I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 868 864 Snail Fan Concert

"Why does Lao Wang look like a conspicuous bag?"

Yang Mi looked through the news of the past few days and asked speechlessly.

"His news is everywhere, which makes him angry..."


Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Indeed. The main thing is that he has something to say. I am like a boring gourd. I can't beat a dull fart with eight sticks. He can talk to others for more than an hour, and it is also the first time in so many years that he has officially appeared in the public eye. The media is all pursuing It’s just a matter of heat. But it’s fast, and it’s only been the past two days, and he’s still addicted. But I guess he’ll get tired of waiting for a few days, and he’ll be able to take care of it for at least a year or two.”


Yang Mi's face was full of speechlessness with a "experienced person" mentality.

Just when I was planning to continue hanging out with my husband, I suddenly noticed a quote from a recent interview, such as "I don't care if I make friends based on whether they have money or not. Anyway, they don't have as much money as me."

See what you can do.

Why are you so powerful?

You won't eat when you get home, right?

At this time, there was a burst of ringing from the car phone.

"Jingle Bell……"

"I really need to advise Volvo next time. Why are their ringtones so scary?"

Yang Mi looked at the name "Ren Changzhen" on the screen and complained.

Then he reminded me:

"After you are done with this period of time, you have to start picking out advertising ideas from Volvo. People have been waiting for a long time."


Xu Xin responded.

Volvo's contract with him was for three ads.

Already finished one shot.

But...perhaps because the advertising effect is so good, Volvo XC90's sales have increased...although it is not particularly large, the increase is still considerable.

Not to mention how much performance it has added to Volvo, let’s just say that the clicks on the advertisement on YouTube have exceeded 30 million, which shows how powerful it is.

The outstanding results of this advertisement were naturally noticed by Sweden.

Although Geely has acquired them, Volvo, which still has the right to operate independently, negotiated with Geely this year and wanted Xu Xin to help them shoot a global advertisement.

It is no longer limited to a single brand, but a large category.

It is also Volvo’s most competitive category.

Heavy Truck.

However...he still doesn't know what the specific situation of this matter is.

I just heard someone from Geely say this.

But he is too busy this year and plans to go see it after the film festival is over.

After the call was connected, Ren Changzhen's voice rang:

"Director Xu, are you busy right now?"

"I'm not busy. Director Ren, you can tell me."

"That's it...I've been reading the news these past two days. Director Xu, your special effects company is also interested in animation investment?"

Xu Xin glanced at his wife, lowered the speed slightly, and said:

"Yes. If you have a good animation book, you can invest in it... What? Director Ren plans to switch to animation?"

"Hahaha, that's not possible. I'll just keep making my documentary~"

Ren Changzhen smiled quite easily.

But the conversation immediately changed:

"Actually, it's like this. I have a friend who asked me to ask. He has an animation project that he has started and wants to raise some funds. I also saw the news about Director Xu and Mr. Wang, and I thought... Ask what kind of request you need."

Ren Changzhen said it tactfully.

However, Xu Xin obviously did not intend to beat around the bush, but asked directly:


"Tian Xiaopeng, Director Xu has probably never heard of this person, right?"

"No. He and Director Ren are friends?"

His words were naturally not nonsense, but gave Ren Changzhen an excuse.

"Yes, we have been friends for many years. Does Director Xu have any impression of the word "spread the word"?"

"Yes, an... advertisement from CCTV, right? Or something. I don't remember it very well. But I know the name."

"Well, that's where we met. I was still the director of "People" at the time, and he was the digital director of "People". Any problems we had to deal with at the time were put on his side. We all became familiar with each other after we went back and forth. We have been friends for more than ten years."


Xu Xin responded to show that he was listening.

Ren Changzhen also knew what he should say, so he continued:

"He has always focused on visual effects. He made the 3D model of the documentary "Old Summer Palace". That was only in 2001. Including the documentary "1405 Zheng He's Voyages to the West" and all the digital special effects of the 2006 Spring Festival Gala, he also made He is in charge. In 2007, he also made a promotional video for the American "Spider-Man" game. He also produced the 4D animation "Underwater World" at the National Science and Technology Museum. Including "Ant Nest Adventure" at the World Expo... Oh, yes, He was also the CG promotional video for "Sword and Sword 5". He was also the chief director of last year's Yanjing TV animation Spring Festival Gala..."


At this time, even Yang Mi raised her head in surprise.

This person's resume... is so impressive?

Xu Xin also said at the right time:

"This one sounds like he has a lot of background. But... Director Ren, what do you mean, he should have his own company? After all, many of the things you mentioned are his side jobs, right?"

For CCTV directors to make CG promotional films, it is naturally impossible for them to be tasked by the Taiwanese team.

"Yes. He has his own company called October Culture. And...he has a project now, which is an animated film about "Journey to the West". Director Xu, you may not know that the earliest animated film "Journey to the West" Several episodes of "Journey to the West" were produced by him as a director. For so many years, I have always wanted to make a cartoon about my own "Journey to the West". But I could not find anyone to fund the project. Later I gritted my teeth and went it alone, and now I have More than six million yuan was invested... It can be said that all the family's wealth in the past few years has been invested in it, but the project progress is less than one-tenth. He... is very striving for perfection, a very special person..."

Xu Xinxin said that it seemed that Director Tian Xiaopeng and Ren Changzhen had a really good relationship.

How could a person with such an upright personality speak for him like this?

So, let’s just get to the core of the problem:

"Meaning that he now wants to invest in light?"

"Yes. He is going to make an animated film. But... didn't you also say it during the interview that except for some popular IPs in China, these animated films have no way to survive at all. Just when I was worried, I saw Chasing the Light After hearing the news about its establishment, and seeing that Chasing Light also had investment business, he approached me. I wanted to invest in the project and give it a try..."

"Hmm... ok. Does he want to see me? Or what?"

"I just want to talk to you in person."

"...Okay. Can he come to Xi'an?"


Ren Changzhen was stunned:


"Yeah, I'm walking to the airport now and planning to get on the plane. The second Silk Road Film Festival is about to start. I have to go and review the films. If it's convenient for him, let him prepare the project information and come to Xi'an to chat. How about it? My route is set, so I can’t wait for him.”

"Okay, okay, then I'll tell him... When will Director Xu be free?"

"I will arrive in Xi'an at noon. Can you ask him to add me on WeChat and we can make an appointment then?"

"Okay, then I'll tell him right now."

"Yeah, okay."

"Then I'll hang up first?"


Ren Changzhen hung up the phone angrily.

The eldest sister is almost on her fourth birthday, but she is still so fickle in doing things and hates evil as much as she hates it.

After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi said:

"Actually, if you don't tell me, I haven't paid attention to this aspect. Now that I think about it... it seems that the sub-conventional movies in our country are really terrible. Every year there are Pleasant Goats, Pigmen, and Bears... Could it be that I grow up? Are you older? Why do I feel that today's cartoons are not good at all. Look at us when we were young... Let me tell you, when I first watched "Lightbringer", I was dumbfounded..."

Xu Xin looked strange:

"Shouldn't you watch Flower Fairy or something?"

"...You thought the TV set at that time was a computer? And you were asked to watch it on demand? Didn't you watch whatever the TV station showed?"

Yang Mi was even more speechless, but immediately started humming:

"My heart~is the transformation magic of the light envoy..."

Xu Xin immediately joined in:

"Transformation magic~"

"Arrive at the magical world and create the unknown~"

"Create the unknown~"

"Create an unknown space~! Raging flames condense in the chest~~~~~~~"

"Do you know how we adapted this song when we were kids?"


"The unknown stewardess on the bed~ Fierce flames condensed in the crotch~~~"


Yang Mi looked disgusted:

"You guys are so nasty. What do these little brats know? And the stewardess..."


Xu Xin also shook his head funny.

Boys who were in their youthful and ignorant period... were naturally curious about the opposite sex, so there was nothing to be ashamed of.


My wife has a right point.

Today's cartoons...are really not good to watch.

The original "Lightbringer", "Four Wheel Brothers", "Pokemon"... Thinking about it now, Japanese animation really dominated an era.

But similarly, the domestically produced "Journey to the West", "Calabash Baby", even "The Wandering Story of Sanmao" and the ink-style "Little Tadpole Looking for Mom", let alone the original... Just think about it now, maybe The plot is a bit younger, but the beauty is still endlessly memorable.

For a moment, I didn’t know whether to feel sad for the children now or what to do.

Of course, it's possible that this is just his personal opinion.

But it was precisely because of his personal thoughts that he thought so.

Good news: They can still watch Ultraman.

Bad news: It seems they only have Ultraman available to watch.

The heyday when animation schools of all styles contended... seems to be gone forever.

As he drove the car, he sighed.

This time I went to Xi'an and I brought quite a lot of luggage.

The cups in the villa are two or three years old. The last time he stayed there, Xu Xin found that the bedsheets had some holes in them, whether they were moth-eaten or something.

Yang Mi bought tens of thousands of pieces of linen this time, and even asked her husband to take the quilt and sheets and replace them as a whole.

So he checked in a lot of luggage.

After arriving in Xi'an, he handed over all these tasks to the miserable Su Meng.

Anyway, if she doesn't do well, she will be deducted 500 yuan.

Tian Xiaopeng also added his WeChat account:

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Tian Xiaopeng. Director Ren Changzhen recommended your WeChat to me."

"Hello, Director Tian. Director Ren has finished talking to me about your situation. I'm in Xi'an now. Come over when it's convenient for you and we'll have an interview."

"When will Director Xu be free?"

"I will officially enter the Silk Road review process the day after tomorrow, one in the morning and two in the afternoon, a total of three films. There are 13 shortlisted works in this year's main competition unit, so there is still plenty of time."

"Then can I go there tomorrow?"

"Okay. I just have a meeting tomorrow, just some trivial matters."

"Then I'll go see Director Xu in the afternoon. 2 o'clock in the afternoon? Is that okay?"

Seeing this time, Xu Xinxin said that it was indeed a government agency.


"Ok, no problem."

"Okay, then I won't disturb Director Xu. You are busy."


After ending the chat politely, Xu Xin received a call from Jay Chou:

"Are you here?"

"We're here!"

"...Why do you want to imitate my speech?"

"Why do you want to imitate my speech?"

"Nervous! What to eat for lunch?"

"Nervous, what do you want to eat for lunch?"

"You are my daddy!"

"Hey, eldest son!"



After Xu Sanjin outsmarted the two Jaylens and won again, Xu Xincai said:

"Where are you?"

"It's here at KTV. Do you want to come over? The decoration is quite good now, and it will be open in about a month."


Xu Xin's eyes lit up:

"Is the decoration finished?"

"Yes, please, it's been more than a year, it's really slow~ Are you still so surprised?"

"Isn't this nonsense? Why do you strive for perfection and have good sound effects?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"Okay, just wait for me to come over. I'll see you later."

As he said that, he glanced at Su Meng who was tidying up the sheets and quilts:



"Let's go and sing with you."


Su Meng was stunned for a moment, then quickly followed with her bag in hand.

Unexpectedly, as soon as she walked out of the villa door, Brother Xu turned to look at her and sneered:

"The boss assigned me a task, and I left my post without permission for no reason. I left without permission during working hours. Five hundred bucks will be deducted!"


Xu, you are such a dog!

"...Are you scolding me in your mind?"


"No, no, Brother Xu, you are the best~"

"I deduct five hundred from you, am I okay?"


Dog thief! ! ! !

Arriving all the way to Jiaotong University, Xu Xin looked at the neighborhood that had gradually developed after the houses were delivered compared to the desolation back then. Not to mention... he really felt a little hopeful.

It seemed that at this moment his surname was no longer Xu but Chen.

But after careful consideration, my wife should be much more beautiful than Cao Jianjia.

With a bit of divergent thinking, he and Su Meng walked into the building where the signboard had not yet been hung.

The name of the KTV has been decided.

When the name was chosen, all four people contributed their names.

Wang Sicong wants to call it: HIGH SONG.

It’s a homophonic reference to Hi Song. The literal translation of the greater vernacular is Gao Ge.

The old wolf wanted to tell it: Come again soon.

The reason, according to his own statement, is that he watched a TV series on TV when he was a child. He has forgotten the specific name of the TV series. Anyway, it is a story about a mixed-society person working hard in a big city. Finally, the man opened a restaurant called "Hao Zai Lai"...

His name was rejected on the spot.

Do you think it's a Holiland cake?

And the clever Xu Xin also gave it a name: Jinsheng KTV.

In the words of the other two people, his name is full of retro flavor from the 1990s.

Of course, this is a nice translated version.

The real words are: It’s really rubbish.

Finally, Jay Chou's performance of "Still Fantasy" won everyone's approval.

This is good.

It’s simple and straightforward, and you’ll know it’s Jay Chou’s KTV at a glance.

If something goes wrong, he will naturally take the blame.

Jay Chou was so frightened that he canceled his industrial and commercial license overnight.

After entering the KTV, Xu Xin discovered that the overall style was not really gorgeous.

It seems very fashionable.

Especially the transparent compartment full of shelves at the door.

That place will probably be a place selling drinks from now on.

This is still the positioning of Fantasy. The price is not high and can be afforded by college students. Good sound quality and sound effects allow everyone to have fun.

It is taking the route of small profits but quick turnover.

Of course, this also has a premise, that is, Mother Yang, the housekeeper, does not collect rent...

Otherwise, the rent will definitely be high.

There are two to three thousand square meters here upstairs and downstairs.

The decoration of the entire KTV is nearing completion. At this time, the air conditioner and blower are basically blowing 24 hours a day, not to mention volatilizing formaldehyde, but some smells must be removed.

There are also some workers setting up lights inside.

Just then, Jay Chou was standing at the door of a private room. When he saw Xu Xin coming in, he said hello:

"Hey, here."

Xu Xin walked over directly.

After arriving at the door, I discovered that there was already a TV in the box, the screen was still on, and the MTV picture above looked like Qilixiang...

"...Brother, let's talk about whether you have a certain degree of narcissism. Come to KTV and sing your own songs?"

"Shit, Hannah sang it. We felt the sound quality and it was pretty good~"

"...Where is she?"

"Going to the bathroom."

Xu Xin nodded and walked into the box.

This...should be a mid-range package.

The size looks like it can seat about ten people.

He sat on the sofa and touched it, and found that the velvet texture was also good. And both the lighting and the bright decoration style are quite fresh.

I think it should be popular among young people.

So I got up and went to the singing stage, chose a song "Sunny Day" and planned to give it a try.

"The little yellow flower of the story..."

Following the rhythm, he had just started singing when he saw Dani and Kun Ling walking in together.

So, he waved his hand:

"Change a batch."




While the two of them were speechless, Jay Chou couldn't help but nodded.

At the beginning, I added a service attribute to "Still Fantasy" that does not belong to it.

It has to be you, A Xin.

After singing a song, he still felt a little unfinished.

Don't tell me yet.

The KTV I opened by myself feels really good.

It's noon now and it's time to go eat. He put down the microphone with some reluctance.

"Not bad right?"

Hearing Jay Chou's words, he nodded:

"What's missing now?"

"Lighting and debugging. It's all done in a month. Try to open around August 26th, when new students enter school and old students return to school. The company's people plan to run a recharge discount business to collect some funds first..."

Fantasia is still operated by Wang Sicong's external KTV management team.

There are definitely drawbacks to this, but it is enough for the early transition. In the later stage, you can continue to use people trained by Tianlai to manage it.

Profitability is not the most important thing, but it should not be too ugly either.

Moreover, with the gradual expansion of some businesses, Tianlai's service attributes have become more and more numerous.

Lao Wang is already thinking about whether to go public.

After a few years, we have built a listed company. This achievement can be said to be outstanding no matter how you look at it. However, Xu Xin's attitude was rather resistant.

He always felt that after the company went public, it no longer belonged to four people.

Moreover, perhaps because he has been exposed to it since childhood, he does not think there is anything great about listed companies.

Maybe I still don’t understand...

Just let Lao Wang do whatever he wants.

During lunch, Jay Chou said to him:

"Hey, my concert venue has been chosen for the second half of the year. Do you want to save your tickets?"

"Where are they all from?"

"There are so many, they are open from the second half of the year until a long time ago. Shanghai, Yanjing, Singapore, Chengdu, Nanning..."

He named a bunch of places.

But Xu Xin's brows suddenly frowned.

"...Nanning? Are you going to hold a concert in Nanning?"

"Yeah, what?"

Looking at his friend's confused eyes, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

He has never been to Nanning.

No bad feelings either.

He even loves the "fans" in Guangxi.


For some reason, when he heard the word "Nanning", he felt particularly harsh.

It seems that there is a vague premonition that is not good.

Logically speaking, it shouldn't be... He has never even been to that place.

But where did this inexplicable bad feeling and worry come from?

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Nanning, when do you plan to leave?"

Jay Chou turned to look at Dani.

Dani thought for a moment and said:

"It should be the middle of next year, it's still a long time. Brother JAY's concert this time is a world tour, so he will be busy for at least one to two years, Brother Xu."

"Leave the Nanning ticket to me."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Jay Chou became even more puzzled:

"You don't want one from Yanjing or Shanghai? But you want one from Nanning?...What do you want to do?"

Xu Xinxin said I wish I knew what I was doing.

But there is always a vague feeling of uneasiness in my heart.


So I found an excuse:

"I've always wanted to go to Guangxi to eat authentic snail noodles. It just so happens that you want to tell me before you go. Yang Mi and I went there a few days in advance to try the authentic snail noodles and watch one of your concerts. How about that? ?”


Jay Chou was completely speechless.

"...Why do you like to eat such strange things?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes:

"You know what the heck. That stuff is so delicious! And the snail noodles there are like a buffet. I was so greedy when I was filming "The Tip of the Tongue"."

"……All right."

Although he agreed, Jay Chou still had a strong look of disgust on his face.


Snail noodles...

That smell...



When he thought of that taste, he couldn't even eat the bowl of noodles anymore.

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