Chapter 919 915. Guess

Facts have proved that the time given by Xu Xin was not enough.

Even though Yang Mi reminded, "Eat slowly, the crew is not here yet", Zhang Songwen and Zhao Yude still solved the battle in one minute.

Zhao Yude finished a glass of milk and seemed a little unsatisfied.

He glanced towards the dining table.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"Director Xu, Teacher Yang, do you want something to drink?"

"No, I have it here."

Yang Mi pointed to her thermos cup.

Germans don’t drink hot water, so she boiled the water herself and brewed healthy tea in it.

Xu Xina also had a glass, and the water he drank was a large bucket of water brought from the plane, mixed with the mineral water here.

She also forgot who she learned it from, saying that this could prevent acclimatization.

It was my first time here in Germany, and no one knew what was going on. You have to be fully prepared.

When Zhao Yude saw Xu Xin shaking his head, he stood up and went to get his meal.

Zhang Songwen asked at this time:

"Director Xu, what are our arrangements for today..."

"The reporter is interviewing...which media is coming from?"

"Everyone has comprehensive media. Let's just answer some questions. Teacher Zhang, you don't need to pay too much attention to this kind of activity. It's quite easy to deal with. And there won't be any weird questions like entertainment reporters. Most of them are about movies. , about the film festival.”

Zhang Songwen nodded and said with a smile:

"The main reason is that although I have acted in shortlisted works before, basically no one paid attention..."

"Just answer the questions normally for a while. If these people want to interview us, they have to communicate with the factory about the interview time first and go through it. So there will be no messy entertainment reports."

Speaking of this, Yang Mi glanced at her husband:

"Unless someone has nothing to do, he smokes and gets an interview published."


Xu Xin laughed dryly.

But Xin said... Reporter Sun probably won't follow him this time, right?

It’s Chinese New Year.

At this time, Zhao Yude brought four glasses of orange juice.

"Director Xu, Teacher Yang, here, orange juice."

"Okay, thank you."

Yang Mi took a cup and heard Zhang Songwen ask:

"I don't have to be interviewed, right?"

He touched his sports sweatshirt, with a somewhat uncertain look on his face.

Lou Ye's "Flower" last year...oh no, it was the year before last.

I won't mention the "Flower". The last time he collaborated with Lou Ye, "Spring Breeze Night" was shortlisted for Cannes, and he also went.

That was his first time participating in the top three European teams.

It's impossible to say I'm not excited.

Therefore, he specially ordered a suit worth more than 2,000 yuan, intending to increase his exposure.

But the truth is sometimes so cruel.

In Cannes, "Spring Breeze Night" also participated in several interviews, but everyone's attention was on Lou Ye.

Director Lou wears very casual clothes, but wherever he goes he is questioned by domestic and foreign reporters.

After all, he was still banned from filming at that time, and domestic reporters wanted to know if he was confronting the film bureau. And foreign reporters are because his movie is very popular among the French.

Not to mention Zhang Songwen, who was wearing a suit, even the protagonist Chen Sicheng was not noticed by anyone.

But this time in "Heart of the Burning Sun", he has experience.

The reality in foreign film festivals is actually the same as in China.

His mentality has become much calmer. After all, his importance in the movie is much different than that of others.

He still had that suit with him.

Just for the red carpet.

Normally, I don’t plan to wear it.

But Yang Mi asked in confusion:

"Why don't you accept it?...Teacher Zhang, don't you want to face the media?"

Then, her next words showed that the "confused" look on her face was just a disguise.

Under this disguise, those eyes have seen everything.

"There are actually a lot of domestic media and magazines here this time. Normally speaking, today's event can only be said to be a small fight. The real big deal is tomorrow's exclusive interview with "Movie World" magazine. This interview is dedicated to For the crew of "The Burning Sun". It will be published together with the first issue at the beginning of the year.

But from an actor's perspective, "Movie World" is not suitable for us. Because they are too professional, and what we actors need most is exposure. So this interview arranged by the factory is not just one, and we haven't all arrived yet. Let’s interview him first…”

She pointed at her husband, who was looking down at his phone next to her, and continued:

"Then after everyone has arrived, the next round is to interview the actors. But you came early. The main focus this time is the two of you. Teacher Zhang, you can't just be a fool there. You can't say a word in the one-hour interview. Send it?"

Zhao Yude's eyes lit up instantly when he heard this.

These words...

This is a big opportunity!

Interviewing Director Xu alone... No matter how the topic revolves around Director Xu, as long as it involves plot or actors, Lao Zhang is the only interview point...

Regardless of the popularity of the Berlin Film Festival, Director Xu, who has always been reclusive, has never been less enthusiastic!

What's more... this is a huge exposure!

Director Xu just arrived yesterday, and today is his first appearance in the media.

This is serious first-hand news!


"Then...Teacher Yang, how about I take him back to change his clothes first?"

Zhao Yude, realizing how important this interview was to Lao Zhang, asked quickly.

Yang Mi nodded:

"Okay, but don't be too formal, just be able to highlight your features. No need to put on makeup, a makeup artist will come over and put on makeup in a while. The factory will also arrange the schedule, so you can just go with them."

Zhao Yude was stunned:

"Teacher Yang... you're not going?"

"We have to take the initiative to draw a clear line between wells and rivers! I am the heroine on the set of "The Grandmaster"~"

Yang Mi smiled and put her hand on her husband's shoulder:

"I had an impromptu night with him last night, and starting today, I plan to share rooms. I have a room on the floor where the crew of "The Grandmaster" stays. Before the lottery, the crew and crew should have as little contact as possible, which is unlucky Yeah, are you right? Director Xu~"

Xu Xin, who had been looking at his phone since just now, raised his head, glanced at her, and said casually:

"Ms. Yang, please respect yourself."


Yang Mi rolled her eyes.

Then after looking at the time, he took the initiative and said:

"Teacher Zhang, hurry up and change your clothes. Although it's not too formal, it's not easy to dress so casually~"

"Yes, yes, Lao Zhang, let's change quickly."

Zhao Yude also urged.

At this time, Zhang Songwen also realized the "importance" of this matter and nodded:

"Okay... I'll go up and change now?"

"Well, let's go. It's okay, there's no rush. There's still more than an hour before the agreed 10 o'clock~9:30 is enough time to put on makeup."

Hearing Xu Xin's words, although he was relieved, he didn't dare to hesitate.

He quickly stood up and left the restaurant.

After the two of them left, Yang Mi came to him as if she had done something trivial:

"What are you looking at? You are so focused."




Xu Xin was speechless. After handing the phone to her, he complained:

"Can I still enter your post bar? The avatars of your bar owners are all special [Dogs can enter, but dogs cannot enter]. JPG pictures. I went in and randomly found daily menstrual patches, and they all sprayed me. .Am I sick?"

"Yes, yes, I'm sorry for you~ Next time I will find a husband who is more popular to replace you."

"Hey, thank you."

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and picked up the glass of orange juice.

And Yang Mi also saw the contents of her husband's mobile phone.

He is watching "Movie Bar".

And a topic I just read is "Rational Discussion, Does Xu Xin Hope to Win the Award?" 》.

The number of replies to this post is quite high. Judging from the date it was posted this morning in China, there have been more than 500 replies in half a day.

She clicked in directly.

"RT, I read Xi Film Studio's Weibo and it said that Xu Xin and Yang Mi have arrived in Berlin. And looking at the online movie guide, "Scorching Sun" has been ranked first in the "Must-Watch Recommendations" for three consecutive days. position. The last one recommended in this way was "Nard and Westminster: A Separation" in 2011. This movie has been recommended as a must-see for 8 days in a row, and finally won the Golden Bear and Best Actor and Best Actress. Could it be that "Scorching Sun" "Scorching Heart" is so good to watch? Do you guys who have watched it think you have high hopes?"

This is the content posted by the subject.

She scrolled down a page.

2nd Floor:

""The Burning Sun" has really become a menstrual post. It is posted every now and then. Why do posts like this appear every day?"

3rd floor:

"The poster is starting a fight? The group of people in this forum who have watched "Scorching Sun" and blindly worship Xu Xin, and those who have never seen it and are skeptical are arguing every day. Are you really blind or are you just pretending not to see it? ?The water army hired by "The Burning Sun"?"

At this level, the questioner replied:

"If you have any intelligence, you wouldn't say such a thing. Sailor? Sorry, I don't think Xu Xin can touch me. I just want to talk about this matter. If you don't like it, just get out of here?" I think you are the one who started the fight."

Then...the two of them sprayed each other for more than ten floors.

Yang Mi took a quick look and continued to scroll down speechlessly.

4th floor:

"I don't know what's going on in the bar. People who praise Xu Xin are said to be Mu Qiang, and they criticize Xu Xin, but there aren't many practical reasons. This trend is really enough. Who should be a little kid and come out to work? This If the post is not deleted, I’m afraid there will be another fight.”

Seeing this, Yang Mi couldn't help but ask her husband:

"How come the atmosphere has become so virtuous?"

"have no idea."

Xu Xin, holding orange juice, shook his head:

"I guess... maybe it's because it took too long? If nothing else, the Silk Road Film Festival happened half a year ago."

"...That's too extreme, and that's not good."

Yang Mi muttered and continued reading.

Normally, she might have quit long ago.

When you have free time, climb up the stairs and watch people quarreling and insulting each other? ...But the fact that my husband has been able to read it for so long means that there is still something in this post, and he probably hasn’t seen it yet.

She continued to read down, and after reading a few floors with more polarizing comments, the 17th floor of the post replied:

"Although I have replied to this kind of post many times in the past few days, I will explain it again. The three major movie viewing guides in Europe do have a certain degree of authority. The threshold for film critics in the three major film critics is relatively high, which is not the same as in our country. , cats and dogs can all hold the title of "senior media person and film critic".

Their professionalism is unquestionable.

But whether they can win the prize or not is not what they say. Even the feedback from the media and audience is not important to the jury. Because the film jury voting has ended long before the film festival begins. All results are produced by the jury without any external interference.

Therefore, the movie viewing manual is a subjective and objective evaluation of a certain movie by film critics, with the purpose of guiding the audience to select the best movies in their hearts.

Judging from the movie viewing manual, "Heart of the Sun" is indeed an excellent movie, there is no doubt about this.

But the jury couldn't be swayed.

So it still depends on the preference of the jury. This is why every year after the three major awards, everyone will discuss the preferences of this jury's film selections.

Above, you should understand the answer to the question, right?

No matter what kind of reaction "Heart of the Sun" generates among film critics and audiences in Berlin, it will at most affect how many countries it can be released in and how many film producers are interested in it. It’s not just that everyone thinks it’s good, it will win awards. "

"Don't tell me, there are really knowledgeable people out there."

Hearing Yang Mi's words, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Did you see the reply that said you won the prize?"

"Yeah. Is there anything valuable later?"

"It's nothing, mostly just arguing."

After hearing this, Yang Mi quit the post, scrolled down the post bar, and found that many people were "live broadcasting".

Just come to the film festival and update some photos and text in your own theme from time to time.

She continued to turn.

She has not been to the places where these audiences go.

But don't be in a hurry, take your time.

What she cares more about is the news about "Scorching Sun" and "The Grandmaster".

""The Grandmaster" is still full. I am also drunk. Brothers, who can give me the ticket for 8 euros? Let's put it this way, Kung Fu movies are a huge attraction to foreigners at any time. But I am the most I’ll just take a picture for you, I’ve already watched this movie twice, so let’s get out of here.”

"Hahaha, let's watch "Heart of the Burning Sun"."

"...It's so good! The movie Xu Gou is so good!"

"In the past few days, I have been chatting with my German roommate about this film festival. She said that the films that impressed her most were "The Grandmaster" and "Heart of the Sun". I feel like maybe Xu Xin and Yang Mi will win the prize this time. . If it were a movie queen and a golden bear, that would be perfect!"

"Yang Mi's acting skills are really good. But it seems that the domestic version is different from the one in Berlin?"

"Xu Gou is so awesome. "Heart of the Sun" has been recommended by film critics again? I'm in Munich, so I've decided! I'll leave for Berlin to watch a movie tomorrow! Are there any buddies from Munich who can organize a group? I have a car. Let's pay for the gas. .”

"[Picture], "Heart of the Sun" and "The Grandmaster" were in the newspaper. Translate for brothers: The rise of Chinese cinema, two outstanding works at the Berlin Film Festival! ... Hahaha, foreigners are so complimentary~"

Yang Mi unknowingly turned through several pages.

She didn't even care when her husband told her to smoke.

Until Zhong Changyou came over:

"Mimi, where is Director Xu?"

Yang Mi looked up, saw him, and said:

"Went to smoke. Good morning, Brother Zhong. How did you sleep...what did you get?"

It was originally a pleasantries, but when she saw a booklet in Zhong Changyou's hand, she asked curiously.

"Movie Guide."


Yang Mi's eyes lit up.

"Let me see...Brother Zhong, have you eaten?"

"No, I just woke up. I need to eat some food. We should go for an interview later."


Yang Mi nodded and waited for Zhong Changyou to leave before opening the movie viewing manual.

The book is not thick, only seven or eight pages.

But it's not in German.

There is also some English.

And when you open the first page, it is a color printed page. And below the German text on the color print, a parentheses were carefully added, with English inside.

"Recommended movie viewing guide"

Then Yang Mi looked at the list and almost instinctively locked on the movie in the middle of the first row.

*1, "The Dead End"

English translation of "The Burning Sun".

In fact, Yang Mi complained about this English translation before. You said that even if your English literal translation is "scorching sun burn heart", it is better than this English name, right?

The end of the road?

dead end?

Death ending?

What kind of bad name is this?

But my husband thinks it’s pretty good.

And the translation he gave is:

"The end of death."

Death is the end.

I think it fits the tone of the movie very well.


Yang Mi, who finally gave up on her husband's ability to name her husband, stopped struggling.

But she was still disgusted.

But at this moment, looking at the serial number "1", I feel that there is no English language that is more pleasing to the eye than this.

This is first place again! ?

That's not to win an award... uh...

As soon as the idea came to her, the 17th floor she saw in the post quickly appeared in front of her eyes.

Then the corner of his mouth twitched.

have to.

Sure enough, sometimes knowing too much makes you unhappy.

She calmed down her excitement and started looking for the name of "The Grandmaster".

This Berlin Film Festival has 24 films in the main competition unit alone, and including the panorama unit and non-competition units, there are a total of 45 films.

It's not difficult to find the name of "The Grandmaster".

But I don’t know why, the order numbers of these movies are wrong... There are... 45! ?


Yang Mi was stunned.

What is this ranking?

But then, she suddenly discovered that there was a timeline behind the "Movie Viewing Guide".

The 45 movies are not spread across the page, but are divided into three hours, from 9 am to 10 pm, under 5 lines of time.

And there is another difference, that is, there are "*" next to the first five numbers including "Scorching Sun", and it disappears starting from the sixth place.

The five asterisked movies are also arranged horizontally according to time period.

what does this mean?

Just as Yang Mi was wondering, Zhong Changyou came over carrying a tray.

She quickly asked:

"Brother Zhong, how do you read this list? Why do the first five movies have asterisks and the following ones don't? And...are they divided by time period? Where is the film critic recommendation they mentioned?"

"This is it."

Zhong Changyou pointed to the name of "Lie" and said:

"This list is the time period for movie broadcasts every day, and there will be specific theater release times later. The reason why the top five movies in the movie viewing manual are marked with "*" is just like our key symbol. It means important, It means special attention needs to be paid. The five films that receive the most critics every day will be marked with 5 stars in order. You see, the screening time of "Heart of the Sun" is 12 noon today. In the 12 o'clock time period, the first This is what I recommend watching the movie "The Sun Burns Heart". The second place is "Baby pose", and the first recommendation in the 3 pm time slot..."


Although this rule is a bit confusing, Yang Mi finally understands how to read this list.

"So, we are still number one?"


Zhong Changyou was happy.

"Then why is "The Grandmaster" number 45? What is this number based on?"

"The first five are recommended, and the rest are random. As for how to combine them, I don't know. Anyway, the release time of each movie is staggered. It is released at different time periods."


Yang Mi finally understood.

At this moment, Xu Xin came over holding the phone.

Sit down with the smell of cigarette smoke.

Yang Mi heard him say:

"Of course, no problem, George. Lang Lang will come over tomorrow, and we can have a good drink of authentic German beer... Haha, of course... Thank you for your compliment, friend... Well, I'll see you tomorrow."


she asked in confusion.

Xu Xin sighed silently:




Zhong Changyou, who was about to eat at the side, listened to the two playing riddles and couldn't help but ask:

"Director Xu, what you are talking about is..."

"Georgia Kekendis. The president of the association in our neighborhood in Los Angeles. He's a producer at Paramount."

After explaining to Zhong Changyou, Xu Xin looked at Yang Mi and said:

"Guess where he is now?"


"No, Italy."

Xu Xin shrugged helplessly:

"He just finished the production of "The Wolf of Wall Street" and was sent to Italy non-stop. The only purpose is to watch "Perfect Strangers" again. Then, he will come to Berlin to see us tomorrow."

Before she finished speaking, Yang Mi asked speechlessly:

"Did he tell you directly?... Our friendship is so deep?"

"I don't think so. Although I think George is pretty good... but when it comes to Paramount, I don't think he will tell me trade secrets."

Xu Xin shook his head slightly, and gave his answer in his wife's puzzled eyes: "Why did he tell you?"

"My guess is that he was showing sincerity. As for why he did's unknown."

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