I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 889 885 takes a turn for the worse

Chapter 889 885. A sudden turn of events

When the meal with Xin Haicheng ended, it was already past 10 o'clock.

After the meal, Xu Xin only felt one thing, that is, tiredness.

All the brain cells have been boiled dry, so tired and clear.

"Secret" looks like a lot of regrets now. Even if he were to take pictures now, he would be able to take better pictures.

These regrets, as well as the small inspirations and regrets that I occasionally picked up over the years, were all told to Xin Haicheng.

How much Xin Haicheng can use it is not yet known.

Anyway, he was enjoying himself.

After agreeing to visit and study at his film production company in a few days, he waved goodbye to the other party.

He took Su Meng all the way back to the hotel.

After returning to the room, he took a shower and threw himself on the pillow.

I slept in darkness, and when I woke up in the morning, it was almost 9 o'clock or 10 o'clock.

In a daze, looking at the unfamiliar ceiling, he was too lazy to get up even though his bladder was about to explode.

There is an indescribable feeling of emptiness in my body.

Been boiled dry.

I lay there until 10 o'clock. I couldn't hold it any longer, so I sat up from the bed and walked to the bathroom.

When it came to solving personal hygiene problems, he looked at the things in WeChat on his phone and found that most of them were scheduled for the afternoon.

This morning is the last free time at the Tokyo Film Festival.

He logged out of WeChat and opened Weibo, intending to browse today's news to see what was new and to learn about it in a timely manner.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he opened the hot search list, he frowned.

A hot search came into view: # The United States submitted the Island Amendment #

He clicked directly.

"...The bill clearly states that disputes over islands are subject to Article 5 of the Regulations. The bill will be voted on to decide whether to implement it..."


After reading the general content of the news, Xu Xin switched to the WeChat interface and sent a message to Chen He:

"Director Chen, are you busy?"

Then, the sound of toilet flushing sounded.

Two minutes later, he walked out of the bathroom with water stains on his face.

After putting on a set of daily clothes, she walked out of the room in her slippers.

After a while, Chen He in the room looked at Xu Xin who walked in, and asked with a smile:

"Director Xu, the premiere of "Perfect Strangers" will be soon. Shall we go and watch it together? Everyone is looking forward to the shock this work will bring to the Tokyo audience."


Seeing the relaxed smile on his face, Xu Xin knew that he probably didn't know about this yet.

So he shook his head:

"Director Chen, let's not mention this matter for now. Have you watched the news today?"

Chen He was stunned for a moment, then shook his head and smiled:

"No, I just woke up not long ago. I had dinner with some people in charge of the movie channel yesterday, so I woke up a little late today."


Xu Xinxin said, no wonder you are still a director after staying in the factory for almost thirty years.


Without saying any more, he opened the phone and handed it over.


"Hey, okay."

When Chen He took the phone, the smile on his face was still there.

But after a second or twenty, just as Xu Xin lit a cigarette, his smile disappeared and turned into confusion.

Then the confusion turned into a seriousness.

"Director Xu..."

He raised his head and looked at Xu Xin sitting on the sofa:

"this matter……"

But Xu Xin waved his hand:

"Don't talk about state affairs."

Chen He stopped talking.

In fact, there is no need to discuss this kind of thing.

"Now it's time for us to make some plans."

With one word, he directly settled the matter.

Art has no national boundaries.

That's for sure.

But artists do!


After realizing that he was starting to get drunk, Xu Xin quickly took a deep breath.

Although in terms of art, Xu Xin has always been comfortable in these circles.

But...he won't give in on this matter.

After forcing himself to calm down, he thought for a while and asked Su Meng:

"Mengmeng, when will Jesse and the others arrive?"

"This afternoon, Brother Xu."


After hearing this, Xu Xin's heart sank.

Even a little uneasy.


What he was thinking in his heart was actually a kind of unfairness in a different direction to his friends.


"Director Chen, please tell the leaders of the movie channel about this matter."

"All right!"

Chen He nodded subconsciously, but was immediately stopped by Xu Xin.

"Wait a minute."

Then, a thoughtful look appeared on his face.


"The directors of the crews of "Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart" and "One Flew Over the Home for the Elderly" have also notified them and let them know about the news first. And... let everyone be prepared."

Speaking of this, he paused again.

In fact, it is difficult for him to measure this kind of thing.

What’s difficult to measure isn’t how much he values ​​“Perfect Strangers”’s success at film festivals, or the likelihood of personal honors.

What an international joke...

Although they are both 9A, he doesn't even care about the Shanghai Film Festival. Would he care about Tokyo?

If there was only "Perfect" this time, he would make a decision directly as soon as he saw the news, even if it was unfair to his Italian friends.

Because this is his country, his home!

He had to express his very clear attitude.

Don't even think about any consequences.

The worst case scenario is that I won’t come anymore, what can I do?

But the current situation is that it is not only "Perfect Strangers", but also "Thousand Arrows" and "One Flew Over the Home".

He believes in everyone's consciousness.

But... at this juncture, the reason why he found Chen He was because he had already quickly understood the principled issues involved.

But if he just puts everyone together and tells them:

"This is my decision and you must join me."

That becomes moral kidnapping.

He is not afraid of offending people.

But... I'm afraid that if this matter doesn't reach the final stage, although I have a clear conscience, it will be a kind of harm to two excellent domestic films.

He cannot make decisions for everyone.

Nor can we directly and arbitrarily sacrifice the efforts and hard work of all Chinese filmmakers for this film festival because of our own personal stance.

He doesn't want this kind of "one general's success and ten thousand bones withered".

Think before and after.

Finally, he said:

"Tell this news to the leaders of the movie channel, Director Wang Jing, Director Zhang Yang... Yan Bingyan also has a role in "Old People's Home", also... tell her. Just talk about this matter, and... Tell them that everyone should be prepared. However, don’t act rashly and leave all decision-making power to the movie channel... No, you can’t say that.”

After feeling it was inappropriate, he thought about it and changed his words:

"Tell the movie channel first, and then reflect on this matter to Mr. Qi. Just say... Let Mr. Qi also communicate with the people at the domestic movie channel... Forget it, I will make the call with Mr. Qi, you Just tell them about this and let them know about it. Director Wang Jing and others don’t notify them yet.”


After hearing this, Chen He waited for a while and saw that Xu Xin had already dialed Qi Lei's number on the phone. Then he determined that Director Xu should "not change", so he nodded and walked directly to the bathroom door.

If Director Xu is on the phone here, he must go to the bathroom.

Otherwise they will interfere with each other.

Qi Lei has also answered the phone:


"Brother Qi, have you watched the news?"

"Did you see it too?...I was just trying to tell you about this. Fucking Americans..."

As soon as he said this curse word, the two of them were on the same channel.

Xu Xin said directly:

"I'm here, Director Chen. What I mean is, tell this matter to the domestic movie channels. It's hard for us to make a decision, because no matter what decision is made on this matter... it will start from the West Film Studio. Movie There’s nothing wrong with the channel, but from the other two crews, it’s inevitable that we will receive some criticism.”

"That's what I mean. I'll communicate and wait for the movie channel to make a decision. If they think the matter is not serious..."

"Basically impossible."

Obviously neither of them said the final decision, but they both knew the meaning of the other's words.

"This matter is not happening in a day or two."

"...Then what are you going to do? Jasmine and the others..."

"They are my friends, and I will try my best to make up for it. But... we can't let this kind of thing happen!"

Although he didn't say it very forcefully when he said it.

But the more understated the speed of his speech, the more others can feel what he is thinking at this moment.

"okay, I get it."

After learning about Xu Xin's attitude, this matter became easier to handle.

Qi Lei was not a sloppy person and said directly:

"Then you wait for my news."


"...It's a pity. If you could stand up first, you would still have some credit..."

"What is needed at this time is unity. There is no pity. What's more, this is not merit, but what a Chinese person should do. I feel more sorry for the other two crews... This... is really a good opportunity... Sigh."


The phone hangs up.

Then, there was a burst of "Well, yes...it's been trending on Weibo...I don't want to inform the other two crews yet, let's see what the domestic leaders say...Okay... "Hmm..." After that, Chen He walked out.

"Director Xu, it's finished."


After Xu Xin responded, he rubbed his temples with a headache.

While he was silent, he heard Chen He ask:

"What about some media interviews scheduled for the afternoon?"

"First... wait and see. I think there should be news before noon."

"All right."

Following Chen He's agreement, Xu Xin thought about it and felt that she had not missed anything, so she stood up:

"Okay, I'm going back to my room. Call me if you need anything."


Xu Xin didn't speak much when he came out of Chen He's room.

After walking to the elevator, he asked Su Meng:

"Where's Ms. Shangyuan Ai? Is she going to be the translator this time?"

"Yes, I left my phone number. Brother Xu was with Xin Haicheng yesterday, so I told her to contact her today."

"Ask her where she is now."


Su Meng quickly took out her phone.

The call was answered soon.

"Ms. Shangyuan, where are you now?...Ah? Are you on the first floor?"

While Su Meng was on the phone, she looked at Xu Xin.

Seeing this, Xu Xin glanced at the opened elevator door and pressed the first floor button.

"Then Brother Xu and I will go to the first floor to find you... um, let's go down now."

Soon the elevator arrived at the first floor. As soon as he stepped out of the elevator door, he saw Shangyuan Ai in professional attire standing at the door of the elevator and bowed to Xu Xin.

"Director Xu, long time no see. Welcome to Tokyo. It's my honor to be your translator this time."

"Thank you, Ms. Shangyuan."

Xu Xin nodded politely, and then looked around. After seeing that there was no one in the rest area, he took the initiative to lead Shangyuan Ai there and smiled at the same time:

"Ms. Shangyuan, I actually have nothing else to do with you. I drank a lot with Director Shinkai Makoto yesterday and I have a headache. I plan to go back to rest soon. There is nothing to do in the morning, so you can just go back and rest. In the afternoon, we will talk on the phone connection."

"It's okay, Director Xu."

Shangyuan Ai said with a smile.

"Well... I have something to do now. I need you to help me contact Mr. Gao Cang."

"Okay, no problem."

After listening to her words, Xu Xin took out his phone and dialed Takakura Ken's home phone number.

This old man no longer uses a mobile phone. If he wants to find him, he must either contact his nanny Oda Gui, or call his home landline directly.

Su Meng also quickly took out the white Apple headphones from her bag.

After Xu Xin intervened, he sat down next to Shangyuan Ai.

Two people each with one earphone.

The end with the microphone was handed over to Ai Kamehara.


The phone rang for a long time, but no one answered.

Seeing this, Xu Xin directly dialed Oda Gui's number.

This time the connection was quick.

"Moxi Moxi, Xu Sang. I am Oda Takashi. Are you still healthy?"

A standard Japanese greeting rang from the phone.

Shangyuan Ai responded first and then translated to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin nodded slightly:

"Ms. Oda Taka, is Mr. Takakura at home? I want to visit him."

"Ah? Sorry, Xu Sang, Mr. Gao Cang is in the hospital now and not at home."

"Hospital? Is it okay, Mr. Takakura? Hasn't he recovered yet?"

"not yet."

Oda Gui hesitated for a moment before answering.

Seeing this, Xu Xin said:

"Can you send me the address of the hospital? I want to visit Mr. Gao Cang. This time I brought some gifts, as well as a condolence gift that Director Zhang Yimou asked me to bring. He has been busy recently, but he misses Mr. Gao Cang very much."

The person on the phone still hesitated for a moment before saying:

"I'm sorry, Xu Sang, Mr. Gao Cang doesn't like others to see him sick. He is very grateful to you..."

"Is Mr. Takakura here? Can you hand the phone to him?"

"……Please wait."

Soon, a hoarse voice sounded:

"Oh, Xu, how are you lately?"

Xu Xin was stunned.

Although Takakura Ken's voice has always had a low and hoarse texture.

But if you listen carefully, it is actually a very charming, mature and stable voice.

But now the hoarseness just sounds like an indescribable weakness.

He quickly asked:

"Mr. Takakura, are you okay?"

"Hehehe... shouldn't the first sentence on the phone say we haven't seen each other for a long time?"

"Uh...I'm listening to your voice..."

"Ah, I'm sick. So my voice needs to be hoarse...how does the car drive?"


Xu Xin was embarrassed to say that he thought the exhaust noise of the car sent by the other party was too loud, buzzing and shaking. It has been left in the Dahu Mansion and has never been opened.

I can only lie:

"Very good, but it's too fast. I have to drive very carefully."

"Hehehe, you are still young and can pursue speed appropriately. But you still have to pay attention to safety, especially your children. You cannot let them ride. Absolutely not!"

Xu Xinxin said, where is there room for a baby chair in your car? There are only two seats, and the rest of the space is given to the roll cage...

But he still responded:

"Well, okay! I will definitely abide by the agreement I made with you... Are you in the hospital now? Are you feeling better? Why does this illness last so long? Is it okay if I want to visit you?"

"Do not come."

Even though he answered Xu Xin's call in person, his weak voice was still full of determination:

"I'm sick now. Although it's nothing serious, but...after you came to see me, if you went back and told Zhang about it, he would inevitably be worried. I've read his works, and he is finding his former self. I don’t want to distract him with my affairs. Don’t come over, and don’t worry about me. When I recover, take me to Yanjing’s hot pot.”

Eating hot pot was the agreement they made when he was chatting at Takakura Ken's house last time.

The reason is that Xu Xin recounted a joke he heard in Guo Degang's cross talk.

Three or five close friends sat around eating steaming hot pot. It was snowing heavily outside in the cold winter months. The owner of the house took out a grasshopper gourd, just like on a summer night.

Gao CangJian was yearning for it and agreed to experience it next time.

Seeing that he had not forgotten, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Of course there is no problem. But this time I also brought something that Director Zhang gave me. He asked me to hand it over to you personally..."

"Don't come. No, I'm very grateful for your kindness... If you have something, I'll ask someone from the Tokyo office to come and get it. Xu Jun, let's agree to meet again next time."


Xu Xinxin said, "Why don't you have a good time and salt?"

So what if we meet and visit... I am very tired carrying all these things from Yanjing to Tokyo.

But after repeatedly communicating with Takakura Ken, the other party disagreed and didn't even say which hospital he was in.

Xu Xin really had no choice.

In the end I had to give up:

"Then...Mr. Gao Cang, I won't visit you this time. I will return directly to China then."

"Hehehe, eh!"

Only then did Takakura Ken smile with satisfaction.

Then he said weakly:

"Xu Jun. Do you still remember our agreement?"

Then without waiting for Xu Xin to respond, he continued:

"We agreed that you are going to meet those beautiful people. You must keep a gentle heart and cannot stand... in the harsh wind. You must go to a place where the gentle wind blows."


Xu Xin's heart trembled.

She recalled the scene when he held her hand and sent her away from his house.

I had mixed feelings for a while...

"Yes! Mr. Takakura, I remember!"

"Just remember. Hahaha, okay, I'm going to rest for a while. Let's see you next time."

"...Okay. You rest. I wish you a speedy recovery."

"Haha, I will. Don't forget our agreement!"



The phone hangs up.

Shangyuan Ai took off the headphones and gave them back to Xu Xin.

After Xu Xin took it, he was silent for a while and then said to Shang Yuan Ai:

"Ms. Shangyuan, please keep this call secret and don't tell others."

Shangyuan Ai nodded as he should:

"Of course, Director Xu, please don't worry, I will do it."

"Well... then, go back and rest, Ms. Shangyuan. Thank you for your hard work."

"It should."

The two stood up together, Xu Xin nodded politely to her, said hello and left, heading towards the elevator.

Shangyuan Ai bowed to send him off.

Then, looking at Xu Xin's leaving figure, he sighed from the bottom of his heart:

"Mr. Takakura...is really a very gentle person."

Feeling the saying "When you meet beautiful people, don't stand in the strong wind, go to a place where the gentle wind blows"...

Her eyes were filled with astonishment.

Xu Xin, who was waiting for the elevator, looked at the mirror-like elevator door with his own eyes, also recalling Takakura Ken's words.


"How I hope those careerists can understand this truth?"

he murmured.

11:40 noon Tokyo time.

Xu Xin received a call from Qi Lei again.

"Just now, people from the movie channel contacted me. In the afternoon, they will ask the person in charge there to inform the crews of "Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart" and "Flying Over the Nursing Home" to be ready to withdraw at any time."

"……okay, I get it."

"Well, have you eaten yet?"

"No, I don't have much appetite. I'll just wait for the notification."

"Well, the afternoon interview will also be suspended. At the speech meeting in China, this matter has been clearly condemned... It has basically been finalized.

"I understand."


Suddenly, Qi Lei let out a long sigh.

Then he cursed:

"Damn it, I should have known that going to Venice with a half-finished product would be better than going to this shitty Tokyo!"

"Don't say that, Brother Qi. It's a bit of a generalization."

"I know...sigh."

Qi Lei let out another long sigh.

"Okay, I'm hanging up."


The phone hangs up.

Xu Xin put the phone aside and lit a cigarette.

The room he lived in had a large, semi-floor-to-ceiling window.

Just overlooking Tokyo.

He just smoked and looked at the bustling city below him quietly.

How is Tokyo?

very good.

The city is nice and many people are very kind.

Even when he brought this movie, many viewers in Japan expressed their excitement.



With a long sigh, his breath hit the glass.

The resulting mist dissipated without a trace in the next second.

Everything was destroyed.

"Meeting beautiful people..."

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