I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 882 878 True knowledge lies in the details

Today is Tuesday.

It was almost 11 o'clock when the two of them arrived at the gym.

Fortunately, there are not many people in the gym.

Xu Xin didn't plan to practice anything, and he didn't even plan to exercise today. It was just that the girl said she wanted to come to the gym, and Xu Xin helped her come there.

I plan to run five kilometers and almost go home.

As soon as the two of them arrived at the gym, they heard a muffled "bang" from the barbell.

No need to ask, someone must be doing deadlifts.

Xu Xin took a look at the power area...and suddenly felt happy.

"You go change clothes."

He said hello to Nazha and pointed in the direction.

Nazha took a look and saw Shaobing holding the wall and breathing heavily.

So he nodded:


Xu Xin walked over directly:


Shaobing, who was breathing heavily, turned his head and saw Xu Xin. He gasped and shouted with a smile:

"elder brother."

"Well, are you practicing?"

"Hey. Have a rest today and put some weight on yourself."


Xu Xin nodded and hit his increasingly obvious muscles twice with his fist.

This kid...

It takes a lot of perseverance.

A few months ago I was still a fat person. As a result, although I am still a little fat now, my "strong" feeling is getting stronger and stronger.

It is another great merit for me to let a fat man lose weight successfully.

He looked around in a good mood...

"Da Lin didn't come again?"

"I was still calling him today, but I was sleeping when I called him. Last night, the four teams had a dinner, and I saw that the circle of friends didn't leave until after one o'clock or two o'clock. I guess I stayed up late last night..."

Shaobing is actually quite helpless.

After all, he was the one who dragged Lin Lin here, but now he’s lost again...

Brother Xu has asked this several times.

Looking at his helpless look, Xu Xin didn't say much and just nodded:

"Okay, you continue to practice. Are you going to have lunch?"

"...What do you eat?"


The topic of the inconclusive end in the car with Nazha was brought up again.

Xu Xin scratched his head.

I was thinking about whether to call Lafayette and ask her for advice... My brothers and sisters are all here, so not arranging a meal at noon is a bit too much.

Seeing his hesitation, Shaobing took the initiative and said:

"Brother, I'll just eat here. I'm still waiting for that Wrangler!"

have to.

I can't even invite him out for dinner.

He nodded:

"Then another day. Just practice, I'm going for a run."


Xu Xin was not invited out for this meal after all.

After putting on a pair of sneakers and walking five kilometers, he saw that it was almost time. He said hello to the two of them and left the gym.

Seeing that it was already 12 o'clock, this hot woman didn't care whether her husband lived or died.

Fortunately, Shijia Hutong is surrounded by residential areas and there are still some treasure shops.

A bowl of noodles, a plate of cold dishes, and a bottle of soda.

For a total of 26 yuan, his lunch was settled.

And when I got home from lunch, I saw a woman lying on the sofa, picking up her cell phone...

"Your life is really getting worse and worse."

He couldn't help but complain.

But immediately I saw the suitcase placed next to the sofa:

"...Want to go out?"

"Well, I'm afraid that my child won't adapt to school, so I specially set aside the first half of September. I'll go to Shanghai on a business trip in the afternoon and try to... come back on Friday. Spend the weekend with my child."


Xu Xin nodded indifferently.

When it comes to business, none of the ten of them are as good as his wife, that's for sure.

And...he hasn't had much trouble recently.

When the weather gets colder, I will go back to northern Shaanxi to do some location selection.

Very free.

"I send you?"

"No, Tingting will pick me up soon. Just remember to comfort the child."


After chatting for a few words, the two parties, who were both accustomed to business trips, had no idea of ​​"coming here before leaving"...each was busy with his own business.

After being busy for a while, Xu Xin felt sleepy and planned to take a nap.

And Yang Mi left while he was lying in the studio taking a nap.

Xu Xin, who was confused, only vaguely remembered that his wife kissed him on the face...

After she left, there was only a family of three left in the family.

At about half past five o'clock, Yang Dalin returned home with his grandson and granddaughter on time.

Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang walked around for a while, but didn't find any trace of their mother. After asking their father, they received the news "Mom has gone out to work and will be back in a few days." They didn't show any sadness at all.

no way.

I've been used to it since I was little.

After dinner, Xu Xin, who had nothing to do, was sitting on a lounge chair in the yard, looking at the new hairs of his daughter and son... In fact, he couldn't tell which one was the new hair.

But the daughter-in-law and the children are very clearly distinguished.

Nuannuan took a bamboo stick pulled out from the big broom, and Yangyang held half a dry bun in his hand.

This bun was made two days ago.

Stay here specifically to feed the fish.

He didn't dare to use the newly bought steamed buns. If he wasted food like this, his mother would slap him with a ruler.

It hurts.

After all the hard work, I applied for two steamed buns from my mother.

One for him and one for my sister.

Nuan Nuan finished the disaster that night, Yang Yang broke off half of it yesterday, and today this is the last half.

He broke off a piece and threw it into the water. When Nuan Nuan saw other fish coming, he beat them with bamboo sticks to drive them away.

I just want Xin Da Mao to come over and eat.

The problem is that the new big hair doesn't dare to come over...it's a fish, it's not a fool.

But...it's the world of children.

That's it.

It was obviously a stupid thing, but the two children never tired of it.

Xu Xin was sitting next to him, holding a cigarette and playing with his mobile phone.

His job is to ensure that the two children can be picked up and thrown into the bathroom as soon as they fall into the water, and there is no need to worry about anything else.

Let them both struggle.

This is the last half of the steamed bun. If you want to eat it again, you will have to wait until next month.

That’s the quota for a month.

Enjoy it.

He was scrolling through Weibo when he saw his own photo.

In the photo, he is standing on the podium and talking about something.

I don’t know which classmate took the photo.

But the Weibo content is quite interesting:

"Teacher Xu's lectures were so interesting. Although he didn't teach much, I felt that I learned some... very important things from Teacher Xu. It felt like this course was not from a textbook, but the content of "Life". It was great. Ah~"

His Weibo is pretty good.

What’s interesting is the following message:

"What? Did the dog spit out ivory?"

This comment received more than 200 likes.

Xu Xin is fun to watch...

In fact, he is basically immune to the name "Xu Gou" now.

Sometimes when I see it, I don’t even feel that I am talking about myself.

So, he also followed the music.

My heart is talking about your uncle...

Then I saw a topic: # Xu Xin Beiying is taking classes # .

The topic is certainly not on the hot search list.

How can anyone just make a small move every day and just be trending?

After he clicked in, he found a lot of Weibo posts about himself.

They should all be sent by classmates.

Whatever you say.

for example:

"Teacher Xu's legs are so long."

“I didn’t learn anything, but I felt like I was taught a lesson.”

"I disagree with Mr. Xu's remarks today about actors arriving at the same destination through different paths. If you work hard to the end and nothing comes of it, then wouldn't it still be in vain?"

"By the way, Senior Sister Nazha is so beautiful."

After Xu Xin probably scanned all the various comments, half of the steamed bun in Yangyang's hand was almost cheated by his sister.

"Dad, I also want to feed the fish..."

Listening to his son's plea, Xu Xin turned off his phone and shook his head:

"We can't feed them anymore. If the fish eats too much, they will choke to death. And mommy will also slap her hands on her hands, which will hurt..."

As soon as they heard the slap, the two children, who had both been beaten before, immediately looked timid.

After all...it really hurts.

Xu Xin took this opportunity to hold the two babies, one on each side, in his arms.

When the two children were fully settled in his arms, he rocked the rocking chair and said:

"Can daddy tell you a story?"


"Once upon a time, there was a country of daughters..."

Above the head, the moon crescents.

Xu Xin shook his head while telling them the story of how the Queen of the Daughter Kingdom and Tang Seng were originally a couple of gods and immortals, but were finally snatched away by the mistress Chang'e, and how Tang Seng and Yue Rabbit eloped to Guanghan Palace...

Enjoy the moon.

Just in time.

It’s almost Mid-Autumn Festival.

The response to Xu Xin's first class was positive, but not exaggerated.

After all, he didn't say anything substantial, he just answered some questions just like in the meeting.

But the purpose of the school has been achieved.

On the campus silhouette of the freshmen in the first week of school, his photo highlights one word.


It seems that the school really wants to promote it, and directly gave the format of four pages per page.

But that’s it.

As a teaching assistant, his main teaching task this semester is actually with juniors and seniors.

No, in late September, under Yu Zhen's arrangement, he started an audio-visual language class for his senior year.

Audio-visual language is a big course, not only for seniors, but also for advanced courses.

And...if the freshmen in the freshman year still don’t have a clear idea of ​​whether Teacher Xu is good or not, then the senior students in the directing department who spend half of their time studying and most of their time doing independent creations, and those who Only those who joined in the fun and listened felt what true professionalism meant.

"Note that sometimes we need to use a lens that makes the screen disappear to better express the information we want to reveal to the audience. For example, 2.35:1, or 2.39:1. But these two specifications will make people’s eyes blur. Light, especially vertical space, will still produce black edges.

At this time, we try our best. Note, I say try our best. Try to choose a variety of cameras to shoot with. For example, 5-hole Panavision can adjust the vertical space.

When giving distant views, the vertical screen ratio does not limit the narrowing of the scene. But for close-up shots, or indoor shooting, try to choose a wider ratio... Of course, if you can use IMAX, use the matching laser screen. Then, the effect presented by the ratio of 4:3 will be very shocking.

But remember not to show too much of this fixed-proportion picture. Maintaining a fixed format would be very boring for film shot composition. Intersperse them to give the lens a sense of vitality, and the effect will be even better..."

"When you think there is a problem with a piece of footage, remember the only way to examine it that can grasp the truth. It is also our basic skill. If you think there is a problem, pull out the film.

Every shot, in terms of structure, must have three elements. Do you know what those elements are?

……very good. Yes, there must be a beginning, middle, and end. Once you feel that the shot is not right, you start pinching. Where is the beginning, where is the middle, and where is the end. Then I think about what I need in this scene to convey my specific emphasis to the audience at which stage the camera reaches.

Remember, this is the most effective method... Of course, if as a director, you don’t even know what you want to convey, or even the meaning of your shooting of this scene, then just treat me as Didn't say.

Remember, every shot in the movie is useful, just like there are no meaningless organs in our human body. "

"Actually, we can draw a digression here. That is to try your best to choose a camera that you can control. For example, if we use 75MM 15-hole film, you will find that its minimum focusing distance is very far. The flange distance is high. It will be difficult for you to take close-ups.

At this time we have to consider the environmental factors that give close-ups. Are you indoors? outdoor? What's the environment like deep inside? Do you want it to echo the surrounding blurred background?

If you don’t have the answer yet, then fine, repeat the method I said before. Pull out a piece of footage and cut it piece by piece at the beginning, middle, and end. After you find what you want to express, decide how you want to photograph it.

Remember, making a movie is not about showing off your skills. No matter what kind of shot structure it is, it ultimately serves the purpose of the movie. "

If you take classes with junior and senior directing students, you don’t need those frivolous things.

Talk about dry stuff.

Tell the truth.

how to say?

That's it.

There is no need to pull out a film.

That's so childish.

Now that he is a senior, he has almost mastered everything he should master. Xu Xin knows very well what this group of people really needs.

They've more or less started incubating their first projects.

No matter what the story is, they need to start coordinating and planning from scratch, first make up a story, set up the overall framework, find a camera...and some like-minded partners, and even some "investments", etc. wait.

And in these links, if there is no technically mature crew to lead, then there will inevitably be a bump in the road every two steps, and a pitfall in every three steps.

What Xu Xin wants to do is to help them reduce these misunderstandings as much as possible.

Commonly known as: lightning protection.

The explanation for this is that he was speaking on the stage and the students below were listening.

Having accumulated enough knowledge, these senior directors listened with gusto.

But for those freshmen and sophomore students who came to join in the fun, what Xu Xin said was like a book from heaven.

What... aspect ratio?

What...how many holes?


I know it's more or less related to the film size.

But his mind was empty, with no concept at all.

Can't understand.


Looking at the expressions of the seniors who looked like they were enlightened, I felt that what Xu Xin said was very powerful.

And at the end of a class, when they asked these seniors:

"Senior, what do you think of what Teacher Xu said?"

Everyone's answers were surprisingly consistent:


Of course, this is a more orthodox statement.

More intuitively:


Or to put it more bluntly:

"What a great comparison!"

These people seem to know why Xu Xin was able to achieve such achievements at such a young age.

I just thought he was great at making movies.

But today's class...

have to.

The key to people's success lies in these details that are easily overlooked by experts, let alone laymen.

How awesome!

The content of this chapter’s film lectures was summarized by myself from the information found on the Internet, which may not be correct. Don't believe it...

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