I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 908 904 The future will always become the present

Chapter 908 904. The future will always become the present

Jia Yueting's arrival is like a signal, indicating that the year-end dinner hosted by LeTV is about to begin.

Not to mention, his eyes were full of amazement right now.

Although given his status, he was surrounded by a sea of ​​high-quality beauties. But... I have to admit that there is a big difference between a beautiful woman and a beautiful woman who can become a star and is a top star.

Especially with the inexplicable popularity of plastic surgery in the past two years... He can always see the shadow of a star on the face and nose of the beauties around Jia Leting.

For example, Yang Mi in front of me...

He has seen at least more than ten girls who are very similar to Yang Mi in terms of makeup, face shape, or overall appearance.

But... this was the first time he saw the true master.

However, he has also heard that plastic surgery hospitals all have templates. The template for the first generation is Liang Binning, and the second generation is the one in front of me...

It's really too beautiful.

"Mr. Jia, just call me Mimi. Nice to meet you~"

"Well, you're welcome then. Hello, Mimi, nice to meet you... Isn't Director Xu here today?"

"He specifically asked me to say sorry to Mr. Jia. I'm really sorry. He is preparing a new movie. Today, several screenwriters came from Shaanxi and everyone is working on the story. He is preparing for the movie Sometimes, my temper is actually very weird, and I can't complain about anything... I'm sorry, Mr. Jia, let him apologize to you in person next time."

"Hahaha, I don't dare, I don't dare. Frankly speaking, I haven't missed any of Director Xu's movies. As a fan, when I heard that he is preparing a new work, rather than meeting us, I hope that this work can be with us as soon as possible. Meet these movie fans..."

The people around listened to the two people chatting and being polite, and their hearts felt like Ming Jing's.

It's really watertight.

The courtesy is down to earth.

It's normal for Jia Leting to be like this, but... Sister Mi's generous and generous appearance really makes her stand out.

Sister Mi... is really amazing.

After the two chatted for a while, Ren Zhongjun took the initiative to introduce the few people behind to Jia Leting.

Including Huang Xiaoming, everyone bent their waists when shaking hands with Jia Leting, looking very respectful. It is completely opposite to Yang Mi's bow that only gave Jia Leting half a handshake and made him look like a gentleman.

At this moment, the gap in status seems particularly different.

What’s more prominent is yet to come.

"Mimi, the red carpet has just started now, let's go over there and take a rest first."

Jia Leting pointed in the direction of the elevator over there.

"no problem."

Yang Mi agreed happily.

As the leader, he definitely doesn't have to wait in line like everyone else to enter.

When it is time to enter the venue, someone from LeTV will definitely inform the leader.

She didn't bring an assistant either.

There is no other reason.

Confidence in one's own strength.

"Mr. Jia please."

"Haha, you're welcome, please."

The two of them walked away leisurely, and after taking two or three steps, Yang Mi turned back and glanced at Zhang Jiao.


But Zhang Jiao nodded knowingly, expressing her understanding.

Then, Yang Mi nodded slightly to say hello to Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying, and left with Jia Leting, a group of leading brother's followers, and Sun Ting.

As soon as the two of them left, Zhang Jiao heard Baozi murmuring:

"Our sister is so handsome...hiss!!"

Before he finished speaking, a mask of pain suddenly appeared on his face.

Zhang Jiao silently removed her fingers from her friend's waist, and then politely said to Ren Zhongjun:

"Mr. Ren, where should we go?"

"Haha, no need. Let's go to the rest area over there."

Ren Zhongjun pointed to the guest sofa in the corner and smiled.

Then he took the lead and walked over.

After he took steps, Zhang Jiao said to Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying:

"Brother Xiao Ming, sister baby~"

While saying hello, she stretched out her hand in a gesture of invitation.

Yang Ying glanced at her, nodded, and followed Ren Zhongjun directly.

Huang Xiaoming was stunned for a moment, obviously he was going to say something...but he saw that his girlfriend had already left. He could only smile politely at Zhang Jiao, and then followed him.

Yang Mi was actually pretending, after all, after reading LeTV's information in the car, she felt that LeTV was not as glamorous as it appeared.

There is no way, their business model is really like tearing down the east wall to pay for the west wall.

It feels like the stock market. Normally, the big A is good.

If Big A is good, investors will be interested in entering the market.

But...if some bad news comes, all investors will definitely sell their stocks crazily.

But at this time, it is really like a dam bursting, and there is no way to stop it.

But she and Jia Leting actually couldn't say this, and they didn't necessarily tell her.

But sometimes speaking is actually an art.

It just so happens that she is an artist taught by her biological father.

At this moment, she was sitting on the sofa in the VIP lounge. She crossed her legs elegantly, straightened her back, and asked Jia Leting with a pair of shining admirer's eyes, and an impeccable tone and expression. road:

"Mr. Jia, can I ask something about the company's management and development?"


The smile on Jia Leting's face invisibly broadened.

The Mu Qiang eyes from the beautiful woman, no matter how calm a man is, his instincts are actually the same.

"Because I also own an entertainment company. I was actually a user of LeTV when it first founded the video website. I also know that Mr. Jia, you have gone from an offset printing factory to a steel trading company to establishing a bilingual school. Siber Communications has gone all the way. Come business territory."

Hearing "offset printing factory", the smile on Jia Leting's face became more natural.

It was an industry he founded in a small county town when he was 23 years old.

In fact, the scale is very small.

When people mention him, they just know LeTV, and they may mention the offset printing factory from the other person's mouth, which means they must be very familiar with his entrepreneurial path from his youth to the present.

"Mimi, you understand things very thoroughly."

Hearing this, Yang Mi smiled and nodded:

"Of course, Mr. Jia was able to go all the way from Zhuoye Industrial at that time to now... Although I may not be able to sympathize with the ups and downs you experienced in starting a business. Maybe step by step to get to where you are now, the vision and wisdom must be Ordinary people, including me, can’t compare.”

"Ha~ This is too exaggerated. Fortune makes it happen, so~"

"Mr. Jia, there are no outsiders here, you are too polite!"

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Outside the VIP room.

Jia Leting's secretary subconsciously raised his head, glanced at the ajar door, and then glanced at Sun Ting, who was beside her.

I muttered in my heart...what are they talking about inside?

It's rare to see Mr. Jia smiling so happily.

Sun Ting, on the other hand, was completely indifferent.

Speaking of communication...she has never met anyone whom Sister Mi can't handle.

inside the house.

"Mr. Jia...Actually, my husband and I are relatively clear about money."

Jia Leting was stunned.

After the atmosphere had changed from business to an atmosphere of mutual admiration between men and women, he did not regard Yang Mi as a business rival, so he was not so wary and managed his expression.

After hearing this, he said in surprise:

"Have you two done property justice?"


Yang Mi nodded:

"The distinction is very clear... He is his, and I am mine. Although my current entertainment company is not short of money, the ultimate goal I have been pursuing is to go public and expand more businesses. For example, film and television dramas Independent production of artists, including the holding of artist studios, etc., are all within the business plan. But the investment costs of these are actually relatively large..."

Anyway, no one will ever know what the real situation between her and her husband is.

She started talking about the train.

There is actually only one reason for saying this. She wanted to know what LeTV's development strategy was... or its philosophy. And after outlining these concepts, even if she didn't understand them, Lao Wang also understood them.

At that time, many things can be predicted from these concepts.

"Then the problem I face now is, first, I can't invest all the money in the company's account to expand in a certain sector.

Second, because of my father-in-law, he is actually... a relatively traditional person. He thinks that women should stay at home to support their husbands and raise children. I also have to consider the pressure on him.

Therefore, I cannot recruit partners in a high-profile manner... Although some capital companies have contacted me, they are more interested in directly investing in Shuangwei, rather than working together to enter some fields. This goes against my idea. What direction do you think I should choose at this time? "

"Well...I think your thinking is wrong."

Jia Leting shook his head slightly:

"Your concept is wrong."

While talking, he noticed that Yang Mi sat up straighter.

Adopt an attitude of listening.

He continued:

"Actually, whether you are talking about company artists, or whether you want to make your own film and television dramas. Didn't you do a good job in "Zhen Huan" and "Bu Bu"? These are actually your company's products.

Artists are products, and movies and TV series are products.

Actually...Mimi, you got a wrong concept. I remember that "Bite of Tongue" was so popular when it was released. Didn't Director Xu receive an interview on CCTV? I watched that interview. He has a concept that I particularly agree with, that is, producers do not actually make profits.

All profits are actually generated by middlemen under market decisions.

The reason why you are in this dilemma now is actually because you have positioned yourself as a "producer" as Director Xu calls it. You never thought about being a middleman.

The most basic act of business is to package the products of producers into commodities for sale.

The profit of the producer itself is limited.

Just like you said you want to attract capital to join you and expand business in a certain field with you... Let's put it this way, the most essential reason why you are not favored by capital is that your packaging is not good enough.

I have always believed that funding is not a problem. As long as the strategy is forward-looking and leading enough, the product is disruptive enough, and has enough user value, as long as your organizational skills are strong enough, and as long as you can get things done, funds will naturally follow.

You see, all your perspectives are from the perspective of the producer, and your perspective becomes very narrow.

What you really have to do is think about how to package your advantages into merchandise. Even if it’s just a prospect or a blueprint… But you have to know that what investment companies do is to pay for prospects and blueprints…”

Yang Mi's words were like opening a floodgate, completely opening up Jia Leting's chat box.

But what he didn't know was... when he said, "I always thought that funds were not a problem," Yang Mi already understood.

Although I can’t say I understand it very well, I have begun to look down on LeTV’s future.

His train of thought... was wrong.

It's too dangerous, like walking a tightrope.

In fact, what he said is right, that is one of the essences of investing in a company is actually to pay for the "blueprint and prospects".

But... time is not constant.

The current blueprint and prospects will one day turn into future reality.

At a certain moment, take off the label of "future" and become now.

But when she looked at Jia Leting who was talking endlessly, she unconsciously thought... Human desires are endless. Now LeTV may be able to rely on video websites, TVs, and LeTV boxes to provide a sufficient platform for the so-called "future".

It's like there are a few people standing on the roof.

As long as the structure of the house is strong enough, it is not difficult to support several people.

But... what if there are more and more people on the roof?

Three or five, it’s okay.

What about thirty or fifty?

Can those bricks and tiles still support the risks brought by these weights?

She decided to ask again.

So, he looked at the other person with the eyes of an admirer and asked:

"So what is Mr. Jia's final... blueprint for LeTV?"

"It is the full coverage of the future."

It is obvious that Jia Leting has been asked this question by countless people and answered it many times.

"In the future, the Internet, mobile phones, film and television, communications, multimedia, finance, automobiles, etc., LeTV's future is to have LeTV brand products in every household. Enter thousands of households!"


Yang Mi's eyes widened instantly and she looked at him in surprise:

"Full coverage?"

"That's right. When you go online, you can use LeTV's video platform to watch movies and TV series. You have LeTV's super phone in your hand, you use LeTV's cloud computing for work, and you have LeTV's super box and super TV on your TV. When you go out, you turn on LeTV's super phone. super car. When you are short of money, LeTV Finance can provide services, and you can also cheer for sports competitions organized by LeTV..."


Yang Mi was completely speechless now.

Although this is just a blueprint for the future, and according to Jia Leting’s words, LeTV’s future business territory will definitely be large.

Perhaps from the perspective of others, one has begun to be shocked by Jia Leting's ambition.

But Yang Mi had a pessimistic view from the beginning.

What she saw was not a business map.

It is based on LeTV's current "TV box, TV set, and online multimedia platform" such a pitiful industrial house, and the extremely bloated roof.

Can so many people really stand on the roof of this house?


I do not believe.

From this moment on, Yang Mi knew that she should think carefully about how she could bite off the fattest piece of meat from the other party before something went wrong, like LeTV, which draws the cake first and then acts.

How long will the cooperation between LeTV and Shuangwei last?

First... tentatively three years?

Within three years... it shouldn't collapse, right?

she thought to herself.

"What do you think Sister Mi and Mr. Jia are talking about?"

"Not sure."

Hearing his fiancée's words, Huang Xiaoming shook his head.

Seeing this, Yang Ying asked again:

"So how was your chat with Ren Zhongjun just now?"

"Not bad. They should hold a financing next year, and I plan to invest a sum of money and become a shareholder. In fact, they want to win over a group of powerful people in the film and television industry to help them expand their business in this area. So the conditions given are quite favorable... I guess this is what I told Mimi about..."

Having said this, Huang Xiaoming glanced at the sparse team in front and adjusted his suit.

It's his turn to walk down the red carpet.

"Then how much do you think Sister Mi will vote for?"


Huang Xiaoming glanced at his fiancée and thought, "How could I know?"


"If she can go with Jia Leting, I guess... the cooperation will be deeper than us."

After hearing this, Yang Ying subconsciously said hastily:

"Then should we add more?"


Huang Xiaoming was speechless.

Do you think you can add this thing if you want?

And Yang Ying also understood her boyfriend's expression, thought about it, and said subconsciously:

"I can beg her, beg her and Director Xu... to help us share in this kind of thing."

At this time, Huang Xiaoming was stunned.

To be honest, he actually sometimes feels that his girlfriend is quite ignorant...

In other words, I really have no talent for investing.

Even after he set up his own studio, he sent people over to help take care of some assets.

If you think about it, you can actually understand that investment requires vision, but beyond vision, what is more needed is... some financial knowledge-level strategies and a calm mind.

My girlfriend's academic qualifications... To put it bluntly, she may not even be able to solve a linear equation in two variables now.


There was nothing wrong with what she said.

He might be embarrassed by Xu Xin and Mimi... After all, when he was angry, these two people were nothing. Although everyone in the entertainment industry must learn that the situation is stronger than the person... he also wants to save face.

But my girlfriend is with Xu Xin and Yang Mi, so it seems... it doesn't really matter.

What's more... this isn't too mean-spirited.

My girlfriend was also discovered by the two of them.

Thinking of this, he said:

"Then...you ask? If we can really cooperate, will you also bring us a share?"


Seeing that her boyfriend agreed, Yang Ying almost didn't think about it, as if she was afraid that he would regret it the next second. He said:

"Then we'll go tomorrow. Director Xu is also there...will you go?"


After hesitating for a moment, Huang Xiaoming nodded:

"It's been a long time since we last met. It's the end of the year. Let's sit and have a meal together."


This time, Yang Ying was happy.

"Hey, LeTV has a big background. Let's invest more. If we have more shares in the future, won't our status also rise slowly!? Are you right?"

"That's for sure..."

"Then I'll talk to her later. Ha~"

Yang Ying let out an extremely happy chuckle.

Then she took her boyfriend’s arm:

"Let's go, it's our turn."

It's time to walk the red carpet and enjoy the spotlight.

When she thought that she would be a shareholder of LeTV Pictures in the future...and might even become a shareholder of LeTV in the future, the light in her eyes became extremely dazzling no matter how hard she tried to hide it.



"When will mom come back?"

"Hmm... It's almost time. Do you miss your mother?"

"Yeah! Call mom!"

"Haha, that's not possible. Mom is busy. Let's wait..."


Mingming was still chatting with her father under the quilt, but when she heard the door knocking, Nuan Nuan climbed out of the quilt like a big mouse and opened the bedroom door:



Hearing the response from outside the door, the second mouse in Xu Xin's arms also got out:


Xu Xin shook his head helplessly.

These two heartless little things.

Then he leaned on the bed and waited for a while. Yang Mi, who had already changed into ordinary clothes, walked in with a baby in her hand:

"Why haven't you slept yet?"

"I'm coaxing you to come back...go take a shower. How about it?"

"Let me tell you something...I'll tell you after I take a shower later. Huang Xiaoming and the baby will come to our house for dinner tomorrow."

Xu Xin was stunned:

"Ah?...What are they doing here?"

"I'll tell you later, you two, go find dad, and mom will take a bath."

With that said, she walked directly into the bathroom.

Xu Xin was actually used as a cauldron yesterday, so he really had no interest in being used by her again.

There was no suggestion like "you put on your clothes".

The child is still there.

And Yang Mi's return is actually more like the completion of a sense of security for the children.

Obviously she was noisy just now and missed her mother, but when her mother came back and Yang Mi came out, the two children were already asleep.

She wiped her hair, wrapped herself in a bath towel and asked in a low voice:


"That's right. I told you two to be quiet and don't make any noise, and wait for mom to come out and let her coax the most well-behaved child to sleep. Then she fell asleep~"

After hearing her husband's words, she nodded slightly and continued to ask:

"Has the contact book been written?"

"I wrote it. Nuan Nuan gave Yang Yang a good beating at school today because he kept trying to get close to the teacher she liked..."

"Follow dad."


The corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched...


"Yangyang is quite good today. He has been very honest since being beaten by Nuan Nuan. It's not me who said that you have to take care of your girl. He hugged Yangyang again and again... The teacher even mentioned it several times. Let’s correct Nuannuan..."

"How can I correct it? She doesn't hit others... I'm saying that if the sister doesn't hit her brother early, why not wait until he can't hit her and can't reach her? Isn't it too late?"

"...Yangyang's status at home is not as good as that of a dog now!"

"What are boys afraid of? From now on, I will also be a nanny for little girls. The days are going to be hard, so just get used to it slowly."


Xu Xinxin said how much horse urine have you drunk? Is it possible for non-human beings to say this?

At this time, Yang Mi, who was already sitting in front of the makeup mirror taking care of her skin, said:

"I discovered one thing from the information you showed me. LeTV's financing is particularly frequent."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Some didn't realize what she meant.

Yang Mi wiped things on her face layer by layer while telling her what she thought about today, including Jia Leting's views after chatting with him, and the speculations that arose.

At this time, Xu Xin's brows frowned:

"Why does it sound like tearing down the east wall to repair the west wall?"

"I think so... they don't have much industry. A TV, a super box... I don't think these two things can support him to expand so much business. Haven't you noticed, it is full of flowers now, but there is nothing underneath It has no roots. When the wind blows, it falls over."


Xu Xin was silent for a while and nodded slightly:

"That's true. So what do you want to do?"

"Nothing to do. Don't let go of the bonus you deserve. But...I estimate that I will recycle all of them in two or three years at most. Their market value seems to be high, but I won't bet on them. I I am more inclined to Alibaba or Tencent, or iQiyi is better than them..."

"There's no need to be so arbitrary. Your point of view is right. They shouldn't have any problems in the past two or three years. Let's do it step by step."

"Yeah. I have to ask Lao Wang tomorrow to see if my idea is reliable...but I guess he and I should think about the same thing. Our dad is right, a company without industry is really impossible. Resist The risk is too bad. You don’t know that at today’s dinner, Jia Leting gave a speech on the stage... Good guy, it’s like a pyramid scheme..."

After recounting everything he had seen and heard today, Xu Xing could already imagine the "rich" persona just by listening to her description.

There is no way, money from the Internet is so easy.

It's like a strong wind blowing.

And now...

Xu Xin sighed with emotion:

"The wind has indeed picked up. Moreover, their response was much faster than we expected..."

"Absolutely. If you include Journey to the West... our three movies have all exceeded 2 billion. Who thinks this money is not blown by the wind? Brother, do you know? There are many people here today, people from our circle. When I look at their eyes, I can really feel it... They may not be as far-reaching as we think, but everyone understands one thing, that is... these Internet companies may be the God of Wealth in the future! ~ I said Don’t believe me.”


"Starting next year, just watch, everyone's salary will increase by at least 20%!"

He agreed with his wife's point of view.

Because it's obvious.

And just like what he said, at this time, whoever stops others from making money will be the sinner of the hatred of killing his father and taking away his wife.

The kind that wants to crush you to ashes.

Therefore, it cannot be blocked, nor can it be blocked.

And this is not what Xu Xin is really worried about.

What he was worried about was the content... He was afraid that a situation would arise in the future. That is, everyone has developed the habit of over-reliance on so-called "models" and "big data". A large number of excellent and distinctive works have been changed beyond recognition by these people and reduced to mediocrity.

Just like the reviewers at the film bureau.

To put it into perspective, the salary of reviewers is only a few thousand yuan, but they can easily block works worth millions or tens of millions.

The same concept applies to the Internet.

Their so-called copyright departments may only be part-time workers after get off work.

But 5,000 people a month can influence the thoughts of a screenwriter who earns 100,000, or even 300,000 or 500,000 per episode.

If you don’t change it and we don’t buy it, you won’t be able to sell it.

You have to change. Change it to the homogeneous appearance of works that "may be popular" based on our data analysis or market judgment.

This is what Xu Xin fears most.

And what's even more terrifying is... the future in his eyes...

It must be so.

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