I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 887 883 Your intention is not as good as mine

Chapter 887 883. I am not as good as you wish

Xu Xin and Xin Haicheng have not seen each other for a long time.

When I went downstairs and saw this guy, they hugged each other.

"The sun is shining brightly, Xin Haisang."

"Hi hi..."

Xin Haicheng smiled and nodded in response, and then, according to "customary", he pulled Xu Xin into the car.

Since ancient times, the cultural radiation of the Celestial Empire to the entire East Asia has affected the living habits of all surrounding countries. Meeting friends and gathering for meals are unchanging rules.

"I think Xu Sang's movie this time was co-produced with Italy?"

"Yes, a group drama... Hmm, Mengmeng, are there any filming scheduled today?"

Hearing this, Su Meng, who was sitting in the back row, shook her head:

"No, Brother Xu, it won't be available until tomorrow."

Xu Xin understood, turned to Xin Haicheng and asked:

"Want to take a look?"


Although one of them is a film director and the other is an animation film director, animation and film are essentially the same.


"It just so happens that I want to take a look at my new anime, Xu Sang."

Hearing this, Xu Xin asked:

"Is it the story of sister-brother love?"


The unique structure of Japanese identity comes from the mouth of Makoto Shinkai.

"It's the story that was inspired by the "Man'yoshu". It has been completed. Although there are still some parts that have not been completed in the later stage, the overall structure has come out. Has Xu Sang read "The Man's Yoshu"?"

"I saw it, but to be honest, because the sentence structure is expressed according to the structure of the seven-rhythm poem of the Tian Dynasty after being translated. To me, compared with Tang poetry and Song poetry, the artistic conception seems monotonous in expressing the sentence structure. Some. Moreover, the teacher who translated actually used the structure of ancient Chinese poetry. What I saw in the book were mostly reflections of poetry. It was difficult to resonate with me. Although there were some short poems that impressed me deeply, But it’s entirely because of the translation, after all, I don’t understand Japanese…”

Xu Xin expressed his most intuitive thoughts about "Man'yoshu", a collection of poems called "Japanese Book of Songs" by the Japanese.

In fact, even a Japanese person might not like this.

After all... Although it is not a disparagement, it is not good for you to describe our country's culture as "monotonous in artistic conception".

But this is Xu Xin's truest feeling.

He cannot empathize.

Just like a poem called "Thunder God Tanka" that Makoto Shinkai likes very much in the Manyoshu:

"Narukami no Shao しとよみてさし昙り雨も下らんか君をstay めん

Narukami's younger sister, I'm the younger sister, stay here."

The translation of the original text is: There is faint thunder, and the sky is hazy, but I hope the wind and rain will come and can keep you here.

There is faint thunder and a hazy sky. Even if there is no rain, I will stay here.

At first glance, the artistic conception is not bad.


You listen to the following:

"The blue sky is a picture of the four mountains, and the thunder of the day is noisy at a hundred steps."

"The superficial name has changed to the external body, and the mere thunder and lightning are like gods. The top of the mountain is just a baby, and there are countless people who have lost their chopsticks in the world."

"A rustling east wind and drizzle are coming, and there is light thunder outside Furong Pond."

"The remaining sound is thrown into the forest like the wind and rain, and the final force is like the wind and rain."

When Xu Xin was chatting with these writers and teachers, including Yu Hua, they occasionally talked about poetry.

These people have the same understanding, that is, poetry emphasizes meaning and white space.

Similar in spirit but not in form.

What matters is not what you saw, but what you thought after seeing it.

In this regard, those Tang poems and Song lyrics that can be preserved are all stunning works. In comparison, "Man'yoshu" emphasizes form over meaning, which is really not to Xu Xin's taste.

After hearing Xu Xin's words, Xin Haicheng, who was driving, nodded slightly.

He could understand Xu Xin's words, but in fact there were not many places where he could empathize.

To put it bluntly, it is still a matter of cultural environment and cognition.

Everyone is in a "foreign country" in the eyes of the other party, and seeing the other party's culture is based on the cognition of their own culture.

It is normal to not be able to empathize with a certain work.

Just like when he was talking to Xu Xin about "Disqualification in the World" before, Xu Xin showed that ridiculous expression after hearing that many Japanese committed suicide after reading this book.

After he recommended this book to Xu Xin...

Although it is unfair to compare literary works.

But after learning that "Disqualification in the World" is a work that is extremely "sad", Xu Xin brought out the magic weapon.

If you recommend "Disqualified" to me, then you go watch "Alive".

Is it miserable?

Also miserable.

But if you watch the previous work, you will commit suicide, but if you watch "Alive", it will only tell you a truth through a more miserable life - "it is better to die than live".

Anyone who reads it can feel the perseverance and unyielding vitality.

Ultimately, this is actually a cultural difference.

But throughout the history of Chinese literature, there are those who are arrogant, those who are sad and angry, and there are also those who can overcome the illusion and achieve empty Nirvana. There are many kinds of literary works, but none of them is the only one that ends in perfection.

No matter how tragic the story is, readers can appreciate the tenacious will to live.


Sitting back and waiting for death has never been the character of Chinese people.

No matter how miserable the situation is, despair can never defeat the Chinese people who have had the word "resistance" engraved in their bones since their ancestors.

And from this aspect... Japan's culture is indeed very different from that of China.

You can learn from it. He will listen to and read some books or opinions recommended by Xin Haicheng.

But it would be foolish to follow blindly and lose your own knowledge.

The same is true for Xin Haicheng.

Maybe this is one of the reasons why the two became friends.

The topic between the two also started with a "Man'yoshu", and they gradually began to discuss some things... which may sound like nonsense at first, but in fact only the people involved will be inspired by it.

The director. Make friends through literature, and enhance feelings through the collision of thoughts and spirits.

When talking about the excitement, Xin Haicheng also asked Xu Xin if he had time this time. If so, set aside a day.

He wanted to take Xu Xin to Kyoto to see it.

Compared to bustling Tokyo...Kyoto is much more interesting in his eyes as a director.

Xu Xin happily agreed and agreed to wait for the next two days to see when he would be free and free up a day.

Of course, it must be after he visits Takakura Ken.

Speaking of Takakura Ken, Xin Haicheng suddenly said:

"Xu Sang, Mr. Gao Cang is said to have been hospitalized several times recently and is in very poor health."

Xu Xin was stunned:


"Although these are just news from the news media, these news are indeed circulating in the circle. It's just that young people don't pay much attention to him. Those who like him are some older movie fans..."


Hearing this, Xu Xin nodded subconsciously:

"I see."

Although Takakura Ken's health has been in poor health, this kind of news can spread. With Takakura Ken's status in Japan, it is unlikely that the media will make up groundless rumors.

As an absolute great Hiyu, Ken Takakura is now a serious senior.

Young Japanese media also dare not do this.

It seems...

This time I have to ask clearly what is going on.

The old man of the province is worried at home.

The place where Xin Haicheng brought Xu Xin was still an extremely small restaurant.

But it sells an ingredient that, according to him, is very rare.

Fish white.

It's just fish...

When Xu Xin saw the grilled fish, his first reaction was the plot in the movie "The Embalmer" that he had watched.

After learning that the two were the same thing, he was still a little reluctant and decided to give it a try.

After all, he really likes the old curator's outlook on life and death in "The Embalmer".

But after trying it, I feel like this thing is just like that.

It's a bit like roasted lamb on the outside and burnt on the inside...

It just tastes a bit monotonous...

But paired with Japanese sake, it has a unique taste.

The two of them drank until almost 5 o'clock.

A little drunk, but very happy.

Even Xu Xin didn't know when Xin Haicheng's assistant came over.

Anyway, when we came out, the other party had been waiting beside the car for a long time.

As for the destination…

Makoto Shinkai's studio.

He wants to take Xu Xin to see his latest work, an animated short film called "The Garden of Words".


Over 40 minutes... considered a short film.

Perhaps...this is the pride and arrogance of being the absolute No. 1 country in the animation field?

When the animation started playing, Xu Xin immediately felt his friend's thoughts.

Although Makoto Shinkai said that this work has not been completed yet, only the first half has been completed, and some of the later original paintings are still being produced...

But when he saw the rich colors and art style of the opening animation, he was still surprised.


Although Makoto Shinkai's painting style has always been gorgeous, the lightning strike at the opening of this film still hit him.

Brilliant colors, vivid tones, and matching combinations are truly perfect among perfections.

It made people's eyes brighten, and they quickly became obsessed... Then, a very delicate male voice sounded.

"I didn't know these things until I entered high school two months ago..."


This sound... is great.

Xu Xin nodded slightly, but immediately realized something was wrong.

This movie... has Chinese subtitles! ?

"This Chinese..."

Xin Haicheng smiled and said:

"I heard you would come to Tokyo, so I composed it specially. It's a little hasty, but I hope it can express the situation and meaning in Japanese as closely as possible..."


Xu Xin was speechless.

I just picked up the matcha drink in my hand.

I bumped into Xin Haicheng, who laughed and prepared a thoughtful gift for his friend.

Frankly speaking, the first fifteen minutes of "The Garden of Words" really made Xu Xin feel amazing.

Almost every frame can be used as wallpaper.

During the "movie" screening, neither he nor Xin Haicheng spoke.

Just enjoy it quietly.

However, when the movie plot reaches 15 minutes, that is, after the male protagonist eats the eggs cooked by the female protagonist, the style of painting begins to collapse.

Some pictures where the colors are not harmonious or the rendering is not refined enough can be seen everywhere.

It seems that the "grade" has dropped drastically.

But Xu Xin still didn't speak.

Keep watching.

It's not finished.

He estimated that it would take at least three to five months to complete such a sophisticated animation.

Immediately after the 40-minute video ended...

Looking at his friend who was full of expectations and waiting for his opinion...Xu Xin scratched his head.

"Xin Haisang, have you ever considered making Sunshine come alive?"

Xin Haicheng was stunned.

I saw Xu Xin holding the remote control and starting to rewind the movie.

While looking for shots that I felt had some problems, I said:

"Actually, from the beginning of the story, I guessed it when I noticed that you set the faces of the male and female protagonists in the pavilion to have a somewhat gloomy color. In the end, the faces of these two people will definitely appear in the sunshine... ...Or in the light. This expression of dispelling the haze...is not superficial, but too deliberate. Well...it starts from here."

He pointed at the TV screen:

"At the beginning of this chapter [July], the elements of sunshine in the heroine begin to become stronger."

The picture on TV was still very rough, but in Xu Xin's mind, it was already gorgeous and vivid.

Just listen to him say:

"Here, the heroine is sitting on the edge of the pavilion. The bright shadow of yours should be the light and dark contrast formed by the sun and the building, hitting the heroine's back together, right? I don't think this is vivid enough. Live. Look, it's raining here. Sunlight, raindrops, the light hitting her back... This angle is wrong. Because the light comes from the direction of the male protagonist, no matter how much it is refracted, it cannot hit her face. On the male protagonist’s female protagonist’s back.”

Pointing to the "crossing gang" part on the screen, he said:

"But you can't change it, because it represents the heroine and her mood, so you have to find a way to make the sunshine come alive. For example...a rainbow? From your upward perspective, the colors of the rainbow can easily appear in falling rain and sunshine. Do you want to Want to see, although the heroine is sitting in the shadow, because of the angle, the sunlight cannot shine, but a rainbow that appears next to her "replaces" the sunlight and exaggerates her mood...sunlight, light spots, rainbow, And the kind produced by falling rain and sunlight hitting the ground..."

For a while, he couldn't remember how to describe "Yunyun" in English, so he could only find a word for "smoke" as a substitute.

"The kind of smoke that is generated. The smoke is dynamic. In the sunlight, there will be some very shallow traces, like the effect that appears when reflecting water, shining on the side of the heroine or the surrounding environment. Light, so far, is alive Come over.

We assume that the heroine's state of mind is a dry desert, and this kind of reflection from the living... running water just replaces the water. Through a more poetic and freehand technique, it moisturizes the heroine a little bit. The heart of the Lord...

To make good use of light, it doesn't necessarily have to be very straightforward to shine light on the heroine's face to express her thoughts of getting out of the darkness in her heart. Try to make it more expressive, more romantic, richer... the colors of the rainy season. In this way, I think the whole movie will add a...poetic color with a touch of sadness. The color will also be richer, softer, and more...romantic. "


Listen to Xu Xin's words.

Xin Haicheng was speechless.




Then, a moment later...

He didn't open his mouth, but breathed through his nose, letting out a sigh that came out after taking a deep breath.

The chest cavity gradually weakened as the breath was exhaled.

Xin Haicheng, who felt that he had figured out a lot of things, straightened his back, put his hands on his knees, looked at Xu Xin, and nodded heavily.

"Xu Sang, thank you very much!...It's really amazing..."

After his thoughts were enlightened and inspiration began to surge in his mind like a tide, Xin Haicheng could only express the thousands of words in his heart with these pale words.

Not a sigh.

Rather, it is stating facts.

As you wish, I am not as good as you.

He stated the facts, but his heart was still filled with emotion.

But what he didn't know was that Xu Xin was actually feeling emotional too.

In this animated movie, Japan shows the kind of...inheritance.

It’s not the painting style or artistic conception, but the pure power of a mature industrial system…

It's amazing.

One Hollywood, one Japan...

After Xu Xin felt these two completely different but essentially identical industrial forces... his heart was also unable to calm down.

In fact, this is not the case.

After all, there must be people who are far ahead in every field.


Maybe it was just like what the two of them were talking about in the car before. The spirit of refusing to admit defeat is engraved in the bones of the people of China.

Fear the strong.

But he never seeks strength.

According to Shinkai Makoto, when the Japanese see a strong person, their first reaction is how to associate with them. Join in and share the glory.

But the people of China are different.

Seeing excellence in others...Chinese people have only one idea.

How to surpass them and become a better person?

Xu Xin has this mentality now.

"In the field of Chinese animation... what should we do and how should we cultivate it so that we can catch up with Japan?"


What to do? To surpass it?

When he thought about the topics in the animation field that were raised when everyone was talking about "The Return of the Great Sage" in the WeChat group after forming Chasing Light, he felt a little headache.

Although he is not arrogant enough to think that "it is our duty to save the domestic animation market"...

But the longer he stays in the film and television industry, the heavier his unwillingness to admit defeat becomes.

In this way, the two people started to stay.

After a while, Xu Xin came back to his senses. After looking at the time, he saw that it was almost 6:30 Japan time. He stretched out his hand to Su Meng, and the assistant quickly handed over the USB flash drive.

"Look at mine?"

Hearing this, Xin Haicheng's eyes lit up with fire again:


Plug in the USB flash drive and play "Perfect Strangers".

At this time, Xu Xin quickly said with a hint of apology:

"There are only English and Chinese subtitles, are you okay?"

"It doesn't matter."

Xin Haicheng smiled and shook his head.

Then more than 90 minutes later, the smile froze on his face.

It was replaced by a deep thought.

The ending of this film...

Xu Sang can see through his movies at a glance, and he naturally has a desire to win or lose in his heart.


After filtering some details in the film and suddenly realizing the meaning of the abrupt "I saw two moons" at the beginning of the film, his eyes looked at Xu Xin again with a hint of wonder, and that A touch of... a blazing, dazzling light:

"parallel world?"


Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Parallel world, parallel time and space. When the lunar eclipse appears, it gives us an illusory world. The ending is open, and everyone has the right to make associations. But the answer I gave is that there are some things that end at the lunar eclipse. After that, it was over. Nothing ever happened...at least, not during this period of time."


As soon as Xu Xin finished speaking, Xin Haicheng stood up as if he was frightened by something.

Xu Xin was shocked.

Then, just when Xu Xin was wondering what the elder brother was going to do, he saw him rummaging around in front of the drawer of his desk.

Finally, I brought a thick pile of information.


After being photographed on the small coffee table in front of the two of them, in Xu Xin's eyes, the eldest brother stared at him like... a person who has been thirsty for a long time met a peerless beauty, and said:

"Xu Sang, do you remember the last time we discussed the love story constructed through time and space travel?"


Xu Xin was stunned.

Time travel?


Do you also want to film a time-travel magical campus love story?

Although I didn't know what Xin Haicheng was going to do, after he realized what he was doing, he took a look at the information...

Xu Xin guessed that he was alive again.

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