I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 883 879 Life is full of inspiration

Chapter 883 879. Life is full of inspiration

Beiying’s campus network.

After Xu Xin taught a class on audio-visual language to the seniors and a drama class to the juniors, the number of people discussing his courses gradually increased.

“I’m a freshman, I’d like to ask: I followed a class, why didn’t I understand anything?”

"Just practice your basic skills honestly as a freshman. Why are you messing around with juniors? Even the juniors and seniors in Director Xu's class may not fully understand it. You are only a freshman."

"Didn't Teacher Xu jump directly from his junior year to graduate school?"

"Then why don't you jump?"

"Advice from a senior: I have listened to these two classes, but I found that most of the junior students were confused. My advice is that you can take it slowly in the future, but at this stage, accept many The teacher's stuff is not of any benefit to you. His class does not have practical models. You must first understand what Teacher Xu is talking about before you can draw out more thoughts. Taking classes now has no effect except wasting time. .”

"Correct answer. Freshmen and sophomores can just follow the course honestly. But I must say that as far as professional subjects are concerned, in my heart, Director Xu's audio-visual language is worth millions in my heart. It's so useful. .”

"Friendly reminder from the seniors: basic skills, basic skills, basic skills! What Teacher Xu talks about are all evolved from basic skills. Junior students, you must lay a good foundation, it is really important!"

Obviously, judging from the feedback on the school’s BBS, Xu Xin’s courses are extremely useful to junior and senior students.

But... while everyone was discussing Xu Xin's two courses, the graduate students...

"Brothers, I'm crying with envy! Director Yu's research institute buddies just told me that Director Xu has submitted a documentary project and wants to bring his graduate students with him! Ahhh! It is said that it is a big production , the funding alone is a lot! And...a documentary!!!!"

"Fuck! Are you serious? Where did you get the news, brother? Is it true?"

"Nonsense! My buddy told me personally. The project has been submitted!"

"Can all graduate students sign up? Or what? Should I sign up with Director Yu? Or should I sign up with the department?"

"Brothers upstairs, don't think too much. You are not Director Yu's graduate student. Even if you pass the application, does your supervisor have a good reputation?"

"Shit! Real or fake?! Documentary project? What type? Season 2 of "Bite of the Tongue"?"

"It won't be "Bite of the Tongue". CCTV has already announced that production of the second season has begun. Director Xu has withdrawn."

"I've heard about it too. It's said to be in the history and humanities category. Director Xu is the chief director."

"...Are there any restrictions on registration?"

"Director Yu's postgraduate program must be given priority. Ah!!! I regret it so much! I heard that Director Yu's postgraduate program was very popular and many people applied for it, so I didn't dare to apply. If I had known better, I would have worked harder!!!! "

"Brothers upstairs, we are the same. But there is nothing we can do. I heard that this year is even more exaggerated. There are three to four hundred people who have reported to the teacher alone. This year's graduate students are even more outstanding. It's too exaggerated. …”

"It's not an exaggeration. Just look at what Director Xu's graduate students and his previous graduate students are doing now. Guo Fan joined Xiying Film Studio right after he came out, and now he has started a multi-million-dollar debut film. . Fumino and the others are also executive directors of other production groups. Their reputation is that they are the executive directors of the Venice Best Director award-winning film "The Hawthorn Tree". This is the starting point..."

"...Is it really appropriate for Director Xu to do this?"

"?Brother, what are you talking about? You are already a graduate student, and you still ask such stupid things? Human society does not understand? Otherwise, why do you think so many people apply for Teacher Yu's graduate school?"

"Next year I will take the Ph.D. exam and I will fight my best to get into Teacher Hou's class."

"Everyone has the same idea. Get closer to Xu and learn from the same school. There are many benefits."

"I understand! I am Xu Xin's dog!"

"...Isn't he just a dog?"

"You are really not afraid of death."


"The BBS is quite lively these days."

Listening to Yu Zhen's words, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Yes, I saw it too...how many people came to you to ask?"

"There are so many, so many. Including some mentors, there are some outstanding young people under my command who want to get in... Everyone really has confidence in you."

Although Yu Zhen's tone had a bit of a "wry smile".

But in fact, his face looked full of high spirits.

Just because of the movie "Bite of the Tongue".


Just one "Tongue".

In the field of documentaries in China, Xu Xin’s name was officially included.

Moreover, the place where the monument is inscribed is still at the highest point.

"What should we do...the first phase of the project is not a big production."

Xu Xin looked helpless.

In the past few days, he had nothing to do and sorted out the prototypes of two documentary projects at home.

One set is based on the theme of cultural relic restoration.

He had already thought of a name, so he called it: The Road to Restoration of Cultural Relics.

He thought it was quite poetic. After all, it was the "Silk Road" that inspired him.

This name...he particularly likes it.

Although I don’t know where Yang Mi’s look of “Brother, are you serious?” comes from.

Anyway, he liked it.

The other set wanted to take pictures of the Forbidden City.

From the beginning of the construction of Yanjing until now.

The previous project planning is very small. Mainly the stories of those old masters and the restoration of cultural relics.

It's an experimental work.

And the subsequent project... is very big, and the knowledge involved is too huge. Both Teacher Yu and Teacher Hou, after seeing his plan, planned to treat it as a long-term project.

Do it in stages.

Anyway... "cattle" like graduate students are inexhaustible.

Of course, this is Xu Xin's own idea.

Others said this as an insult, but there was nothing wrong with him at all.

Because he is also one of the animals.

Regarding the project of the Forbidden City, what is needed is the combination of historical rigor and the romance hidden in the bones of Chinese people.

Xu Xin doesn’t have a clue about the specifics of this project yet, so he has to study it slowly.

Simply set up a long-term five-year plan.

But the topic of restoring cultural relics may start almost next year. The selection of project members has begun these days.

From the selection of the topic in the early stage, the formulation of the shooting content, to the implementation of the shooting in the later stage...

Following the idea of ​​"Bite of the Tongue", Xu Xin estimated that the core crew of about 15 to 20 people would be the limit. There were about 30 to 40 people in the entire crew, and the filming was finished no matter what.

After all, this documentary is not "Bite of the Tongue" and does not require so many teams to travel all over the world.

But the problem is...

The number of applicants couldn't stand it and the number of applicants kept rising.

Not to mention the connections that I asked directly to Teacher Yu, it was the staff recruited from the Youth Film Studio. At this time, there were more than 300 pieces of information.

The crowds are exaggerated.

"Don't worry about this, let me choose. We are not dividing the pork. In the final analysis, the quality of the film comes first... Oh, yes, the factory called me yesterday and asked me, are you sure the 3 million yuan is enough?... ...Don’t lie. If the money is not enough, just tell me. Don’t make a film and search for it.”

Dear mother.

Listen to this.

Xu Xin nodded quickly:

"That's enough. As long as we can communicate well with the Forbidden City, the cost of this film is really not that much. If nothing else is mentioned, it will save a lot of labor...Outside, the crew of thirty or forty people, why don't they spend a lot of money every month? It also costs 300,000 yuan to start? It’s cut in half here. The equipment is provided by the school, so I guess I won’t be able to spend it all.”

What he said actually sounded like a black-hearted capitalist.

But the actual situation is really correct.

Graduate students who work on projects with their tutors are not paid.

All they receive are subsidies.

It depends on the specific project and will be decided with the instructor.

For some graduate students, the tutors they follow are reliable, and they may earn over 10,000 yuan a month. Others may have done the entire job without getting a penny.

And Xu Xin naturally wouldn't do that kind of cheating.

But... Similarly, the subsidy on his side is actually not high.

First of all, this is a project invited by the school. What students gain more than money is the honors and experience written on their resumes.

If you can make a film with Director Xu, just use this resume. Which crew will you go to in the future and not rise to the top?

Naturally, he is more than one level higher than others from the beginning.

Secondly... this film just doesn't give money, and outsiders are paying for it, trying to get in like they're trying to squeeze their brains out.

No one really thinks that Cats and Dogs can be included in Director Xu’s film, right?

No way, right?

"Just find some reliable people. I definitely don't have time to control a lot of this film. I will give you the framework and everyone will do their homework. Finally, I will complete the details."


Yu Zhen responded:

"I found the personnel for you years ago. Is two years enough?"

"Absolutely enough."


The two settled the matter directly.

Xu Xin doesn’t need to worry about anything.

Throw away the big shopkeeper.

All matters related to relationships, communication, etc. are handled by the school.

He is only responsible for guiding.

After saying this, Yu Zhen looked at the time.

"Okay, it's time for class. My next section is drama. You go and do it."

"Okay, let me take a look at your lesson plan, and I'll see what I can tell you..."

Hearing this, Yu Zhen handed over the lesson plan.

Looking at the disciple who picked it up and started reading...

My heart became more and more emotional.

This kid was really born to eat this bowl of rice.

As long as anything related to movies...is like eating and drinking in his hands.

The same goes for making movies, and the same goes for teaching.

In the first few classes, the teachers in the directing department took the video and studied it... and found that Xu Xin had only taught a few classes, but what he could teach... was exactly the same.

Just like a senior professor.

Although I don’t know how many times I have sighed, Yu Zhen still wants to say something...


It just doesn't make sense.

After the "Road to Cultural Relics Restoration" project was submitted to the school, he didn't have to worry about it at least until the end of the year.

The days were leisurely again.

However, his leisure did not last long.

There is a group of creditors behind him.

This is not...

Someone from Volvo came to the door.

Brackets: trucking company.

Although Geely only fully acquired Volvo's car division, Volvo's equally well-known truck company is independent.

However, the car and truck business is separated, but the brand is not.

After the XC90's advertisement became an instant hit around the world, Volvo's company directly approached Geely.

They want to invite Xu Xin to shoot a commercial.

Advertising about trucks.

After all, the influence of the XC90 advertisement lies there. After the new XC90 was launched last year, more than 50,000 units of the single model were sold in half a year.

For the first time, I touched the butt of Yusanjia in the sales ranking of large SUVs.

You know, the brand recognition of vehicles is actually quite solidified. To be able to counterattack with one advertisement...Xu Xin's advertisement is already incredible in the eyes of other people in the automotive industry.

The year before last, Volvo had only 373,000 cars in the world. As a result, XC90 sold more than 50,000 cars in half a year last year... This ratio is exaggerated enough.

Who can not be moved?

If Yang Mi hadn't stopped her, and Xu Xin's cooperation with Volvo hadn't expired yet.

Other brands are afraid that they will cross the threshold of Shuangwei.

With such achievements, the people at Volvo will naturally not remain indifferent.

It's natural for the trucking company to take action personally.

And... I don’t know what kind of nonsense there is in this. Anyway, as far as Xu Xin is concerned, this is considered one of three advertisements.

Xu Xin is not pretentious.

Although sometimes between companies, interests are more important than favors.

But...just like what Nazha said.

Brother Xu...don't be confused about big things and don't care about small things.

Although in this society where interests prevail, it is easy for him to suffer disadvantages with his behavior style... But in terms of his own physical strength, his behavior style makes it easier for him to show respect to others and others to respect me.

And after the Volvo people arrived with the "Volvo" foreigners.

Foreigners get straight to the point.

I sent them the advertising copy they had prepared these days.

And he made only one request.

There is no time limit and no budget limit. The only requirement is that the Volvo heavy truck is most proud of something called the kinetic energy control system.

They required the stability and accuracy of this kinetic energy operating system to be demonstrated.

Xu Xin doesn't know what this operating system is like.

But he knew Volvo.

Or rather, know Volvo Trucks.

Compared with domestically produced cars, Volvo's one-million-dollar model cannot be said to be cost-effective.


He was very impressed.

One year, probably when he was in junior high school, there was a heavy rain in Shenmu in September, when the peak coal season came.

It rained heavily.

It's also quite rare.

After all, the normal climate of Shenmu is very dry.

And this rain caused a problem.

Traffic jam.

Students whose families have coal mines all know that the roads in the coal mines are actually no different from rubbish.

Regardless of the standard road, if it is rolled over by those overloaded trucks every day, it will be reduced to rubbish within two years.

Although the family's mine had built roads at that time, it was not "extremely rich" at that time. In order to save money, Xu Daqiang only needed roads that could be run.

Not to mention the road conditions.

When it rains, a section of the depression turns into a mud puddle.

No matter what kind of car it is, it has to be trapped.

Under normal circumstances, during the peak coal season and the weather is dry, this situation will not occur. Unless it's snowing. But Xu Daqiang would prepare many trucks of coal gangue in advance and break up the layers of mats.

But the rain was so heavy that the crushed coal gangue usually used for snowing in winter had not had time to be crushed.

The whole road was full of trucks that were delayed by this road.

Although the delay didn't last long, the villagers who were driven over used horizontal bar tricycles to dump several loads of gravel... But during the delay, Xu Xin, who had nothing to do, was watching the fun.

An experienced driver knows that he is going to get stuck in a car as soon as he sees the road.

In addition, during this peak coal season, coal can't go out and cars can't come in. The coal bosses are even more anxious than them.

So there was no rush and they all stopped and waited by the road.

But there are always stupid people who want to save more time.

Such is the case with a Volvo heavy truck.

I found a traffic jam when I was going up the mountain. When I checked the situation, I was sure that I could walk past this depression.

Or it could be said that he is a fool.

Ignoring the obstruction from the people at the mine, I just drove my car and forced my way through...

You know, an empty heavy truck is actually more likely to get stuck than a loaded truck.

Because it is light, there is no downforce.

But this Volvo...is really awesome.

A group of FAWs didn't even dare to look at the road, and he blasted past them with just a few clicks of the accelerator.

Not long after, after loading a cart of coal, the road became even less visible.

A group of drivers in traffic jam just looked at him and blew their horns, then stepped on the accelerator and drove out.

Xu Xin didn't feel anything special at the time, but he felt that the driver was probably mentally ill.

If he got into a car accident, his family would suffer a lot if he couldn't protect himself.

But after a while, the road was paved with gravel and the traffic resumed. He returned to the mine and listened to the chats of the drivers waiting to load and weigh the trucks. He listened to them praise how awesome Volvo was and what they would say if they had money. Even if you have to mention one, who the hell drives this crappy FAW and other words...

At that time, Xu Xin understood... Oh~ It turns out that Volvo is very awesome in trucks. I also understood that that person was probably not a fool. In other words, that stunned feeling comes from the confidence of the car I am driving...

It was also from that time that he really had an intuitive impression of Volvo.

Later, I also chatted with my dad and others.

Apart from being expensive, there's really nothing wrong with Volvo's truck heads.

It is more durable than a Mercedes-Benz, more powerful than domestic trucks, more fuel-efficient, and less likely to break down... Anyway, it has a lot of advantages.

The only thing is that most people won't buy a car that costs more than one million.

After all, this million is enough to buy three or four domestically produced locomotives to form a fleet.

Not worth it.

Oh yes……

It's also safe.

Maybe... Xu Xin's Volvo plot was also left behind because of these things.

Anyway, when he mentioned trucks, the first thing that came to his mind was Volvo.

Therefore, regarding the other party's request, he just asked about the time.


Just finish filming before next fall. But they hope to quickly select ad creatives. And if possible...if Xu Xin feels that these ideas are not exciting enough, they would like to see...like the XC90, Xu Xin directs his own ideas.

Moreover, these foreign buddies also flattered me.

When Xu Xin mentioned his creativity, he used one word:



Having said this, Xu Xin immediately agreed.

Creativity...he doesn't have it yet.

But...he could think.

You can think about it slowly.

After all, life is full of inspiration, right?

In this way, after receiving another advertising order, the National Day Golden Week has arrived.

Xu Xin and Yang Mi also received "tasks" assigned by the kindergarten.

Or homework.

The school hopes that parents can accompany their children to the zoo to see our national treasure, the panda.

During Golden Week, kindergarten has a 7-day holiday.

Seven days later, the theme of the first week of school will be Panda Paradise.

I hope children can learn about the national treasure, the cute, fluffy giant panda.

Xu Xin didn't take it seriously at first.

Just go ahead and think about it.

Anyway, it’s just for playing with the kids.

So, on the morning of November 1, a family of four planned to go to the zoo to see pandas.

Looking at the May 11 holidays in recent years, the couple actually rarely choose to go out for fun.

They also know that there are many people, and most of the time, they both have money and leisure. There is no need to take time off to travel during this legal holiday.

But after children enter kindergarten, they sometimes have to follow these Golden Week holidays.

But the inexperienced couple arrived at Yanjing Zoo at 9 a.m. and looked at the entrance...the crowds of people were moving like ants moving.

Xu Xin's eyes immediately straightened...

What the hell...why are there so many people?

Would you like to go on a trip?

What are you doing at the zoo?

And...the vast majority of people are parents with their children.

Looking at this posture, Xu Xin didn't need to say anything. Yang Mi, who deeply understood what it meant for a public figure to appear on such an occasion, began to shake her head.

"No, I can't go...it's not reliable. Let's try another day?"

So, the family turned around and walked back.

But Nuannuan is not happy.


Noising my mother to see pandas...

Xu Xin, who was driving, saw the unhappy look on her daughter's face.

have to.

"Shall we go to Chengdu? I heard that there is a giant panda base in Chengdu. There is a panda valley there, which has not been made public yet..."

Yang Mi understood what her husband meant as soon as she heard it:

"Can you find anyone?"

"No need to look for it. A few days ago, the factory received a cultural tourism invitation from them. Just go there. Let's go for a walk... Lao Wang seems to be in Chengdu, right?"


Yang Mi thought for a while and nodded:

"Let's go! Take our dad and mom with us, and we'll go traveling too."


"...Why did Lao Wang go to Chengdu? Are he and Brother Seven really meeting the parents?"

"No, it's not that far yet. But I did meet him in private and had dinner together. He went there to choose the store address."

"...What address?"

"It's still the address of Fantasia 7V store. When we were chatting yesterday, he told me that he had a suitable location in Lan Kwai Fong next to Taikoo Li. Let's take a look?"


Yang Mi responded and then dialed the phone:

"Hey, dad... Hey, you and my mom pack your bags, let's go to Chengdu to see giant pandas? See pandas, eat hot pot... there are too many people here, a sea of ​​people. Just in time, Xu Xin said that Chengdu is big The Panda Valley at the Panda Base is not open to the public yet, so he said hello to the people and let’s go inside and have a look... Yeah, let’s go back now.”

After a few words, the phone was hung up.

The happy young woman raised her hands in the air:

"We're going to Chengdu!!! Baby, let's go see the pandas, okay?"

Looking at her mother who was in such a high mood, Nuannuan chewed her baby teeth and made a "2" gesture towards her mother:


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