I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 907 903 Maybe it’s Lei

Chapter 907 903. Maybe it’s Lei

"Wow! Sister, you look so good in black, don't you?"

Yang Mi listened to Jiaojiao's compliments with a smile, neither refuting nor resisting.

Anyway, I'm used to it.

She does look better in black than in white, because she has a small frame, and black can compensate for some of the temperament that color can bring to her "conditions".

Unlike Sister Bingbing, a woman with a big frame like her wears lighter colors, the more eye-catching she is.

Glancing at herself in front of the waiting mirror, she nodded slightly and said to the stylist next to her:

"I remember Mr. Jia is quite thin. I'll tie my hair into a bun so my hair won't fall down."


The stylist nodded.

Today at LeTV's banquet, she made the finale appearance together with Jia Leting.

And these three girls are also the female companions of other LeTV executives tonight.

For example, Jiaojiao appears as Ren Zhongjun's female companion.

After all, he is the leader of a company with a market value of tens of billions. Yang Mi must give him some face, and even checked the other person's height to choose the high heels for her to wear.

Soon, a beautiful woman who looked elegant and exuded a gorgeous temperament came into everyone's sight.

Regardless of whether it was flattering or something else, Zhang Jiao subconsciously said "Wow" again, but this time Yang Mi didn't give her a chance. After confirming that there was nothing wrong with her makeup tonight, she glanced at the three people next to her who were also ready. Sun Ting said:

"It's almost time. Let Brother Hu prepare the car. I'll see you, Brother Xu."

She held up the corners of her skirt that looked like tassels and water patterns, and walked out wearing a down jacket.

My husband hasn't been there for a while, so I need to go take a look.

It's going to be dark today.

All the way to the studio, the double-layer entrance hall design perfectly kept the cold wind at night outside.

When Yang Mi came in, she thought her husband would be resting on the bed, but she found that he was just sleeping soundly on the recliner, with several A4 papers scattered at his feet, on his chest, and in his hands.

She looked up at the time first. It was already early five o'clock.

The dinner was at 7 o'clock, so she should hurry up.

So, I walked over quickly...

Xu Xin felt a pair of cold hands touching his face, and at the same time his nose smelled a familiar aroma.

After being unconscious for a while, he slowly opened his eyes:

"it's over?"

He leaned forward from behind and hugged his wife as tenderly as water:

"No, I just plan to leave. You've been sleeping all afternoon, and the kids are about to get out of school, so don't sleep. Otherwise, I'm afraid you won't be able to sleep at night."

As she spoke, she stretched her hand down the loose collar of her husband's sweater.

The coolness of his wife's fingertips made him feel very comfortable.

Especially for him who had just woken up and drank wine before going to bed, so his mouth was dry now.

This coldness made him feel happy.

The friction between the old couple started to slowly increase the temperature.

He immediately wanted to turn around:

"Let me see……"

Unexpectedly, when Yang Mi pinched her arms...he was immediately unable to move.

"No, you don't want to look. It's already past five o'clock. I'm leaving soon. I don't want any surprises."

"...Why don't I see what you are wearing?"

"No, you don't want to see it."


Xu Xin was speechless, feeling that the pillows were no longer soft at this moment.

It’s very uncomfortable…oh yes.

"this is for you."

When I remembered the business, the ambiguous atmosphere began to fade away.

After breaking free from his wife's shackles, he picked up all the A4 papers in his hands, on his body, and at his feet, and handed them to his wife.

"This is?"

"Jia Leting's... resume. Isn't he an outstanding young man in Shanxi? These information are the history of his fortune from a small mountain village to the current Internet giant. There is also the development history of LeTV... Take a look, it's not you today. Are you two going to walk the red carpet together and sit together?"

Upon hearing this, Yang Mi took the information directly.


Watch the pot and cook, watch the people cook.

It is still relatively important in interpersonal relationships.

Especially women versus successful men.

Her appearance this time is actually just a necessary communication after everyone intends to cooperate. And it can be seen that LeTV really values ​​her... In other words, she and her husband, tonight's male partner is directly the leader of LeTV...

It was not that other people were not invited to this dinner, but among so many public figures, he was the only one standing next to Jia Leting, which was essentially a status symbol.

This is for outsiders to see.

But as a leader of the Internet...it can almost be regarded as one of the giants, how to become friends with the other party, or have a pleasant meeting so that the other party will not feel bad, etc., is also an art of communication.

Especially female artists.

Men are actually very easy to coax, and a simple expression of "Qiang" can satisfy the male's desire for expression.

Otherwise, it depends on beauty or female charm.

But she is married and the mother of two children. I don’t want to cause any scandal, so tonight’s dresses are all dignified.

Although attractive, it is not the kind that inspires male desire.

At this time, you need some information to deepen your intellectual charm... Sun Ting has already done it, which is also very detailed.

But since this was done by my husband, the meaning is of course different.

Regardless of whether the two documents conflict with each other, the purpose is to let myself know Mr. Jia better, and then we can chat and laugh happily, leaving a good impression on both parties and making the cooperation more pleasant.

She took a second look and found that the information about Jia Leting was pretty much the same, but her husband on LeTV had some more financing reports, asset analysis and the like.

"Where did you find the data?"

"Baidu, their financial report for the fourth quarter of last year was quite impressive. Unfortunately... I didn't finish it. It was a little painful to look at the numbers after drinking. I don't know when I fell asleep."

"Well, I'll take a look when I get to the car. Go wash your face."

"Okay...come here, give me a hug..."

"Bye bye!"

Seeing his virtuous attitude, Yang Mi ran away.

Pooh! Obscene!

In business cars, the seats are clearly defined.

Cheng Hu was driving, Sun Ting was the co-pilot, Yang Mi was sitting in the middle row seat behind the safest driver, and Zhang Jiao was sitting in the middle row seat of the co-pilot.

Zhao Liying was in the back seat with Dilraba Dilraba.

It is natural for Dilraba, who is currently a transparent person in the entertainment industry, to sit in the back row, but between Zhang Jiao and Zhao Liying, it is purely a question of who goes first and who comes last.

The atmosphere in the car is quiet.

Dilraba did not dare to speak.

Although she is quite popular in Happy Twist, this is her first time attending this kind of dinner party. Although the girl has a beauty that can amaze everyone, no matter how exquisite her makeup is at this moment, she can't hide the nervousness in her eyes.

She's... quite scared. She's afraid that she won't know how to interact with people for a while, she's afraid of saying the wrong thing, etc.

I want to ask, I want Sister Mi to impart her experience.

But Sister Mi has been reading the information since she got in the car.

She didn't dare to disturb him.

Fortunately, the savior came out now.

"steamed stuffed bun."

Zhang Jiao's voice broke the silence of the carriage.


Zhao Liying, who was browsing Weibo behind her, subconsciously raised her head:

"What's up?"

"When you get there in a while, you must be careful when speaking. Did you hear me? All you can say is to introduce yourself, your works, and whether you have worked hard or not. There may also be people who are curious about our circle and chat with you about some gossip. But No matter what you say, firstly, you cannot sell other people's bad qualities. Secondly, you cannot say something about... other people's things. Even if these things are true. No matter good or bad, you cannot say it. Thirdly, sitting posture, eating, and facial expressions You must manage your expressions well. Especially if you like to yawn when you are bored..."

"Master, master, stop reading, stop reading!"

Zhao Liying looked pained.

Zhang Jiao's eyes widened:

"To tell you seriously, this is not a red carpet show or a commercial event. What we represent is the face of the company!"

"Yes, yes, I know. I'm not a child anymore... Sister, you believe me, I will definitely not let you down! When have I ever embarrassed you? Right?"

Yang Mi, who was still staring at the information, chuckled:

"Ha~ That's for sure. My Yingbao will definitely not embarrass me. But...you have to keep what Jiaojiao said in mind. She even knows you better than you do. Even if I will cheat you, she won't .You should keep her words in mind."

"Hey, mom Jiaojiao is so nice~"

Zhao Liying laughed naively.

But the corners of Zhang Jiao's mouth twitched.

You...you stupid roe deer!

You just called Sister Mi "Sister", but now you call me "Mom"?

I really am...

No, I have to take her home tonight.

Obviously before the "Legend of Lu Zhen", I still knew how to use my brain... Why did I go to the house to uncover the tiles again after not fighting for three days?


She sighed helplessly.

My heart is really tired.

Why did I start a bad relationship with a stupid roe deer like you in the first place?

What a sin...

As for their chat, Dilraba heard clearly.

Suddenly I felt more confident.

And...she felt that she had discovered another detail.

That is...it seems that Sister Jiaojiao has a higher status than Sister Ying.

Even... higher than Sister Mi?

This is doubtful for now. But... at least she knew how to talk tonight.


Sister Jiaojiao is so awesome, she does everything perfectly.


At this moment, Yang Mi suddenly said:


"Hey, sister, tell me."

"Look at this information."

She handed Zhang Jiao a document in the storage bag behind the driver's seat:

"Follow me to Hangzhou the day after tomorrow."

Zhang Jiao nodded subconsciously:


After receiving the information, I discovered...it said "History of Development of Ali Group"...


Instinctively, she moved her eyes to Sister Mi again.

Unfortunately, Yang Mi didn't look at her, she just continued to stare at the page of information in her hand, frowning slightly.

In fact, Yang Mi thought very simply, Jiaojiao had a delicate mind, and she wanted to start cultivating her one after another.

In other words, among this group of people, no matter whether she becomes famous or not in the future, she will never let go and open her own studio, that is Jiaojiao.

There has to be someone to help you share some things.

Baozi is really... embarrassing and useful.

But Jiaojiao is different.

She is the best fit.

But this is not the time to think about such things.

She stared at the information on this page of "LeTV Financing History"... The intuition in her heart told her that there were some... clues in it, and she had to look carefully.

In fact, strictly speaking, she is not proficient in finance.

But there is one piece of data that she cares about.

"LeTV was successfully listed in 2010. LeTV raised 730 million yuan through IPO; raised 6.028 billion yuan through three private placements; and raised a total of 2.53 billion yuan through five bond issuances."

LeTV’s financing...is very frequent.

And she remembered chatting with Lao Wang. Lao Wang’s point of view was that it was unreasonable for the structure to have too much external financing than internal shareholder financing.

Especially this kind of bond financing... What did Lao Wang specifically say?

It seems that...such debt financing will not dilute the control rights of shareholders, and investors have no management rights.

This will protect the status of shareholders, but will increase corporate liabilities.

Investors have become LeTV's creditors, but they are unable to get involved with the management and influence the company's decisions... Although she doesn't know why these elite investment banks would agree to this approach, but... as the boss, she knows very well Once your company has an unreasonable structure, as long as this thunder is not resolved, a huge hole will definitely appear when it explodes later.

What's more... LeTV Pictures was established in November 2011.

In December 2011, LeTV launched a round of 420 million bond financing.

The target of financing is not the newly established LeTV Pictures, but the additional issuance of LeTV Video and LeTV Cloud.

However, after the financing was completed, LeTV Pictures directly became the distributor of "The Expendables 2" in 2012, and invested in several other movies...

Yang Mi didn't know how it worked here, but... usually, from her common sense, this was a bit like tearing down the east wall to make up for the west.

If this is really the case, then both the east wall and the west wall will be demolished one day.

The walls will only get smaller and smaller, but the debt will get higher and higher.

This pattern...isn't normal?

She frowned.

It's not that she really wants to help LeTV, or remind the other party that this won't work...it's impossible to talk about it, and she's not qualified to talk about it.

Their market value is tens of billions, who do you think they are?

But... LeTV is indeed one of the partners next year. Moreover, after talking about in-depth cooperation this morning, she felt that if it could really rely on a platform of LeTV's level, it would be of great help to Shuangwei.

But now... after realizing this unreasonable "thunder", she understood that if she didn't figure out some things, then the cooperation between Shuangwei and LeTV would definitely not go further.

And if she doesn't cooperate in depth, then she has to think about when this cooperation starts and when it ends, and...how can she bite off a piece of fat from the other party during the cooperation.

She was thinking about these things.

After thinking about it all the way, we arrived at the dinner venue.

After getting off the car in the internal parking lot, four different beauties quickly gained everyone's attention.

And Yang Mi temporarily suppressed all doubts in her heart.

The other three flowers are like green leaves, setting off her beauty.

While being received by LeTV staff, they walked into the venue step by step.

All eyes are on you.

"That's Yang Mi? She feels more beautiful than a real person."

"Yes, yes, it's too beautiful, isn't it?"

"The other three are not bad either...Zhao Liying, this name sounds a bit familiar."

"I prefer the one named Zhang Tianai."

"By the way...who is that little girl with really big eyes?"

"I don't know...but it would be nice if she was my girlfriend."

"Come on, come on, who has yellow urine?"

LeTV's reception staff may have already received other guests, but these four people were obviously very topical. Even if they just got out of the car and walked a short distance into the venue, just such a short distance became the topic of conversation among some people.

After Yang Mi walked into the venue under the guidance of the staff, she saw a scene of crowds of people.

It's not surprising that there are so many people, after all, that's the process of walking on the red carpet.

A group of people were waiting aside based on their seniority. The red carpet was opened, and people walked in ascending order according to their positions. They took pictures, interviewed, and signed autographs.

Over the years, she has walked at least hundreds of red carpets, and even she can’t remember whether she has been to some red carpets or not. The same goes for LeTV's red carpet, there's nothing surprising about it.


As if thinking of something, Yang Mi turned her head and glanced at the "Fatty" in her mouth.

The little girl who is not yet 21 years old wears a decent long dress. It is not revealing or flirtatious, but shows the most beautiful side of her age.

Especially with that exotic beauty.

Yang Mi was even thinking about how beautiful this girl would be in another three to five years if she looked like this in her early twenties.

Along with this thought, she saw the freshness, curiosity, and a trace of yearning and timidity in the girl's eyes.

Just like the original self.

Thinking of this, she smiled silently. Just as she was about to remind her to pay attention to her expression, she heard a voice:


"Sister" in the entertainment industry is actually a more popular term.

It's definitely right if someone calls her sister.

Especially for artists, assistants are basically called brother or sister, which are affectionate and respectful terms. So there were quite a few people who turned around after hearing this.

Yang Mi also saw many familiar faces.

And these faces saw her too.

But these are all details. The real source of the sound... turned out to be Yang Ying.

Yang Yingzheng, who also chose a black dress, but with some long tail feathers on the chest for embellishment, looked like a fallen angel, walked over quickly.


Yang Mi was stunned.

After she came in just now, she had been looking at Fatty and really didn't pay attention to her surroundings.

I didn't see where Yang Ying came out.

But let's make peace with it as it comes. As the "first sister" of Yuntu, she must be one of our own.

So he smiled and nodded:

"BABY, hello."

She didn't say anything like "Long time no see". After seeing that Yang Ying was only wearing a formal dress, she turned directly to Zhou Ju next to her - Orange:

"Orange, I'm a little slow at work. It's not hot in here. Hurry up and put it on your sister."

In one sentence, the exchange of greetings that had not been seen for a long time turned into care.

In fact, no one taught her this technique. She just watched Uncle Xu in her early years... Ah, no, my father did this. She tried it and found that the effect was particularly good. Over time, she knew when to use it.

Orange is actually quite speechless.

She also wants to put it on Yang Ying, but the problem is... who can be like you, sister, who can be the center of attention no matter where you go, regardless of your identity or appearance...

In addition to today's invited guests, these people are all heads of various departments of LeTV.

Everyone needs to compete for beauty, or show their handsome and "pleasant" side. So that these financial backers who are preparing to enter the film and television industry can remember me... Yang Ying is no exception.

But there was definitely nothing he could say, so he could only quickly put the clothes on Yang Ying.

But Yang Ying waved his hand:

"I'm not cold, sister, you..."

The words have not yet fallen:

"Haha, Teacher Yang."

Ren Zhongjun's voice sounded, and Yang Mi turned her head, finally knowing what was going on.

It is a "screen" created by a piece of bamboo that I don't know whether it is real or fake, and it creates a blind spot in the field of vision.

Ren Zhongjun is inside the screen. He can see the outside, but the outside cannot see the inside. And he was accompanied by an "old friend".

Huang Xiaoming.

As a result, Yang Mi suddenly felt enlightened.

Ren Zhongjun and Huang Xiaoming should be talking about things, but their friendship is not that deep, so Huang Xiaoming needs to talk to him alone about some things, instead of taking Yang Ying with him.

After all, the two of them are not married yet... Even if they are married, their relationship is not that close, and some things need to be discussed separately.

That's why BABY stayed away from the guests and didn't walk into the bamboo screen. I chose to stand in this seemingly awkward but reasonable position.

"Mr. Ren, senior brother."

Although she understood in her heart, Yang Mi kept her expression calm and greeted the two of them with a smile.

"Well, long time no see, where is junior brother?"

"He is working on a movie and is in a meeting with some screenwriters."

Her excuse is almost universal in the industry. Because as long as Director Xu continues to create, it will be worth the wait for everyone who has the ability to cooperate with him.

But after she finished speaking, she still praised Huang Xiaoming and said:

"I told senior brother to come over earlier. I have to bring him with me no matter what. After all, you and BABY haven't seen each other for a long time!"

"Haha, I don't dare. Junior Brother's movie has already sold for 500 million yuan. Everyone must be looking forward to his new work... What story are you going to tell this time?"

"A story about the Northwest, a literary one."

Following Yang Mi's words, everyone's eyes, including Yang Ying's, began to flicker.

And Yang Mi also walked down the slope and said:

"Mr. Ren, senior brother, baby, let me introduce to you. This child's name is Dilraba..."

One of Zhang Jiao and Bao Zi was Ren Zhongjun’s female companion tonight, and the other was Xu Xin’s assistant. Naturally, they were no strangers to Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying. So I skipped the introduction and introduced Fatty.

Although Fatty was nervous, the company training was all in his bones.

He stood up generously.

Several people began to chat in a small area.

In terms of status, Ren Zhongjun is definitely the centerpiece.

After all, he is a "landlord".

Yang Mi did not reminisce with Yang Ying, but instead talked about Fatty. Without saying anything, she told everything about her being the school beauty of the Chinese Opera, a beauty from Northern Xinjiang, and having been practicing in stage plays.

Ren Zhongjun's eyes lit up after hearing this.

He naturally understood what Yang Mi meant by bringing her tonight.

In fact, Yang Ying also knew.

Everyone understands it, but there are some things you have to pretend to be confused about.

After chatting for a while, a staff member came to see Ren Zhongjun, who then apologized and left.

After he left, they were all "one of their own".

At this time, Yang Ying, who had already completed the reminiscing session in the previous chat, approached Yang Mi:


"What's the matter?"

"I heard... Mr. Wang is going to create a new variety show?"

Yang Mi's eyes moved...

Of course she knows what the baby is talking about.

It will definitely not be "I Am a Singer". The first episode of that program was launched a few days ago. With the unusually fresh competition rules that most viewers who don’t watch Korean entertainment, and the fact that powerful singers joined the show, it received a ratings of 3.19 as soon as it started airing on Hunan Channel.

It can be regarded as a good start for Hunan Taipei in the Gregorian calendar year.

So...the only possibility is "Running Man".

Although this program is by no means a secret, it was revealed during the initial stage of the program...

If Tian Lai plays like this, then "secret keeping" will be equivalent to being in name only.

Today is Yang Ying, what about next?

Who will it be in the future?

Could it be that in the early stages of the program, when Lao Wang had just set his sights on a certain program, the news leaked out?

Or tell it to other guests and ask them to sit down and raise the price? Or...

It seems that this matter needs to be discussed with Lao Wang.

The person who can establish a deep relationship with Yang Ying must be an old man from the "The Voice" period. And only a few people can be exposed to the program "Running Man".

Back then... I promised you that if you follow Sister Mi, everyone can eat meat and drink soup... I don't want you to be ungrateful to me when I'm not around.

If you are unkind, then don't blame me for being cruel.

Thinking of this, her soft eye makeup, which was specially painted to reflect her intellectual temperament as a lady, instantly turned into something as sharp as a knife.

Although it was only fleeting, the cold light still burst out.

Unfortunately, the sword was so fast that Yang Ying disappeared in the blink of an eye.

Even she didn't react.

At this time, Yang Mi said:

"Yes, we have to do it. There will be a place for a female host inside. But..."

She shook her head slightly:

"It's Kun Ling, it's been decided."


Yang Ying was stunned for a moment, and then he knew that he couldn't compete for this spot.

She has enjoyed the benefits of variety shows. Even though she is now "one foot in two boats", she is still very concerned about variety shows. And he has always maintained his relationship with "The Voice".

After hearing about this, I thought about occupying another spot.

After all, she can be said to have been made possible by "The Voice".

But in this variety show, she is only afraid of three people.

Sister Mi, Brother Qi, and Kun Ling.

She is not afraid of either Jiaojiao or Baozi.

Because from fame to all aspects, neither Jiaojiao nor Baozi have the money to compete with themselves.

But Seventh Brother and Kun Ling...

It's really incomparable.

He couldn't help but have a flash of disappointment in his eyes.

She had heard... that the program's creative team alone had more than 40 people. Not including the specially hired ones.

On such a scale, coupled with the model and reference of "Running Man" in South Korea, it is difficult to imagine whether it will be popular!


Just as he was about to speak, he suddenly heard hurried footsteps behind him.

Turning around subconsciously.

I saw a group of people opening the door while opening the way, and surrounded by a man with short hair came in.

And just when a few people turned around, the other party cast their sights here.

So, he went straight here, smiling as he walked:

"Hello, Teacher Yang Mi."

Yang Mi also had a decent smile on her face and took two steps forward:

"Hello, Mr. Jia."

The person who came was none other than Jia Yueting, the founder of the LeTV empire.

After hearing the conversation between the two, Yang Ying suddenly reacted.

Could it be that... Jia Yueting's female companion at tonight's banquet is Sister Mi?

It turned out to be...Sister Mi! ?

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