I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 884 880 is far ahead

Chapter 884 880. Far ahead

This trip to Chengdu was very hasty and purely a temporary decision.

But the journey is not slow.

Almost as soon as the two decided to go to Chengdu to see giant pandas, both the route and the itinerary were already settled.

Yang Mi was responsible for the schedule, and Xu Xin just made a phone call to the factory.

Ask them about Panda Valley.

After learning that they were over there, he directly stated his plan.

For Panda Valley, it is a great thing for Xu Xin to come.

As for the factory, let alone... our own people are not that lively.

Wang Sicong did not inform him.

But the hotel was booked at Ruihua.

The couple were still chatting on the road and planned to check out Lao Wang's house later to verify their suspicions...

We didn’t even eat at noon, planning to enjoy some authentic Sichuan and Chongqing food when we got there.

1 p.m.

The plane sounded a warning tone that it was preparing to land.

Xu Xin fastened his seat belt, checked the two children again, and said to his wife sitting opposite him:

"Speaking of which... what was that kid's name? He was the kid who came to audition for Liu Yifei's short film."


Yang Mi thought for a while and shook her head:

"It seems his name is Kai... I don't remember much. But I do remember that his family is from Chongqing, not Chengdu."

"All right……"

He has no intention of going to Baidu.

Not guilty.

Just a casual remark.


"I don't know what happened to the child."

"There are only two outcomes. One is that you have good conditions and plan to pursue this road until you are in trouble. The other is that you have no potential and are eliminated... However, no matter which one, I can be sure of it. thing."


"He must still have the contract on his back."


Looking at her husband's stunned look, Yang Mi shrugged:

"Just like the group of scammers at the school gate every year when school starts, these companies that sign children almost all have long-term contracts. The termination fees are terrifyingly high. If you can get up, don't mention it. If you can't get up, you will be compensated for the liquidated damages. I can’t afford it. I had to spend almost my entire adolescence in it.”

"Sigh... Sometimes I wish the parents of these children could be a little more sober..."

"What's the use of parents being sober? There are so many children, whoever signs will sign. If you don't sign, then just leave. You are not the only one who is missing out."


The two of them sighed and chatted as the plane landed at Shuangliu Airport.

Frankly speaking, Shuangliu Airport is not big. It is said that Tianfu Airport, which has begun planning, will be bigger, but we can't talk about it for the time being.

The family of six left in such a hurry that they didn't even have time to notify the assistant.

After getting off the plane, we directly boarded the business car sent by Panda Valley to receive the concierge.

The driver's surname was Chen. He introduced himself when he came up and said he was Xu Guan's driver for the past few days.

Apparently the arrangements were extremely thoughtful.

When Lao Chen asked where he was going, Xu Xin, who was so hungry that his chest was pressed against his back, was naturally the Ruihua Hotel, and planned to have dinner with Lao Wang. Unfortunately, before we reached the end of the road, the child complained that he was hungry and his stomach growled.

I just couldn't bear it anymore.

It's on the roadside. Originally, he wanted to find a restaurant that looked similar, but it turned out that Yang Mi specifically chose a small restaurant with a "dirty and messy" meaning.

It is said that when you come to Chengdu, you have to go to a fly restaurant. Who can a serious person go to a restaurant?

Fortunately, the weather in Chengdu today is good. The couple wore big sunglasses and baseball caps... They are definitely eye-catching, but they are not professionals, so not many people would recognize him... or his wife at a glance.

In addition, everyone was in a hurry at the meal, and the sight of a family of six eating around a small dining table really didn't attract much attention.

Then...a question appeared in Xu Xin's mind.

Children in the Sichuan and Chongqing areas...have they already started eating chili peppers and red oil when they are two or three years old?

Looking at his two children who could only eat fried rice with eggs, he felt a little unbearable guilt.

But then again.

Needless to say, Sichuan food tastes really good.

Even my father-in-law couldn't help but raise his thumb after eating this meal.

A one-arm giant loop.

Ah! So authentic.

Unfortunately, Lao Chen had finished his meal and was waiting by the car.

I missed this authentic Sichuan meal... Oh yes, I am also from Sichuan.

have to.

Xu Xin, who suddenly realized that he was being sentimental, showed a somewhat ridiculous self-deprecating look, suddenly heard a sentence coming from the other side:

"Ah! Is it Yang Miman?"

As soon as he turned his head, he saw that the wife who was paying the bill was recognized by two young girls with surprised faces.

Yang Mi was also speechless.

Xin said that he had finished eating it immediately, but he was still recognized.

But as a public figure, she has a lot of experience in how to deal with such scenes.

First, she turned to look at her husband.

The couple's tacit understanding meant that she didn't even have to take off her sunglasses, and Xu Xin guessed what she meant.

"Dad, Mom, take Nuannuan and Yangyang into the car first, I'll protect her."

At the same time as he finished speaking, Yang Dalin and Yang Chunling nodded and stood up, pulling the two children towards the direction of the car.

Normally, it would be best for Xu Xin to slip away at this time.

After all, they found the wife but not the dog. If he ran away quickly, his wife's time staying there could be reduced by at least one third.

Otherwise, it would take longer if the two of them were asked to take a photo together.

But this time Sun Ting is not here, so he must be by his wife's side.

Sure enough, the two girls were asking their wives if they could take a photo.

As for the tail end of the meal, people in the restaurant also moved their curious eyes here after hearing the movement.

have to.

Gotta hurry up.

Xu Xin didn't come close, and just stood two or three steps away. After watching the two girls take a photo, a few more men and women who heard the noise came over.

My wife welcomes everyone who comes and takes photos with her if she wants, but unfortunately she can’t give her an autograph.

Didn't bring a pen.

While taking photos, I answered everyone’s questions:

"Yes, I come to Chengdu to play."

"Please remember not to cause trouble to other guests."

"Hey, okay."

"Thank you, thank you, you are beautiful too."

"It's delicious, it's really delicious. I ate two bowls of rice..."

After quickly dealing with these people, she quickly waved her hand while everyone was taking pictures:

"Goodbye, everyone."

After saying that, Xu Xin came over.

She walked in front, with Xu Xin guarding the back. When they were about to get in the car, someone from behind shouted:

"Xu Xin is worried?"


Xu Xin turned around and waved his hand, then quickly got into the car.

Lao Chen started off directly, which was a calm end to this "rushed" meeting.

In the car, no one thought anything was wrong.

In the past few years since you became famous, where can you go to eat without being blocked by people?

Too normal.

It's not even worthy of being discussed.

The family is still talking about Sichuan food.

But after chatting for a while, Wang Sicong suddenly called.

"Have you arrived in Chengdu?"

"How do you know it?"

"Nonsense, I saw it on Weibo. Why are you coming to Chengdu? Why don't you inform me in advance so that I can pick you up? Brother Qi knows a lot of fly restaurants, and none of you are famous..."

Listening to his popular science in Luo Liba, which places in Chengdu have a lot of delicious food...Xu Xin didn't have any other ideas, he just had a feeling...

This Weibo...

News spreads so fast.

It's so fast that it catches people off guard.

With emotion, he said:

"Are you busy this afternoon? Do you want to go see pandas with me? I'm almost arriving in Ruihua. Go to the hotel and put your luggage away, and we'll go see pandas."

"I'm not going. Are you two sick? Can't you see pandas in Yanjing?"

"Do you know how many pandas there are in Yanjing Zoo?"

"Then do you know how many people came to our giant panda base during this golden week?"

Young Master Wang seems to really regard himself as the son-in-law of the capital.

Those who speak with guns and sticks demonstrate their status as "host".

Xu Xin rolled his eyes after hearing this:

"Sorry, I went to Panda Valley."

"...Isn't that one not finished yet?"

"It's not open to the public yet. You, a plain-headed commoner, can't get in~"

"Damn it... foster father, take care of the child!"


Xu Xin was speechless and put the phone away from his ear and said to his wife:

"He will go in the afternoon too."

Yang Mi nodded indifferently:

"Let's go, where is Brother 7?"

"Where's Seventh Brother?"

"We are together. See you at the hotel later. Is the car enough for me?"

"It's not enough. Find another one."

"What I mean is whether your car is big enough to fit in. I have one here."

When Xu Xin heard this, he couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth and said:

"...Have you bought a house in Chengdu?"

"I'm watching it these days."


The phone hangs up.

Xu Xin sighed:


"Why are you sighing?"

Looking at his wife with doubtful eyes, Xu Xin shook his head:

"I'm afraid Lao Wang will become the son-in-law of Sichuan."


Yang Mi suddenly realized:

"That's okay. Aren't you also Yanjing's son-in-law? You two are the same."

"Hey, old BABY, what you said is true~"

"Dad, dad, I want to see pandas..."

Amid laughter and laughter, the car arrived at the Wanda Reign Hotel in Chengdu.

When we arrived at the place, Wang Sicong was already waiting in the lobby.

Being greeted respectfully by the doorman, Xu Xin walked into the hall and saw two rows of etiquette ladies bowing neatly:

"Hello Director Xu, Chengdu Wanda Reign Hotel welcomes you home."


It's full of force.

The young master standing aside had a sly smile on his face, and when Xu Xin nodded politely to the people on both sides, he walked over.

"Uncle, this room card belongs to you and Aunt Yang. This one belongs to both of you."

Xu Xin and Yang Dalin took the room card and listened to him say:

"Shall we go? Let's leave now?"

"Put your luggage first."

Everyone walked towards the elevator together.

Only then did Xu Xin realize that the two sides were not on the same floor.

"Not next to each other?"

"The presidential set and the directors' set are definitely not next to each other."

"Director?...Why am I not the president?"

"Nonsense, there are only two presidential suites in total. I live in the other one."

"Why do you live in the presidential suite?"


Wang Sicong was speechless when he heard this.

Holding Yangyang in his arms, looking at him was like looking at another fool.

this is my house.

I don’t live in the presidential trap, could it be...

"How about you stay?"

"Stop, I think you're dirty."


Seeing Lao Wang's deflated look, Yang Mi slapped her husband angrily:

"Okay, why are you so poor? Lao Wang, where is seventh brother?"

"I went to buy ice powder for you. There is a very delicious ice powder here. I couldn't stop it. I said my children would definitely like it, so I went to buy it on an electric bike. But it's going to be fast. I guess there will be three more Be back in five minutes."

After Wang Sicong finished speaking, he immediately winked at Yang Dalin and said:

"Uncle, how are you? Are you of the same mind as us?"

Yang Dalin nodded with a smile:

"You have to treat people well."

"That's for sure..."

Xu Xin really couldn't stand the sour smell of his love.

Why is it so sweet and refreshing?

But no matter what, during the Golden Week, old friends gather together, and the mood is definitely happy.

After temporarily placing all the luggage in the director's suite where the couple lived, Wang Sicong received a call from Si Wei, asking if Director Xu and Sister Mi were here. She came back with the ice powder and asked him to go down and pick it up. It was quite heavy.

Simply, everyone went downstairs together.

When he arrived at the gate, Xu Xin saw Di Wei riding a very down-to-earth electric bicycle with pedals, wearing a safety helmet, and two large pockets hanging on the handlebars, looking at the colorful brown sugar ice. pink.

Good guy... There's really no trace of "Xin Girl" in that look.


She rode the electric bike directly to the concierge desk.

While parking the car and greeting the couple, Wang Sicong took two bags of ice powder. The lobby manager who was following him personally directed the doorman to hold Di Wei's electric car. After Di Wei got off the car, the doorman pushed the electric car. Go on.

This treatment...

It's different at first glance.

At this time, Yang Mi heard her husband whisper:

"Don't tell Brother Qi the name of the KTV, Lao Wang won't let you say it."

Yang Mi's eyes moved, she put her foot in her husband's ear and responded:

"Look at how romantic Mr. Wang is and how good he is at creating surprises!"

"What are you two mumbling about?"

Wang Sicong, who was opening the door of the Land Rover and loading the children's supplies bag that the couple carried with them, asked in confusion.

Seeing this, Xu Xin shrugged and said to his wife:

"I can do it too. Just wait for me to sum it up..."

"Don't ask me."

Yang Mi quickly shook her head:

"You'd better go home and look at the half-hour plaque."


Naturally understanding what his wife was saying, he laughed out loud.

On the contrary, Wang Sicong and Di Wei were confused.

What are these two people talking about?

What to say?

The couple knew.

Emperor Chongzhen Zhu Youjian knew.

It’s hard to say whether Da Mao’s death is unclear or not...

"The manuscript of "The Return of the Great Sage" is expected to be released at least next year. But this stage is actually okay. Before the acquisition, the business of the PO court was basically uninterrupted. But... it is difficult to expand. I said in the past two days I am still chatting with people in Yindu and told them that if there are any movies that need post-production special effects, they can come over. The price is negotiable...

We are developing technology first, so we are not in a hurry to pursue profits. I plan to quote based on breakeven. First cultivate a group of mainland elites... When the business in Xiangjiang is transferred, many people will definitely be unwilling to come to the mainland for development, so we must make arrangements in advance. "


"Well... I just let Uncle Yang and Aunt Yang look after the children at night. I will take you two to visit the bar street... Both sides of Jinjiang are really lively. The place I chose is next to Lan Kwai Fong, and the location is not bad. That's it. The rent is high. I asked someone to do the math. If the business is of the same scale, the profit here is at most 20% of that in Xi'an... Of course, the rent is also included. But overall, the profit is not high."

"Have you finished talking?"

"Don't wait for you to come over and make up your mind. I'm currently researching the national KTV market... If we can really form a national chain, it will be very troublesome. We need to ensure peer competitiveness, product advantages, brand positioning... there are a lot of them It’s a job. And even if it can be opened all over the country... the profit is actually not very high. But it will definitely increase the valuation of Teana. If it is going to be listed, there will definitely be nothing wrong with it.”


Along the way, Xu Xin and Lao Wang, who were sitting in the front row, were basically talking about their careers.

Yang Mi and Qi Ge, who were sitting in the back, were chatting about life.

Not to mention, it’s really harmonious.

As a resident of Chengdu, Si Wei doesn't know much about this city.

No matter what Yang Mi wants to experience, she knows it like a treasure.

It can be called a living map of Chengdu.

Both sides talked about their own affairs without disturbing each other.

Lao Chen's business car pulled Yang Dalin and his wife, Nuannuan and Yangyang in front to lead the way.

Not to mention, this place is really far away from downtown CD.

But... there are really many people.

Bustling crowds can be seen everywhere on the road, obviously all coming to see the pandas.

At this time, the benefits of cultural tourism invitations and publicly funded travel are reflected. Wang Sicong drove behind the commercial vehicle and turned into an internal road... He didn't know where it was.

Not long after walking, the car in front flashed, signaling to stop.

After Wang Sicong parked in the parking space, when everyone got off the car, there were sightseeing buses, reception guides, and even a few familiar faces from Xiying Studio... a total of more than ten people were ready with smiles on their faces.

When everyone got off the bus, the receptionist tour guide and hostess presented panda dolls and bouquets of flowers respectively...

Obviously, it was exactly according to the concierge's specifications.

After chatting for a while, everyone got in the car.

Wang Sicong held a panda doll in his hand, and after taking a sweet selfie with Di Wei, he looked at the photo on his phone and sighed:

"Tsk, I really took advantage of Lao Xu."

He is rich.

But if you only have money, you can't get into this place, and you won't get this kind of reception.

These are completely two different life experiences.

Wearing a baseball cap and looking at the beautiful but sparsely populated environment, Dai Wei, who is in close contact with nature, also nodded:


As soon as they finished speaking, the voice of the tour guide sitting in the passenger seat in front of the two of them reached their ears through the small speaker straddling them:

"Two distinguished guests, we are now located in the Chengdu Giant Panda Breeding Research Base - Dujiangyan Breeding and Release Research Center - Panda Valley..."

Wang Sicong held Di Wei's hand while listening to the tour guide's introduction and looking at the scenery here.

Very comfortable.

And after a while...

"It's really amazing. In one sentence, it cost Lao Wang a million."

Seeing how Lao Wang did not hesitate to spend one million to adopt a panda after hearing that he could "adopt" a panda and named it "Meng Qi", he sighed and said to himself.

As for why it’s called “Meng Qi”…

Need to ask?

Didn't you look at Brother Seventh's eyes melting next to him?

Yang Mi glanced at her husband angrily and handed the information book to him:

"Stop talking nonsense and hurry up!"

"Hey, that's good."

Xu Xin nodded and took the information book.

After seeing the name "Ping An" written in the column of the panda adopted by his wife, he thought about it and wrote in the column of the name of the panda he adopted:


Peace and joy are twin sisters.

His parents are Meilan, a giant panda who has returned from overseas, and Chenggong, a mysophobic princess.

And the names of these two panda babies... are also the couple's biggest wish for their children.

Then, after signing his name in a hurry, Xu Xin handed the information to the staff. Xu Xin squatted next to the two children who were looking at the two red pandas in the glass room and kissed them respectively. The back of the head.

"This is a gift from mom and dad~"

As he said that, he also looked at the peace and joy in the glass room who had just turned one year old, and suddenly chuckled:


"What's wrong?"

Yang Mi, who walked up to him, asked curiously.

Then I heard my husband say:

"Their teacher just lets them look at pandas... We are different, we just raise them! Do you know what this is called?"


"This is called being far ahead of your peers! ... Well, far ahead!"


Yang Mi rolled her eyes at him.

But the corners of his mouth were also raised in a nice curve.

Peace and joy will surely please many people in the future. And in the emotions that everyone likes, there must be many wishes for them to be cute and happy forever.

Everyone wishes peace and joy, and the names of Peace and Joy were chosen by me and my husband for their children.

Then this blessing will definitely come to Nuannuan and Yangyang.

She is not superstitious.

But when it comes to kids…

She believes in everything.

As long as they are safe and happy.

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