I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 930 926 As soon as you think about it, it comes out

Chapter 930 926. Whatever comes up comes up


Inside the restaurant.

Gina's eyes widened and she looked at Lang Lang across from her... This time, she was not pure anymore.

Originally, only Lang Lang's shadow was reflected in the pupils, but now a man named Xu and a man named Zhou squeezed in.

"Yes, these are his original words: Thank you to the fans who bought genuine copies for supporting me. Those fans who bought pirated copies, I don't blame them, but I am honored that I can be their youth. This is JAY's message to all his fans. Cognition. How about it, isn’t it very poetic?”


Gina, who was instantly conquered by JAY's big heart and attitude towards fans, nodded vigorously, took out her mobile phone, opened iTunes, and started searching for his songs.

She was so curious.

I wonder what kind of songs a singer who can say such words and treat every fan equally has created.

After searching for JAY's name, she looked at the unfamiliar Chinese characters in it. She almost didn't think about it and added them all to the playlist... Then she discovered one thing...

Why so many?

But it doesn't matter, she is suddenly very interested in JAY.

While adding, she asked curiously:

"What about Xu? How does he treat movie fans who pay for movie tickets and those who don't? Is this the same?"

"That's not true."

Lang Lang shook his head:

"He doesn't care."

"...Don't care? Don't you care about the movie fans?"


This is actually a bit difficult to answer.

But Lang Lang felt that it was still necessary to say it.

So, he nodded:



Looking at Gina's confused eyes, Lang Lang said in a very calm voice:

"Actually, Xu has never expressed anything about this. Whether the fans support it, good or bad reviews, or how much money he has made... He actually never said it. Didn't we just say it, Xu His family conditions are also very good. In fact, among the four of us, he ranks second."


"When he made a certain movie, we talked about what was good and what was bad. After we told it, he rarely argued with us, like some other directors who might say: You think it's not good because of you. I didn't understand...but he didn't. He wouldn't express any opinions after hearing what we thought was bad. At most, he would say: I understand.

He basically doesn't express his own opinions.

And what I said about not caring is actually what we think Xu is most powerful about. He is rarely swayed by outside opinions, because he has understood a truth very early, that is, no kind of art, film, painting, music... can satisfy everyone. So he is very focused, even selfish, only focusing on what he knows.

Whatever he is interested in, he focuses on something... He has a saying that I think can particularly summarize the artistic career, which is: you only need to move towards your goal, and on the way, the achievements you achieve, Don't care about how many people like or dislike you. Because that's just the scenery as you move forward.

In fact, we have all heard different versions of what this means, but...he is the only person I have ever met who is the most determined. Once you get familiar with him, you will understand that he is a very, very pure guy. Pure, full of ultimate talent and talent, and will not be influenced by any external force.

It sounds a bit extreme, but his mind is particularly clear. If you look at it from an artistic point of view, he is actually very similar to Berlioz, but in fact you will find that he is cooler-headed than Berlioz's arrogance. You know, we once had a conversation about classical music.

I say that classical music is actually very difficult now because fewer and fewer people can feel this beauty. This is true for opera, and so is piano. I said I wanted to make some changes, such as incorporating modern elements into immortal masterpieces such as Bach, Liszt, and Beethoven. Give more people access to this change, like a guitar? Even electronic music…

You know, JAY is a genius. His song style is also a fusion of classical and modern. My proposal received great approval from him. And... you can actually understand after listening to his songs that he is a master in this area. And just when we both had agreed to release an ensemble album, Xu put the matter on hold. "


Gina couldn't help but ask.

Because...his proposal seemed to her to be a good thing.

Classical music is indeed in decline.

You know, although it is called classical music now, in the era when these immortal chapters appeared, they were synonymous with popularity.

If someone can combine the two and find a way to revive classical music, then his name will shine forever in the history of human art.

This is obviously a good thing.

"Because Xu told me: You are not old enough."


Under Gina's doubtful eyes, Lang Lang shook his head slightly:

"He said: All your achievements now are given by the piano. In other words, they are given by the group of "old-fashioned" lovers who have not yet realized that music is music and that there is no difference between its elegance and popularity. They feel that my playing and the music I listen to are all elegant, and are different from the current pop songs that are more entertainment-oriented.

Classical music, in the West, regardless of those who really love these music, actually plays a role in identity recognition and class distinction. And it is precisely this part that is not classical music itself, but has had a deep-rooted role in Europe, America or the world for thousands of years, giving me and even many pianists the transcendent status of "artists"... Note that he did not say it absolutely. , and it does not start from classical music itself, but from..."

"I know."

Gina nodded slightly:

"I understand what Xu means. Indeed, there is a very clear line between classical music and modern music in the hearts of those conservative people."

"Well, it's good that you understand. What he means is: I can't hold the piano as a bowl of rice and turn my head towards a direction that is deviant in the eyes of these people."

The two of them were sitting by the window.

It's sunny in Berlin today.

At this moment, there is already a tendency to sprinkle towards the window.

Just a little bit.

Gina narrowed her eyes slightly, looked at the senior brother opposite, and asked:

"Is this why he stopped?"

"Yes. That's why I said he always has a calm mind. Because... he understands how to carve out his own path while adapting to this era. It's like he said to me: You What you need to do now is not to rush to express your views on classical music that are different from those around you. Instead, you should continue to stand on this high platform and let them push you to higher places.

The higher it is, the more authoritative it is. When you go from the top three in the world to the well-deserved number one in the world. When your words go from people thinking you are young and questionable, to a respected artist who blends classical music with modern music with a far-sighted vision. When those who pushed you up have grown old and died. When the new generation of people regard you as the true god and firmly believe in the authority of your words, then that is the moment when you can turn the tide. "


In Gina's silence, Lang Lang spread his hands:

"I asked him how long it would take? He told me: at least ten to fifteen years. Only then will you be truly safe."

A period of time.

The girl had gone from slightly squinting her eyes and looking at the man opposite her in the sun, to a look with her mouth slightly open and a look of shock...or should I say frightened and dumbfounded.

this person……? ? ?

? ? ?

Is there anything wrong with what Long said?


Is it shocking?


It's just a kind of... words similar to plans and expectations for the future.

But for some reason, Gina suddenly felt a little cold.

He was obviously not afraid, but the chill came from nowhere.

That's due to instinctive fear.

It was like in a dark forest, a tree had broken away from the soil and climbed up to a high-altitude branch called "Classical Music". Just when it thought it was close to the sky and felt happy, it was unexpectedly hit by a tree dropped from the sky. When the light shines...

Facing the light at that absolute height and the fear generated by the gaze of the huge thing that cast the light.

what is that?

Why is it so high?

have no idea.

But fear still arises.

She is only 19 years old.

Even the title of "Young Piano Artist" is only on the tip of his toes.

But now...the world-class piano artist opposite her, who was definitely at the top of the pyramid, told her his plan for fifteen years.

However, what the other party said was very reasonable...it was even possible to say it was reality.

Whether classical music can be made popular again, whether it can be done, Gina doesn't know.

But this path... is obviously not wrong.

Maximum gain and minimum loss.

The most perfect path a world-class artist can choose when his mind is at his most mature.

And if Lang figured this out on her own, or in fifteen years, it wouldn't be worth her fear.

If he had thought it through at this stage, Gina would take it for granted.

Because, if you don’t have this kind of outstanding talent, how can you deserve to be among the “top three in the world”?


He told her that one of his friends said it.

Thinking of this, she asked almost instinctively:

"When did he get this idea?"

"About...three years ago, right? I think it was 10 years? Or maybe it was 2009, I don't really remember."

"How old was he then?"

"Well... twenty-three-four years old."


The pupils of Gina's eyes instantly shrank to the thickness of a needle, and then suddenly expanded!

"So young!?"

"He is not old now. He is only 27 years old this year. I am 4 years older than him."


For a moment, Gina's mind went blank and she couldn't form even the simplest words.

Looking at her dumbfounded look, Lang Lang chuckled:

"Ha~ Look, that's what I said. The whole world, to Xu, is just a movie."

Speaking of this, he suddenly stopped talking.

The sunlight has already infected his right hand which is worth thousands of gold.

Following the direction in which the light slipped in, he turned to look out the window at the Berlin sky.

He sighed again unconsciously:

"Sigh... So sometimes, I think about it myself... Even Wang and I have talked about this matter. We are both very lucky. Fortunately, Xu still has movies and love. Because we can't imagine what would happen if He has no movies and no love, so his world would be hopelessly monotonous."

As he said that, he withdrew his gaze, looked at the girl whose eyes were straightened, and said with a smile:

"Do you understand now? Why the four of us have such a good relationship. In fact, in a sense, we are in a group to keep warm. Xu often said: My three friends are geniuses, I have to work harder, okay Let yourself not look so embarrassed. But in my case, I will also say: My three friends are all top geniuses. One ended and created a new era of music with his own hands. One carried the future of movies, and the other ……Well……"

Suddenly he scratched his head.

Finally, two words are given:

"There's really a lot of money. Well, we all have a bright future."


This BRUNCH meal ends here.

"We're not going to the Capitol?"

Sitting in the POLO, Lang Lang asked quite funny.

The "tour guide" who was originally just shook his head firmly at this moment:

"I'll take you to a great place!"


Looking at the girl who was finally no longer so "soft" but a little self-assertive and more real, she had actually been to the Capitol Building a long time ago, and there were still a lot of people shaking hands with him. Lang Lang continued to smile and said:


To be honest, he prefers her current appearance.

Because now she doesn't look like a pianist, but more like a living person.

"A video store."

Lang Lang was stunned:

"Video stores?"



To be honest, Lang Lang hasn't heard this word for a long time.

It's really strange.

But don’t worry, he is really familiar with Berlin, but not as familiar as the locals.

So he laughed and said:

"Okay. Let's go then~"

While Gina was driving, she suddenly realized something was wrong and quickly turned around:

"How about... let's go to the Capitol Building? I changed the location without authorization..."

"No, I've been to the Capitol before. More than once."


Gina was speechless for a moment:

"Then you still promise me?"


Now Lang Lang didn't know what to say.

What can I say?

Because you're afraid of being bitten by a dog?

If I didn't promise you, you might not have survived last night in Volvo's car, which is said to be the safest in the world?

Do you dare not agree?

It's so good to move the coffin.

Then... neither of them spoke.

This is Lang Lang's idea, but it's unknown what Gina thinks.

But her face is like a peach blossom.

Lang Lang didn’t dare to look at it.

I am afraid that I will have any unwanted thoughts towards a girl who is 12 years younger than me and only 19 years old.

A little too dirty.

And in this silence, Lang Lang turned on the car stereo.

There was a burst of piano sound.

When he heard it, he nodded.

Tchaikovsky, "Symphony No. 6"

He increased his volume.

After a moment, he nodded:

"It's not bad. It just feels like the intensity is a bit lacking. In some places, it should be "dah, dah, dah, dah!" "It shouldn't be "da da da da". It's a little too flat... but it's very soft and has a beautiful flavor. I already have my own style. Whose album is this?"



Lang Lang's mouth twitched.

Turning around, the girl's face was very red.

He thought he was embarrassed because of his words, so he quickly said:

"It's okay, it's just a small flaw and there is still room for improvement. Otherwise, it's already great!"


Gina was speechless and her ears turned redder.

Lang Lang thought for a while and saw that there was an AUX cable in the car, so he quickly said:

"How about... let's try JAY's songs?"


So, he connected the AUX line.

He used his mobile phone to select and chose a song that he felt was the best for wheel integration - "Nocturne".

Instantly, the piano melody sounded.

"JAY's songs are great, although I can't understand them..."

"It doesn't matter, we can't understand it either... In fact, he can't understand it himself either. Because there are too many words, he can't even remember them."


In Gina's surprised eyes, Lang Lang's hands worth tens of thousands of dollars opened the door of the store, which is translated as "Schweinsteiger Film Audio and Video".

He made an inviting gesture in a very gentlemanly manner.

Gina quickly pressed the door with her hand so that he could let go.

The two pianists walked in one after another in perfect harmony.

After entering, Lang Lang discovered that this store in Berlin... which could be considered a suburb of the old city was actually quite big.

There must be about a hundred square feet.

But it was crowded.

There are so many DVDs that the aisles here are extremely narrow.

Let alone two people walking side by side, if you walk alone, you have to turn sideways in some places.

But...there are really many CDs.

At this time, Gina said:

"This store has been open for a long time. It used to be a video store. Dad said it was there when I was just born. We lived here at that time and Dad would come over often. Grandpa Schwein was very good. He helped me get it. I’ve been to the piano performances of many musicians...including yours. But now that grandpa is old, Uncle Feng Lun is in charge...Guten Tag, Uncle Feng Lun."

At this time, Gina greeted a middle-aged man who walked out of the aisle filled with CDs holding a notepad.


The middle-aged man looked surprised.

A little unkempt, with a smile on his face with a messy beard.

Then, Gina introduced Lang Lang to him.

However, she probably didn't give a particularly detailed introduction, so Feng Lun's expression was just a polite smile, not the look of someone meeting a piano artist.

After the two chatted for a while, Feng Lun nodded, as if he had agreed to something, and turned around and walked towards the corridor.

Gina then said to Lang Lang:

"I didn't tell him your identity."


Lang Lang didn't care, and then asked:

"What are we doing here?"

"I told my uncle that we are looking for Xu's movies. He must have them! There are none in Berlin. Uncle, there must be some here! Are there any movies that you are interested in? Whether they are new movies or old movies, they are all here. Lou There’s one too!”

Lang Lang doesn't have any movies he wants to watch at the moment.

But he is obviously happy to be with someone who has never seen Lao Xu's movie.

smiled and said:

"Don't worry, let's see what's here first."

Then I looked around and found that the movies here were all distinguished by years and different box colors.

He now saw the year 1995.

And Gina had already walked to Feng Lun.

The two began to communicate in German.

After chatting for a while, Gina called Lang Lang:

"Lang, do you think this is it?"

Lang Lang walked over and discovered that Gina was holding a piece of "Secrets That Cannot Be Told" in her hand.

He nodded:

"Yes, this is what he took..."

At this time, Feng Lun said something to Gina again.

Gina seemed a little surprised, turned to Lang Lang and said:

"My uncle just asked me if I was interested in movies. I said yes, and he said he thought I would watch German or Korean movies first... He also said that Xu is a very, very talented director. This one is His debut film. Although the subject is a campus movie..."

"No, it's a time-travel magical campus love movie."


Seeing Gina's confused eyes, Lang Lang said with a bad smile:

"You have to say this, even if it's a bit convoluted. But if you say it wrong, JAY will be anxious."

"Okay. Anyway, my uncle said that his film is a very impressive work. Even "Heart of the Sun" is like an evolved version of this movie."

Lang Lang glanced at Feng Lun unexpectedly and asked:

"Did he watch "Heart of the Burning Sun"?"

Gina nodded, turned around and communicated with Feng Lun for a while, then said:

"My uncle said that he thought "Heart of the Burning Sun" was great. He watched it twice, and he had already watched all the films at the Berlin Film Festival. Film critics were rarely right, and put "Heart of the Burning Sun" on the list. It is a must-see at this Berlin Film Festival.

It's been a long time since a Chinese movie made him feel like he wanted to watch it a second or third time after watching it. He felt that the story of the movie was very complete, and Xu fully embodied his own lens aesthetics in this movie. That was a shockingly good movie. "

After Gina finished translating, Feng Lun suddenly pointed in the direction of the bar and said a lot more.

"Uncle said... he has a collection of movies he must watch in his lifetime. "Heart of the Sun" is the 42nd movie. Wow... this standard is really high."

Lang Lang was a little surprised:

"Is it ranking? No. 42? His own ranking?"

"No, it's not. It's uncle's own collection of movies. You know, he..."

He circled his fingers and pointed at this video store:

"He has watched too many movies. So his taste is very picky and his selection standards are very high. Currently, there are only 42 movies in total, which are worthy of him watching over and over again and recommending to others. Before, it was 41 There have been 42 movies, and now, the number is 42. The latest one is "Heart of the Burning Sun"..."

As she spoke, Gina's eyes were filled with surprise.

After finishing the translation, she thought for a while and suddenly said:

"Lang, are you busy this afternoon? Let's... go watch a movie?"

She changed her schedule again.

issued his own invitation.

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