I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 900 896 He hesitated to speak

Chapter 900 896. He hesitates to speak

A few people were chatting just to wait for Yang Mi.

I don’t know how many interviews she accepted, but it was really slow.

Of course, there is nothing wrong with other people saying this, but if Xu Xin said it, he was just waiting to be destroyed.

After chatting about these Internet things for a while, Xu Xin’s phone finally rang:

"Where are you? I'm done."

After a while, everyone gathered, and when they arrived at the barbecue restaurant recommended by Wang Sicong, they had already changed their clothes in the car.

A group of big stars came to eat, which naturally caused quite a stir. Fortunately, Wang Sicong had already communicated with the boss beforehand, and everyone got off the car and went directly into the box, avoiding the worry of being watched.

Needless to say, how enjoyable it is to have a barbecue with some beer in the winter. What's more, it can be seen from the way Yang Mi drinks the cup that she is in a good mood.

Although it has been a long time since the filming of "The Grandmaster", the hard work, hard work, and all the toss and turns in building the three-dimensional image of the character "Gong Er", at this moment, after the movie was played, the audience was full of harvest. At that moment of applause, everything turned into worthiness and touching feeling that all the hard work was not in vain... there was even a feeling of relief and relief that a stone fell to the ground.

Therefore, she drank the wine happily and heartily.

Xu Xin's eyelids bulged when he saw it.

However, he didn't stop her. Instead, he saw his wife finish the drink and filled it up.

This is what the wife deserves.

Actor-Yang Mi, thank you for your hard work.

"My master praised me just now, saying that I played the right way and Yuan Heping didn't mess around this time."

"He also said that my kung fu has also improved."

"Hey, let's not mention anything else. My brother has been practicing martial arts diligently in the past few years. With this martial arts skills, he can support himself by traveling around the world and performing arts."

"Hey, hubby, can I drink more? Can you please don't go home and get angry with me?"


"Come on, come on, do it!"

Take a look.

No amount of persuasion can stop it, chatterboxes and wine bags are like opening flood gates to release floods.

But unfortunately, everyone at this table, even Di Wei, learned something about "The Grandmaster" from Wang Sicong.

Although I have heard before that Sister Mi would turn down all film appointments and prepare carefully for a year just to audition for a work...

At that time, she was just amazed.

You know, when Sister Mi was preparing, she also made her debut, and she also had plans to do both. So she also knows things in the film and television industry.

There is no need to mention how popular Sister Mi was at that time after starring in "Wulin Gaiden".

And to be able to turn down all work at that juncture just to prepare for an uncertain audition...

This kind of thing is really ridiculous.

If you don't get selected, won't your "best" year be wasted?

Therefore, she actually always felt that her boyfriend was right in what he said.

But sitting at the table today, looking at the relieved Sister Mi whose face was glowing red, listening to these things she confirmed personally, and then thinking about the "Gong Er" I saw today...

Unlike usual, she really understood something today.

It is really no accident that people can succeed.

It's not because of Director Xu or "good luck"... Admittedly, there may be some factors like this, but for Sister Mi to get to where she is today, her kind of paranoia must be the biggest factor. s reason.

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but said with emotion:

"Sister...this year...I feel like you're going to be soft on the prize."

In the movie, she knows the interpretation of "Gong Er" very well as an actor.

As the lines say, Sister Mi's state has at least reached the point of "seeing the world".

Liu Yifei on the side also had the same emotion in her eyes.

Everyone can see Mimi's interpretation and interpretation of the character in this drama.

Even she admitted that even if she studied for a whole year, her interpretation of Gong Er could not catch up with him.

It's just...she doesn't admit in her heart that this is a talent.

It has nothing to do with the quality or depth of friendship.

Mimi's acting was good, she admitted.

But she refused to admit defeat.

She will have to deal with this tone for the rest of her life.

Never let go!

As for Si Wei's words, Yang Mi just waved her hand casually:

"It doesn't matter whether you have it or not. It's good that you didn't disappoint those who were looking forward to it. Don't you think so? Mr. Xu who reunited with me after a long absence?"


Xu Xin glanced at the kidney in his hand, and then at his wife's crimson cheeks...


"You are right, Miss Yang."

As he spoke, he sipped the suet on his lips and thought about having sex with his wife.


"Okay, that's it."

Yang Mi pushed her husband's big head away.

Then he raised his cup:

"Come on, come on, let me mention one. This...Mr. Lu Xun said it well, in this world there are only good wines and lovers that cannot be let down. Come on, come on, my dear, cheers!"


Under Xu Xin's speechless gaze, Yang Mi drank all the beer in the cup.

The others were also holding back their laughter, holding up their cups and wanting to follow suit.

If his wife wanted to drink too much, he would naturally have to be sober, so Xu Xin, who had not drank, muttered:

"Damn it, the harmonious society saved you!"


Di Wei, who was sitting next to him, didn't stop and spit out a mouthful of wine.

"Hahahaha...cough cough cough cough...hahahaha..."

She coughed and laughed wildly.

Wang Sicong thoughtfully took out a few pieces of toilet paper:

"Hey, baby..."


"Creak, creak, creak."

Liu Yifei held a drill in her hand, and the sound in her mouth was loud.

Looking at these four people, he said calmly:

"This pork crisp is so chewy!"

After speaking, her facial muscles tightened, her temples clapped, her masseter muscles fired up, and she slowly put the brittle bone in her mouth to complete the process of crushing the bones and raising ashes.

By the time the meal was over, it was already past 12 o'clock.

It was rare that the couple stayed up all night together.

Moreover, the last thing Yang Mi drank was a silly smile.

Amnesia or not, that depends on what she says tomorrow, but judging from the beer box under her feet, she drank enough today.

Ignoring the paparazzi who followed after getting the news, she unscrupulously hooked Xu Xin's neck and waved to several people:

"I'm leaving, let's go, husband, let's go get a room!"

"Open your little mushroom!"

Xu Xin hugged her angrily and nodded to everyone:

"We're leaving first."

"Go ahead. Be careful, don't let her vomit on the bed."

In the final analysis, Wang Sicong is still filial.

It's a pity that I met such a traitor as Xu Xin:

"Don't worry, I won't even let her sleep on the bed."

In the speechless eyes of the three people who were dumbfounded, the two got into the Volvo driven by Sun Ting and headed straight home.

inside the car.

After drinking a rare thing, Yang Mi, who began to be obsessed with Xu Xin, hooked her husband's neck, sat in his arms, and let Xu Xin hold her like a princess.

"Brother, am I heavy?"


"Don't look at me because I drank too much. My surname is Xu. I'm not broken. Speak up, or I'll starve to death tomorrow!"


Xu Xin, who thought to himself that he didn't realize you were so virtuous after drinking some yellow soup before, quickly shook his head:

"It's not heavy, but it's light."

"Hey, I love you the most~"

As if the threat just now was not his own, the lovely wife in his arms hooked his neck and kissed him.

Sun Ting was accustomed to driving.

I didn't even bother to check what was going on behind me through the rearview mirror.

At this time, Xu Xin, whose face was filled with the sour taste of saliva, heard his wife murmuring in his ear:

"Brother, I am completely relieved that "The Grandmaster" can be recognized by everyone. Next... you give me a few months for our new story. I will help you fulfill your wish!"

Xu Xin was stunned.

Turning his head subconsciously.

Drunk woman.

Especially young women.

In fact, it is not false at all to say that it is made of water.

Her body is soft and her breath is fragrant.

What's even more deadly is those moist and shy eyes.

That mature, peach-like attractiveness has grown with age, growing exponentially every year... every month... and even every day.

Especially when you are drunk.

However, the eyes that should be moist and blurred at this moment are completely serious and persistent.

For a moment...Xu Xin couldn't even tell whether she was drunk or not.

But he knows better...Wu Lun's wife is drunk or not, this sentence is true.

Very, very, very, very true.

So, he nodded:

"Yeah. Got it."

The moment she received his response, all the seriousness in the woman's eyes disappeared.

Like the wind blowing.

Clean and tidy.

Instead it is the color of peach blossoms.

Pink, red, among the lights passing by one after another outside the car window, the pink one is particularly beautiful.

January 8th.

"The Grandmaster" is in theaters.

However, as an investor and starring actor, Lao Xu had no time to worry about the movie in the morning.

When she woke up early in the morning, Yang Mi started to lose her temper.

no way.


There's a difference between having beer on your head and liquor on your head. It's really uncomfortable.

As a result, Wang Sicong became a punching bag.

"Wang, if you dare to come to my house for dinner again, I will kill you!"

"Ah!! My head hurts so much!"

"You're so mad at me! I've gained a pound of fat!"

"Please, do some human work, okay?"

"Run quickly, the farther you run, the better!"

"I'm going to your house with a knife to look for you! Just wait!"

"I'm at your door!"

"Open the door!"

On the side, Xu Xin watched her sitting on the bed sending WeChat messages to Lao Wang one after another. The corner of her mouth twitched and she quickly got dressed.

What a sin.

It was obvious that you wanted to drink last night, and no one else could stop you.

What's more... you usually only drink some red wine or Maotai. I hardly drink beer...

Are you feeling uncomfortable now that you have a headache?

Just lie down on the bed quickly. Send a voice message to Lao Wang in the early morning...Aren't you afraid that he will be scared to death by you when he wakes up?


Sighing, in order to avoid touching his wife's brow, he quietly walked out of the house.

It's past 9 o'clock now.

My wife is so angry that she won't get better all morning long.

He knew what a hangover felt like.

So...just leave now. Whoever is at home at this moment is waiting for bad luck.

As soon as he went out... he saw his mother-in-law folding the clothes of the two children.

"Mom, where is my dad?"

Yang Chunling casually pointed in the direction of the bedroom behind Xu Xin:

"When she woke up in the morning and complained that she had a headache, your dad went to walk the dog. I guess he went to Qian'er's place?"

Xu Xin understood it as soon as he heard it.

My father-in-law is still smart. The veteran policeman’s investigative awareness is really not good.

Sensing something was wrong, he ran away faster than anyone else.

"Then you..."

"If she dares to blow up with me, I'll slap her. Drink some horse urine. If you can't drink enough, it will be glorious."

My mother is so wise!

Xu Xinxin said it must be her mother-in-law.

The white jade pillars hold up the sky, and the purple golden beams frame the sea!

However... the mother beat her daughter to suppress her bloodline. She was afraid that the call of hatred would be diverted, and she would not be able to make the same mistake no matter how unlucky she was.

So, he walked directly to the door and put on his down jacket:

"Mom, then I'm going to work out."

"Don't want to eat?"

"If you don't want to eat, don't eat. I have something to do to find the cookies."

Xu Xinxin said you still dare to eat?

It would be nice if you don’t get eaten.

He stepped on his sneakers and walked out quickly.

As a result, as soon as I went out and before the door could be closed, I heard a voice coming from behind:

"Xu Sanjin!"

Pooh! You bitch.

Is your name Xu Sanjin too?

I'll let you go this time.

He went straight to the parking space without looking back, and drove out without even bothering to warm up the car.

About a minute later...

"Hello? You're the one!"

"I went to work out. What? Is something wrong?"

"Didn't you hear me calling you just now?"

"No, what are you doing? Are you looking for me? I have to go find Xiaobing and tell him about "Running Man". So I didn't hear it. What's wrong?"


Upon hearing that her husband was on business, Yang Mi paused for a moment.

About two or three seconds passed...

"Why are you so loud! What's your attitude!"

"Hey, hello, Comrade Traffic Police, I didn't break the rules... Uh, I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm going to hang up right now and cause you trouble... Wife, the police officer warned me not to make phone calls while driving, so I'll hang up now and talk to you later. .”

He hung up the phone without saying anything.

Xu Xin took out a cigarette from the cigarette case in the center console and lit it. He lowered the window and blew out a stream of smoke that was still lingering in the lie.

Well, comfortable.

Huh, you bitches, you don’t know how high the world is after drinking two bowls of yellow soup!


Go away from the pain!


"Hey, brother."

Shaobing on the treadmill gasped and nodded to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin glanced at the time on the treadmill.

23 minutes.

"How long do you practice?"

"Seven minutes left."


Xu Xin nodded and went directly to another machine to start warming up.

He didn't do aerobics, and he didn't plan to train in depth.

After doing cardio for five minutes, I went to the equipment area and started to move my joints.

Then came Shaobing, who also came over to warm up and plan to do strength training.

At this time, Xu Xin's coach Gu Youming also came over. There was sweat on his forehead when he came, and he looked like he had just finished exercising:

"Director Xu."

"Hey, coach, I don't plan to practice today. I just want to talk to Shaobing about something. But you have to help me stretch. My back has been a little tight these past two days. Will you be busy soon?"

"no problem."

Gu Youming readily agreed.

Although there are professional masseurs in the gym, the coach also knows the physical condition of the students, so he will naturally not refuse.

"I've just finished class now. How about I wait for Director Xu in the dark room?"


The small dark room he mentioned refers to the multi-functional area of ​​the gym. Because the entire interior is dominated by black sports rubber mats, it is also called the small dark room.

"Little pie, don't worry about practicing for a while. Come find me over there. I have something to tell you."

"Hey, that's good."

Shaobing responded.

After Xu Xin moved his joints and other places, he walked directly into the small dark room.

It was early ten o'clock now, and there weren't many people in the gym.

When Xu Xin arrived at the small dark room, his footsteps suddenly stopped.

He showed a somewhat surprised look.

"Hey, Director Xu, hello, long time no see."

Looking at Deng Chao who was lying on a roller, moving back and forth, stretching his muscles, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Haha, no, Teacher Deng, long time no see."

The filming of "Four Famous Catchers" has been completed, Liu Yifei is back, and it is natural for Deng Chao to appear here.

"Are Teacher Sun and the children okay?"

"Okay, where are Nuannuan and Yangyang? Are they in kindergarten?"


"Oh, time flies so fast..."


The two of them were chatting and being polite.

After Gu Youming set up the yoga mat, Xu Xin lay on it.

Gu Youming was quite attentive. The two of them were not too far apart or facing each other, so they avoided the embarrassment caused by looking at each other.

Seeing that Xu Xin did not practice, but asked the coach to start helping him use the fascial gun on his back, Deng Chao asked with a smile:

"Director Xu's back feels uncomfortable?"

"It doesn't really matter, it's just sore. I didn't stretch after the last exercise, so my muscles may be a little tense. No, I'll ask the coach to massage it for me. Where is Teacher Deng? The video is over. What are your plans recently?"

"It's gone now."

Deng Chao smiled and shook his head:

"It's the end of the year, so we'll have to wait until next year to discuss any plans."

"Hmm...how much was the final box office of "Four Famous Catchers"?"

"200 million."

"It's pretty good."

"Haha, it's too ordinary to compare with Director Xu..."

"Hey~ I don't dare to say that."


In fact, the two of them met quite early, and they first met through Xue Haifeng.

It's just that we haven't had any friendship for so many years, so naturally we can't talk about being confidant.

However, if you are in a hurry, there is definitely nothing wrong with chatting.

Even if it has no nutrition.

After chatting for a while, Shaobing came in holding a towel in his hand:

"elder brother."

After saying that, he glanced at Deng Chao and said politely:

"Brother Chao."

"Hey, Pancake, are you done practicing?"

Deng Chao continued to roll back and forth, but his body turned around, switching from one side to the other.

And as soon as he heard their names, he knew that they must know each other.

"No, I just started practicing, and Brother Xu asked me for something."

As he said that, he also took a yoga mat, spread it next to Xu Xin, pushed it up, and started to plank.

When Deng Chao heard this, he said:

"Then let me talk to you, Director, and I won't interrupt you."

Xu Xin could naturally see him changing sides and knew that he had just done it to relax.

It's not a shameful thing. If he really takes people away, it will appear that he is not aboveboard.

No need.

Not appropriate either.

So he said:

"It's okay, it's not a big deal. Teacher Deng will be out of sight like this."

After hearing this, Deng Chao, who had already sat up, thought about it and said with a smile:

"Then I'll just relax a little bit more. To be honest with Director Xu, I've been working a lot on the set, and I've been injured all over the past few months. Nothing feels right."

"But be careful, it will definitely be uncomfortable if you get injured..."

After saying a few more words, Xu Xin turned to Shaobing and said:

"Pie, does your Deyun club have anything to say about participating in a variety show?"

"Variety show?"

Shaobing was stunned.

Then he shook his head:

"That's not true. But didn't I sign a contract? If I participate in a variety show, I have to give points to the master..."

"It's the company."

Xu Xin helped him correct the nature of the matter.

After all, according to Shaobing, it is not a good thing for Guo Degang, who has been in a lot of trouble over the past two years because of his "apprentice" incident.

This child... still needs to be taught how to speak, he is too immature.


Shaobing is naturally not stupid. As soon as Xu Xin reminded him, he understood the difference between the two and nodded quickly:

"Yes, because it is a business contract, but our share is low, I take the big share..."

"It's high!"

Xu Xin looked dumbfounded, and Deng Chao next to him couldn't help laughing, and said with a smile:

"Haha, Pancake, I have to say this more carefully in the future. Only a few of us have heard it, otherwise it will be troublesome if it spreads."

When he said this, he also included Gu Youming, who gave Xu Xin a massage.

But it could be said that he is a veteran in the entertainment industry.

There was no one else in the small dark room at the moment. If word about Shaobing got out, then...it must have come from one of these four people.

Every wrongdoer has his head, and every debt has his own owner.

After frightening everyone, he also told Xu Xin from the side, "I won't say anything even if I hear it" and "Coach, you can't say it either."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"The child is still too young."

Deng Chao responded:

"It's okay, just take your time."

Shaobing said two wrong sentences in a row. Although it was harmless, he still realized his problem and stopped talking.

At this time, I heard Xu Xin say:

"What I mean is, if a variety show comes to you, can you go?"


Shaobing nodded, then grinned:

"But usually no one looks for me. I only appeared on "A Date with Lu Yu" with Master once, and once on "There's a Show Tonight". I haven't appeared on the others."

"Then when you start the new year, why don't you go to your brother Cong's variety show?"


Shaobing was stunned.

Deng Chao next to him was also a little surprised.

But when I thought about it, I thought it was normal.

The relationship between people is here, some small actors, small artists... or even more ordinary, those "second and third tier" stars may not be able to ask for opportunities, but to Director Xu, it is just a word. Just a matter.

I don't have any other ideas.

After all, he has no shortage of business matters.


"There is a very popular show in Korea called "RUNNIGMAN", a running man. Have you heard of it?"


Deng Chao, who was originally careless, blinked...

Um? ? ? ?

Regardless of whether Shaobing knows about it or not, this program...he knows it very well.

There is no other reason.

Sun Li likes to watch!

In other words, I really like watching it.

The kind that never fails in one issue.

She started watching it when she was pregnant and has been out of control ever since. At first, she watched it on her computer, but when the resolution failed, she asked her assistant to contact the subtitle group. The subtitle group would individually prepare high-definition paid video resources for her, and then upload the torrent for her to download after the subtitles were completed.

After downloading it, move it to your home theater to play it.

Watch and laugh at the same time.

It is not an exaggeration to say that even Sun Li herself said that she did not suffer from postpartum depression from pregnancy to delivery. RUNNINGMAN must take a share of the credit.

And Deng Chao himself also watched many issues with her.

Even after finishing the latest issue, my wife will watch it again.

This shows how much she likes this variety show.

And now...

The "Running Man" that Director Xu mentioned...Wang Sicong wants to do it?

Is it piracy?



Shaobing shook his head:

"I seem to have heard of it somewhere, but I haven't seen it."

"You can watch it when you go back. It's quite interesting. The copyright belongs to your brother Cong now. He is going to start recording next year, and it has entered the preparatory stage. It needs a muscular character. I see how muscular you are. Although the lump is still a little tender now, it should have some effect next year, coach, right?"

Gu Youming, who was helping Xu Xin relieve his back muscles, took a look at the sesame buns and nodded:

"Yes. Shaobing is very self-disciplined, and has now started to gain muscle and remove fat. As long as he continues to be self-disciplined, in about three to five months, the muscle outline will be visible. But it will not look particularly big. If you really want to achieve it, To reach a high level, it takes two or three years of polishing. But if you can just look strong and muscular at first glance, half a year is definitely enough."

As a gold-medal coach, he said so, so naturally there would be no problem.

"Xiaobing, you must stick to your self-discipline. I told your brother Cong yesterday when I attended your sister's premiere. You work hard... Of course, the premise is that you are healthy, don't get hurt, and don't leave any injuries. Things like that. After practicing, I will report to your brother Cong next year. Anyway, you guys have Monday and Tuesday off, which happens to be the recording time of the variety show. You must be busy. But the popularity should not be bad. How about it? "


Shaobing didn’t hesitate and nodded directly:

"Brother, you have the final say. I will do whatever you ask me to do...but, who else is there? Just me?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes directly:

"Just you? Why don't you go to heaven?... But I don't know the details. He needs seven or eight hosts, and you are one of them. Your brother Cong is still looking for the others. You will understand it gradually by then. That's it... let's make it clear first, when you go on a variety show and return to a variety show, you can't lose what your master taught you, and at the same time, you can't practice too hard and hurt your body just to be on the show... Coach Gu."

"Hey, Director Xu, please tell me."

"You watch him for me. Also tell his coach, just like I said, the plan must be scientific and healthy. Once you find that the child is exerting too much force, stop it immediately and drive him away. He dares to follow If you are acting arrogant, please inform me at any time and I will take care of him."

Hearing this, Gu Youming smiled and responded:

"Okay, Director Xu, no problem. But don't worry, we will treat every valued member with a serious and responsible attitude. At the same time, we will conduct physical assessments every week, so you can rest assured in this regard."

"Well, of course I'm relieved. But I'm afraid of this kid's... Cake, did you hear that? I'm not kidding. Just listen to the coach. Whatever the coach asks you to do, you must complete it. You are not allowed to do it. If you dare to fool around, I will ask your sister to knock on your door later... You should understand what I mean."

Shaobing nodded quickly:

"Hey, Brother Xu, don't worry, I understand... I'm just afraid that I can't do it well..."

"What are you afraid of? It's just a variety show, nothing important."

Xu Xin waved his hands indifferently:

"Just treat it like a training exercise for you. Walk more and see more. Even if you don't do it well, the accumulated things can be used as inspiration for your work when you put them back into the cross talk, right? Just do it well."


Shaobing responded.

Neither of them noticed that while they were chatting, Deng Chao over there had stopped moving at some point.

Listening to the conversation between the two, I wanted to open my mouth several times, but the words fell silent again.

He hesitated to speak.

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