I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 931 927 He knows a hammer's

Chapter 931 927. He knows a hammer's "Scorching Sun"

People are always growing.

Maybe what Gina said ten years ago, he would have said:

"I've already seen it."

Eight years ago, he would have said:

"Although I have already watched it, I can watch it with you."

Three years ago, he might have said:

"I've finished reading it. I want you to read it yourself."

But... just like what every outstanding boy should be grateful for the most is not his current boss, but those who help them learn how to be a good man and give this good thing to someone more worthy.

Now Lang Lang heard Gina's words... Although he had no idea in his mind, he still nodded and agreed:

"Okay. I can do that."

Although he has already seen the movie, it may be possible for this girl who has never seen Lao Xu's works to experience the capabilities of his friend. He really feels that it is quite honorable. After all, everyone was chatting at the dinner table yesterday, and Ghazali praised Lao Xu, but the girl had no intention of moving.

But now I not only actively buy Lao Xu's DVD, but I also want to watch the movie.

Don't say it's a sunny day... even if there are knives falling from the sky.

But Gina herself reacted:

"Ah... Lang, have you seen it?"

"I haven't seen it either."

The big-eyed lie is unusually fluent.

The other pair of big eyes blinked subconsciously...


She looked suspicious.

"Really, I was quite busy last year. I was busy, and so was he. After the film was finished, it was sealed up and sent to the film company, and I didn't have time to watch it."


The girl blinked.

In some old houses with almost no natural light, sunlight comes like a miracle.

bloomed on her smile.

"Thank you, Long."

The light was a bit dazzling, so Lang Lang subconsciously avoided his gaze:

"It's okay, I'll ask where the latest show of "Heart of the Sun" is played today."

"Yeah! Uncle Feng Lun~"

Gina held up several discs in her hand.


At the entrance of the cinema.

Lang Lang, who habitually wore a mask, glanced at the long queue and heard Gina sigh:

"There are so many people...are they all here to watch "Heart of the Burning Sun"?"

Lang Lang glanced at her in surprise, nodded and said:

"Is this your first time attending the Berlin Film Festival?"

"Well!... I usually practice piano when I have free time. I rarely... go out to play, and I don't have many friends. So..."

"Practicing the piano still requires a combination of work and rest. Too boring and hard practice is actually far less effective than your sudden inspiration. Of course, I am referring to the current stage. We all have systematic learning in the enlightenment stage. Practice. But now it’s more about finding your own style.”

"Yeah, that's what the teacher said too. But...it's become a habit. Hehe, so I'm curious, are they all chasing a movie?"

Although the queue is not outdoors at this moment, but inside the cinema.

But she was still surprised by such a long queue just for a movie.

It’s not like she’s never seen a movie before, but she’s never seen this kind of movie start in an hour and a half and people are already queuing up.

"Because "Heart of the Sun" is very popular, and there is only one show every day. The rules of the Berlin Film Festival are that each movie can only show one show a day. Half of the tickets will be reserved online, and some will be reserved for fans who queue up. So it seems that the movie The festival has been open for many days, but there are still many people who have not watched it. This is the meaning of the movie viewing manual."

"I see... then we..."

Hearing this, Lang Lang shook his head slightly:

"It's okay, I've already communicated."

As a guest performer at the Berlin Film Festival Awards Ceremony, it is not difficult to get two movie tickets.

Gina was relieved. Then he asked innocently:

"Then if they still don't see it today..."

"Tomorrow. That's all. After all, there are dozens of movies."

"...Okay. Then we are really lucky. Hehe~"

The girl smiled while looking at the group of people waiting in line.

There are Asians, whites, and blacks.

Her curiosity gradually grew.

What kind of movie has such a magical power to attract them, making them queue more than an hour in advance... And looking at the queue, maybe the first person to arrive came earlier and queued up here?

With this thought in mind, soon the phone rang loudly.

He left for a few minutes and when he came back, he already had two more movie tickets in his hand.

After getting the ticket, Gina felt at ease.

Suddenly he said:

"Then let's go pick out gifts for Xu now, shall we?"


This time, Lang Lang's facial expression finally changed.

Although the mask covers it, the other party cannot see it. But he really found out that this girl had a... well... how can I put it? It’s fun, but also very…meh.

It's just a very funny problem.

That is, as soon as you think about it, it comes out.

Although the execution ability is full, the long-term plan is approximately 0.


He sighed inwardly.

After all...he is a child.

While thinking about it, he stood up:

"Let's go."

Go and buy something expensive and useless for Lao Xu!

damn thing!

You have offended the abbot and you still think better of it! ?

In winter in the northern hemisphere, it gets dark early. Although it is already mid-February, the days are still not particularly long.

At least, at 4:50, when the movie ended and the two of them walked out, the sky was already extremely dim.

Lang Lang yawned a little tiredly.

To be honest, I was hungry and sleepy.

He also carried a box in his hand that was not particularly heavy.

I already kind of want to go back.

And just when he was hesitating to talk to Gina about "disbanding on the spot", unlike his tired look, Gina, who was still in high spirits, said something so loud that he wanted to kill him head-on.

"Shall we go have dinner?"


Lang Lang opened his mouth and suddenly felt that he was old.

it's wired.

At this moment, he realized something.

I was born in 1982...it seems that I am no longer young.

Even those born in 2000 have entered puberty...

He didn't know if this girl would make invitations like "Let's go to the bar?" or "Let's dance at the disco?" after eating.

Not too lazy to guess.

What he wants to do most now is go back to the hotel.

Ask Lao Xu if they are done.

Then three or five buddies sit together to make tea and brag.

That energetic age seems to be gone forever.

However, this meal is not missing.

After making up his mind for a while, if this girl was still active, she would refuse anything she said, and then nodded:


So, the two of them went out following the crowd in a low-key manner.

There was another queue at the theater ticket gate, but this time it wasn't long, and I didn't know which movie I was watching.

After the two walked out, Lang Lang heard Gina say:

"I have a few questions about the movie, can you tell me?"

"Okay, what's the doubt?"

"I saw...a few shots. At first I thought it was a conspiracy, because when Xin and Chun were together, the weather was always weird. It was sunny one second, and then foggy and rainy the next... …I thought it was cheating, but it didn’t feel like it afterward. It’s so strange…”

"That is the expression of the inner world. Xu actually played a game with the audience... In other words, he invited the audience to take the initiative to use this kind of revealing lens to tell them: the weather and sunshine you see, Are the thick fog, rain, etc. real? Is this moment the inner world of the protagonist? Or the external world? He leaves it to everyone to think about. Instead of simply fixing a certain shot on one kind of weather.

This is the most powerful part of his movie. For ordinary viewers, like Gina, who are not very exposed to movies, the first thing you see is a complete story. Secondly, while watching the movie, you also received an invitation from Xu. However, for those of you who are watching a movie for the first time, even if he sends out an invitation, you may not be able to react in time if you receive this signal.

For some experienced viewers, or those who have studied movies, after receiving Xu's invitation, they will follow him into another world while watching the movie to ensure the movie-watching experience. Do you understand what I mean by this metaphor? It's just like……"

"Harry Potter?"

Gina's eyes lit up:

"It's like the relationship between Muggles and wizards, who coexist but are distinct from each other!"

"Well... you can think so. In short, the audience will first feel a complete story. The second is some details of the movie, such as weather, background, music, etc... He is not asking everyone to pay for it immediately Instead of issuing a second movie ticket, he hoped that everyone would be deeply impressed by the movie. If they get bored in the future, they can treat it like a game to spend some leisure time. So, he used some Just a ‘little trick’.”

"This is no small trick."

After understanding his explanation, Gina, who had already sat in the car, quickly shook her head:

"It's my first time to see this kind of... movie! It's my first time to receive this kind of invitation. It feels very interesting... I immediately want to go back and watch it again!... Is this what "Heart of the Sun" can become in Berlin? The core appeal of hotly discussed topics?”

"One of them. Maybe, but it's definitely not the main one."

In the face of Gina's exclamation, Lang Lang, who fastened his seat belt, also said with emotion:

"Movies are not about showing off skills. All skills should serve the movie. This is Xu's belief. So... honestly speaking, what do you think of this movie?"

“Without a doubt, great!”

With almost no thought, Gina gave the answer.

"I was a little uncomfortable with it at first, because I really rarely watch movies. But...thinking about it now, I find that whenever I want to recall a certain movie clip, what I think about is not the picture, but the story. What happened in a certain segment of this story... And, besides this story... there is one scene that impressed me the most, and that was at the end of the film, when Haru goes to interrogate Xin.”

"The part where the sun hits Chun's body? Well, that part is indeed..."

Just when he was about to say "shocking", he saw Gina shake her head:

"No, it's not. That part is really good. But what really made me cry was Xin's clothes. He was wearing an orange vest. It was somewhat similar to work clothes..."


Lang Lang tried to remember.

It was found that his memory was full of the scenes during Yi Guchun's interrogation in the sun.

The shock of that scene made him forget all the details. I only remember Xin Xiaofeng smoking, the two chatting... and the scene shining like holy light.

"Then what?"

he asked.

"At that moment... I seemed to suddenly understand the character "Xin". In fact, he was the most miserable in the movie. I think the name of this movie should not be called "The End of the Dead Road", but should be called... "The Sun" "Snow after rising".


Lang Lang's brain suddenly became short-circuited.

What the hell?

What is going on in this kid's head?

How did you come up with this name?

Faced with Lang Lang's doubts, Gina said naturally:

"Because the protagonist Xin is so miserable. He yearns for the light so much, but he just made a wrong step... The most important thing is that the murderer is not him, but he has trapped himself in darkness. But in the end, why did he Will he choose death? Die with that girl's secret? It's because... he is like snow. He just wants to be free and see the sun. As long as he sees the sun, even if it melts, he will have no regrets. .”


Lang Lang opened his mouth subconsciously.

Want to say something.

But if you think about it carefully... doesn't this mean the same as the Chinese name of "Scorching Sun"?

Why can the scorching sun burn the heart?

Because... the heart was cut out and placed in the sun.

Once the heart is cut out, the person dies.

But even if I die, I want this beam of sunshine to shine in my heart.


For a moment, he was speechless.

At this time, I heard Gina continue to talk to herself:

"And the reason why I was so impressed by that episode is... I found that the vest on Xin's body was orange. It's the same color as the sun..."


Lang Lang was stunned again.

"What a cruel picture... Even when the real sunshine shines down, Xin can't show his sincerity. He can only use a sun-colored vest to give himself false faith and comfort... He can never escape the darkness. .Because the darkness is to protect the weak light...the child's light...he is obviously such a gentle person...but in the end he can't even get salvation..."


At his gaffe, the girl whose eyes were reddish again sighed:


Then, he gave his own summary:

"This is really a good movie! I didn't feel that much just now...but now this movie is all in my heart. Its story, its pictures, include Xin, Chun, Xia, Yang, Chen... call……"

As she spoke, the unspeakable sadness in her tone became stronger.

After taking a breath unconsciously, she fanned her eyes with her hands to dry her tears while driving.

Then he said:

"I suddenly understood why so many people like this movie...it's really great! The story is great. I obviously hate tragic movies, but...it feels...especially touching. But specifically I don’t know where I am moved. It’s so strange..."

The tears in her eyes were gradually replaced by surprise.

Is this movie... so powerful?

Can't forget...

There is even just one idea left in my mind right now. After discussing it with Lang... I still want to watch it again!


One day DATE is finally over.

POLO stopped in front of the hotel.

Lang Lang was not in a hurry to get out of the car, but looked at Gina and said:

"I'm leaving?"


Gina didn't seem to have any intention of giving up, but seemed very straightforward.

Just asked:

"Then when I get home, can we chat on the phone?"

Hearing this, Lang Lang smiled and nodded:

"Well, okay. Then be careful on your way back!"


Only then did he open the car door and get out.

Just as he was about to close the door, he discovered that the passenger window had been rolled down.



Lang Lang turned around and saw that Gina's expression suddenly felt uncomfortable.

She pointed to the bag he was holding and asked:

"Are you sure...is it okay to send this? I've been worried..."

"Absolutely no problem. Xu has a strong appreciation of art and he will definitely like it."


Seeing what he said, Gina nodded hesitantly.

But his expression immediately changed:


She bared her little white teeth:

"I'm very happy today! See you soon!"


Lang Lang was stunned.

Suddenly he chuckled:

"Ha~ OK, see you later. Stay safe~"


Watching POLO leave, carrying the "expensive and useless" gift, he walked quickly into the hotel with some subtle feelings in his heart for some unknown reason.

Soon, about ten minutes later, he arrived at the door of Xu Xin's room carrying a gift.

"Ding dong."

After the doorbell rang, the door quickly opened.

Xu Xin probed his head...

"Coming? Come in quickly!"

"It's like a meeting between two secret agents."

Lang Lang complained, and after entering the room, he heard Xu Xin ask:

"Where's the goods?"

"…Pay with one hand and deliver with the other."

Lang Lang gestured to the handbag in his hand.

Xu Xin nodded quickly:

"Okay. How much?"

"Fifteen thousand."

"I'll turn you around now."

"I'm talking about euros."


Xu Xin was stunned and looked at the box in his friend's hand:

"What did you buy? Fifteen thousand? ... No, 150,000. What the hell?"

"This is your Valentine's Day gift for Dami. I bought it in a private art gallery, a work by the famous artist Jean-Pierre Reno!"


Although he didn't know who this so-called Jean Pierre Reno was, Xu Xin looked at the square box in his hand and subconsciously expressed concern:

"It won't sink, right? Why don't you put it on the ground first?"


Lang Lang's eyes changed for a while.

Suddenly I felt a little guilty.

After thinking about it, he didn't cooperate with Xu Xin in any spy-connection tricks, and he didn't mention the money again. Instead, he walked to the sofa in the suite and put the handbag on the coffee table.

"Hey, let me ask you something."


Xu Xin, who was about to study what was in this box, asked casually.

"Do you have any explanation for the prison uniform you chose for Xin Xiaofeng?"


Xu Xin was stunned and looked up at him:


"On the last scene when Yi Guchun interrogated Xin Xiaofeng. Didn't he wear an orange prison uniform vest? Is there any rules on the color of the clothes?"

"...What's the statement?"

The moment he heard Xu Xin's words, Lang Lang knew...

He knows Hammer's "Scorching Sun"!

Xu Xin didn't know why he asked, but he still explained:

"Those are prepared as props. And that's not a prison uniform, it's a vest from the detention center... What's wrong?"


Lang Lang sighed and began to tell what Gina said.

And he had just spoken:

"Gina and I went to see "Heart of the Sun"..."

I saw Xu Xin was so happy:

"Hey? Did you go to watch my movie? The date is quite romantic... But why don't you two watch "The Grandmaster"? My movie is so uncomfortable. You take her to watch Gong Er, and you can also say to her: Ji Miss Na, everything in this world..."

He didn't finish his words, but Lang Lang, who felt that he was full of artistic bacteria and fed the dog, stood up immediately:

"Geneva pays back the money! Hurry! Fifteen thousand euros! Give it to me! I'm going to bed!"

"Eh? No, I still want to ask you two about today..."

"Money! Hurry! Stop the ink stains!"

As he said that, he glanced at Xu Xin's wallet on the table.

He simply picked it up directly.

I took out all the banknotes inside and counted them...

"Transfer the rest to me now! There are still 12,060 euros left!"

"What the hell, if you have money... you must be stingy!"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes and opened the desk drawer.

He casually took out two envelopes from inside.

"Here, here, leave the change for me. This is 20,000, take it! No need to look for it, just treat it as a tip for you!"

After finishing speaking angrily, he looked angry at his undeniable virtue:

"I just want to ask you two how your date goes... Look at you. I'm not laughing at you. Which of our buddies is dating who..."

"Sorry, not familiar."

Taking 20,000 yuan, he turned around and left.

Without any hesitation.

When he reached the door, he suddenly stopped.

Because I heard a "crash" sound.

Turning around, he saw that Xu Xin had already taken out the box from the bag.

"Don't move!"

he said quickly.

"The gift was wrapped in paper."

"I have to see what it is, right?"

"Didn't I tell you, it's a work of art! It's definitely a serious thing! It can be used at home... Are you still worried about me? Don't take it apart and hand it over to her tomorrow. How romantic!"


Xu Xin looked at the well-packaged box in his hand, and then at his friend who had a normal expression.

If you think about it carefully, it seems to make sense.

"Okay, thank you."

"...Well, let's go."

Lang Lang turned around with a natural expression, opened the door, and walked out directly.


His face was twisted like this.

This is my first time using this illustration, haha, it feels so convenient.

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