In Tian Xiaopeng's silence, Xu Xin felt a little bit of regret in his heart as he looked at his drawing... which had at most a successful effect and had only its form but no spirit.


Talking about things now.

Otherwise...give yourself an, two hours, and your painting should be more perfect.

The most important thing is that he is confident that he can bring out that charm.

But it’s a pity, so I couldn’t help but say:

"I think this is the great sage. Fighting against heaven and earth, unruly. To use the plot of this story, his early decadence was not that he was unable to break through the shackles, but that he was tired and tired and didn't want to move. He was just tired. But it's not dead. And I think that's where your pattern is small.

If you want to read fancy stuff, there are plenty of them in online novels. What about a sword shining coldly across sixteen states, a flying sword flying ninety thousand miles into the sky...these things are flashy, elegant, and beautiful. It is indeed true...

However, the Great Sage shouldn't be this fancy. I think that instead of being fancy, the Great Sage should be synonymous with breaking all laws with one force. You see, didn't you say in your story that the Great Sage beat the Chaos Demon King to ashes with one blow?

He only used one stick, although judging by the length of the movie, this climax scene came and went too quickly. But I think sometimes it’s just that sudden glimpse in the vast sea of ​​people, leaving unfinished thoughts in the heart that is the most sincere emotion.

The Monkey King holds a golden cudgel.

This stick can move mountains, cross seas, urge cities, open the sky... You can use it in countless ways, but I will break it with one stick... There is a pretty fun game called League of Legends recently, I don't know if Director Tian has played it. There is a heroic line in it that I particularly like, it is called: Look at my divine power, I am invincible!

I think the Great Sage should be like this, rather than flashing sword energy in a flashy way.

The layout is too small.

In my mind, this scene..."

Pointing to his final drawing and pointing his finger on the Ruyi Golden Cudgel, he said:

"When this blow came down, the golden cudgel was still wrapped with clouds that had not dissipated. The impact of the shocking image is more impactful than a few sword energy cutting off the demon king's limbs, right?"


Tian Xiaopeng was speechless.

He wasn't even looking at Xu Xin.

I was just staring at the line drawings on the table in a daze.

do not know what to say.

Even now he couldn't remember the purpose of his visit.

Seeing him in a daze, Xu Xin didn't bother him.

I just lit a cigarette and continued to scroll back.

After reading the script, all that's left is the project plan.

To put it bluntly, the art part is over, and all that’s left is investment. And seeing this investment amount...Xu Xin felt that it was not bad.

1500 dollars.

Does not include post-production.

Just the original painting, dubbing, manpower, etc.

The money seemed a bit much at first glance...but Xu Xin noticed a key point.

That is, there is no "motion capture" fee in this quotation.

That is to say...

Do you plan to complete all the images purely by drawing?

Good guy, that's a lot of work.

However, Xu Xin naturally understood that the real reason why the other party's quotation was so low was not that there was no motion capture. In fact, the cost of motion capture, from hiring actors to setting up scenes, can cost several million.

The most expensive part of this animation also does not appear in the quotation, but appears in the description below.

That's post-production.

For post-production, Tian Xiaopeng hopes to use the power of Chasing Light Studio.

Brackets: Free.

Since you are all investors anyway, wouldn’t it be logical to use your own machines for post-production of animations?

But considering his decision not to use motion capture but to draw purely... Xu Xin estimated that even with Chasing Light's current scale and full power, this animation would take at least a year to complete.

It’s not a technical issue, but a purely drawn animation model requires too many details.

Light and shadow, falling rocks, rendering, and even the most troublesome "hair" special effects all occupy a lot of resources. Moreover, this amount of work cannot be completed at one time. It will definitely require modifications and corrections from both sides in order to achieve an effect that everyone is satisfied with.

One year is probably less than that.

At least a year and a half.

And if you add the time cost of this year and a do the math. If Chasing Light was full of firepower, Wang Sicong would have settled a score with Xu Xin and the people in the team during the acquisition.

The entire annual operation cost of Chasing Light, including manpower and venue rental, is approximately RMB 15 to 18 million.

Based on one and a half years, the budget of this movie has once again increased to 30 million.

Including the film production itself and other expenses, the final cost of this animation will not be less than 50 million.

Not counting publicity.

You see, this is also the main reason why the animated film market is so sluggish in China.

No one is willing to bet that a child-oriented animated film for young children can earn at least 120 million at the box office from children.

The risks and benefits are not proportional, so naturally no one wants to do it.


Being a company boss has this benefit.

this story……

Xu Xin likes it very much.

So, he put out the cigarette and said to Tian Xiaopeng, who was still in a daze:

"Director Tian, ​​this story is quite good. Let's talk about investment? How much money have you invested now?"


Tian Xiaopeng raised his head subconsciously.

There was a trance in his eyes.

But he woke up immediately.


Don't worry about the inspiration in your heart for now, let's get down to business.

Tian Xiaopeng actually felt quite clear about it.

Although nearly 4 million has been spent on this project so far, compared with the investment after the project started, it can only be said to be a drop in the bucket.

Therefore, in his plan, as long as Xu Xin agrees to invest and use the technology of Chasing Light Studio for post-production, Xu Xin can directly take 90% of the entire movie's equity.

As a director, he did not sign a gambling agreement with Xu Xin, nor did he want any box office dividends.

When the movie is released, all you need to do is distribute the profits according to shares.

In one sentence: If we make a profit, we all make it together; if we lose something... we all pay it together.

This courage is indeed good.

Xu Xin is not a hypocritical person.

He has never had any idea about money and is happy to find a big job for the newly established Chasing Light.

As a result, the two sides hit it off immediately.

I invested a lot of fish with this money.

Tian Xiaopeng called Wang Sicong in front of him and told him that he had invested in an animation project. After briefly talking to Lao Wang about the situation, Wang Sicong didn't ask anything else at all.

He didn't know much about movies either, so he just followed Lao Xu's lead.

After the matter was finalized, Xu Xin put down the phone and said to Tian Xiaopeng with a smile:

"Then... let's just say this, Director Tian. Are you happy to cooperate?"

Tian Xiaopeng nodded quickly and held his hands with the other party.


He suddenly smiled bitterly.


"What's wrong?"

Under Xu Xin's curious eyes, he said:

"Director Xu's style of doing exactly what Director Ren said. He is vigorous and resolute."

"Haha, Director Ren still understands me."

"I have sought out many investors before, and to be honest with Director Xu, when people heard that I was making cartoons, some of them didn't even bother to meet me... I spent so many years of my savings on this movie. All invested. If I hadn’t heard the news about the establishment of Chasing Light, I wouldn’t even know where to invest next... I just want my son to watch those cartoons we watched when we were young and make one. , animation that both adults and children can accept...I really didn’t expect it to be so difficult..."

"...The market is not yet mature, so we still need to take our time."

Although his words resonated somewhat with Xu Xin.

After all, he and his wife were talking about this before coming to Xi'an.

But this kind of market feedback cannot be solved manually.

The only way is to take your time.

First produce some good works, so that everyone can see that cartoons can also produce good films, films that are recognized. Then strengthen the confidence of both "supply and demand" parties, so as to form a virtuous cycle.


The first person to eat crabs needs not only courage, but also an opportunity at the right time and place.

Not everyone is eligible to eat.

But as long as you eat it, the deliciousness of crab will definitely be passed on to more and more people from the first person to eat crab.

When everyone knew the deliciousness of crabs, a market was formed.

Let’s not mention what kind of virtue it will be after the market is formed. At least, there has to be a market first before anything else, right?

Wada Xiaopeng chatted for a while about the prospects of the cartoon and the story.

Finally, Xu Xin listened to the other party's inquiry, "Director Xu, if there are any difficulties at that time, can I come to you again?", he readily agreed.

"no problem."

In Tian Xiaopeng's eyes, this genius put a reassurance in his mouth.

Everyone is happy.

Tian Xiaopeng did not move slowly. After finishing the chat with Xu Xin, he planned to return to Yanjing that day.

He had a lot of inspiration in his mind and he had to put it on paper quickly.

I'm afraid I'll forget it if it's too late.

After seeing him off, Xu Xin fiddled with his cell phone in the office and sent a long message to Wang Sicong, explaining the situation of the project. The handover was completed, so that Tian Xiaopeng would not have to go to the Zhuiguang headquarters in Magic City. It’s not like everyone doesn’t know what this project is about.

After completing these tasks...well, the happy fishing time begins again.

Xu Xin was actually quite surprised that the Silk Road Film Festival could invite director Xie Fei to be the chairman of the jury this time.

After all, this great director has been in hiding for a long time. Although he is still active in the film industry, he mostly appears as a "producer". Since 2001, he has not sat in the director's position.

But Shenyin returns to Shenyin, and his status and achievements in the world are here.

He sits in the top spot, and no one in the world can find fault with him.

On the evening of the 19th, the jury gathered together for dinner.

Even though Xu Xin was more or less a cadre, he was the first to come to this occasion.

Don't dare to neglect.

Sitting in a private room in the small canteen, he looked at the many materials on the shortlisted films.

"Thousands of Arrows Pierce the Heart"

"Flying Over the Nursing Home"

"Grandson Comes from America"

"Flying Against the Light"

"No Man's Land"

"Scorching Sun"...


Xu Xin was stunned.

I blinked, thinking for a moment that I had seen it wrong.

Take a closer look... "No Man's Land", director: Ning Hao, starring: Xu Zheng, Huang Bo...

This film...has been released?

He directly took out his mobile phone and sent a message to Qi Lei:

"I just discovered that "No Man's Land" was shortlisted for the main competition? Has it been released?"

Qi Lei did not reply for the time being.

With doubts, Xu Xin continued to look down:

"Tell them I went on a white crane"


"The Sun at Fingertips"......

A total of 13 works were shortlisted.

While Xu Xin was looking at the outline of the story, there was a knock on the door and he was pushed open.

As soon as he looked up, he saw Liang Bingning wearing a dignified black dress appearing at the door.

"...Ah, just you?"


Xu Xin nodded, but did not stand up and said:

"It's still early, I haven't come yet... Why are you here so early, sister?"

Hearing this, Liang Binning walked in on her high heels and asked:

"Why did you come so early?"

"Because I am younger."

She smiled slightly:

"What a coincidence, I also feel that I am younger."


Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Then we really have the same heroic vision."

But it’s not clear why he was murmuring in his heart.

Then, Liang Binning sat on the seat next to him with a scent of fragrance.

It seems that the two of us will sit down and pass the food around tonight.

After taking the tea cup from Xu Xin, she glanced at the information on the table and asked:

"Have you seen these movies?"

"No, let's watch it together tomorrow... How are you preparing for "Fireworks in the Day"? What's the progress now?"

"The shooting will probably start around November. But who are the specific characters, I haven't asked yet..."

As she spoke, she stretched.

Xu Xin quickly turned his head.

"I've been lazy this year too. It's just a film like this. I'll put it down after it's finished. Speaking of which, I haven't stayed in the Northeast in the winter. I heard it's very cold there..."

"You still have to go to northern Shaanxi, don't forget. Didn't those filming directors in the coal mines say they would go to our... my house?"


He was so nervous to say a few words, but what he got in exchange was silence from both sides.

Rarely, Liang Binning blushed.

First there was shock, then embarrassment, and then it immediately turned into an unnatural... complex emotion mixed with shame and embarrassment.

Finally contributed to this blush.

In fact, some things are just like that.

It is better to see through, not to tell.

However, Xu Xin really didn't think about what he said, and the word "we" came out.



He lit a cigarette and pushed the information in his hand over:

"Sister, do you have any impressions of the movie "No Man's Land"?"

He had no choice. At this time, he must find a way to get off the hook, so he could only use this excuse.

Liang Binning nodded after taking a look at the movie list he pushed over:

"I know, but... if it appears here, does it mean that the film bureau..."

"should be."

Xu Xin responded:

"To be honest, I'm quite curious about this movie and want to see what the story is. I'll have to take a good look at it tomorrow."


The blush on Liang Binning's face was still there.

But there was no hint of trembling, nervousness or shyness in the words:

"For example, if it is very good, even better than these works, what should we do? ... I said what if, it is not your "Heart of the Sun"."

Regardless of whether the second half of the sentence was flattering or not, Xu Xin looked troubled when he heard this.

But to be honest, his acting is terrible.

That frowning look, staring at the shortlist in distress, looks like the acting skills of an actor who is not even qualified for the industry.

Want to cover up.

"Then it depends on what Director Xie thinks. We are only responsible for voting and expressing our opinions... Ha, if the sky falls, there will be someone tall to hold it up."

"Yeah, that's right."

Liang Bingning responded.


Silence fell again.

In fact, both of their hearts are not on "No Man's Land" at the moment.

Xu Xin wished that he was in no man's land right now.

The best place is Lop Nur, a saline-alkali land with no human habitation for 800 miles.

Anyone with a brain can be anxious!

Fortunately, the savior has come now.

"Jingle Bell……"

A phone ringing broke the silence.

Xu Xin grabbed the phone and saw the caller and said directly:

"I'm going out to take a call."

After that, connect directly to:



Liang Binning looked at his leaving figure and then looked at the information on the table.

Not a word was spoken.

Just picked up the water glass.

No, you have to cool down.

""No Man's Land" has indeed been released, you don't have to worry. Just evaluate it normally. I thought you already knew about this. But... I have already watched the film, and there are quite a lot of cuts. But... Compared with other films, it actually has no competitive advantage. The chairman of the jury this time is Director Xie, and he will be responsible for judging it. You just vote."

This was the answer given by Qi Lei.

Surprisingly simple.

Xu Xin felt confident.

While the two were chatting, he saw Chen Kexin's figure.

He raised his hand first to say hello, then pointed to his phone.

With a smile on his face, Chen Kexin nodded to express his understanding. After walking to the door, he pointed inside before opening the door and walking in.

After Xu Xin hung up the phone with Qi Lei, he didn't rush in and lit another cigarette.

While smoking in the corridor, he saw Zhao Xiaoding.

"Director Zhao."

"Haha, Xiao Xu."

The two of them were not acquainted with each other. Zhao Xiaoding was also a smoker. After Xu Xin handed over the smoke, he asked who was inside. After seeing that everyone had not arrived yet, Xu Xin and I smoked and chatted here.

As the time approached, people including Li Xiaotian and Xi Meijuan also arrived one after another.

Xi Meijuan is the mother of Jingqiu played by Liu Yifei in "The Hawthorn Tree", and has also worked with Xu Xin. At the same time, as the other party is a top-level drama actor in the Magic City, there is no need to mention his qualifications.

It can be said that the evaluation value of this year's main competition unit is no worse than last year.

And one after another, after everyone had arrived, Xu Xin and Zhao Xiaoding walked in.

Not even a minute after entering the house, Jia Zhangke and Mo Yan, wearing a black T-shirt, also arrived together.

At this point, all 8 reviews are in place.

All it takes is Xie Fei.

Everyone was not divided and chatted individually.

When it comes to movies, everyone seems to have endless topics to talk about, and the atmosphere is very relaxed.

We continued chatting until one minute before the agreed time of 6:30, when the door was pushed open again.

Everyone stood up to greet Xie Fei, the leader of the fourth generation of directors in the Chinese dynasty and the legendary director in the directing field.

The old man is 70 this year, but his energy is not bad at all.

Her hair is neatly styled, and although she walks a little hunched over, her aura is very well controlled.

Seeing everyone standing up to greet him, he smiled and pressed his hands:

"Sit down, sit down, don't be so polite. Today I specifically won't let anyone else come. It's just the nine of us sitting together to eat and chat. We just want to get closer and don't bring in the things outside."

When he spoke with a smile, Xu Xin, who had chosen the seat at the food pass, said that he would come over and give him a helping hand.

But as soon as he moved, he heard these words and stopped immediately.

Xie Fei glanced at him and said in the same smiling tone:

"Xiao Xu, are you going to sit down to serve the food today? That would be very unfair to you."

"It's okay, I'm not aggrieved or aggrieved, that's what I should be doing."

At this time, Xu Xin stepped forward again and supported him.

"Well... everyone, please sit down."

Being supported by Xu Xin, Xie Fei said that and sat on the main seat without hesitation.

Then he said to the waiter who came after him:

"Comrade, let's serve the food. It doesn't need to be so much, just a simple meal. You can bring the food with you...and some wine...and some. Then we can just add water and pour the tea ourselves."

After finishing his words, he looked at everyone again:

"Let's just talk and chat today. Is that okay?"

He opened his mouth, and others naturally nodded in agreement.

After the waiter went down, Xie Fei said directly:

"Before eating, I have to tell everyone about the situation. For the time being... this is the purpose of our group. That is to continue the concept of the first film festival. All our opinions are based on movies, and we strive to serve the audience, peers, and Even the hard-working film workers in front of and behind the scenes have presented the second award that is convincing, fair and just, and follows the laws of art. This is what I want to say to everyone."

Everyone nodded subconsciously.

They all know what the temperament of the first Silk Road Film Festival will be like.


No matter what, this honor cannot be dishonored.

China really needs a film festival like Silk Road that focuses on local films, artistic development, and innovation.

Countless filmmakers also need such a film festival.

In other words, as long as we can persist on this path, one day, people will be proud to win the title of Silk Road Film Festival.

The review of each session serves as a link between the past and the next.

It's a responsibility, but it's also an honor.

Determined...not to be embarrassed!

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