I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 877 873 Time will tell everything

Chapter 877 873. Time will tell everything

press conference.

Xie Fei sat in the middle, while several other judges lined up on both sides with him as the dividing line.

The press conference has not officially started yet, and we have to wait for the host to arrive.

Reporters clearly had a lot to ask.

The most critical thing is that only two films won awards at this film festival.

Indeed, both movies are very good. But the question is... is such a "one-family" film festival really appropriate?

The first session was still divided into three parts.

What if the main competition units do this in the future?

Although the press conference has not started yet, reporters are using their cameras to capture the expressions of these people.

Try to see some underlying information from it.


Nothing at all.

Especially Xie Fei, the expression on his face was normal.

It seems that these scenes have long been commonplace, and they don't seem to matter.

The wind was light and the clouds were light, showing the majesty of a master.

But then again.

I do have this qualification.

"Xiang Girl Xiao Xiao", "Fragrant Soul Girl", "Black Horse", "Yixi Dolma"...

Berlin Golden Bear, Berlin Lifetime Award for Artistic Achievement, Montreal Film Festival Best Director Award, San Sebastian International Film Festival Don Quixote Award, known as the best among the three, etc...

Before the fifth generation emerged, Chinese films were still dim internationally.

For the first time, this fourth-generation director has given Chinese films their own voice internationally.

Talk about qualifications, achievements, and status in the world.

Xie Fei himself is a true grandmaster.

There is no doubt about this.

And the 9 judges did not keep everyone waiting for too long.

The press conference began after the host jogged over with a microphone.

The reporters' opinions on the question were almost surprisingly unanimous, that is, they wanted Xie Fei to explain why of the 13 films shortlisted this time, only two films, "Heart of the Burning Sun" and "Thousands of Arrows Pierce the Heart," were on the list. .

Is this unfair to other movies?

Is this award really fair?

This is what everyone wanted to ask, and after these questions were asked by the reporter who first asked the question, almost all reporters opened their recorders in unison and started taking notes.

After Xie Fei listened to the question, he nodded slightly and answered with the microphone:

"This question is actually easy to answer. Because the fact that these two films won awards is the answer in itself. To be honest, I can understand everyone's thoughts. After all, one of these two films was produced by me, the chairman of the jury. The other one was filmed by our judge Xu Xin. And today’s result, in everyone’s opinion, must be some pettiness and shady stuff that we did behind closed doors.”




No one expected that this old man would speak out what everyone was thinking so directly.

Good guy.

It's so straightforward.

Xie Fei looked around, and after finishing these words, he paused for a moment and suddenly said:

"Actually, I would like to ask you a question here. If we allocate some awards to other films today, will we be able to convince the public?"

After he asked this question, he actually didn't intend to wait for anyone to respond, but continued on his own:

"Let me give you an example, such as "One Flew Over the Home", which I personally love very much. It has a very good story and a very clear theme. But if I award the best screenplay award to this movie, everyone will Are you wondering why "Thousands of Arrows Pierce the Heart" or "The Sun Burns the Heart" with more profound themes didn't win the award?"


In the silence of the reporters, Xie Fei's voice did not have any emotional ups and downs.

As if calmly speaking the established facts.

"This time, Xi Film Studio approached me, a retired old guy, and told me that I could serve as the chairman of the jury. I agreed without any hesitation. Because... I saw a new Chinese-language film market rising. I have seen hope. And I am not afraid to tell everyone now, and I even feel very lucky."

At this point, he paused again.

His eyes became serious:

"I'm glad that I can be the chairman of this review. Because, except for this old guy like me, if there were other directors sitting here, they might be the ones who start from the moment the results are selected. You have to be prepared to face many people’s inquiries and doubts at any time.”

"But I'm not afraid."

The old man held the microphone and chuckled:

"You see, this is the benefit of seniority. I have cherished feathers all my life. When others question me, for the sake of my old face, I can think more about it. Should we just play by ourselves behind closed doors? Or should I say, these two movies...or in other words, Xiao Xu's movie is much higher than many other works including "A Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart"."

Xu Xin quickly shook his head modestly.

But Xie Fei didn't look at him, but continued:

""Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart" is actually very ordinary in terms of shooting techniques and concepts. It just tells a story that happens in everyone's lives. Even if you think about it now, its story narrative line is actually very neat. It doesn’t have any special highlights. It’s about story.

And a good story is the foundation of a movie. On this basis, Xiaoyan gave a touching performance. The award for best screenplay is given to story. And if Xiao Xu does not abstain from voting in this award selection, then the award will still go to "Scorching Sun" in the end. "

"As for "Heart of the Burning Sun"... after I watched it for the first time, I told everyone: This is the most impressive Chinese-language film that impressed me in the past ten years. From the director's technique, theme, spiritual core, and storytelling on. It raised the ceiling of the entire film festival. I believe that every audience who has watched this movie will understand what I am saying.

It has the tension of the picture and the director's scheduling is perfect. Even the director is in the movie, allowing the audience to get involved themselves and play a "game" together.

As for the film, it has almost no shortcomings in every aspect. For all the films selected this time, they are a notch ahead.

Even some of the actors showed no shortcomings.

This kind of movie has been... rare in the past ten years. I even think his movie surpasses "The Hawthorn Tree" by more than one level. "

Don't be stingy with your words of praise.

He didn't care at all about Xu Xin's "embarrassed" expression.

As if this question was useful, Xie Fei, who expressed all his thoughts, continued to hold the microphone and said:

"So, this kind of excellent film deserves all the honors it can get. The purpose of the Silk Road Film Festival is to bring better and more good Chinese-language films to everyone. These young people, these children's Works are not just for winning awards.

Winning an award is an affirmation and an honor for them. It is recognition of their work results. However, the prerequisite for receiving an award is based on ignoring the better works and showing mercy to the "defeated general" out of empathy and compassion. That would also be an insult to these excellent works.

Therefore, as the jury chairman of the main competition unit of the 2nd Silk Road Film Festival, I am responsible for all the awards voted by the jury. "

After saying these words, the old man finally put down the microphone.

This matter was also completely settled.

If you have doubts, just question my decision.

I'll take full responsibility.

The old man with a high status in the world finalized the matter, while several other judges also had no objections to this award.

Because this is the result of everyone's vote.

After the matter was finalized, the old man stopped speaking.

Xu Xin became the main target of the media.

After all, as the client, you always have to come and say something, right?

But Xu Xin's attitude is actually very simple.

He had nothing good to say about "Heart of the Burning Sun."

Let everything be judged by the audience and time after the release.

As for when it will be released, he gave the time years ago.

The Berlin Film Festival starts in January, and this year the Chinese New Year is in February.

His own plan is to start arranging a release once the shortlist for the Berlin main competition is announced.

If nothing else, it should be around the time of the Berlin Film Festival.

If you really win an award, think about it, the Berlin Golden Bear will appear in the movie one night, and the movie will premiere the next day... that would be a relatively romantic thing.

Of course, this is hard to say.

I am afraid that the extreme joy after poisoned milk will lead to sorrow.

But... no matter what, this is the most satisfying work in his career as the best director at the Venice Film Festival so far.

He is qualified to look to a better future.

Finally, the half-hour press conference ended in an orderly manner.

As for how this award is discussed on the Internet, he actually doesn't care.

It's late too, almost 10 o'clock.

He returned home directly.

He even refused Lao Wang’s invitation to have a midnight snack.

I have to start the post-production work on "The Ringing Tone" tomorrow, and I'm still busy.

After arriving home, Yang Mi had already taken off her makeup.

He asked in confusion:

"Shishi won't come over tonight?"

"She left on an overnight flight. She has a commercial to shoot tomorrow."

"...Okay, where is Lin Gou? Have you seen him?"

"See you. We just came back here together."

After carefully applying the mask to her face, Yang Mi said casually:

"I told him that once an actor's private personality is exposed too much, it is easy to create a fixed impression on the audience. When the time comes, it will be more difficult to bring him into the drama. But I also said, If the variety show Running Man is particularly popular, it will help his popularity a lot and it will spread very quickly. Let him weigh it carefully... In the end, he didn't even think about it, he just wanted to play... When I see this, I will let him Right. I guess I was chatting with Lao Wang about the show tonight...didn’t I call you?"

"You yelled, but I didn't go. I have to be busy tomorrow."

While he was talking, he had already unbuttoned his dress shirt.

Wearing this in summer is really a bit of a pain.


"I'll go back early tomorrow morning, what are your next activities?"

"I haven't been active since I was busy with the movie. I just went home and started preparing for the teacher qualification certificate exam. The school has already filled up the registration, and the written test is on September 16."


Yang Mi was a little surprised:

"Is this about to start?"

"That's right. But I asked Teacher Yu and he said it's easy to take the exam. As long as I pass the written test well and I only need someone to go to the interview, there will basically be no problem. After all, I have some achievements~"

While he was speaking, his shoes and socks had already been taken off.

After Yang Mi casually found a pair of sports shorts for her husband, she picked up his socks and underwear and threw them into the dirty clothes basket. She suddenly smacked her lips:

"Tsk, tsk, tsk..."

"What's wrong?"

"The uneducated Xu Sanjin who wore gel water on his head all day long, drove his Ferrari in front of the school and wanted to tell the world that I was rich... is now going to become a glorious people's teacher. Don't you think it's ironic?"


Xu Xin was suddenly speechless.

"You are really good at chatting. Just dig up my dark history...what? Do you think I'm not qualified?"

"That's not true."

Although she couldn't see her expression clearly with the mask on, Yang Mi's tone was still full of regret:

"I just feel... Don't you think it's strange? In school, you were in the worst group... There were many people with better grades than you. And then? You succeeded. This is more or less proof. I came up with a point - studying is useless, right? As a result, you, who studied for nothing, now go back to teach... This feels really strange. By the way, what do you teach? "

"First, it is pure bullshit that reading is useless. Reading and studying at any time is the most direct way to help one complete class leap. Second, the only time I really made mistakes was in my freshman year. Starting from my sophomore year after returning from the Olympics, My grades have always been very good. Even if I am not satisfied with my coursework, my test scores have always been among the best. Thirdly, can you please stop looking down on others?"

Xu Xin couldn't help but give his wife a big roll of his eyes.

Then he continued:

"I can't get my teaching qualification certificate, so the procedures for teaching assistants are not complete. But what the teacher arranged for me is to give the new students two classes on the introductory basics of audio-visual language to get a feel for it..."

"Audio-visual language?... I have also taken that class, and there is no technical content in the previous part. Not to mention anything else, I only talked about "scenery farewell" that can be explained clearly in one sentence... "

"You know shit."

Now, Yang Mi became "uneducated and unskilled" in his eyes.

"Scenery is indeed divided into far, full, medium, close and special, but almost all the director's techniques are derived from it... I am almost nervous to death. Do you believe it? If this most basic thing is If you don’t speak well, you will mislead others.”

"...It's just a short film. Isn't there a lesson plan? Just follow it...and Teacher Yu's course arrangement is a bit strange. This is a big class, and you can't miss a single lesson. So the class time is very long. Fixed, do you have that time? ...And I haven’t heard of any teaching assistant teaching audio-visual language in the first year.”

"This is a requirement of the school."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"Actually, it doesn't matter whether I teach or not. What's important is that I have to appear in this class for freshmen. The first class is the easiest, and it's all about basic theories. I just follow them. It doesn’t matter if you read the textbook for five minutes and then chat with everyone. Someone will come to take photos and promote it.”

Now Yang Mi understood:

"I understand. When people look at it, they think, eh? Xu Xin actually teaches freshmen? Isn't this much better than some mid-term or top-level drama? Hurry up, next year we will all apply for Beijing Film Academy! Is that what you mean?"

She really knows everything.

Xu Xin also nodded:

"Yes, that's what it means. The freshman and sophomore years and the junior and senior years of the directing department are actually a watershed. There are two stages. In the first stage, everyone solves the technical and basic aspects. And by the beginning of the junior year, it is I have begun to pay attention to the issue of artistic creation. This is what I am good at. If you want to teach theory courses, I can’t even keep up with those professors who have obtained professional titles. But when it comes to art creation, I still have some words to say. Right. Besides, Teacher Yu’s class has also been in the past two years, and I have to help Zhen select some good graduate students. How accurate I am at picking people~"

"That pair, that pair~"

Yang Mi nodded as if she felt the same, and then she put on a graceful curve in her pajamas:

"My brother has the best vision, otherwise he would be able to like me, the best?"

"You are indeed the best. In every aspect~"


The language of the Celestial Empire is broad and profound.

Xu Xin's words sounded like a compliment at first, but combined with his tone and expression, Yang Mi knew that he was not farting.

She rolled her eyes at him angrily:

"Hurry up and take a shower~"

"Your clothes..."

"Go quickly!"


The elated Xu Xin trotted all the way.

I always hum songs while taking a shower.

While wiping my head, I came out and saw that my wife had already changed her clothes and was even playing with her mobile phone while wearing high heels.

"Hehehe...female donor~"


Yang Mi looked up at her lover and threw the phone aside.

She was reading netizen reviews of this film festival.

I haven’t had time to read the media news yet, but the comments from Weibo netizens are quite polarizing.

There is a group of people who did not come to the film festival.

I think the Silk Road Film Festival is a bit too presumptuous.

13 works, the last two works related to the West Film Studio share the world, and they look ugly.

People who have watched these two works are arguing with each other, telling them that these two movies definitely deserve the awards.

The quarrel between the two parties was not serious, but the father-in-law said the father-in-law was right and the mother-in-law said the mother-in-law was right, and no one could be stubborn about the other.

And through the comments of netizens, Yang Mi could actually more or less guess the next development of the situation.

Before the release of "Thousands of Arrows Pierced by Heart" and "Heart of the Burning Sun", this debate will probably never come to any conclusion.

But after it is released, it must be clear what the outcome will be.

As for the media...

never mind.

This is the perfect time for beautiful scenery...

I don’t want to think about some bad things.

Let time... prove everything.

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