I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 901 897 Better than you to use your wife

Chapter 901 897. Better than you to use your wife

After Shaobing agreed, Xu Xin remained silent.

Instead, he lay on the ground with a grin on his face, enduring the indescribable soreness of the fascia gun.

"Brother, is there anything else?"

"No, that's it. It's the Chinese New Year soon, you have to hold on, you know? This is a variety show, you can't relax."

"Yes, I understand! I can't let you off the hook, don't worry."

Shaobing agreed again, and his arms began to tremble a little now.

Obviously, during this period of chatting, he was reaching his limit.

Not long after agreeing, he became discouraged, fell directly to the ground, and began to adjust his breathing.

At this time, I heard Deng Chao say:

"The variety show "Running Man" that Director Xu mentioned is the one by Yoo Jae Suk and Kim Jong Kook, right?"


Xu Xin looked at him:

"Teacher Deng has seen it?"

Deng Chao smiled and nodded:

"My wife especially likes to watch it. I didn't know this at first. After my wife found out about this program, she pulled me to watch it together. It... The early programs were actually in the exploratory stage, and there were not many interesting points. Later, as the show The people in the team have improved their tacit understanding and found their own personalities. After everyone performs their duties, the variety show effect will come out.

For example, the grasshopper Yoo Jae Suk, the Spartan tiger Kim Jong Kook, the EASY brothers, Mo Zhi..."

When Xu Xin heard that he understood so well, he smiled and said:

"Why does Teacher Deng know so much?"


Deng Chao nodded:

"After Sun Li was found, the two of us insisted on following one episode after another. The program was indeed getting better and better. Privately, we were still talking about when this program would appear in our country. .

After all, compared to the bigger places like Korea, we, with its vast land and abundant resources, are obviously more suitable for this kind of outdoor variety show. Even for the recent Celestial Dynasty special, they did a special Yanjing special featuring martial arts in ancient costumes.

I thought to myself that if we did this ourselves, it would definitely be much more exciting than him... Unexpectedly, this show has already been won by Mr. Wang. I believe the show will definitely be a hit! "

Xu Xin's eyes moved.

These words...

Is it my own illusion?

Or... is there really something behind the words?

A thought began to appear in his heart, but he did not continue the thought in his heart.

Just smiled and nodded:

"That's really a blessing from Teacher Deng. Haha~"

"Haha~...Director Xu, which TV station are you planning to cooperate with for this show? Hunan?"

Xu Xin thought about it and said:

"No, put it in Shaantai."

"Shaanxi... doesn't it have a good voice? There is also The Masked Singer. Not to mention The Voice, the ratings of The Masked Singer are not bad either."

The implication is: Shaanxi TV is not short of this program, right?

Xu Xin, lying on the yoga mat, shook his head:

"It's not always appropriate to put it on other channels. Next week, Hunan Channel will have a new music variety show, and other channels are also competing with Hunan. So..."

He didn't finish speaking, but Deng Chao already understood the meaning.

In the past two years, everyone has noticed the cooperation between Shuangwei and Hunan.

Yang Ying won't mention it. As far as Deng Chao knows, this year... around April or May, Hunan TV will have another drama with a female protagonist, and it will be played by a little-known girl in Shuangwei. .

Can a little famous girl play the lead role in a Hunan drama?

The things contained here are so intriguing.

At this juncture, the program "Running Man" really cannot be registered on other TV stations, even if at first glance, whether it is Jiangsu, Zhejiang, or Xingkong, etc., these TV stations have better resources.

But...it's not as suitable as going to Shaanxi.

What's more, it was a local TV station.

In the past two years, Shaanxi and Taijun have relied on "The Voice" and "The Masked Singer" to dominate the weekend prime time.

And... Judging from the fact that they also started to produce TV series one after another in other periods of time...

Thinking of this, three words flashed in Deng Chao's head:

"Rising period."


He opened his mouth as if he wanted to say something.

But in the end he just nodded:

"Well, there is definitely nothing wrong with this choice. What's more, the creativity of the show is really good, but... Personally speaking, Director Xu, it has higher requirements on the creative team. After all, it is chosen every time Recorded in different locations, the program flow can be the same, but it must not be the same every time. Just like a screenwriter, a story has many variations..."

"Yes. Wang Sicong thinks so too, so in fact, since the first half of 2012, he has been looking for a team of screenwriters and writers to provide ideas for the program's process. We occasionally chat about various game processes, program themes, etc. It’s quite amazing.”


After seeing that his "advice" had been thought of, Deng Chao nodded again.

Take a peek and see the whole leopard.

Listening to Director Xu's words, the preparations are indeed complete.


In the end, Deng Chao didn't open his mouth.

Because at that moment of silence, the fifteen minutes of massage with the fascia gun were almost over.

Seeing that Director Xu and Brother Chao seemed to have finished talking, Gu Youming said:

"Director Xu, how are you feeling now? Is there any relief?"

Xu Xin stood up, twisted his waist, turned his back, and nodded slightly:

"Much better. Coach, what caused this to me?"

"Didn't Director Xu add weight to the back training that day? You left right after the training and didn't get any massage. In addition, you just came back from abroad for a few days, so you felt a little uncomfortable. You can use proper massage during these two days. , or you can recover by resting at home, it’ll be fine.”

"That's fine..."

Xu Xin agreed and glanced at Shaobing who continued to support his plank. Seeing that his brother was sweating profusely, he didn't intend to disturb him.

He said hello to Deng Chao:

"Teacher Deng, I'm leaving then."

"Hey... okay, Director Xu, I'll just relax for a while and I won't see you off."


Xu Xin, who had only been in the gym for less than half an hour in total, just came to escape from the disaster, relaxed his tight back and left.

As soon as he got out of the gym and returned to the car, he called Wang Sicong.


Wang Sicong's confused voice sounded:


"GIEGIE~ She is so beautiful~"

Listening to this artificial sound, Wang Sicong suddenly trembled:

"Holy crap, who is it?"

Then Xu Xin heard the confused movements of Di Wei next to her:

"What are you doing?"

"No... let me see... Lao Xu called me! Hey! You are going to die!"


Xu Xin said somewhat dumbfounded:

"I have something to do with you."

"What's the matter?"

"Uh... your posture is wrong, get up and go back to sleep!"


The call was immediately hung up.

Xu Xin, who was thinking about waiting for him to wake up before talking about this matter, just drove out of the parking lot when Wang Sicong called.


As soon as the call was connected, there was the sound of the toilet flushing.

And the eldest young master’s angry tone:

"Hey, if you fart, let it go!"

"woke up?"

"I can still sleep, but I don't understand why you are on the phone at this time. I guess there must be something wrong with you... Tell me, what's wrong?"

"Boss Wang is wise!"

"Go away! You're disturbing someone's dreams so early in the morning. Just tell me if you have anything to do!"

"Deng Chao is very interested in running men."

"...Sun Li's husband?"

"Brother...your understanding is different from that of ordinary people, isn't it?"


Wang Sicong thought about it and felt that it seemed inappropriate to say this, so he said:

"Isn't he from Huayi? Even if he is interested...it doesn't feel right, right?"

"You can check to see if he is also planning to build a studio, or something like that."

"You want to lure him to Yuntu?"

"That's not the case. People cannot be poached. Where is Yang Ying's matter? At most, it will be an injection of capital and some shares, but Studio Huayi may not say anything. But...since he is interested, You can ask. Find out the basics and see what the approach is. Then we can show you what to do. Of course, the prerequisite is that he is suitable to be a host."

"I remember... he seems to be a comedian, right?"

"He's a comedian?"

Listening to Xu Xin's confused tone, Wang Sicong knew that talking to him was in vain.

So he said:

"Let me get to the bottom of it before we talk. How did you two talk?"

"No, I came here to see Shaobing, and I happened to meet him..."

After summarizing the conversation between the two in the gym, Wang Sicong asked speechlessly:

"Just because he knows a lot about this variety show, you think he is interested?"

"No, it's based on his exact words, "It would be great if this show can appear in our country sometime."

"……That's it?"

There was a hint of absurdity in Wang Sicong's tone.

But Xu Xin responded:

"Well, that's it. Be obedient and listen to the sound. We have known each other since the last banquet arranged by Mr. Xue until today. All the words we have said together are not as much as what we said today.

What's more, it's an intriguing thing to be able to have a Chinese person talk to me about program ideas without hesitation, whether his wife likes to watch it or he is interested in it.

Give it a try... If he is really suitable, you can consider it. As for Yun Tu, the most important thing is to try to extend its tentacles to as many people as possible before Coal Boss enters the scene. "

"...Okay, but are you sure he can do it well?"

"That's why I asked you to find out, think about it, and chat with him. It's not him who makes the decision? I make decisions on everything, what do I want you to do?"

"Damn, what you said is a bit heartbreaking. I have shed blood for the company! I have contributed to the company..."

"Okay, okay, stop being poor."

Xu Xin's voice was speechless:

"That's the thing anyway. You can go find out about it, okay?"

"Well...but I still have a question."


"Why did your wife send me seven or eight voice messages early in the morning? What does she want to do?"


Xu Xin was stunned.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Where are you now?"

"Where's home? What?"

"Run, brother."

When Xu Xin said this, his eyes were full of sincerity:

"The further you run, the better."

Unexpectedly, after Wang Sicong heard what he said, he suddenly fell silent for a while, and then said to Xu Xin:

"...Don't tell me, this is a good name. The name of our show is "Run, Brother", how about it?"


Xu Xin was speechless for a while and said:

"I mean to tell you to run away."


The eldest young master was still confused.

What happened?

Why are you so infiltrative?

When he got home, Xu Xin came in and said to Yang Mi:

"I'm done talking to Shaobing."


It seemed that she had exhausted all her anger after getting up. Yang Mi, who was looking down at her phone, responded and replied:

"Thirty-four million."

Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, then realized what the money was, and said with a smile:

"Finished counting?"

"Well, I came out last night. Didn't I drink too much? I only saw you in the morning. I called you, but you left again."

As she spoke, she handed the phone to Xu Xin.

Xu Xin took it and took a look and found that it was a review.

[Since "The Grandmaster", the fight for the number one post-85s actress has been settled]

“I actually always think that poplar honey is a flower that belongs in the greenhouse.

Admittedly, her achievements need not be mentioned too much. She is a double Golden Movie Queen, hit dramas such as "Sword of Sword" and "Wulin Gaiden", has been labeled as a "girl hunter", and the most important title - Xu Xin's wife.

I think her path is very smooth.

And this kind of success, in my opinion, is more about luck than man-made.

Although there are many people on the Internet shouting "Hello dog, Hurry dog" every day, at first glance, Xu Xin took away Yang Mi, the so-called "the hatred of taking his wife is irreconcilable."

But in fact, under the jokes of most netizens, we can see the most essential fact.

That's... Yang Mi's success cannot be circumvented by one person, and that is Xu Xin.

I won’t talk about Xu Xin’s achievements, they are meaningless. I have no intention of analyzing the relationship between the two, how they met, how they became lovers, how they got married and had children.

Let’s put our perspective on Yang Mi. You will find that if Xu Xin had not joined the Olympic Games crew, then Yang Mi would definitely not be in "The Golden Armor" after filming the "Condor" for Liu Yifei. The crew shows up.

As for the reason... the documentary "Golden Armor" made it very clear that during the filming of the film, Director Zhang often held meetings with Olympic personnel. Moreover, each crew has very strong control over the filming location, and it is impossible for unimportant people to join the crew.

Of course, some people will argue at this time that this role should have gone to Li Man, but she was bitten by a mosquito before filming started and missed the opportunity to find a girl.

But think about it again, why did Li Man delay the filming? Will Yang Mi be able to step up?

The answer is: Xu Xin.

Although it is not sure whether the two have become lovers at this stage, if Yang Mi can get the role of Jiang Chan, Xu Xin's role will definitely not be small.

Then, Yang Mi became famous, and people in the Tang Dynasty visited the thatched cottage three times and invited her to film "The Fairy Sword".

And let’s look at the investors of “Wulin Gaiden”.

It’s Headwind Pictures.

Xu Xin's company.

Then came "The Wind"... Although Yang Mi also acted in other works in the middle, the works that really made her popularity grow by leaps and bounds every time she appeared on the screen are actually inseparable from Xu Xin.

And it was Xu Xin's works that lifted his wife to her current status step by step.

In the eyes of us ordinary people, she is a famous actress and a big star. She is Zhu Wushuang, she is Guo Xiang, she is Gu Xiaomeng... she is "Mimi" in Bee's heart.

But in the industry, her first identity is the wife of director Xu Xin, the first director of the new generation.

Let’s talk about something interesting here.

Qi Wei, the girlfriend of Wang Sicong, the eldest son of Wanda, during the interview for "33 Days of Love", she called Yang Mi "Sister Mi."

You know, Di Wei was born in 1984.

Fully two years older than Yang Mi.


It's just so fun.

Moreover, when we look at some interviews with other people, we can find a more interesting thing, that is... fewer and fewer people shout "Mimi".

Older people call her Yang Mi.

People of about the same age who have friendships are called Sister Mi. People with whom I have no friendship are called Teacher Yang Mi.

"Mimi" is a term of endearment that fewer and fewer people call.

As for the reason, it is also very simple.

Maybe you can ignore an actor, call him by his first name, and pretend to be intimate.

But... when this actor is the backbone of the northwest circle, with an unlimited future and a position in the circle that even some older generations dare not underestimate, the director's wife, the name "Mimi" is not really close Man, who dares to shout out?

We can see from Lin Xinxin's interview and the interview between Xu Xin and Wang Sicong's special effects company some time ago that Yang Mi has another name, called "Dami".

The only people who can be called "Da Mi" so far are Wang Sicong and Lin Xingxin.

Of course, I don’t need to say much about the backgrounds of these two people.

And from these intriguing details, we can actually tell. When you start to think about the appropriate name for a person... the energy she embodies is already too much beyond the number of people who need to think about it.

I attribute all this to Xu Xin.

Without him, I believe that with Yang Mi's mind, which has been called "high emotional intelligence" by the media since her debut, she would still be able to do well.

But... you have to say that she can get these top-notch resources cleanly, although it means that the process is based on the results.

But I still don't believe it.

Having said so much, let’s bring the topic back.

As the saying goes: If virtue is not matched, there will be disaster.

In "Golden Armor", apart from... it is said that Jay Chou is used as a unit of measurement in Xu Xin. Needless to say, there is no need to say how solid the acting skills of people like Zhou Runfa, Gong Li, and Ni Dahong are.

Although "Wulin Gaiden" is a comedy, the shopkeeper and Lao Xing are also the same people who have been active on the screen since the 1990s. In essence, this drama still continues Shang Jing's style in "Cooking Class". Sha Yi and Jiang Chao control the characters with little effort.

Not to mention "The Wind". Although the Northwest Circle and the Beijing Circle are now incompatible. However, in this group drama, every character expresses everything about himself vividly. As the absolute protagonist, Gu Xiaomeng can be said to have fought his way through the encirclement and suppression of these people.

Although the drama "My Ugly Girl" is not Xu Xin's work, the fact that she can play back and forth with Teacher Li Mingqi also reflects her excellence.

And if in these works, Yang Mi's performance is just that of a junior entering school, catching up with the footsteps of her seniors...

Then we might as well take a look at the drama "Sword of Immortality".

Her snow is still the only target banned and attacked by Baidu Xianjian Bar.

In this drama, in front of people like Hu Shi, Liu Zhishi, and Tang Yan, she is like a peerless genius in front of ordinary people.

Even the most demanding Fairy Sword fans have recognized her. It can be said that she has completely blown away these young and popular actors in all aspects.

I think maybe my previous impression of her was because the colored filter of "Xu Xin" was too strong, so it was only when I decided to write this long review of the movie that I realized it.

Every step she took was very solid.

If someone else's virtue is not worthy of their place, there will be disaster, then... I only have four words to evaluate her now:

"Honorable people carry great virtues."

Without such solid acting skills, she would not be worthy of her current status.

But, she did it now.

Starting from Jiang Chan, Yang Mi's life has never been counterattacked.

There is no need to counterattack.

Sometimes I have to sigh, Xu Xin's luck is really good.

Life is like this when you get a wife, what more can a husband ask for?

It was as if she was born for Xu Xin.

She is not like other people who marry a woman and become a mother, then she rests at home and takes care of her husband and children.

He didn't rely on his husband's ability to act recklessly like other people.

She lived her own color.

Still the most beautiful one.

Over the years, there have been no scandals, and under the persona of a perfect public figure with high emotional intelligence, she is the "big honey" that Lang Lang and Wang Sicong call incomparably delicious and homely food. She is a "mother" whose private life is never extravagant, and she can often be seen playing with her children.

They are the best boudoir friends who allowed the two "enemies" Liu Yifei and Liu Zhishi to put aside their differences and become close friends.

She is also a business woman who has produced excellent works such as "The Legend of Zhen Huan", "Step by Step", "The Voice" and so on.

The most important thing is that when she achieved these successes and completely stabilized the position brought about by her own efforts and her husband's influence, she also did not forget her own job.

She speaks fluent British English, is familiar with French poetry, and even became the heroine of a billion-dollar Hollywood production. And... at least, a "grand master" in my mind.

"The Grandmaster" is not about her one-man show.

We can even see from the structure of the film that what Wang Jiawei really wants to express is the story of Ip Man, who was a wanderer throughout his life, and the stories of the "grandmasters" who were the heroes of that era.

However, you will only find out after watching the movie.

This play... was finally filmed as her one-man show.

Ip Man is like an intrusive bystander.

Born in the midst of white mountains and black waters, what he heard most when he was young was the sound of human bones breaking. Gong Ruomei Gong Er, who had never suffered a defeat in his life, was the real "grandmaster".

After watching the movie, I told my friends: Gong Er is no weaker than anyone else in his life. Not inferior to others.

I read an interview and the director said that the story originally had three lines, one was Ip Man's line, one was Gong Er's line, and the last one was the Yin Yin Tian line which had basically no role and was even very abrupt.

Among them, 99% of Yixiantian's scenes were basically cut out.

Ip Man became a bystander who had great principles but did not show the power of a master.

Only Gong Er, her story is so complete, so excellent, and so joyful and joyful, that I couldn't help but feel that even as I write this, I still feel full and full of meaning.

But... every time this feeling rises in my chest, I still can't help but sigh.

The second palace is suffering.

Suffering does not lie in greed, anger, and delusion, nor in resentment or resentment.

Suffering lies in not being able to ask for anything.

Asking for something but not getting it is the greatest suffering in the world.

And her suffering is Yang Mi's suffering.

The pain of Yang Mi, the winner in life.

Because, after watching this drama, I can no longer accept the title of "grandmaster" given to others.

I even dare to assert that in the martial arts world of the Republic of China, the demeanor of a female grandmaster began with Gong Er and ended with Gong Er.

I know my remarks may be controversial.

But as far as this movie is concerned, the director cut Zhang Zhen and replaced Liang Chaowei, allowing the two to pave the way for Yang Mi's story line.

I don’t need to say more about what this means, right?

As I write this, my biggest long-cherished wish is that this movie will not be adapted into a TV series.

Don't let any more films with similar themes appear.

Don't change the TV series, because I really can't stand Gong Er in the TV series. In order to keep the time, he shows any emotions and temperament that are not in the movie.

It doesn’t matter if you increase or decrease one point.

That's it, just right.

As for why there should be no more similar films, the answer is simple.

Hello to all the directors, producers, screenwriters, and actors who are interested in this subject.

The martial arts theme of the Republic of China has never been seen since Yang Mi.

Anyone can't act well.

I'll leave it here.

Don't try to challenge it, otherwise it will only make people laugh.

If you don’t believe it, you can try it.

so good.

At the end of the year, I saw this film.

It is true that it still has many imperfections, such as Wang Jiawei's same shortcomings, and the story is confusing. If you don't have the patience to watch it carefully for the second or third time, watching the movie is destined to not be particularly enjoyable.

But...trust me, especially Yang Mi’s fans.

If you went there for her and didn’t understand it, you might as well read it again.

If you still can't understand, then either you are young or you didn't read carefully.


After writing this sentence, I can't help but sigh again.

85... Not to mention 85, among the directors born in the 1980s, Xu Xin showed the world what it means to be one of the most talented directors in the world.

And what about the actresses born after 1985? So what if there were Liu Yifei in the past and Liu Zhishi, Tang Yan, Wang Luodan and others in the future?

Among all the talented women in the world, she is the only one who ranks among the best in the world. Looking down at the common people, it feels cold from above.

The most important thing is that when she is cold, Xu Xin is there to warm her up.

After the movie "The Grandmaster", the title of the number one born after 1985 is almost no longer contestable.

And with the disintegration of Sidan Shuangbing...

The future of the film and television industry will change and newcomers will take over... I'm afraid it's not too far away, right?

By the way, I am looking forward to this year’s major awards more and more. How high can "The Grandmaster" elevate Yang Mi?

And if you get the prize and get soft...

Xu Xin, are you really willing to let others use your wife better than you?

Work hard.

As a general audience, we have been poisoned by too many shoddy movies.

Really...want to watch some good movies. "

"...It belongs to your uncle."

Originally, I quite approved of this person's evaluation. Although there were some exaggerations in the middle and some suspicions of flattery and contempt, overall it was fair and just. Xu Xin, who was pleasant to the ears, couldn't help but curse at the end.

"The first part is fine, but what does the last sentence mean? ...What does it mean? He thinks Wang Jiawei can use you better than me!?"

Yang Mi shrugged indifferently.

I sat down on the sofa, ignored my husband's competitiveness, and picked up an orange.

"The second time you will use my director, do you want to eat an orange? I am the first actress born in 1985 to peel it for you."


At this time, Xu Xin couldn't bear it anymore.

You say Wang Jiawei is better at using my wife than me, right?


Let's see!

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