I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 923 919 to do.

Chapter 923 919. To do.

"Finally, I wish all students participating in the Film Exchange Week to enjoy movies and life."

After saying his last wishes to the camera, Xu Xin smiled and said in front of the fountain of the Berlin Cathedral:

"Is that okay?"

"Yeah! Okay, okay!"

Wang Aileen and Zhou Run looked excited:

"With this, we will definitely be able to shine!"

Then, after Yang Mi finished recording, Xu Xin looked at the time and said:

"Let's say goodbye then? Where are you going? We want to visit the cathedral."

"Yeah! We're going to the theater... Director Xu, if we have anything to do in the future, can we send you a WeChat message?"

"Okay. No problem."

Xu Xin responded, smiling and waving to the two fellow villagers, whom he still had no idea of ​​the relationship between:

"Then let's go."

"Goodbye Director Xu, goodbye Sister Mi."

"Bye...remember to stay safe in Berlin."

"I know, thank you Sister Mi!"

The four of them separated.

After Yang Mi took her husband's hand and walked a few steps, she turned around and saw Wang Ailin's jumping back.

He seemed to be showing off something to Zhou Run, and he looked very excited.


She chuckled lightly:

"Tell me... is today's meal the most amazing meal in life for both of them?"

"Don't talk about them, even I find it amazing."

After taking a look at the English sign for ticket sales, I took my wife and walked in the direction of buying tickets.

As he walked, he said:

"What kind of fate are you talking about that brings us here by such a coincidence?"

Speaking of this, he sighed with emotion:

"Fate is really a wonderful thing."

He was sighing, but after Yang Mi glanced at him, she said:

"But why do I feel that you are more interested in the self-media he said he would do when he returns to China?"

"Did you see it?"

"I'm sure, you don't WeChat everyone... Why? Are you very optimistic about them?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin shook his head and did not answer directly. Instead, he asked his wife an interesting question:

"How much worse do you think it could be?"

Yang Mi frowned slightly.

"What aspect are you referring to? Do you want to invest in them and lose some money at worst? Or... you think that once they start doing it, they may not be able to remember their original intention. In the end, they may not even recognize themselves. What does it look like?”

The couple is actually surprisingly consistent in their views on human nature or certain things.

Let Xu Xin's previous argument that "different angles look at things differently" turn into dust.

Just a rhetorical question, Yang Mi not only thought of the meaning of her lover's question, but even had the same perspective as him.

If this were seen by outsiders, they would definitely be praised as "a clear understanding".

But it's become normal for the two of them.


Xu Xin glanced at the sign and handed over two 5-euro bills.

After getting the ticket, he continued to drag his wife towards the cathedral while continuing:

"These two children can actually tell that their family conditions are good."

"That's for sure. The Panerai on my hand costs RMB 30,000 to RMB 30,000. This girl's bracelet is also from Cartier... The basic family conditions of international students are good, otherwise their families would not be able to afford it."

"But having a good family background doesn't mean that he can enter the entertainment industry. You didn't notice that I didn't mention anything like "you keep working hard, I can invest". If he can do it, I would be happy to see more people in the entertainment industry. In response to the neutralist speeches like them...you have to admit that their ideas are very good."

“But I have doubts about the [self-media] industry.”

Seeing a trash can, Yang Mi said and pointed in the direction of the trash can.

Needless to say, smoking is definitely not allowed in this church.

If you want to smoke, you should have fun here first.

Xu Xin let her pull him and walked to the trash can while taking out a cigarette.

"There is no doubt that the birth of any industry is always accompanied by doubts. You have to look at both sides of everything. The rise of this kind of self-media will bring more fast-food-style entertainment culture to everyone. Spiritual entertainment can only be divided into popular and elegant , but no distinction is made between good and bad. Because it is all about pleasing the individual."

Holding a cigarette in his mouth, he continued:

"I do sometimes feel that... in fact, I shouldn't blame Weibo for this, but I always feel that with Weibo and the explosion of information flow, everyone can express themselves on the Internet. Ideas. Although this is a good thing... but so many ideas gathered together and thrown at those who have no opinions on certain things for the time being will limit their thinking space.

Don't you particularly like a poem? What's it called... In the past, cars and horses were very slow, and I only loved one person in my life. In fact, to put it bluntly, the occlusion of information allows everyone to get more independent thinking and extension at the spiritual level. This is incomparable in today's era when information flow is everywhere and bombards everyone indiscriminately. "

His words seemed rambling, but Yang Mi understood.

Following his intention, he asked:

"So you think...if nothing else, our circle needs "neutrality" that everyone can see?"

"I have some thoughts on this."

"...Why? Your idea is a bit strange."

"Because I'm afraid."

For some reason, Xu Xin, who suddenly felt a bit bitter in his mouth, was sighing with emotion, but there was a touch of bitterness between his eyebrows:

"I'm afraid that in the future... it will be difficult for everyone to see the truth. Then... it will be like what the girl said, living in an information cocoon. That's why I told Zhou Run that his idea is good, but it is difficult to It's difficult to be neutral and objective. But... I'm also wondering, how many people will remember the "truth-seeking" and "pragmatic" creeds of media people? Didn't you see that people now don't care what we used to use before? At the time of WAP, what was that UC browser called... UC shocked the whole department. Each of the news was more exaggerated than the last, and it was unfounded and conclusive. How ironic~"

"Then why don't we do it ourselves? What do we expect two kids who haven't graduated yet to do?"

Yang Mi said speechlessly.

But at this time...

"Do it."


She was suddenly startled.

Looking at my smoking husband:

"To do?"

Then I saw my husband looking at me with a very firm look:

"Well, I have to do it. If it weren't for them, I actually wouldn't have thought of these things... I used to think that the emergence of Weibo was a double-edged sword. This sword was so fast that I had no time to judge merits and demerits. But today, these two As soon as someone inspired me, I suddenly realized this...Although Irene was a little extreme, she was right in what she said. The media, in some cases, can indeed shake people's minds and act as a mouthpiece. "

"Have you not……"

"I don't want to, but I'm afraid that others will think about it. I'm even more afraid that others will do it, and I will regret why I didn't turn this idea into reality."


Yang Mi was silent now.

It’s not that I don’t know what to say, but I’m just thinking about it in this way.

Think about how to implement your husband's idea.

Founding a magazine?

No, it's too traditional.

Web portals? …It’s too backward.

After much thought, I found that there was only one left:


"Probably...but to be honest, I haven't figured out how to take this road myself. The entertainment industry needs to be explosive, and without traffic, it can't attract people. And now I can think of the stupidest way , it’s investment. Invest in those entertainment media companies that are big on Weibo and become shareholders. First, distinguish the difference between ourselves and the enemy... But if you think about it carefully, isn’t it similar to cheating for personal gain? So... I don’t have a clue. "

"...Then do you plan to mention this matter to the factory?"

"Don't mention it."

Xu Xin shook his head:

"The factory is not suitable. We-media is public media, and what we need is a flat management model. It is thankless to do it in the factory. So we have to do it ourselves."

"But you don't know how."

"Yes... let's think about it slowly. I think one general direction is... the user group. We need a carrier."

"Website? Or Weibo account?"

"I don't know... I guess it's a website? A website that can accommodate diversified content. This website should be highly interactive, and everyone should be used to opening this website first thing in the morning. They can express their own opinions, and... …build your own culture…

To put it bluntly, it is to establish a habit. Establish a usage habit for users, and then... also give other like-minded friends a development opportunity... Anyway, what is needed is very complicated, and the most important thing is that the platform must be fully inclusive. This alone , Weibo does not work. Because this is tantamount to tampering with Sina's cake...I suddenly felt a little guilty. "

He put out the cigarette dumbfounded.

"It feels like I just jumped out of the self-media and am going to compete with portals such as Sina and NetEase. Tsk... forget it, I won't think about it for now. I'll put this matter here for now. I'll wait until Lao Wang and I return to China. Let’s chat and see if Director Wang has any opinions. Let’s go, let’s get married!”


Yang Mi's train of thought was suddenly disrupted by his words.

I was stunned...

We haven't gotten married yet...

"I bother!"

She spat in confusion.

"You are so old, but you are not serious yet... This is a church, a very sacred place!"

"I know, it's the Western Civil Affairs Bureau."

"Get out of here, you!"

Yang Mi cursed in a very poor manner while jumping up and down and holding her husband's hand:

"Let's go get married!"


Berlin Cathedral is quite beautiful.

In fact, for Xu Xin, this trip to Berlin Cathedral can even be said to have benefited a lot.

He is a director. When watching anything, there is a camera filming in his mind, composing and thinking.

It must be admitted that in terms of displaying the splendor and sacredness of religious beliefs, the Celestial religion, which pays more attention to Zhongzheng and peace, is still somewhat lacking.

It's not that they are flattering and inferior, but the protruding things on both sides are different.

He took many photos from different angles in the church.

Yang Mi too.

It's just that... he was photographing the church and the composition, while Yang Mi was photographing him and herself.

Then it happened that there was... I don't know if it was a school or a choir in the church, but a group of young people were practicing chorus.

Xu Xin couldn't quite tell what the other party was singing.

I even thought about whether the aria has a chorus.

However, after listening for a while, he said to his wife:

"I still like Italian opera. If a soprano sang here, it would be absolutely superb..."

"Like In the Name of the Father?"

After hearing his wife's words, Xu Xin thought for a moment and nodded:

"He deserves it."

At this time, Yang Mi was convinced:

"I feel so too."

On their first day in Berlin, the two seemed to be completely away from everything about the film festival.

After the Berlin Cathedral, there happened to be a vegetable market nearby, so the two of them went to eat there hand in hand.

Even if you just finished eating it not long ago...but the real meal is in one stomach, and the snacks are definitely in another stomach.

Then the two of them quarreled for a long time before they discovered that what they had just eaten together was a barbecue burrito and yogurt dipped in barbecue. It turned out to be some kind of Turkish food.

It's outrageous enough.

Anyway, it was just shopping and eating, and finally it was around 6pm.

It was getting dark, but the two of them were still holding on.

I just kept walking aimlessly along the road.

A strange city is actually full of adventures, and Xu Xin even doesn't have to worry about safety issues.

Certainly no one believed that the beautiful, petite and lovely woman next to them was actually a martial arts master specializing in teasing and kicking the balls, using deadly moves, and specializing in the lower third.

Although it's a bit crispy... but isn't that the charm of Shadow Demon.

As long as the waist is twisted and sexy, and with the iron-blooded shield of myself... Germany should ban guns, right?

But his idea was met with sneer from Yang Mi:

"Don't be ridiculous. If you are really robbed and they take out a knife, we just have to pay you. How much money do you have in your bag?"

"Well...less than two thousand euros."

"I still have more than fifteen hundred...two to three thousand euros left. What are you trying to do with your life? If you really want something good...what? Do you want me to be a widow or remarry?"

"Why is it all you? Do I have to die?"

"Because you may not be able to outrun me. If I lose my wallet and run away when I encounter a robbery, they will definitely not be able to catch up with me. You may not be able to catch me."

"Why are you so good at blowing... Come on!"

"Come on, come on!"

"Three, two... I'm stupid!"

"Look, call you stupid. As long as I run in front of you, I'll be fine!"

"...Sun thief! Yang, if you have the guts, keep running. Today, grandpa, I will show you what the earthly grandson of Shenmu Yizhong is!"


A group of Germans stuck on the road during the evening rush hour just watched two strange Chinese people chasing each other.

After the two men passed by them, the group of people kept turning their heads and looking back.

What's going on?

What are you running for?

The Soviets are coming again?

This is a book written by a friend of the author. If you are interested, take a look.

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