquiring the CCM team, with the text: The e-sports circle is about to become popular.

As one of the most famous commentators in DOTA, Haitao's popularity is unquestionable.

Therefore, his words became a buzzword in the DOTA circle last year.

Now it's been picked up again.

And sometimes, the popularity of news is actually a word game.

When you say "Pulse Capital acquires PO Chaoting", no one knows what you do.

But if you say "Wang Sicong Enters a Certain Field", the popularity will suddenly rise.

The last time the Pure Love God of War appeared in public was last month when he was photographed eating barbecue in a barbecue restaurant with Di Wei in Hengdian.

Although the two have never personally admitted whether they are a couple.

But the photos of them kissing in Switzerland, as well as the news that they can be seen together from time to time this year, have already proved the relationship between the two.

Moreover, due to the incident of Wang Ying who no longer knew where to hide, Wang Sicong, the pure love god of war, has not made any extraordinary news for so many years, but has worked diligently to build his own career.

Lao Wang's popularity on the Internet is really not bad.

As a result, the popularity of news bearing his name began to increase.

at the same time.

"Analysis of Pulse Capital, what's the secret behind Wang Sicong's business map?" 》

Following these news, the shareholders behind Pulse Capital were soon dug out.

Wang Sicong, Xu Xin, Lang Lang, Jay Chou.

When the names of these four people appear in front of people...

Just think about it.

Can this news stop?

And, it's not over yet.

MOREVFX has little value to be mined.

But PO Chaoting... turned out to be Nicholas Tse's company! ?

The 4+1 combination instantly blew up the roof.

And after seeing that PO Chaoting's company attribute turned out to be digital special effects technology, now... Wang Sicong had to add Xu Xin next to his name.

Xu Xin wants to do special effects?

Spending 150 million to acquire a special effects company that ranks among the top five in China?

Nicholas Tse can do it, is he so business-savvy? How did you create such a big company without saying a word?

And Xu Xin and Wang Sicong actually spent 150 million to buy it?

150 million, that's...

There are so many things to dig out of all kinds of news that people suddenly don’t know what to say.

However, in the eyes of a relatively calm group of people, this news is actually nothing more than a meaning.

They definitely didn't believe Wang Sicong if he wanted to do computer digital special effects.

Although Wanda has also established its own film investment company, in terms of business attributes, one is investment and the other is products. So far, there is no compatibility between the two.

Therefore, this message has only one meaning.

Xu Xin wants to do movie special effects.

And he wants to enter the field of special effects... Does that mean...

Want to enter the Northwest Circle?

But strictly speaking in the field of special effects, there is currently no particularly perfect closed-loop market in China. It can even be said that its proportion is very different from Hollywood.

And without large-scale capital inflow, the development of special effects companies will be very difficult.

Even if they acquire PO Chaoting.

If you look at PO Chaoting's annual business report, you will know that their largest business is still advertising rather than movies.

And to put it more worryingly, even if they are in the top five in China, let alone the world, even if you look at Asia, they can't even make the top ten.

In the field of special effects, Koreans have absolute dominance in Asia.

Not to mention anything else, the special effects of "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" produced by Yuntu were all done in South Korea, instead of using China's own special effects company.

This shows what kind of industry ecology this industry is in China.

At this juncture, why spend so much money to enter the field of special effects?

Too much money is burning your brain?

Among this small group of neutral fans, half are waiting and watching, and the other half are bearish.

Not even the slightest bit promising.

And at noon on the 17th.

As the absolute leader in the entertainment sector on Weibo, Sina launched its own official Weibo media [Sina Entertainment], and a 16-minute interview appeared.

[Exclusive interviews with Wang Sicong and Xu Xin! Revealing the interesting facts about Pusi Capital~]

In front of the camera.

Wang Sicong, who was wearing a semi-long-sleeved suit, a white cotton T-shirt, jeans, and canvas shoes, and Xu Xin, who was wearing short-sleeves, black casual pants, and sneakers, were sitting on chairs respectively.

On the background is the logo of [Sina Entertainment].

The two of them were sitting on one side, and opposite them was Zhao Ning, the host of Sina Entertainment.

"Hello, welcome to Sina Entertainment's exclusive interview."


Wang Sicong nodded politely, while Xu Xin was more natural, smiling and nodding to Zhao Ning:

"Well, long time no see."

He and Zhao Ning have met many times, and not only that, Jay Chou has also met her many times.

As a portal website, Sina has an entertainment section that all public figures need to interact with. As a pillar of Sina Entertainment, Zhao Ning’s job is to interview guests.

Xu Xin himself was interviewed by her no less than four times.

It can be said that it is very familiar.

Zhao Ning smiled slightly:

"Yes, Director Xu, long time no see. But this is my first time meeting Mr. Wang."

"It's okay, we will tell you everything we know."

Wang Sicong replied with a smile.

Although the problem was not discussed in advance today, he has already given the scope.

You can talk about other things, but it is required that at least 50% of the time in the program is about chasing light. At the same time, two points should be highlighted. One is why it is done and what supporting advantages it has.

"Haha, thank you both. In fact, today's interview is mainly to answer the recent questions of the viewers in front of the screen. The two of you have acquired two top domestic special effects production companies together, right?"

"Yes, PO Chaoting and MOREVFX. After the two companies were acquired, they merged into a light-chasing special effects studio."

After hearing Wang Sicong's words, Zhao Ning asked:

"So, does Mr. Wang's entry into the special effects circle count as a strong move?"


Seeing her start to make fun of her, Wang Sicong was happy.

In fact, this is also the difference between interviews between official media and online media.

Online media is more entertaining and relaxed.

So, he nodded:

"You can say that. In the future, the nickname Principal Wang may be used in the special effects circle."

Zhao Ning was stunned:

"So... Mr. Wang, you don't resist this nickname...?"

She was talking about the nickname "Principal Wang".

After acquiring CCM, he went around poaching people because he wanted to form two IG teams to raise Gu. When he poached LGD, not only YYF, but also ZSMJ wanted to poach him, which caused dissatisfaction among the fans of the LGD team.

Some people gave him a nickname: the principal of the sex school.

The nickname Principal Wang came from this.

It was originally given by netizens with malice and dissatisfaction, and Zhao Ning had no intention of saying it. In the end, this person brought it up himself.

Wang Sicong shook his head:

"I don't object. Although they say that about me, I hope I can build an e-sports Whampoa Military Academy. So I don't object to the nickname Principal Wang... You can also call it Principal Xu, it's okay. It doesn't make sense for you to call me Director Xu." , calling me Mr. Wang is quite awkward. We are all friends, so it’s okay to be casual."

Xu Xin on the side finally saw it.

Lao Wang's desire to express himself was rising.

So he simply shut his mouth.


"Then...how does Director Xu usually call...Principal Wang...? Do you also use this nickname?"


Xu Xin, who was just about to calm down for a while, shook his head:

"Usually I am Lao Wang. Normally when we get together, we all call him Lao Wang, Lao Wang. But when he is hungry and he invites guests to dinner, or when we ask him to spend money to be taken advantage of, we all call him The foster father is here."


Zhao Ning was stunned.

What the hell?

Even netizens watching the interview were confused.

This...this is also okay?

Inside the scene, looking at the dumbfounded Zhao Ning, Xu Xin explained with a smile:

"We have a relatively casual relationship, we are good buddies. It's just like... when you were in college, you were playing games in the dormitory. By noon, you were so hungry that your chest was pressed against your back. Your roommate brought you a piece of fried noodles. I bought you a bottle of Coke and told you by the way: Hey, the teacher called your name in the morning, and I helped you. By the way, I glanced at your screen and found that you had dropped points, so I immediately turned on the computer to help you improve your points... You Say, this kind of friendship can’t be tolerated without calling me “adopted father”?”


Netizens don’t know what Zhao Ning thinks.

But after Xu Xin said these words, some college students couldn't help but look at their roommates.

"Father...will you bring some fried noodles?"

God knows how many buddies were moved by their roommate's disrespectful behavior.

Not only did I go downstairs to buy fried noodles, but I also added Shaxian chicken legs and Coke.

Moreover, everyone finally understood the meaning of the title "adopted father".


That’s what it’s used for.

And it was at this time.

Wang Sicong clasped his fists with both hands:

"Thank you foster father for the promotion."

have to.

It's so mutual.

I don’t know how many people laughed out loud watching the interview.

These two people...

There's something wrong.

The atmosphere of this interview with Sina Entertainment was actually very relaxed.

The previous topic was a warm-up, and people unconsciously got into the atmosphere of the interview between the two.

However, Zhao Ning obviously did not forget "Party A's" request and started asking about Chasing Light Studio.

The topic is still dominated by Wang Sicong, who has a strong desire for expression.

However, he was more expressive and had more to say.

"In fact, we entered the field of digital special effects not because of its returns. I can even put it here. In the annual report we publish later, the profit situation above may be ugly. We are not even prepared for annual losses of tens of millions. it is done.

As for why we still do this...it's not because we have more money. But we think that in the future film market, special effects technology will be more and more widely used in film and television dramas.

I will give you a set of data and you will know. In the past five years, the proportion of Hollywood movies using digital special effects technology has increased by more than 10% every year.

Special effects cost a lot of money, so let me do the math for you.

The steps of film special effects require original art painting, 3D modeling, bone binding, element special effects, scene synthesis, audio and video synthesis, rendering and export, etc. Each step is responsible for one or several groups.

Let's assume that if there are 4 people in a team, an ordinary 50-cent special effects movie will require at least 30 people to do special effects. Salaries vary depending on the personnel's qualifications and technical levels. Assuming an average monthly salary of 10,000 yuan per person, for 30 people, that is 300,000 yuan a month. And it may not be passed in this month. If there is any need to adjust, then these people will make some changes, and it may be 600,000 in two months.

Note that this is just an ordinary special effect. And if we follow Dami's movie..."

"...It's actually not a spoiler. The post-production special effects team of Dami's movie has more than 500 people. Let's not talk about how much time it takes. Just the labor cost. Calculated based on the standard of 10,000 yuan, the labor cost for a month is five million.

Second is the cost of technology. Note that special effects are charged by the second. Assuming 1,000 yuan per second and 6,000 yuan per minute, if a blockbuster film has 60 minutes of special effects, it will cost 3,600,000 yuan.

This does not include the level of refinement. The more refined it is, the more expensive it will be. Assuming 24 frames per second, fine special effects need to be processed frame by frame, and each frame may take an hour. It is common for a one-second special effect to take a day or two, and it will take even longer for those with poor skills.

This does not include our hardware equipment. The annual maintenance cost for some of the software that needs to be used is about 50,000 to 80,000, and the cost of a computer sufficient to render special effects basically starts at 70,000 to 80,000. Moreover, its hardware updates are equally frequent, and it basically needs to be replaced once a year and a half...

Therefore, the cost of operating and maintaining a large special effects company is unimaginable. "

"Why do we do this? The reason is actually very simple. Lao Xu found me and said he wanted to get one. Then the four of us chatted.

Do you have money? Yes, I have.

The field of special effects in our country is actually still in its infancy. If you fall behind, you will be beaten. Host, do you understand what I mean?

Since we have the ability, we do it. If we lose money, we can make up for it from other places where we make money. But if you lag too far behind other countries, then when everyone really wants to catch up, the price will be too high.

So, while we are able, let’s take a few more steps. Everyone can take a few fewer steps... Of course, this proposition is a bit big. Although the sense of mission is on our shoulders, we are also taking a few steps forward as much as possible within our capabilities.

Lao Xu once said something that struck me particularly deeply: success does not have to be mine, success must be mine.

This is actually the original intention of our establishment.

Whether it will make money, frankly, we have no hope. But there are some things... once you see them, if you don’t work hard, you will feel very uncomfortable. "

"No, no, no, this is not great. We can sublimate the theme of what we do, but in fact, the essence is still a business behavior. Well... just think that we are selling ourselves and bragging. We are just discussing the matter. We have expressed our intention to build a company, but it is definitely not moral kidnapping, nor is it flaunting ourselves. As long as everyone can tell this clearly after the interview is broadcast."

"Method? Of course I have thought of a way. In fact, the simplest way to maintain the company's operation is to have a steady stream of business. But in our current market, under the premise of multiple companies competing, our competitiveness mainly lies in technology. level. This is a very fair competition mechanism.

While we are not afraid of competition, we actually add our own ideas.

That is, we will establish an animation investment company under Chasing Light Studio. I would also like to place an advertisement here. If directors and screenwriters have any good scripts or stories in the field of animation, you can directly search our company’s email address online for contact and negotiation. "

"Supporting animation? Can't talk about it. But Japanese animation movies are doing so well, and we all feel that this is also a market with great potential. If you are still worried about finding investment, or you have ideas in your mind that cannot be realized , then you can contact Chasing Light Studio. In terms of technology in the animation field, relying on the strength of Chasing Light, our supporting facilities are relatively complete."

Wang Sicong, who opened up his chatterbox and showed his desire for expression, almost turned the 16-minute interview into a one-man show.

Xu Xin is like soy sauce.


to be honest.

When Wang Sicong said the words "Success does not have to be mine, success must be mine" in front of the screen.


Everything seems to be a little different.

was given another layer of meaning.

After Pure Love God of War, Wang Sicong quickly became popular after appearing in interviews with the image of a young entrepreneur.

Even if this sentence was actually said by Xu Xin...

But he was also remembered.

Just like this interview is the most liked comment on Weibo.

"Follow the light, principal."

(That’s 7,000 today. After learning from the pain, I picked up fitness again. I had a direct confrontation with the coach today... It turns out that I am really old. My hands are shaking constantly, and my physical strength and energy are in a state of exhaustion. . But... I want to lose weight! I will post this as proof! If I don’t lose 40 pounds before the end of this book, I will bark like a dog! Current weight: 272!)

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