I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 878 874 Don’t be happy with things and don’t be sad with yourself

The Silk Road Film Festival's "Wan" and "Lie" share the world is indeed as absurd as many people expected.

After the film festival ended, many people with public review memberships came to speak out and tell them about the festival's film review process and some of the rules they knew.

And when selecting some films, we encountered some things that can prove the temperament of the "Silk Road Film Festival".

"As a public judge this time, I can tell you responsibly that the gold content of these two films is real. When we went to attend the judging meeting, the film festival staff personally told us that you don't have to worry about duplication. Too many recommendations. If a movie is too good, there will even be multiple award choices during the final review. As a judge, I have seen both of these two movies. They are indeed much better than other movies."

"[Picture], this is one of the major judging criteria of the Silk Road Film Festival posted in front of the computer where the film is reviewed. Originally, all shooting methods were prohibited during the judging, so when I took this photo, I specifically told the staff After getting approval, I sent it to everyone. [Bringing more good movies to the audience.] As a judge, I am also responsible for the works I voted for. I can tell you responsibly that this result, I’m not surprised at all.”

"This is my first time to participate in the film festival review. I submitted the application last year. I didn't have any high hopes, but it actually passed. And I was lucky enough to be selected for the review position by drawing lots.

Weekly round-trip air tickets were reimbursed, and I won’t mention hotel accommodation. Xiying Studio’s services are really thoughtful. When selecting films, since there were many new judges this year, we all got a copy of the notes left by last year's judges. It contains many notes from various judges when films such as "Zhuanshan" and "HELLO, Mr. Tree" were in the public review stage. Helps us review a movie from a different perspective.

The work done by all the staff is very detailed. As a reviewer, I only really realized the responsibility on my shoulders when I sat in front of the computer. I believe that the temperament of a work environment is formed from the top down. The temperament of the public judges and the main jury are consistent. "

"Actually, seeing everyone's doubts, several colleagues have already said a lot, so I won't go into details. As a public reviewer for two consecutive terms, the only thing I can say is: after the two movies are released, everything will be real It will all be clear. All slanders will be self-defeating."

Public reviewers spontaneously faced doubts online.

As an "emerging force", they actually play little role in facing polarized comments.

Those who believe do not need to say much.

People who don’t believe it are useless even if they try to break the sky.

But...everything has two sides.

In the final analysis, all the contradictions, doubts and fans of the second Silk Road Film Festival are actually synonymous with "popularity" from another perspective.

That night, its hot search was posted on Weibo and never came down.

Many people who may not pay attention to these things on weekdays have also noticed this incident.

Just eat melon.

Regardless of the industry, I don’t know whether I understand it or not.

A monthly salary of 3,000 doesn't stop you from enjoying those who earn hundreds or tens of millions and join in the fun.

After all, information is free.

If someone watches it, the popularity will be high.

And as the popularity grows, more and more people will learn about it.

The Silk Road Film Festival's hot search stayed in the top ten all night, and dropped to 15 in the morning. And by 9 o'clock, because more and more people were eating melons, and due to public review, it made it into the top ten again.


More and more people know the names of the two movies.

The previous "Scorching Sun" was okay, it was Xu Xin's movie.

But I’ve really never heard of the subsequent song “Ten Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart”.

After an investigation, I found...it was actually invested by CCTV6.

CCTV6, Yanjing Golden Code, and Beijing Film Youth Film Studio...


The roots are growing and the sprouts are red, doctor.

No wonder Xie Fei can be hired as a producer.

And since the reviews of this movie are so good...when will it be released?

How about... go take a look?



The end of the Silk Road Film Festival is the end for Xu Xin.

He probably looked at the voices on the Internet and didn't pay attention to them.

However, he was actually quite lucky.

For now, this matter is just being talked about by netizens, and the media's exaggeration is not too exaggerated... From this point of view, you can understand the importance of Mr. Xie in the world.

It's really not light.

The artistic ethics and responsibility of the older generation of artists...

He really saw it.

"Xu, do you have any plans to make the film festival an international one?"

On the 11th, the post-dubbing work for "Telephone Ring" began.

The workload is actually not that big, and if everything goes well, it will be over in a day or two. And Anna Fogletta, who plays Carlotta, will also arrive this evening.

We can stay here for a day or two at most, and then everyone can go back together.

And this morning, after Jasmine came, she asked Xu Xin while everyone was chatting before work started.

"We have no plans for the time being. International film festivals need more influence. At the same time, Jesse, you should feel that our film festival still has many shortcomings. We will not develop international film festivals for the time being."

"That's it...that's quite a pity."

Jasmine shook her head slightly:

"I'm really satisfied with this film festival. If your country's films can maintain this level in the future, then I believe you will be a frequent visitor to Europe."

Her words are obviously full of expectations for the Chinese film market.

"Thanks, Jesse."

Xu Xin actually thinks what she said makes sense.

Chinese movies...are really getting better and better.

It can be seen from these shortlisted films this year that not only the abilities of filmmakers are improving, but also the audience's aesthetics and film selection tastes are becoming wider.

He even dares to look into the future. As long as he proceeds step by step like this, the good days of Chinese-language films are really yet to come.

When he thought of this, he felt a little better.


There is light ahead of us!

Every year will definitely get better than the last!

The actors' sound editing work for "The Ringing Ring" was indeed as Xu Xin expected, and it lasted two days and ended.

When parting, everyone was full of reluctance.

After all, these days, they have been lingering over this mysterious ancient Eastern country.

Brackets: Without traveling.

A trip to the Badaling Great Wall made everyone feel a little desperate.

Fortunately, the film will be submitted to the Tokyo Film Festival next. If you can be shortlisted, everyone will meet there again.

This expectation diluted the sadness of parting.

Xu Xin hugged and said goodbye to his friends.

After personally sending them off to the plane, his busy schedule in Xi'an officially ended.

After saying hello to Jay Chou who had recorded the voice, he directly boarded the plane home.

Before the plane took off, he received a message while still checking his mobile phone:

"Hello, Director Xu, I am Zhang Ziyi. I have just completed the handover of the financial contract with CAA. I have now left CAA and become a free agent. Look... what should I do next?"

Xu Xin looked at the text she sent... Although this matter had long been an established fact, he still had a strange feeling after receiving this message at this moment.

In other words...a sense of accomplishment.

The famous international Zhang.

Back then, he was an arrogant person who could turn his hands into clouds and turn his hands into rain.

But now...

Unconsciously, he opened his hands and clenched his fists several times.

A feeling that the other person is living in the palm of your hand arises spontaneously.


He took a breath and suppressed the turmoil in his heart.

He replied:

"I'll ask someone from Yuntu to contact you. Teacher Zhang, we will be a family from now on. Please give us your advice."

After sending this message, Zhang Ziyi replied almost instantly.

"Thank you, Director Xu."

"If you don't mind, you can just call me Ziyi from now on."

"I am honored to join the Yuntu family. Ziyi asks Director Xu to take good care of her in the future."

Three messages were sent in a row.

Xu Xin looked at these words...

Subconsciously he replied:

"Okay, Ziyi."

But just when his finger clicked to send, he paused.

After thinking about it, I deleted this sentence.

Instead it was changed to:

"You're welcome, that's as it should be. The addition of Teacher Zhang has made Yuntu shine brighter. I also hope that Teacher Zhang can bring more works in the future and create greater glory. The plane takes off and don't come back."

A message was sent, but Zhang Ziyi did not reply.

After Xu Xin sent a screenshot of the chat between the two to Xu Zhi, he rang the service bell.

A flight attendant whom I had never seen before came over and squatted in front of Xu Xin in a squatting position, looking up at him:

"Hello, Director Xu, do you need any services?"

Xu Xin nodded:

"Well, I need a glass of iced lemonade. More ice cubes."

As he spoke, he lifted the flight attendant's arm to rest on the armrest of the sofa.

With a little force, he lifted her up from this somewhat flattering and looking-up position.

Then he said nothing more.

The stewardess nodded politely:

"Okay, please wait a moment."

Soon, she came over with a tray.

Xu Xin took the lemonade and said politely:


After taking a sip of the sweet but cold lemonade, he took a deep breath and regained consciousness.


Not pleased, not to have compassion.

Don't be afraid of clouds covering your eyes.

Hope that soon, the boat can cross the Ten Thousand Mountains.

He looked out the window in a daze.

August 15th.

Jay Chou appeared at the "Still Fantasy" KTV next to Xi'an Jiaotong University to promote his first KTV.

Xu Xin didn't go.

Wang Sicong is wearing a conspicuous bag.

Very generously, each box was given a bottle of wine.

As soon as the KTV, which focuses on affordable consumption, opened, it was immediately full. Moreover, after it was determined that "The Voice" would also use this place as a singing practice room for contestants in the future, the card processing turnover exceeded 3 million on the first day of opening.

Pretty crazy.

But the drinks at Fantasy are really affordable.

Affordable consumption, fashionable decoration, and continuing the concept of "let my fans afford useful things", Fantasy KTV has been well received since its opening.

But soon some behind-the-scenes information was dug out.

For example... this house completed a transfer procedure in 2009. The head of the house of more than 3,000 square meters is Yang Mi.

Brackets, completed before "The Wind" was released.

Let's take a look at the timeline...


I'm afraid this isn't...a bride price?

At that time, Yang Mi and Xu Xin had not received their certificates.

Good guy...Xu Gou is a real dog. My Mimi hasn't decided to marry you yet. Are you using money to trap us first?

Why are you such a dog!

But no matter what, Fantasy KTV has become a tourist attraction since its opening.

There is a long queue every day starting in the afternoon.

The side businesses of the brothers have also started.

Moreover, after seeing the momentum of True Love Fantasy, some investors have contacted Tianlai or Shuangwei, and even Jewel has approached them, hoping to cooperate and turn KTV into a chain.

This point...Wang Sicong is quite interested.

After all, Tianlai is now an entertainment company, and the more supporting physical industries it has... maybe it will be the next entertainment Wanda.

He planned to study it carefully.

Even when chatting in the group, looking forward to the future, I have already thought about the city for the second store.


The name is still Fantasy·7V store.

Take a look, their names are so foreign.

The good-hearted Xu Xin also asked, "Where is the third store? What do you plan to call it?", and the reply he got was:

"Still the Fantasy Xinlong store."


You bitch can't spit out ivory shit!

But let’s just say it anyway.

The brothers have all reaped the dividends of being "celebrities" now.

A person's name, the shadow of a tree.

The success of Fantasy did allow Wang Sicong to see the opportunity to develop a physical side business.

But everything has nothing to do with Xu Xin.

Firstly, he was too lazy to worry about the three melons and two dates, and secondly... with a serious and responsible attitude, he was preparing to obtain the teacher qualification certificate, so naturally he had no time to pay attention to so many trivial matters.

On the 18th, Brother Ji brought the soundtrack assignment for "Telephone Ringing".

Not to mention...

Xu Xin really felt that Chicken Brother's soundtrack suited his taste.

Especially after it was embedded into the movie, I made the decision right on the spot.

Very, very good fit.

Once the soundtrack is settled, the entire movie will be officially completed.

The next step is to submit it for review...

In two days, on August 20, the dragon mark came down.

Exaggeratedly fast.

And with Longbiao, according to regulations, "Telephone Ringing" has met all the processes and procedures required for submission to film festivals for review.

The next step is to submit it to the Tokyo Film Festival.

But before that...

"Are you sure you want to use this name?"

Qi Lei asked on the phone:

"This name is a bit too childish."

"I think it's pretty good... Isn't this story just determined by the ringtones one after another?"

"But it's really unattractive. We all studied it and felt that this movie title is very ordinary. So we proposed a few names, you choose."

"Well, tell me."

"The first one is called "Perfect Stranger", which is a more abstract metaphor. We always turn a blind eye to the lovers around us. Those strangers are always perfect, making us flock to them..."

"That's it! This is good!"

Qi Lei didn't even need to say the second thing, Xu Xin made the decision directly.

This name...

he likes!


Qi Lei obviously didn't expect his reaction to be so direct.

Don’t you listen to the rest?

So he said:

"There are more to come. "The Night of the Lunar Eclipse", "Crazy Caller"..."

"No, no, no, it doesn't sound good, so I want this."

"That's... okay. Then use the name "Perfect Strangers" to deliver newspapers?"


As a result, the script, which had been called "The Ringing Phone" from the beginning of the project, was officially renamed "Perfect Strangers".

As Xu Xin's sixth film, it was submitted to the Tokyo Film Festival.

August 26th.

As the first day of school approaches, the student union of Beijing Film Academy is already busy welcoming the new year.

Xu Xin's Volvo drove into the campus very quietly.

But he was still recognized by many student union personnel who were decorating the campus.

When Xu Xin, who was driving by himself, saw a male classmate and a female classmate nodding politely to the car... he lowered the window and nodded in response, and then sighed in his heart:

"Children these days mature prematurely..."

I especially remember my classmates back then... I had already become famous at that time, and they were too embarrassed to be too "affectionate" with me. Afraid of being said to be fawning...

But look at it now...

With some emotion, he walked all the way to the teaching road and walked into Yu Zhen's office with ease.

He is here today to receive his teaching plan.


Yu Zhen said hello casually, and then pushed a set of things from the desk.

"Teaching plans, textbooks, including cast list and class schedule. Please take a look and see if you have any questions."


Xu Xin responded, first took a look at the class schedule, and was suddenly stunned...

"Big classroom? How many people are there in the directing department this year?"

"Not many, 17. But there are many in the acting department. Counting the external teaching classes, there are 85 in total. Although your first class is not compulsory in the acting department, it is also included. It is necessary for publicity. Go back and prepare well, and don’t let anything slip when the time comes.”

"This... okay."

Xu Xin looked dumbfounded.

It is clear in his heart that there are hidden dragons and crouching tigers in the school, so why do you want to catch yourself as a role model?

I am afraid of society!

It's a pity that Yu Zhen didn't care whether he was afraid of society or not, and said directly:

"Your teaching tasks this year are not high. It's your first year, so you need to get used to it first. But you still have to continue to get professional titles in the future, you know?"


"Hmm...and there is another thing, see if you are interested. I plan to start a documentary project. After "The Tip of the Tongue", the school means that we should also expand our goals in this area."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Do you want me to lead it? Or do you want me to control it?"

"Do you have any other documentaries you want to shoot? Apply for a project and the school will grant you funding. I have also talked about this with Teacher Hou. It will also be done as your graduate project. The funds will be funded by Youth Film Production The studio will release it. Crew members, we will provide you with graduate students. You can take it with you or let them go and submit your homework."

Xu Xinxin said she was really dozing off, so she gave him a pillow?

A few days ago, I just announced that I would drop the project on the Forbidden City at the studio and let other directors take over. As a result, he hasn't made any move yet. Is there such an opportunity here?

So, he nodded and agreed:

"Don't tell me, I do have a very suitable idea."


Yu Zhen took off her reading glasses that she had only worn for a few years and looked at him seriously:

"An idea? What? Tell me."

"This is the inspiration I got when I took the crew members to visit the Forbidden City a few days ago..."

He recounted everything he saw and heard that day.

"My thoughts are on two themes. One is the group of people who restore cultural relics. I really admire them...especially the efforts they make so that future generations can see this history. On the other hand, the Forbidden City is a huge city. Proposition. But frankly speaking, this big proposition is a bit mediocre, and it is too...big. It needs a director with mature ideas to operate it.

But the topic of cultural relic restoration is relatively simple, and its story line is very simple. In fact, it is the most basic documentary format. I estimate...as long as you plan well, you can basically finish everything you need to shoot in a month or two at most.

Compared with the big proposition of the Forbidden City, the Forbidden City requires only one or two years to prepare. After all, there are many people filming it. If you want to stand out and be top-notch, you need a particularly good proposition. But the restoration of cultural relics is much simpler. "

"Cultural relic restoration..."

Yu Zhenpin read the four words "pin" and nodded directly:

"That's okay. Do you have any specific plans?"

"Not at the moment. I'm busy with two movies, and I'm hitting the back of the head with my feet. The child will go to kindergarten the day after tomorrow, plus I have to prepare for the teacher qualification exam... You don't think I fish at home every day, do you?"

Looking at the ridiculous looking disciple, Yu Zhen asked:

"Isn't it frozen fish?"


Xu Xin's face immediately turned green.


Yu Zhen smiled and shook her head helplessly at him:

"You...wasteful. That koi carp died unjustly...Okay, then let's decide on this proposition. Originally, I thought that if you were not busy these days, I would go with me to interview for graduate students. .Forget it, just finish the work at hand first. Regarding the topic of cultural relic restoration, I will file a project first, and you can go back and think about it slowly. Just submit the plan this year... If you can work by your side, these graduate students are afraid It’s time to break your head and fight for it again..."

"Hehe... OK. But... as for the funding issue... you can give me more approval when the time comes, and don't do the same as "The Tip of the Tongue". Just give me five million... God knows how much I paid, but in the end the copyright is not mine. My own! I bite my back molars regretfully after thinking about it!"

Hearing this, Yu Zhen glanced at the office door.

After making sure the door was closed tightly, he said in a dumbfounded voice:

"Where do you come from with so many complaints? ...Also, from now on, you can just say it yourself. If you speak louder, I will install a loudspeaker for you to promote it?"

After signaling her disciples not to talk nonsense in the future, she continued:

"What's more, some things have gains and losses. You have never worked at CCTV, so you don't know. It is a huge and complex system that can operate stably and naturally has its own set of rules. You are not a An unknown person, in your position, if you give up something, you will naturally get something. And the things you get...in my opinion, must be what you need. And the things you give up, for you, are Just some trivial things.”

Xu Xin was stunned...

Then I saw the old mentor showing a smile that could only be understood but not explained.

So, he nodded:


(Today is just one chapter. The reason is that my hungry brain can’t think anymore and my thinking is almost stagnant. It is also accompanied by abdominal muscle spasms... These days, it is boiled vegetables + chicken breast + oats, and coding is a mental task. It’s really painful.)

(Oh my god, my mind can’t move. I even forgot to post the chapter!!! Ahhhhh, I’m sorry!)

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