I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 890 886 You are just an actor, I am just a director

Chapter 890 886. You are just an actor, I am just a director

Xu Xin actually didn't expect this.

To be honest, after the idea came into his mind the first moment he watched the news in the morning, he felt that he was exaggerating a bit.

After all, this matter is not a foregone conclusion yet.

However, when he reported the matter back to China, and after confirming the news at Qilei at noon, he was obviously the first one to prepare, but now he was sitting in the room of Liu Haiguo, the leader of the movie channel. , but felt a little...lost.

It's like the reactions of great joy and great sadness are always delayed.

However, this emotion disappeared without a trace in just one puff of cigarette.

At this moment, Chen He, he, Wang Jing, the director of "Flying Over the Nursing Home" Zhang Yang, Yan Bingyan, and several people in charge of CCTV6 were all there.

Everyone was in Liu Haiguo's room, listening to his decision on stage.

"Once this matter is implemented, in the face of such a big right and wrong, as filmmakers, as public figures, and even as Chinese people, we must take the lead. So, at noon, a notice came from the station. Once The news is implemented, then..."

Liu Haiguo glanced vaguely in Xu Xin's direction and said:

"We will lead the way out."

When he said this, he looked in the direction of Wang Jing and Yan Bingyan.



Wang Jing and Yan Bingyan subconsciously opened their eyes.

It's not that they have low awareness, but it's the instinctive reaction of normal people when faced with a very sudden news.

And their expressions were actually exactly the same as Zhang Yang's.

As far as the crew is concerned, Xu Xin is the most calm one.

When Liu Haiguo said this, he just exhaled a puff of smoke.

Smoke covered his face and obscured his eyes.

After Liu Haiguo finished speaking, the smoke dispersed.

Instead there was silence in the room.

Xu Xin began to count silently in his heart: 1, 2, 3, 4...

At four seconds, in essence, in Xu Xin's network, only Zhang Yang, the director of "Flying Over the Nursing Home" who had invested a small part of the money from Beijing Film Youth Film Studio, asked:

"Should I withdraw now?...Can I still participate in the election?"

In fact...this problem is also human nature.

Even Xu Xin, who was sitting here just now, felt a sense of loss.

Every movie is the director’s child. My own children were so outstanding that they entered the final stage of competition among more than a thousand works. Just when their hard work and sweat were about to be rewarded, they suddenly "died" due to such an external factor.

It's actually normal not to be able to accept it.

This kind of thing is a personal choice, and Liu Haiguo also said it.

They will lead the way out.

But it doesn't force others to retreat.

Therefore, when faced with this problem, Liu Haiguo’s answer is:

"Whether you withdraw is entirely voluntary."

Standard business-like tone.

This is a time to test personal consciousness, even if it is "semi-forced", but with so many people here, no one will force anyone.


Xu Xin glanced at Zhang Yang, whose eyes were filled with confusion.

After all, this film has an investment from my alma mater.


"West Film Studio and the crew of "Perfect Strangers" have withdrawn. When the leading actors of my film arrive in a while, I will explain the situation to them. No matter what the other party's attitude is, "Perfect Strangers" will not participate in any films in this film festival again. incident. Moreover, when I return to China, I will post on Weibo to inform the audience of the reason and play a leading role."

His firm words attracted everyone's attention.

Wang Jing, Zhang Yang, and Yan Bingyan then remembered... Yes, if we really talk about the ingredients, Director Xu is more complicated than them.

His drama... was co-produced by China and Italy!

And the leading actors will also come to participate in this film festival!

As for Xu Xin...

Facing their gazes, he looked extremely calm.

After throwing the cigarette butt into the ashtray, he stood up directly:

"Art has no borders, yes. But artists do! In the face of everything that concerns us, personal honor and disgrace can be ignored. Liu Chu, if Taiwan needs it, I can cooperate in announcing this news in Japan."

Liu Haiguo nodded:

"How to deal with this matter is still being studied in the station."


After Xu Xin finished speaking, he sat aside again and remained silent.

He had finished his words of slapping Zhang Yang from the side.

As for how to choose...that's up to him.

In the end, Liu Haiguo didn't let anyone express his opinion, but just asked the three directors to convey the matter to other people in the crew.

Xu Xin doesn’t need to.

He is a bare-bones commander.

After the meeting, he came out with the big guys.

No one was in the mood to talk.

Just walked into the elevator silently.

After entering the elevator, Xu Xin heard:

""Flying Over the Nursing Home" is really my hard work..."


He glanced at Zhang Yang and suddenly smiled:

"Director Zhang, I, as a person who lost two trophies for Best Director and Best Picture, feel even more sad~"

He said it easily.

But in his ease, he revealed a sense of self-confidence that stood out from the crowd...or rather, arrogance.

This is indeed arrogant. After all, none of the shortlisted movies is weak.


Compared to these two people, as the best director in Venice, he has this confidence.

And he used this confidence to tell the two of them: I don't care what you lose, what I lose is the qualification to compete for the two most valuable trophies.

It's not a pity for me, and you can't be a pity either.

Very domineering.

It was even completely opposite to his usual gentle appearance.

But it's a strong dose of medicine.

Unless Zhang Yang or Wang Jing feel that their film can compete with "Perfect Strangers".

Otherwise...it's a dragon, you can hold it for me! It's a tiger, lie down for me!

I didn’t even say anything, it’s none of your business!

Go aside.



There was silence in the elevator again.

Until the elevator door opens.

Xu Xin walked out directly.

Never looked back.

"CIAO~Dear Xu~"

When the five-person group got off the bus and saw Xu Xin who was personally greeting them at the hotel door, Jasmine, who was the first to get off the bus, gave Xu Xin a big hug without saying a word.

"…CIAO, Jesse."

Xu Xin's smile was a bit far-fetched, especially after seeing that Marco and the others had large suitcases, including assistants, translators, and the crew's deputy director Paul, who looked like they were traveling...

"CIAO, everyone...thank you for your hard work."

As for Valino, whose personality is as sensitive and delicate as Lehrer in the play, after seeing Xu Xin's expression, the smile on his face revealed a hint of doubt:

"Xu, what happened?"

As soon as he said these words, everyone else was stunned.

Including Jasmin, who also put her hand on Xu Xin's shoulder.

And it's okay if he doesn't ask.

When asked... the forced smile on Xu Xin's face became even more obvious.

These people are all talented actors.

Which smile is real and which is fake can be seen almost at a glance.

Now... several people were really confused.

Seeing that he could no longer hide it, Xu Xin nodded:

"There are some problems... Let's check in first. I will call you later and we can talk about it together."


After hearing this, everyone nodded, although they were confused.

The time difference between Italy and Tokyo is 9 hours.

They were actually very tired.


Soon, Xu Xin gave them a "blow in the head."

I guess I must not have had a good rest tonight.

inside the room.

The same silence.

Xu Xin stood in front of the TV, clasped his hands together, and looked at the silent crowd:

"I'm very, very sorry for this, my friends. Even I don't know how to express my apology to you and how to ask for your forgiveness. But... this matter concerns my country, My family, my belief and persistence as a Chinese person. I am really sorry for selfishly making this decision..."




No one responded.

Everyone is obviously still shocked by this fact and has not recovered.

It probably took a few seconds.

The eldest Marco asked:

"Xu, I'm sorry... I don't know... the significance of this matter to China. Does it have any strategic significance? Or..."

"It has nothing to do with strategic significance, Marco."

He shook his head firmly:

"This is one of the bottom lines in the hearts of the Chinese people who have experienced suffering. It is not ours, and we absolutely do not want it. But ours... There is a saying in our country, which is: one inch of mountains and rivers, one inch of blood . It may not be important, but it also carries the suffering of our country. Every Chinese people must not forget the history of humiliation. And every inch of the mountains and rivers has the blood of our soldiers. .We must not let it down!”

Because he was speaking English, he could not express the meaning of his words very well.

But... when the metaphor that one inch of mountains and rivers is one inch of the blood of the Chinese people came out, everyone understood what this island where you could fish meant to the Chinese people.

Then I heard Xu Xin say:

"My current idea is to see if I can win the Category A Film Festival next year. After all, this work is the joint effort of all of us. It is our child. If I can win, I will It will be put into next year's film festival. But if you can't win it...I'm sorry, friends...I have failed you."

"Don't be like this, Xu."

Marco shook his head:

"We understand what you mean."

As he spoke, he circled around.

After looking at the other companions, he suddenly stood up and stood next to Xu Xin:

"Actually, let's change the angle, just like our South Tyrol and Austria. I must say that South Tyrol is ours, but those short mules in Austria are always jumping around in front of our eyes... …I think that’s how Xu feels.”

He gave an example that Xu Xin couldn't quite understand.

Then he said:

"But on this matter... to be honest, I support Xu. Do you still remember the collections we saw in the Palace Museum? And the Great Wall... To be honest, I don't really believe that a man who would rather build on the mountain City Wall, a country that puts itself in a passive defensive state will take the initiative to occupy Japanese territory.

Therefore, I believe what Xu said, this must be a fact and not a lie. The history we heard in that golden palace is still fresh in my mind. What's more... we are also one of the eight countries that rushed into the palace.

And I must express my thoughts clearly to everyone. When Xu arranged for us to go to the garden, after hearing that people from eight countries rushed into the imperial city and burned the garden, my fatigue was actually more like a disguise. Because I don’t believe that our art-only people would burn down that garden that represents the pinnacle of Chinese art… I’m ashamed…”

"...Marco, it was the British and the French who did it."

Hearing this, Xu Xin had to correct himself.

Marco was stunned.

Then his expression suddenly looked a bit "surprised".

“Damn French dwarf mule!”


It's just weird.

He looked very happy...


"So, everyone, my decision is that since the director has decided to withdraw from this film festival, then I will withdraw with him. And, Xu, do you want to return to China?"


"Then can I go to that garden with you?"

Marco’s eyes were full of yearning:

"Now, I can hold my chest high and walk into the ruins where memories are preserved."


For a moment, Xu Xin didn't know what to say.

I can only say from the bottom of my heart:

"Thank you, Marco. Thank you for your support, my friend!"

Marco smiled and patted his shoulder:

"Xu, you are a respectable person."

After saying that, he also looked at his other partners.

Then, when Xu Xin looked at the others with some anxiety...

"Xu, this movie was your idea. Without you, there would be no us. So... I'm with you, friend."

Valino also stood up.

Walked to Xu Xin's side.

Then, Jasmine stood up:

"Then, let's vote, everyone. Do you want to go to Tianchao to eat roast duck with Xu? Or..."

Including screenwriter Philip, assistant director Paul and others stood up one by one.

"I believe you, Xu. To be honest, I don't like Japanese guys."

"I agree with your decision, Xu, but I want to stay here. I want to go to the hot springs in Hokkaido."

"I don't have any objections, but...Chinese food is a bit greasy to me. I'm very interested in Japanese food."

Not just the actors, but also the crew members who worked with Xu Xin to create this film.

Regardless of whether it was true or false, everyone basically chose to support Xu Xin.

However, some people like to go to China, while others are more interested in Japan.

As they expressed their opinions one by one, everyone in the cast turned their attention to Eduardo, who played the taxi driver Casimo, who was looking down at his phone with tangled eyes.

I saw this guy's eyes full of confusion...


Jasmine called him a little confused.

Then Eduardo raised his head and said in a sad tone:

"I... don't dare to go to Tianchao... That city wall is too painful. It's too big, too far... But I also like to eat hot pot. And... Jesse, you know, I have been idle for a long time. …”


Hearing this, Anna, the actor who plays Carlotta, who just said she was not here last time and wanted to have fun in heaven this time, laughed out loud:

"Honey, you didn't really make a guide about the red light district, did you?"




Everyone, including Xu Xin, who realized what "red-light district" meant, was speechless.



Why did you come to Japan...?


Not right either.

It seems to be a really professional conversation.

At this time, Eduardo said:

"Because it's illegal in China!"


have to.

So incisive.

After Eduardo finished complaining, he thought about it...

"I... better stay in Japan. You go first, since everyone's visas have not expired anyway. I... will come back to you after some time."




Xu Xinxin said... I really found the right person for the role of Casimo.

Not bad at all.

To be honest, Xu Xin was really touched to be understood by so many people.

Afterwards, everyone complained together for a while about the bad things of Americans. Everyone was very tired because of the jet lag.

Xu Xin originally offered to take them to dinner, but they uniformly refused as they had not slept for more than 20 hours.

Some said they could just go by themselves, while others just wanted to sleep.

Seeing this, Xu Xin didn't force it.

He just asked Chen He to arrange an interpreter and then returned to the room.

Being able to gain the understanding of his friends, he felt completely relieved from the burden.

Next...just wait for the results.

As long as the shameless politicians in the United States dare to pass this amendment, they will express their position by withdrawing.

As for more... On a personal level, he is really powerless.

Even at this time, he really hoped that those friends who could steal the Statue of Liberty, nuclear bombs, nuclear submarines, and aircraft carriers back to the country would stop sticking to novels.

Great God, please show your magical powers.

With a bit of relief, he then remembered... He hadn't told his wife about this yet.

You need to talk to her quickly.

It's almost 4pm in China now.

So a phone call was made to her.

But I heard the prompt "The number you dialed is currently on a call."

At first, Xu Xin didn't care.

After throwing the phone aside, he started to boil water to make a pot of tea.

Although he didn't do much this day, he still felt very tired and exhausted.

When a pot of water was boiling, and a cup of tea was placed on the table, he poured himself a cup and planned to chat with his wife while drinking tea, when another "on call" message came from the other end of the phone. hint.

Now, Xu Xin was puzzled.

Who are you calling?

So he sent a WeChat message:

"Who to call?"

Yang Mi replied quickly:


Not even punctuation marks.

"Okay, give me a reply after you finish typing."


have to.

Punctuation marks have been completed.

Yang Mi's phone call took quite a long time this time.

Xu Xin drank the fourth cup of tea and smoked three cigarettes before the WeChat voice call came.

"Hey, hoo...I'm exhausted."

"...What's going on? We've been talking for so long."

"A variety show invitation...do you want to hear it?"


Xu Xin was stunned:

"What do you mean? Does it have anything to do with me?"

"It has nothing to do with you, everything to do with the child."


"It's a program... it is said that the copyright was purchased from South Korea, and it has a parent-child theme. Someone from Hunan TV specifically called me to invite me... That's not right. It should be said that they invited our family."

"Parent-child theme... Nuannuan and Yangyang also want to participate?"

"Yes. It sounds quite interesting to me. It's called "Where Are We Going, Dad?" You can look for it. There are resources for the Korean version of this variety show on the Internet. I plan to take a look now."

"...What? From what you say, you are very interested?"

"Absolutely, my baby is so good, I can't wait to show it to the whole country. Look at how awesome our daughter and son are! And...it's mainly you who take care of the baby, not just you, but also other guests, everyone participates together, Taking my son on a trip, experiencing different customs, etc., can also let others see what our daily life is like..."

"What's your life?"

Xu Xin asked directly.

Yang Mi was stunned:

"...our daily life. For example, the way I take care of my baby, the way you take care of your baby, can also be used as a reference for others..."

“Why should others learn from your life?”

Xu Xin continued to ask questions.


This time, Yang Mi heard it:

"you are not willing?"

"Nonsense. What's the name of this show?...Where is dad? Others are watching me take my children, but where are their dads? They are working, working hard, making money to support their families.

What's the point of this kind of program? Export our outlook on life to the audience?

Values? How do you think our values, our living habits, and even some perceptions of life can help ordinary people?

People look at the way we raise children and try to imitate them. What if the child is not raised well?

The couple earn 10,000 yuan a month, and they have to teach their children painting and piano, which may not be really useful in life. Do you think it is a good thing to teach people this kind of life? "

His series of rhetorical questions instantly confused the excited Yang Miwen.


To be honest, at first, when she heard the concept of the show, she really found it quite interesting.

When she thinks of her husband taking the baby to travel around mountains and rivers, experience nature and experience life, she feels very good and great.


After her husband asked a series of questions, she realized...

That doesn't seem to be the case.

At this moment, she heard her husband say:

"To be honest, it's very difficult for our family to maintain its current situation without being separated from the masses. We are not stars, sister. I am just a director, and you are just an actor. There are many people who work hard in our country every day. , we are meeting the challenges of the ambitious group of people outside every day... At this time, what we need is to do something in the field that we are good at, rather than... the rich people are freezing to death on the road of wine and meat. This is not good! "


My brother...what's going on?

Yang Mi looked confused.

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