I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 881 877 Don’t be confused about big things, don’t care about small things

"Okay, you sit down first, don't be so nervous."

Xu Xin pressed his hand and motioned for the very smart classmate Song Yiren to sit down.

Then he looked around and looked at everyone's expressions.

I found... the emotions in everyone's eyes were actually very peaceful.

Or it doesn't matter.

The kind of indifference that has nothing to do with you.

It doesn't mean "encouragement" or "encouragement".

Obviously, regardless of whether they heard the little tricks in Song Yiren's words or not, they didn't really care about each other's affairs.

Or to put it more bluntly.

Wouldn't it be better if your conditions were not excellent?

We have one less opponent.

After feeling the indifferent attitude in most people's eyes, he knew how to answer his question.

"Actually, that's the case. The question asked by this classmate Song Yiren is very subjective. And now she asked me to answer a...question that may very well determine her future future. I actually can't give a correct response. Because everyone's Destinies are all different, just like some people can succeed, but others follow his path and repeat step by step, but in the end they can only fail."

He looked at Song Yiren and said:

"You ask me now whether you are suitable, and I can't answer you. Because any answer I give will be unfair to you. Because you have just started, and neither I nor anyone else has the right to deny you. dreams and life. So, here, I want to talk to... the students majoring in the acting department about my views on actors. I know that there are actually not many people in each class of our directing department, and today the vast majority should These are all students from other departments, right? I want to share my views with you here for your reference."

As soon as he spoke, everyone's spirits rose.

Xu Xin gestured in Song Yiren's direction:

"I just said that I will not judge this classmate's plan for himself. What I can talk about here is actually two types of actors. One is called the talent type. The other is called the hard-working type. Everyone thinks this Which of the two actors’ final achievements is higher or lower?”

After speaking, he looked at the students who were thinking and asked with a smile:

"Raise your hands if you agree with the first option."

Most people in the classroom raised their hands.

"Second, raise your hands."

Although it is not sparse, it is less than half of the people at most.

Seeing this, Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"So, the students also believe that acting...or the profession of actor requires a certain amount of talent, right?"

As he said that, he didn't need anyone to respond and said directly:

"But what I want to tell you is that in our eyes, in our eyes, directors Zhang Yimou, Director Zhang Yimou, including Director Xie Fei, etc., I know, there is no talent or hard work in the profession of actor. Or in other words In short, whether you are a talented actor or a hard-working actor, in the end, your paths will lead to the same destination. And this state is called - role."

Swish, swish, swish.

After writing the word "role" on the blackboard, he knocked on the blackboard with his knuckles and said:

"Actors are not acting, but they are naturally integrated into the role. You are not acting, you are the role. This role comes alive. When others think of this role, they do not think of the actor's performance, but as an independent individual Appear. For example, when I think of Xu Xin, Xu Xin, an independent individual, his height, appearance, clothing, and personality will appear in your mind. You will not care whether this person was performed by someone else, because he That is Xu Xin, an independent individual in your perception. And this is the highest realm of an actor."

Looking at the students who looked thoughtful, Xu Xin continued:

"Some people are geniuses when they first debut. A certain role they interpret may reach this level easily at a certain moment. However, they may be trapped in this role for the rest of their lives. Because their interpretation is too It is too deeply rooted in people's hearts and changes people's perceptions. Is this kind of actor's talent good? Of course it is. But... do you think this is a good thing for the actors themselves? Or a bad thing?"

"And some people, their initial performance is very poor, but they are willing to work hard. He reads practice lines every day, observes different people to figure out their body language, and will boldly try any role and work hard to perfect it. He may be around all year round. He performed all kinds of strange roles in various large and small crews. He may not be famous or well-known by the audience, but he has never been identified by the audience. In the end, everyone discovered... this person, no matter what he plays, he clearly cannot be called His real name is revealed, but as soon as he appears, you feel like you have seen him in other dramas. He is like a chameleon, very versatile and blends into any work."

"Let's put aside the so-called fame, status, celebrity status, etc. Returning to the profession itself, do you think which kind of person is more suitable to be called an "actor"?"

After raising a question again, he still didn't give anyone time to think, and pointed at the word "role" behind him.

"As a director, in the eyes of the director, when we select actors, it is nothing more than this. Whether you are famous or not has nothing to do with me. Anyway, you are definitely not as big as me..."




I don’t know how many people subconsciously twitched their lips...


This is so true.

Isn’t this what your best friend said?

Looking at everyone's expressions, Xu Xin smiled slightly:

"When I choose a role, I only look at whether you are suitable. I never consider whether you have become famous at a young age or whether you are unknown. Because it has nothing to do with my movie. And one point that extends from this is that fame Whether you are big or small actually has nothing to do with your acting skills. As an actor himself, whether he is famous or not, and whether he is talented or not, is actually judged by outside voices. If you have talent, you can succeed. If you don't have talent, you are willing to work hard. In the end, the end point is the same as that of gifted people.

The reason why I want to talk about this matter with the students in the Performance Department is, on the one hand, Song Yiren’s problem, and on the other hand, I want to tell you: In the next few years, you may find out. Obviously yesterday we were all classmates eating together in the cafeteria, but suddenly today he became famous overnight and gained a lot of attention because of a work. And you may have submitted all the audition materials to nothing...

This feeling of loss is great.

But, please think about what I said when you feel disappointed. If you really love acting and love acting, you want to dedicate yourself to this profession. Instead of rushing right out of the gate: "I want to be famous, I want to be a big star." For this kind of utilitarian purpose, then, keep my words in mind. Because everything I said is not just my personal opinion, it is also the director I know and our common understanding. "

His eyes became serious:

"Actors start sooner or later, but everyone goes through the same path. The final destination is also the same. Students with high talent, or those who start early, please always be careful not to fall into the trap of a small world. And students who started a little slower, please don’t give up. You just need to understand that every petal on that flower is inseparable from your hard work and sweat of forging ahead. When you bloom, any time No matter how hard you try, you won’t be disappointed.”

"Hua la la la la la..."

The applause, which was even louder than the one just now, instantly swept through the entire classroom.

It was given to Teacher Xu on the stage.

These words...

That's so well said.

Among the people applauding, Yang Zi felt the deepest.

She understood most deeply that Director Xu's talk was definitely not chicken soup or stage talk.

Every word he said was absolutely correct.

Because she is the so-called "starting high" type of actor.

But he is also trapped in a strange circle and cannot extricate himself.

She didn't know how many people could sympathize with this.

But in her case, it was 100% solid and good advice!

Thinking of this, she glanced at Zhang Yishan.

You should be the same, right?

Zhang Yishan didn't see her gaze.

He was just clapping, staring at the figure on the stage while clapping.

There was also a sudden enlightenment and empathetic recognition in his eyes.

Apparently, he also listened.

This class was said to be a meeting, and Xu Xin was right.

After having the proofs from the two girls in front, the people behind also knew how to ask.

So, questions were asked one by one.

But the total is not much.

After answering six or seven questions, the time has reached 9:45.

Seeing this, Xu Xin pressed his hand, paused his answer, and said:

"get out of class ends in five minutes, so let's not ask our questions. Students, each write down the questions you want to ask on paper, and leave your email address along the way. One after another, I will send your questions to you via email. Send it to the mailbox in the form of. Of course, it was agreed in advance. It is just a superficial opinion and may not be completely correct, but I still hope that I can be helpful to everyone as a person who has experienced it. Okay? "


A swishing sound sounded.

The whole classroom fell silent.

Xu Xin picked up the cup and took a sip of water.

In a daze...looking at these classmates hunched over their desks, it was like seeing my former self...

Of course, this is a gold-plated statement.


Pure metaphor.

The reality is that he must have lowered his head than any of his classmates here.

After all, you don’t need to raise your head so high to sleep, right?


The end of a class.

Everyone handed over the "letter paper" of various sizes to the podium step by step.

Normally, once you pay it in, you're done.


"Teacher Xu, can we take a photo with you?"

I don’t know which student started it first...

have to.

He was buried directly by the crowd.

After countless shadows were combined, he finally got out by forcing everyone to go to the next class.

Only then did I realize that there were still people in the classroom.

Nazha and Yang Zi, and Zhang Yishan were waiting for him next to them.

In Nazha's hand, she still held a stack of organized letter paper and book lesson plans.

Apparently, when everyone took a group photo just now, she was helping Xu Xin tidy up.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Thank you for your hard work. You three have no classes?"

"I don't...plan to go to the library to read a book soon."

After Yang Zi answered, Zhang Yishan instinctively looked at her with wide eyes.

My heart says how can you be so careless?

Do you know where the library door opens?

However, he naturally understood why Yang Zi answered like this... to leave a good impression. and……

Is Nazha going too?

He thought and said:

"I also plan to go to the library. There are no classes this morning~"


"I want to go to the gym and am currently losing weight in stages. Brother Xu, do you want to join me?"

Naza said.

Zhang Yishan's mouth twitched.

Yang Zi's eyes seemed to be smiling but not smiling.

Grandma's legs, my aunt didn't see that little look in your eyes, right?

Xu Xin looked at the time and thought for a while:

"Okay, let's go together then."

Nazha smiled sweetly, continued to help Xu Xin hold the information, and waved to Yang Zi and Zhang Yishan:

"Then Brother Xu and I are leaving together. See you in the afternoon~"


Yang Zi waved his hand as usual.

On the contrary, it was Zhang Yishan...

He hesitated to speak.

In the end, he helplessly looked at the two people leaving, and said in a dumbfounded voice:

"I told you earlier, I also went to the gym..."

"Stop it, the gym costs more than 100,000 yuan a year."

Yang Zi rolled his eyes and said casually.

Zhang Yishan was stunned...

"The one she went to?"

"Yes. But I can go there after graduation next year, hehe~"

"...Why can you go?"

"Sister Mi promised me. It is said to be... a company package."

"...Are you really planning to go to her place?"

"if not?"

Yang Zi asked back.

Zhang Yishan whispered:

"What are you hiding from me? I've asked several times, but you still won't tell me... Nazha and you are both acting weird now..."

"It's not that I won't tell you, I promised Nazha not to tell you. Don't ask me. When my sister takes off in the future, wouldn't it be appropriate to help you?"

Yang Zi made a zipper movement with her mouth.

In fact, Nazha didn't tell her everything about some things.

But she could guess more or less.

And the things he guessed... To be honest, Yang Zi himself felt a little magical.

But there are various signs that she has to believe it... For example, Zhang Yishan has always been curious about why Nazha knew Yang Mi and Xu Xin but wanted to sign with Tangren.

She didn't understand it at first, but it wasn't until Liu Zhishi signed up for Shuangwei, but Tang Ren didn't say a word, as if he acquiesced... that she understood more or less.

After understanding this, she realized what Nazha's "destiny" was...

What do you say?

It’s hard to generalize.

However, after she accidentally saw that Nazha deleted the chat history with Sun Ting every time, she also understood where Nazha would most likely end up in the future.

But it’s still the same sentence.

The more you speculate, the more frightened you become.

I just feel that all the things I have experienced in the entertainment industry since I was a child are like childish jokes to these people.

It's really like playing house.

too easy.

Therefore, she attaches great importance to Nazha's feedback.

Nazha told her:

"Brother Xu and Sister Mi will treat everyone who joins Shuangwei as their own family."

She said it very seriously, her expression was so enthusiastic.

It was also after that time that Yang Zi understood where his path was.

But... Zhang Yishan is not good yet, he has already signed a contract with the company.

There are some things that Zhang Yishan, who signed the contract with the company, cannot know. No need to know either.

As she said.

When I, sister, become rich, I will definitely take you to eat meat and drink soup with me!

Now... just be confused for a while.

"Will you be home for dinner at noon?"

"...Eh? Is that okay?"

"Well... let me ask your sister if she can do it first. After Nuannuan and Yangyang went to kindergarten, she was very lazy. Let me ask you what to eat for lunch first."

With that said, Xu Xin took out the phone.

Toot toot…

"Hey, are you done? How's it going?"

Yang Mi's energetic voice sounded.

"It's good. We just finished...do you want to cook for lunch?"

"You can come back after eating."


Looking at Xu Xin's speechless expression, Nazha couldn't help laughing.

When Yang Mi heard someone laughing next to her, she asked doubtfully:


"Nazha. She said she wanted to eat the food you cooked."

"Are you sure it's her and not you?"

"There is so much nonsense. In one sentence, should I do it or not?"

"...Can fried noodles be okay? How about we go out to eat."

Hearing this, Nazha quickly waved her hands:

"Sister, Brother Xu and I are going to the gym. I will control my weight in stages and just eat at the gym at noon."

When Xu Xin heard this, he thought to himself, Yang, if you have any conscience, you should repent.


"Oh. That's okay, then you take him with you. At about ten o'clock, the Korean ramen I bought arrived by express delivery. I ate a pack of noodles. I'm not hungry now."


Let’s just say, what’s so delicious about Korean ramen?

Xu Xin rolled his eyes wildly, didn't even bother to reply, and hung up the phone.

Then he said to the girl:

"What do you want to eat for lunch? I'll take you to eat."

"No, no, no, forget it. I'd better control my weight honestly."

"...How did you start losing weight properly?"

"It's not a weight loss, it's a phase. I have an audition in a few days and I have to prepare for it. It's not good to keep eating all the stuff."

"Okay. How is your dad's health?"

"Recovering very well. The situation is very stable now, and there will basically be no rejection or other reactions. However, my father said a few days ago that he wanted to harvest grapes, so my sister took him to live in the city."

"That's fine. My body is more important than anything else."

While talking, the two of them arrived at the parking space.

Xu Xin drove and she sat in the passenger seat.

As he was walking towards the school gate, Xu Xin happened to see two students entering the school gate hand in hand.

This behavior...he seems to be fine. But it might be a provocation to the doorman.

You said you are already in college. What kind of mandarin ducks are you trying to beat?

While driving, Xu Xin couldn't help but feel happy looking at the embarrassed appearance of the two students.

Asked casually:

"Do you have a boyfriend?"


Nazha was speechless.

After looking at him, he said:

"No, and I don't plan to fall in love...unless I can be like Sister Mi when she met you."

"Haha~ That's difficult."

Xu Xin laughed. After the car left the school gate, he lowered half of the car window. The sensible Nazha had already picked up the cigarette placed in the center console.

"Um, thank you."

After saying thank you, Xu Xin held a cigarette in his mouth and was about to touch the lighter when he heard a "pop" sound.

A pearl-white ZIPPO lighter came out of Nazha's hand like a magic trick, and was handed to Xu Xin's mouth with burning flames.

Xu Xin was stunned.

He lit a cigarette first and then asked:

"You smoke?"

"Don't smoke."

"Then where did this lighter come from?"

"I bought it."

"...? Why did you buy it?"

"Just... get ready."

Nazha took back the lighter, put it in her schoolbag, and said softly:

"Specially prepared for Brother Xu."


Looking at Xu Xin's confused look, Nazha smiled and said:

"Sister Tingting said that Brother Xu, you only smoke in the car 78. Because you basically drive this car by yourself, and the car 66 is the car you drive when you go out with Nuannuan, Yangyang, and Sister Mi. . Aren’t you coming to class today, so I bought a lighter. I’m not sure if it will be used, but it’s better than nothing.”

The 78 and 66 she mentioned were the car's license plate numbers.

After Xu Xin heard these words, he sighed with emotion:

"Still so attentive, girl."

"Hehe~ Just come in handy~"

Brother Xu... is a benefactor.

A great benefactor.

No matter how I repay...it will never be enough.

she said in her heart.

At this time, she heard Xu Xin asked in a very casual tone:

"What do you think of you junior fellow students?"


Nazha thought for a while and said:

"Everything is fine. I feel pretty good~"


After hearing this, Xu Xin couldn't help turning his head and glanced at her.

Girls...are indeed getting more and more beautiful.

Just this mouth...

"Why don't you tell me the truth?"


Nazha smiled slightly, showing her neat teeth.

Then he said in a slightly nasal tone:

"Sister Mi said that smart people will not let you see that they are smart. Those who can be seen as smart are not really smart. I don't want Brother Xu to see that I am smart, so I can only lie~"

The tone is lively and playful.

It's like the girl next door's coquettishness, with a strong cuteness.

It matched her smile perfectly.

But after Xu Xin heard this, his eyes were full of helplessness:

"Don't learn so much from her. What she teaches you may not be correct...Girls, people, can't be too smart, you know?"


"Because you are too smart, you will live a very unhappy life. The more clearly you see some things, the calmer you will be. And the calmer you are, the more clearly you will see things... As time goes by, there will be nothing. "

"Then Brother Xu, what does this mean to you?"

"Who do you think I am?"


It seemed that Xu Xin's rhetorical question was a bit difficult to express.

After Nazha thought about it for a while, she said:

“Don’t be confused about big things, and don’t care about small things.”

"Ha~ brilliant."

In Nazha's eyes, Brother Xu seemed to like this description very well.

But immediately she heard:

"So, learn more from me. Your sister's survival rules are indispensable for the right time, place, and people. It's too difficult to implement..."


Nazha nodded seriously:

"I know, Brother Xu."

She responded to Xu Xin with this attitude.

But I immediately muttered something in my heart:

"The most important thing is harmony, right? After all... I have you."

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