I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 903 899 Baby’s Decision

Chapter 903 899. The baby’s decision

In fact, Xu Xin is very busy this year. He has two movies in one go, leaving him little free time.

After the filming of "Perfect Strangers" was completed, when everyone made the release plan, Qi Lei originally wanted to be the best director in Venice. Xu Xin's films may not be as well-known in Europe as Wang Jiawei and Li Yu. , but film producers from various countries are definitely willing to buy it.

What's more, he believes that any film producer who has watched "Perfect Strangers" will not refuse it to be released in their own country.

Therefore, what he means is that this time we can take bigger steps and "occupy Europe."

But Xu Xin rejected it.

Although the release date of "Heart of the Sun" had not yet been determined at that time, as soon as he figured out that after it was released in Italy on New Year's Day, he would immediately start traveling and promoting in Europe... He would also attend the Berlin Film Festival, and then he would also promote " "The scorching sun burns my heart"... The workload is scary just thinking about it.

After the chat with Dalin, he further confirmed his principle of focusing on "family" in his work.

So this time "Perfect" will only be released in Italy and China. If you want to show it in other countries, you have to wait until next year.

The first day "Perfect" was released was also the day he officially said goodbye to his Italian friends.

Everyone has been busy for so long for this movie, even working on the Western New Year.

The nerves of the good Italian buddies were indeed stretched to the limit.

After Tianchao's release, they even lost interest in the box office and just wanted to go home quickly.


The Celestial Empire is really terrifying.

It’s not just the Great Wall that’s scary, there are also late-night snacks that are even scarier than the Great Wall.

Jasmine’s face became round.

Varino is also a bit greasy and goes straight to the "Leler" image.

This country is really horrible.

"BYE, Xu, friend, I wish you a happy Chinese New Year in advance."

"Haha, thank you, friends, and I wish you a safe journey! ~See you in Italy~"

The two groups hugged, hugged each other and said goodbye at the airport.

Finally, Xu Xin watched these chubby friends walk into the security checkpoint and board the plane.

Then after returning to the car, he sent a message to his wife, who was also in Europe:

"Jesse and the others are gone, I'm going home."

"Okay, I just got up and plan to go to the show."


He put down his cell phone and leaned on his seat, looking at the night outside the car and thinking about the promotion of "Heart of the Sun".

Zhang Songwen has to be brought along. Do Zhang Yi and the others want to come in batches? Everyone should run more. After all, if the year before and after the year is particularly intensive... the days before this year will be too stressful. But if I don’t go, can they alone... be able to hold on?

Moreover, recently some promoters also hope that actors can gather together...

And while he was thinking about it, his cell phone made a ding-ding-dong sound.

Sent by mother-in-law.

After he connected, Nuannuan's braid came into view:


"Hey, honey, what's wrong? Are you out of school? Did you listen to the teacher today?"

He asked as he turned on the light in the vanity mirror so that the child could see his face clearly.

But Nuannuan ignored his words:

"Where did you go?"

Xu Xin was stunned and said with a smile:

"Baby, daddy is at the airport. Come see Aunt Jesse off."


Nuannuan remained silent.

On the screen, the lips of the little girl staring at the screen turned into a "W" shape at a speed visible to the naked eye.

Just before Xu Xin could react, a cry rang out:

"Where are you going!... Come back soon, I miss you! Dad..."

Then, Yang Chunling’s voice sounded:

"Dad isn't going anywhere. Dad will be home soon! Dad isn't leaving~"

But Nuannuan ignored her grandma, and continued to use the "w" on her lips, looking at Xu Xin aggrievedly:

"Dad, come back quickly!"

"Daddy will be back soon, baby. If daddy doesn't leave, daddy won't go anywhere. Look, daddy didn't even take a plane. Dad will be home soon. Can you wait for daddy? Don't cry. Don't cry. Dad really didn't leave. , be back soon, okay?"

Seeing his daughter crying, Xu Xin quickly explained and expressed that he had no intention of leaving.

The mother-in-law outside the screen was also coaxing her, and Nuan Nuan was more or less able to avoid crying.

After coaxing her for a while, Xu Xin finally hung up the phone after Xu Xin promised to wait for a while to finish eating and take her and her brother to the naughty castle to play.

Before hanging up, he did not forget to say to Xu Xin:

"Dad, you have to come back soon... I miss you! Come back soon!"

"Hey, dad knows."

Putting down the phone, he sighed to Su Meng:

"Oh...have you noticed that these siblings are a little clingy now?"


Su Meng smiled and nodded:

"That's true. My daughter is my father's caring little cotton-padded jacket. Brother Xu, how were you feeling just now?"

"As soon as she pouted her little mouth, I felt like all my bones were gone."

"You have to pick all the stars for her, right?"



While your boss is in a good mood, laugh at him quickly.

Hum hum, daughter slave!

b( ̄▽ ̄)d

"This year... buy more gifts for your dad, did you hear me? Aren't you going back this year? Buy more gifts and snacks. It doesn't matter if you eat or drink. There is no shortage. Buy more things they need and can keep their health. This year I asked your sister to prepare two boxes of fine cordyceps for you."

"That year-end bonus..."

"You should behave well when you get a bargain, right?"

Xu Xin glared at her dumbfounded and waved his hand:

"Get out of here!"


Su Meng with a happy look on her face retreated, but as soon as Xu Xin stepped into the house, she saw the kitchen door being pushed open. Nuan Nuan jumped out, tilted her head, and looked at him happily:

"You're back~~~~~"

That cute look, paired with the cute posture of tilting the head.

It's so cute. Open the door for your cute dad. Dad is home.

All Xu Xin's emotions melted away in an instant, and he picked up his daughter:

"Do you miss Dad?"


Nuannuan nodded vigorously, while Xu Xin looked left and right...

"Where's my brother?"

"My brother was disobedient, so I beat him and made him cry."

Hearing this, Xu Xin didn't take it seriously.

Just fight.


After dinner, it was time for Xu Xin to fulfill his promise.

My daughter wants to play naughty castle in the shopping mall next to it, which is kind of... a children's paradise.

In fact, Xu Xin has never been to this job, nor has Yang Mi. Usually the children's grandma and grandpa send them there, and Xu Daqiang also took him there twice.

After all, there are things like public figures to consider.

But... I have to admit that after my daughter entered kindergarten, she did change day by day and her growth rate was obvious.

In the past, grandma and grandpa decided where to go, but now they have clear goals.

And... maybe it was the first time today that her father agreed to go to the naughty castle. The little girl seemed particularly excited. Yangyang was a little careless when eating. Nuannuan tapped the bowl with a spoon and told him:

"Eat quickly, daddy will take us out to play after dinner!"

So, both siblings sped up.

Xu Xin hadn't even finished a bowl of rice, and the two children were already urging him to leave.


Originally, Yang Chunling wanted to follow, but Xu Xin was not willing to let the two elders follow, so he could do it himself.

After getting dressed, he took the hands of his siblings and walked out together.

After exiting the alley, turn right and walk not far to the shopping mall.

He didn't come often, but the two children were familiar with each other.

When he arrived at the place, Xu Xin didn't need to ask. He led him into the elevator and went straight to the second floor. Soon he came to a children's paradise.

The two children even knew the staff, and there was also a female staff member in her thirties who waved and greeted them cordially.

After entering the venue, looking at the two children flopping around in a venue full of bubble balls, Xu Xin did not follow them in. Instead, he also sat in the area where the parents were waiting, and found a chair in the corner to sit down.

Because he had two children, he did not lower his head and play with his mobile phone like other parents. Instead, he lay on the shoe cabinet next to him, his eyes always following the movements of the two children jumping up and down.

Slowly, more and more children came over.

I have to admit that most of the people in Shijia Hutong are rich and leisurely.

The city of Yanjing is getting more and more crowded. Not to mention the exaggerated words that old Yanjing people said in the past: "You can run on the road casually, and you can push two miles with a rolling hoop"... It's just the normal kind of letting your children go. When I play in the alley in front of my home, I am afraid of being hit by a car and getting into danger.

So... I don't know when, coming to the mall to play has become one of the mainstream ways.

One after another, many people sat next to Xu Xin.

Fortunately, no one recognized him for the time being.

At this moment, he heard two matriarchs next to him who were probably familiar to each other chatting.

"I just resigned today."

"Ah, have you really resigned?"


"You made this determination so quickly?"

"I can't help it. The child's father is getting busier and busier at work. I also work overtime every day, hold meetings for people in the team, and push performance... The child is waiting for us at home every day, and he waits until ten or eleven o'clock. Just think about it. Mom, I miss my dad. We won’t sleep until one of us comes back. I was on a business trip two days ago, and the child’s father went abroad. His grandma said that the child started crying when he fell asleep in the middle of the night. No matter how he coaxed him, he couldn’t coax him..."

"Indeed, you two often go on business trips and are always away from home."

"Yes, so my husband and I discussed it...actually we still have to make sacrifices. And their kindergarten also responded, saying...the child is a bit withdrawn. Think about it, your child will only be sent to the kindergarten for a week and he will not cry. It’s been almost a semester now. He’s been sent to kindergarten every day and still cries. He tells the teacher: I can’t find my mother. He’s just worried that he can’t see me. When he comes home, grandma is there and I’m not there. …”

"Yes, Xiaofei also told me that his younger brother was often in a daze in the kindergarten. He wanted to take him to play, but his younger brother told him that he missed his mother... He said that the other children were very happy, but he was a bit unsociable..."

"Yes, the teacher and us reacted the same way. Then this weekend, we went to listen to the lecture organized by the school. I think his words are very reasonable. The child's mental development stage should give him enough safety. Feeling, helping him build self-confidence will affect his life... What I regret most now is that I was too ambitious in my career. I stopped breastfeeding when the child was just one month old... Look at Xiaofei, how healthy are children who grow up with breast milk? This family gets sick every day..."

Unconsciously, Xu Xin's ears perked up completely.

Listening to the parents of two children talking about raising their children.

In fact, from their conversation, the most authentic thought Xu Xin heard was that this mother chose to return to her family in the face of career and children.

Because her child is a little insecure, probably because her parents have been busy since childhood...

The conversation between the two of them sounded like a mirror to Xu Xin.

Especially looking at the two children jumping up and down playing happily there.

When he thought of his daughter's grievance and longing on his way home from the airport today, and... what Dalin said back then.

Xu Xin just listened...

I learned that this mother should be leading a team of a certain company, and she is the type who does very well.

Her husband should have his own company, and he is engaged in transnational business, and often goes abroad for inspections.

At this time, he heard the mother say:

"I told my husband, I said...how much money do we earn? I said your company is on the rise now, I understand. I come first, I gave up my career to accompany my son. But the way he grew up Father's care cannot be missing... You also have to weigh it appropriately. For some unnecessary entertainment, or if you have free time, let's try to spend as much time with our children as possible..."

Gradually, Xu Xin stopped listening.

But thinking.

Think from your own perspective.

In fact, what this mother said may not be suitable for everyone.

After all... not everyone is like her and belongs to the group of people with relatively wealthy material conditions.

More people are actually unable to do so even if they want to.

After all, sometimes, car loans, house loans, children, and even the cost of supporting parents take up most of a family's income and energy.

Most people have a hard time covering everything.

He could even imagine that if these two were just ordinary working-class people, then considering the pressure of reality, this mother might not dare to make such a decision.

After all, her own career is also very good, and it can be heard from her conversation that her ability is not weak.

Sometimes two incomes may be just enough to maintain the functioning of a family. When one income is suddenly missing, the pressure on the other person will increase exponentially.

But again, having money is not wrong.

He couldn't really sympathize with the kind of family he imagined in his mind where the couple was making money, and one person was under great pressure after one person suddenly stopped making money.

Because he is quite rich.

But he understands the principle of drawing inferences from one instance to another.

Naturally, the other party's situation was not completely suitable for him, but it made him think.

Or a trade-off.

Is it necessary to make some balance in career, family, being a father, a husband, a son, etc.?

For example, recently, because Yang Mi went abroad to promote and she was also busy with her new movie, she was rarely at home.

My daughter's reaction today says it all.

The situation of this mother can also explain something.

Even Dalin's childhood experience is also a reference.

Although he has taken the initiative to reduce his schedule for the sake of his family...otherwise, "Perfect" would have blossomed more in Europe by now.


He recalled how busy he had been this year.

Suddenly a very small thing came into my mind.

The enlightenment teacher that Lao Lang found for Nuan Nuan...

He hasn't seen it yet.

Her name is Zhang Wenjing, one of Lao Lang's mentors, a disciple of Mr. Zhao Pingguo, and Lao Lang's fellow junior.

Nuannuan goes to two classes every Saturday and Sunday.

After all, it's a kindergarten, and Xu Xin doesn't want her daughter to practice so intensely.

If you have talent, you have talent, but if his daughter doesn't like playing, he won't force it.

Yang Mi had seen this teacher before, but he had not yet met.

He didn't know how his daughter learned to play the piano now... He just knew that she was indeed much more proficient at playing the piano than before.

The growth of my daughter is indeed a joy, but...

He didn't know the process.

On the contrary, I feel that it is natural...

Children grow... really fast.

Looking at the two little guys who were already sweating, he suddenly realized something.

Something I had ignored before.

Slowly, as he looked at the two children in the naughty castle, his eyes gradually became empty.

His career is indeed important, because these things are not just "fame", but also related to the "family" plan he has set for the "Xu family".


Although I can't be the same as this mother, it is true that some things need to be adjusted.

The child played for more than an hour.

We played from about 6 o'clock to almost 8 o'clock.

And he also thought about it for more than an hour.

Until my mother-in-law called to urge me that it was time to go home.

It’s time to take a bath and the child should go to bed. They have to go to school tomorrow.

"You two, come here, let's go home."

His voice attracted some attention.

And then...it was revealed.

"Perfect Strangers" director Xu Xin is queuing up at the cinema upstairs!

I went downstairs to play with my children on the naughty castle! ?

These parents all looked surprised.

Some even took out their cell phones.

But Xu Xin didn't care. After summoning the two sweaty children, he washed his hands with disposable gel and disinfected them. He even complied with Yangyang's request of "Dad, I want to drink juice."

Looking at Yangyang whose collar was wet, he smiled and helped the two children put on their shoes and said:

"Come on, let's go drink juice."

Drink some juice to eliminate the sweat, and then go home after your clothes are dry.

Save yourself the cold.

Then he left the naughty castle with the two little guys.

On the first floor of the shopping mall, he looked at the two big babies sitting on chairs drinking juice. After finally considering how he would deal with these tasks in the future and how to accompany his children to grow up, he took out his mobile phone and sent Qi Lei a WeChat message:

"Brother Qi, for the promotional activities of "The Heart of the Burning Sun", please arrange more for other actors. I will reduce it and highlight them as much as possible... Including my future movies, the activities will be as small as possible. Let's live it too. We have reached the stage where intensive publicity is required and manpower is needed to gain popularity. Give me some relief, I want to spend more time with my children."

This news is a bit unexpected.

However, a few minutes after sending it, Qi Lei called.


As soon as Xu Xin connected, he heard Qi Lei's confused voice:

"What's wrong?"

"It's okay, I'm just a little tired from the past two years. The children are getting older, and I want to spend more time with the little one. In the afternoon, I will send Jesse and the others away..."

After briefly talking about what happened in the afternoon and just now, Qi Lei understood what he meant.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"I understand. Indeed... time flies too fast. It seems that Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang were just born not long ago... Look, they are already in kindergarten. I understand what you mean, so what about this activity? , I will start asking people to adjust it tomorrow."

"Well, other directors, actors, and so many capable people in the factory are also here... Slowly, we have to give resources to others. I will keep a low profile here."

"Okay...it just so happens that in the past few days, everyone has been submitting some adjustments to the schedule for next year. I will look at the arrangements and allocate a fund for our office next year. In fact, I will think about it again in the past two years. It's inconvenient for you to travel between Xi'an and Yanjing all the time. Next year we will build a post-production studio, and we will be busy with this aspect in the future. You won't have to run so frequently by then, and let other people go on business trips. That’s it, how about it?”

If this had been done before, he would have refused.

Because there is no need.

But now... whether it's from a selfish point of view or from the changes in the factory that have gotten better and better over the years, he will not refuse this kind of thing.

"Okay, it just so happens that we have more and more works. Yanjing is a cultural and entertainment center after all. It will definitely be much more convenient to have a studio here."

"Yes, then I will bring up this schedule in the past two days. It will be discussed at the end of the year summary meeting. After it is approved, it will be implemented in the spring of next year. As for the promotion of the movie... I will ask them to make plans again, and I will discuss it with you then. discuss."


"Haha, then just take a good rest at home these days."


After hanging up the phone, Xu Xin glanced at the two children who were still holding cups and drinking juice.

Touched their collars and hair.

The sweat has basically dried up.

That's good, you won't catch a cold this way.

After waiting for a while, after his mother-in-law called for a second time to urge him, he took his two children and walked out of the mall together.

After not smoking for several hours, he naturally wanted to light one.

When the two children saw that their father was about to smoke, Nuan Nuan sensibly held his brother's hand.

She pulls her brother, and her father pulls her.

Yangyang originally wanted to discuss it with her sister and see if it would be okay for him to come and win over her father.

As a result, I got a very decisive sentence from my sister:

"No! Dad is mine!"

The boy who looked aggrieved could only lower his noble head in the end.

But don’t forget to urge:

"Dad, hurry up."

Finally, Xu Xin, a family of three who had relieved his addiction, walked towards home with the eldest baby in his left hand and the second baby in his right hand holding hands with each other.

While walking, Xu Xin was still sighing...how fast these days go.

Obviously, when I went out to play before, I had to push the cart out.

But in the blink of an eye...the child has learned to take the initiative to hold hands and pay attention to safety.

Where did the time go?

Why are you so fast, so...without waiting for anyone?

With these sighs all the way home, Yang Chunling took the two children to take a bath.

Xu Xin also rushed forward knowingly and waited on the bed.

Soon, the two little babies, who had changed into pajamas, climbed onto the bed with smiles on their faces.

In fact, everything is fine up front. Children are more likely to make noises before going to bed. Just play games with them for a while.

But... when Xu Xin turned off the lights completely and started putting the two children to sleep, he heard Yang Yang in his arms say:

"Dad...I miss mom..."

"Mom will be back in a few days."

He could only use this excuse to delay.

The child's heart was very simple. After hearing Xu Xin's words, he asked:

"Will mom come back?"

"Will do."

"What will happen if mom doesn't come back?"

"No, if mom dares not to come back...then dad will change your mom."

Xu Xin said softly while patting his son on the back.

But he still has a conscience.

Although this statement was outrageous, it did not turn into a question.

Otherwise... if Yangyang agrees to change his mother, then after this matter is revealed, the grass on the grave will probably be three feet high in the next year.

When the child sleeps, he sleeps too.

I didn’t even pay much attention to the first-day box office news in the early morning.

Just half a day...what's there to care about?

What's more... over the years, as more and more movies have been shot, he has become numb to the data, the first day, or how much money he made.

But before going to bed, he still didn't forget to set an alarm clock.

Last night I promised to send the two little ones to school today.


With a "ding-ding-ding-ding" sound, he opened his eyes.

The two little guys were also agitated by this movement.

Xu Xinxin said... I didn't feel anything in the first two years, so why have the IPHONE alarm sounds become more and more popular in the past two years?

It’s so ugly…

He got dressed and opened the door first:

"Dad, Mom, wake up."

After that, he went straight to the toilet.

He doesn't have to worry about the child's clothes or anything else.

While squatting in the toilet, he also saw the message Qi Lei sent at 12:46 in the morning:


"First day box office: 31.85 million!"

"This movie will definitely explode at the box office!"


He clicked on the picture and looked at it, and found that it was the "Perfect" Douban score that had been unlocked due to enough people.

When I took the screenshot, it was rated by 12,000 people, with a Douban score of 9.1

The opening score was 9.1.

It can be said that he "passed".

As for Qi Lei’s message...

Xu Xin also agrees.

You know, the first day of "Perfect Strangers" is not an early morning show either.

It's a half-day show that starts at noon.

Its half-day box office is close to catching up with "The Grandmaster"'s 34 million and "囧"'s 36 million.

If I dare to give this another 24 hours...

I guess it should be able to break the first-day box office record for domestic movies again... By the way, who is the current first-day box office record holder for domestic movies?

He scratched his head, stood up, and with the sound of flushing water, this kind of thing was forgotten.


Love so and so.

It's not like he has never taken such a record.

After taking it, I didn't care much about it.

Wash your face and brush your teeth.

When they came out, the children had already been taken care of by grandma and grandpa, and even the fragrances were applied, faster than him.

Moreover, Yang Dalin also heated up the car.

It has to be the father-in-law and the mother-in-law...

Much more powerful than my wife.

"Goodbye, grandma and grandpa, let's go to school~"

"Goodbye grandpa, bye grandma~"

The two little guys seemed very excited perhaps because their father was giving them to them today.

After shaking his hand quickly, he ran directly to the car.

"Remember to drive slowly, especially around their school. There are many people sending children off in the morning, so traffic jams are easy. Just follow the queue."

Looking at his somewhat worried father-in-law, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Know it."

A new day starts with sending the baby to school~

"Let's go~"

As a slogan was shouted and looking at the two little guys behind him who responded, Xu Xin chuckled and drove the car slowly out.

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