I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 934 After the 930 Award Ceremony (Ten thousand words stamp, thank you to Nuan Yangju for you

Chapter 934 930. Award Ceremony Part 2 (Ten thousand-character stamp, thanks to Nuan Yangju for his golden alliance!)

Berlin Film Festival scene.

The first row of seats were filled with media holding long guns and short cannons.

This is a live broadcast, and all the cameras on the scene are prepared for the live broadcast. If reporters often move around in the screen, the live broadcast will appear very noisy.

Therefore, media photographers were arranged in the front row to ensure that all winners could get the best camera shots from all angles.

When Zhang Yi and Duan Yihong came on stage, the flash lights on the scene were already flashing like snowflakes.

The two of them took over the silver bear respectively, and Duan Yihong did not forget to remind him:

"Hold it up for a photo first and then give your acceptance speech."

In fact, their award-winning experiences are about the same.

Duan Yihong acted in his first movie in 1998, and Zhang Yi acted in 2006.

But it was actually the drama "Soldier Assault" that made the two of them gradually known to the audience.

That drama completely made Wang Baoqiang successful, but it also made the two of them familiar.

However, at that time, these two people were almost only transparent figures in the film and television industry. To be honest... the two people were completely remembered by the audience for the movie "My Captain, My Group".

It was also in that drama that the two officially entered the public eye.

However, Zhang Yi's first award in his life was for "My Captain, My Group", but Duan Yihong won the Best Actor at the New Delhi International Film Festival in India for "Second Brother".

Although the latter belongs to... a relatively wild kind of international film festival. But at least, the name of a movie star hangs here.

On this occasion, no matter how excited he was, his mental quality was definitely better than Zhang Yi's.

as expected.

After hearing Duan Yihong's words, Zhang Yi broke away from the embarrassment. He turned to look at Big Brother, took a half step back, chose to stand with him, and together they raised the heavy statue in their hands. Bear.

It's so heavy...

He thought as he held it up for reporters to take photos.

Then he waited for Duan Yihong to put it down before he put it down.

The next step is to deliver the acceptance speech.

Director Xu's "30 seconds" reminder was still in his ears, and he didn't dare to forget it.


The draft of the acceptance speech that I had fantasized about before, or even carefully imagined, seemed to have been stolen at this moment.

Feeling the weight of the bear in his hand, looking at the guests in the audience and the spotlights above his head, his mind suddenly went blank.

I do not know what to say.

So, he subconsciously glanced at Duan Yihong again.

Duan Yihong also saw his somewhat confused eyes.

I understood something instantly.

So, he nodded slightly, pushed Zhang Yi's back with his hand, and walked towards the microphone on the left side of the stage.

When he came to the microphone, he passed Zhang Yi and stood in front of the microphone.


Taking a deep breath, he forced himself to calm down and said in English:

"Thank you, thank you everyone."

Then switched to Chinese:

"First of all, I would like to thank the jury and the Berlin Film Festival for awarding this honor to both of us."

As soon as he finished speaking, a strange female voice sounded from the scene.

The female voice was shaking.

Seems very nervous.

Also like very excited.

He translated Duan Yihong's words to the audience in clear and well-spoken English.

When Duan Yihong heard someone translate, he felt at ease.

Then he said:

"Also... I am especially grateful to all the actors in "The Heart of the Burning Sun". Meisha, Lao Wang, Lao Zhou, Wen'er... everyone. This movie is definitely not about the two of us. It is about all of us. It's you! We! We! Including all the crew members, the result of joint efforts. Without you, there would be no me and him."

Hearing this, Zhang Yi also nodded from behind.

He nodded vigorously, expressing that he and Lao Duan had the same idea.

"I would also like to thank the Berlin Film Festival audience, the jury, and the film critics. Thank you for liking this movie so much! Finally, I would like to express special thanks to the director of "Heart of the Sun", Xu Xin and Director Xu."

Having said this, he paused.

Rarely, there was something strange in the expression on the face of the man who was about to run for four years.

No longer as stable as before.

Looking at Xu Xin sitting there, he said word by word:

"As an actor, I want to tell all my colleagues one thing. That is: any actor, any actor who has his own inner pursuit and loves acting as his whole life, can perform in Director Xu's works. This is something even luckier than luck. Because...he is different. Really different. Director Xu, thank you. Thank you everyone too."

He didn't use too many words to thank Xu Xin, or to say what an excellent director Xu Xin was.

I just told everyone from the perspective of an actor: How lucky any actor is to be able to star in a play directed by Xu Xin.

Finally, with the simplest word "thank you" and a bow, Xu Xin was given the most unpretentious but extremely sincere expression of emotion.


"Hua la la la la..."

Thunderous applause.

Xu Xin also patted his chest and expressed his gratitude to Lao Duan for his words.

Liu Zhishi applauded and said to him:

"Lao Duan's eyes are a little red."


Xu Xinxin said you can still see if you are so blind?

But he didn't dare to say,

Then, when Duan Yihong took a step back, Zhang Yi knew...it was his turn.

But the problem is that 30 seconds is too short.

He simply couldn't formulate effective language.

I just feel... this bear is really heavy in my hand.

So heavy, so heavy.


The 30-second "command" frantically urged him to save time.

But now, after he opened his mouth, he could only say:

"First of all, I would like to thank the Berlin Film Festival and the jury for awarding this award to us... uh..."

For some reason, his eyes were blurry.

The light became hazy, and his vision was blocked by a layer of inexplicable things.

He wiped his eyes subconsciously.

Only then did I discover...

The back of my hand is already wet.

"Hua la la la la..."

Encouraging applause sounded again.

Zhang Yi, whose vision was still blurry, quickly cheered up and held on to the bear with such force that the bone marks on the back of his hand were visible.

"...Thank you, thank you all. Thank you, Director Xu...thank you everyone...thank you Xiying Studio, thank you Shishi, Lao Wang...Wang Qianyuan, Zhou Yiwei, Zhang Songwen, everyone...Finally, thank you Director Xu, really... ...Thank you, Director Xu...thank you! Thank you to my wife, thank you to my son...uh..."

He seemed to think there was something wrong with what he said.

And the female voice who translated also finished translating his words habitually.

The whole audience was stunned...



"Hua la la la la..."


There was laughter, applause, cheers and whistles.

Only then did Zhang Yi realize that he had said the wrong thing...but now he couldn't help but laugh out loud.

He looked down at the silver bear in his hand and said again:

"Thank you all. Thank you!"

As he spoke, he kissed the trophy in his hand, raised it high, and finally bowed deeply.

Amidst the applause, Duan Yihong walked off the stage together with Duan Yihong who was also dumbfounded.

To be honest, his acceptance speech was too simple.

But... the feelings in it can be felt by everyone, no matter what country they are from.

Just imagine, how excited must be the person who can even "thank" his son at this moment?

Give him the applause.

Dedicated to Xin.

Dedicated to spring.

They both deserve it.

"Hua la la la la la..."

Xu Xin was also applauding.

After applauding, he let it go.

Host Alexandra Maria Lana took the stage again and told the audience that the Silver Bear Award for Best Actress would be presented next.

“Isn’t it time for the actress?”


As Xu Xin nodded slightly, Liu Zhishi gasped and clasped his hands together.

I don’t know what I’m praying for either.

After taking a glance, he sat up straighter slightly.

An unprecedented sense of tension came over me.

Suddenly, he regretted it.

At times like this... you should be by your wife's side.

Subconsciously, he looked at his wife again.

As soon as Keren locked in, the lights dimmed again.

The last Best Actress winner, Congolese actress Rachel Mawazan, who also won Best Actress for her debut film, also received an upset and won the Best Actress, walked onto the stage amid applause step by step.

In fact, this is also the main reason why the last Berlin Film Festival was criticized by the media for being too low-quality.

Both actors are really good.

But...their acting skills are not enough to make the media think that they are far superior to others.

I don’t know what the jury thought, but the best actor and best actress were awarded to newcomers.

Except for the best picture "Caesar Must Die", the other awards are more controversial.

However, no matter what, the other party is still the Berlin Best Actress.

After taking the stage, these ladies said in English that was not standard:

"I am honored to be able to witness the birth of the next Silver Bear Best Actress at this time."

As she said that, she looked down at the list...

It took about two seconds.

But... for no reason, Xu Xin felt that her two seconds were very long.

Is it because of an accident?

Or... the name is not easy to spell?

You'd rather say...

He clenched his fists unconsciously.

At this time, Liu Zhishi's hand held his again.

She just felt that her hands were cold, and she subconsciously wanted to seek some warmth...

At this moment, my heart began to beat violently.


Xu Xin's hands were quite warm just now, but now they are actually colder than his own?

Just like a dead man's hand, without any warmth.


Liu Zhishi glanced at the man with a calm expression...

Just as he was about to say something, Xu Xin suddenly shook his hand.

Their hands were clasped together.

If we say that the force she used just now to grab Xu Xin's hand and shake it hard while swearing was already strong enough.

So now it's totally pain level.

Xu Xin held her hand tightly, but his face was indifferent and calm.

Liu Zhishi didn't say anything either.

Even if my hand hurts from being squeezed...

But he was still holding her.

The two helpless hands seemed to be hugging each other for warmth, clasping and squeezing hard.


"Let's take a look at the inductees this time."

The screen lights up as Rachel Malvazan speaks.

The first of them is the footage of "The Grandmaster".

In the camera, Yang Mi is showing the Qinglong downward move. Under the dim lights of the train station, her eyes are firm and decisive.

The second one is an actress wearing glasses in "Gloria".

The third one is Luminetta Gergiu, the protagonist of "Baby Pose", who is known as the most powerful competitor of "Heart of the Sun" for the Golden Bear Award.

Three films.

The screen switches and images of three actors sitting on chairs appear at the same time.

Xu Xin finally saw his wife's expression.

Smile and look calmly.

The moment he saw her expression, Xu Xin knew...

Her heart was in her throat now.

That was his wife, and as a husband, he knew all her habits and little moves.

And her expression now is exactly the same as when she won the gold horse.

Xu Xin believed that if he touched her hand now, the response he would get would be equally cold.

And his heart was in his throat at this moment.

Even...he didn't even notice it himself.

He was shaking.

The arm holding Shishi was shaking unconsciously.

It seems like it will explode at any time!

It seems to be teetering on the edge, waiting to collapse.

He didn't know why he was like this.

But now he has begun to curse in his heart.

Can you please hurry up?

Hurry up! ! ! !

And in the midst of everyone's attention, Rachel Marvazan picked up the card with the Golden Bear LOGO printed on it and read:

"The winner of the Best Actress at this Berlin Film Festival is..."



The moment Xu Xin heard "YANG", he immediately jumped up!

Liu Zhishi, who was holding hands and still in shock, was also dragged up.

Almost as soon as the word "MI" came out of the other party's mouth, Xu Xin had already started to raise his hands and cheer!




Damn it, don’t move like a mountain.

Get rid of all the "calm and sophisticated" style.

At this moment, the temperature of his hands quickly warmed up, even as if they were burning. He raised his hands high and cheered among the seats in the left half of the area, with eyes full of ecstasy!

Even if conditions permit, he really wants to slide and rush to his wife's side!

But with him taking the lead... the others then got up as well.

Amidst the applause of others, the crew of "Scorching Sun", including Duan Yihong and Zhang Yi who had circled backstage and had just walked to the left aisle, cheered subconsciously.

"Hua la la la la la..."

Amid the applause and on the screen, Yang Mi, who won the Berlin Best Actress award, subconsciously widened her eyes.

Then the next moment I heard my husband cheering.

He turned around and glanced.

Watching my queen holding the concubine's hand and being wild and raising her hands in the air with joy...

She didn't do anything drastic.

Just amidst the applause, I smiled and waved to my husband.

Then he hugged Wang Jiawei, Liang Chaowei, Zhang Zhen and others.

Finally, she lifted up her skirt, walked out from the banquet with graceful steps, and walked onto the stage step by step under the spotlight.

As she walked, she turned to look at her lover who still hadn't sat down and was still cheering with his hands raised.

His eyes were completely narrowed into crescent moons.

She has a side silhouette, a long neck and clear makeup.

Between the movements of the high heels, the elegant steps swayed, and the skin under the spotlight was as white as snow.

It is in sharp contrast to the skin color of Rachel Malvazan, who is holding a silver bear in her hand.

Covering her chest, bowing politely, and receiving the trophy from the other party, she gave the 97-year-old girl a hug.

Then he lifted the heavy solid trophy with one hand.

On the slender arms, the outline of muscular power was fleeting.

Then, after the trophy dropped, she came to the microphone.

Compared with the formulaic Duan Yihong, Zhang Yi doesn't know what to say.

The third Chinese person’s acceptance speech was elegant and graceful. The woman who has been praised as “high emotional intelligence” and “naturally strong heart” since her debut said at this moment in the most standard British accent:

“What a dream journey.”

After a unique British exclamation, she looked down at the trophy in her hand.

"Honestly, it wasn't until I received this award that its heavy weight reminded me of the weight of the name Gong Ruomei."

"I think being an actor is a profession that brings endless happiness."

"Because we can interpret the different lives of those "people" who live in art."

"Here I would like to thank director Wang Jiawei, screenwriters Zhou Jingzhi and Xu Haofeng, and photographer Philippe Lesu. Director Wang Jiawei spent ten years polishing this work. Although the honor belongs to me at this moment, without his contribution to this story Shape, then, there’s no way I’m standing here.”

"Because time is short, I cannot express my gratitude to him, the screenwriter, all the crew, and the actors too much."

"Please allow me to leave the next time to my lover and my family."

"Dad, Mom, Nuannuan and Yangyang. I miss you so much, my baby. If grandma and grandpa see this video for you, remember, don't cry. Mom will be back with you soon. I love you. "

"And my lover. My husband, Mr. Xu, the director of "Heart of the Sun"."

Yang Mi, who had finished most of her acceptance speech with almost no stumbling and extremely fluent speech, suddenly raised her hand and pointed at Xu Xin, who was still standing in the middle of the table like a chicken.

With the cameras and everyone in the audience turning to watch.

She said:

"Gong Ruomei's life is full of regrets."

"but I do not have."

"Whenever you return."

"I will light a lamp for you at the door of our house."

"Because: where there are lights, there are people."

"Finally, thank you to all the viewers who liked the film "The Grandmaster". Thanks again to Director Wang Jiawei, thank you all."

32 seconds.

A little over two seconds.

She bowed politely, held the silver bear in her hand, took a step back, and blew a kiss in Xu Xin's direction.


"Hua la la la la la..."

The whole process, from the personable demeanor before the award was announced, to not being arrogant and not discouraged after winning the award, to the clear, fluent, elegant and calm speech and conversation during the acceptance speech, and finally the poetic and romantic expression when confessing to his lover.

It only took 32 seconds.

Like a butterfly flying.

It also flies away like a butterfly.

As graceful as a startled dragon.

Graceful as a swimming dragon.

There was no sloppiness at all.

When all the winners were so excited that they couldn't help themselves, she just said what she wanted to say in such a cool and unrestrained manner, and walked backstage amidst applause.


Xu Xin, whose face was still flushed with excitement, sat down.

Breathing rises and falls sharply.

It was like experiencing a perfect dream.

Golden Bear Award.

Movie queen!

Hey hey hey...

Movie queen!

The ecstasy in his heart, as well as an unprecedented desire to express himself, made him want to rush to the stage and say something.

Or leave the dinner, go find your wife, and give her a big hug.


At least one of them is needed.

Thinking of this, he once again complained about the Germans.

What a mess!

Husband and wife can't sit together?

Do you have to sit apart?

You still have a good time.

Why, on Chinese Valentine's Day next year, without you here, the Cowherd and the Weaver Girl won't dare to use their chopsticks.

"Hey, it's your turn next, right?"

At this time, he heard Liu Zhishi's words in his excitement.

It was only in hindsight that I remembered...


There are only four awards left.

Best screenplay.

Best Director.

Jury Silver Bear.

as well as……

Finally, the best film, the Golden Bear.

He nodded slightly:


But for some reason, he suddenly became less excited.

But Liu Zhishi, who didn't know his mood, asked curiously:

"Are you nervous?"

She knew from the beginning that she would not be able to win the Best Actress, and she seemed to have nothing to do with her.

Facing her question, Xu Xin made way for Zhang Yi and Duan Yihong to sit down, and just stretched out his hand:

"You touch it."

Liu Zhishi, who had already held it twice, took it without any hesitation.

Extremely hot.

The corner of her mouth twitched.

"That is to say... you are not nervous about any award you win, but you are nervous about your wife being the best actress?"

Xu Xin glanced at her and ignored the nagging of "Royal Romance" screenwriter Nicolai Arcel, the previous best screenplay winner on the stage. Instead, he nodded in a very casual manner:

"Yeah. What?"


Liu Zhishi said to her heart that you are really a maniac who dotes on his wife.

Then I heard Xu Xin say again:

"Also, it's our emperor."


The twitching of her muscles moved from the corners of her mouth to her cheeks.

I thought to myself, just because the three of us have been together for a long time, it’s hard for me to find a boyfriend.

Even men like to compare themselves with you...

If this continues...

Grandpa, am I afraid that I will die alone?

I have to stay away from you two from now on, otherwise it will be easy...

"The End of the Dead End, Goethe Hsu. Congratulations~"



Not to mention Liu Zhishi, even Xu Xin was stunned.

Looking at Zhang Yi and Duan Yihong who stood up to congratulate him... they pointed at themselves in shock:


"Yes, Director Xu, you! Best script!!"

Zhang Yi nodded vigorously!



Xu Xin's expression became "distorted".

Suddenly there were many more possibilities in my mind.

And the first reaction is to think about the rules.

Best Screenplay... After winning, are you still eligible to compete for the other three awards?

The answer is... I don't know.

Because "Best Screenplay" only appeared after the 57th session.

Before the 57th session, in addition to Best Actor, Best Actress, Best Film, and Director awards, the film festival also had Best Newcomer Award and Best Music Award.

However, starting from the 58th session, the Best Music Award became the Best Screenplay.

And from the 1958th to the present, the best screenplay... doesn't seem to have a high degree of overlap with other movies.

Could it be...

Suddenly, his heart sank.

However, by now the applause had started, so he stood up, fastened the second button of his suit, and walked directly onto the stage.

When he appeared on the stage, he glanced at Wang Jiawei subconsciously.

Then... something outrageous happened.

Because Wang Jiawei was wearing sunglasses, he couldn't see the other person's expression clearly.

All eyes and other expressions are hidden under the sunglasses.

Ah this...

He was speechless for a moment.

Walked up to Nicolai Axel and received the Silver Bear Award for Best Screenplay.


"Congratulations, Xu, for the excellent story. You deserve it!"

Listening to this buddy's words, Xu Xin smiled and nodded:


Then he stood in front of the microphone.

First, he held the silver bear and waved his hands in all directions, and after thinking for a while, he said:

"The first thing I want to thank is the group of international students from China who are outside the Berlin Film Festival right now. Because... there was a little girl inside who said that her words were blessed by God and said that I would definitely win the award. So I Got it~ha~Thank you for your support, I hope you can see it. Thank you~"

After gesturing the trophy to the camera, he said again:

"Then the jury, and the Berlin Film Festival... To be honest, this is my first time in Berlin. I am surprised by the popularity of "Heart of the Sun". Thank you to all the audiences for their support, and to the film critics." Recommended. Thank you to the film festival organizers for bringing us a feast for movies and filmmakers this February."

"The original author of "The Heart of the Burning Sun" is our country's writer Xu Yigua. I adapted this script based on her books. If you can, you can read the original work. It is really an excellent story. .”

"And I would also like to thank all the crew members, including actors, front and backstage staff, for their hard work. This award belongs to all of us."

"Finally, thank you to my wife for your affectionate confession to me. Congratulations, I love you, thank you all."

After speaking, he politely stepped back and bowed.

Amid applause from the audience, he raised the trophy high and left with a smile on his face.

And all the way backstage, he didn't see his wife.

I don’t know where the other person has gone.

Holding the bear in hand, he followed the staff's prompts and continued walking, intending to return to the ceremony site.

It's just... this journey is a bit complicated.

Because he didn't know whether he was qualified to fight for the honor he wanted most after winning the best screenplay.

This uncertainty made him...a little confused for a moment.

Tell yourself rationally that as a Venice director, Wang Jiawei will definitely not feel satisfied with winning the best script. So his hint...should not be that simple.

But the question is... is it allowed under Berlin's rules?

After all, a film can only win one of the most valuable awards, "Best Picture", "Best Director" and "Jury Prize".

But does original screenplay count in this category?

No, you have to ask Brother Zhong.

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace.

As soon as he walked around the venue, he felt his cell phone vibrate in his breast pocket.

Take it out and take a look.

Sent by Yang Mi.

"I asked, the original script does not conflict with the next three."


In an instant, Xu Xin felt at ease.

Looking at his wife who was already sitting on the seat without looking back, he couldn't help but smile.

Sure enough, there are hundreds of millions of people in this world.

Only you.

Understand me best.

At this time, he heard the male voice coming from the English simultaneous interpretation:

"Best Director, David Gordon Green, Prince Avalanche."

"Hua la la la la..."

He paused in his steps.

I looked over subconsciously.

A guy with medium-long hair looked full of joy as the crowd cheered and hugged all the cast members of "Prince Avalanche" including Paul Rudd. Then he waved his clenched fisted arms at the crowd and walked onto the stage.

Best Director...gone.

Could it be...

Thinking of this, he quickened his pace.

After returning to his seat, Liu Zhishi whispered to him belatedly:

"Does it mean that as long as this award is not yours, you will be the best picture?"


Xu Xin didn't answer her.

to be honest.

He realizes now that he is... really a little scared.

I'm afraid that the aunt next to me might poison her.

Then the duck that reached the mouth was gone.

But looking at the elated buddy on the stage delivering his acceptance speech, he had a very strange thought.

"Brother, you are so happy right now, I won't let you down soon."

Although it is a joke.

But he was really worried about gains and losses at the moment.

But there is a very different kind of satisfaction in this worry about gains and losses.

It was as if he was comforting himself: Anyway, he won awards, and his wife also won the Best Actress Award. It’s not a loss this time, and it doesn’t matter if you can’t get it.


When Liu Zhishi saw that he was silent, he also kept silent.

When the Berlin Film Festival's best director steps down from the applause, it's the turn of the "second prize" jury award, the Silver Bear.

Benedek Filigov, the director of the previous winner "Just the Wind" took the stage.

But Xu Xin didn't want to listen to what he said.

Just after seeing him take out the card, his heart rose in his throat.

Finally, the other party read out a name:

"Denis Tanovich's "A Page from a Small Life.""

"Crash la la la..."

There was applause.


Liu Zhishi clenched her fists unconsciously, shouted secretly, and once again locked her eyes on Xu Xin's face.

Looking at him still smiling and applauding, he was about to say something...but the words were on his lips, but he took them back in the end.

She started clapping.

Nothing was said.

Until Denis Tanovic stepped down.

All the directors present who were eligible to receive this award subconsciously straightened their bodies.

Even Zhang Yi, Duan Yihong and others glanced at Xu Xin unconsciously.

No one spoke.

Everyone is guessing what Director Xu is thinking now.

Amid these speculations, the Taviani brothers, who are well-known in the field of Italian directors, elder brother Victorio Taviani and younger brother Paolo Taviani appeared on stage together.

Both of them are very experienced Italian directors and have worked closely together throughout their lives.

He also won the Italian David Award twice and the Lifetime Achievement Award at the Venice Film Festival.

Last year, he won the Golden Bear for "Caesar Must Die."

After the two came on stage, one of the old men opened the card and took a look.

After reading it, I suddenly felt happy.

Here comes the sentence:


The other old man also took a look and suddenly became happy.

The two old men were smiling on the stage. Then, one of the old men said into the microphone:

"We know that the directors must be very uneasy and looking forward to it at this moment. Coincidentally, we were both the same last year."

"To be honest, I hate this kind of award ceremony. It feels like waiting for the pasta and not knowing when it will be served. I am very hungry and just want to eat it quickly."

"Ha ha ha ha……"

Maybe it was the last award. The two old men were teasing me, and the audience burst into laughter.

"But no matter what, the best film at the Berlin Film Festival is a tribute to the best film at this film festival. Any winner is well-deserved."

“So let’s take a look at this shortlist of great films.”

"Closing" co-directed by directors Jafar Panahi and Kambutz Pertwee.

Directed by Karin Peter Netzer, "Baby Pose".

as well as……

Directed by Goethe Hsu, "Heart of the Sun".

After the trailers for the three movies appeared, the scene switched to the locations of the three crews again.

In the picture, Xu Xin's eyes were slightly bright.

No sadness, no joy.

After the clip was played, one of the two old men said:

"We are delighted to announce the winners of this year's Berlin Film Festival's Best Film..."

Dong dong dong dong dong…

Liu Zhishi, Yang Mi, Zhong Changyou.

On the other side of the ocean, Wang Sicong, who had stayed up all night specially, was holding his girlfriend who had been woken up from her sleep, clenching his fists subconsciously.

Qi Lei got up early.

Lang Lang in the waiting room.

Far away in Wanwan, Jay Chou is sitting on the carpet looking up at the TV...

Liu Yifei, who couldn't take his eyes away, turned up the volume on the remote control...

And after waking up, Zhang Yimou held the remote control and stared at the TV with a frown...

There was also Liang Bingning, whose hand hurt from being pinched, but always gently patted Xu Daqiang’s arm...

Even countless netizens and viewers are watching the CCTV6 live broadcast at this moment, waiting for the results of the "lottery"...

Even including CCTV6 hosts and so on.

Countless people have their eyes fixed on one of these two old men.


Looking forward to it.

Even worried and afraid...

Among countless complex emotions, the old man said alone:

"Congratulations, our friend."

Another person then laughed and said:

"Goethe Schuh, "Heart of the Burning Sun"!"

"Dong dong dang dang..."

Magnificent music instantly filled the hall on the ceremony night.

Countless spotlights uniformly hit a group of people who stood up and cheered!

Under the spotlight, everyone in the "Heart of the Sun" crew who was present today raised their hands high, cheered, jumped, and applauded around the seated person!

Outside the spotlight.

Yang Mi also raised her hands high, her cheeks exuding an unparalleled and beautiful red color because of her extreme excitement!

Some of the people who were waiting in front of the TV station uttered dirty words, and some happily hugged their partners and kissed them.

Others relaxed their brows and let out a satisfied chuckle.

Everyone was cheering and jumping for joy for the person sitting on the seat.

Eyes full of joy.

Countless media outlets stayed up late to see the final results and immediately announced the news on the Internet.

And looking at the person sitting on the chair...

He stood up with his hands on the armrests of the chair.

I straightened my clothes and buttoned them.

Then he hugged the Berlin Best Actor next to him and the heroine in his play.

High-fiving others one after another.

Then he left the table, stepped into the corridor, and walked towards the front of the stage step by step.

The stage at Berlinale Palast is high.

He came to the stage step by step.

Amid the applause and the gaze of the crowd, he once again stepped onto the steps leading to the top of the stage, which were also paved with a big red carpet.

Just like a king walking towards the throne after being crowned.

Baidu-Movie Bar.

"66666, Xu Xinbolin becomes a god!" 》

"I'm so stupid!" I really got the Golden Bear. 》

"Oh my god, Chinese movies are really winning this time!" 》

"I declare! Chinese movies have officially returned to the land of wonderland! 》

"It's really worth it that I stayed up all night, and the result is gratifying"

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha"

"Win, win!" ! ! ! ! ! ! 》

Countless posts poured out at this moment.

It was as if the entire post bar had become a post forum, with countless people expressing their emotions that they had been waiting for all night.

At the same time, there were countless live broadcast screenshots.

From the carnival of a group of people, to Yang Mi raising her hands in the air, to Xu Xin taking the stage...

At this moment, a post with a picture appeared.

"At this moment, there is only this picture, only these words!" 》

There is only one image in the entire post.

And this picture is exactly what Xu Xin and Yang Mi looked like at the city hall dinner last night, fishing and smoking at the door.

In the picture, Xu Xin put his hands in his pockets and smiled softly in the night wind.

The stunning beauty wearing a suit beside her also had a peach blossom face, her cheeks were full of joy.

The two just stood together, locking two different smiles in the moment of eternity in the photo.

However, today’s picture is a little different.

There is a sentence added below it.

"That year, I put my hands in my pockets and didn't know what an opponent was."

Just in time.

Exactly like this.

It couldn't be more appropriate... couldn't be more appropriate.

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