I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 910 906 The future? What does it have to do with me

"What's the current house price in Shijia Hutong?"

Yang Ying asked as he looked at the door of Xu House after not being here for a long time.

Huang Xiaoming thought for a while and made an estimate:

"How do you say... it's 30 to 50 million, right? Aren't the three courtyards connected together? It's estimated to be over 100 million."

As he spoke, he parked the car on the curb at the door.

Obviously he doesn't plan to drive in.

Yang Ying didn't care, and planned to walk in after getting off the car. She had been here many times, so it was nothing new.

"Hey, wait a minute."

When Huang Xiaoming saw this, he quickly stopped him and then walked around to the trunk of the Mercedes-Benz.


Yang Ying was stunned when he saw his fiancé pick up a teddy bear from the trunk that was exquisitely packaged, and a... toy box that looked like it should be some kind of robot.

"When did you buy it?"

She was a little surprised.

"After New Year's Day, I bought it and kept it ready. I have to come here sooner or later, it's for the kids."

Holding two toys in his hand, one was clearly Nuannuan and the other was Yangyang. He pouted towards the door and said:

"Knock on the door."

"Senior brother... you're already here, what else do you want to get?"

As part of daily routine, Xu Xin took the thing from Huang Xiaoming's hand.

In fact, these things may not be available at home, but they are also people's hearts... Damn it, Optimus Prime!

So big! ?

I want it.

Xu Xin, who suddenly felt relieved, quickly greeted the two guests into the house.

"Come in quickly, come in...you can entertain me, and take this in too."

He directly handed the teddy bear in his hand to his wife, and then after Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying entered the house, he turned around and took the Transformers directly to his studio.

As for when Yangyang came back, he found that there were only teddy bears, not him...

Baby, you have to learn to share!

This gift is to teach you two how to share toys.

Well, pretty perfect.

When they returned to the living room again, Yang Ying and Huang Xiaoming were already sitting at the tea table.

Pour tea first when you enter.

He sat down to accompany the guests and said with a smile:

"Senior brother, would you like a drink at noon?"

"no problem."

Huang Xiaoming readily agreed:

"We haven't had a drink together for a long time. This time we have to get drunk."

"Haha, of course. We are having a family dinner today, so we must drink to feel comfortable..."

Strictly speaking, everyone is "friends", so the relationship is not that raw. Moreover, the couple's attitude towards hospitality is also very clear. When Yang Dalin got up early in the morning, he went to buy groceries after sending the children off.

Today's dish must be a home-cooked dish, nothing more than pork, beef, mutton and fish.

What everyone eats is not the taste of the food, but mainly to connect with each other emotionally.

Attitude is best reflected in family dinners.

Otherwise, if you really want to be more business-like, you can go out to eat, or hire a team of professional chefs to cook it at home.

But sometimes home-cooked food can better reflect the "intimacy" relationship and attitude.

As insiders, after getting acquainted with each other, the topic inevitably turns to the film and television industry.

As we chatted, we started talking about "Conquering the Demons".

"Junior brother, "Conquering the Demons" will be released soon, right? Have you seen the finished film?"

"not yet."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"But the copy is already in the factory. When we wait for the annual meeting, I can take a look when I have time... Senior brother, are you interested?"

"Really interested."

Huang Xiaoming nodded slightly while holding the tea cup:

"On the one hand, it's a movie by Xingye. I definitely want to see it. On the other hand... people from China Film Group actually approached me at the end of the Gregorian calendar and wanted to make a Journey to the West movie with a serious historical theme, with Xuanzang as the main perspective. That kind of thing.”

Xu Xin was stunned:

"Is it the kind of Buddhist scriptures from the West?"

"Yes. The project has been approved and the script has started to be written. But the role has been decided and I will play it. It is estimated that... it will be launched within two years."

"Hmm... Then it's useless, senior brother, to study other Journey to the West movies, right? "The Legend of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty" is more realistic."

"The main reason is that I can't figure out the audience's taste... What's more, I think that no matter how serious the historical theme is, it will always be next to Journey to the West. I am actually quite worried that the audience will feel a sense of gap."

"Audiences with this type of subject matter will definitely feel a sense of disparity. After all, when it comes to Xuanzang's Journey to the West, "Journey to the West" must be more realistic in the minds of the public than "The Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty". Although it is not clear whether it is based on the script, But when you said the subject matter was serious history, my first reaction was, "What will happen if Sun Wukong is gone?"

"Yes, this is what I'm afraid of..."

This is how the topic of "Journey to the West" began.

As for Yang Mi and Yang Ying, Yang Mi's habit is that when her husband talks about film and television, especially about creation, she usually doesn't interrupt much.

She can play a good role, but if she has to participate in it and create it... she can't get this kind of porcelain work for the time being.

As for Yang Ying...

She just couldn't understand it at all.

"Records of the Western Regions of the Tang Dynasty" was written by Tang Seng?

Who wrote "Journey to the West"?


Who wrote it?

And at this moment, I heard Xu Xin say:

"If I remember correctly, Xuanzang's hometown seems to be Luoyang, Henan, right?"

Yang Ying was confused again.

Xuanzang was not from Xi'an?

"His secular real name seems to be Chen...Chen..."

For a moment, Xu Xin suddenly couldn't remember Xuanzang's real name.

At this time, Yang Mi spoke:

"Chen Yi."

As she spoke, she began to pour the fourth cup of tea for everyone.


Xu Xin nodded:

"Chen Yi, his character is quite unfamiliar. At first I thought it was Nian Wei. Next to the character, Wei Yixiao was added. Senior brother, since you want to play Xuanzang, you can't just play Xuanzang.

The story must have a beginning. He was born in Luoyang, became a monk at White Horse Temple, and finally traveled to the West. After returning, he translated the scriptures, and then was ruled by Li Zhi... which can be said to be under house arrest. Finally, he fell and died. It would be better to know more about these stories.

Xuanzang was the Buddhist leader at that time and the founder of Eastern Buddhism. His story is not only in history, but also in Buddhism and has been passed down to this day. Collect as many stories as possible and dig into them, and it will actually be easier to act..."

Having said this, he paused and suddenly chuckled:

"Ha~ let's not mention that "Journey to the West" has so many themes, but this is the first time I have heard of a historical realistic story script from Xuanzang's perspective..."

When Huang Xiaoming heard this, he smiled and said:

"Junior brother, are you interested? How about I take the lead..."


Xu Xin quickly waved his hand:

"I'm interested, but this kind of movie is not in my plan. Is a movie with serious historical themes good? It's definitely good. But there are not many places for the director to play. I especially hate the kind of movie that puts myself in a frame. A circled story. I feel aggrieved.”

"That's it..."

Although he was a little regretful, Huang Xiaoming also knew that he was not lying.

Putting aside the real-life relationship, as far as movies are concerned, people in the industry almost universally agree that Junior is an absolutely talented player.

That kind of wanton inspiration, use of lenses, and the beauty of the picture, etc., can be said to come from textbooks, but ordinary directors will never be able to come up with it.

And just when Huang Xiaoming wanted to say something more, Yang Ying suddenly asked:

"Does Director Xu have any plans for his next movie?"

"Yes, I have."

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Isn't it said on the Internet that I can't use her..."

Pointing in the direction of his wife, in Yang Mi's dumbfounded eyes, he said:

"She has to find her place. So the next movie is for her. It is expected to start shooting in the spring."


In Yang Ying's surprised eyes, Huang Xiaoming asked:

"A leading actress?"

"Yeah. The female protagonist."

After hiding the word "big", Xu Xin responded with a smile.

"What's the story this time?"

"The story about my family is adapted from real events."

Xu Xin didn't go into detail, and Huang Xiaoming didn't ask carefully.

This topic was discussed for a while and then dropped.

Waiting until Yang Dalin came back from shopping for groceries, Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying took the initiative to get up and go out. They greeted Yang Dalin in the yard who was about to enter the kitchen:

"Uncle Yang."


While they were chatting, Xu Xin was smoking in the yard.

After Yang Dalin said, "You guys chat, I'll cook for you." Huang Xiaoming turned around and saw him smoking a cigarette and a can next to the window, and he was immediately happy.


Although I understand that it is not good for children to smell secondhand smoke, Xu Xin can only smoke outside. but……

This look of using a can as an ashtray is too real.

"Junior brother, if you smoke at home you can only smoke outside?"


He pointed to his studio next door:

"It's okay over there, she installed a ventilation system there, and children don't usually go in there. I actually stay there for a long time."

Upon hearing this, Huang Xiaoming said:

"Then... let's go over there. What is there?"

"His studio."

Huang Xiaoming was even more interested now.

Seeing this, Xu Xin took them over there.

On the way, Yang Ying said:

"Director Xu, how much does this yard cost now?"

"Uh...I really don't know that."

Xu Xin said while looking at his wife.

Yang Mi knew the price, but she just didn't want to say it because she didn't think it was necessary. So he also pretended to be confused:

"My father-in-law bought them all, and neither of us asked."

Yang Ying nodded slightly, and then everyone walked to the door of the studio.

Xu Xin was the first to enter the house and arrange slippers for guests.

While Yang Ying was changing his shoes, he looked around at the studio, which was at least one to two hundred square meters.

To be honest, apart from the shelves with discs and the home theater equipment, the layout of this room seemed a bit old-fashioned to her.

Various Chinese-style furniture, lounge chairs, books everywhere, and tables that look quite messy...

It went against the decorating style she liked.

But... she doesn't know why, but she always feels that everything from small accessories and furniture to wooden floors, tables, chairs and benches has a very strange feeling.

It's hard to say, hard to describe.

In front of the root-carved tea table in the room, which was much more elegant than the tea table in the living room, Xu Xin asked casually:

"Brother, are you planning to cooperate in depth with LeTV next year?"

When talking about this, Huang Xiaoming and Yang Ying really didn't feel sleepy anymore.

After all, this is one of the purposes of the two coming.

He nodded:

"Yes, they found me. Aren't they going to enter the film and television industry next year? They said they would work together. The conditions are pretty good."

After speaking, he asked:

"Didn't they also find Junior Brother?"

"I found it, but to be honest, I'm not very interested."

Huang Xiaoming was stunned:


"I can't even handle Cloud Atlas. What's more... for me, their biggest advantage, which is the so-called strong financial resources, is not attractive to me. I think there is no shortage of investors for making movies. Well~ But for actors, their advantages are quite big. Whether it’s in terms of funding or platform, many of their things are needed by actors.”

After hearing this, Huang Xiaoming thought for a while and suddenly said:

"Yes, the condition they gave me is that I can buy shares and become a shareholder. They can give me up to 0.5% of the shares. But I think this matter can be discussed. I want to see if I can talk about 1%. , Including that they like bond raising and will give me a larger quota at that time..."

This time, Xu Xin and Yang Mi were a little surprised.

There is no other reason.

Just because the other party was too honest.

If Xu Xin or Yang Mi are really interested in LeTV, then after knowing the conditions that LeTV promised to Huang Xiaoming, they can use these conditions to reverse the other party's negotiation bottom line and then start a game.

Shopping malls are like battlefields.

Therefore, this kind of thing must be difficult to explain clearly to each partner.

Otherwise, when the time comes, this matter will be exposed, and something like "the condition you gave Huang Xiaoming was XXX, how come it became XXX when it comes to me", it will not look good on both sides.

Although this kind of statement is very low in emotional intelligence...but whether people tell you and whether they are willing to tell you are two different things.

This is why the couple was surprised.

Is this showing all the trump cards?

So sincere?

Or smart people think too much.

After hearing Huang Xiaoming's words, although Yang Ying looked at her boyfriend with a look like "Brother, what are you doing?", Xu Xin was thinking, "LeTV's future is not clear. Should I remind him? What can I get in exchange for reminding?" ", and what Yang Mi was thinking was, "When he revealed this, what kind of things did he want to talk to me about openly and honestly? To cross circles? To show goodwill? Or to exchange resources?".

Essentially, both of them think about the same thing, but there are still many subtle differences.

However, Yang Mi chose to shut up.

How to deal with this matter... depends on your husband's attitude.

If her husband thinks it's nothing, then she will keep talking. If her husband doesn't want to tell her something, then she can tell her about Shuangwei at most, but she won't reveal anything more than that.

After all, at best, Huang Xiaoming's size... was too small for her.


Xu Xin lit a cigarette.

"Brother, are you very optimistic about the cooperation with LeTV?"

"Junior brother, what do you think? I am very optimistic. Although the various systems here are very mature... but as foreign capital, those who enter the market first are the first to eat crabs. They move very quickly. We have already made some small achievements since we started the layout last year. This year’s goal is even bigger.

Junior brother, didn’t you publish a paper, which was about the increasing number of actors in recent years? I've also seen... My thought is that from an actor's perspective, the larger the base, the more intense the competition. You see, I was born in 1977. You see, I am 36 this year. We definitely need to consider the issue of transformation. "

Xu Xin was actually quite surprised. He felt a little uncomfortable with his senior brother being so confidant.

But I miss it inexplicably.

Unconsciously, I thought of Li Fei.

When he had dinner in Hengdian, the person sitting next to him was still Li Fei.

In fact, everyone had a great time chatting.

It really means something different.

However, he understood it.

To put it bluntly, the other party should also sense that the entry of Internet capital may cause a reshuffle in the entertainment industry...or changes.

Just like he said.

He is 36 years old, and he is simply an actor... In fact, he is not very famous, and the ceiling has been reached.

I also made a lot of money.

So I want to transform myself into the group of people at the top of the pyramid.

"Senior brother, do you think this is a big gamble?"

Judging Huang Xiaoming's thoughts, he asked directly.

Huang Xiaoming smiled and said:

"For me, it can be said that it is. After all, I am also investing myself now, and in terms of film and television, LeTV is really doing well."

"But if I say that I am not optimistic about their future, do you believe me?"


Huang Xiaoming was stunned.

Yang Ying frowned subconsciously.

Yang Mi glanced at her husband lightly.

Xu Xin shook his head slightly:

"Actually, to be honest, brother, not only LeTV is looking for me, but Alibaba and Tencent are also looking for me. Not only are they looking for me, but they are also in contact with Nifeng and Yuntu. Some people even want to be me directly. shareholders. First, they are indeed not short of money, and second, they do have a lot of users. In their words...how do you put it?"

Seeing her husband looking at her, Yang Mi said:

"Conversion rate."

"Yes, yes, that's the word. According to them, they have a very scary potential user group, and these user groups can be converted into potential movie consumers. And, what else do they have...data model, The general meaning is that it can analyze the audience's movie tastes, needs, and preferences, and then customize the works they like.

How is it? Sounds good?

But have you ever thought about it, senior brother? There must be a reason why movies and TV series can be transformed into the category of art. And when can art be quantified? Things that can be quantified are almost all products of industrial assembly lines. It's like a song. Why can the song "Wheel" become a classic? And there are some songs that you don’t even bother to listen to? "

Speaking of this, he spread his hands:

"I think this is the truth. I don't deny that they have money, the Internet is very powerful, and even their data models are very professional... It is true that what people love is culture and art. But I don't think the relationship between the two should be like this. . Once everyone gets tired of this kind of industrialized products customized to taste, they will definitely have a rebellious mentality. The so-called data models of Internet companies including LeTV will definitely fail."

What he said can almost be described as an assertion.

But after finishing speaking, Yang Ying on the side suddenly said:

"But it will at least be prosperous for a while, right?"


Xu Xin was speechless...

Does your heart say you are sick? Can't you understand what I'm saying?

But Yang Mi asked:

“But have you considered what they sacrificed?”

Yang Ying was stunned.


What can... be sacrificed?

She thought for a while and racked her brains to analyze.

Internet companies entered the film and television industry, spent a lot of money, invested a lot of money... and finally failed...

What was sacrificed?

Suddenly, an answer flashed in my mind.

What, just that simple?


She gave the answer directly.

Extraordinarily certain.



Xu Xin and Yang Mi both twitched their mouths.

The couple's appearance is perfect.

Xu Xinxin said you really showed off to me.

Such a simple question, something that you can figure out with just a little thought, 1+1 = how much, it is obviously equal to two, but you gave me 3.1415926?

Yang Mi also glanced at Huang Xiaoming.

You think your girlfriend is stupid, you should be able to figure it out, right?

But found that the other party was also frowning...

Yang Mi suddenly became desperate.


Mr. Yang has a kind heart and cannot tolerate fools.

So the correct answer is given:

"It's our future."

Then he ignored Yang Ying's puzzled gaze...

It's normal for her not to understand.

Must not understand.

It’s strange to understand!

So he explained to himself:

"It is the future of the film and television industry. Let me put it this way...baby, just think that the Northwest Circle is trying to put money on your face. Think about it, since 2007, the Northwest Circle has been doing its best to provide high quality to the film and television industry every year. film and television works. And every year our film market is growing by two to three billion.

What does this mean?

It shows that the audience has gradually recognized the entertainment method of film and television...

Cultivating the market, cultivating audience habits and consumption awareness is difficult. You need to use excellent works to ingrain it into their hearts. The current growth in consumption in the film market is the result of the efforts of countless of us filmmakers.

But in the next stage, these Internet companies enter the market, and they gain the recognition of the audience without spending any money, and then... as my husband said, in a few years, they consume all the audience's favorability for movies and TV shows. Industrial production and featureless film and television works consume the efforts of countless people...

Their success and failure will not be discussed. Just talk about this route. When a large number of homogeneous and industrialized works appear and consume the inner favorability of all viewers, as investors, they can leave the market in style.

But have you ever thought about what kind of cold winter those of us who have chosen the film and television industry, directors, actors, and even staff, will face?

They are gone, what should we do?

Continue to build an audience again?

To repair the broken hearts of the audience?

Can we "old guys" who are getting older still be able to do it at that time? And those actors who grew up in this era, have become accustomed to the Internet model, no longer refine their acting skills, or have become completely impetuous and flow into the market. Are they really responsible for the audience?

What should we do then? "

Yang Mi was sincere when she said these words.

This isn't about drinking.

It’s not just chatting with friends either.

Rather, as an actor and a film and television practitioner, she is a kind of preaching to an actor who is not aware of it, or even has no self-consciousness.

Yes, that's right.

Just preaching.

She was even sure that the other party would not listen.

But...she had to say it.

It's like the teacher knows that students will fall asleep under the podium during the lecture, but the teacher still continues to talk.

Because there is always someone listening.

Listen to these knowledge points.

For poor students, maybe he can't listen.

But what if you wake up one day?

If he thought about what the teacher once said, or in the high school entrance examination or college entrance examination that can determine his fate, he accidentally remembered the knowledge points that the teacher seemed to have talked about in class.

Even if he gets one more question right through this kind of knowledge, maybe 3 points for this question can help him cross the line of private schools...or enter a school that is better than him.

People who have not gone to college will not understand how the quality of college will affect them.

Even if the teachers help him analyze it, he may not understand it.

Even when you know the gap between prestigious schools and private schools, it is already too late.


If you can save one, it’s one.

This is what Yang Mi thinks.

It didn't matter to her whether the two couples could listen to it or not.

The future is full of uncertainty.

She even knew that her predictions might not be right.

But who can let himself be a pessimist, who likes to consider the worst results first in everything.

After she finished speaking, she turned to look at her husband.

She found that her husband was also looking at her.

There is only one emotion in his eyes, called security.

It's not between men and women, but the sense of security that comes when like-minded partners come together and can lean against each other's backs.

So, the double golden movie queen gave her own response.

His mouth didn't move, and the expression on his face was unusually calm.


Xu Xin saw it.

She is laughing.

Her eyebrows were smiling.

A fleeting moment.

But it touched the bottom of his heart.

But just when Yang Mi started to use her acting skills, Yang Ying's thoughts were very simple.

Does she understand what Sister Mi said?

Of course I understand.

I am not stupid.


Although she does not consider herself to be a sophisticated egoist, after hearing these words, her first thought was, "You are not short of money, so of course you can be unfounded."

She didn't even think about whether "unfounded worries" was appropriate to use here.

And the second thought is:

"Sacrificing the future? I don't even exist in the present. What does the future have to do with me?"

I got through it first and now I get it.

Maybe, when I got to your point, I thought more carefully than you did.

People always have to be realistic.

Not even now, how can we talk about the future?

(Because the author said that he would promote the book today, I wrote it here. Yang Ying’s series of foreshadowing and Huang Xiaoming’s foreshadowing are actually used as contrasts to play a role in the next stage.

But the character I set before was very simple, that is, a mindless person who dives in and leaves in despair.

This is how her character looks when she opens the book.

But as I read it, I felt that I could continue to explore the role of Yang Ying. Although the main line of the plot remains unchanged, from the beginning of the Internet stage to the present, on the one hand, it is to tell everyone clearly the perspectives of Xu Yang and Xu Yang in the story, and at the beginning of this stage, the Internet, the film and television industry, and "sobriety" The ideas of the three parties let everyone know that Internet entry is not just a simple "capital" theory.

Even now I see those self-media that use "capital capital" at every turn, and I feel particularly speechless.

It is true that from the perspective of Capital, it will create a divide between rich and poor. But the book also affirms that the capitalist mode of production achieves a certain social division of labor. This cannot be denied, and capital is not the original sin.

Therefore, after reading two volumes of Das Kapital, I felt that the role of Yang Ying could be explored deeper.

It can be regarded as a kind of "is it important now or will it be important in the future", similar to the philosophical character of "White Horse, Not a Horse".

Shakespeare once said: The foolish things of fools are not surprising, but the foolish things of smart people make people laugh and hurt their stomachs. Because he used all his abilities to prove his stupidity.

After combining reality with the character settings of the characters in the book, I think it will be more interesting to create it this way.

It has nothing to do with whether she has more or less roles, it's just a mirror. That's probably what it means.

I'm a bit verbose, please forgive me. Tomorrow the 12,000 update will resume growth. )

Friendly recommend a book "British 1986"

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