I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 906 902 Internet Thinking

Chapter 906 902. Internet Thinking

"You can build up your energy, but you can't let it out."

In the car, Xu Xin looked at the LeTV headquarters building outside and responded to his wife.

This was when the two of them were discussing the various enthusiastic invitations they had recently received in the car. When Yang Mi asked: "If you analyze the stakes for them clearly, would they still do this?" Xu Xin gave her s answer.

Although this issue had been discussed with Su Meng before, he continued to repeat it to his wife here.

I just told Su Meng in detail because I was afraid she wouldn’t understand. But I didn’t need to explain it in too much detail to my wife, I just gave a brief understanding of it in 6 words.

After Yang Mi heard this, she thought about it and nodded:

"Indeed, if we really want to pour cold water on it, we have to wait until they come in. We still need to develop ourselves."

The "self" she refers to naturally does not refer to a few people around her, but to the entire circle.

Xu Xin just nodded, then continued to look at the LeTV Building, and suddenly said:

"Tell me, is the Internet economy more important? Or the real economy?"


Yang Mi was speechless.

My heart says, Ancestor, where did your brain circuit go?

Weren't we just talking about possible new changes next year? Why has my mind turned to this now?

Seeing that his wife was silent, Xu Xin turned around and glanced at her, just in time to meet her speechless eyes.

So he smiled and said:

"I'm just sighing...Internet companies are so rich. Although I knew before, I paid them money to play games, membership, Taobao and the like. But..."

His eyes fell on the LeTV building again, and he said as if talking to himself:

"Our old man once said that if money comes too quickly, you won't cherish it. The faster you get rich, the more you have to remember that you suffered from poverty in the first place..."


Yang Mi was speechless.

But not surprising either.

In other words, she has actually become accustomed to his state in the past two days since she came back.

My husband seems to have become very strange since the second wave of "matchmaker bosses" entered the scene.

Just like today.

Today is an appointment for everyone to go to LeTV headquarters to talk about things.

See how to collaborate.

As Shuangwei's boss, she is not only responsible for herself, but also for others. Those children still had to rely on her for food.

But my husband is different. He doesn't care what changes will happen and what benefits will be gained if Shuangwei and these Internet companies really reach cooperation.

These days, according to Su Meng, Brother Xu often writes something by himself.

Then I chatted frequently with Qi Lei.

It seems like they are working on some changes.

But she didn't ask.

I could just vaguely feel that his thinking was no longer at the same frequency as my own.

If you are at 0, look at 1.

As for my husband, it was obviously 0, but...he was already thinking about 3, 4, and 5.

Therefore, whenever he talks about this matter in the past few days, it will seem particularly trivial and out of touch.

She was a little slow to understand.

But I listen carefully every time, because my husband has no one to talk to outside about these words.

If he didn't listen, he would really choke to death.

Regarding the arrival of Xu Xin and Yang Mi, LeTV's attitude was very formal. The couple's car drove directly to the entrance of the building, where Ren Zhongjun and the others were waiting.

Seeing that Xu Xin had entered the internal parking lot, Xu Xin suddenly said to Cheng Hu:

"Brother Hu, stop for a moment, let me smoke a cigarette."

"You smoke in the car."

At first, Yang Mi thought her husband didn't want her to smell the smoke, and she was quite touched.

But Xu Xin shook his head directly:

"I'll smoke a cigarette before leaving. Stop."

At this time, Cheng Hu stopped the car, and Xu Xin jumped out of the car and lit a cigarette in the cold wind.

The car is parked on the concierge road leading to the entrance of the building, and you can even see people watching over there.

Xu Xin just lit the cigarette and took out the phone.

Seeing this, Yang Mi also got out of the car with her coat.

There must be something wrong with my husband.

Cheng Hu and Sun Ting did not come down.

Just heard:


A few steps away from the car, Xu Xin held up the phone and said to Qi Lei:

"Brother Qi, do you still remember the time we talked about the outsourcing of employees in our factory?"


Qi Lei thought for a moment and said:

"I probably have an impression, but if I remember correctly, we didn't discuss this topic in depth. We just said that if we want everyone to make more money in the future, the best way is to set up a film and television outsourcing team company, right?"


With the phone clamped around his neck, he helped his wife, who was standing in the cold wind, pull up and tie up her long woolen coat.

Today's occasion is considered more formal. She is dressed like a strong woman, with a woolen coat, a shirt, a pair of black leggings trousers and high heels underneath.

She looks very strong and very royal, but who knows who is as cold as a grandson.

Yang Mi was not cold, but she was used to her husband's delicate tenderness. After she fastened the top button, she signaled him to leave her alone and talk about him.

Xu Xin nodded, held a cigarette, turned on the speakerphone and continued:

“I think next year is an opportunity.”

Qi Lei's reaction was not slow and he asked directly:

"You mean, after these Internet companies gradually enter the market...our outsourcing company's business can be connected?"

"Whether it is connected or not, I... can't say. However, when big capital enters the market, the most effective way is the gold-dollar offensive. Under this kind of offensive... state-owned enterprises are the ones least able to resist. The so-called stability, establishment , under the money offensive where the gap is too large, the gap is still very intuitive.

And these people waving money don't just need some famous directors and some first-line actors. They also cannot lack the supporting supporting equipment of the film and television industry system. Especially the teams behind famous movies with more honors and awards.

Didn't we talk yesterday? We can't hinder everyone's making money. Anyone who dares to prevent everyone from making money will definitely become a public enemy. And we can let everyone make money reasonably and legally, while keeping talents from being lost. This is the best way.

When it comes to business operations, the team is outsourced and hired on a commission basis... I think whether it is "囧囧" or "Perfect", or the team of other excellent movies, or individuals, it is still relatively valuable, right?

We don’t set prices and leave everyone to the market. This will also invigorate the internal life of the factory, and the old artists in our factory will also have the opportunity to be re-employed... take the initiative to embrace them. When the wind comes, all the fallen leaves fly away. When the wind goes away, the fallen leaves have no roots, but our big tree is still there. "


Xu Xin's words came out in one fell swoop, which was replaced by silence and thinking from Qi Lei.

At this time, Yang Mi noticed that several people from LeTV had already walked over.

She thought for a moment and went forward directly.

My husband probably felt that this matter should be implemented as soon as possible, so he called Brother Qi at this juncture.


To put it bluntly, other people may not be able to think of what my husband thinks of...or, even if they can think of it, they won't think of it as fast as my husband.

Others are at most one step ahead, but my husband’s thinking is always many steps ahead.

Only in this way can we ensure that when various situations arise, the Northwest Circle...or the West Film Studio can continue to lead the Northwest Circle forward without losing its way.

The capital of the Northwest Circle follows the footsteps of Xiying Film Studio. As the status of Xiying Studio improved, a space was created for them.

And in Xiying Studio... Although my husband is only a director now, anyone with a discerning eye knows that "Director Xu" has decision-making power, and his decision-making authority is very high.

It is precisely because the decision-making power is high enough that my husband's keen sense of smell can be like...a leader, continuing to lead everyone towards a broader future.

This is not the enterprising spirit of an individual, a company, or even a small group. It is the planning and choices of a large circle of decision-makers facing the "future" and the next stage.

No wonder he keeps saying some crazy things lately...

He... must be very tired, right?

Amidst the clicking sound of high-heeled shoes, she looked at the "Future Capital" spokespersons who came forward to greet them with smiles, and suddenly felt a little sad.

Why...can't you help him?

It would be nice if you could help him share some of the burden, or...try hard to keep up with him...

"Hello, Teacher Yang, I am Ren Zhongjun. Welcome to LeTV..."

Ren Zhongjun shook hands with Yang Mi with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Ren, I am Yang Mi. We are old friends. Although we don't contact each other often, our relationship has not changed. This is too kind."

She directly shortened the distance between the two parties.

Then she pointed to her husband who was still smoking and talking on the phone over there and said:

"The phone number at the factory, there are some important things to discuss, so I've been delayed a little bit, I'm sorry to everyone."

"Haha, it's okay. Director Xu is busy, we know that."

Ren Zhongjun naturally had no objections.

Although this kind of meeting is a bit informal, but... the atmosphere is fine.

No one is embarrassed. After a while, we all get familiar with each other, and we can chat slowly.

Xu Xin didn't chat for long. After seeing his wife's movements, he knew he had to end the call.

Finally, he just said:

"Brother Qi, we need to study this matter as soon as possible and report it to Mr. Tian. Let's close the door, explain the pros and cons clearly, and be prepared. I'm in LeTV now, and I will fly to Hangzhou tomorrow to go to Alibaba, Tencent They are also inviting me over there... They are actually moving faster than we thought."

"Yes, I understand. I will talk to Mr. Tian first, and then we will have a meeting in the next two days to study their intentions and trends. We will communicate at that time."


After saying this, he hung up the phone.

The wife over there has already been contacted, so he can't wait too long.

So, I calmed down, stubbed out the cigarette butts, and didn't forget to open the car door and throw the cigarette butts into the ashtray in my car... After all, there were no trash cans on this road.

Then, he walked over with a smile on his face.

"Hello, Mr. Ren, I am Xu Xin..."

"Director Xu, Teacher Yang... we actually know that Shuangwei is a very good entertainment company. We also know that the business of Headwind founded by Director Xu is also booming. I wonder... do these two companies have any plans to raise funds or go public?"

"Our LeTV Pictures will make big moves next year. First of all, in the next three years, it will transform from a film company into a film Internet company with the responsibility of sharing the cultural value of movies. While producing and distributing excellent films, LeTV aims to focus on The marketing method of mental marketing provides audiences with a full range of movie viewing and value-added services from online to offline."

"Mind marketing... Well, let's put it this way, the noun explanation simply means that it refers to a person's mind and wisdom. From the perspective of consumption trends and perspectives, mind is the consumer's deep inner feelings about various things. A rational and wise view or value perception of a product..."

"Well, yes, Director Xu is right. It does need to be analyzed through the database. We have a model that can see the consumption tendencies of most consumers in the short, medium and long term... There is a saying. “Being what the people love”, we at LeTV always pay attention to consumers’ willingness to consume.”

"Our advantages are actually huge. We are a manufacturer and producer of entertainment products, a provider of hardware equipment, and the creator of a cloud service platform. We have truly achieved the trinity of online and offline services, allowing our users to enjoy One-stop service."

"Our biggest plan for next year is actually the top priority of the terrestrial distribution system. The current plan is...by 2015, we will have more than 1,500 theaters in more than 150 cities across the country, covering more than 85% of the country's Market coverage…”

"For example, when it comes to online content, IP content, especially long-chain IP value output, we have "The Legend of Zhen Huan". I heard that we are negotiating copyrights with several foreign channels recently. We also have innate platform advantages in this regard. …”

"LeTV's current market share in the film and television network is close to 45%, and our sales of electronic equipment exceeded 8 billion last year. And Director Xu may not know our next plan. It is to launch a super mobile phone made by ourselves!”

"The mobile terminal has great consumption potential in the future. Moreover, Director Xu, we have a set of data. Mr. Yang, you two can take a look at it. This is our internal user growth data. The growth gap between the PC terminal and the mobile terminal is Here...so our future cloud entertainment market has great potential!"

"TV dramas, movies, and the basics of fixed roles created by long-chain IP actually require the cooperation of good actors. For example, some online novel masterpieces often have millions of words. If we launch film and television dramas in seasons, it will be very difficult for the actors. , the fame growth brought about by popular characters is immeasurable. After all, these works have hundreds of millions of clicks, and their popularity is unimaginable..."

to be honest.

Xu Xin has the same feeling now.


People in this company... including Ren Zhongjun, always feel weird.

He doesn't know whether this is the temperament of all Internet companies...or if this is the culture of other companies.

But, they are really fanatical.

It even means looking down on the world.

Perhaps because of his family, Xu Xin always felt that industry was the foundation of an economy...or a country.

Whether it's high-tech industries or infrastructure construction...the real things are the most important.

The Internet is indeed important, but...it cannot be said that it is not important.

But under certain circumstances, it is not that important.

What's more, Wang Sicong is his good friend.

Listening to their slogan and fanaticism of "domesticating the whole country within three years", Xu Xin felt quite subtle for a moment.

But, more subtly, I felt an indisputable fact.

They really have a lot of money.

It’s not even just “money”, but the accumulation of advantages as the times change, entertainment methods gradually change, and people’s spiritual entertainment needs change.

What they can provide to actors, what they can provide to directors... Xu Xin asked himself if he had not become famous in the world, if he was just an ordinary director, when he saw their resources, he would be The deed of sale is absolutely signed.

Apart from anything else, long-chain IP often represents the film and television adaptation of a popular and terrifying work.

It is equivalent to absorbing "online novels", the originator of spiritual entertainment of the new generation back then, and turning it into a new entertainment platform.

Novels, movies, animations, variety shows... What these Internet platforms have to do is to gather all these resources and capture all audiences.

Think about it, in the future, when you know that you have starred in a certain work launched by these Internet companies, hundreds of millions of viewers may see, recognize, remember, and even like you...

One drama can even achieve the kind of fame that the traditional film and television industry requires several movies and more than ten years to accumulate...

What would you choose?

Not to mention, they are not just targeting themselves...but the entire film and television industry.

Among them, the conditions for Shuangwei, whether it was the price offered during financing or the benefits to the actors after financing... How could Xu Xin not mention it? If Yang Mi hadn't been short of money and forced herself to calm down and think, she would have even With the idea of ​​​​"Alibaba coming next, where's Tencent?" she might have finally made a decision.

In the past few days, although her husband was nagging, the essence of her thinking was that of "just having more money".

She was not short of money and did not realize the seriousness.

But after getting to know each other this morning, Yang Mi really realized how valuable the "gold dollar" her husband mentioned was.

It's just...horrendously outrageous.

It's like a huge piece of cake.

And the kind that just opened the box.

As long as you open your mouth, you can bite off the biggest piece...

Although she didn't know what her husband thought, Yang Mi felt that his impulse and desire when facing this kind of temptation should be similar to hers.

And that's true for both of us.

What about everyone else?

In the past, just hearing people talk about "new era thinking, Internet thinking" always lacked a concept... But now, although it seems a bit ignorant, she really feels this feeling.

What this group of people think...is really different from people in other industries.

Until now, Yang Mi has not actually thought about the so-called "going public". Although people around her have advised her to follow Huayi's example... But it is precisely because of her husband that she is particularly resistant to this. This is an approach that does not pay attention to works and puts the company's stock price first in everything.

But now after hearing what they said, Yang Mi suddenly became enlightened in some ways.

Especially about the future of the company... But she has to go home and talk to her husband about these things.

not now.

This meeting took all morning.

By the way, I had a meal for lunch.

But for LeTV's party, Xu Xin refused, but Yang Mi accepted.

This is the result that has been discussed.

On the one hand, an actor definitely needs exposure, and she will also bring people from the company to show her face.

She doesn't need it, others do.

Especially Fatty, she planned to take her for a while this time to let her test the waters.

On the other hand, not only LeTV, but also Alibaba and Tencent have also extended invitations. Face will be given to you, so you have to hold it in a bowl of water.

Still available for sale.

After lunch, everyone said a friendly farewell.

Both sides knew that today was just the appetizer. Whether cooperation can be reached depends on the trends of both parties after the beginning of next year.

Will Shuangwei agree to their financing, and will they accept the artists they launch?

in the car.

Xu Xin, who had drunk half a catty of wine, leaned on his wife's shoulder and remained silent.

Yang Mi, who hadn't drank, didn't say a word, just lowering her shoulders and making them softer.

When it comes to body management, she does not deliberately pursue the body shape known as "subscapular rotation syndrome". She just maintains her body fat rate and makes her body softer.

But in the final analysis, there isn’t much meat.

She didn't want her husband to feel uncomfortable, so she made her shoulders as soft as possible.

So that he can be more comfortable.

Because...he was silent, he must be thinking about things.

No one in this car should talk or disturb him.

When they arrived home like this, Xu Xin was stunned when he walked in silently.

Looking at Dilraba getting up a little uneasily, Zhao Baozi, who was like a little hamster, with his mouth full and didn't know how much he had eaten, and Zhao Baozi, who was already making tea with his own purple sand cup. Jiaojiao, he asked in confusion:

"What are you..."

"The three of them will go with me to attend LeTV's party tonight."

Yang Mi explained.


When Xu Xin nodded, Zhang Jiao had already brought over the tea cup.

After all, she had worked as an assistant, so she knew Brother Xu's habits best.

Xu Xin took the cup, glanced at her, and was suddenly startled:

"Have you cut your hair?"

Zhang Jiao's originally long hair has become much shorter now, and she looks pretty with her hair tied in a bun.

Zhang Jiao nodded:

"Well, I just cut it two days ago. There is a doctor drama at the beginning of the year called "Obstetrician"...I play the female lead...hehe."

She originally looked like a cold and charming lady, but her unstoppable giggle completely ruined her temperament.

"Female one?"

Seeing that her husband was very confused, Yang Mi said:

"An investor from Hengdian came to talk to me about cooperation. The heroine...is called He Jing, right? It's a medical drama. The script is pretty good."


Xu Xin nodded and stopped asking any more questions. He turned to look at Zhao Liying:

"Still eating! If you eat any more, you will become a fat man!"


Zhao Liying, who thought to herself, "Why are you becoming more and more shameless?"

No way, this pineapple cake is so delicious!

It was quite full all of a sudden. Brother Xu came back at the wrong time.

So she could only laugh.

Take out a mouthful of toothbrush dipped in biscuit crumbs.


Xu Xin and Zhang Jiao both had expressions that they couldn't bear to look at.

Especially Xu Xin... He said in his heart that he was really blind at the beginning.

Why did you choose such a tiger among the extras...

Look how beautiful Jiaojiao is.

It can be of great use.

Um. I have decided that I will only pamper Jiaojiao from now on, this bun...

"Kill him and bury him in the backyard."

After hearing what Brother Xu said, Manager Zhang immediately nodded knowingly:


Zhao Liying's face immediately turned green.

Hey you dog-faced thing...

Of course, I just said this in my heart and didn't dare to express it.

That would be really dead.

And in the end... Xu Xin looked at it without daring to speak or move. Dilireba, whose eyes were filled with nervousness, gave a rare smile:

"The stage performance is pretty good, keep up the hard work."

Dilraba was stunned.

Then a flash of ecstasy burst out from those big eyes:

"Thank you, Director Xu! I will continue to work hard!"

It looked particularly exciting.

But Zhang Jiao next to her felt the same as Ming Jing.

Don't expect Brother Xu to bury the buns in the backyard... In fact, when people who don't know him meet Brother Xu, they will hardly hear anything other than praise from him.

Use praise to disguise yourself and actively isolate a comfort zone.

She will too.

And it’s extremely easy to use.

I learned it from Brother Xu.

Thinking of this, she glanced at her friend again.

have to.

The buns filled with pineapple cakes were still in my mouth, and my eyes were full of disappointment...

At first glance, this virtue was lost because he was not praised by Brother Xu.


The corners of Zhang Jiao's mouth twitched vaguely twice.

You brainless fool!

"You guys can chat, I'm going to the studio."

"Okay, let's lie down for a while."

Yang Mi helped him take off his coat, hung it up, and asked softly:

"What do you want to eat tonight? I'll prepare it for you before we go."

"I don't have much appetite... I'll take a nap to change my mind."

With that said, Xu Xin, holding the teacup in his hand, waved to several people, turned around and left the house.

Yang Mi said to Sun Ting:

"Tingting, let the makeup team come over, as well as the image design. Tell them, don't honk the horn when they come here later. When you get to the door, call them directly to open the door. Don't wake up your brother Xu. Be quiet when you come in. Voice."

"I know, sister."

Sun Ting responded and started to contact the makeup artist and dress styling for the afternoon.

Sister Shishi and Sister Yifei are not going today.

If they both arrive, it will send a strong signal that "Shuangwei wants to cooperate in depth with LeTV."

That's not okay.

So I brought Jiaojiao, Baozi, and this little girl to see the world, it was just right.

After Yang Mi finished giving her instructions, she said to the three of them:

"You guys wait for me for a while, I'll go up to the back room to change clothes and take a shower."

"Okay, sister."

Zhang Jiao responded, and Yang Mi entered the room minding her own business.

Sun Ting also went out and made a phone call.

In a blink of an eye, there were only three people left in the room.

Zhang Jiao sat on her sofa with a calm expression.

There was still a color of joy in Dilraba's eyes, and the rosiness on her face had not dissipated even because she was too excited.

Only Zhao Liying.

After finishing the sticky pineapple cake, I grabbed my own thermos cup...

"Gudu, Gudu~"

The sound of her swallowing was heard in the quiet living room.

Zhang Jiao sighed helplessly:


Then he took out his mobile phone.

"steamed stuffed bun."


Zhao Liying wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth and looked over doubtfully.

Then I saw my friend crackling for a while and handed over the phone.

When she took it and took a look, her face suddenly turned green.

"Sister Zeng, Sister Mi asked Baozi to re-register for his physical education class and etiquette class."

"Jiaojiao! No wow!!!!"

Looking at her yelling friends, Zhang Jiao sighed helplessly:


What would you do without me?

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