I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 925 921 My Friend

Chapter 925 921. My friend

Compared to Zhong Changyou's guess, Xu Xin actually had an answer in his mind as to whether Georgia could understand.

He knew what he was capable of as the president of the community association.

I also saw his charming appearance at the Paramount dinner.

This has nothing to do with the fact that Americans are straight-forward and Chinese people are reserved, but it is purely a hint from some very common shopping malls.

You can come to a conclusion with a little analysis, which is not a particularly brilliant word.

And when he saw George taking the initiative to end his conversation and letting the man named MAX start talking about the movie "Perfect", he knew that the other party should understand what he meant.

At this time, after finishing speaking, Georgia took out a... brown leather bag from the pocket of his suit.

It's rectangular, it's okay to say it's a leather box.

Opening the single button of the leather box, he took out two cigars and handed one to Xu Xin:

"Taste it, Xu."

Xu Xinxin said that this room is full of people, why are we still smoking?

But he still took it.

Then he saw the other party take out a golden lighter.

With a "ding" sound, the lighter made a crisp sound as MAX said, "Mr. Zhong, I don't know what you have thought about the movie share of "Perfect"."

Soon the cigar began to burn.

Only then did Xu Xin notice that the end of the cigar had been cut open.

Moreover, the bag containing cigars that Georgia put on the table was already empty.

In other words, there are only two cigars in this box.

It’s better to prepare in advance and open your mouth.

He made no provision for others.

After taking the lighter, although he knew that the room was full of men and no women, he still looked around. Finally, his eyes fell on the ventilation fan, his ears moved slightly, and after hearing a subtle "buzzing" sound, he lit the cigar.

The cigar tastes okay.

Just when it came to lighting up the cigarette, Zhong Changyou had already stated his point of view:

"We feel that this sharing model is questionable. In other words, it is a bit too high. To be honest, competing for the Olympics is not very attractive to us. Because this movie is a Sino-Italian co-production, if we had the ambition to compete for the Olympics from the beginning The idea is that one of the investors of this film, Headwind Pictures, also has a branch in North America. We can completely give "it" American attributes, so that we can also look forward to the core Oscar awards. So, frankly speaking, MAX The temptation is not great for us, sir.”

Xu Xin, who could already smell the smell of cigars spreading in this box, took a look at Paramount.

There are quite a lot of people in Xiying Studio who are heavy smokers.

Most of the people who came today smoke. One of them doesn’t smoke because he quit because of his high school education.

It's not his turn to speak at this moment, so just let the two sides interact normally.

But this time, he found that the people at Paramount reacted equally calmly to the "smell of smoke."

It is completely contrary to the public opinion on some online forum that "Europeans and Americans are against smoking, especially in confined spaces."


As a smoker, he probably knows that non-smokers are actually very sensitive to the smell of smoke.

But these people are very calm.

Subconsciously, an idea came to him.

Is Georgia asserting its authority? Or is it that there is also a smoker in this group of people, and although he does not smoke, he lights up a cigar, which is equivalent to giving permission for others to smoke?

He didn't know if he was imagining it or overthinking it.

But... After pulling at both sides for a while, I saw MAX take out a box of Marlboros. After ordering one from it, he began to provide information about the movies that have won the Oscar for Best Foreign Language Film in recent years, from the influence of the director to the actors, and the salary. Improvement, as well as the growth trend of movie box office, the appearance of smashing data out one by one with a cigarette...

He didn't know why, but he was sure of his thoughts.

It feels like this cigar is really used to "set the rules".



Turning his head to look at the "President", he found that Lao Qian had a calm expression on his face, holding a cigar in his mouth and drinking the black tea he poured.

As if it has nothing to do with me.

There was no sign of nervousness, and he didn't speak. He was just a spectator.


If the enemy does not move, I will not move.

Xu Xin leaned back on the sofa.

It's none of your business, just hang it up high.

Let's see who can keep calm.

Time passed, and gradually, the smoking guns at Xiying Studio also started.

And a few people over at Paramount also had a few smokers.

The box was filled with smoke.

The waiter who came over to renew the order was stunned.

However, the other party seems to be used to this kind of scene. Maybe this is the main reason why his pot of black tea can be sold for more than 30 euros.

After everyone had finished their drinks, everyone placed their orders again.

Then continue to talk about the issue of division.

Paramount has theaters, heritage, and status as a local leader in North America. It is a bit difficult to get them to bow their heads.

As for Zhong Changyou, with Xu Xin's authorization, he was actually equally determined.

The pull of movie division is the pull of real money. Especially since "Perfect" has withstood the test of the Italian and Chinese film markets.

What's more, Rotten Tomatoes, IMDB, and Douban are not even mentioned. The ratings on these two websites can already represent the quality of this film.

Both sides must firm up their positions before the "big boss" speaks.

Because it is possible that a 1% share will bring a huge return.

However, Georgia, who stopped moving after smoking a cigar, took advantage of this juncture to say to Xu Xin:

"Xu, are you free at noon? Let's have a meal together?"

Hearing this, Xu Xin showed a trace of hesitation.

Today, the crew of "Scorching Sun" and Lao Lang arrived at noon.

Seeing his hesitation, Georgia suddenly said:

"There is a very good restaurant in Berlin, and I happened to have reserved three seats. You, me, Yang, the three of us, right? That restaurant tastes very good. I will go there every time I come to the Berlin Film Festival. Believe me, I My friend, you won’t be disappointed.”

Hearing this, Xu Xin knew that this was not a temporary idea.

So he said:

"Okay, but I want to ask Yang. She doesn't know if the matter has been settled."

"Haha, of course, she is a strong contender for Best Actress. You can ask her, I just happened to bring some news about her movie."

Xu Xin's ears twitched again.

Smiling and nodding:


In the end, the negotiation ended with "We will consider it, and I ask Mr. Zhong to consider it too."

It's noon.

No matter how much negotiation you have, you have to eat, right?

Lao Mei's working hours are indeed on time.

Actually, do you want to talk about anything substantive?

Then Xu Xin can only give a two-word evaluation: Ruliao.

To put it bluntly, the two sides are always increasing their efforts in this negotiation.

Just like the Oscar we talked about before, one will tell you how many benefits there are to be nominated for the Oscar. MAX even said, "For any director, the Oscar is the highest palace that must be entered in this life. There is no doubt about it." .

Fortunately, Xu Xin was not choked to death.

And Lao Zhong is also quite tough:

"There is a saying in our country that among ten thousand people there is always one special one."

It means don't be too confident.

In this case, we have been wrangling all morning.

However, Xu Xin and Georgia should smoke cigars and drink tea, but they did not express their opinions.

Therefore, no matter how much more emphasis is placed on this matter, even if both parties talk about all the benefits, there will be no result in the end.

To put it bluntly, if the boss doesn’t authorize it, the people below can’t make decisions, that’s all.

At meal time, after the negotiation, Georgia stood up and said:

"Xu, let's go?"

"no problem."

Xu Xin nodded, and when he saw that he was walking directly without saying hello to the people at Paramount, he just nodded slightly to Zhong Changyou and followed him out.

"Xu, that restaurant is called Esplanade, and the chef's name is Leo Del Fabro. His dishes combine classicism with modernity and the Mediterranean. The dishes have a clear structure, richness and delicateness, and excellent balance. Believe me, You'll fall in love with it after eating it once... Oh yes, I'll treat you."

"Ha~ sounds good."

Xu Xin responded, and after going downstairs, he also saw Yang Mi coming towards him on the first floor.

She also put on a woolen coat, high heels, and light makeup.

Just right for today's occasion.


"Haha, Yang~Happy New Year from Heaven~Gong~hi Fachai~"

"Oh, if you had already said you were going to wish me New Year greetings, I would definitely prepare a red envelope for you."


The two completed the kissing ceremony amidst laughter and hugged each other. Yang Mi did not ask how the conversation went, but asked curiously:

"George, what shall we have for lunch?"

As he spoke, he walked out.

At the door was Evan's Volvo, waiting there with double flash.

Xu Xin took advantage of the situation and said:

"George, take my car?"

Hearing this, Georgia took out the Mercedes-Benz car keys.

"I'll drive mine. Xu, I'll send you the address. Just ask your driver to follow the navigation."

Xu Xin did not hold back and nodded:

"Okay. Let's meet at the restaurant then?"

"Of course, friend, we'll see you in the restaurant."

Xu Xin watched him leave and walked towards the parking lot. Then I got in the car directly with my wife.

After giving Evan the address and taking a look, the other party nodded:

"That's one of the best restaurants in Berlin, Mr. Xu."

"Good job, Evan."

The car started, and Xu Xin fell into deep thought.

At this time, Yang Mi said:

"Yeah, you didn't ask George in whose name he booked the restaurant? Was it his own or?"

"It should be his own."


"Not yet."

Xu Xin shook his head and looked at the time on his watch.

11 o'clock.

"What's the time difference between Germany and the United States?"

"Five or six hours, maybe."

"Germany is fast?"

"Well, U.S. time... it should be around 6 a.m. during winter time."

"Have they arrived, Old Wolf?"

"Lao Lang still has an hour to land, but Shishi, Zhang Yi and the others have already arrived. We were supposed to go eat sushi around 1 o'clock. There is a sushi restaurant here in Berlin that is quite famous. I have made reservations and made arrangements. Don’t worry about the itinerary.”


Xu Xin didn't say anything, but fell into thinking.

About three minutes later, Zhong Changyou called:

"Director Xu, we have already gone to the hotel. It is said that Mimi booked a restaurant..."

"Yes, you can just go. It's a sushi restaurant."

"Okay, Brother Zhong, "Perfect" should contact other film producers, just contact them. Paramount also knows our conditions. But the producer who is leading today, you also know our relationship. I guess he called me He also wants to chat with me alone while eating. I’ll see how he talks and I’ll talk to you then.”

"Yes, I can see it too. If he doesn't nod, the man named Max can't make up his mind either."

"Yes. We should have some results during our lunch. Let's talk. You don't have to worry about this matter. I'll decide."


After hanging up the phone, Yang Mi asked:

"What did you talk about this morning?"

After Xu Xin explained the general situation, Yang Mi understood the meaning.

"It's actually better this way. Everyone has a bottom line in their hearts... He just didn't share a car with you. He definitely needs to think about it or communicate with the people in the team."


After Xu Xin responded, he fell into silence again.

Yang Mi asked in confusion:

"Speaking of which... they didn't mention buying your "Heart of the Sun"?"


Although his thinking was interrupted again, Xu Xin still said:

"Including Brother Zhong, "Heart of the Burning Sun" was more about image copyright, rather than distribution. How about "The Grandmaster"?"

"Actually, they are mostly published, or particularly popular... I have to admit that in Europe, myself and Tony Leung are both small talk. Director Wang's name is really easy to use, and Europeans really recognize him... …But the distribution side is also average. Lao Wang said that we have only negotiated with one company in Italy and one in the UK. Others are still being discussed."

The Lao Wang she was talking about was not Wang Sicong, but Wang Jun, who was in charge of "The Grandmaster" this time at West Film Studio.

Hearing this, Xu Xin spread his hands:

"So you see."

Although he didn't say everything, Yang Mi nodded.


In the final analysis, it is really a matter of "face".

"Perfect" has 6 leading actors, 5 of whom are European and American. Big hit.

Whether it's "Scorching the Heart" or "The Grandmaster", Chinese movies have been indifferent.

Of course, it is a bit exaggerated to say Yu Leng, but compared to the popularity of "Perfect", it is obvious that they both have the same father, but the gap is really big.

Thinking of this, she also fell silent.

Once silent, it's all the way.

Until we came to the address of Georgia.

A single-family restaurant building.

After the two got off the car, Yang Mi handed Evan a hundred euros:

"Evan, thank you for your hard work. See you after lunch."

Evan smiled and nodded, watching the two of them enter the restaurant.

Say your name and take a seat.

There are not many people in the restaurant, so I won’t mention the environment.

Xu Xin could understand the menu, but he had no intention of reading it at the moment.

Yang Mi watched it with gusto.

Occasionally, I would look around.

Until Georgia arrived.

Say hello and take a seat.

When he saw that they were old diners, he asked the two of them. When he saw that they both chose to follow his recommendation, he immediately named the dish.

At the same time, I didn’t forget to say:

"I saved a bottle of wine here last time, and the name is Kekendis."

"Okay, sir."

The waiter left quickly, and Georgia smiled and picked up the lemonade:

"Cheers, friends. Long time no see~"

"Yeah, long time no see. George~"

Yang Mi picked up the cup with a smile.

The three cups touched together and made a crisp sound.

"How are you doing? George."

Yang Mi obviously knows what her position is today.

The two of them definitely want to talk about serious business, but before that, they have to complete the "warm-up" part by themselves.

"Very good. Well, Yang, your movie has been produced. Before I left, I heard that they had just held a preview screening. The media people's reputation is generally very good. I estimate that in a few days, you The publicity warm-up is about to begin.”

"Yes, it was supposed to start after Valentine's Day, but I have to attend the Berlin Film Festival. They will start first, and I will postpone it for a while. I haven't seen the film yet... George, this kind of preview screening Yes, do you allow me to take him there?"

"Of course not. Unless invited, even if Xu is your husband, you can't. Only the actors and crew who are qualified to see it, and invited media can watch it. After watching it, the negatives will be sealed. Even if Legendary Pictures allows it , and insurance companies do not allow it. Because this kind of viewing by unrelated people is most likely to expose the source information of the film. They are not willing to lose a large sum of insurance premiums for leaking the source of the film."

"Well... I really don't know how that movie turned out."

"Haha, the reputation is quite good."

"Just comfort me."


The two chatted for a while, and soon the appetizers arrived.

It's something that can't be eaten in one bite.

It is said to be made with crab meat and some kind of sauce that Xu Xin doesn't know the word for.

The wine was also opened by the sommelier, a bottle of 1977 Mouton.

There is wine and food.

The atmosphere is here.

Seeing that it was almost done, Yang Mi wiped the corners of her mouth with a napkin and said:

"George, how was your conversation this morning?"


Georgia glanced at Xu Xin and said with a smile:

"Xu, Max and the others are waiting for me to make a decision, what about you? Who are you waiting for to make a decision?"

One sentence.

This begins.

But he didn't wait for Xu Xin to answer, but asked a piece of news that was actually somewhat unrelated to the topic:

"Xu, are you interested in Hollywood?"

Judging by his tone, the former seems like a joke.

The latter is the real problem.

But Xu Xin didn't show any surprise.

I just feel like the other person is talking in circles.

Then he smiled and asked:

"What? Paramount likes me?"




Both of them were stunned.

Looking at the expressions of the two people, "Old Qian" continued to ask:

"Xu, how long has it been since you last contacted Keanu Reeves?"

"It's been a long time. There have been emails exchanged."

As he spoke, he looked at Yang Mi.

Yang Mi also shook her head:

"What are you looking at me for? After they came to Xiangjiang last year... two years ago, I have only seen them once in the past few times I have been to the United States. He invited me to a dinner party he hosted. That was also in April. .”

After answering, Yang Mi looked at Lao Qian.

"George, what's wrong with him?"

Lao Qian didn't hide anything and said:

"His movie was completed in October last year. We, Universal, and Columbia were all very interested. And after seeing the quality of the finished film... to be honest, Yang, we were surprised. His story... is very interesting. . It is a kung fu movie, but it is definitely not a kung fu movie in the traditional sense. It contains some... very attractive... thoughts about inner struggle and thoughts about a kind of existence, glory and prosperity in the past, but now it is lonely. He is thinking about whether this kind of loneliness is inevitable for the times? People really don’t need it? Or is it forgotten... It’s very interesting. To be honest, even as an American, I have to say that the film is not like what an American director can do. It was shot. What’s more, he’s still a rookie director.”


Yang Mi opened her mouth and glanced at her husband subconsciously.

Meaning: I can’t talk anymore today. The cause of your sowing, idols. Come on~

Xu Xin ignored his wife's blaming look, but nodded and asked:

"Well, what then?"

"Then...his favorite was originally Universal Pictures. But in the end, we got the distribution rights. If nothing else happens, it will be scheduled for release around the middle of this year, around July. And, we have already put it in theaters It was submitted to the Cannes Film Festival. With many years of experience, I think this film has a high chance of being shortlisted. When we were talking about the idea of ​​the story, he mentioned you and told me that you helped him figure out the whole story. And he continued to shoot based on your idea. It was at that time that when I told him that we were also friends, he finally chose us over the competition between us and Universal."

After explaining clearly why Keanu's name was suddenly mentioned, Lao Qian's style of painting suddenly changed again:

"Xu, are you willing to come to Hollywood to develop your career?"

he asked again.


At this time, Xu Xin could not give a direct answer.

If it's about "Perfect", he already has a bottom line in his mind and can naturally make the decision.

But the other party's problem...

He could actually give a firm answer directly.

"No time", "no way", "impossible", "Hollywood? Even dogs don't go there..."

Of course, the last answer was a joke.

But this cannot be said.

Because Sister Mo is in Hollywood.

Although he had never promised Sister Mo anything, he would definitely not frown as long as the other party spoke.

Whether in terms of personal friendship or long-term interests.

Therefore, he thought for a moment and gave the answer:

"George, I thought you and I were here to talk about the movie Perfect."

"Haha~ my friend."

Lao Qian picked up the wine glass.

"We are enjoying good food now, why are we talking about work? Not to mention...Xu, one thing I have to say is: Although you have not underestimated your work, you have underestimated Paramount. Or maybe ...You think about us too narrowly. My friend, one movie is not worth the non-stop rush to Berlin after I just finished working on "The Wolf of Wall Street"."


Xu Xin was stunned.

Then, I saw him say in a very relaxed tone:

"I can give you an accurate reply to the conditions of "Perfect" now. Xu, on behalf of Paramount, I have agreed to a maximum share of 26%, and will start operating next year's Oscars as soon as the contract is signed. I can promise you even now, although I'm not sure which one... but my friend, Perfect Strangers will definitely be nominated for an award next year."


This time, it was Yang Mi's turn to be speechless.

And just when this emotion was rising, she heard her husband's words:

"And what's the price? My friend."

Xu Xin asked.

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