I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 920 916 Fist Bump

Chapter 920 916. Fist bump

Xu Xin could guess Georgia's reason for coming, but he couldn't think of the specific reason.

Could it be that Paramount felt that this condition was too harsh, so it took the initiative to show its conscience and sent an acquaintance to make up for it?

Or... is he the one responsible for this matter?

I had just expressed my feelings to Brother Qi. Even if Brother Qi directly reported it to Paramount in person, it would not be so fast. What's more... the time difference in the United States seems to be that everyone is off work now, right?

But why did Paramount, which had proposed such harsh conditions, suddenly send an acquaintance over?

Could it be...that my cell phone was monitored! ?

He glanced at his iPhone.

If that was the case, he wouldn't be afraid.


Americans shouldn't be so mean as to be able to monitor browser history, right?

After thinking about it, he decided to play it safe.

I opened the browser and deleted all the websites I browsed.

In this way, even if you are arrested as a spy in the United States, when you are tried in court, you will most likely be imprisoned forever.

But if the browsing history is made public, he will definitely confess on the spot, then attack the police and let the LAPD shoot him directly.

Oh, yes, you have to chew your cell phone to pieces before you die.

You must not fall into the enemy's hands!

And Yang Mi watched her husband lower his head and operate the phone for a while, thinking that she was going to reply to some message from George. But when I saw that he was clearing the browser history on his mobile phone, I was speechless.

All ambition, speculation, etc. were wiped out at this moment.

Brother, am I worse than others?

I can’t satisfy you anymore, can I?


Sneakers kissed her husband's calf angrily.

Xu Xin's mouth twitched in pain...

Yang Mi, who was too lazy to talk to her husband, looked at Zhong Changyou:

"Brother Zhong, have the box office results for "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons" been released?"

"No ah."

Zhong Changyou shook his head...and was suddenly startled:

"Eh? Yes, today is the second day of junior high school..."

"Let's go out together today."

After cleaning the phone, Xu Xin felt refreshed and explained:

"Who's working during the Chinese New Year? The theater statistics department doesn't work on the first day of the new year. The movie premieres at 2 p.m., so it only takes half a day to show off. Just go with today's show... wait until tonight. You'll know how much it will be in the evening. ”

Xu Xin's response opened up a new topic.

"Hey, I looked at Weibo. There are queues at the theaters on the first day of the new year. Has the movie rating been unlocked?"

"No, just ask Lao Wang. He must be the one who pays the most attention."

"I'll check the ratings first."

"Brother Zhong, have you read "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons"?"

"No, my child wants to watch it. I thought that applying directly at the factory would be a bit of a spoiler. I plan to watch it with my child after returning to China. Director Xu, have you finished watching it?"

"Me neither..."

The two were chatting, and Yang Mi began to collect topics about "Journey to the West: Conquering the Demons".

"The Douban score is 7.7... It's not bad, it's quite high. Well, why do they say the plot is a bit dark?... Some people say this is a love letter from Master Xing to Zhu Yin that is more than ten years late..."

"Don't spoil it for now, just look at the evaluation of the actors. How would you evaluate Brother Qi?"

"Let me take a look... This seventh brother with long hair is really not good-looking... Hahahahahaha... He followed it with a sentence that I can't imagine Wang Sicong kissing a man every day, hahahahahaha..."


I have to mention that the power of words is really great.

In just one sentence, the picture in Xu Xin's mind had successfully made him feel sick to his stomach.

"Okay, okay, you can see for yourself. But don't say anything."

This comment is definitely an exaggeration.


It's really expressive.

By the way...Seventh brother probably doesn't have a beard...

He thought to himself.

After Zhong Changyou finished breakfast, everyone returned to their rooms.

Soon, the makeup artist knocked on the door.

After a while, Yang Mi helped Xu Xin find a set of clothes that were not very formal. After changing, Xu Xin asked:

"You really don't want to come with me?"

"No, they will definitely ask gossip if I go. Then if they start to instigate, they might get into trouble. I'd better follow the crew of "The Grandmaster". Liang Chaowei and Zhang Zhen are both here, I'll have to wait for a while. Go say hello. Let’s see if we can have lunch together.”


Xu Xin nodded.

When he saw that the time was almost up, he opened the door and prepared to go downstairs. After taking two steps, he turned around:

"Aren't you going?"

Yang Mi, who put on a long down jacket and held a baseball cap and a mask in her hands, nodded:

"That's right. I'm going to walk around and see what's here. The agreed time is 10:30. I'm so bored in my room right now."

Xu Xin nodded and subconsciously reached out.

It means hand in hand.

As a result, Yang Mi ignored him at all:

"No, it's very hot. My palms are all sweaty~"

Xu Xinxin won't pull it if she doesn't want to, who cares about your stinky hands?

The two of them entered the elevator one after another, went downstairs, and walked out of the hotel.

The cool morning air in Berlin hit me instantly.

However, the two of them live in Yanjing all year round, so the temperature of minus 35 degrees Celsius is not a big deal.

When I left the hotel, there were a group of Asian faces chatting together.

Xu Xin walked to the trash can on the other side and lit a cigarette. But Yang Mi, who originally said she was going to go for a walk, also followed. She was wearing a baseball cap and glanced at the few people who were gathered together to chat.

It was just a casual glance at first, but then he seemed to have discovered something, and his eyes stopped moving.

Xu Xin, who lit a cigarette, saw his wife's eyes looking strange and asked:

"What's wrong?"

Following her gaze, he looked at those people again... and found that there were no familiar faces, and said:

"It should be Korean. They seem to have two or three films shortlisted this time."

"There are four parts. One for the main competition unit and three for the panoramic unit."

Apparently, his wife knew more about the list than he did.

He was stunned...

Suddenly I remembered something:

"Have you not noticed that in the past two years, more and more Korean movies seem to be appearing in the three major movies?"


Yang Mi nodded slightly:

"After Jeon Do-yeon became their national hero with "Secret Sun", it was also from that time that they seemed to have a clue. The subject matter they chose... is actually quite recognizable. It's not that I admire foreigners, but If you want to say that in realistic themes, neither we nor Japan can compare with them."

Xu Xin did not refute, but showed a look of approval.

Who makes this a country where reality is more magical than the movies?

The few Korean movies he has watched in the past few years are all based on something that really happened in Korea.

Frankly speaking, there are really a lot of perverts in Korea...

Just by watching the movie, you can feel the class solidification and oppression in certain aspects of this country.

But in terms of film techniques... Xu Xin didn't know what others thought of them, but from his point of view, in fact, their techniques and the actor's line structure seemed to him to be quite average.

Especially the lines, their sentence structure is very strange, often there are those "Smecta" and other ending sounds, as well as some long sounds.

It makes people unable to feel the sense of power conveyed from the lines.

While I was thinking about it and smoking, suddenly, several Koreans also looked over.

After the two sides looked at each other, Xu Xin nodded politely and avoided looking.

While smoking, he asked his wife:

"What are you looking at?"

"Golden C."

A very unfamiliar name popped out of her mouth.


Xu Xin asked in confusion.

"Golden C."

Yang Mi repeated the name again:

"Gold's Jin, ABC's C. Jin C, do you remember a Korean TV show I particularly liked to watch two years ago, called "Two Days and One Night"..."

"The wrestling strongman, the love letter host?"

"Yes, Kang Ho-dong. He is one of the six permanent hosts on "Two Days and One Night"."

"Oh...which one?"

"The one with the beard and looking a little scruffy."

Seeing this, Xu Xin turned around and glanced again.

I saw a guy wearing a black down jacket, with a beard, and messy permed hair.

"you like him?"

"Mom Jin, she talks the least in that show, but she is a warm-hearted guy... If I say I like him, I definitely don't hate him. But I actually want to say hello to him and ask him some things."


Under her husband's puzzled gaze, Yang Mi continued:

"He is the kind of person who was basically not famous before he went on the show. He is a Korean singer and actor. Singing is his main job, and he has also composed some songs that won the first place in their singing programs. But he has always been He didn't become popular. After participating in "Two Days and One Night", the show became very popular, with national ratings of 50 to 60. He became popular immediately...and then he quit. I felt very sorry for it when I watched the show. Yes, but... I want to ask him why he chose to quit. Lin Gou, I'm actually quite worried..."

As soon as he heard her talk about Lin Gou, Xu Xin understood what his wife meant.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"So how has Jin C's career developed in the past few years?"

"I stopped paying attention to him after he got off the show, but...his appearance in Cannes means that he should have a work. So I want to ask and learn from him. I don't care about you, I will ask."

"Don't...brother, do people know what you do?"

Xu Xinxin said that you are a social cow, do you really think it will happen when it happens?

Do people know who you are? Just go say hello.

But Yang Mi looked at her husband with a strange look.

Does your heart say you are sick?

"Believe it or not, I don't know them, but they must know me. Okay, don't hold me back, go about your business."

As she spoke, she took off her baseball cap, fixed her hair, and walked over.


Before anyone arrives, the sound comes first.

Xu Xin, who was holding a cigarette in his mouth, just stared blankly as his wife greeted Jin C in the group of people generously, and then several young girls in the group bowed subconsciously.

The faces of the girls who bowed still showed shock, but judging from the behavior of bowing and saying hello, they should have recognized their wives long ago...


He looked at his wife who was shaking hands with the guy named Jin C.

Xu Xinxin said it was really awesome.

It would be great if I could do the same.

And it's all thanks to my wife.

She didn't know what she was talking about with these people, but everyone shook hands with her, and then she turned back and pointed at herself and crossed her fingers.

A group of people looked at him.

Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

But he still put out the cigarette and walked over.

As soon as he walked in front of these people, he saw a group of people bowing to him.

"Honey, let me introduce to you. Director Lee Jae-yong."


A slightly fat middle-aged man shook hands with Xu Xin.

"HELLO, Xu Xin."

"Park Hee Soon..."

Although Xu Xin couldn't figure out how his wife could remember everyone's names in such a short period of time and even act as an introducer, Xu Xin shook his hand again when he saw the other person bowing and extending his hand. Go up.

Immediately afterwards, the third person was a girl with a pair of peach blossom eyes.

I have to admit, this girl's eyes are indeed very recognizable.

She was looking at him with shining eyes.

The natural attributes of peach blossom eyes easily turn this sparkle into an emotion that almost all men can feel - worship.

"Kim Minhee."

After Yang Mi finished speaking, the girl with peach blossom eyes said in English:

"Hello director, I am Jin Minxi. I like all your works very much. It is an honor to meet you."

As she spoke, she bowed and held out her hand.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Thanks for your support."

He also stretched out his hand, but... it was a fist.


Jin Minxi was stunned.

Looking at the fist stretched out in front of his hand, he obviously didn't understand what Xu Xin meant.

what does this mean?

Director Xu Xin engages in hip-hop?

At this time, she heard Xu Xin's words:

"Sorry, just finished smoking."


Jin Minxi was stunned at first.

But something came to his mind immediately, and those peach blossom eyes shone as moistly as two flashlights.

The hand that was originally stretched out quickly made a fist, and then the left hand grabbed the right fist and touched Xu Xin.

"Wu Zhengshi."

"Hello, director..."

This time, Xu Xin turned his fist into a palm again.

"Kang Hye Jung."

This girl had the impression of Jin Minxi in front of her, and quickly bumped fists with Xu Xin.

One after another, men shook hands and women fist bumped.

After saying hello, the girl named Jin Yubin immediately raised her mobile phone, hoping to take a photo with him.

Xu Xin didn't care, he politely turned his hand away and moved closer to the camera.

At this time, Zhang Songwen, Zhao Yude, Zhong Changyou, and several other staff members in the factory came out.

"Director Xu."


Xu Xin responded, glanced at his wife, and after confirming that she had fulfilled her role as "introducer", he took the initiative and said:

"Nice to meet you all, but sorry, I have to go to work now."

He nodded politely to everyone, glanced at his wife again, finally smiled and nodded again to everyone, and walked down the steps with the others.

At the foot of the hotel steps, next to three Volvo XC90s with double flashes on, the three German drivers who had been waiting there before Xu Xin came out quickly opened the door.

"Teacher Zhang, we share a car... Do I need to leave a car for you?"

He asked Yang Mi the next question.

Yang Mi waved her hand:

"No, you go your own way."

"Ok, bye."

After politely waving to those people again, everyone got into the car.

Three Volvos left together.

As soon as her husband left, the role of the introducer ended. She smiled and extended an invitation to Jin C, asking if he was free and wanted to consult on something.

Jin C looked surprised, but nodded and agreed.

So, after the conspicuous bag made an appointment with him at noon, he said hello to everyone and left politely.

After Yang Mi left, Jin Yubin, the youngest among the Koreans, stamped his feet and held Jin Minxi's hand:


Her eyes were filled with excitement:


Hearing this, Jin Minxi smiled and nodded:

"Yu Bin~ Director Xu~ This is Director Xu~~"The Secret That Cannot Be Told"~"

A unique Korean exclamation came out of her mouth.

However, several Korean men were unable to refute...

If nothing else, they have learned a lot.

It turns out... you can still say hello to a girl in this way after smoking.

It turns out that you can use this gentlemanly approach to prevent the girl's hands from being stained with the smell of cigarette smoke, while gaining favorability points...

I really learned it.

I have learned a lot...

Jin Yubin, stomping his feet excitedly, had already taken out his mobile phone.

First, he posted a photo with Xu Xin on his Twitter, and then paired it with a set of text:

“KKKKK, excited, big hair!

Taking a photo with Xu Xin, the director of "Secret" and saying hello

The director has a great style! /shy smile/shy smile/shy smile

He had just finished smoking and when he greeted us, he extended his fist.

It felt strange at first, but at that moment I understood that he didn’t want the smell of his cigarette to get on our hands.

Super gentleman! Completely great! KKKKK

Really completely delicate, gentle, gentlemanly, respectful of women.


As a member of the film team participating in the Berlin Film Festival, a leader among the new generation of Korean actresses, and an actress who has won the Best Actress award at international film festivals, her words and deeds have made a mark in South Korea, a country that is not big in the first place. Naturally, it received a lot of attention.

What's more, it's just early six in the afternoon in South Korea.

Her Instagram post received many replies within seconds.

"He sounds like a very gentleman."

"I like his wife Yang Mi better."

"Fist bump? Shouldn't it be a half-hand shake? People from China seem to be very ignorant of etiquette."

"Look clearly, Xu Xin has just finished smoking, and there will be a smell on her fingers. The smell of perfume on the actress's body mixed with the smell of cigarettes will be super weird. That's why it was changed to a fist bump. Nice details!"

"The best director in Venice and such a gentleman, there must be many women who like him, right?"

"He and Yang Mi are very affectionate."

"Love in the entertainment industry is a lie. I'm afraid I have used this method to trick many actresses in private."

"Korean men, please watch and learn more about what it means to truly respect women! Director Xu Xin is great!"

"Not only do men not learn, they also spread rumors that he plays with actresses. The inferior qualities are deeply ingrained."

"Males will definitely look down on males who are better than them. But this detail of this director has surpassed 99.9% of males."

"Support the fist bump ceremony! Men who smoke are particularly disgusting! I put on fragrant hand cream in the morning and the disgusting smell of cigarette smoke makes me wash my hands like crazy! Director Xu Xin is such a gentleman, I like it!"

"Men who smoke are disgusting? Then you like Xu Xin?"

"What does it have to do with you, disgusting man with a low head!"

"It's so funny. How can a foreigner make you proud with just a fist bump?"

"Smoking men never care about the trouble caused by the smell of cigarettes. Director Xu Xin is very gentle, pays great attention to details, and respects women. He is also very handsome~ he is a perfect example of a good man!"

"KKKK, I learned it. It seems that the men in our country are not gentlemen enough."

Jin Yubin's tweet caused a complete uproar.

Xu Xin may never have dreamed that one of his very random actions might set off a storm in the public opinion environment of a certain country.

This thing... most people really can't think of it.

In fact, Yang Mi taught him this fist bumping ceremony, and he didn't realize it before. When I went to see the child off, there was a good friend of his in Yangyang's class. The mother of the child was met by everyone in the morning. Since it was the first time they met, Xu Xin shook hands and said hello politely. .

The mother put some hand cream on her hands, and Xu Xin got out of the car to smoke. After the two shook hands and exchanged a cigarette, when they got in the car again, the hand cream on the mother's hands and Xu Xin's The smell of smoke on Xin's fingertips mixed into a very strange smell.

After Yang Mi smelled it, she reminded him:

"After you finish smoking, quickly wipe it with a wet wipe. The smell is quite unpleasant, and it's not good to get it on other people's hands."

It was also from that time that Xu Xin realized this problem and began to correct it.

Originally it was just a small detail, but once you thought of it, it became synonymous with being a gentleman...


He doesn't know about it now.

I drove all the way to the agreed interview location and found it was a coffee shop.

In this cafe, Xu Xin not only saw the coffee, but also the wine behind the bar and several taps specializing in beer.

So, new knowledge points GET√

German red wine is called WEIN.

The ingredients in German cafes are quite complicated.

The environment of this cafe is quite good, and I don’t know who took the lead in contacting him. After he arrived, the cafe put up a sign that it was temporarily closed, and the reporters inside were already in place.

Two tables joined together were filled with a variety of microphones.

There are two fill lights next to it.

At this time, an Asian man wearing waiter makeup came over:

"Director Xu, what are you drinking?"

"Chinese people?"

Xu Xin was a little surprised.

Then I saw an international couple.

It turns out that this cafe is opened by a German boss and a Chinese boss lady.

The next block is Tianchao City Chinatown.

It was rented out by reporters for half a day today in order to interview the crew of "Heart of the Sun".

Meeting an old friend in a foreign country, no matter what, you will definitely be happy in your heart.

Xu Xin looked at the menu and found out that this store not only sold coffee, red wine, beer, but also tea, so he ordered a pot of "jelly grass tea"... although he didn't know what jelly grass tea was.

Then he took Zhang Songwen and Zhong Changyou to sit at a table filled with microphones.

Reporters also quickly gathered around.

"Director Xu, are you still used to it when you first came to Berlin?"

"Director Xu, in today's movie viewing guide, "Scorching Sun" is the number one recommendation again. Do you have any ideas?"

"Director Xu..."

Xu Xin didn't respond to any of the questions they asked.

Instead, he sat in his seat and looked around.


The reporter named Sun didn't come?

What's going on?

I've encountered it in Cannes, I've encountered it in Venice... Is Berlin not coming?

Could it be that he is of mixed Jewish ancestry? Racial suppression?

After an inexplicably racist joke popped into his head, Xu Xin, sensing something was wrong, quickly gathered his thoughts and waved his hand:

"Let me say a few words first."

The atmosphere instantly became quiet.

And the part-time waiter from Tianchao also brought over the so-called "fairy grass tea".

Xu Xin felt numb after taking one look at the person.

A large chrysanthemum is soaked in a glass pot, and there is a layer of crushed tea leaves surrounding the chrysanthemum.

He first opened the lid and smelled it...

"green tea?"

The waiter nodded:

"Yes, Director Xu, people here have more complex tastes, and this kind of food is quite popular."


The corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched...


When in town, do as the Romans do.

After pouring a cup for both Zhong Changyou and Zhang Songwen, he said to the reporters:

"We still have quite a lot of time, so let me introduce you first. This is Director Zhong Changyou, Director Zhong, who is the team leader of our West Film Studio for this Berlin Film Festival."

Zhong Changyou stood up and greeted everyone:

"Hello everyone."

The reporters were stunned for a moment...and then there was sparse applause.

Suddenly, the smell of a state-owned enterprise meeting became stronger.

Then Xu Xin continued to hold it up with his hands and introduced:

"This teacher is Zhang Songwen, Teacher Zhang. He plays the role of designer Wanwan in "Scorching Sun". I don't need to say more about Teacher Zhang's excellent acting skills. Everyone should have watched the movie in the past few days..."

After hearing this, the reporters said no.

The tongue is quite long.

I'm so sorry I didn't give Zhang Yi a gastroscopy...

But I immediately heard Xu Xin’s second sentence:

"Moreover, Mr. Zhang is not only an excellent actor, but also a teacher who taught me and Yang Mi. When I was at Beijing Film Academy, I still remember Mr. Zhang's courses."


At this time, Zhang Songwen couldn't hold himself any longer.

Although he was very grateful that Xu Xin used so many identity descriptions to introduce himself... and the meaning of this was easy to understand. He just wanted reporters to remember him, or when writing articles and publishing news, he would no longer It's that nobody.

But can you not use the word "remembering it fresh" to describe it?

I have just given you a lesson.

You slept so sweetly in that class...

It must be because my memory is still fresh.

But thinking about it, he still stood up and bowed politely:

"Hello everyone, I am actor Zhang Songwen."

"Pah, pah, pah..."

The applause was better than that of Zhong Changyou.

At this time, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"How is it? Can you tell? Teacher Zhang is actually from Cantonese. As a Cantonese actor, Mandarin is a natural barrier. To be able to do this, you can imagine the level of Teacher Zhang, right?"




No one from reporters responded.

After all, Xu Xin didn't ask them.


Some reporters who were more alert finally heard it.

Director Xu immediately introduced this person named Zhang Songwen...

What does it mean?

Is Xi Film Studio preparing to produce another actor?

Or did Director Xu recommend it himself?

Do you think so highly of him?

Zhang Songwen...right?

Well, this guy needs to pay attention.

It would be better if we can build a good relationship. If we become popular in the future, just relying on this fate, maybe... we can actually get this job!

As a reporter, especially an entertainment reporter, who would let go of such an opportunity?

To report the situation, I went to see an expert yesterday afternoon. The expert said to use physical therapy and apply medicine first, and then observe it regularly. Basically once a month, if the expansion stops and the lump disappears, it's fine. But if there is expansion, timely intervention can be done.

This news... is either good or bad. This is 7,000 words, and there is still one chapter left in the early hours of the morning.

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