I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 880 876 Today’s Children

Chapter 880 876. Today’s children…

September 17.

Half a month of military training is finally over.

After the grand opening ceremony, the freshmen finally officially entered the chapter of their college years.

Today is Tuesday. Just yesterday, he just finished his teacher qualification examination.

In the morning, he personally promised his daughter and son that he would come back on time in the evening to listen to them sing the songs they learned in school.

Although the children have no concept of learning yet, it is clearly written in the teacher’s contact book that they will learn nursery rhymes today.

And that crazy woman, in order to make her children "quiet", she used her mobile phone to teach two children various children's songs last night.

From "The Handkerchief" to "ABC"...

Let’s just say that he is indeed the king of rolls of the new generation.

After the children went to school with their schoolbags on their backs, Xu Xin refused his wife's "elegant" clothing choice with a look of resistance.

She must have watched a certain Korean drama recently, desperately trying to lead him to the path of a domineering president.

What else:

"This is your first class. If you don't dress up handsomely, you will definitely have regrets in the future."


Who is a good person who wears a windbreaker in mid-September?

Is there something wrong with this?

Although the weather in Yanjing is starting to get colder, it is not exaggerating to this extent.

As a result, Yang Mi refused to put on the new leather suit for her husband. Seeing him wearing a long-sleeved sports sweater, jeans, and work shoes when going out, her nose became crooked with anger.

Do you think you are some kind of New Jersey redneck?

Grandma is so angry!

Is it bad to dress up in fancy clothes and make those little girls become nymphomaniacs?

Who would like you if you dress so casually?

Your whole body is not worth as much as the piece of gold in your hand!

Well...neither should I say it, but Wan Guo's temperament is quite suitable for her husband.

It looks better than Rolex.

Well, I have to take a look and buy him a few more...

Xu Xin didn't know what his wife was thinking about there, so he drove the car and went out minding his own business.

The co-pilot also kept the lesson plans and materials he prepared.

But the reality is that things have changed.

Two days ago, a notice came from the school.

As a new teaching assistant, he can stop talking this time and leave these basic knowledge to the lecturers. He only needs to talk about campus life with everyone.

Only then did he feel more or less the helplessness of the public institution.

With just one word from the leader, many days of hard work were wasted...

But he can understand it.

The reason why he is allowed to appear in the freshman class is not because his basic skills are so good, or that the school lacks teachers to teach basic knowledge... they don't exist.

Beijing Film Academy doesn’t have many things, it just has many teachers.

The main reason why he gave the first class to the freshmen was actually for publicity.

A promotion of faculty strength.

These children have just graduated from high school. Perhaps Beijing Film Academy has been their dream since childhood. For example, after being exposed to certain movies, they determined that they wanted to be actors and directors. Or maybe you simply think that being a star is fun, glamorous, etc...

No matter the reason, these people have indeed passed the exam.

However, they had just finished military training. Although they entered the mountain gate, they still knew nothing about what was going on inside the mountain.

If this class is taught by Teacher Yu, and you ask them who is Yu Zhen, or even more extreme, who is Hou Kehuan... nine out of ten people will be confused.

It may take them until they graduate to understand how awesome their teachers are and how much a class outside is worth.

But it was different when Xu Xin came to teach.

The shadow of a famous tree.

You ask these children who is Xu Xin?

Are you afraid that you are not a fool?

This is also the meaning of school arrangements.

Xu Xin didn't need to teach any classes. He just showed up and interacted with the students in one class, and his reputation was established.

Those children who want to continue to apply for the exam next year, should they also think about it after seeing this news? Am I going to go to the Chinese Opera? Or go to Beijing Film Academy where directors like Xu Xin teach you in your freshman year?

As the most professional film and television school in the country, Beijing Film Academy may have never had a problem with student resources.

But... among these students, how to attract more outstanding seedlings has always been a big problem.

Therefore, the things he prepared today cannot actually be used.

Today's class, in his opinion, is more like a... meeting?

That's pretty much it.

Perhaps to the students, the news that he was going to give a lecture had already spread during the military training, and they were looking forward to it. But for him...it's quite a pity. After all, he really wanted to talk about some of his own understandings in the "Scenery Farewell" unit.

Thinking of this, he sighed quietly:


never mind.

For basic courses, it’s better not to “mislead others”.

In a few days, let’s cook those old fritters who are in their third and fourth year.

All the way to school, he parked his car at the classroom workstation where he finally no longer had to bump into the teacher's parking space.

Looked at the time.


Just right.

He directly took over the second half of the class from Professor Chen Qun, who teaches audio-visual language, starting at 9 o'clock and ending at 9:50.

It's almost 9 o'clock now, so I have to hurry up.

It's not good to be late to class on the first day of class.

At this moment, outside the large classroom.

Although they were already juniors, Nazha and Yang Zi, who were still firmly ranked as the number one beauty in Beijing Film Academy, walked in one after another.

Instantly attracted the attention of many people.

Among them, the ones with the most obvious "surprise" on their faces were this year's freshmen.

During military training, everyone actually already knows almost everything about the school. Everyone knows that although this senior is already in her junior year, she still holds the top spot as the school beauty.

Even starting from this senior sister, every year when the freshmen campus beauties are selected again, these girls will be compared with this senior sister.

And when they looked at the photos, they admitted that this senior student was indeed beautiful.

I just didn’t expect that…

Seems more beautiful in person than in photos!

Those legs... feel like they are longer than my life.

Their eyes followed Nazha, but Yang Zi, who had become accustomed to the status of "Green Leaf" in the past few years, was not surprised. The two of them looked around and saw Zhang Yishan waving to them in the corner.

While waving, he urged:

"Hurry up, hurry up, if it's a little later, I really can't keep these two positions."

Following his words, the freshmen looked around... and had to sigh.

No wonder, during the first class, they were still wondering why they would choose such a large and empty classroom when there were less than 100 people in the Directing Department and the Performance Department together...

As a result, I'm waiting here.

After Teacher Chen's first class, the corridor was already full of people.

These juniors and seniors who had never met before were like dogs peeing on moss after the rain. They rushed in crazily, and soon the whole classroom was crowded.

Why do you people come to take Director Xu's class?

are you crazy……

While these freshmen were lamenting, Nazha and Yang Zi had already sat in the seats that Zhang Yishan had managed to squeeze out.

He was on the far side, Nazha was in the middle, and Yang Zi was next to him.

"Nazha, here, I know you have recently started to lose weight in stages, so I bought you black coffee."


"Here, your Coke."


Yang Zi looked at the bottle of black coffee in Nazha's hand, and then at the bottle of Coca-Cola in her hand. She rolled her eyes speechlessly and ignored him.

I have been licking for three years and have nothing.

Why bother……

I have told him ten thousand times that Nazha will not fall in love in college.

They carried it very cleanly by themselves.

Why don't you listen... Not only you, but also others... The people who are chasing Nazha have changed at least ten times.

Not a single one succeeded.

I really don't understand what you are insisting on.


Feeling the emotion she had felt countless times, she looked around and suddenly her eyes moved.

He turned to his friend and said:

"Hey, look."

Nazha turned her head and glanced, then nodded:


Her nod made Zhang Yishan, who had been paying attention to her, stretch his head and ask quietly:


Nazha did not respond, but Yang Zi covered her mouth and told Zhang Yishan:

"Zhou Ruanyu."

Zhang Yishan showed a clear look:


Zhou Ruanyu, sophomore.

One of the new generation of Mou girls.

If we say that the most impressive person in "Jinling" is Zhao Yumo in "The Thirteen Hairpins" - Ni Ni. Well, among the students, the one who impressed the most was Zhou Ruanyu, who was also known as the girl.

Director Zhang himself said in the interview that he was very optimistic about this little girl and planned to recommend her to Xu Xin as the heroine of "The Hawthorn Tree". In the end, Xu Xin was useless and insisted on choosing Liu Yifei.

This news cannot be said to be a pity or a pity. After all, although this girl was not selected for "The Hawthorn Tree", Director Zhang took a liking to her and directly took her to the crew of "Thirteen Hairpins". At the cost of giving up a year to re-study for the college entrance examination, Became a new generation of Mou girl. No matter how you look at it, this girl has made a fortune.

But the title "Mou Girl" is different after all.

Therefore, although her appearance is unattractive and she looks like a tomboy, she has gained endless attention since "Jinling" was released.

It’s very popular this year.

"She's here too."

Hearing Zhang Yishan's words, Yang Zi nodded slightly:

"She should be familiar with Director Xu, right?"

She was asking Nazha.

Nazha thought for a moment and shook her head slightly:


In fact, the truth is... In the words of Sister Tingting, that is: Brother Xu may not even remember what this girl looks like.

This was the truth she learned while chatting with Sister Tingting when she was a freshman last year.

But there is no need to say this.


Whether in school or outside, you should always be cautious in your words and actions.

At this time, Zhang Yishan looked at Nazha's calm and calm profile and whispered:

"Nazha, I heard... Director Xu is just going through the motions today. From now on, he will mainly give lessons to our generation. If you want to take classes then, just tell me and I will save a seat for you. "

Yang Zi sneered in his heart.

Do you think others are using you?

If you want to take classes, we can take them at home...

And Nazha's response was simple.

"Thank you~"

At this moment, the main door of the already full classroom was pushed open.

The moment Xu Xin appeared at the door carrying a few books...

The classroom was quiet for a moment.

Immediately afterwards...


Cheers arose.

Xu Xin, who regarded this class as a kind of "meet-and-greet", relieved himself of his nervousness and social fear.

Having gradually become accustomed to this form of interviews and publicity over the years, he walked to the podium step by step with a smile on his face.

Facing the cheers and applause that filled the sky, he smiled and pressed his hands.

Then he glanced at his colleague who was holding a SLR camera at the door and started taking pictures, and said with a smile:

"I originally thought that if the people who came were all freshmen, I would just shout: class. See if any classmates habitually shout: stand up. Let's see which classmate was the monitor in high school. But... ...I found that I have a lot of acquaintances. Right? Li Xian."




No one expected that Director Xu would directly call someone's name just after the show started.

Li Xian, who was called, was also stunned.

Standing up subconsciously.

"Xu...Teacher Xu, I'm here."

As a sophomore student, Xu Xin smiled and asked:

"Are you in your second year of college this year? What are you doing here? Are you no longer an actor? Are you changing your profession to be a director?"


In the eyes of everyone in the classroom, Li Xian felt a little embarrassed.

There is no other way, who would let him get caught and get it done?

And Xu Xin didn't blame him. Seeing his embarrassment, he smiled and waved his hand, indicating for him to sit down, and then said:

"In "Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart", you performed very well. You are just a little immature, but at least you are getting started. Keep it up, do you hear me?"

Hearing this, Li Xian's face immediately began to blush.

Being able to be remembered by a great director...and the number one director of the new generation...


His mood was already raging like a tsunami.

But Xu Xin's attention quickly moved away.

Amidst the clicking sound of the shutter, Xu Xin looked again and nodded:

"Well, I read that right. There are quite a few acquaintances. Why are you here? I won't teach anything in this first class. I just want to chat with everyone and get to know each other. Freshman My classmates, I can understand for now, are there any sophomores, juniors... are there any seniors?"

Looking at several pairs of raised hands in the crowd, his tone was still as warm and clear as a casual chat:

"Then it's even more inappropriate. Seniors... people in 2009 should be familiar with me. I was still an undergraduate in 2009. Haven't we met? Why are you here? You really want to fuck me I’m taking drama classes and audio-visual language in my junior and senior years, and I have a few discussion classes this semester. Can’t we meet at that time?”

The few students who raised their hands looked embarrassed and giggled.

Seeing this, Xu Xin chuckled:

"Ha~ ok."

As he spoke, he picked up the unfamiliar chalk, turned around and wrote his name on the big blackboard:

"Xu Xin"

Then he pointed:

"The name is right here, no need for me to introduce it, right?"

"No need~~~~"

Listening to the uniform voice, Xu Xin moved out from the podium, looked at the people in the room and said:

"As I said just now, this class is just for getting to know the freshmen students... As a senior who has been studying for 6 years as an undergraduate, I am relatively clear about some things in the school. So I don't plan to really talk about anything. Basic knowledge...and there are so many people. In this way, freshmen, look around and see the old fools around you. If you like whoever you like, add them on WeChat. If you skip other teachers' classes, come here Look at me, you have to pay for the tickets, right? If you don’t understand anything after adding WeChat, ask them more. If anyone doesn’t reply, tell me your name and I’ll put on some shoes for him.”


Laughter began to fill the classroom.

Should I say it or not...

Director Xu’s speech was of a high standard.

relax and happy.

It sounds comfortable.

Amid laughter, Xu Xin smiled, shrugged, and continued:

"But since there are so many people here today, let's just chat. I know that no matter what major you are here, whether you are an actor, director, behind the scenes... whether you are a freshman or a senior, now you are In fact, you haven't really left campus yet, and the film and television works you have handled are certainly not many. As for me...I have made a few movies. Although my results are mediocre..."


Listening to the subconscious boos from the students, Xu Xin, who thought he had arrived at Deyun Club, laughed and continued:

"But at least I have worked on a lot of movies and have been in this industry for a while. Moreover, I graduated late and haven't been away from school for too long. I can just give you a sense of the world inside and outside school. The link that connects the world. If you want to ask any questions, we will treat this class as a question and answer session. You can ask questions and ask what you want to ask. Okay?"

As soon as he said this, everyone's eyes lit up.


Listening to this emotional response, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Well, of course, this is also my first class as a teaching assistant, so it is quite meaningful. The class time is limited, but I can promise everyone. When class is over, no one will leave a piece of paper with your questions. Write it down and give it to me. For those who didn’t answer, I’ll go back and write it down on paper and give you the answer. Each person has one question and one answer, and no omissions will be made. How about that?”


The response, which was many times louder than before, was so loud that it lifted the roof of the classroom.

Xu Xin looked at the buddy who had already taken the photo and nodded to him with a smile, meaning that he was about to go to class.

So, the last "idler" exited.

The classroom door closes.

Everyone... said their own words behind closed doors.

"Come on, let's start with a few simple questions to warm up. Who wants to ask something? Raise your hand."

Then, Xu Xin looked at the people in the first row and ordered a girl:

"This classmate, I think your hand is the highest. Tell me. What's your question?"

"Teacher Xu, my name is He Ruixian, and I am a freshman this year. When will "Scorching Sun" be released? I'm really looking forward to it..."

Xu Xin knew as soon as he heard this that there was a technical content.

He glanced at this beautiful girl, smiled and nodded:

"Waiting for news from the Berlin Film Festival. Berlin will see if it is shortlisted for the main competition. After being shortlisted, the time for the Berlin Film Festival will be determined. If nothing else, it should be released after the awards ceremony. You, this classmate, do you have any questions? ?”

He ordered another girl.

And with the "standard answer" from the girl named He Ruixian, although the girl who was called was a little embarrassed, she still stood up and said:

"Hello, Teacher Xu, my name is Song Yiren. I...I want to ask a question that has nothing to do with the movie..."

"Well, you ask. It's okay. You can ask whatever you want. I will try my best to tell you everything I know. But I hope that the questions you leave on the paper will be related to your majors as much as possible. I will use my best A serious and responsible attitude, come back to everyone's problems. So it's okay to just listen to casual chats at the moment, but you must think clearly about the issues that you are most confused about in your future and life, okay?"


As everyone nodded, Xu Xin's eyes fell again on this girl who looked like the girl next door:

"Tell me, what's your problem?"


A trace of hesitation gradually appeared on her face.

"That's it, Teacher Xu. I am actually a fresh graduate last year, and I have already been admitted to a fashion design college in Canada. But I studied there for two months and felt that this was not the life I wanted. I dropped out of school. Because I like to face the camera, I discussed it with my family and finally decided to apply for Beijing Film Academy..."

Xu Xin's eyes moved.

He has been in Toronto for a long time, so he naturally knows that the freshman admission mentioned by the other party should be the Fall semester, that is, in September.

School started in September, attended for two months, and then dropped out.

Take the Beijing Film Academy exam and take the art exam.

In other words, she actually only had three or four months to prepare?

Is this telling me that she is strong from the side, and wants me to remember her? Or... was it just an unintentional remark?

Just as he was thinking about it, he heard a sentence:

"Actually, I didn't prepare for long. It took me more than two months to prepare and I passed the exam."


This time, his eyes narrowed.

Then things quickly returned to normal.

Nodding slightly:

"Well, what then?"

"Then... I just want to ask Teacher Xu. I'm actually a little confused now. Because I see... everyone's conditions are much better than mine... I, an ordinary person, entered the profession of an actor, Is it really appropriate?”


After she asked, Xu Xin sighed in his heart.


I don’t know whether this kid is suitable to be an actor.

But this kind of rhetoric...

Who did you learn it from?

It's a bit awesome.

Have you used retreat to advance?

These children... seem to be much "smarter" than their classmates back then.

Are all kids today so scary?

For a moment, he didn't know whether to be happy or worried.

I hope these two people are just an exception...

Although being smart is a good thing. But too smart...


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