I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 904 900 Banquet

Chapter 904 900. Banquet

"It's an indoor group portrait scene that isn't very good, but it uses the most advanced shooting techniques to give us a story that is enough to shake our hearts."

"Never test human nature, because human nature cannot stand the test. Thank you, Director Xu, I have learned."

"It doesn't matter whether the box office is high or low. The most important thing is that Xu Xin's original intention remains unchanged."

"He touched upon a common fear in everyone's heart."

"It's a very sad thing. It only takes a second for us to go from being very close and familiar to becoming strangers."

"The story of "Perfect", the perfect rhythm, how far is Xu Xin from the status of a "great director"?"

Early in the morning, after half a day of fermentation, "Perfect Strangers" was presented to the audience. Whether it was Weibo, Douban, Hupu, or even major media, the movie quickly became a topic.

Everyone has their own opinions, but one thing is universally agreed upon.

That is: this is an excellent movie.

Although its scenes are "monotone", the actors are not even from China.

But...it's really an excellent movie.

It is also a movie with a strong personal style of Xu Xin.

Just one glance and you will know that this is Xu Xin's movie.

Perhaps he is less gorgeous than Zhang Yimou, but he is more agile, with a shooting method that brings vitality to the picture, and a beautiful texture...

This movie can almost satisfy all Xu Xin's fans, and even some picky film critics and senior movie fans.

Of course, there are also some voices, such as "I can't understand", "It's so boring, I left after watching it halfway"... But isn't this good?

At least it proves that you haven't experienced these things yet.

Perhaps, some things and some movies can only be truly understood when you experience them and grow up.

And when you understand it, it proves that you are old.

Xu Xin can naturally see the praise from the outside world.

However, he is actually numb to how others praise him...or he doesn't really care anymore.

He is currently wandering around in Liu Yifei's super talk.

Although the fans who can be in Chaohua are all "die fans", Liu Yifei also needs some different voices from the outside world to stay awake... But looking at the words of praise for her in Chaohua, Xu Xin is actually quite happy.

"Really, no one understands our Sissy except Xu Xin."

"It would be unreasonable for Sissi not to win the Best Actress for her performance this time."

"Sissi is really great, and her Italian is so authentic."

"Have you noticed? Her acting skills seem to be changing with every film."

"I don't agree with you on this point. Comparing "Four Famous Catchers" and "Perfect", I think it's like heaven and earth. I agree with that point of view. No one will use our Sissy except Xu Xin."

"Xu Xin is so awesome..."


Seeing everyone's compliments, Xu Xin chuckled and exited Weibo.

Although these people have some fan filters, Liu Yifei's acting skills are recognized, and as a friend, he feels at ease.

The movie has been released, and it is natural for the audience to judge whether it is good or bad.

The rest...just leave it to time.

Xu Xin did not mention his change to his wife.

No need.

The couple lives their lives knowing themselves well and truly.

Her performance in "The Grandmaster" completely confirmed her name as an acting school. At this stage, it is obvious to the naked eye that she will be very busy in the future.

He wanted his wife to feel guilty about him and feel that he had actively sacrificed his career to be with his children.

Whenever she feels guilty, her body becomes extremely weak.

Then you can do whatever you want...

Pretty good too.

If you fight, you will definitely not be able to defeat him.

Two days ago, a courier was received at home. After he opened it, he found that... boxing gloves were inside.

It happened that he had nothing to do during those two days and was watching UFC.

When he saw the gloves at first, he didn't pay much attention to them, but after watching a few episodes of UFC, he always felt that the stuff on the hands of these players looked familiar.

Turn the gloves over and take a look... OK, the style is exactly the same.

This sister might go to the octagonal cage to beat someone up.

Otherwise... How could I be a man who is upright and upright and willing to be a furnace?

No face?

It was so easy to seize an opportunity to soften her up. If she didn't take advantage of it, she would be a disgrace to her ancestors!

After a day of rest at home, I went to pick up the children from school in the evening.

Tomorrow is Saturday, the kids have a day off. Xu Xin asked casually:

"Can daddy take you out to play tomorrow?"

"Watch the dog!"

Nuannuan was the first to respond.

Next is Yangyang:

"Going to ride a horse!!"

Xu Xin was stunned...

"Are you looking for Uncle Yu?"

Through the rearview mirror, I saw the two siblings nodding in unison:


"Well... okay, then daddy will take you to ride horses tomorrow!"

I've been busy these days, and I haven't been to Brother Qian'er's for a long time.

But you have to ask first if there are any performances.

But you don’t need to ask anyone else about this, just ask your father-in-law.

When he went to see Tian'er, he was more familiar with brother Qian'er than he was.

All the way back home, he asked, and sure enough, Yang Dalin "recited it like a stream":

"Yes, Deyun Society is about to seal the boxes. Tomorrow is the night performance, right in Beizhan. It's okay to go during the day, just don't drink too much."

You definitely can't drink too much, after all, you have a baby with you tomorrow.

Besides, if the children ride horses and walk the dogs, they just play during the day and come back early in the evening.

So, the next day, when Xu Xin got up at around seven in the morning, he saw the message from Qi Lei.

"Perfect Strangers" next-day box office: 71.2 million.


It doesn't exceed the single-day box office of "囧" of 86 million, but after all, the two films have different audiences.

As an ensemble drama starring foreigners, it is considered acceptable if it can get more than 70 million yuan at the box office.

There was no ecstasy in him.

I'm really getting more and more numb.

Maybe one day, he will make a movie with a low box office, and then his mood will fluctuate a little... But at least not now.

"My dear, get up! Let's go horseback riding!"

They forcibly pulled out the two little guys who still wanted to sleep for a while, and the whole family, including the father-in-law who was carrying a fishing bucket, went to Brother Qian'er's racecourse in a mighty manner.

Brother Qian'er's racecourse has a fish pond. When winter comes, more water is put into it.

My old father-in-law, who has become obsessed with fishing in the past two years, looks like he is going ice fishing today.

At early 9 o'clock in the morning, the car arrived at the gate of the racecourse.

The Prado car is indeed spacious. After entering the door, Xu Xin saw Yu Xuan, who was wearing a down jacket and holding a frying spoon in his hand, smiling at him.

The car stopped, he got out and shouted:

"Brother Qian'er."

Then after opening the rear door, the two children jumped straight to the stable area carrying their toys like two nuisances.

"Xiaolong, go and watch."

Yu Xuan ordered his employees to take care of the baby, came up with a smile, and pointed to the earthen stove not far away:

"Let's eat finger meat for lunch. Have a drink~"

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Okay, but don't drink too much. There's a performance tonight."

"Haha, that's for sure."

Yu Xuan responded with a smile.

There is one advantage to coming here, you don’t have to worry about a driver.

Just make a phone call and the apprentices will come over and act as drivers.

And Yang Dalin was not polite to Yu Xuan. He asked with a bucket:

"Has the hole been drilled?"

"It's ready, brother, just go over there. The tents are all set up."

"Then you guys chat, I'll come over."


Xu Xin was speechless as he watched his old father-in-law go straight to the fish pond and said:

"I don't know where such a big addiction comes from. Yesterday, I heard my mother-in-law complain that two big bags of bait came to the house. It was almost full of a warehouse..."

"You don't understand this."

Yu Xuan led him towards the cauldron and said:

"Fishing is a kind of fun. Cultivate your body~"

With that said, he walked to the pot and lifted the lid...


A puff of white smoke~

Xu Xin instantly remembered the cross talk that Brother Qian'er had said.

Just the part about Sun Yue’s sesame sauce and brown sugar…

He laughed subconsciously:


Just as he was about to show Xu Xin how good his mutton chops were, Yu Xuan turned to look at him, as if he had misunderstood something, and said with a smile:

"Haha, this is really a happy event for people. Are you happy?"

"...What happy event?"

Xu Xin asked somewhat puzzled.

"A movie."

Yu Xuan looked puzzled:

"Isn't the box office already over 100 million?"


Xu Xin suddenly realized:

"What did I think it was?"

This time Yu Xuan was even more speechless:

"No... I hear you saying that, isn't this enough? Two days... no, one and a half days, 100 million, which translates to an income of 30 to 40 million. How much did you invest in this movie?"

"Less than three thousand."

Xu Xin responded casually, took the frying spoon from Yu Xuan's hand, looked at the simmering lamb chops inside, and nodded with satisfaction:

"This mutton is good. It doesn't smell or taste like the sheep from Yanjing. It's a bit... like Tan sheep, and it doesn't have any odor."

"Isn't co-writing this movie worth a sheep like me? Oh~ this sheep died so gloriously."


Xu Xin smiled and put the lid on the pot:

"No, it's just... I'm a little numb now. In fact, I already knew the quality of the movie from the moment I took over the script. Whether the script is good or bad, whether the director can make it, whether it's good-looking, artistic, commercial, etc. , is actually part of it. The box office is another thing entirely. The box office of "囧" proves that we already have the strength of a high box office market, but in my case, I really don't care about the box office."

There is naturally nothing that cannot be said to Brother Qian'er.

After hearing his words, although Yu Xuan could understand, he still couldn't help but said:

"It's not right for you to be too calm. Isn't this level also an achievement?"

“My biggest accomplishment right now is them.”

Looking at Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang who had just come out from the stable with two ponies, he said with a smile.

Then he was stunned for a moment:

"Is Dalin here too?"

He asked in surprise when he saw Guo Qilin coming out behind the two ponies with a shovel in his hand.

"Yes, we will perform together tonight. He also went to see your movie yesterday. When he came back, he praised it, saying that the filming was really good and that there were so many people watching..."

"Hmm...is this kid getting fat?"

Looking at his physique, Xu Xin asked speechlessly.

Yu Xuan nodded:

"I've gained weight... I've been busy lately at the end of the year, and I don't eat on time. I go out for supper with the kids after work. This weight... ugh."

"...Shaobing is almost turning into a muscular man. But he is good..."

Xu Xin spoke out what Yu Xuan didn't finish.

The speechlessness in his eyes was as real as substance.

At this time, he heard Yu Xuan say:

"Let's talk about cross talk first... The child has been under a lot of pressure recently. He has no intention of losing weight or anything... he wakes up every day to perform, occasionally takes a holiday, and sleeps at home for a day. A child of this age can sleep, so fat It’s really difficult to lose weight.”

Although he could hear his excuse as a master, Xu Xin still said:

"But if I keep getting so fat and my routine is so unhealthy, I'm worried that something will happen to my body."

"You are young, so you are not yet..."


At this time, although Xu Xin was speechless, it was hard to say anything.

Guo Qilin also put down his shovel, walked over, and said with a smile:

"Brother Xu, you are here."

"Hmm...how are you doing lately?"

"Hehehe, it's okay, it's okay. I just watched your movie yesterday, and it was really good..."

Xu Xin looked him up and down and sighed helplessly:

"You...you still have to pay attention to your diet, you know?"

"Hey, eh, I know, I exercise every day..."

Sometimes the lies that children think are good are actually too clumsy for adults.

What's more, he is also a director.

But he also knows that he is not this child's so-and-so, and some things still have to rely on consciousness.

So he could only shake his head helplessly:

"Do you still want to go to Beijing Film Academy to take classes?"

"I think! I definitely want to...but I'm afraid I won't understand, and I don't have enough time right now..."

"Then wait until spring comes. Now you can't even go to school if you want to. They're all on holiday."

"Hey, that's it... that's it..."

At this time, Yu Xuan on the side said:

"Okay, don't stay here with such a playful smile on your face, and go back to your room to change clothes. There's still horse dung under your feet!"

Obviously, even if you are "noble" as the future successor of Deyun Society, you still have to shovel horse manure and wash stables when you come to Master.

"Hey, okay, I'll go change clothes."

Guo Qilin hurriedly ran towards one of the bungalows.

That's his own room.

Brother Qianer left it specially for him.

When I come to Brother Qian'er, the main thing is to relax.

Not to mention, being able to have such a quiet place in the noisy city for people to rest and play is a pleasure from every angle.

I rode horses and chased dogs with my two children all morning, and by noon, the lamb chops were ready to be stewed.

There are also several stir-fry dishes at the same time.

The main dish is a pot of lamb noodle soup.

The pepper is so thick that just a mouthful of mutton soup is enough to warm you up.

The little ones ate vegetables and the adults drank wine.

Yu Xuan doesn't drink Maotai very much, but drinks wine from his friend's winery.

As for the taste...according to him, it's a typical Beijing Shaoguo wine, not as good as Moutai, but it's smoother to drink.

But in Xu Xin's opinion, it just smells like Erguotou.

However, when you come to eat here, you must not be picky, it will seem somewhat unkind.

A sip of wine, a sip of meat, it’s been a long time since we last saw each other, there was so much to talk about, and the chatter never stopped.

In fact, the main thing about coming to Qian'er's house for a drink is the atmosphere.

Easy and comfortable.

Big Brother’s drinking philosophy is:

Heaven doesn't care, earth doesn't care, wine controls.

Whether it's prosperity or death, drink it.

People say that fair-weather friends are not good, but he just thinks that fair-weather friends are the best way to relieve stress.

There are enough bad things in life, and having some friends to drink and chat with you is the greatest happiness in the world.

Although everyone's topics are about things in the circle, they are not "Beijing Circle" or "Northwest Circle".

In fact, he and Feng Xiaogang are also friends. Feng Xiaogang even appeared on stage at Deyun Society's performance last year.

And Xu Xin didn't think that he and the Beijing circle had a deep hatred, so he asked his friends to hate them as much as they hated each other... That was nonsense.

Again, he doesn't want Jingquan to die.

I just want this entertainment industry to become a place where I feel comfortable staying in it.

Improve the ecological environment.

He couldn't make things difficult for his friends, so the two of them talked about the director.

After all, Brother Qian'er also graduated from the directing department and was his college president.

The two chatted. After Nuan Nuan and Yang Yang had eaten, they ran around with Brother Qian'er's only son, Xiao Yang'er.

Xiaolong went to greet him, and Guo Qilin had to wait beside him.

Pour wine for the master and prepare dishes for "Uncle Xu" now.

Although it's a bit exaggerated to say it, that's probably what it means.

This kid is really not picky in terms of etiquette and how he treats others.

After drinking for three rounds, Guo Qilin suddenly asked Xu Xin:

"Brother Xu, are you good as a director?"

"Call uncle!"

Yu Xuan glared at his apprentice angrily:

"Nothing big or small."

Xu Xinxin said, haven’t our seniority always been so chaotic?

After smiling and waving his hands to indicate that it didn't matter, he looked at him and asked:

"What? Are you interested in directors again? Are you no longer an actor?"

"Me... hehe... neither."

The little fat man scratched his head honestly:

"Just listening to you chatting with my master... I feel... the director is pretty good."


Xu Xin thought for a while and said:

"Do you know what I think about actors?"

Guo Qilin nodded:

"I know. When I read your interview, you said that no matter whether an actor is a genius or an ordinary person, as long as he puts his heart into it, the final path will lead to the same destination. No matter what the performance is, the end point will be the same."

"Well, that's right. That's my opinion about actors... but not directors."

Pulling out a cigarette, before he could get the light, Guo Qilin had already stood up and brought the lighter over.


He sighed at the child's meticulousness and continued:

"Directing is actually similar to cross talk. There is basically no threshold required... Think about it, before Cameron became successful, he was still a truck driver. Our threshold is really very low. You are like... There is a guy in Hollywood named ..."Blair Witch" is a film shot purely with a handheld DV. There is no professional camera, and the story line is very simple...but its box office is very high. You see, you can shoot a movie with a DV in your hand. .”

At Guo Qilin's nod, he shook his head slightly while holding a cigarette:

"The difficulty of this industry is actually in the mountains. If you don't come in, no one knows whether your talent can make it to the top of the mountain. Only if you come in will you know whether you are suitable..."

Before he finished speaking, Yu Xuan nodded:

"This industry is very cruel. Some people may not be able to move up a level in their entire lives. But some people...like you, Uncle Xu, are born with this ability. With one work, you can make everyone remember you. Your name...this business requires too much talent, right?"

The latter question was for Xu Xin.

And Xu Xin did not refute.

Indeed, this industry really requires talent.

People without talent...

too difficult.

"Not to mention that it's difficult to make progress even if you succeed once in a while, but maybe after the next few movies are filmed, the original shape will be revealed in an instant. So, whether this director is good or not, don't just watch one of his works, you have to watch His second and third parts..."

"for example……"

Guo Qilin opened his mouth, as if he wanted to come up with a name.

But in the end he shook his head:

"It sounds really cruel..."

"That's for sure. Why would someone hand over tens of millions to you?... So there are no different paths to the same destination in our industry. Everyone's final achievements are different. Some people can become masters, but some people may have been making movies all their lives. In the end, no one else could remember him at all...Why do you ask? Do you want to be a director?"

"No, no, no...hehehehe."

Guo Qilin quickly shook his head to express that he did not mean so, and said:

"I'll just talk about cross talk honestly... I haven't figured out cross talk yet."

"Don't you have to be enlightened in cross talk? Right, brother Qian'er. Just like that kid Xiaoyue..."

In fact, Yue Yunpeng is one year older than him.

But every time I see him, I respectfully call him Uncle Sheng.

Or maybe Deyun Society sometimes has a chaotic generational system...

One meal and half a pound of wine.

Yu Xuan, who was chatting happily, originally wanted to persuade him, but Xu Xin said no more.

He's fine. I'll find someone to drive him home soon and we'll all be together, but the problem is that Brother Qian'er still has to perform.

If we delay things and make "Fenhe Bay" again, it will probably be a real disaster.

But this time it was Shaobing who came to drive Xu Xin.

They were all performing at Beizhan in the evening. When they heard that Xu Xin was here, they came straight over after rolling out the iron biscuits.

"Hey, brother."

"Well, here we come."

Xu Xin, who had half a kilogram of wine and was making no progress at all, responded while watching a few children "beating" the snowman with the dirty snow from the racecourse.

And Guo Qilin next to him also shouted:

"Brother Pancake."

"I heard that the response in your garden has been good recently."

"Hey, haven't I got two new jobs recently? The response has been really good..."

The two junior brothers chatted for a few words, and Xu Xin asked casually:

"How's your life going? Are you falling behind?"


Shaobing said with a smile:

"Didn't you also say that cross talk is my job and I don't dare to fall behind."

"That's right, if you do your job well, no matter how good or bad the variety show is, you can't lose your skills. You are Yunzike's apprentice, so you can't embarrass your master..."

"Hey, I know it well..."

"Jingle Bell……"

Before Xu Xin finished talking about Shaobing, Xu Xin's phone rang.

He picked it up, looked at it, and said:

"Your sister."

Then the call was answered directly:


Guo Qilin asked the Shaobing in confusion:

"Brother Pancake, do you want to appear on a variety show?"

"Yes, Korea's "RUNNINGMAN", do you know?"

"I know, but it's so popular."

"Brother Cong has bought the copyright and is working on it. We are lacking a muscular character like Kim Jong Kook, so Brother Xu asked me to do it."


Guo Qilin was stunned.

Looking blankly at the cake guy in front of me...

You know, when Brother Cake was pulled by Brother Xu to work out together, he also followed.

The body structure of Pan Ge at that time and now... are really the same in the sky and on the earth.

Completely different.

As for the Wrangler that Brother Xu gave as a reward this time, Brother Pan kept driving it. Who wouldn’t envy the brothers in Deyun Club?

Not to mention others, Guo Qilin himself is envious.

He still relies on the No. 11 bus...

Wrangler! A car costing over 400,000 yuan... is so handsome!

And now you can appear on a variety show?

This... what a great opportunity.

Who doesn't know that the programs launched by Tianlai are delicious?

The fame of "The Voice" is there!

Thinking of this, he couldn't help but ask:

"Then you still talk about cross talk?"

"Tell me, why don't you tell me?"

Shaobing looked at Guo Qilin with "you are very strange" eyes:

"The show is recorded on Monday and Tuesday, and we just have a break. No delay~"

"Uh...Okay. Then your muscles..."

When he mentioned this, Shaobing laughed.

In the weather, which was about ten degrees below zero, he pulled down the zipper of his down jacket and stretched out one arm.

It turned out to be short-sleeved...

Then bend hard...

"How is it? Is it big?"


The little fat man blinked and looked at the arm where the biceps were obviously filled with blood.

The image of myself and Brother Pie working out together reappeared in my mind...

In an instant, the thought "If I persevere, will I also lose weight?" arises spontaneously.

Immediately afterwards, along with this thought, a complex feeling of... shame, awkwardness, envy, and even a little bit of embarrassment began to spread in my heart.

It obviously takes more than half a year...

Look at the changes in Brother Cake, and then look at yourself...

Suddenly, these complicated emotions turned into a deep doubt:

"I chose to talk about cross talk...is it really the right thing to do?"

At this moment, he heard Xu Xin say:

"Wait a moment... Is this an annual meeting? Or something else? Are we invited to be guests or something else? Ali invited us to perform on stage?"

His eyes were full of absurdity.

"Oh, no, where were you thinking? It's a VIP dinner."

Yang Mi’s voice that made people laugh or cry penetrated into her husband’s ears:

"It's the kind of banquet where Ma Yun will personally entertain all the guests. They sent invitation letters to us, hoping that we can participate. I guess... they should be here for cooperation. After all, what was last time... the project department Has the general manager of the company approached you? It should be about this. Who asked you to perform on stage? What can you perform? "

"... Let's perform a show of crushing a boulder from our chest."

After drinking some wine, his temper got worse.

"I lie down and you hit me as hard as you can. Even if my brother says it hurts, I lose."

"Nonsense, I'll hit you with the hammer and you'll be dead. Why are you shouting about pain?"

Yang Mi's voice was full of speechlessness, and she continued:

"But I have promised them that when I go back in two days, we can participate together and see what happens. Okay?"


Xu Xin agreed casually, shaking his head:

"Then let's see what happens!"

Try your best to get two chapters out! There was only one class today, and writing time was given in the afternoon. I sat there from the afternoon until 11 o'clock in the evening... I was so exhausted.

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