I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 909 905 Secret Competition

Chapter 909 905. Secret competition

Yanjing, Gemdale International Garden.

As a community on Jianguo Road that was completed in 2005, Gemdale International Garden actually has nothing to do with luxury from the current perspective.

Since 2008, the housing prices in Yanjing have been rising day by day. In recent years, even Yanjing's edge has exceeded 30,000, and the prices in the city center have become even more expensive. The opening price of Gemdale International Garden was actually less than 9,000.

Of course, it did open early. The price of 9,000 when it opened in 2002 was not cheap at that time.

The reason why it is not cheap is also very simple. This plan is one of the best choices for people in Yanjing who are not that rich at this juncture of the millennium.

This can be seen from the fact that the minimum square meter of its house is 150 square meters.

It is by no means a newly-required property, and those who could buy a house with 9,000 per square meter in 2002 were all new people with a little money who made money during that period.

Huang Xiaoming is among them.

As a member of Class 96, a native of Qingdao, after acting in several plays and saving some money in his pocket, his first reaction was to settle down in Yanjing. He had money at that time, but not that much, so after repeated choices, he chose Type B here, a high-rise building with an area of ​​180 square meters.

After buying a house, as it is my first real estate, I naturally have deep feelings for it.

What's more, even the decoration here is a "home" that I designed, communicated and finally built.

Now he has achieved great success and already owns many properties in Yanjing.

He even owns real estate not only in Yanjing, Shanghai, Qingdao, and even the United States. And thanks to China's economic boom, all his properties have increased in value many times.

But...if I say where I live most often, it’s actually here.

Because this is not only his first property and the one with the deepest affection for him, but also many friends who were in the same group and have done very well in their respective careers after they became rich.

For example, his strategic vision for investing in real estate was brought up by his neighbors here.

In the investments I have made over the years, my neighbors and buddies have also helped me a lot.

The old neighbors in this community have formed a very stable circle of interests and friendships.

Several neighbors even came together to form an investment company.

Although the scale is small, the annual benefits are very stable.

Huang Xiaoming himself is one of them.

As a public figure, the mental pressure is actually greater than that of ordinary people. And sometimes, he actually doesn't particularly like making friends with people in the industry.

As a member of Class 96, for more than ten years, he has seen too many friends turn against each other because of their resources.

For example, Zhao Wei... Huang Xiaoming felt that her life was particularly painful.

Many of the classmates and friends who surrounded her back then were actively cut off because of resources and became strangers.

Of course, I don’t know if it’s painful or not now.

But in Gemdale International, his neighbors, buddies, and friends are very good.

Therefore, even if he has purchased real estate elsewhere, most of the time every year, the concept of "home" is here.

A house of 180 meters is very small.

But it can fill all the holes in your heart.

When you come back from filming, you don’t even need to book a hotel appointment. Use WeChat to contact several buddies in the community, and everyone can come together to eat at home.

Over the years, he knows best whose dishes are delicious.

Moreover, friends who can integrate together, as a group of people around the millennium, have developed very well after forming an alliance of interests, whether it is investment, financial management, or some business areas.

And he and the baby also made it clear that this was his first home in Yanjing and it had a very special meaning to him.

He hopes to use this house as our wedding room.

Anyway, if we have a lot of houses at home, we can make money... but this is "home".

What pleased him the most was that his girlfriend was very sensible.

Follow his advice.

Like lake water, gentle and clear.


He opened the door first, turned around and said:

"I'm going to go warm up the car first."


Yang Ying's response came from inside the room.

My girlfriend was putting on makeup and started to tidy herself up after getting up at around 7 o'clock in the morning.

She got up earlier than the nanny.

Soon, the elevator arrived and he walked in. All the way to the basement.

I went to Xu Xin's house today to keep in touch, so it wasn't very appropriate to bring an assistant. At most, if you drink too much, ask the assistant to pick it up.

So the only people who went today were myself and my girlfriend.

And just when he was about to reach his parking space, he heard the sound of a car starting its engine.

After rounding a corner, I turned around and looked happy.

"Hey, Lao Huang, are you up so early?"

One looks to be three or five years older than Huang Xiaoming, but has a very high hairline. He is wearing sneakers, jeans, a sweater with a down vest, wearing glasses and is standing next to a Range Rover smoking. The middle-aged man said hello in a particularly familiar manner.

This man’s name is Liu Qiang.

Neighbors in the community, good friends.

He is also one of the shareholders of their small investment company. He runs a software company that specializes in outsourcing services to Tencent, Alibaba, Baidu, etc., and he belongs to the second group of people who are eyeing the Internet. In his early years, he worked as a designer for Yahoo.

It has not caught up with the big trends of Tencent and Alibaba, but it still belongs to the group of people who made their fortune from the Internet.

He has a net worth of two to three hundred million.

There is no courtesy between good friends. Huang Xiaoming nodded:


As he spoke, he walked to several cars opposite the Range Rover.

He ignored Rolls-Royce, Bentley, and Land Rover, and instead chose the most low-key-looking Mercedes-Benz S450.

"How late did you drink last night?"

As he spoke, he opened the door and started the engine to warm up the car.

Then they just stood in front of the car, with an aisle between them and started chatting.

Liu Qiang wiped his face and sighed:

"Don't mention it. We drank until after 9 o'clock, and each person drank nearly a pound. Old Wu Fei said he was going to sing, but when he went to the karaoke hall, the group of girls drank more. I have a headache at the moment."

"Going to the karaoke bar? It seems like you had a good time."

Hearing this, Liu Qiang held a cigarette in his mouth and smiled with a look that only a man can understand:

"It's really good. But that place... I don't think it's good. A few girls drank some wine and chatted about which celebrity in this scene had been here... and they were not strict. If we want to play, we still have to go to the old place."

This sentence can actually reflect the friendship between the two.

Huang Xiaoming glanced in the direction he was coming from, and after making sure his girlfriend was not there, he said:

"Then these two days are enough. It's the end of the year."

"Okay, Chang Er will have to go back to his hometown to celebrate the New Year in a few days. We need to get together before we leave... What about you? How was last night? Did you get in touch with the LeTV person that Lao Wu introduced to you?"


Huang Xiaoming nodded, looked around again, and then said:

"I estimate that I will invest one or two million. I didn't say it was much, just to occupy a shareholder position."

The two of them talked about Chang Er, who was also a neighbor, a good friend, and also worked on the Internet. I have some relationship with a shareholder in LeTV, and I can speak well.

He was the one who found Ren Zhongjun's relationship.

Otherwise, he would not be able to avoid Huayi.

And if this matter does not bypass Huayi, then the investment can only be made in the name of the studio, which is a bit inappropriate.

"That's fine... If there's any meat over there, tell me."

"Okay. I'll go in first. They must have more than one round of financing. When the second round comes, I'll get a feel for it. Then you guys can get in..."

Huang Xiaoming agreed casually.

A community of interests.

One person attains the Tao and the chicken and dog ascend to heaven.

Liu Qiang asked at this time:

"What are you doing here? Driving a 450 by yourself?"

When driving a BMW or a Mercedes-Benz, especially the S-Class, the driver usually drives the car, with the boss behind.

Huang Xiaoming drove the car himself, which was indeed a bit "low price".

"I'm going to my junior brother's house. It's not appropriate to drive another car."

Hearing Huang Xiaoming's words, Liu Qiang was stunned and said:

"Xu Xin?"

"Yes. Yesterday when I went to LeTV, I met Yang Mi. Let's chat together today."

"...They also want to contact LeTV?"



Liu Qiang sighed with emotion:

"The box office of "囧囧" is almost 1.1 billion. I also watched his "Perfect Strangers" and it was really good. Also, Yang Mi played a good role in "The Grandmaster", and during the Spring Festival, there was also a movie called "Na Xin" Girl...who is your name? The one who acted in "Journey to the West", right? No wonder LeTV is eyeing him. If we can trap that couple, they will earn at least one or two billion a year..."

His eyes were filled with an emotion...mixed with envy, desire, and wonder.

But after saying this, I immediately realized something was wrong and quickly added:

"Next year when your movie comes out...then you will be really unstoppable!"

Huang Xiaoming shrugged nonchalantly:

"There's nothing I can do about it. Why don't others do their best this year?"

He spoke cryptically, but Liu Qiang knew who he was talking about.

Feng Xiaogang.

The status of Hua Yi, Feng Xiaogang, and Zhang Guoli is actually somewhat similar to a combination of interests.

The cooperation is quite close.

But this also means that...the other actors actually don't get much meat.

At least, Huang Xiaoming couldn't tell.

Therefore, on the surface, everyone is from the "Beijing circle", but in fact, after starting a studio and Yuntu was established, many people started to "cross the circle" one after another.

He did the same, adding that it was chatting with friends.

Knowing the basics, as long as you don’t mention it clearly, there is no problem in continuing to talk about certain things.

And it’s not the first time we’ve talked.

It does not matter.

Sure enough, Liu Qiang showed a knowing look. After putting out the cigarette with his foot, he first looked around, then walked directly to Huang Xiaoming:

"Hey, do you want to ask Xu Xin today about the land in Wangjing where Qiangjiu Real Estate is going to open... Their houses have a very good reputation in the past two years, and many people have bought them. If Xu Xin can give us a few places, Let’s buy a few sets each, wait three to five years, and then once it changes hands, we’ll keep the current situation... at least we’ll make half the profit.”

"Okay, let me ask."

Huang Xiaoming nodded to express his understanding. At this time, Yang Ying came over:

"Husband...Old Liu, your face is a bit swollen."

"No, I drank too much last night..."

Liu Qiang smiled and greeted Yang Ying, then glanced at his watch and said:

"Okay, then you ask, I'm going to the company now. At the end of the year, there are a lot of things."

"Okay, if I can come back tonight, let's have some drinks?"

"Drink...baby, I'm leaving."


The three said goodbye to each other, Liu Qiang got into his Land Rover, and Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying also got into the Mercedes-Benz.

The water temperature had already come up, so Huang Xiaoming turned on the heater, and then heard Yang Ying ask:

"What are Lao Liu talking about with you? Let you ask."

Huang Xiaoming said while driving:

"I asked Xu Xin about Qianggu Real Estate. He said that Wangjing is about to open a project. Can he buy some houses in-house and buy several units per person? When the time comes, he will make half the profit once the property is sold."

He actually doesn't care about this kind of thing.

With the spread of investment, his wealth accumulation has passed the period of realizing it through real estate speculation.

But Lao Liu can't. His software company's annual profit is only a few million, so investment is still at a relatively primitive stage.

Just ask him for help.

But after hearing this, Yang Ying, who had dressed up specially today, suddenly remembered something and said:

"Didn't Auntie say that they also opened a deal in Qingdao? It seems that you haven't replied to Auntie yet."

"I can't go back."

Huang Xiaoming shook his head helplessly:

"That's what my aunt asked me to do. But the problem is...don't mention whether Xu Xin's words are good or not...you said that strong houses are not expensive, and the housing prices in Qingdao are not high. I mentioned this to Xu Xin specifically, just for one square meter A thousand or two thousand cheaper, give me some discounts...she doesn't care, but I don't want to lose face?"

"……That's true."

Yang Ying nodded, and then sighed:

"But... they have risen so fast in the past few years. Even Qingdao knows that their houses are good. Eh? Tell me... who does this real estate company belong to?"

"Xu Xin's father belongs to him."

"But isn't his brother doing it now? ... Their market value should be very high now, right? If his father leaves, do you think they will fight over dividing the family property?"


Huang Xiaoming glanced at his girlfriend speechlessly:

"Are you going too far?"

But Yang Ying looked indifferent:

"Isn't tens of billions worth it when brothers turn against each other and fight for power?"

"Don't say such things, it's not good."

Huang Xiaoming directly stopped her from continuing to expand the topic:

"We just have to live our own lives. If you let outsiders hear your words like this, would you offend others?"

"I'm just telling you..."

Yang Ying still looked indifferent.

Then he sighed inexplicably:

"Either way... Sister Mi is still lucky."


Huang Xiaoming's mouth twitched.

Didn't answer the question.

But Yang Ying stopped talking. Instead, he took out his mobile phone and started playing.

From Jindi Garden to Shijia Hutong, it is a distance of seven or eight kilometers. But this juncture is at the tail end of the morning rush hour, and it’s quite congested.

Huang Xiaoming was not in a hurry, and was driving while taking stock of LeTV's affairs.

After walking for a while, I suddenly heard my girlfriend say "tsk tsk".

He asked casually:

"What's wrong?"

"Isn't the box office of "The Grandmaster" close to 400 million? Some media predict that this year's Golden Horse and Golden Rooster Best Actress should be her. And then isn't it time to review a new round of four little actresses this year? Everyone is guessing her Will she quit? It is said that after Gong Er, she can already start to change into Tsing Yi at this age. It is estimated that the next generation of Tsing Yi will be her..."

When he said this, Yang Ying kept his head down, and then raised his head after he finished speaking.

Because Huang Xiaoming was moving the car slowly, he didn't see the emotion in his girlfriend's eyes.

Just said:

"Have the selections been made for this year's four female actors?"

"No, but there must be me."


"She promised me."


Huang Xiaoming was speechless for a moment.

In fact... he began to feel that his girlfriend's appetite suddenly began to increase in the past two years.

Sometimes speaking is like losing your mind.

Although she was still completely submissive to him, when it came to outsiders, her confidence was inexplicably overwhelming.

So he said:

"Whether I agree to it or not is one thing. You can do it through your own efforts, right?"

"That's for sure. I definitely can't embarrass you~ Hehe~ What's more, I still have you. I don't care if I'm a pretty girl or not!"

Originally, he wanted to enlighten his girlfriend not to rely on others for everything. After all, actors have to rely on their acting skills and works to succeed.


The biggest shortcoming of a chauvinistic man is now revealed.

After hearing this, he couldn't help but smile and put his hand across the center console.

Yang Ying took advantage of the opportunity to hold his hand with both hands and rubbed it on his face...

"Hubby~~~~I'm so hungry."

"Who told you not to eat just now... Find a place in front where I can buy you a cup of coffee and a croissant?"


Yang Ying responded, hooked one hand with him, and continued to browse Weibo with the other hand.

A few seconds later...

"Ah, "Perfect Strangers" has exceeded 600 million?"


"Yes, yesterday's box office was 41.3 million. It has already exceeded 600 million."

"...Where's the box office in Italy?"

"Well...let me see...perfect...Italy..."

She muttered and started searching.

Then he said:

"It has exceeded 51 million US dollars... This Weibo said that it may aspire to be the number one box office in Italy... The worst is also in the top three... How much is 51 million?"

"More than three hundred million."

"...more than 300 million, plus 600 million..."囧囧"...even if it's one billion, "The Grandmaster" 400 million...2.4 billion?"

Yang Ying's eyes were full of surprise.

Huang Xiaoming shook his head:

"More than that. I estimate that the final box office of "囧囧" should be 1.2 billion. Today is the 24th..."The Grandmaster" feels like it should be around 600 million, and "Perfect" is estimated to be 800 to 1 billion. Let's call it 900 million. . Not counting the overseas sales of "The Grandmaster" and "Perfect", when these three movies are released, I estimate that they will be close to 3 billion."

"In other words... from three movies, they made more than one billion?"

"It's not just money. The most important thing is influence... This year... no, it was last year. Including "Thailand", didn't you read the annual report? Our country's total ticket sales as of New Year's Day were 16.7 billion. In 2011, it was 13.1 billion, in 2010 it was 9.4 billion... The basic growth rate every year is between 3 billion and 4 billion. If we follow this trend, for example, this year will be 21 billion. Then, in 2012 and 2013, the total will be 400 In terms of 100 million, let's count "Journey to the West and Conquer the Demons", including my movie... If you count 4 billion... 40 billion in the market, the movie "Cloud Atlas" alone can account for one-tenth, not counting other investors in the northwest circle. movie of……"

Speaking of this, his tone paused...

Suddenly I realized something.

That is... Yuntu's growth rate has reached such a terrifying situation!

Since opening the studio, he has become his own boss.

At some levels it can be said that it has broken away from the shackles of Huayi.

With more autonomy.

But the legacy of some habits is inevitable. For example... Huayi must strive for every investment of over 100 million for every movie, and participate as much as possible in every project with an investment of more than 50 million...

But now he discovered that Yun Tu...

Cloud Atlas! ! ! !

Yuntu's growth rate, even profits and influence, suddenly caught up in just two years!

Just when everyone was still asking Beijing Circle for resources, their expansion speed... was so fast that people couldn't understand it!

not to mention……

After what happened with LeTV, he has vaguely realized that more capital may enter the film and television market next year...

In an instant, endless possibilities flooded into his mind.

Even though he was half-sentence, Yang Ying did not bother him due to his thoughtful look and continued to browse Weibo.

For "Perfect" and "Thailand", she actually doesn't pay much attention to them.

On the one hand, she has no idea of ​​becoming a director for the time being, and on the other hand, she feels that those stories are of little use to her.

Even if there is Liu Yifei inside.

But her focus is more on "The Grandmaster".

Before "The Grandmaster", people discussed more about Yang Mi's popularity.

Her popularity, her authenticity, her low profile and so on.

The double-Golden Best Actress in "The Wind" didn't seem to be a talking point back then.

The most I can say is something like "Is the Double Golden Movie Queen kidding you?"

However, after "The Grandmaster", people suddenly started not paying attention to her popularity. Turn to analyze her acting skills.

At the beginning, people were discussing the scene in the movie that was recognized to highlight her beauty the most, the scene of her boxing alone in the heavy snow. Everyone praised it for being very beautiful and full of artistic conception. In that scene, Gong Er really forgot everything and completely blended into the flying snowflakes, seeing the world, himself, and kung fu.

That artistic conception was vividly interpreted by Yang Mi!

And when she first appeared, from climbing the Golden Tower to sitting in the "opera" of the aria, from her eyes, steps, and tone, we can see her arrogance, condescension, and eyes. Overflowing with confidence.

In that "famous painting" scene, her eyes and the eyes of other women were in completely opposite directions. Wang Jiawei not only uses oil painting-like texture to show her incompatibility with the overall environment of Jinlou, but also can feel her strong, stubborn, focused and unwilling to admit defeat temperament from her sharp eyes.

After the whole movie was performed, the fans who watched the movie...especially Wang Jiawei's fans even compared her with Zhang Manyu.

The bees even shouted out the bold saying "half of Zhang Manyu, the other half of Yang Mi".

You know, among Wang Jiawei's works, Zhang Manyu is the leading one! After four works including "Carmen", "Days of Being Wild", "Ashes of Time" and "In the Mood for Love", everyone knows who his muse is!

Although Yang Mi only acted in one of his works, it... allowed his fans to end the discussion of "Zhang Manyu or Liu Jialing", and did not have any extreme reaction to the so-called "half" words of the bees...

This in itself represents an achievement!

Everyone is surprised, surprised why Yang Mi can have such acting skills.

She is too young, lacks precipitation, and has even been extremely popular. What's more, in her early years, she was still a "depressed girl" on Weibo.

Every day on Weibo, I either post depressing words or get stuck in a game of DOTA by a fan.

In addition, Xuejian, Qingyi, Gu Xiaomeng and other characters all tend to be younger, and everyone always feels that her acting skills are shrouded in the fog of "young actors".

However, after "The Grandmaster".

Compared with all her previous works, "Gong Er" is really like a master, defeating everyone.

What people say to Xu Xin, "Wang Jiawei understands your wife better than you do," is really true!

With one movie, she completely ended the stereotype of a "young actor" and became an upstart in the entire industry.

Yesterday, I could only stay with my boyfriend.

But she was able to hold Jia Yueting's arm and attend the banquet together, sitting at the "C seat" table.

On the Internet, she is clearly the number one among the Four Little Girls, but in next year's competition, everyone feels that it is inappropriate to evaluate her...

Everything is just this work.

not to mention……

She just came back from Magic City a few days ago.

When she went to Yuntu headquarters, she overheard a discussion among several staff members, saying that because Sister Mi didn't respond, the company's mailbox could hardly delete the scripts!

That's it, and she still hasn't revealed her business plans for next year!


That's how it is sometimes.

When walking, I want to ride a bicycle.

Having a bicycle feels too slow and strenuous, so I want to ride a motorcycle.

I got on a motorcycle. It was windy and rainy and I felt embarrassed, so I wanted to drive.

After driving a car, I will start to compare brands and want to buy a good car or a luxury car.

Desire is actually a phased thing.

Now that Yang Ying has passed the initial stage of wealth accumulation, "fame and wealth" are indistinguishable. She naturally wants to pursue the honor that matches her wealth.

She thinks she is quite good at acting.

Although I haven't told anyone else, but...who is an actor who fits the temperament of a Huadan and doesn't want to be the leader of the four little Huadans in the world?


Is there anyone in this position?

Wouldn't it be over if we let her drive?

Although...she didn't dare to express her thoughts in front of Yang Mi, she definitely had thoughts in her heart.

not to mention……

When "Gong Lock Heart Jade" was so popular, she...

However, just when she was working hard to "counterattack", suddenly, Yang Mi jumped to the next stage with a movie...

Yang Ying felt very sad.

On the one hand, the distance is stretched again.

On the other hand...

Say the most realistic thing.

Last night at LeTV's dinner party, she only found half of her profile in the 9 pictures posted on LeTV's Weibo.

It was taken with my boyfriend.

But Sister Mi has three.

One red carpet, one alone, and one eating with Mr. Jia.

Also a star.

Why is she so popular?

But I’m not even a four-star actress?

Why can she have dinner with Jia Yueting.

I only have half a face?

Looking at the news on Weibo under the topic "The Grandmaster", there are all kinds of compliments, from acting skills to beauty...

She pursed her lips in displeasure and rolled her eyes.

She didn't dare to have other thoughts.

If she really offended Sister Mi, she knew what would happen to her.

But... I’m more popular than you, my commercial value is better than yours, my acting skills are better than yours, and I’ve won more awards than you, isn’t that enough?

Fair play!

And then on the surface I still treat you respectfully.

You can't say anything, can you?

Thinking of this, she quit Weibo and started searching on her phone.

Search: TXT version of the novel "Little Times".

Despite the headwind, Mr. Xu said that she would be the heroine in this movie next year. She originally planned to start working slowly after that.

Then start now!

Let’s first see what the story is.

This is the chapter I took off last night. There will be another chapter at 12:02 tonight, and then the normal update will resume tomorrow.

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