I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 926 922 Xiying PLUS

Chapter 926 922. Xiying PLUS

Just like the appetizers that whet one's appetite, Xu Xin didn't look excited after Lao Qian said he agreed to the "perfect" conditions.

He even remembered a sentence he had forgotten where he saw:

"Behind all the glamour, there is a price secretly marked."

He may choose to believe that old money can make decisions, but he does not believe that Hollywood, with the attribute of "capital", will easily change the meat from exclusive to sharing based on its generous kindness.

Therefore, even though his appetite was whetted, he still maintained a restrained attitude and asked his doubts.

Then I heard another rhetorical question:

"Xu, when it comes to your first impression of Paramount, what do you think?"

"The Godfather, Titanic, Mission: Impossible, Shrek, and for some reason, Transformers, which I always come across."

Speaking of the film that always appeared in his life and swept the Chinese film market every time it appeared, Xu Xin showed a rare look of dumbfounding:

"I really feel that I am quite unlucky. When "Transformers" harvests the ticket sales of China, I am always among the other unlucky ones. But..."

Having said this, he paused and said:

"But to be honest, maybe "Transformers 4"... there will be a fourth part, right?"

"Of course, it's already in production."

"Well. When we mention the "Transformers" series, everyone will always think of the adrenaline-fueled special effects and the explosion effects of big scenes... Even McCombe has a nickname in our country, called: Explosion Expert. But I To be honest, starting from the second part, its storytelling has been continuously weakening.

And after playing 3, I also paid attention to the audience's reputation. George, one thing you have to admit is that the audience is gradually getting tired of aesthetics. So... from my personal point of view, maybe "4" is the final highlight of this movie series. Of course, this is a chat between our friends.

Unless the director, script rhythm, and different things are injected into the movie, otherwise...if it is still shot in the same style as before...I think the economic value of this movie will become something to be discussed. This is my take on Transformers. "

When Xu Xin expressed his thoughts, Lao Qian kept nodding.

I just don't know if it's out of politeness or if I really agree with Xu Xin's idea.

Then, he did not discuss the topic of "Transformers" in depth, but changed the topic again.

"Actually, Xu, except for "Transformers" and "Mission: Impossible," we won't talk about "The Godfather." For now, the other movies you mentioned, such as "Titanic," are actually between Fox and us It is a joint venture. When it comes to ownership, we only have the distribution rights in North America. The copyright does not actually belong to us. The copyrights of "Shrek" and "Madagascar" also belong to DreamWorks. We are only the distributor, not the publisher. Producer. My friend, don’t you think it’s a little strange?”

"For example?"

"For example, why is it that, as the oldest film company in the United States, it currently holds only so many well-known film IPs with copyright and production rights. "Transformers", "Mission: Impossible"... and even "Raiders" "Raiders" because we lost the copyright after Disney acquired Lucasfilm..."

Hearing this, why did Xu Xin not mention it? Yang Mi muttered in her heart:

"No wonder people say you are the BIG FIVE of Hollywood..."

Everyone knows that the most valuable thing about a film company is its film IP. As a result, here you are...the oldest film company has almost become a distributor.

"Xu, let me give you some data, and you will actually understand what I want to tell you. After "Transformers" was released in 1984, its total revenue so far is about 22 billion US dollars.

This includes derivatives licensing, box office revenue, home entertainment, video games, television revenue, etc. Its total value is that, but the bulk of it actually goes to Hasbro. As the holder of film and television IP, Paramount’s revenue is about US$2.7 billion.

"Harry Potter", which only appeared in 1997, has a total IP revenue of close to 30 billion. Its box office revenue is about US$6.9 billion.

Another example is the Marvel MCU series and the Avengers series, which have become popular in the past two years. Not to mention their total IP value, the film and television revenue alone is approaching US$4 billion.

There are also movies like Batman, Spider-Man, and even Star Wars. These are the most valuable IPs in Hollywood. Each one of them has exceeded 20 billion US dollars in terms of revenue. From last year’s statistics, these are the 50 most valuable global IPs. Paramount only has "Transformers", which ranks 7th on the box office list.

But in the total value list, "Transformers" ranks 27th. "

"Disney should be the absolute ace, right?"

Hearing Xu Xin's words, Lao Qian nodded:

"Yes, they are the absolute leader on this list."

"So... George, what you are trying to say is that you are lacking content?"

"Yes, Xu. We are gradually declining from a film company to a distribution company. This is actually very similar to the Huayi Brothers in your country."

Lao Qian suddenly brought up a topic that caught Xu Xin off guard.

Along with the appetizer, some pan-fried fish arrived. Under Xu Xin's surprised eyes, Lao Qian said with an unusually understanding tone:

"Xu, don't you think your Western Film and Television Group is very similar to Paramount? You both have a very old history. You have even brought you countless classic works in the past few decades. Each of these works Every time you take it out, it will be engraved in the history of Chinese movies. But as time goes by... it is inevitable that everyone is faced with some choices.

Before you go to Western Film and Television, their choice is not to expand and develop, but to stick to their past glory, like an old man lying in the hospital, waiting little by little for "death" to approach. But Paramount’s choice is a style similar to that of Huayi Brothers in your country.

We can live without IP, but we cannot lose our stock price. We represent, distribute, and integrate into those works. In this way, when these works are released, our mountain LOGO can appear in the public eye. As the box office of these movies increases, our stock price will become better, satisfying the shareholders behind it. You should understand the operating rules I mentioned, right? "

Does Xu Xin understand?

He was so understanding.

In other words, whether it is Paramount...Western Film or Huayi. It's like the branches that follow the main body of "movie".

In fact, there is no clear concept of who is good and who is bad on both sides. Everything depends on how you look at it.

From the perspective of Xiying, Huayi’s operation method, where the stock price is more important than the work, cannot produce high-quality films. Because movies are now not only spiritual entertainment, but also cover the scope of art.

But from Huayi's point of view...it's good to make money, not shabby.

Only after an artist starves to death will his works start to fetch a crazy premium.


Is the artist still alive?

Then die quickly. If you don’t die, how can your art be valuable?

To put it bluntly, this is a simple general question of art or money.


"George, how long have you been at Paramount?"

He suddenly asked a question that seemed unrelated to these topics.

But Lao Qian was happy:

"My friend, I told you that I played a young newsboy in "The Godfather" when I was filming it. Do you believe it?"


Believe it or not, it doesn't matter.

Importantly, he should have been at Paramount for a long time.

So, he continued to ask:

"So, you are a very firm content person?"

"Yes. Xu. I have experienced that period and understand what is most important to the film company. Therefore, for so many years, I have always been a staunch content person."

He barely touched the food on his plate. After saying these words with the help of a sip of red wine, he continued:

"Xu, Hollywood is huge, and this soil is enough to feed many people. And every seed in the soil has the potential to escape from weeds and grow into a towering tree. For most people in Paramount, they need The animation of Mount Everest appears in the title sequence of "Perfect". But for a few, we prefer to have our own content."

As he spoke, he spread his hands:

"So, after learning about "Perfect", my friend, our people conducted a very detailed investigation on you and Yang. Including your first movie, including where you have been in these years. The changes brought about by the Western Film and Television Group. Perhaps in the eyes of most people in Hollywood, it is not unusual for even the best director in Venice to fail in Hollywood.

What's more, you don't have any commercial films that can prove your worth. However, after learning that the company wanted to move the film "Perfect" to North America, I immediately applied to be the person in charge of this negotiation. Although the negotiation standards are set by the company, the final decision-making power rests with me.

My friend, Perfect is not a movie that I really care about. Even after we reach cooperation, there will be no special changes in your life. After all, you still have to wait a year for the Oscars. But I really hope that we can reach another kind of cooperation, such as... Like Yang, you go to Hollywood. "

After completely understanding what Lao Qian meant, Xu Xin suddenly became happy.

smiled and said:

"But Paramount is not a Western film and television group. Do you really expect me, a foreign director and an unknown person who has never made a commercial film, to be Captain America?... Speaking of which, if I remember correctly If so, you are also responsible for the distribution of "Iron Man" and "Captain America", right?"

"Of course. Paramount's distribution advantage is currently unmatched by other film companies. This is also the result of our transformation. But... times are changing. Isn't it? We and "Perfect" can still negotiate the share ratio. However, in 2008, "Iron Man" created the steel armor, and after it soared into the sky, Marvel no longer even needed to talk about it. Disney naturally took over everything... Look, is it more like you?"

Xu Xinxin said that it was more than a resemblance, it was exactly the same as the original Xiying Studio.

In fact, there are no direct superiors and subordinates, or good or bad, in the production and distribution of movies.

To put it bluntly, everyone is part of the "movie" line.

An indispensable part.

Looking at the movies released by Paramount over the years, it is not difficult to find that many famous projects came to the public through their hands.

They do have a stellar resume.

But again, in terms of production... they really have nothing to stand out about.

Most of the popular works are not produced by the first producer.

This shows that the productivity of their original content is really pitifully weak.

Even if they are better than Xiying Studio at a certain stage, the whole is a Xiying PLUS version.


After a long time of turmoil... did the old money put the treasure on himself?

Naturally, he would not be so arrogant, so he continued to ask:

"Could it be that you really put your treasure on me alone?"

"Of course not. Xu, in some respects, Hollywood is actually far more realistic than what the outside world sees. If you are capable, you must prove your ability. Even after we get to know you, everyone thinks you are a Very good director.

But as a film company, it is very foolish to place all its hopes on one person. We actually strive for many excellent directors every year and reach cooperation with them.

This is also a screening process. But...with the company's current route, the living space for us old guys has actually been compressed a lot. Or to be more realistic, even if we collaborate on a particularly good movie, the company will not switch from a distribution route to a production route with great fanfare.

It just gives you the green light and resources for your personal movie. The general direction will not change.

We cannot change easily either. Even from a company development perspective, our current plan is not wrong. But everyone on this ship has a role to play. The captain leads us forward, and we craftsmen also have to perform our jobs and repair the ship to ensure that it does not sink in the sea. This is good for everyone, right? "

Don't tell me yet.

Lao Qian's chatting style is actually a bit different from others.

Just the fact that he puts his words out in the open makes people willing to follow his train of thought.

What's more, what he said was also very realistic.

There are no empty promises like "come here and you will be our big brother".

To be honest, cooperation is cooperation.

You contribute the money, I contribute the effort.

Everyone gets what they need.

Looking at it this way, the transaction is quite equal.


"Then I'm even more curious. Who formulated the sharing model of "Perfect"?"

"Hollywood, of course."

Lao Qian shrugged:

"Xu, I know you will find these conditions very harsh. But you have to know that this is Hollywood. Hollywood is the Hollywood of the world, but the rule-maker is Hollywood itself. Or many people say that we engage in hegemony. But in this world Many things on the Internet are about the strong making the rules, right? If a movie, or some movies that do not belong to Hollywood, want to come to Hollywood, they want us to maximize their interests. If you were you, would you agree? "

After asking a question that made people feel uncomfortable and unable to refute, he said in a matter-of-fact tone:

"Of course some people think our behavior is bad. But, on the whole, what all film companies pursue is money, or at worst, money and art are equal. Come to Hollywood, and you will increase your income. But if you don't come, you will lose an income. Is there anyone who doesn't want to? Of course. But who really cares?"



Xu Xin and Yang Mi were speechless after speaking directly to the essence of Hollywood.

Did Lao Qian make a mistake?

Not at all.

Even if this is gangster logic, but think about it from another perspective, if there is a... If nothing else, it would be an Indian movie.

Indian movies want to be in heaven.

China Film Group has the most, in the ratio of 35, 17, and 48.

If Indian movies want to make big claims, they should use Hollywood’s sharing model of “80% of the box office in the first week, 60% in the second week, and 40% in the third week”...

I'm afraid the people from China Film Group are going to smash Asan's head.

What's your level? Do they use the same commission conditions as other Hollywood movies?


When someone in a lower position faces a superior, they will always feel that the other party's conditions are harsh and dissatisfied.

But when someone in a superior position looks at someone below them, they will also feel that the other group of Asans are talking shamelessly.

Movies may not be high or low, but the movie market does.

Fortunately, he "has no desire but is strong", otherwise if he had a very utilitarian purpose in the beginning, there might not be such a thing as "equality" at all.

Among them, there must be one opponent who has one arm betting on the future.

In fact, the purpose of old money is quite clear.

The finishing quality of Keanu's "Man of Tai Chi" should be quite amazing.

It’s hard to predict the commercial value, but at least this film is eye-catching.

And his "Perfect" also proved one thing, that is, in the eyes of Hollywood people, his films are valuable. Never mind whether it is artistic content or commercial value.

There, business is art, and art also has commercial value.

For Paramount, which has released too many films, their foundation does not need a life-saving straw as much as Western Film did. Moreover, Paramount's financial report is not bad.

But the people from Lao Qian are still working conscientiously for the future of the company.

The three magic weapons of a production company: script, director, and funding.

They're not short of money, and probably not short of scripts either. But there is a lack of people who can control these.

The profit after a film is released, especially a non-commercial film like this, is like an elephant eating mosquito meat. Mosquitoes have meat, but it doesn’t matter whether they eat it or not.

What they really want is what will come out of collaboration in the future.

This is also the purpose of today's meal.

As for old money...or whether Paramount's idea is suitable, everyone may have their own opinions.

Some people may think that there is no need, they are not short of money, and they have no interest in Hollywood, so why go there?

Very normal.

I have my own personal thoughts.

But Xu Xin felt that he could accept the method proposed by Lao Qian.

It's one thing not to be interested in Hollywood. Since Sister Mo is still in North America, it is destined that he cannot completely close the door to Hollywood.

What's more, he hasn't tried it yet.

The same thing he said to Yang Mi at the beginning was that he would give it a try, but whether he was still interested after trying it was another matter.

not to mention……

"George, I've actually been having a question for a long time. Let's just talk about it."

"Of course, no problem, Xu. What are you wondering about?"

"Hollywood special effects...the cost of your special effects is so high, haven't you ever planned to outsource it?"


Lao Qian was stunned.

If the previous topic was about the two of them chatting about the future through "Perfect", then what Xu Xin means now is really a new version of the boat.

"Xu, are you interested in special effects?"

"I have formed a special effects company..."

The topic directly entered the 2.0 era.

By the time the meal was over, it was already past 1:30.

Glancing at the driver who opened the door for Lao Qian, Xu Xin smiled and said:

"George, then I won't send it to you, friend."

"Of course, Xu, but remember, you still owe me a dinner."

"Haha, of course. After I finish these activities, we must have a drink."

After exchanging pleasantries, Xu Xin sent Lao Qian away.

After waving to the Mercedes-Benz, she and Yang Mi got into the Volvo directly.

It's 1:30, which is less than 8 p.m. in China.

8 a.m. US time.

After getting in the car, he fell into deep thought.

Yang Mi didn't speak either.

Evan drove the car towards the hotel in silence.

After walking through about three traffic lights, Xu Xin took out his phone.

Toot toot…


Liu Momo's voice rang out.

"Are you up? Sister."

"You're up, what's wrong?... You should be in Berlin at the moment, right? Do you have anything to do with me?"

"There really is..."

In the car, Xu Xin restored everything to Liu Momo word for word.

After finishing speaking, he concluded:

"If you think it's okay, then we can board the big ship of Paramount in the future...or at least in the beginning. What do you think?"


There was silence on Liu Momo's side.

Xu Xin did not rush, but waited patiently for her answer.

After being silent for about half a minute, her calm and rational voice sounded:

"At this stage, at least until the future is unclear, I think this cooperation is of great significance to us. They are like an enhanced version of Xiying Studio, and the headwinds are no longer the same as before. Although this friendship may deteriorate at any time due to interests... But for Ni Feng, a little sesame in Hollywood, it is indeed important to be able to connect with them. But whether they are "West Film Studio" or not, then..."

"Then you can take it one step at a time. At least at this stage, it will be much easier with them than by yourself, and you will have access to more resources."


Liu Momo didn't hesitate this time and responded directly.

That's right.


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