I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 924 920 The King Meets the King

Chapter 924 920. The king meets the king

Xu Xin received the message from Georgia when he was about to go to bed at night.

"Xu, my friend, I have arrived in Berlin. My colleagues and the head of your film company have made an appointment to meet in the coffee shop at 10 o'clock tomorrow morning. Do you have any plans tomorrow?"

"No, George, we'll meet at the café at ten."

"Okay, good night."

"Good night."

After replying to the message, Xu Xin handed the phone to his wife and took a look.

In the darkness, Yang Mi closed one eye tightly and half-opened the other. After taking a look, she said:

"George is indeed a gentleman."

"Old money."

"Go to sleep, you have a tough battle tomorrow."

"It's not a tough battle. If we have a bottom line, let's talk."

"By the way, you've been planning to discuss this matter before you talk to Jesse and the others?"


"Why? Wouldn't it be better to discuss this kind of thing in advance?"

"What if their opinions are contrary to the factory's?"


In the darkness, when Yang Mi heard him use the term "factory" instead of "I", she understood what her husband meant and responded:

"That's right. Then...no matter what, the interests of friends must be guaranteed, right?"


Xu Xin turned around, hugged her and took a deep breath:

"Go to sleep. Will you come with me tomorrow?"

"No, I have a show tomorrow. But we can have dinner together at noon."


February 12th.

Big Year.

Valentine's Day is approaching.

There are a lot of people coming today. Everyone from the "Heart of the Sun" crew who is going to participate in the film festival will come today, including Lao Lang.

But the time is all at noon.

In the morning, while Xu Xin was having breakfast, he took a look at Zhong Changyou's movie viewing manual.

Not surprisingly, the prefix serial number of "Heart of the Burning Sun" is still "*1".

At the same time, he also brought over a stack of printed A4 papers.

"Director Xu, these are the reviews of each movie given by most film critics in five days... the more important thing is this list. This is the prediction of the winning list given by the Film Critics Association. But the list of It’s hard to evaluate the accuracy, because sometimes it’s accurate and sometimes it’s not. But overall, our reputation in Berlin has improved!”

When saying this, Zhong Changyou tried his best to suppress his excitement.

After Xu Xin took over the list, he found that the content on it had been translated into Chinese.

Best Film: "Heart of the Sun"

Jury Prize: "Baby Pose"

Best Director: "Heart of the Sun"*...

Seeing this, he raised his head in confusion:

"Why are we both the best picture and best director? And there's an asterisk?"

"In this film review prediction, the film critic does not cover all movies, but speculates on the most likely film to win in each position. If it is repeated, it will be marked with an asterisk. You can read on..."

Zhong Changyou pointed at the position on the paper, and Xu Xin saw that the name on the [Best Script] was still "Scorching Sun".

But in the next column, which is the best actor, there is a very interesting thing.

"Zhang Yi, Duan Yihong, Nazf Mujiqi, Paul Rudd"

"Does this mean that all four of them have a chance of winning the Best Actor Award?"

"Yes. Nazf Mujiqi is in "A Page", and Paul Rudd is in "Avalanche Prince". But I don't think the probability of "Avalanche Prince" is high. The film is adapted from last year's Icelandic film "The World". "The Road Keeper at the End", I even looked for the original work to watch, Paul Rudd's performance was not as good as Hilma Korgason's performance."

Xu Xin nodded slightly and looked at the next column.

Best Actress: "Yang Mi, Paulina Garcia"

When he saw his wife's name, his eyes moved and his heartbeat began to speed up for no reason.

He quickly took a deep breath and calmed down.

He just glanced at the next awards and passed them by.

Because in his eyes, these are the only valuable awards of the Golden Bear Award... If Best Newcomer had not been cancelled, then maybe he would still see if Shishi could be included... But these two awards were not included in the 51st Golden Bear Awards. Then it was canceled directly. If Shishi is not nominated for Best Actress, it means she has little chance of receiving any further awards.

After reading it, he didn't say anything.

As Zhong Changyou said, these are just predictions.

It’s not really a list of winners.

Putting the information aside, he said to Zhong Changyou:

"After the people from Paramount met with us today, Brother Zhong, come and talk to them. But there is an acquaintance of mine there. I will touch his bottom first and see what kind of style he is. You talk normally, I It depends.”


Zhong Changyou responded and said:

"Then our bottom line remains unchanged?"

"Yeah, it won't change. The maximum split is still half and half, 26 per person. As for how many awards you are nominated for, how many you are nominated for for one award, how many you win, etc., it's up to you."

"Then if we can't reach an agreement..."

"If we can't agree, we'll just go to another company. I told Director Zhang that the two companies that directed Zhang's "Jinling" are also good at it. Our biggest advantage is not the domestic box office, but the Italian box office. The Italian box office has already exceeded 55 million US dollars, this is the basis for our negotiation. They can deny the Chinese market, but the Italian market, and the fact that the leading actors of this film are all Europeans, will be more popular in the North American market than Chinese films. You have to understand , now we are not begging him, but Paramount wants to cooperate with us. Don’t they like to discuss business, so let’s do the same.”

"Okay, I understand."

Zhong Changyou nodded again.

Then, the two began to have breakfast.

After breakfast, Xu Xin returned to the room.

Yang Mi hadn't left yet. When she saw her husband coming back, she quickly said:

"You just happened to be back...here, take a look. You've caused trouble again."


The expression on Xu Xin's face instantly became wonderful:

"What did I do again?... Isn't it the trouble caused by Xiao Zhou and the others?"

He subconsciously began to recall the content of his interview yesterday.

I'm trying to find where I am inappropriate.

But Yang Mi shook her head slightly:

"No, it's Korean... You are hated by Korean men."


At this time, Xu Xin was really confused.

The great cosmic powers have no grievances against me, so how come I am hated by them?


"Here, see for yourself."

Yang Mi handed him the phone and then asked:

"Will you dress more formally later?"

"No need to be too formal."

"Then you won't wear a tie?"


Xu Xin responded and looked at the screen of his wife's phone, only to realize that it was a Weibo topic.

# Xu Xin sparked heated discussion in South Korea in Berlin #

? ? ?

With a confused look on his face, he looked at the Weibo post with the most likes and comments on the topic.

What a coincidence, it was posted by [We Media].

"Yesterday, Xu Xin, who was competing for the Golden Bear Award in Berlin, caused a heated discussion among Korean netizens because of an action. The reason was that Korean actress Kim Ok-bin uploaded a photo with director Xu Xin and captioned it: Xu Xin is a A very gentlemanly man, when shaking hands, he would use a "fist bump" when shaking hands because he had just finished smoking and did not want her hands to be stained with the smell of cigarettes. This move was mentioned by Kim Ok-bin on Twitter, and it immediately became popular on the Korean Internet There was a wave of discussion online.”

This is the Weibo text, and then there are 9 screenshots.

In the first picture, I don’t know which unscrupulous editor combined a photo of himself looking cool in a business suit with a pretty girl who looks familiar but can’t remember who she is.

Xu Xinxin said that people who don’t know think that there is a scandal between us!

The second picture was... He didn't know when he was captured. He was wearing a suit, sitting... on an outdoor bench, smoking and meditating.

Ho. Dude is so handsome!

Starting from the third picture, it becomes a long picture.

It was a tweet posted by the girl who took a photo with him yesterday. Xu Xin scrolled down and found that the number of "" on this tweet had exceeded 60,000.

"That heart is a like, right?"


He continued reading the comments, which had been translated into Chinese by the media that posted the picture.

The translation of the first comment, which is also the one with the most likes and has exceeded 16,000, is:

"Xu Xin is handsome and a gentleman. Sure enough, "The Untold Secret" can be filmed, but Korean men cannot compare to it, forever!"

Seeing this comment, the corners of Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

Then comes the second article:

"All the garbage men who smoke, come and see how you can get our approval. Xu Xin likes the details! Women can't resist the charm of a gentleman."

The number of likes for this comment is 11,000.

Are Korean netizens so idle?

"To put it this way, Yang Mi must be a very good person to attract Xu Xin. She is no worse than our sister Quan Zhixian."

? ? ?

Do you want to see what you are talking about?

"I can't resist a gentlemanly man, but it's a pity that I'm surrounded by dog ​​babies."

"Trivia: Xu Xin is not only the best director in Venice, but his family is also a chaebol. He is the second son of a super-rich mining owner. His brother is the chairman of a real estate developer with a market value of 100 billion won. And the love between him and his wife is the source of It started from an accidental encounter in college. The two held their wedding in Ireland, where divorce can never be allowed. This is an undying love between the second son of a plutocrat and Cinderella."

"Is there really such a good man in the world? Why can't such a man be given to me."

"Pfft... hahahahaha... did you see this comment? People say you are Cinderella."

Hearing this, Yang Mi, who was looking for clothes for Xu Xin, rolled her eyes:

"I saw it. What they said is right. I am the one who is so high. Are you right? Friends of Korean Women~ Why don't you consider pursuing Jun Ji-hyun? People say she is prettier than me."

"Don't be ridiculous. She is not as beautiful as you, you are the prettiest~"

Xu Xin hurriedly walked in front of her and threw the phone aside.

"Don't you want to read it? The Korean ladies praise you in the front, but the funniest part is in the back. A group of Korean men seem to have their pride stimulated, chasing after you and scolding you."

"Am I sick? Do I have to watch others scold me?"

"There is more later. When the little girl saw that something was wrong, she quickly deleted her tweet and expressed her apology, saying that she did not mean to say that Koreans were not gentlemen. Regardless of whether other people accepted it or not, the news was not spread back to China anyway. Well, now a group of people are waiting to attack you."

"...Attack on me? Koreans attack on me?"

"No, bees will attack you every time they get a chance."


Enough of these old bastards!

Why is your business happening everywhere?

I just took a picture with someone, why the hell are you trying to get at me?

He shook his head helplessly:

"It's okay. Even if this didn't happen, they would still rush at me eight hundred times a day. It doesn't matter...has it been trending?"



Under Xu Xin's completely speechless gaze, Yang Mi found the suit and shirt in a good mood, gestured to her husband, and said:

"That's it. Hehe~"

Seeing that she was still smiling, Xu Xin asked in confusion:

"Why do you feel so happy?"

"I must be happy. You will know after reading the comments. After someone commented on your wealth and background, a group of Korean women became so hungry that they clamored that we two just walked out of an idol drama. The story...A group of people are almost jealous of me. Can I be unhappy?"

As she spoke, she put her clothes on the bed, took out a belt from the closet, and continued to say with a smile:

"This feels the best. I get things that others can't even dream of getting, and I get them every day!"

"...Sister, can we be more polite?"

"Huh~huh~ Muhahaha~ Master, I am so happy... Hurry, put on your clothes quickly, let's take a selfie together."

"Get out! Are you adding fuel to the fire at this moment?"

"Oh, hurry up!"

"No, stop doing this! Just do some personnel work, okay?"

Xu Xin said, picked up the clothes and left.

"Why go?"

"Living room! Change clothes! Prevent you from secretly filming me!"


Listening to this rough movement, Xu Xin muttered:

"I've really had enough life these days. If I hadn't been unable to get a divorce, I would have found a new home long ago!"

Yang Mi was not angry after hearing this, but instead said a triple affirmation with a playful smile:

"Ah, yes, yes, you go quickly and find a Korean stick that eats spicy cabbage and yahua seeds every day and has chili peppers on it and smells like garlic..."

"Just look for me, I'm afraid of you!"

"Ah, yes, yes, yes~"

Finally, the handsome Xu Xin went out.

When the shop was about to close, I heard the words of my wife, who had been inexplicably fond of "regional blackness" since she came to Berlin: "Come on! Defeat the ambitious wolf of imperialism!"

Brother, do you know you are in Berlin?

With some helplessness, he touched his pocket and went directly downstairs to smoke.

The smoking was uneventful this time. After Zhong Changyou and his party arrived, everyone took the car directly to the cafe where they agreed to meet.

Cafes in Germany cover a wide range of areas and have social attributes.

Logically speaking, all film business matters during the film festival must be reported to the film festival organizer.

The organizers do not charge a fee, but they must know this information, because this film transaction information is also the basis of the film festival's market influence. They must know these things and use them for publicity.

The place chosen this time was said to be a cafe, but it was actually a cafe next to the Berlin Film Festival Film Trading Venue.

This coffee shop is specially used for everyone to negotiate.

It's a bit more business-like than an ordinary coffee shop.

Of course, the fees will definitely be expensive.

Xu Xin and the others arrived first and arrived in the box. After learning from the experience last time, Xu Xin did not dare to challenge some tea whose name he had never heard of. He simply ordered a pot of black tea and started waiting.

Soon, the waiter brought over teapot, sugar cubes, milk and other things.

Xu Xin's eyebrows twitched at the sight.

There was no doing as the Romans did. After pouring himself a cup of tea, he was chatting with Zhong Changyou, looking relaxed.

Then, 9:55.

The door was pushed open.

Under the guidance of the waiter, Xu Xin saw his "old friend".


"Hahaha, Xu~Long time no see!"

Georgia Kaykendis, who is still full of old money style in the United States, but here seems to have taken on the aristocracy with the surname "Feng", opened her hands and gave Xu Xin a big hug.

"How are Yang and the kids?"

"Very good, but Yang has a promotional event in the morning and won't be able to make it."

Xu Xin smiled and while chatting with him, he noticed something.

Lao Qian... is at the top of this group of Paramount teams.

In other words... the leader?

he thought to himself.

After chatting with Georgia for a while, the other party personally helped Xu Xin introduce people from Paramount just like at the party in Los Angeles that day.

This further confirmed his status as the "boss".

But this is not the most important thing. The most important thing is that there is a guy named "MAX" among these guys, and this guy can also speak Chinese.

It’s just that the Chinese is a bit outrageous.

When Xu Xin shook hands with him and said hello, the man said:

"Mud Howl, my name is, Max."

Xu Xin was so surprised that he didn't stuff a copy of "Das Kapital" into his mouth.

Max is just Max, how can he pretend to be a cultural person?

After this little interlude, everyone sat down around the sofa.

I have to admit that the private room in this cafe has been designed, and the overall shape is a U-shape. The atmosphere of negotiation did not start to escalate before the negotiation started.

At this time, Georgia sat down first.

He sat under the U-shaped sofa area.

If the two sides lined up, he would be the one taking the lead.

After Zhong Changyou saw it, he glanced at Xu Xin cryptically.

But Xu Xin didn't look at him.

After just thinking for a moment, he sat down next to Georgia.


Then let the king meet the king.

In the final analysis, the movie "Perfect" has the final say.

Zhong Changyou was a little surprised, but he still sat down next to him.

Everyone sat down, the waiter gathered a circle of drinks and went out to place an order.

As soon as the door closed, Georgia, who crossed her legs to reveal her blue embroidered Roman pattern socks, looked at Xu Xin and said with a smile:

"Xu, we can't miss Christmas and New Year this year. When we all gathered for dinner, we all felt a little regretful without you. Especially GIGI, I can see that she misses you and the children very much."

There is no smoke of negotiation.

It's like homely food.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"I'm trying my best this year, mainly because the children are in school and the holidays here are relatively short."

"Yeah, I know. But if you have time, you can still come over...or have you ever considered taking your children to study in the United States?"

"Sorry, George, I didn't have that plan. Besides...you know. The tragedy in Miami in 2012..."


Georgia stopped smiling and crossed herself:

"May these angels rest in peace in heaven."

After expressing his condolences for the victims of the shooting, he continued:

"I just came back from Italy yesterday, Xu, that's amazing. Judging from previous years' data, you have already locked in the top three at the box office this year."

Hearing this, Xu Xin understood that he was about to get to the point.

So he also cheered up and said with a smile:

"George, the box office is actually not important to me. Do you remember? When we were in Los Angeles, the movie we talked about over dinner was "Perfect", but it was called "The Ring" at the time. "."

Georgia nodded slightly:

"Remember, you said at that time that you and some Italian friends came up with an idea. After I saw the news about this movie, I concluded that it should be this one."

Xu Xin continued.

However, the words seemed a bit dense:

"Haha, yes. This movie was the inspiration of me, the screenwriter Philip, and Jesse. Although I don't care about the box office, they also get dividends. So the box office is high, and from the perspective of a friend, I am still very happy happy."

Lao Qian looked quite surprised, but his tone was very normal:

"They also get a share of the box office?"

"Yes, Philip gets 10% of the post-settlement share, and the other actors get 2%. This is a work we made together, and of course everyone has a share."

"you have not?"

"Haha... If someone asked me this, I would definitely not say it. But since we are friends, I won't hide it from you. I am one of the investors, so I won't get any dividends."

When the two of them were talking, no one else spoke.

The entire box seemed to be a one-man show for the two of them.

And listening to Director Xu's words, Zhong Changyou would observe the expressions of the foreigners opposite him from time to time.

He actually understood what Director Xu meant.

Although it was just a casual chat, when the two of them exchanged pleasantries and the topic turned to movies, the negotiation had already begun.

In other words, Director Xu has already begun to formulate the "line" of negotiation.

Director Xu said that he was an "investor", then mentioned "friends" and told Georgia "I don't care about the box office", which actually meant only one thing.

In other words, it expresses a meaning:

"This movie is not just our own business. We will also share 22% of the profits we receive with the screenwriters and starring actors."

This is the bottom line drawn by Director Xu.

He is the investor and he has the right to make decisions.

This is what Director Xu expressed, but the subtlety of language lies in association.

When the film's financier expresses this fact, those who hear the news must understand the meaning of his words.

"If the profit is too small and my friends don't share enough, it won't work."

"I have the right to make the decision, but if the money is too small and my friends can't share it, it will also affect our friendship."

All bottom lines fall into this general expression and set the tone.

Although we are also friends, this negotiation also has a bottom line.

And it is precisely because we are friends that I am here to tell you the bottom line.

If we still want to be friends, then our negotiation should be from the perspective of "friends", the atmosphere should be relaxed, and we should act within our capabilities.


Zhong Changyou sighed unconsciously.

Either that, Director Xu is great...

Although he is not very old, he is really good at "obedient and listening to the music".

It's just...can these straight-talking foreigners understand?

He subconsciously observed the expression on the person opposite him.

The feedback he got was calm.

Obviously, they are also professionals.

Regardless of whether you understand or not, at least these people will never let you understand what they are thinking.

While Zhong Changyou was thinking about it, he suddenly heard bursts of laughter:

"Haha, of course, Xu. I understand. MAX, let's talk about movies."

He subconsciously turned his head and saw the gentle smile of the elderly gentleman.

This person...understands?

Or...do you understand?

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