I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 933 929 Award Ceremony

Chapter 933 929.Award Ceremony Part 1

“What’s written on it (30S) is...the time for the acceptance speech?”

In the Mercedes-Benz business car, Liu Zhishi looked at the card that the staff just handed to Xu Xin and asked.

Xu Xin shrugged and spread his hands, indicating that he didn't know either.

Zhong Changyou quickly explained:

"Yes, the guests' acceptance speeches are required to end in 30 seconds as much as possible. After all, it is a live broadcast. The longest award ceremony at the Berlin Film Festival in history is only 1 hour, 34 minutes and less than 35 minutes. So all guests are required to do the same, If someone is delayed, the host will speed up to make up for it.”

"...It's really rigorous."

Liu Zhishi sighed and looked at his "brothers":

"Then you have to think carefully about what you said in your acceptance speech."

As she said that, she turned to look at Xu Xin:

"Are you going to read poetry?"

"Miss you?"

Xu Xin rolled his eyes.

He could actually tell that Shishi's mood was very stable at the moment.

In other words...she already knew that she had no hope of winning. Therefore, the mood is quite indifferent, and he has even begun to "point out the country" from the perspective of a bystander.

But...should I say it or not, her question actually hit the point.

"Heart of the Sun" received a lot of hits in Berlin.

Although he still maintained a calmness and restraint in his heart, similar to the mentality of "if you win my life, if you lose it, the film festival will never come again", it was inevitable that Xu Xin was thinking about it himself.

Who is the best director?

Or best picture?

It can’t be the Jury Prize, right? ...Then this bear is not very convincing.

That award was a consolation prize for second place.

It’s okay not to.

Expansion? The answer is yes.

But, I know my own child well. There were also many audiences and critics at the Berlin Film Festival.

It has withstood the test of the market.

Even if the awards may be over long before the film festival begins...

Therefore, his mentality at the moment is actually similar to everyone else. On the one hand, I am very excited because I have never won this award. There is some fear on the other side...

I don’t know what I’m afraid of…

At this moment, the mobile phone in his arms vibrated.

"Director Wang is here, we are ready to go... Do you want me to ask you? It's now at this juncture, and there is nothing to hide."

Seeing this message, Xu Xin thought about it and replied:

"Did you ask?"

"No, I don't dare."

"I dare you if you don't dare?"

"Then...okay. Let nature take its course."


After putting away his mobile phone, he held his chin with one hand and looked at the cars lining up in front of him waiting to enter the venue and walk on the red carpet. He said nothing and his eyes were somewhat straight.

Xu Xin has also walked a lot of red carpets in recent years.

There is nothing new anymore.

What's more, this is not his "second hometown".

What's more, it's still freezing cold...

After getting off the bus first, Xu Xin raised his arm, put his arm around Liu Zhishi, and helped her walk down.

He ignored Zhang Yi and Duan Yihong in the back, and Zhang Songwen and Xu Xin in the second car didn't look at them either. Instead, they focused their attention on the red carpet.

His wife talked to him about the so-called "falling" of female celebrities. In fact, some people really want to use the fall to make hype, but some people are also because of the carpet problem. Many domestic red carpets are actually a bit sloppy outside of the camera. Those carpets that are not fixed will wrinkle when people walk on them too much.

Those kind of pleats are the reason why people fall easily.

Regardless of whether Shishi wanted to hype it up or not, if she really fell down, it would be a shame to be sent abroad.

After sweeping around and finding that there was nothing wrong with the carpet, he said to Liu Zhishi:

"You can hold me while I walk, so I don't fall."

What she was wearing today was a pair of stiletto heels. Although they were not as high as Hentian, they were not as low as they were.

After hearing this, Liu Zhishi nodded slightly and pouted at him:

"Who's in front of you?"

"have no idea."

Xu Xin, who was busy promoting things this time and hadn't watched a single movie at all, shook his head.

"I haven't watched a single movie, so I'm not as good as you two."


Liu Zhishi chuckled:

"I was chatting with Mimi today, and I said that if you don't watch this movie, it means that all the movies are not as good as you. A proper way to win mentally!"


Xu Xin glanced at her and thought, "You are getting more and more naughty."

Sooner or later, one day I will let you see the majesty of our Director Xu!

After waiting for a while, Zhong Changyou got a prompt:

"Director Xu, it's our turn."

"Well, let's go."

He pouted at the others and walked towards the star-studded red carpet.

And when he appeared on the red carpet, he heard a German voice coming from the loudspeaker, and soon switched to English:

"The crew of 'The End of the Road'."


In an instant, cheers sounded from both sides of the red carpet.

It's not particularly loud, but...


Because Xu Xin heard:

"Hey! Xu Gou! Here, here!"

Almost like a repertoire, Xu Xin glanced at the group of Asian faces holding mobile phones facing this direction, and sighed helplessly in his heart.

What can be done?

Just say hello.

Everyone called "Xu Gou".

What does it mean?

It means he is one of our own.

It's a pity that his wife is not with him, otherwise he would especially like to hear how these people praise his wife and step on him.

He waved his hand first, and then walked forward step by step with Liu Zhishi amid various flash lights. After passing the area where reporters were most concentrated, he then walked in the direction of those people.

The signature pads are all stretched out, so I have to give them a few.

The director takes the lead, and others naturally have to follow.

Several actors came over.

"Sure dog, sign it! My girlfriend likes you!"

This guy sounds like he's from the Northeast.


"Have vision!"

Xu Xin responded and quickly signed the brother's autograph.

Then I heard another sentence:

"Director Xu, you will definitely win the prize! I'm very good at talking! I've been given the honor!"




Everyone was stunned and looked at the girl wearing glasses.

This girl didn’t have stage fright, but nodded vigorously:

"Yeah! Really! Trust me!"

After she finished speaking, others seemed to have reacted, and blessings poured out from all directions:

"No one can beat this movie! It will definitely win an award!"

“The movie is very good!”

"That's right! I took our classmates to watch it together, and everyone said it was great!"

"You are the best director! Best Actress Mimi! Best Actor Duan Yihong! You can definitely do it!"

"And Zhang Yi!"

"Uh... everyone can win the Best Actor Award!"

Perhaps they felt that it was unreasonable not to bless them together when everyone else was there, so these people quickly filled in.

Xu Xin smiled and nodded:

"Okay, thank you for your blessings! If I really win the award, I will definitely thank you in my acceptance speech, okay?"


Under everyone's unanimous response, Xu Xin smiled and waved his hands:

"Then let's make an agreement!"

Returning to the red carpet with everyone's full blessings, Liu Zhishi said as she walked:

"I actually have a pretty good tongue..."

"No, you're not working."

Xu Xin quickly put an end to her unrealistic thoughts.

You're so good, what kind of flag are you planting...

Then he came to the signature wall. After he found an open space and signed his name casually, he was grabbed by the host.

"Xu,\u0026%¥ # "

Xu Xin subconsciously asked for help from the translator next to him.

The translator asked in English:

"Xu, is there anything you want to win tonight's award?"

"No, this is my first time in Berlin. Every film has a chance to win, and our chances are equal."

Xu Xin replied nonchalantly.

After the translator was given to the host, the other party babbled again.

"He said he hoped you would get the award you wanted, and that even though it was your first time in Berlin, this could be a lucky place for you."

"Okay, thank you, friend."

Xu Xin smiled and shook hands with the host. After a hug, the host had no intention of interviewing anyone else and signaled everyone to go directly to the photo area.

Stand in front of the photo area with a smile.

In fact, Xu Xin couldn't see anything clearly at all.

The flashlight blinded my eyes.

After the last part of the red carpet, they went directly to the infield.

It suddenly felt much warmer.

I found my seat according to the map.

Berlinale Palast is the award venue, and the color of the entire awards ceremony is quite festive, with a splash of bright red.

After sitting on his seat, he took out his mobile phone and confirmed that the phone was on silent, then sent a message to his wife:

"We're already in."

Yang Mi replied quickly:

"We're in line."



"Haha, there is a group of international students who are so cute. One girl told me that she had been very sincere and had just finished blessing you. She said that you promised that if you really won the prize, you would have to say your acceptance speech to them."

As soon as she heard this, Xu Xin knew that she must have finished the photo session.

Subconsciously, he turned his head and looked back.

Although the staff in Berlin are very strict, for some unknown reason, "The Grandmaster" was not next to "Heart of the Sun" this time.

The couple is destined not to be together.

After waiting for less than a minute, Xu Xin saw the sunglasses king leading the way into the infield.

My wife followed behind me.

The two of them took their seats in the middle area closer to the stage, while Burning Sun was on the left side of the stage. But there are not all the people here yet, so there is no need to sit so straight.

Xu Xin stood up to greet him, and when he saw him standing up, others also stood up one after another.

But Wang Jiawei's treatment was obviously higher than theirs, and the staff personally introduced him to the cast of "The Grandmaster".

After Yang Mi knew her seat, she went straight here.

Xu Xin and the others also came to the aisle from their respective seats.

Liang Chaowei, Zhang Zhen, and Zhang Jin also came.

But Wong Kar-wai didn't come.

Because he was stopped by several other foreigners.

It seems very familiar.

"Director Xu."

Hearing Liang Chaowei's words, Xu Xin responded with a smile:

"Teacher Liang."

“The movie is very nice~”

"Haha, thank you~"

After exchanging a few words, Wang Jiawei also came over.

"Director Xu."

"Director Wang."

"Did Mimi tell you when we were walking on the red carpet just now? Did those international students convey what they said to you?"

Xu Xin didn't react at first and said with a smile:

"She told me, and I also said that if I really won the award, I would have to thank them in my acceptance speech."

Upon hearing this, Wang Jiawei smiled slightly and said:

"Then you have to be well prepared. The 30 seconds is quite tight."




Now, let alone Xu Xin or the crew of "Scorching Sun".

Including Liang Chaowei and others were stunned.

These words...

After Xu Xin reacted, the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Haha, it seems that girl has a really good mouth. She will have to be well prepared soon."

"Yeah. I heard from Mimi that you plan to go back tomorrow?"

Wang Jiawei directly addressed this topic.

"Yes, the child is still at home. I cry every day during the past few days during the video..."

After chatting with him for a few words, someone over there came over to say hello to Wang Jiawei.

Just in time, Xu Xin said:

"Then, Director Wang, please get busy first."

"Well, okay. We'll talk again after the ceremony is over."


After the people who brought "Scorching Sun" returned to their seats and sat down, a group of people, including Zhong Changyou, fell silent.

In fact, Wang Jiawei really didn't say anything.

After all, the award ceremony has reached this juncture.

It can almost be said that the overall situation has been decided.

What's more, they didn't mention you by name, or directly told you, "You won the XX award this time, so prepare yourself."

But that’s sometimes the case with the art of language.

This sentence is as simple as a casual chat, but it reveals enough information.

Everyone realized one thing.

That is……

"Heart of the Sun" really won the award.

I don’t know what award I got.

Movie king? Movie queen? Best Director? Best Picture?

Not sure.

But... everyone is thinking about it unconsciously.

Director Wang... He said those words specifically to Director Xu. Does this mean... Director Xu can at least win an award?

What about... us?

And Xu Xin was thinking about it too.

What award did you get?

What about the rest?

Got a prize?

Doubts emerged from the bottom of his heart one after another, making him suddenly anxious.

But soon with a deep breath, this anxiety disappeared.

I looked at the time...

Anyway, it's about to start, and the aroma can already be smelled... But what exactly is stewed in the pot, let's wait and see when the lid opens...

He took out his phone and took a look.

Not a single message.

Subconsciously he looked in the direction of his wife.

My wife sat as calm as a mountain.

Obviously, she knows best.

At this time, any words of communication are useless.

Just wait quietly and that's it.

After the "long" waiting, finally, it was 8pm Berlin time and 4am China time.

The 63rd Berlin Film Festival Golden Bear Award Ceremony was held grandly.

The host is the famous German actress Alexandra Maria Lana. This name may be unfamiliar to many people, but Xu Xin knew who she was after seeing the actress.

What a coincidence, Yang Mi, who has been particularly fond of making jokes about hell since coming to Berlin, took him to watch the 2005 Oscar-winning best foreign language film "Destruction of an Empire" last night. She plays Hitler's secretary in it.

But Xu Xin was quite unfamiliar with her other resumes.

But from the moment she took the stage, it meant that the awards ceremony had begun.

At this time, he felt Zhang Yi's somewhat uneasy breathing next to him.

A normal person’s deep breath is: exhale~~~~~~

But when it comes to him, it becomes: Hu~~.~~.~

Very shaky.

Like very nervous.

Xu Xin glanced at him, looked at his straight posture, and whispered:

"Relax, it will take more than an hour."


After reacting, Zhang Yi nodded slightly, but his sitting posture basically did not change.

In fact, it is understandable.

Because he is also one of the best actor candidates selected by film critics.

Many film critics are very fond of him and think that he is also one of the most favorable contenders for this year's Berlin Best Actor.

The beginning of the ceremony means that the "sentence" is one step closer.

He was naturally nervous.

But Wang Qianyuan on his right was much calmer.

This guy has a Tokyo Best Actor in his hand, also a 9A, maybe not as good as the top three, but at least in Asia, the gold content of the Tokyo Film Festival Best Actor is sufficient.

So he looks indifferent now...or he doesn't understand German or English at all.

As for Duan Yihong next to him...Old Duan is about the same.

There was no expression on his face, he was staring at the stage, not knowing what he was thinking.

After catching the eyes of these people, Xu Xin turned to look at Shishi again.

I found that the sisters were covering their mouths with their hands and yawning.

The corner of his mouth twitched...


As the old saying goes, no desire leads to strength, and it really isn't a lie at all.

He remained silent, his eyes falling on the "Hitler's secretary" on the stage.

Judging from the simultaneous interpretation at the scene, she was reviewing the history of the Berlin Film Festival. However... Xu Xin only heard the English of 1950, as if that period of history no longer existed.

After reviewing the history, the simultaneous interpreter said:

"Now, please enjoy the piano music brought to us by the great piano artist Lang Lang."

Xu Xin didn't understand who that person was, but he knew it was time to applaud.

As a result, the audience burst into applause.

The lights dim.

A beautiful piano melody sounded.

There were five people in front of him and six people in front of him, but Lang Lang, who was worse than a pig or a dog, appeared in front of Xu Xin who was extremely jealous.

After Lang Lang's piano solo ended, accompanied by applause, his departure also marked the official start of the film festival's awards ceremony.

There are no awards in the Panorama section of the Berlin Film Festival. Most of the awards are from the main competition section, except for a gold bear and a silver bear in the short film section, as well as the Lifetime Achievement Award and the Debut Award.

The first thing to be awarded was the Lifetime Achievement Award, which was given to a director named Claude Lanzmann in English.

A very old man.

Xu Xin applauded politely, but unfortunately he didn't know much about the director who won the Lifetime Achievement Award.

But it can be seen that the entire film festival attaches great importance to this man, and the audience applauded this old man who looked quite old a total of 5 times.

Then there is the short film award.

But there were only awards, no testimonials.

Like Cannes.

Let me tell you that you won the award, but the short film cannot go on stage to give a speech.

I just got bursts of applause.

After the short film unit ended, the two awards that belonged to the main competition unit but were selected from films that qualified for debuts were awarded quickly.

The atmosphere at the scene was a mixture of German and English, which made him feel a little dizzy.

Moreover, the three major European awards have the same rhythm...or in other words, the "6A" award ceremonies all follow the process of the European 3A awards. Except for the bright piano music at the beginning, there is no pause in the middle. There are no interspersed programs, song and dance performances, each winner from the previous session appears, awards are presented, winners come on stage to give speeches, exit, applause... it's all in this rhythm.

Relatively speaking... at best, for the sake of cinematic purity. But at worst, it’s really not that interesting.

The only function of the people in the audience is to applaud.

There is even no audience for this show, except for the filmmakers and the media.

And the reason why his head was so big was that the guy who was doing the simultaneous interpretation today... didn't know if he had a cold or because the sound effect here was not good. His hearing was very vague. It was troublesome for him to translate from English to Chinese. He also You have to pay special attention to listen.

However, soon the first award related to him appeared.

Silver Bear Award for Outstanding Artistic Contribution (Photography).

Although the clips had not yet appeared and the list of winners was given, Xu Xin clearly saw the names of several photographers appearing on the screen at the back.

There’s Aziz Zambabyev, the cinematographer of “Harmony Lessons,” and Lias Sandlin, the cinematographer of “The Promised Land.”

And...the photographer of "The Grandmaster", Philippe Lesu.

And the final winner is... Philippe Lesu.

The man who was balding and had very little hair walked on the stage with an easy step and a smile in his eyes, and began to deliver his acceptance speech.

At this time, Xu Xin heard Liu Zhishi’s words:

"What's the next prize?"

Before Liu Zhishi finished speaking, he saw Zhong Changyou leaning out half of his body and said to this side:

"It's time for the Best Actor."

In an instant, several people, including Zhou Yiwei, subconsciously sat upright.

After Philippe Lesu gave his acceptance speech, he walked off the stage holding the silver bear high.

Then, the last winner of the Best Actor Award, Mikkel Felsgaard, the Best Actor of "Royal History", walked onto the stage, holding a card in his hand.

If you look at it, you don't know whether to complain or think that people are being honest.

This time I even save the envelope.

I have to say that this guy is quite a legend.

"Royal Romance" is the first movie in his life.

And with this debut novel, Berlin was directly crowned emperor.

It's also a myth.

After this guy came on stage, he also said something briefly, which several people couldn't understand. But after seeing him pick up the envelope, they all became nervous subconsciously.

Subsequently, the shortlisted films of several actors began to appear on the big screen.

Nazf Mukic, the male protagonist of "A Little Life", and Hollywood star Paul Rudd, the male protagonist of "Avalanche Prince".

as well as……

When Xin Xiaofeng, played by Zhang Yi, and Yi Guchun, played by Duan Yihong, appeared in the film at the same time, Xu Xin's heart suddenly sank...

He thought...at least Wang Qianyuan should be added.

Zhou Wei doesn’t need to consider it.


Is it just these two people?

Subconsciously he looked at Zhang Yi next to him.

But I found... this guy's cheeks were almost stiff.

Staring at the stage without blinking.

He narrowed his eyes slightly, and heard Mikkel Felsgaard lower his head to look at the card in his hand, and read in a not-so-standard pronunciation:

""The End of the Dead Road"-Zha'an Yi, Duan, Yi ONG."

"Crash la la la..."

The other three clips instantly zoomed out, revealing clips of Xin Xiaofeng and Yi Guchun.

Applause burst out immediately.

Zhong Changyou stood up first, just like in Venice, he raised his hands high, as if he had "won".

Then came Liu Zhishi and Zhang Songwen.

Then, there is Wang Qianyuan.

And Monday Wei, who got up last.

But then Xu Xin stood up belatedly, applauded Zhang Yi and Duan Yihong, and pulled Zhang Yi up.

"Stop being stunned, you won the prize!"

He patted Zhang Yi's back hard twice and watched as the buddy's eyes gradually changed from hazy to clear.

at last……

Suddenly, he hugged Xu Xin directly.

Under the gaze of the entire audience, the man who was usually associated with being low-key and restrained, looked at Xu Xin's face and said, "Hey!"

Liu Zhishi's eyes widened when he saw it.


Xu Xin was also confused.

Then I saw this guy’s lips trembling...

He was stunned for a moment...and then reacted.

This time, he patted his shoulder very gently:

"Congratulations. Go ahead and remember, 30 seconds."


Zhang Yi's mouth was still trembling.

It seemed like I couldn't even speak.

He could only nod vigorously and walked out of his seat.

However, he did not go directly, but waited for Duan Yihong.

Duan Yihong looked much calmer.

Just now, when Zhang Yi hugged Xu Xin, he was ravaged by Wang Qianyuan.

When he came to Xu Xin, he was still smiling, and after giving Xu Xin a big hug, he at least knew how to talk.

He said in Xu Xin's ear:

"Director Xu...thank you!"

"No, it's me who should thank you. Go ahead, Lao Duan, and enjoy the moment that belongs to both of you!"

Xu Xin sent his own blessings from the bottom of his heart.

In Berlin, eggs with double yolks are not unusual.

Moreover, the reputation of "Heart of the Burning Sun" is here.

Regarding the interpretations of these two people in the movie, they are both peers, and everyone knows it.



Just like that, amid applause, the two stepped onto the stage step by step.

After sitting down, Xu Xin was about to applaud when his hand was suddenly grabbed by Liu Zhishi.

I have to admit, Shishi’s hands are very soft.

Still a little cold.

But her words were much warmer:

"Xu Xin! Really! You are so damn great!"

After saying that, she grabbed Xu Xin's hand and shook it.

Very hard.

It's a tight squeeze.

Even his joints hurt from the shaking.

But looking at her bulging red bloodshot eyes...

After Xu Xin was stunned for a moment, he smiled slightly and held her hand.

"This is a joint effort by all of us."


Liu Zhishi nodded vigorously and then let go of Xu Xin's hand, but did not forget to add:

"Then you are the best too! It's really... awesome!!!"


Xu Xin smiled and turned to look at Wang Qianyuan.

There were two empty seats in between, and he stretched out his hand.

But instead of shaking hands, he raised his palms.

Seeing this, Wang Qianyuan laughed and greeted him with a slap.


After a crisp sound, he turned around and reached out to Zhou Yiwei.

Zhou Yiwei also smiled and clapped his hands.

Passed one to another, finally reaching Zhong Changyou.

Compared with Liu Zhishi's exposed emotions, men's emotions don't require so many words.

A high five.

it is more than words.

Xu Xin, who was sitting next to the two empty chairs, watched Zhang Yi and Duan Yihong take over the two silver bears respectively as the applause died down...

Deep down in his heart, he suddenly sighed for no reason.


He really thought...Wang Qianyuan could also get one.


What a shame.

However, this regret did not last long.

Because he heard Shishi’s words:

"Isn't it... that Mimi will be next?"


Xu Xin's mouth twitched.


The blow that I thought blocked the flag-planting on the red carpet just now turned out to be a boomerang.

Subconsciously, he looked in the direction of his wife.

Unfortunately, due to the angle, only the back of my wife can be seen.

Ask on your cell phone?

As soon as the idea came up, he killed it.

How is the performance of "Gong Er"?

He knew what was going on.

Just wait for the results.

Let’s see whether we will continue to regret it or whether we will... complete our merits.

After thinking about it, the two chapters were put together. Otherwise it will feel incoherent. Forgive me. Sorry for keeping you waiting for so long. In addition, I recommend a book, Huayu Wen, which you can read~

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