I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 922 918 Information Cocoon Room

Chapter 922 918. Information Cocoon Room

The two international students were actually quite nervous to be able to sit at this table and eat.

But the anxiety soon turned into surprise.

Sister Mi...it's a bit edible.

Seeing Yang Mi showing off her elbows so ruthlessly, both of their eyes were a little straight.


Why is she so good at eating?

A piece of elbow meat, served with mashed potatoes, and garnished with some kohlrabi-based sauerkraut.

Who taught her to eat like this?

Take a sip...how delicious is this?

The most important thing is, her appetite...

Shouldn’t female celebrities regard weight loss as a lifelong matter?


Not to mention my appetite, how come Sister Mi looks like she can eat better than Director Xu and Zhou Run?

This...she is so real.

She glanced at the GOPRO placed on the table.

You can do this in front of the camera, but what is it like in private?

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but ask using the title Yang Mi had just "approved":

"Sister Mi... how do you... usually manage your body shape?"

"What are you doing, looking at how much I eat?"

After another mouthful of mashed potatoes with sauce, Yang Mi asked with a smile, then raised her head and took another sip of beer.

There’s definitely something about German beer.

Although her drinking was no different from Qingdao, but... maybe it was a psychological effect? I always feel that German beer has more flavor than domestic beer that uses German technology.

After clearing her mouth, she said:

"I do eat a lot, but today's meal is actually considered an indulgent meal. Otherwise...if it were normal times, I would probably eat the lean meat of the elbow at most and less of the skin. And look at our meal, Although pork is red meat, the fat content of lean meat is not high. Potatoes are high-quality carbohydrates, but they contain butter, which can also be regarded as a calorie bomb. You just need to balance it, one side is high-quality carbohydrates, and the other side is a calorie bomb. You have both. Eat, they will cancel each other out. And there is sauerkraut. Sauerkraut is dietary fiber, 0 calories..."



Her divine logic made both Wang Ailin and Zhou Run subconsciously widen their eyes.

But Xu Xin couldn't help but complain:

"Can you please stop teasing them? After you output your logic, what will you do if some girls who want to lose weight see it and imitate you?"


After hearing what her husband said, Yang Mi's smile told the two of them that she was joking.

Then he said again:

"Actually, in the final analysis, the main reason why I eat a lot but don't gain weight is that I exercise a lot."


Xu Xin also nodded, ignoring the GOPRO on the table and explained to the two of them:

"You may not think she is fat, but she is actually all muscles. She has been practicing traditional kung fu for six or seven years under the sword master Yu Chenghui. Our traditional martial arts pays more attention to it day by day, whether it is fitness or Yoga still has a break, but Kung Fu cannot. Kung Fu is practiced day after day, and the process of practice itself is also a kind of exercise and maintenance for the spirit and body.

Although her amount of exercise does not reach the level of professional athletes, in terms of training volume, it is actually not small. In the eyes of martial arts practitioners, eating and training are a kind of balance. If you eat more and have enough qi and blood, you will have strong energy, strength, and strength. This is how her body was built step by step. So if you look at how much she eats, actually counting the amount of training she does every day, it will be very balanced. "

After hearing this, Wang Ailin looked at Yang Mi and asked with surprise:

"Sister Mi... do you really know Kung Fu?... No, no, no, that's not what I meant. It's just... I watched the interview during the promotion of "The Grandmaster" and I know that all your Kung Fu skills are real. But... …It’s just that…I mean…you are really good at martial arts…well, that’s not right either…”

Perhaps because she didn't prepare questions about Yang Mi in advance, she was at a loss for words.

But Yang Mi asked:

"You want to ask me whether I'm learning kung fu from the movies or real martial arts, right?"

"Yes! That's what it means!"


After hearing this, Yang Mi thought for a while and asked:

"Do you know my master?"

After saying that, they saw the two of them shaking their heads in confusion.

"Have you seen the movie I played in "The Legend of the Condor Heroes"?"

"Yeah! I've seen it! Guo Xiang!"

"Yes, do you still remember Huang Yaoshi in that drama?"

"Yes, it was played by an old... teacher with a long beard."

Seemingly realizing something, the girl quickly corrected her title.

Yang Mi glanced at her appreciatively and said with a smile:

"That is my master, Mr. Yu Chenghui. He is also a recognized swordsman in the domestic martial arts community. You can check out my master's other honors on Baidu. I will single out a few for you to talk about, and you will understand.

First of all, my master was born in 1939. At the age of 16, he entered the then Shandong Guoshu Hall to study with teachers such as Tian Hongye, Gao Fengling and Ji Yanchang who came from the old society at that time.湹 belonged to the earliest and last group of disciples who came out of the Guoshu Academy in the early days of the founding of the People's Republic of China.

Have you read the novel "The Romance of Dragon and Snake"? Although some of the plots in it are untenable, an expert would laugh it off. But the author is right when he says something: The difference between martial arts and national martial arts is that martial arts are used for performance, but national martial arts are used for killing.

And what I learned is the latter. Of course, that being said, the old man was actually hiding it from me. I don’t ask or teach you about some dangerous moves. I learned it, but if I didn’t learn it correctly, I was given a few clicks, but I was never allowed to use it outside... Oh, yes, there should be a video online. In the 1980s, we held a national competition. If you see blood, you can see how he fights with people, and you will know what the concept of Chinese martial arts is.

That game was a life-and-death match. My master only played two games, and then he was not allowed to participate. "


Zhou Run on the side asked subconsciously.

"Because I saw blood."

Xu Xin, who was chewing a big bone stick, explained:

"One was stabbed in the face, and another was stabbed in the thigh, almost puncturing an artery. It was too dangerous, and others were unwilling to fight him."



In the somewhat shocked, even puzzled, eyes of the two people, Xu Xin continued:

"You see she eats a lot, but it's actually very simple to use a conversion. Normal people exercise, such as the gym. Aerobic, strength, and stretching afterward. And people who do yoga and Pilates actually Just replace the strength with these two sets of movements.

But her training pattern is to stand for an hour in the morning, then do boxing for half an hour, and use equipment for half an hour. After doing these, in order to maintain her shape, she also does yoga and Pilates.

And...unless you are away from home like today and have other arrangements, you have to practice day after day. Others practice at most three or five times a week, but she practices six or seven times a week. And every day it is double the consumption of others. If she hadn't eaten more, she would have become skin and bones.

This is the reason why we often say that the poor are poor in culture and rich in military. If you sit there all morning reading a newspaper, you may not be able to eat much at noon. But practicing martial arts consumes a lot of money and requires a lot of food. If you don’t have money, you can’t learn martial arts at all. That’s why this term came into being. "



Looking at the widened eyes of the two of them, Yang Mi smiled and stuffed another mouthful of mashed potatoes:

"But there are advantages to me being like this. I don't need to be careful. I can eat whatever I want. I'm actually very happy."

After hearing this, Zhou Run thought for a while and couldn't help but ask:

"Sister Mi... martial arts... no, is Chinese martial arts really that powerful? What is the specific difference between it and martial arts? Is it just those... killing moves?"


Yang Mi shook her head slightly.

"If I really want to talk about the difference, I can actually tell you a lot. The difference is quite big, both mentally and physically. But we ordinary people's understanding of martial arts is actually still very one-sided. If I and you To talk about exerting force, exerting energy, or the starting point of the establishment of these martial arts, there is no point in discussing..."

As she spoke, she rolled her eyes.

"In this way, I will give you an example so that you can understand."

She brought her husband's glass of beer.

Xu Xin was eating and drinking at the same time, and half of a large glass had been consumed.

She didn't drink much from her cup, but it was still full.

The plan is to finish it in a while and pour it into the stomach in one breath, that will be great.

The drinking habits of the two are different.

The two cups were placed on the table one behind the other, with a distance of about twenty centimeters between them. Yang Mi pointed her full wine glass with two fingers.

"Look, if I push it like this, this glass of wine will not spill out."

As she spoke, she held the cup with her fingers and pushed it forward about ten centimeters.

The beer shook a little, but not violently, and not a drop was spilled.

"Actually, this is martial arts. It is a very intuitive and systematic training method. And when we learn it, do you think it is to make the wine spill? No. When we learn it, we actually mobilize our spirit and body, Let the wine in the cup come alive. Life lies in movement, that’s the truth.”

"Physical fitness?"

Hearing Wang Aileen's words, Yang Mi nodded:

"Yes. But, I prefer to summarize this state as - stop fighting. Stop fighting, stop fighting. I push it, the drink is shaking. In fact, you can understand this push as time, or the development of things The inevitable law. It is an external force, a change in the outside world.

Sometimes when people are stimulated by such external forces, it is easy for them to take drastic actions. The wine was spilled. But if we can always be vigilant in our hearts and prevent our "drinks" from spilling, and respond to any external force with self-control as the premise, then this is the greatest effect of these beer shakes. Learning martial arts does not allow us to fight bravely, but to improve self-control and not be surprised by changes. "

to be honest.

Wang Aileen and Zhou Run were a little confused.

Their initial focus was actually on Director Xu and their surprise and joy at being able to interview Director Xu and his wife.

Even the beginning of this topic was derived from the surprise that Sister Mi had such a big appetite.

But now as we were chatting, the conversation suddenly reached this point.

Sister Mi, the first of the four Xiaohuadan, the absolute top among the top in China. When they discovered that the other party really knew Kung Fu, the two of them thought that after this VLOG shoot, everyone would see "Yang Mi" "There's a side to this man that no one knows.

It will definitely get a lot of attention.

At the same time, they also hope that through this VLOG-style interview, everyone can see another side of these filmmakers.

The most real side.

But... neither of them expected that Sister Mi would bring up such a big topic.

Using the crudest example, this topic is analyzed vividly.

This actually goes beyond the scope of "film and television".

But...not only have they never heard of it, they have never even thought about it before.

At this moment, they are like two children facing new things, full of curiosity and curiosity.

At this moment, Yang Mi continued:

"And you just asked about the difference between martial arts and national martial arts. In fact, the starting point of both is the same, both in this first glass of wine. Normally, the vision in the hearts of all martial arts masters is that everyone will stop fighting and the world will be unified. , world peace. And Wu, learning this step is enough."

At this time, her beer glass came to a distance of five or six centimeters from Xu Xin's half glass of wine.

"But that's what the so-called human nature is. Human nature is very complicated, and war is the keynote that accompanies the development of human beings. So, at some point, just having this first glass of wine is not enough. So what should we do?... You see. "

Her fingers exerted force again, and the glass of wine directly hit Xu Xin's half glass of wine.


A crisp collision sound appeared.

The first glass of wine produced a frothy froth.

But Xu Xin's half glass of wine started to shake due to this collision.

"Do you understand?"

What she said was met with blank looks from the two of them.

So, she returned the first glass of wine to its previous position and continued:

"Pay attention to the changes in the first glass of wine and the second glass of wine after the collision."

As he spoke, he pushed the wine glass with his fingers, and the two glasses collided together again.

Now both of them could see that Sister Mi's glass of wine was very full, but the shaking was not violent. But Xu Dao's glass of wine was very rippling.

Seeing the two people's eyes changing from confused to thoughtful, Yang Mi smiled and said:

"This is the difference between martial arts and national martial arts. Do you understand?"

Do you two understand?

Of course I don't understand.

But Yang Mi refused to explain, but continued:

"Actually, the same principle applies to martial arts. For example, Iron Sand Palm. My master is actually very opposed to this kind of martial arts that relies on hurting one's body to achieve its goals. I think it is Iron Sand Palm. But Miansha Palm, But that’s the truth.”

As she said that, she repeated the action of hitting the first glass of wine with the second glass of wine.

"On a larger scale, the collision of these two glasses of wine is the difference between martial arts and Chinese martial arts. On a smaller scale, it is the difference between higher and lower levels of martial arts. Practicing martial arts is not to perfect the body, but to perfect the spirit. Great freedom.”

Mingming just said that they would understand by giving an example.

But after this example was given, the two of them became even more confused.

Finally, it was Xu Xin. Seeing that the two children really couldn’t understand, he said:

"She gave this example to tell you the specific difference between martial arts and national martial arts... But she said it very vaguely, because Mr. Yu has this kind of personality. If you don't know it, he won't say anything when he sees it. You know a little bit, but you will encounter When it comes to difficult problems, he will come to you. He will not tell you in detail when he asks you. Instead, he will like to leave one sentence or two sentences behind and let you think for yourself and inspire yourself.

When she bumps the cup, at first glance, you may think that she is just bumping a full cup against a half cup, but if you think about it from another perspective, why does this effect occur? Is it a conduction effect? Or resonance effect? Why does it cause this phenomenon? This is an angle.

What about another angle? How much force does it take to cause this full glass of wine to shake violently, and how much force does it take to cause the half glass of wine to spill out?

In other words, after all, this is a glass. How can I use force to make the second glass of wine spill or even break the glass? How to ensure that when the first glass of wine damages the second glass of wine, the first glass of wine remains intact?

In fact, you see, if we look at things from different angles, we will get different answers. There are many answers, and it depends on how you look at it.

"Then...can I learn it too?"

It seemed that Xu Xin's words stimulated the girl, and she couldn't help but ask.


Yang Mi chuckled lightly, but before she could respond, she heard her husband say:

"What? You stopped being a reporter and started learning martial arts? ... By the way, how old are you two this year?"

"We are both seniors in the same class and will graduate soon."

"Are you planning to return to China after graduation? Or?"

"Well, go back home!"

The girl spoke her mind with almost no hesitation.

"Because we have accumulated some fans now. When we return to China, we will use the resources we have to create a media account... Director Xu, do you... feel that the domestic media is somewhat distorted?"

"You're talking about the entertainment industry, right?"

Xu Xin glanced at the GOPRO placed on the table and added something for her.

Otherwise, based on this sentence, her business plan might have been stillborn before it was even born.

Then he shook his head:

"So what's your plan?"

"We want to create a very professional but also popular self-media account. Our mentor recommended a book to us, "Network Republic" written by Sunstein.

It proposes a concept called "information cocoon room". The general meaning is that with the accelerated spread of network information, the information fields that people pay attention to will be habitually guided by their own interests, thus shackles their lives in a "cocoon room" like a silkworm cocoon.

According to our instructor, this effect is mutual. This kind of information cocoon is not only guided by personal attention and interests. It will also be manipulated by media mouthpieces. "


Suddenly, Xu Xin felt someone touch her calf.

Apparently, his wife was reminding him.

He glanced at the camera subconsciously and had an idea.


"Your idea is interesting, but is it difficult to implement? After all, even as a media person, your news is also guided by your own preferences."

"Yes, I admit that is the case. But... as you said, we look at things from different angles. Our two assumptions are... As a public-facing media, we need to show everyone A more real world..."

While she was talking, Yang Mi kicked Xu Xin again.

Xu Xin also knew that we couldn't talk like this...at least, we couldn't talk like this in front of the camera.

And just when he was about to speak, Zhou Run on the side said:

"Don't be so extreme. You will bring trouble to Director Xu and Sister Mi."

The girl was stunned.

Zhou Run directly picked up the GOPRO, turned it off, and said to Xu Xin:

"Director Xu, I'm sorry... Sometimes she speaks very openly. She didn't mean it... When we were in class in the journalism department, the teachers would tell us that journalism requires truth and truth-seeking.

But in fact, when we communicated with some senior brothers and sisters, we found that after entering a media company, almost everyone was violating this point and could not do it at all. Not just in the film and television industry, it can be said that from a social level, the media can become the mouthpiece of everyone, as long as there is sufficient exchange of interests behind it...

Especially in the United States, almost everything in the newspapers can influence the situation. This is why she said that the information cocoon effect is two-way. Neither she nor I like this kind of distorted news, but we both know that sooner or later we will integrate into this group.

So instead of doing this, it is better to start planning for your future now. In addition, we are both very interested in the film and television industry, and the national conditions in China and the United States are also different.

Our plan is to create a media that is based on the basis of "seeking truth" and is more professional and objective than those various gossip gossips... We feel that this area is temporarily a blind spot in our country. That’s what it means~”

Xu Xin and Yang Mi were suddenly surprised to find that as soon as the taciturn boy opened his mouth, the girl... fell silent.

But I agree with what this boy said.

Yang Mi couldn't help but joked:

"Okay, classmate Zhou, you can't tell, it's hidden. So you are the one who makes the decision between the two of you?"

Although she was joking, her thoughts were serious.

Although it is unclear whether the relationship between the two is partners, like-minded friends, or...

But why are these two people so similar to me and my husband?

Normally, my conspicuousness makes me a social leader...but when I really need to stand up, or when I need to make a decision on something, it is actually my husband who makes the decision.

These two people are really similar to me.

After hearing this, Zhou Run looked embarrassed.

"We both came after consultation."

"That's true. After discussion, it's definitely right to communicate more. But there must be a backbone. Your positioning is quite good."

Yang Mi praised.

But Xu Xin's focus was not on the relationship between the two, but on thinking about Zhou Run's words.

After thinking for a while, he asked:

"What do you think? What do you two plan to do about this?"

"That's what we think, Director Xu. You two actually know the entertainment industry better than we do. When it comes to movies and the professionalism of the film industry, which media do you recommend first?"


These words instantly stopped Xu Xin.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"If you include print media, then the third largest."

The "big three" magazines he mentioned are "Movie World", "Watching Movies" and "Chinese Film Market".

Both were first published in the 1950s and continue to this day. From a professional perspective, they are equivalent to the epics of the Chinese film industry, witnessing the rise and fall of this industry.

The professionalism is unquestionable.

"Of course, I don't count academic journals here. If I did, Beijing Film Journal would also have to be counted. But they are too niche for the audience. If you are not a real movie fan, you will basically not read them."

"Well, what about entertainment media?"


Xu Xin didn't answer.

Because he already understood what Zhou Run meant.

"Don't tell me... We really don't have a platform in China... similar to what you mentioned. What are you going to do?"

Seeing that Xu Xin had understood what he meant, Zhou Run pointed at Wang Aileen:

"When we were freshmen, we were assigned a task to do an open-book investigation. The topic we chose at the time was "Behind the Scenes OR Gossip." We interviewed passers-by and asked them whether they cared about the behind-the-scenes tidbits, anecdotes, and stories of a movie. What is the process of creating an idea for a script? Or are you interested in some actors’ tidbits, gossips, or unwritten rules? We asked 162 people. Among them, 118 people said that they were interested in a script. I am more interested in the behind-the-scenes of a good movie. I don’t really have any tendency to explore too much about those common celebrity gossips.”

Wang Aileen finally spoke:

"We also interviewed more than 70 passers-by and gave them a question, randomly naming an actor or singer who is a household name in the United States, and asking them to tell their first impression. For example, we asked Eminem's As for the name, almost more than half of the people thought of the song "STAN". When talking about Lindsay Lohan, even though she has been notorious in the past two years, many people think of the movie "Mean Girls". We I found... In fact, most of the people's knowledge of these public figures comes from these works. And they will be more interested in these works."

"Then what is your core starting point?"

"This is the core starting point. For example, you are currently releasing "Scorching Sun". We want to interview you more about how you discovered this script from Teacher Xu Yigua, what were your thoughts when it was founded, and how did you find actors? What is it.

What kind of collisions occurred between the three actors during the filming process. For example, when a certain famous scene occurs, what happened when they performed it, and what will the people around them think... What we want to do is actually to bring a real, non-imaginary information source to the public.

After everyone reads our news, they will find it credible and reasonable. Even if we are not so authoritative, or not so nosy. But at least, for those who want to get some easy-to-understand information rather than gossip or professional knowledge, and hope to find out what happened, we have a platform like this. "

"...In other words, what you hope to bring is a media source that appeals to both refined and popular tastes?"

"That's right. It's just like... you and we can sit here and have a meal. For example, other people also feel that chatting with us is more comfortable than other media. They don't have to worry about us digging holes. They just need to truthfully tell their own stories. Speak out your thoughts..."

Speaking of this, Zhou Run hesitated for a moment, looked at Xu Xin and said:

"Director Xu, we feel that public figures sometimes need a friend who can listen and talk. Someone who can reveal their heart without worrying about any words being inexplicably misinterpreted into other meanings.

And through this information, we can let the audience see what these public figures really look like in the spotlight. Let everyone understand them better, instead of being like Lindsay Lohan, who was ruined by overexposure and attention from the media.

We want to be a middleman and be friends with the artists, and similarly, we want to be friends with the audience. Both sides can communicate on an equal footing through our platform. And to bring you more real stories... Now we think this market is a blank and has great prospects. At the same time...it's not a "lie" that goes against what our instructors taught us when we were in school, that media people demand truth and pragmatism.

I particularly agree with what you just said about looking at things from different angles. And our point of view... is... we want both parties to be able to see each other through our bridge.

This is what we both think. "



At this time, the surprise in Xu Xin and Yang Mi's eyes really started to boil.

In fact, today is essentially just a wonderful chance encounter in a foreign country.

His plan was to have a meal together since they had met, and it was such a great fate. After dinner, record a VCR for the foreign student's film exchange... As for the interview, it only takes a minute.

Didn't think much about it at all.

But now...

I heard this boy named Zhou Run talk about "the future".

Suddenly he felt... his idea had great potential.

Do artists need someone to listen to?

It’s so needed.

It is actually difficult for the outside world to understand the invisible pressure.

Like a wheel.

The response to his two consecutive albums was mediocre, although he always said, "You'll have to wait two or three years to watch it." But the problem is that the previous albums were all popular from that year to now.

The pressure on him can be imagined.

Just like Zhao Ning, the mainstay host of Sina.

The most fundamental reason why she appears in interviews with all big-name celebrities is that she rarely asks tricky questions for anyone. Including Xu Xin himself, everyone who appears on her show can talk freely and is a very good person to talk to.

Public figures really need this.

not to mention……

Although facing two college students, Xu Xin did not want to infect the dreams in their eyes.

But as an adult, it's normal for him to think more.

Unconsciously, he was thinking.

If you do this well... wouldn't it be equivalent to holding a sharp weapon?

Just like what the girl said.

Information cocoon room, the media mouthpiece that controls the public...


Inexplicably, he thought of the words of a great man.

"Not having a sword in your hand is not the same thing as having a sword and not using it!"

The media...

He frowned.

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