I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 879 875 Inadvertently

Chapter 879 875. Occasionally

(By the way, I have been losing weight these days and my brain is not strong enough. "A Thousand Arrows Pierced the Heart" was written to go to the Venice Film Festival, but actually it went to the Tokyo Film Festival, together with "Heart of the Burning Sun". The previous article has been revised, here Correction. Sorry, everyone, my carbohydrate intake has been seriously insufficient recently, and my brain feels numb)

August 29th.


Early in the morning.

The entire Xu family mobilized.

Including Xu Daqiang, who had been here for two or three days, a group of people were wandering around like headless chickens.

"Oh, if you don't bring snacks, bring some fruit to the main office! How can any child go to school without eating snacks?"

"Dad! The school has everything. The teacher specifically said you don't need to bring anything."


"Oh, Dad!"

"Daughter-in-law, the quilt and mattress are already inside, what else is there?"

"Let's see... why are you bringing this thick quilt! Didn't I tell you to get that silk quilt!"

"I don't think it's going to be cold in October, so I'm worried that the kids will get cold."

"Brother! It's not even September yet! Change it for me quickly!"

"Daughter, are these two pairs of shoes too thin for my child? Why don't you get a thicker one?"

"Dad! Why are you like this! It's not even September yet! One pair for indoors and one pair for outdoor use, just put them in their schoolbags! Oh, I beg you, please don't make trouble, just do whatever I ask you to do... Don’t make me go crazy!!”

Yang Mi, who felt dizzy early in the morning, clenched her fists and looked at her husband, who was reluctantly taking out the thick quilt, with eyes like a tiger about to eat people.

I wanted to kill this turtle grandson with one punch.

And to say that the person who has the most peace of mind for the whole family is Yang Chunling.

Their task is very simple, just dress Nuannuan and Yangyang, hold the children in their arms and prevent them from causing trouble.

You don't even have to make breakfast.

Go to school to eat.

When Xu Daqiang, who also looked reluctant, took out all the snacks for his grandson from his schoolbag, Yang Mi glanced and suddenly noticed something was wrong...

Why are there a bunch of red envelopes in my schoolbag?

She walked over quickly:

"Dad, what is this...????"

Before he finished speaking, confusion suddenly appeared on his face.

All are red envelopes.

The thickness of the red envelope... at least five thousand...

There are seven or eight in total.

"What are you doing?... Oops, I've already told you that our school is just to prevent parents from comparing themselves to each other. Even the teachers contact us through the contact book, not the mobile phone. They are prohibited from accepting gifts. Once discovered, They will be expelled, and parents and teachers are prohibited from adding contact information to each other... Can you please stop causing trouble!"

"Ah~ I'm not afraid that I can't take good care of my children."

Xu Daqiang didn't mean to feel guilty, but looked as if he should take it for granted:

"There are 11 children in their class. What if we can't take care of them properly?"

"...Dad! There are 11 children in their class, but they have 6 teachers!"

"I know, so I prepared twelve red envelopes. It's just a little bit of fun..."


Yang Mi almost went crazy.

I thought to myself that none of these adults could give me peace of mind!

Without saying a word, she took out all the money, and after making sure that there were no "contraband" in the children's schoolbags, she personally carried the two children's schoolbags and two bags of quilts and walked out of the house.

When he saw Li Hao standing at the door of the garage, he was equally unceremonious.

"Brother Hao! You! Don't move and do your work!"

Li Hao, whose children are in primary school this year, nodded in confusion.

Obviously, he understood Yang Mi's thoughts very well.

It's the first day of sending your child to kindergarten. This is what all parents do.

Extremely sensitive, irritable, irritable...

Where is this?

You sent the child to school later.

Li Hao didn't know if Mimi would cry when the baby he had raised for three years suddenly entered school. Anyway, when he and his wife came out of kindergarten, they hugged each other and cried.

Tears were wiped all the way.

Although school ended at 5 pm, the two of them couldn't sit still at 3 o'clock and went straight to school.

Looking forward to being reunited with my children.

So I honestly opened the gift sent by Xu Daqiang, a brand new imported version of the 2011 125th Anniversary Mercedes-Benz Viano.

Cars are not expensive. There are about eighty naked cars, but less than one hundred can be purchased.

In fact, in terms of comfort level, this car is worse than Alfa. But the problem is that Xu Daqiang has not been able to trust Japanese brands in the past two years. Every day on the Internet, Japanese cars are just paper shells.

So, after much thought, he decided to get a Mercedes-Benz business car.

In fact, he originally wanted to put his grandson and granddaughter directly into a Hummer.

That car... was actually uncomfortable to sit in, and it drank gas. But the problem is really solid.

But Yang Mi disagreed.

That car is so eye-catching.

Finally got this Viano.

It will be used exclusively for picking up and dropping off children in the future.

It's a pity that Volvo doesn't have an MPV, otherwise it would have done this.

The car has been here for more than half a month, and Yang Dalin is driving it these days. After all, he will have to take on the heavy responsibility of sending his children to and from school.

After Yang Mi put her luggage and schoolbag in the car, she quickly closed the door and checked the time.

It's almost 7 o'clock.

time to go.

So I hurried back to the house and saw that everything else was almost ready, so I waved my hand...

The whole family went out and piled into a commercial vehicle.

Yang Dalin drove, Xu Daqiang sat in the passenger seat, Xu Xin and Yang Mi sat in the middle with their two children in their arms, and Li Hao and Yang Chunling sat at the back.

The car was packed to the brim.

"Baby, you are going to kindergarten. Are you happy?"

Holding the girl in his arms, Xu Xin asked softly.

However, the two little guys had no idea what kindergarten was.

His face was full of confusion and indifference.

I just simply thought it was time to go out and have fun.

And this time, in addition to mom, dad, grandma and grandpa, grandpa was also there.

So he seemed to be in a very high mood, and nodded vigorously after hearing what his father said.


Xu Xin laughed:

"Haha, that's fine. You have to listen to the teacher when you get to kindergarten, you know? You must not hit other children. If you hit children other than your younger brother, your father will be angry!"


Yangyang looked at his father with two big black and white eyes and tilted his head.

What is this man with thick eyebrows and big eyes talking about?

And the strange thing is that the whole family has no objection to his words...


All the way to Qingmiao International, on the first day of baby class, the door was already full of people coming to pick up new teachers. At the same time, one luxury car after another, under the command of the school traffic officer, began to send the children to the kindergarten in an orderly manner.

Gotta admit it.

Tuition fees of more than 100,000 yuan and close to 200,000 yuan a year are indeed beyond the reach of ordinary families.

The two rows of cars at the door are all luxury cars.

Most of them were commercial vehicles, but there were also a few parents driving Rolls-Royces.

I can see many people biting their back molars:

"Ah, if I had known earlier, I would have driven a nice car..."



Xu Xin and Yang Mi pretended not to hear this.

Follow the team and move forward slowly. Soon, it will be their turn.

Two teachers came over immediately.

After the car door opened, Yang Mi politely greeted the two teachers.

The two teachers also responded politely and politely, and then focused all their attention on Nuannuan and Yangyang.

After seeing that they were two children, two more teachers immediately came to greet them.

"Hello, Xu Weizhen, Xu Wanqing~"

Naturally, she held the hands of the two children, while Yang Mi said next to her:

"The children are quite naughty at home, teachers, please be more careful."

"Don't worry, this is what it should be."

"Yeah, if you need anything, just call me and I'll send it over right away."

"Okay, but most of the stuff is available in school."

"Well...I know...and...Xu Wanqing is very naughty...Teacher, please pay more attention..."

Just after saying a few words, Yang Mi's nasal voice had become thicker.

At this time, Xu Xin and Xu Daqiang walked over carrying a duffel bag and schoolbag in their hands.

The teacher next to me quickly picked it up.

"Baby, let's meet mom and dad again~"

Hearing this, Nuannuan and Yangyang waved their hands to their mother out of habit:


The two teachers took the two children and walked into the campus.

When Yang Mi waved her hand in response, tears were already flowing out unconsciously.

When Yangyang saw her mother crying, she immediately realized something was wrong.

He made a forceful movement to break away from the teacher's hand.

It's a pity... The teacher is obviously very experienced and has a tight grip.

Yangyang tugged twice, and saw that the distance between him and his mother was getting farther and farther, and he completely understood that something was wrong.


"Wow...Mom! Dad! Save me!!!"

The moment he cried, the teacher, like a prophet who predicted the future, picked up the child and ran straight to the campus.

Yang Mi instinctively wanted to catch up.

Fortunately, Xu Xin was relatively sober and quickly stopped him.

"Okay, okay... This is called cutting the knot with a quick knife and separating from your parents! It is most taboo for children to be disconnected from their parents at this time..."

He wasn't done comforting him yet.


Yang Mi had already plunged into her husband's arms.

Just as Li Hao expected.

Parents think that their children cannot live without them.

Little do you know...the person you really can't live without is yourself.

Not only her, Yang Chunling also cried.

The other four gentlemen were in a very stable mood.

Just staring at the door of the kindergarten, reluctant to leave.

Finally, the parents behind wanted to send their children to kindergarten, so everyone had no choice but to get in the car and leave.

And Yang Mi's tears fell silently all the way.

When I got home after 8 o'clock, I started looking through the photos and recorded videos of my children on my phone.

While watching, I cried.

Xu Xin was also a little uncomfortable.

The noisy environment at home before... now suddenly and magically quieted down.

There was no complaint from Yang Yang, and no black hands from Nuan Nuan.

Even Zai Zai and Niu Niu no longer need to hold their tails between their legs to be dogs.

That quietness...



"Was it the same when you were in school?"


Xu Daqiang, who was sitting in the pavilion watching fish and smoking, was stunned for a moment, and suddenly sighed:


It was rare that he took the initiative to pour a cup of tea for his son and said calmly:

"I was afraid at that time that you would be bullied in school. I was also afraid that bad guys would block your way after school... Later, when you went to junior high school, you were afraid that the restaurant in front of your school was not clean, and that the money given to you was not enough for you to eat. I’m afraid that people in society will know that you are rich and will rob you. I’m also afraid that you will follow others up the mountain and fall into a hole in the earth, or that you will go down into the river and get flooded..."

Looking at his now grown-up son, Xu Daqiang's eyes were as kind as ever.

From childhood to adulthood, it has never changed.

He couldn't help but patted his son on the head. He took a long puff of smoke while holding a cigarette in his mouth:

"I'm afraid of this, I'm afraid of that... Just being afraid... you'll grow up."


"Quick. Very quick."

Although he was not illiterate, the old father, whose education was also limited, sighed with emotion, pointing to the grapevines that had begun to climb along the wooden pillars of the pavilion.

The sunroom in that yard has been demolished, and the current fish pond is its foundation.

Naturally, the grape trellis next to it cannot be left.

These grapes were newly planted the year before.

It has only been two years, but it has already sprouted new buds like an ivy.

I'm afraid that if I put up a shelf next year, I'll be able to produce grapes.

He, who had no education, just looked at these and sighed:

"Kuaidi is like a grapevine. You can only walk and talk with your front feet, but your back feet are already climbing all over the wall."


Xu Xin was speechless for a moment.

At this time, there was a movement of the door curtain.

Yang Mi walked out holding the children's bedding and pillows and walked directly to the laundry room.

Eyes red.

Just cried.

Facts have proved that people's adaptability is very strong.

On the first day of sending their baby to school, the couple sat on pins and needles.

In the afternoon, there was no need for Yang Dalin to pick him up. The two of them drove off before 4 o'clock.

At five o'clock, looking at the two children who came out under the guidance of the teacher, Yang Mi did not cry this time. On the contrary, one of the two children cried fiercely.

Xu Xin, on the other hand, was busy communicating with the teacher about the child's performance in school.

Unexpectedly, Nuannuan and Yangyang's performance in school exceeded their expectations.

Yangyang was very obedient. While other children were still getting used to it, he took a piece of paper and watercolor pens and drew a... colorful picture of four little people holding hands.

When asked by the teacher what he was drawing, he told the teacher: I miss my parents and I want to draw them.

The teachers were all amazed.

A child who is only 3 years old in more than a month is actually so sensible.

And there was no "beating" incident in Nuannuan that the couple was worried about.

On the contrary, she is like a big sister. Whenever a child cries, she will go over to comfort him.

While the other children's cries triggered a chain reaction and started wailing, the siblings were the only ones who didn't cry or make trouble.

Emotional stability is a mess.

Only when they went to bed at noon, the siblings habitually stayed next to each other. But when I can't feel my parents, or my grandma or grandpa, I will cry softly. When the teacher asks me what's wrong, I will tell the teacher that I miss my parents.

Xu Xin was very pleased to hear this.

When he got home, Yang Dalin even cooked a table of dishes.

At the dinner table, holding a wine glass, when I heard my granddaughter sitting in my arms say: "Grandpa, I miss you," my eyes finally turned red.

Xu Daqiang looked envious.

Obviously, the child and his grandpa are much closer than his grandpa.

This process, which made everyone shed tears at every turn, gradually became normal as Lao Xu's family got used to this kind of life in the next few days.

The golden autumn of September arrives quietly and inadvertently.

The first semester of university in Yanjing has ushered in a new batch of faces.

Four years later, the whole society has another wave of leeks... cough cough.

Xu Xin put away these frivolous thoughts in his mind, took the interview materials in his hand, and walked directly into the teaching building.

More than an hour later, when he appeared in Yu Zhen's office again, except that the formalities had not been completed, he was already an official doctoral candidate.

There was nothing much to say about the doctor's interview. For a director who had just won the best film at the Silk Road Film Festival and also won three Best Actors, it was as simple as eating and drinking.

Of course, he also mixed half a pot of tea in Teacher Yu's office.

Then I was urged by Teacher Yu to go home quickly and prepare for the teacher qualification certificate exam.

Who isn’t a doctor anymore?

What's more, you haven't graduated yet.

What are you showing off to the teacher?

Get out of here right now.

Therefore, Xu Xin left in despair before he could show off his sense of accomplishment.

When I got home, the time came to early 11 o'clock.

Xu Xin, who has been accustomed to the days when he has clothes to wear and food to open his mouth, suddenly found...

No one to cook?

"Where's our dad?"

After he entered the door, he looked at his wife sprawled on the sofa and asked doubtfully.

"I went fishing with Brother Qian'er."

"...Where's mom?"

"Play majiang."

"...Then what shall we eat for lunch?"

"Order takeout or go out to eat. I want to eat hot pot! Spicy!"


As soon as they left, the two hit it off and soon drove out the door.

Yang Mi was in the passenger seat, looking at the bright and sunny weather in Yanjing in September, and couldn't help but say:

"It's so enjoyable... Why are life so comfortable when these two ancestors are not here?"

Xu Xin couldn't help but nodded.

"Do you want a third child?"

"No! Absolutely no! I won't have three children even if I kill myself within five years! It's so fun for them to go to school!!!"

Obviously two days ago I was holding my head and crying.

Take a look.

I don’t even want three children anymore.

Time flies and it’s September 10th.

The finalists for the Tokyo Film Festival’s main competition unit have been announced.

And this time the Tokyo Film Festival is huge.

First of all, a total of 16 works have been shortlisted for the competition this time to compete for awards.

Among them, "Perfect Strangers", which is rushing to submit the submission deadline, is among them.

"Ten Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart" also failed.

Among the shortlisted works of this newly established "Asian Future" unit, the name "Flying Over the Nursing Home" is also prominently listed.

There are a total of 32 shortlisted films, 3 of which are exclusive to China.

Of course, the country in "Perfect Strangers" is [China/Italy].

If I really want to be more honest...

Well, two and a half.

But in any case, the nomination of these three films confirms the gold content of the Silk Road Film Festival awards from the side.

But to fully improve, it probably depends on what awards these two films win in the end.

"One Flew Over the Nursing Home" is in the Asian Future Unit, which is equivalent to the "kind" of Cannes and the "horizon" of Venice. There are some differences between the two sides.

But this is not the main reason why this Tokyo Film Festival has attracted attention.

The main reason is that this Tokyo Film Festival has set a record.

This year, 1,332 works from 91 countries and regions around the world participated in the competition, setting a record.

This film festival has the largest number of submissions and the largest number of countries since the Tokyo Film Festival was held.

It even surpassed the 1,041 works in Cannes in the first half of this year.

When this news appeared, although there was no impact on the Chinese side, the people in Japan were very excited.

The Tokyo Film Festival is actually the most valuable in Asia. There is no doubt about this.

Even the Magic City International Film Festival, which is also one of the top 9 A-level films, or the "Three Gold Awards" of China cannot compare.

My brother Zhang Guorong once said this:

"I have many trophies in my display cabinet, but I will often take it out and clean it, especially the Best Actor trophy from the Tokyo Film Festival. I think this award means the most to me."

With this year's Tokyo Film Festival having such momentum, you can tell at a glance that this year's awards competition will be exciting.

People in Japan even started a spontaneous petition, hoping that the Film and Television Association of this Tokyo Film Festival would invest more in order to create the most outstanding film festival to shock filmmakers around the world.

As soon as this news came out, let’s not mention the reactions from other parties.

The most intuitive reaction is that the movie channel directly contacted Xi Film Studio and began to discuss the promotion of three films in this film festival.

Yes, Sixth Princess includes "One Flew Over the Nursing Home".

This film festival is huge, and the three films from Tianchao... To be honest, two of them are extremely good. The third film is also an "international film" led by Venice's best director.

This is a good opportunity no matter how you look at it.

Naturally, Xiying Studio also knew about it, so they started communicating with Xu Xin in advance to see how he planned to arrange this film festival.

Xu Xin didn't care.

Whatever the factory requires, you can just cooperate.

After his attitude came out, the Sixth Princess and Xiying Studio directly formulated a... large-scale follow-up team, planning to follow him throughout the entire process and record the "expedition" of Celestial Film.

In fact, they have wanted to do this for a long time.

After all, Xu Xin's popularity in Japan is inexplicably high...

Oh yes, his wife is taller.

Yang Mi is awesome.

Xu Xin did one thing here, which was to send an email to Xin Haicheng.

Nothing else.

He just invited Xin Haicheng to have a few drinks with everyone after he arrived in Tokyo.

After all, they have only exchanged emails for the past two years and have not had a single drink.

This time I have to have a good drink.

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