I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 932 928 Hell Joke

Chapter 932 928. Hell Joke

"Huh... don't tell me, Berlin feels much colder than Yanjing at night."

Liu Zhishi put his hands in his pockets and said with his nose turned red from the cold.

"well enough."

Yang Mi, who also had her hands in her pockets, looked indifferent.

Since she started practicing martial arts, it can almost be said that she rarely feels cold hands and feet after practicing in the winter and in the summer.

Xu Xin liked to hug her even when she was cold.

It's fragrant, warm, and extremely comfortable.

Looking at the hotel door just around the corner, Yang Mi complained:

“Next time I will never trust Dianping’s recommendations again. It tastes terrible~”

Hearing this, Liu Zhishi sighed sadly:

"Alas... So, love is destined to disappear, right? I'm just a passer-by, passing by your world..."


Yang Mi gave her a strange look:

"What do you mean?"

"The environment of the restaurant is obviously prepared for you and Xu Xin's Valentine's Day tomorrow. I'm going to go out with you today. If it tastes good, you two won't take me with you tomorrow. If it tastes bad, you two won't take me with you tomorrow. If they change the hotel, they won’t take me.”

As she spoke, she waved her hand:

"Forget it, that's it. No more love~"

"Oh baby~ don't say that."

The female gangster hugged the young wife's shoulders, and the scumbag's quotes came out of her mouth as if she didn't need money:

"You know, you are the only one in my heart."

"He's just my sister."

"We are just friends."

"You really misunderstood..."

Liu Zhishi shook his shoulders:

"Sister, stop the smell, it's too strong! ... By the way, have you prepared a gift for him on Valentine's Day?"



"A basketball signed by Jordan."


Hearing this, Liu Zhishi was a little surprised:

"Why put so much effort into it?...Have you already given it to him?"

"Not yet, I'm ready at home. Tingting will bring it to me tomorrow."

Liu Zhishi nodded slightly, and then said curiously:

"Then...what has Xu Xin prepared for you? Have you thought about it?"


There was a trace of disgust that was so thick that it was sticky on the young woman's pretty face.

"I just ask him to give me a serious gift...don't give me rice grains like last time...it's really outrageous."

While complaining, the two of them walked up the steps.

Entering the hotel, the heat hits your face.

Liu Zhishi breathed a long sigh of relief:

"Phew...much warmer."

"Come sit at my place for a while? Just in time, I'll give you the health tea."


The two chatted and walked directly into the elevator.

Not long after, Xu Xin inside the house heard the door opening.

He was lying on the bed fiddling with the script of "Breaking Silence" and didn't get up until he heard Liu Zhishi's words outside:

"Xu Xin isn't here?"

He responded quickly:


After saying that, he tied the elastic band of his pajamas to prevent any problems.

After getting up and walking out, he looked at the two people taking off their coats and asked curiously:

"What did you two eat? It's been so long?"

“A terrible restaurant.”

Liu Zhishi responded casually, sat on the sofa, picked up the health pot Yang Mi brought on the table, and poured a cup of tea that exuded the aroma of red dates.

Red dates replenish qi and blood, which is beneficial to women without any harm.

Be it a celebrity or an actor. As long as you are a woman, you must pay attention to self-care. In this regard, she was actually not as good as Mimi.

After taking a sip of tea, she suddenly tasted it...

"Changed the recipe? It's sweeter than before."

"No, maybe it's been soaked for a long time."

Yang Mi said as she casually handed the coat to her husband.

It means letting him hang it up for himself.

Xu Xin opened the bedroom closet and was using hangers to hang clothes when he suddenly heard the sound of boxes colliding outside.

He subconsciously felt something was wrong and rushed out quickly, just as he was about to speak...

"Huh? What is this?"

The opened suitcase is laid flat in half.

Yang Mi held a plastic bag in her hand. Inside the plastic bag were many oil-paper packets about the size of instant noodle seasoning.

At this moment, he was looking at the strange box in the box with curiosity in his eyes.


Xu Xin moved his lips... and said helplessly:

"Are you sick? Why are you rummaging through the box as soon as you come back?"

"Bring Shishi health tea, she forgot to bring it... What is this?"

She said as she picked up the box.

Looking at the gift rope above, I was suddenly stunned:

"Valentine's Day present?"

"Oh yo?"

Liu Zhishi's eyes also lit up.

"Open it quickly and take a look."

For some reason, she was looking forward to it and wanted to see what Xu Xin had given her.

Xu Xin also nodded speechlessly:

"Yes, I prepared it. I originally planned to give it to you tomorrow, but I searched around for fear that you would see it. I thought the box was empty, so I put it there. But you found it right away... …Are you a dog?”

Yang Mi ignored her husband's verbal offense.

She is born in the year of Tiger, and her nose is not bad either.

After handing the bag of health tea to Liu Zhishi, he took out the exquisitely wrapped gift box.

He looked around and said:

"Did I dismantle it?"

"...Tear it down. You can see it. And it's February 14th over here too...Happy Valentine's Day! I love you~"


Yang Mi didn't react at all, but Liu Zhishi's eyes were filled with disgust.

She said in her heart that she shouldn’t come here tonight.

I won't be able to sleep when I go back tonight.

And Yang Mi has already torn open the wrapping paper with three plus five divided by two.

I don’t know if it was a staff error or something, but just in time, something like a straw was left out of the gap at the edge of the delicate-looking box.

Yang Mi then pulled...

"Straw?...You won't give me a bird's nest, right?"

"Of course not, this is a work of art!"

Xu Xin quickly shook his head.

After saying that, he felt that something was wrong with his wife's face.

It's like... not looking forward to it at all.

But he didn't think much about it, after all, he didn't know what was inside.

Liu Zhishi on the side stretched his head with curiosity on his face.

Then... when Yang Mi opened the lid...


Because of the angle, Xu Xin was standing and Liu Zhishi was sitting.

Therefore, Xu Xin looked confused at first.

Liu Zhishi, who then stood up, was stunned when she saw what was in the box.

"This is……"

She stared blankly at the objects inside...

"Bowl?...No...why is there still a hole?...Flower pot???"


Yang Mi was speechless.

Looking down at the flowerpot, which was placed in a very delicate box, but was actually a drilled pot with a red flowerpot, there was neither sadness nor joy in his eyes.

Even his hands are as steady as an old dog.

On the contrary, Liu Zhishi, after confirming that he was right and that the box was indeed a flower pot... immediately looked at Xu Xin.

Issued a soul torture:

"Is this your Valentine's Day gift?"


Xu Xin was speechless.

He was blinded now.

its not right……

Old Wolf... No, didn't that bastard say this was a work of art?

What is this flower pot? !

Was dropped? Or... I spent 20,000 euros to buy a flowerpot! ?

What the hell is this thing...the flower market sells wholesale by the pound.

I spent two hundred thousand! ?

Just thinking about it...


Liu Zhishi burst into laughter.

He sat down on the sofa and burst into laughter.

She held her stomach and laughed wildly, and gave Xu Xin a sincere thumbs up:

"Brother, it has to be you... Hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha"

On the other hand, Yang Mi glanced at her friend who was patting her belly, took out the flower pot inside, looked at it up and down, and asked her husband with interest:

"What's the moral of this?"

At this moment, Xu Xin's brain began to spin rapidly.

In an instant, Einstein, Newton, Galileo, Hawking and other sages were possessed by divine light.


He nodded vigorously:

"What color do you think it is? Red, right? Red... symbolizes sunshine! It symbolizes vitality! When you use it to grow flowers, it means... using strong vitality to breed seeds... germination... it symbolizes... good!"

"Pfft hahahaha... It means you gave me a... flowerpot for childbirth? Hahahahahaha..."

Listening to his explanation, Liu Zhishi laughed so much that she rolled on the sofa holding her stomach.

I just felt like I heard the funniest joke in the past twenty years.

"Hahahaha... Even if you want to have three children, you don't need to send a flower pot, right?... Dig a hole, bury some soil, and count one, two, three, four, five... Then say goodbye to it and say bless Mi Mi next year. There is a third child hahahahahahaha ... Oh, oh ... the cramps are cramps ... hahahahahaha ... "


At this time, Xu Xin was also speechless.

This kind of drinking... is really outrageous.

But Yang Mi ignored her friend who was laughing almost crazy, and looked at the flowerpot again:

"Well, let's not talk about it, the color is quite festive. I will give you a Valentine's Day gift tomorrow. Okay, go to bed."

She calmly put the flowerpot back into the box, and then took out the card used to prove the value of the flowerpot.

The photo is exactly the same as the flowerpot.

There is also detailed size data on the card.

and the maker of this flower pot.

She spelled out the name...Jean Pierre Reno.

A name I've never heard of.

But he keenly noticed the line of numbers under the name:


She was stunned.

This person...is dead?

She asked subconsciously:

"How much did you pay for it?"

"Not much money, more than a hundred euros."

How dare Xu Xin tell the truth now?

I quickly figured out a price casually.

Liu Zhishi on the side had already taken out her cell phone, clutching her stomach, and started taking pictures of this thing.

Have fun while filming.

Even tears came out...

Yang Mi glanced at her husband and nodded:

"I quite like it...Okay, you, go wherever you need to go, we are going to bed."


Liu Zhishi laughed wildly and left with the bag of health tea.

As soon as she left, Xu Xin said:


"I like it very much. I just took it home to plant flowers and grass."


Xu Xin looked confused:

"Really?... This was actually chosen by Lao Lang for me. It's Valentine's Day tomorrow, so I'm thinking of asking Gina to choose a gift for me..."

"You can probably guess it."

There was no surprise on Yang Mi's face, and she put the box aside casually.

It’s made of plastic anyway, so I’m not afraid of falling.

"I really like it. It would be nice to plant potted flowers and put them on the bay window of our bedroom."

With that said, she closed the box again, pushed it aside, turned to her husband and said:

"However, if you are troubled in the future and don't know what to give, then we won't give it to you. Anyway, I don't like the gift you gave me~ Just don't treat it as something very important. It's just a sense of ceremony, and we don't Something is missing.”


Hearing this, Xu Xin was stunned, then took a step forward and held his wife in his arms.

"Really like it?"

"Well, the red color looks quite warm. Speaking of which... I've even given you rice grains. How can I ask for more from you?"


He laughed innocently, hugged his wife, and said softly in her ear:

"Happy Valentine's Day."

"Well, Happy Valentine's Day~... By the way, how much did you spend on it? I see on the card that the artist has passed away."

"...Old Wolf spent fifteen thousand, and I gave him twenty thousand, and the five thousand was used as errand money."


Just as she responded, Yang Mi suddenly noticed something was wrong and quickly raised her head:




"Hey, why are you going?"

Seeing his wife walking directly to the door, Xu Xin asked quickly.

Yang Mi didn’t even look back:

"Kill him to death!"

Xu Xin was stunned...

He quickly followed:

"Wait, let's go, let's go together! Grandma, 200,000 yuan to buy a broken flower pot...Does he think his brother is a big grievance? I have to kill him today...hiss~~~~"

"Shut your mouth!"

The woman who was so tender just now now has boiling anger and malice in her eyes:

"You're not that strong! It's just right, I'll deal with you two together!"


It’s Valentine’s Day, or rather the few hours leading up to Valentine’s Day.

Not to mention how many capitalist beatings Xu Xin and Lang Lang suffered, anyway, when Liu Zhishi sent the message "Hey, you know, Xu Xin gave Mi Mi a flower pot for Valentine's Day" to the WeChat group, a few minutes later Then I received several 60-second messages from Xu Xin.

Then, when he woke up on the morning of Valentine's Day, following Lang Lang's vindictive popular science, everyone in the small group now knew the story of a certain big grudge who spent 200,000 to sell a flower pot.

This time is good.

The group name was directly changed to "My 200,000 Resentful Friends." Xu Xin, who had just woken up and was squatting on the toilet, was so angry that he was speechless after seeing the group name and everyone's chat history.

In 2013, none of the other honors have been awarded, but the "Grudge" award has been collected.

As compensation, Liu Zhishi and Lang Lang, who caused the incident, sent a Valentine's Day gift to the couple on Valentine's Day.

Lang Lang got a box of cigars from somewhere and gave it to Xu Xin. Liu Zhishi is a bracelet, which is said to bring good luck. And the most outrageous thing is that she also has one on her hand.

She and Yang Mi each have one.

Xu Xingqian stared.

The joys and sorrows of the three people are obviously not the same.

Only Lang Lang patted his shoulder, cheered him up and told him to "be strong".

A wonderful Valentine's Day turned into Christmas.

It's outrageous enough.

And on Valentine's Day, the 64-day screening of "囧 in Thailand" officially came to an end.

The final box office revenue was 1.267 billion, successfully winning the 2012 box office championship in the Chinese Film Market.

With a cost of 30 million yuan, it has leveraged more than 20 times the profit, and at the same time it has been completely announced: Tianchao Film has ushered in an era of one billion box office.

The overall domestic response was actually far less sensational than when "Thailand" hit 600 million at the box office in 18 days.

After all, it was a film last year, and this is 2013. It is the habit of Chinese people to summarize each year. Even if the glorious achievements of last year are radiated to this year, it will still make people feel as if they have seen it in another world.

But... one thing that must be admitted is that the northwest circle, represented by Xiying Studio, has begun to rise in an all-round way.

In 2012, a movie cost 1.2 billion.

This does not include "Perfect" and "Heart of the Sun" which were screened in January.

In addition, Feng Xiaogang's ambitious film "1942" suffered a box office failure.

The wind that had been blowing towards the wind vane of the Beijing Circle... just quietly turned its head under everyone's noses.

And if calculated in solar calendar years.

Nowadays, the box office has exceeded 680 million, and "Perfect Strangers", which has reached the 700 million mark, will also give people in the northwest circle and the entertainment industry a "heavy" blow in the New Year!

With a 60-day screening period, until the film is released in March, there is only one unknown possibility left for this film.

That is whether it has a chance to exceed 800 million!

And on February 20th, "Heart of the Burning Sun" will be released.

Although it’s not the beginning of the new year yet, you can feel the news about “Scorching Sun” bombarding the Internet every day.

Either the media is praising you today, or some audience in Berlin will be shocked tomorrow... Although the publicity method is full of gimmicks... But being able to secure the first place in the "Recommendation List" at the three major film festivals every day represents the quality of the film itself. Not bad!

Xiying Studio... This is really the first shot of the new year, a big start!

At the end of the year, major Internet companies are beginning to set their sights on the film and television industry, and they are likely to announce their entry into the film industry in a high-profile manner...

I always feel that this year 2013 is a bit unusual.

While the promotion of "Heart of the Burning Sun" is in full swing in China, the momentum of "Heart of the Burning Sun" is also unabated in Berlin.

However... after holding the top spot on the list for seven consecutive days, finally, on the eighth day, the number one recommended movie was replaced by another movie, "Promised Land."

But according to Zhong Changyou's survey, "Scorching Sun" is still hard to get a ticket for.

It cannot be said that the impact is very small, or it can be said that it has no impact at all.

However, after Valentine's Day, the entire crew became completely busy.

Promotion during the day, cocktail party at night.

Since the opening time of the Golden Bear Awards is 8pm, there will be no reception that night.

The reception will be held on the night of the 16th.

As the most watched film at this year's film festival, "Heart of the Burning Sun" is actually, to be honest, although there is a lot of attention from film producers, "Perfect Strangers" is still the film that everyone pays the most attention to this group of Chinese people.

Even if it is not within the scope of this film festival.

But that's not to say "Heart of the Burning Sun" is bad.

It's just that it's not as popular as "Perfect".

A group of film producers waved their money, trying to get the image license for "Perfect".

In comparison, "Scorching Sun" is "relatively miserable".

Xu Xin didn't ask much about how much "Scorching Sun" and "Perfect" were sold.

But on the morning of the 16th, Chung Chang-you finally finalized the matter of "Perfect" with Paramount.

The two parties reached a cooperation agreement.

On the basis of the traditional split, Paramount will run a betting agreement for "Perfect" to enter the Oscars. If it is reached, the contract will automatically be converted to a 50-50 split.

Xu Xin also accepted Georgia's invitation.

He will go to Hollywood before the first half of this year to finalize the script.

Apart from "Burst", this was the first time that he was bound by a "contract" to make a movie.

Not to mention, the feeling of losing "creative freedom" is quite new.

Not really any pressure.

On the contrary, there is a sense of anticipation of new challenges coming.

The night of the 16th.

The official dinner hosted by the Berlin Film Festival is underway.

"Haha, definitely."

Xu Xin laughed and shook hands with a bearded buddy. After agreeing to communicate frequently in the future, he finally got some breathing time in this crowded dinner.

He looked around and found that he could not see his wife's location.

I don’t know if he is with Wang Jiawei or what he is doing.

He didn't join the actors.

It can be seen that these people are quite reserved. They all surround Brother Zhong.

But for these people, he, as a director, is actually a familiar customer.

After all, the protagonists in this social gathering are not actually the crews of various films, but the film producers who appear at various film festivals all year round.

In essence, movies, no matter how good or bad they are, always have to be sold.

The three major cocktail parties provide such a platform.

The same goes for the Silk Road Film Festival.

However, "Silk Road" is still very weak...

With some thoughts in his mind, he put down the champagne glass and walked towards the exit.

The craving for cigarettes has gotten a little bit worse.

All the way out of the dinner hall.

This is the Berlin Town Hall, where the Golden Bear Film Festival dinner is held.

After coming out of the hall, he went straight to the door.

After leaving the door, a blast of cold air hit me instantly.

He was only wearing a three-piece suit because he had just come out of a warm place, so he didn't feel particularly cold.

He took out his cigarette case and went to the trash can on the right side of the dinner hall to light it.


The breath and smoke merged and dispersed in the brightly lit background.

To be honest, there were a lot of people at the dinner venue, it was very noisy, and the smell of various perfumes... In addition, I don’t know if it was the foreigner’s body odor or something else. Being so coaxed by the heater, it really made my head fussy.

And when he was half smoking a cigarette, the sound of high heels came from behind him.

Subconsciously turning his head to look, he was stunned, and his first reaction was to take off his suit:

"Why did you come out too?"

"I see you're coming out."

Yang Mi, whose cheeks were a little red, took over her husband's suit with a smile and put it on her shoulders.

The dress she wore today was similar to the fishtail dress she wore when she got married.

But the tail is not that long.

She looks quite slim, showing off her good figure to the fullest.

"Hurry in, it's so cold."

"Fortunately, I drank some wine, it's quite hot now. I also think it's too stuffy inside, and the smell of those people's perfume... mixes with the smell of alcohol, and I feel a little uncomfortable. And I still have this. "

She motioned to the heating pack in her hand.

"...Where's Tingting? Didn't I get two more for you?"

"This is what she gave me when she saw that I was going out. She stayed inside. If anyone came looking for me, she would come out and let me know."

As she spoke, she put on her husband's suit, stood on the edge of the steps, and looked at the night view in the distance.

Xu Xin nodded, walked to her side, stood with her and looked into the distance.

"Indeed, the smell inside is not that good... maybe it's because their building is too old and the ventilation effect is not good. There is not such a strong smell in Cannes and Venice."

"Where do they have old buildings?"

Hearing this, Yang Mi asked a question.

Xu Xin was stunned and said subconsciously:

"This city hall is a historical building. Didn't you read the introduction? It was built in 1861..."

As he spoke, he threw the cigarette butt into the trash can.

But he was not in a hurry to go in. Instead, he was chatting with his wife while looking at the reporters carrying cameras and the staff leading them to who knows where at the steps of the city hall.

But I have to admit, the night breeze is indeed a bit cold.

As he spoke, he put his hands in his suit trouser pockets.

Then I heard my wife say:

"Weren't they all destroyed in 1945? This is a renovated building and is not considered a historical building."


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.

He turned around and saw his wife with a smile on her face:

"Hey, are you sick or something?...What is this? Is this a joke from hell?"

"Ah...you didn't get it?"

The woman in the evening breeze showed a somewhat troubled expression.

"Then I'm going to tell you something. Question! What is the reason why Japanese people are thinner and the population is aging?"


Xu Xin looked thoughtful.

After thinking for a while, he said:

"Because... they eat a lot of fish, are they healthy? Live longer and don't gain weight?"

"Brother, what I said is a joke from hell! Can you guess it well?"

"...I can't guess. What's the answer?"

"Because the fat man and the little boy both exploded. Hey..."


Xu Xin instantly showed a confused expression of "What are you talking about?"

Vaguely, he felt that there was something wrong with this joke, but he couldn't place it clearly.

Why did the fat man and the little boy explode...Why did the child explode...explode...huh?

"...Holy shit! You!"

"Puff puff……"

In order not to laugh so loudly, Yang Mi had covered her mouth.

Xu Xin's eyes were full of absurdity.

Good guy.

This is a hell of a joke.

However, hell will be hell, but...it doesn't count as a point of laughter.

So, he just put his hands in his pockets and chuckled:


And just then...

Suddenly, both of them noticed a burst of light.

I looked over subconsciously and saw one of the reporters who were being guided by the staff just now, holding a camera to take pictures here.

"Crack, click, click."

The flash flashed at high frequency, recording his chuckle in his pocket and Yang Mi's smiling face.


After Xu Xin glanced at it, he turned to his wife and said:

"Fortunately, it's not a camera. If someone really recorded what we are doing now, our reputation would be ruined tomorrow."

Yang Mi doesn't mind being photographed.

Are you rarely photographed these days?

Just continue to ask:

"You don't think this joke is funny?"

"It's hell enough and cold enough... Let's go back."

He urged as he hid his feet and his toes were a little numb.


The two held hands and returned to the Vanity Fair.

That night.

When the two were chatting at the door of the city hall, the photo captured by the reporter appeared in the media.

A reporter in Berlin wrote a headline: "The Victor's Smile?" 》

But the response was mediocre.

Even if it was sent back to China, everyone just looked at the photo and thought it was pretty good.

Xu Gou is indeed a born clothes hanger.

Yang Mi's outfit... is indeed beautiful.

As for the smiles on their faces...not to mention, they are quite expressive.

But that's about it.

number 17.

The last day of the Berlin Film Festival.

The Sun Also Rises.

Fall as usual.

When night falls.

The most exciting carnival of the 63rd Golden Bear Awards started grandly among the bright stars.

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