I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 888 884 Inspiration

Chapter 888 884. Inspiration

"Xu Sang, do you still remember the idea we talked about? Time travel, the story of two people in different time and space meeting at the intersection of time and space! I have been thinking about it since I read your "Secret" This story. And then you see..."

For Xu Xin, it was very lengthy information, but when it came to Xin Haicheng, it was like a computer with Baidu installed.

You will find whatever you search for.

Soon, several pages of draft paper and several portraits of boys and girls were laid out in front of Xu Xin.

But it was all in Japanese, which made Xu Xin confused.

After Xin Haicheng reacted, he also knew that Xu Xin could not understand Japanese, so he said:

"I have actually started to make a plan for this story now. In my imagination, the boy and the girl exchanged their bodies and came to each other. They used their respective identities to experience different lives... Then, they made a promise no matter what No matter where the other party is, we must meet the other party’s agreement!”


As Xu Xin was thinking, Xin Haicheng's eyes were filled with light:

"It's like Ye is desperate just to find Xiao Yu! Even the name "Sanye" was decided after I thought of Ye."


In fact, Xu Xin has met some people who particularly like the movie "Secret" over the years.

Whether it's a fan or a colleague.

"The Secret" is his debut novel.

In the film and television industry, there is an inherent understanding of directors...how to put it, it is not an inherent understanding.

That is the director's debut, which often determines the director's temperament throughout his artistic career.

Of course, this statement is not accurate.

New directors have little say in their own right. Even if they can direct some works, they are still under the control of the management. In many cases, the director is just a decoration, and the entire work is created based on the employer's taste.

This director's debut film does not conform to this inherent perception.

It specifically refers to the kind of work that...is influenced by the smallest possible external factors, and the original idea of ​​​​the director runs through it.

To put it bluntly, the temperament exuded in this kind of work is the temperament of that director.

No matter what kind of evolution the other party goes through later, whether it's mentality, money, status or other things...but the temperament revealed in the movie will never disappear.

Like a baby.

That is the world they see when they open their eyes, and it is also the first cry they make to the world.

For everyone, "Secret" completely determined Xu Xin's temperament as a director from the very beginning.

Lens language full of "sound".

What is pursued is dynamic and static beauty.

And that... unbridled aura that cannot be imitated or pursued.

For quite a few directors, it is extremely difficult to build a complete story in their first work.

As for the lens language, or the beauty of the lens... there is no need to mention it.

Maybe they have pictures in their minds, but when these pictures are presented, they often have more craftsmanship.

But Xu Xin is different.

The reason why his "Secret" is still remembered by countless people, apart from the very solid story, is the... indescribable beauty.

Most people attribute this beauty to Zhang Yimou.

I feel that if Xu Xin had not seen the creativity of Director Zhang, who can be called a visual artist, on the crew of "Golden Armor", he might not have been able to control the movie "Secret" so easily, and it created a... In the words of a movie fan, it has "a melancholy and quiet temperament like a cello."

Naturally, Xu Xin would not deny this.

He will always remember that when he was first filming "The Golden Armor", he looked at the "gorgeous" color combination in the monitor and how shocked he was.

Therefore, over the years, he would happily accept anyone who praised him.

Not vanity, but a matter of course.

For "Secret", he indeed exhausted all the inspiration he had at the time.

What's more, everyone has vanity.

At this moment, looking at Xin Haicheng's sparkling eyes, the only thing Xu Xin could do in response was to nod and ask:

"So, what's this story?"

He wanted to see it too.

A friend who calls himself a big fan of "The Secret" wonders what kind of world is buried deep in his heart after years of conceiving it.

Are you inspired by me?

Then let me "check" it.

Let me see what kind of inspiration is worthy of your relationship for so many years.

I don’t know if it’s because I came to this country of “anime”.

He also started to become a bit of a middle schooler.

So following this natural emotion, I said to myself:

"Let me, the creator of the Secret, examine it myself."

Tell the truth.

Xu Xin really didn't expect that on the first day of the Tokyo Film Festival, he didn't watch a single movie, didn't answer a single interview, and was tricked into working illegally in a small coal mine.

Or say that capitalist society eats people without spitting out their bones.

From the afternoon until 8 o'clock in the evening, Xu Xin stepped into a kaiseki restaurant that was definitely not cheap just by looking at the decoration, and then to the dinner table...

His brain never stopped working.

The two of them were talking about movies even while eating.

Moreover, Xin Haicheng also has a notebook that is incompatible with the surrounding environment.

It makes him look like a tabloid reporter.

Even when arranging for Xu Xin's geisha to perform singing and dancing, he never put down his notebook.

And Xu Xin had no intention of watching.

Mainly... the geisha's face was too pale and he looked awkward.

Some people can't appreciate this aesthetic.

It even felt a little noisy.

When the performance was over, he politely applauded the other party and sent him away. He immediately drank all the water in the cup and then refilled it. The first words he said were:

"Xin Haisang, listen."

Unlike the geisha's sob-laden lament just now, only the sound of carbonic acid remained in the room that had quieted down at this moment.

Moreover, this trace of carbonic acid sound also carries a...very crisp, soft, and pleasant sound of bubbles breaking.

Onomatopoeia is like saying: Bo ~ Bo ~



Xin Haicheng didn't dare to say anything.

Listen carefully.

But his eyes were full of doubts.

From time to time, he would look at Su Meng next to him who was also too angry to take a breath.

As for his own assistant...

In Japan's strict class society, even if he allowed it, the assistant would not dare to sit on this table.

After Xu Xin saw his gaze, he thought about it and said:

"Call the waiter for me and ask for a new bottle of Perrier water, a can of Coke, and two fresh lemons cut into thick slices."

He pointed to the lemon slice in his cup.

Although Xin Haicheng didn't understand what it meant, he still did it.

Although this place is a kaiseki restaurant, in terms of drinks, Japan, a country with a high level of acceptance of Western drinks, is not lacking.

Soon, the waiter knelt down in front of the three of them and put everything Xu Xin wanted on the table.

Xu Xin then said:

"It has a nice sound. Look, this is Coke. Coke doesn't have this kind of sound."

As he spoke, he put a sliced ​​lemon on a delicate plate into the glass. Then he opened a can of Coke and poured it directly into it.

No ice.

Coca-Cola reacts directly with lemon, and the carbonated foam delivers a refreshing and pleasant sound in a dense "crash" sound.

But...it quickly weakened.

"Did you hear that?"


Xin Haicheng responded to Xu Xin in the simplest manner possible, for fear of interrupting Xu Xin's thoughts and disturbing the "quietness".

Then I heard Xu Xin say:

"I happened to find this when the geisha came in just now. But they started singing, it was so noisy, and the sound disappeared quickly... I think it should be from the Perrier water being poured into the cup in the kitchen, this kind of The sound just started.”

As he spoke, he put another lemon into a cylindrical cup specially used for drinking their cocktail called "HIGH BALL".

After unscrewing the bottle of Perrier water in his hand, he poured it directly into it.

Xin Haicheng and Su Meng both began to listen attentively.

At the beginning, there was also the sound of carbonic acid gushing out.

But soon... the clear and pleasant "boo~" sound just now began to appear.

Xin Haicheng looked at the cup subconsciously.

On the wall of the cup, the carbonated water...he didn't know how to generate it. Bubbles the size of soybean grains were rising up one after another.

And when each bubble comes to the water surface and bursts, it will make this "boo~boo~" bubble bursting sound.

To be honest, this sound is actually similar to the sound of bubbles and balloons bursting in anime or movies. Even the "pop-pop" sound of raindrops falling on the water is similar to it.

But it is softer and more pleasant to the ear.

For Xin Haicheng, it's like...

"I heard summer...humming a song, the eternity of that moment of refreshing feeling in the hot summer!"

He squinted his eyes and said in an extremely comfortable and enjoyable tone in the autumn wind in the second half of October.

"It was like a handful of water from a mountain stream hitting my face."

"It's like...the water droplets dripping from the fallen leaves in the valley after the rain, ending their short life."

"It's more like the bubbles protruding from the swimming fish, breaking the clear lake surface..."

"It's also like... birdsong. Yes, birdsong! Birds chirp happily in the morning, but they are afraid of the sound being too loud, so they can only... whisper in a very low voice!"

"...a feeling of...freedom."

These are all descriptions of him.

After he said the last sentence, while still closing his eyes, he heard Xu Xin's words:

"A girl who is determined to be a handsome guy in Tokyo in her next life tastes strange lemonade for the first time after switching bodies. She is moved by the aroma of carbonic acid and lemon and sighs. She can say that Tokyo is really nice, she can say The sound of the water is very pleasant, and it can reveal an extremely novel look.

But from these things, a kind of tension can also be expressed. One way, she expresses her inner character with a somewhat cute personality. and the charm Tokyo exudes for outsiders new to the city. "


Xin Haicheng's eyes opened instantly, and the light in his eyes began to bloom again.

"In the early stages of the story, the daily excesses that Sanye went through when she switched bodies were used to flesh out her character and make the audience like her even more?"


Speaking of half-baked Japanese, Xu Xin handed the glass of lemon Paris water to his friend.

"That's right. Through this kind of profile description... without any story or plot, introduce to all the audience through natural bridges. At the same time, the sound and picture will also form a The beautiful melody is engraved in the hearts of the audience. It’s like they also tasted this glass of lemonade~"




The bubbles are getting smaller and smaller.

If the sound cannot be heard.

Xin Haicheng took the water glass and watched Xu Xin pick up his glass of lemonade.

Suddenly he laughed out loud:


But immediately I felt that my voice was too loud, suppressing the disappearing insects, birds, nature and eternity.

So he said with a bit of regret:

"Ah~ it has disappeared."

He murmured to himself, and the two cups touched together:


The unique taste of Perrier and lemon flows into your mouth. Feeling the taste of carbonic acid and lemon, he looked a little dazed. Started to murmur again:


"Huh? What?"

Seeing Xu Xin's curious eyes, he said in English:

"Eternal~forever!... After being inspired by Xu Sang, I felt the eternity of time in this glass of water. I think this is the most memorable glass of lemonade in my life. It will never be forgotten. That cup!”


Xu Xin chuckled and picked up the cigarette case on the table.

Seeing this, Su Meng got up from the tatami and opened the door.

The courtyard full of the Japanese "wabi-sabi wind" meaning of space, Zen, stillness and silence caught Xu Xin's eyes.

He was speechless.

He lit a cigarette and blew out a puff of smoke.

He actually liked the story quite a bit as well.

Even if it's not finished yet.

But the story, tentatively titled "Your Name," did move him on some levels.

Think of it as an extension of "The Secret".

He unleashed his inspiration unbridled.

At the same time, I am also looking forward to it, wanting to see what kind of answer Makoto Shinkai can deliver.

But when he looked at the night view of this courtyard, his mind was inevitably flooded with thoughts due to drunkenness.

At this time, Xin Haicheng asked:

"Xu Sang, what are you thinking about?"

"I wonder when Chinese animation will surpass Japan."

Xu Xin answered casually.

Xin Haicheng was stunned...

The expressions became varied.

It seems absurd and speechless, but more of a curiosity:

"Speaking of which, if Xu Sang is interested, would you like to try an animated movie? In some aspects, animation is actually more suitable for an interesting story than real people."


Xu Xin thought for a moment and shook his head.

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he continued to look at the courtyard and said:

"There may be a chance in the future, but not at this stage."

As he spoke, he turned his head and looked at his friend:

"But I'm very curious about what animated movies look like when they're being created... I've also acquired a company in this area, Shin Haisang. When will you take me to see your production site and let me learn from it? How about it?"


Xin Haicheng looked puzzled. Perhaps Xu Xin's English expressions did not convey what he meant. He asked in surprise:

"Xu Sang acquired an animation company?"

"It can be understood that way. To be precise, it is a computer special effects company, but I plan to extend it to the field of animation. After all... you know, Tianchao Animation was once brilliant, but now it is very lonely. I want to try... and see if it can Will it be rejuvenated?"


Xin Haicheng's eyes moved.

(Today I’ve written 10,000 words. I’ve been working out more and more intensely, and I’m exhausted. By the way, the sound of lemon and Perrier in a glass is really nice!)

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