I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 921 917 Fate is wonderful.

Chapter 921 917. Fate is wonderful.

"Does Director Xu have any expectations for this film festival?"

"What do you think of the heroines in "The Grandmaster" and "Heart of the Burning Sun"? Is Liu Zhishi a threat to Yang Mi's hope of winning the gold medal?"

"If "Scorching Sun" can win the Best Actor Award, who does Director Xu think has a better chance?"

All kinds of questions were thrown at Xu Xin's face from the beginning of the interview.

The firepower is called concentration.

No one cares about Zhang Songwen and Zhong Changyou at all.

But this is normal.

There are only three people to be interviewed. If we don’t interview the most famous one, how can we interview two “nobodies”?

At least, not at the beginning of the interview.

As he gets older, Xu Xin actually becomes less and less interested in this kind of media interviews.

Even speaking does not require careful thought, and a formula is summarized.

If others ask you how so and so is, just praise them.

When someone asks you what you think about something, tell them to look at it from both sides.

If others ask you how you would describe yourself, be humble to the core.

As long as these three things are done, it will be impossible for the entire entertainment industry to offend anyone.

Of course, this premise is not specific to something that is happening right now. For example, if a reporter asked Xu Xin what he thought of Sword Sword Cult, he would definitely say, "What is Sword Sword Cult? I can't understand it."

And the reason why he did this was not because he didn't care about media channels at all.

It's just... I don't know when it started, but the media... especially the entertainment media have become more and more polarized.

On the one hand, they are desperately trying to find faults with you and hype you up. They want to make a big deal out of even trivial things, so as to attract eyeballs and traffic first before talking about anything else.

The other side is even more outrageous, directly spreading rumors, distorting, and taking quotes out of context. As long as one sentence is divided into good and bad, then they will definitely only have the bad words left, and all the good words will be deleted.

Therefore, in the face of these interviews, Xu Xin was just fooling around.

Talk nonsense.

Just think of it as a meeting.

Unless he's really asked about something he feels needs to be said, he's a chubby, smooth person.

No one can find any fault with him in interviews.

Even if the reporter just said, "Director Xu, are you surprised that "1942" was not selected for the Berlin Film Festival?"

Take a look, is this human speech?

The film festival's selection criteria are that films released this year or films that are not released this year but have not yet been released can be selected.

You didn't even understand the rules. "1942" was obviously a movie that was released last year and it doesn't comply with the rules at all. You don’t understand this, why are you asking me?

But Xu Xin didn't refute, and didn't even bother to educate him. He just shook his head:

"I think the Berlin Film Festival still has its rules. It's not me who has the final say whether it's unexpected or not, it's the film festival. This is my answer."

After answering questions for about ten or twenty minutes, and trying his best to answer all the reporters' questions, he pushed the microphone forward:

"My questions have almost been answered. If you have any questions about actors and production, you can ask Director Zhong and Teacher Zhang Songwen. Believe me, they have quite a lot of material~"

Upon hearing this, the reporter who reacted the fastest had already raised his hands and stood up:

"I would like to ask Mr. Zhang Songwen, how do you feel about the character you play? What kind of pressure does playing a gay character bring to you..."

The flashing light started to flash.

Zhang Songwen suddenly became a little nervous.

He swallowed subconsciously, glanced at Xu Xin, and then approached the microphone:

"I think my biggest experience in this drama is that I collide with so many good actors. Everyone is excellent, and we are actors. Whatever the director asks us to play, we just have to do our best to perform it well. There won’t be a lot of pressure.”

Okay, the answer is quite satisfactory.

This is Xu Xin's evaluation of him.

That'll do.

Teacher Zhang is not as conspicuous as Yang Mi... I guess she is here today to talk about the "kissing scene" that reporters most want to hear.

She knew exactly what reporters wanted to hear.

And can still handle this problem with ease.

But Zhang Songwen is not.

He answered simply.

Answer these reporters from the entertainment industry with answers from the film and television industry.

That’s okay.

Fame doesn’t come in a day, it goes away slowly.

This press conference was actually very boring for Xu Xin.

In fact, the same goes for Yang Mi.

So-called "artists" actually go through this process when facing the media. It's refreshing at first, but after the freshness wears off, it becomes endlessly boring.

In Xu Xin's impression, when his wife first fell in love with him, "girl hunting" was in full swing at that time. She would often say to him things like, "Today, a reporter from XX media interviewed me." She was full of desire for fame. yearning and uncontrollable excitement.

Unfortunately, we can never go back to that time.

At the end of the interview, Xu Xin felt relieved after taking another photo with the cafe owner.

"Bye everyone, thank you for your hard work."

Finally, he waved goodbye politely and let out a long sigh of relief while sitting in the car.


"Mr. Xu, where are we going? Back to the hotel?"

Evan, the dedicated driver sent by Volvo, asked.

Xu Xin nodded:

"Okay. Let's go to the hotel first. I'll make a call and ask, Evan, are you familiar with Berlin?"

Evan responded:

"Yes, Mr. Xu, I am from Berlin."

"Okay. Let's go first, I'll make a call."

He dialed Yang Mi's number directly.

"Hey, are you done?"

"Well, it just ended. Where are you?"

"The hotel gym. Come back. Lao Lang recommended me a local restaurant in Germany. It is said to be quite famous. Let's go and try it."

"Okay, then when I'm almost there, you come down and I can pick you up?"

"Oh, no! Let's take a taxi!"

"Taking a taxi?"

"Yes, you don't want to take a Mercedes-Benz taxi?"


Xu Xin thought about it a thousand times and never thought that... his wife actually wanted to take a Mercedes-Benz E.

But...it's up to her to come out and play.

So he laughed and said:

"Okay, then I'll call you when I'm almost there?"

"Yeah, I'm going to take a shower too."

After hanging up the phone, he turned to Zhong Changyou and Zhang Songwen in the back row and said:

"Brother Zhong, Teacher Zhang, we won't be together at noon. Yang Mi wants to take a German taxi."

Zhong Changyou smiled and nodded:

"Okay. In fact, some people in our factory have gone to sit there before just to experience it."


Xu Xin asked curiously:

"How's it going?"

"Actually, it's just a novelty. But... taxis in Berlin are really expensive."

Zhong Changyou sighed with emotion:

"The starting price is 3 yuan and 4 yuan, and one kilometer is 1 yuan and 70 yuan. It's only 10 to 20 yuan to sit casually."

Of course he was talking about the euro.

Calculated, a taxi ride may cost two to three hundred.

It is indeed expensive.

"Oh yes, there is also a 10% tip."

"...It's a Mercedes-Benz after all."

Xu Xin, who had gained a lot of knowledge, sighed with emotion, and then the Volvo overtook a garbage truck. The garbage truck also has a Mercedes-Benz logo.


Very German.

It was calm when Xu Xin was waiting for Yang Mi downstairs.

While smoking a cigarette, Yang Mi, with her hair still disheveled, clutched a Polaroid and went downstairs.

"What about the others? Just you?"

"What? Two taxis? Why are you so wasteful?"

Hearing her husband's complaints, the young woman smiled, took his hand and walked slowly down the steps.

"How's it going?"


"Really? That's why I don't bother to go."

"What about you? Have you finished greeting Liang Chaowei and the others?"

"Yes, they asked me to have dinner with them at noon. I said they needed to meet someone at noon, so they pushed me away. Let's go and try some German specialties~ Lao Lang said that restaurant is delicious."

Without their status as Chinese film stars, the two of them are no different from other tourists.

This city is full of freshness and yearning.

After hailing a taxi, she leaned down in front of the car window and asked the driver in English:

"Can you speak English?"

"Ah~ inside~"

Standard German English pronunciation.

Yang Mi took out her phone again and gave the driver a look.

The driver made a move that would make Koreans angry.

Yang Mi happily opened the car door:

"Let's go~"


Xu Xin looked at his wife who had sat on the passenger seat and closed the door, and the corners of his mouth twitched silently.


The president took office.

To be honest, the city of Berlin is fresh... quite fresh, but not so fresh.

Finally, the taxi arrived at the door of a hotel called "HIER SITZT WERNER".

It cost Xu Xin 34 oceans.

Because he wanted to pay, Yang Mi got off the car and ran to the restaurant.

She had just finished exercising and now she was so hungry that her chest was touching her back.

After Xu Xin got off the taxi, she was already waving at the door:

"Hurry, hurry, it tastes pretty good."

She seemed to be really here for a trip, and there were no children around to interfere with her. Her mood was particularly high at the moment.

Xu Xin saw a trash can at the door with a few cigarette butts on it, and originally planned to smoke a cigarette.

Now I had to follow him in.

A blond-looking waitress led the way. Yang Mi observed what other diners were eating as she walked, while Xu Xin was thinking about having a cigarette after ordering.

There weren't too many people in the restaurant, and about a third of the seats were empty.

After finding an empty seat and sitting down, Yang Mi began to communicate with the waitress.

It’s nothing more than a set of local specialties.

Pork knuckle, sausage, sauerkraut and the like.

When Yang Mi ordered two crispy pork knuckles, the waiter politely reminded that the restaurant does not recommend wasting food.

Xu Xin almost stopped laughing.

My heart says you really underestimate her.

Yang Mi also gave a guarantee: You just have to eat it, if you can’t eat it, I will lose.

I took a long walk in the morning and went to the gym again, just for this meal.

After the waiter left, Xu Xin said:

"I don't think I can underestimate his elbow."

"Eat, I'll eat the rest."

After all, it was enough to eat three elbows with her master when she got up in the morning. She knew at a glance that she might not be full if she didn't order two.

"Okay...I'm going to smoke a cigarette."


All the way out of the restaurant, when we came to the door, there happened to be two foreigners smoking and chatting in the trash can.

He glanced at Xu Xin and then withdrew his gaze.

Xu Xin didn't care and lit a cigarette one step away from the two of them.

Then I heard two foreigners say in English:

"After dinner, let's go to the Berlin church, right?"

"Is it far?"

"Not far, just in front."

Following the direction pointed by the foreigner, Xu Xin faintly spotted a church building that looked quite large.

The taxi he took came from another direction, and he really didn't pay attention just now.

Berlin church?

After thinking for a while, he took out his mobile phone and started searching, intending to find out what this Berlin church was about. I plan to take a look at it later if possible.

And after watching for a while, with the cigarette butt half left, suddenly, he heard a sentence:

"Why don't we take a taxi instead of taking the subway? "Scorching Sun" will be released at 12 o'clock. Didn't Director Xu just arrive yesterday? I guess this will definitely be there, let's go directly?"

"But I'm so hungry. Can you eat first before going? It's already here..."

"Is it more important to eat or to film Director Xu!? Our International Students Film and Television Cultural Exchange Week depends on Director Xu!"


Xu Xin raised his head in confusion.

There was even an illusion for a while.

where am I?

Not Berlin?

Why are there two Chinese people talking?

And...you're still looking for me?

As a puff of smoke blew out, he looked at the two young men and women standing two steps away from him, feeling a little confused.

And the smoke drifted along the wind to the two of them.

Suddenly being smoked by the smoke, the girl looked over subconsciously.

Then... he met Xu Xin's still confused eyes.

Xu Xin was stunned.

I even think this girl looks familiar.

The girl who saw Xu Xin had no expression at first sight.

But after blinking for a moment, his eyes quickly began to widen.

"Xu...Xu...Director Xu!?"

When the boy who was waiting for her reply heard this, he subconsciously looked in the direction she was looking.

Then when I saw Xu Xin, I was also confused...

"Director Xu!?"


Both of them accurately recognized Xu Xin, who still had half a cigarette butt in his mouth.

Only Xu Xin was still looking at the two of them dumbfounded.

He vaguely felt that the two people looked familiar, but he forgot where he had met them. But that's not important.

The important thing is...this is Berlin.

Berlin has a permanent population of three million.

Berlin, Germany.

I just came here to have a meal, and then in a metropolis where about three million blond foreigners live, I met two Chinese people who knew me and recognized me?

This...what is it?

Did the outrageous mother open the door for the outrageous?


This is not over yet.

When the two people recognized Xu Xin, their shock naturally turned into joy within half a second. His acting skills are worthy of the Beijing Film Academy textbook.

Then, the girl took a step forward:

"Director Xu, do you still remember me! I, Wang Aileen! We were at the premiere of "The Thirteen Hairpins" in the United States, and you were interviewed by me!"


Xu Xin was confused again.

No wonder he thought this girl looked familiar.

have to.

It’s outrageous that my mother still has to open the door.

The outrageous dad is back too.



In Xu Xin's silence, Yang Mi, who made a sound of surprise, looked at the two young men and women sitting in front of her table...

Seeing the two of them wanting to laugh, but feeling embarrassed, and with embarrassment all over their faces, but unable to suppress the corners of their mouths, I looked at my husband in confusion again:


Xu Xin shrugged:

"Call the waiter over and order two more dishes."


Yang Mi was also confused.

"So, you two have interviewed him before?"

"Yes...Teacher Yang Mi, we went there before after hearing the news about the premiere of "Jinling". But we are not reporters, we are students from the Department of Media at the University of Southern California. We created our own VLOG interview record , all I have been doing are interviews about movies.

Currently there are more than 20,000 fans on Twitter and more than 80,000 on Weibo. Although there are few, we are determined to be a professional film and television interview column, rejecting entertainment information that uses gossip as a selling point, but hope to convey more accurate film and television information to everyone and restore the most essential core of film and television! "

When she said this, the little girl named Wang Aileen's eyes lit up.

Yang Mi... or maybe both of them are very familiar with this kind of light.

That is the dream contained in a heart that is still in the ivory tower and has not been infected by reality...or has not been overly infected.

In the past, I would have laughed at it.

But looking at it now, I feel deep envy.

Because both of them knew how difficult it was for her to think like this.

It is by no means a commendable difficulty, but a difficult one.

To become a breath of fresh air in this entertainment-related film and television industry?

Girl, what kind of strength do you need to be worthy of your dream?

But neither of them laughed.

Xu Xin just continued what she said:

"During the premiere of "Jinling", these two people were very courageous. They just held the new GoPro camera and hung it at the entrance of the theater... Fortunately, they were there. Sister Mo also asked them Are you driving? If not, I plan to send the two of them back to school. I was smoking outside just now, and we happened to meet them. "

After hearing what her husband said, Yang Mi understood the meaning and nodded with a smile:

"That's really one of the four joys. What a wonderful fate to be able to sit together like this... By the way, you two came from the United States?"

"No, at home. My hometown is in Suzhou~ Zhou Run's hometown is in Xuzhou."

"Yeah, then you two are fellow villagers."


After hearing Yang Mi's words, they both opened their mouths at the same time, wanting to say something...

But in the end, he nodded awkwardly:

"Yes... yes, I'm from my hometown, and I'm still a classmate. We are both at the University of Southern California."

"Then the school is very good~ If you are not celebrating the New Year at home, why are you coming to Berlin?"

"Come to the film festival."

Compared to Zhou Run, who is not good at words, Wang Ailin talks a lot:

"We now have an activity plan in hand. We are looking for the school to take the lead in organizing a film and television cultural exchange week for international students! During that week, many international students from all over the world will bring their country's movies and play them in the school! This activity we As one of the planners and a movie lover, one of the top three in Europe must not be missed. And...hehehehe."

Speaking of this, Wang Aileen couldn't help laughing:

"After we found out that "Heart of the Sun" was shortlisted in Berlin, we thought... to see if we could contact Director Xu. If we could, we hoped he could record a VCR for us.

Moreover, Director Xu, for those of us who study abroad, it is actually very difficult to watch Chinese-language movies, and...we are actually okay, especially international students majoring in film and television. Whether our country's movies are internationally famous, to some extent On behalf of everyone... whether the waist is strong or not.

This event was not only attended by us, but also by international students from Korea, Japan, Canada, and Europe. We all internally jokingly call it the "Film World Cup". We all hope to bring our own works, directors from our own countries' understanding of movies, and... something refreshing that can make people remember Chinese movies! So...we must come to Berlin! "

Xu Xin could understand what she said next.

In fact, after going out, you can easily understand what "status" is through some foreigners.

The status of movies is really different from country to country and from movie to movie.

To put it bluntly, it’s like a European filmmaker meeting a Tanzanian filmmaker.

This filmmaker may be a nobody in Europe, but the Tanzanian filmmaker is a well-known director in his own country.

But in terms of status, Tanzanian directors are not as good as European unknowns.

This has nothing to do with personal strength, it purely depends on who occupies the cultural dominant position.

It's like Xu Xin feels that Korean movies still need to develop, but Japanese movies should have a certain degree of awe.

It has nothing to do with individuals, but a situation created by the efforts of countless people. Just like the Chinese film industry can reach today, it is also inseparable from the efforts of its predecessors.

Just as I was thinking about it, I heard this girl say:

"Besides, I have always been very lucky... I thought that when I came to Berlin, I would squat at the screening of "Heart of the Burning Sun" every day, how could I meet Director Xu. Isn't "Heart of the Burning Sun" shown at noon today, so we two He said he was going to see the Berlin Cathedral and then hurried there, hehehe... I really met him here! Hehehe..."


Xu Xin was speechless for a while.

But I have to admit that this girl is really lucky.

Berlin was such a big person, so she could meet herself.

Sometimes... some things really can't be explained by science.

At this time, Yang Mi asked:

"So what do you need us to do?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin glanced at his wife.

I said in my heart that I was the one they were looking for. You were not mentioned in every word of "The Sun Burns My Heart". Why are you joining in the fun?

Hearing this, the girl's eyes lit up:

"I... we want to publish our encounter with Director Xu and Teacher Yang Mi in the form of a VLOG... and... I..."

Speaking of this, she hesitated.

"Can... can I take you two some time? We would like to conduct a very short interview... for the Film Exchange Week."

As soon as he finished speaking, two waiters came over carrying trays.

The hard dish that Yang Mi ordered, crispy pork elbow*2, arrived.

Xu Xin sat up straight so that the waiter could serve the food more easily.

Then he nodded casually:

"Eat first, and then do the interview when you're full."

To promote our country's prestige, no matter how small it is, we must do it carefully.


His nose twitched.

Not to mention, it smells pretty good.

It should taste good.

As for the reunion with these two "children"...

How do you say that?

Fate, wonderful beyond words.

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