I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 869 865 The despair that comes at your fingertips

Until he finished eating, Xu Xin was wondering why he had such a big reaction to Nanning.

However, this idea did not exist in my mind for long. After arriving at the factory in the afternoon, it was basically forgotten.

Su Meng diligently changed the sheets and quilt. After relaxing at home for a while, he drove to the factory.

In fact, he is basically a vagrant in the factory, but he still has to show up when it's time to show up.


I don't know why, but he seems to be very good at drinking tea and reading newspapers at work. He doesn't even know where he got this habit from... it's just a subconscious reaction.

My phone is lying flat on the table, scrolling through Weibo.

There is also a hard-covered book on top.

The book is opened, and when it is opened, there will be a space that perfectly fits the mobile phone.

Then... after Qi Lei heard that he was coming and came to the office to talk to him about this film festival, he naturally pushed his phone into the book.

This leads to Qi Lei’s words:

"Where are you reading? It didn't interrupt your train of thought, did it?"

Take a look...

It's completely out of emotion and ends in nature.

It’s so natural that it couldn’t be more natural…

Even Xu Xin himself didn't know what was going on with this kind of nature.

Qi Lei just came over to chat with him. Today's film festival is going on in an orderly manner. Everyone performs their duties and everyone only needs to play their role.

They don't need to worry at all.

But leaders always have an excuse for fishing. For example, if they are fishing in the office and come to chat with Xu Xin, isn't that considered work?

The two chatted for a while, and at around four o'clock, the leader patted his butt and left.

Xu Xin packed up and got ready to get off work.

I originally wanted to make a dinner date with Wheel, but as soon as I had the idea, the other party sent me a message:

"Send me the address of the delicious dipping noodles we ate at last time, and I'll take Kun Ling there."

have to.

It's better not to be a light bulb.

After lunch on the 19th, at around 1 o'clock, Xu Xin dialed Tian Xiaopeng's phone number.

He didn't keep the other party waiting long, after all, the other party had already arrived in the morning.

There's no point in staying up until 2pm to see someone.

The location was directly set at my office.

After there was a knock on the door, it was Xu Xin who opened the door himself.

Looking at the man standing at the door, carrying a computer bag and wearing black-rimmed glasses, Xu Xin smiled and stretched out his hand:

"Hello, Director Tian. I am Xu Xin."

"Hey, hello, Director Xu. Nice to meet you."

Tian Xiaopeng didn't expect him to be so polite, and seemed more or less flattered.


Xu Xin greeted him to sit down.

Tian Xiaopeng obviously understood some of the unspoken rules within the system. After seeing Xu Xin's guest sofa, he naturally chose the long sofa, which was still very close to the single sofa with his back against the office table.

Then, while Xu Xin was making tea, he had already taken out the prepared materials from his bag.

A laptop and a project document.

The project book is very thick.

After Xu Xin sat down, he said:

"Director Xu, this is a summary of the information on "The Return of the Great Sage". It includes the concept drawings we drew, the characters, the original scripts, the instructions for the use of funds, etc., all in it. And in the notebook is what we have designed A few animated pictures..."

"The animation hasn't been done yet?"

After hearing this, Tian Xiaopeng hesitated for a moment and nodded:

"Yes. At present, the animation only has some concept drawings, which is related to my personal working habits. I like to design the key nodes of all scenes first, and then connect them together. And this is an animated movie, every time I hope to strive for excellence in every frame. Before the final story is determined... our team has not started working on it."

Xu Xin could understand this.

To put it bluntly, no matter whether it is an animation or a live-action movie, once it enters the production stage, it means that the engine has started to spin.

And what does it take to make the engine rotate?

Very simple.


Although Xu Xin himself has no idea whether animated movies cost money...

But it's definitely not cheap.

After all, when he first talked with Xin Haicheng, he was confused. It can easily amount to hundreds of millions or billions of yen... I'm not good at math and I'm really not sure about the conversion.

He handed the tea to Tian Xiaopeng and took the information from the other party's hand.

He looked at the name above...

"The Return of the Great Sage"

Suddenly, he chuckled.


Tian Xiaopeng, who was paying attention to his reaction, subconsciously asked:

"Director Xu, what's wrong?"

"I'm thinking……"

After Xu Xin paused for a moment, the expression on his face gradually became a bit sad:

"I don't know how many people are waiting for our great sage to return."

Tian Xiaopeng was stunned.

Then I heard Xu Xin’s next sentence:

"But just wait and wait... everyone will grow up."


In an instant, Tian Xiaopeng understood.

In other words, I found a resonance from Xu Xin.

He... is the same as himself.

In other words, the great sage in everyone’s mind is the same!

So, unable to help himself, he sighed:

"Oh...yes. I hope...it's not too late."

Upon hearing this, Xu Xin, who had stopped sighing, knew that he should be very confident in this story.

So he nodded and said no more, and turned directly to the first page of the information.

What comes into view is a color page.

In the sky that rises in a spiral shape, there are figures of people and golden light shining everywhere.

The cloak on one body is like silk and satin, like a colorfully trained monkey with its back to the "camera" and looking up to the sky.

The moment she saw this coloring page, Xu Xinxin said...it tastes right.

This picture is attractive enough.

Next came some characters, and for the first time, he saw the image of the "Great Sage" in the other person's heart.

Frankly, unremarkable.

In fact, it’s not anyone’s fault.

He believed that if he took this color page of the "Great Sage" and asked ten Chinese people, ten of them would say it was just ordinary.

As for the reason...it's very simple.

He is not the sixth teacher.

Of course, this may be a bit absolute, but the meaning is not bad.

Therefore, after reading the character designs of the little monk, a... big-mouthed monster who didn't know what he was, and a monster that looked like a white-faced scholar, they didn't leave him with any deep memories.

He just flipped the script.

Only then did I realize that Tian Xiaopeng's script should have been specially customized for him. It contained not only stories but also illustrations.

They should all be designed by him himself.

I guess you're afraid that you won't be able to make associations, right?

He didn't care, and read the story while looking at the illustrations.

And the content of the entire story is actually very simple...or rather single.

It's just a story about a young monk Jiang Liu'er and the Monkey King who "brought his family into ruin". A story line that... can barely be defined as redemption.

Very single.

However, from this single story line, Xu Xin already knew that what he wanted to do was not a sage for adults, but a movie that wanted to "frame" adults and children together.

Then this single story is easier to understand.

After all, it is too complicated and children may not be able to understand it.

After reading the story, he went back and looked at the illustrations designed by Xiaopeng Shimoda.

These illustrations are the prototypes of later film production.

From the style of painting to the split shots, you can already get a glimpse of it.

After looking at the illustrations carefully, he suddenly shook his head and said to Tian Xiaopeng:

"The situation is too small. Director Tian."


Tian Xiaopeng was stunned.

Thinking that Xu Xin was dissatisfied with the story, he quickly asked:

"Director Xu, what do you think is wrong with the story?"

"It's not the story, it's the storyboard...the layout is too small."

Xu Xin pointed at this place and the great sage waved the golden hoop. The golden hoop emitted a golden light like a blade and cut off the demon body of the Chaos Demon King. It showed a monster arm that looked like a giant salamander.

"For example, here. This is not a golden cudgel at all...this is all sword energy. Compared with here..."

Xu Xin quickly turned to the illustration on the first page of the script, where the Great Sage was alone against the heavenly soldiers and generals:

"The gap is too far. In other words, it looks more and more petty."

After hearing this, Tian Xiaopeng was actually a little unconvinced.

After all, he is the writer of the story, and this sword-like shock wave will be like a knife cutting through tofu in his mind. After cutting off the demon king's limbs, he will continue to fly backwards, and finally fly to the end of "BOOM" There was an explosion, emitting a burst of dazzling golden light...

How could one be so petty in such a scene?

And did Xu Xin see his dissatisfaction?

The answer is yes.

He was delighted.

Although he dare not say that he is good at animated movies.

But speaking of painting the picture in your mind...

No one knows painting better than him!

So he stood up directly, took a stack of draft paper and a ballpoint pen from the desk in the office, and said:

"I have an idea in my mind for you to refer to. It's like this. In your shot, the monster and the Great Sage should have two different heights, one larger and one smaller, right?"


Tian Xiaopeng, who was a little unresponsive for a moment, responded subconsciously:


"To be more specific? How big is the Great Sage? How big is the Demon King?"


Looking at his reaction, Xu Xin knew that he had not thought clearly.

But that's okay.

"Then let's do remote processing."

Then he pointed to the manuscript paper in front of him:

"For example, this is the screen. The distance between the monster and the great sage should be further away from the composition. Also, your perspective can be placed on the monster's side. You see, for example..."

With just a few strokes, a round outline of a monster appeared.

It's said to be a monster, but it's actually very rough, like a pig's head.

It occupies most of the right side of the drawing.

"From this perspective, the body of the monster will be very large. As for the Great Sage, we will give him a small body, something like this..."

He randomly drew a few asymptotic lines around the sketch.

This is done to help the viewer's perspective quickly lock in somewhere.

Then, in the "distant area" where all the lines converge, he sketched a stick figure with very thick lines.

Although rough, the contrast between the big pig head and the small stick figure is immediately apparent.

"At this time, when you zoom the camera far enough, the Great Sage will become very inconspicuous. Then the camera here will appear... In this way, you can give the Great Sage a close-up in the next scene."

As he spoke, he changed the draft again and casually drew a stick figure raising his hands. Then on the raised hand, there was an imaginary and solid line extending from the stick man's head.

"The Great Sage took out the golden hoop. This is this scene. And then the next scene..."

Tian Xiaopeng was a little dumbfounded.

He came here for investment...not to hear someone tell him how to make a movie.

For a moment my heart was filled with absurdity.

Although everyone has different statuses, they also work in different industries.

Although he admires Director Xu's achievements... he must know that in the animation industry, his reputation is also not small.

Every other line is like a mountain.

Now I am being taught by a "layman"?

Do you want it to be so ridiculous?

But Xu Xin ignored his expression.

Yes, every other line is like a mountain.

But animation is also a movie.

It's a movie, so you have the right to speak.

How to make this scene more intense and more effective? Although he dare not say that he is the only one in the world, he already knows it in his heart at this moment.

Picking up a new piece of paper, he continued:

"After the close-up of the Great Sage's golden cudgel, the next second is the close-up of the monster. For example, he opened his bloody mouth and exposed his veined fangs, giving him a ferocious look."

Following the explanation, the pig head opened its mouth, revealing a mouth full of fangs. At the same time, there are several wavy lines next to it, which represent the sound waves caused by its ferocious roar.

Then came another piece of paper:

"But after it finished roaring, suddenly, the Great Sage disappeared. It looked left and right..."

The pig's head is divided into two, and the two arcs express the way it shakes its head.

Then come the last piece of paper.

But this time, Xu Xin painted more seriously.

"It seemed to feel something and suddenly raised its head..."

swish swish...

In the lower right half of the middle right of the draft paper, a line with a pig's head looking up to the sky appears as Xu Xin outlines it.

However, the pig head is painted very small, about the size of a coin on a piece of paper.

But this time, he sketched it very delicately.

After drawing the outline of the Demon King, he became silent. Instead, start drawing clouds on the left and right sides of the upper half of the paper.

A kind of...like clouds that were forcibly pushed from the middle to the sides by something.

After he finished painting the clouds, his expression became more serious.

For a time, the sound of "rustling" writing could be heard in the whole room.

Soon, the outline of a huge golden hoop filled the drawing.

The outline of the golden cudgel was cone-shaped, and it began to shrink little by little. Finally, it was held by a monkey that filled almost the entire middle area of ​​the paper, as if a god had descended into the world.

The iron rod was bent like a wooden stick, and the monkey's face was eyeless and white.

But because these eyes were not closed, they seemed to be more or less like the heaven and earth.

A huge monkey god with a ferocious face, a sacred yet unruly spirit, smashed it down in the air with an iron rod that shook the earth.

It... is so tall.

The iron rod in his hand seemed to be grasped horizontally like the sacred mountain of Buzhou supporting the heaven and earth.

Compared with it, a pig's head the size of a one-yuan coin looks like a reptile!

An... indescribable feeling, after Xu Xin pushed over this drawing, immediately shot from Tian Xiaopeng's back to Tianling Gai!


His eyes were straight.

Looking straight at this sketch... my mind has unconsciously created a complete shot of the entire movie along with the sketch.

The Great Sage's body was covered with golden light, and his silk-like bright red cloak was flying in the air.

The monster stood on the ground and roared into the sky.

The two sides are far apart, and the monster's roar seems to be motivating the Great Sage to come over!

And the next moment... the Great Sage pulled out the Ruyi Golden Cudgel from his ear, and with a loud "bang", he disappeared from the monster's sight.

The monster looked left and right, looking for the Great Sage.

And the next second, it suddenly raised its head.

A god holding a Ruyi Golden Cudgel appeared in mid-air. The width of the Ruyi Golden Cudgel in his hand almost covered the entire sky. He faced the monster as small as an ant with an indestructible and earth-shattering momentum and force. The clouds and smoke that had not yet dissipated crashed down...


More shocking than thunder, the golden light that destroyed the world swept everything, and the monster turned into powder without even struggling!

Finally, the camera zoomed out, and a huge light swallowed everything...


Before I knew it, goosebumps had spread all over my body.

Even the hairs on my hair stood up, unwilling to stand alone, to express my willing admiration for this scene that only existed in my mind.


Just line drawing.

Although, it's not rough.


Tian Xiaopeng subconsciously raised his head and looked at the director in front of him... who was famous all over the world at a young age.

A rare feeling of unwillingness.

It's not right to say that you are unwilling.




He didn't know.

But he knew that the source of the complex emotions deep in his heart at this moment was just a simple fact.

That is when a person who does not dare to claim to be a genius, but thinks he has made quite a lot of achievements in his own field, really meets a genius and feels the talent of the other person that he has spent almost his entire life trying to catch up to...

Oh yes.

I got it.

turn out to be……

This emotion is called:


It took me three years to draft and one year to design, but it’s not as good as what others can do in just ten minutes...


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