I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 935 931 The mediocre final banquet (9K! Thanks to Nuan Yangju for his golden alliance!)

Chapter 935 931. The plain final banquet (9K! Thanks to Nuanyang Ju for his golden alliance!)

"Congratulations, Xu, young friend. See you in Rome~"

One of the two old men brought the trophy, which symbolized the highest honor of the entire Berlin Film Festival, to Xu Xin's hand, and gave him the greetings of "one of his own" cordially.

But... At this moment, Xu Xin's brain was at a rare critical point between calmness and boiling.

I didn't hear the meaning of this.

Maybe if he calms down a little, he can guess that these two people may be referring to "Perfect" being shortlisted for this year's David Award.

It's a pity that he really didn't hear it.

I just feel... this golden bear is very heavy.

No wonder Zhang Yi returned to his seat and complained:

"This trophy is enough to knock my hands off."

Really heavy.

Even if the quality is the same, it is still heavier than the Silver Bear.

Because it's gold.

Brilliant gold.

The highest honor gold!

Holding the trophy in his hand, his perspective finally changed from standing sideways on the stage accepting the award to officially facing the stage.

Then, he immediately looked in the direction of his wife.

At this moment, Yang Mi was covering the bridge of her nose with her hands as if praying.

Even though the spotlight above his head was very bright, after one glance, he was sure that his wife was crying.

So, the first sentence of his acceptance speech was:

"Don't cry for me, Baby."

He chuckled and waved.

And perhaps it was because the awards were coming to an end, that the director had a rare moment of enlightenment.

After the two showed off their affection twice, for the third time, the signal finally got the right signal on the big screen.

After hearing this, the woman changed from covering her nose with her hands together to covering her mouth with one hand and crying. The woman was photographed.

And saw the beautiful woman crying.

The gentlemen in Berlin burst into warm applause.

Amidst the applause, Yang Mi lowered her hand.

He pursed his lips and nodded vigorously.

Seeing Xu Xin burst into laughter, he covered his mouth again in the next moment.

Because the tears flowed down again.

She actually didn't even know why this happened.

It's just that no matter how hard I try to stop the tears, I can't stop them.

Six years ago, she took the stage to accept the award on behalf of her husband and told all the guests: For Xu, Cannes is a river that gathers everything.

Perhaps at that moment, she did not think that the bullet she shot herself would hit her from behind at this moment.

Today, she is in Berlin.

The tears in his eyes gathered into another river.

Seeing this, Xu Xin also knew that he could no longer be comforted at this time.

After all, time is limited.

So, he lowered his head and glanced at the trophy again.

"I... would like to thank again the Chinese students I met on the red carpet. Especially the girl with glasses. Hey, girl, you are right, I won the award. Thank you!"

He nodded slightly to the camera, expressed his gratitude, and continued:

"Honestly, this is the first best film award in my life. I mean the top three in Europe. In fact, I have already said my thanks. But I still want to say that I am grateful to all "The End of the Dead End" "Thanks to the hard work of the staff in front of and behind the scenes. This golden bear is our common honor."

After speaking, he glanced at his wife, whose mood had stabilized.

"Then I would also like to thank my wife, my children, my family, and my friends. You are extremely important to me. At this moment, my biggest wish is to come back to you and have a drink with you. Wine from the Bear Prize. And finally…”

The corners of his mouth suddenly pursed.

He seemed to be hesitating whether to say this or not.

But in the next second, his eyes became firm:

"Finally, I want to say that I firmly believe that our country's movies will get better and better. Because it has a group of decent actors, directors who pursue the balance between art and business, and people who deeply understand the essence of movies. existence, and Xiying Group, which wants to bring this essence and bring more and better movies to audiences in China and around the world! Please allow me to express a message in Chinese that allows us to maintain our original intention and remain true."

Speaking of this, his head completely raised:

"Everyone, we must not forget our original intentions and we will always succeed! Thank you Berlin, thank you Golden Bear, thank you to the jury and all those who love movies. Thank you everyone!"

"Hua la la la la la..."

"Whoosh whoosh..."

Amidst the whistles and applause, Xu Xin took a step back and left the microphone area. He held up the golden bear with one hand and clenched his fist with the other.

This time, I won!

And I will keep winning!

"Xu Xinlin won the Golden Bear, and Chinese films became the biggest winners!" 》

"Chinese-language films are proud of Berlin, with two best actors, one best actress, one script and one golden bear"

"The Great New Year of Chinese Films!" Total victory at the Golden Bear Awards, no doubt about it! 》

"The best actress once again proves her worth and breaks doubts!" 》

Countless news poured out like snowflakes in the early morning of the 18th, Chinese time.

On Weibo, which is even more lively, it feels like the Chinese New Year at this moment.

Under the Weibo posts of "Congratulations to Director Xu Xin" and "Congratulations to Yang Mi (boss)" posted on Shuangwei's official Weibo, celebratory posts such as "Liu Yifei Support Group" and "Liu Zhishi Support Group" quickly received high likes .

And under these uniform formations, there are countless words of congratulations issued by some media who want to show their faces.

Yang Mi’s own Weibo also updated the award-winning news.

But she didn't do it herself, but someone from the company sent it.

But the bees don’t care about you. Congratulations poured in on Weibo as if you didn’t want money.

"Congratulations Mimi! It's worth staying up all night!"

"I'm okay, I woke up."

"Where's Xu Gou? Don't you post on Weibo?"

"Brother, is there a possibility? This is officially issued by Shuangwei."

"Is there another possibility? Even if Xu Gou posts on Weibo, no one will congratulate him?"

"It's very possible."

"Normally, it's okay to call Xu Gou, but today, I would like to call Director Xu. Director Xu is awesome and brings glory to the country!"

"Come here, there is a traitor named Director Xu!"


"Why don't you just win a few awards? Who doesn't eat dumplings during the Chinese New Year? With just one award, you don't have to call Xu Dog? Why do you pick your nose?"

"Having said that. But...congratulations to Director Xu, it's really encouraging!"

"Lao Mouzi has a golden bear, and his apprentice also has a golden bear! Emperor Gong won the Best Actress, and our Mimi will also win. Then the next step is..."

"Don't worry, these two have not broken up, they are just widowed."

"Mimi large-scale domestic violence dog scene.AVI"

"Congratulations to Mimi! Congratulations to Xu Gou! That's great! The divine couple!!!"

"[Picture], I really like this passage: That year, I had my hands in my pockets and didn't know what an opponent was."

“I have to say, this photo is so lifelike!”

"What? Xu Gou captured Berlin?"

"What? Volkswagen changed it to red flag?"

"What? Hongqi acquired Audi?"

On Yang Mi’s Weibo, it’s just early morning, but it’s as lively as the Chinese New Year.

At the same time, cheers rang out in front of the TV watching the award ceremony for my friends.

Some people who stay up late feel satisfied that they can finally sleep.

Some people also used this good news to completely start the day in a good mood.

But no matter what, everyone agrees.

That is……

At this Berlin Film Festival, Chinese-language films became the biggest winners.

Two Best Actor trophies, one Best Actress, one Golden Bear, and one Best Screenplay.

He almost won all the heavyweight awards!

Even if "Scorching Sun" could not only win one award, with its reputation, it might not be difficult to win all the awards.

It makes people more and more curious... What is the story of this movie?

Only then can he take away all the light with this crushing attitude in Berlin! ?

Will it be released at 8pm on the 20th...

I'm really looking forward to seeing how this bright new star, which makes Chinese-language films shine in foreign lands, will turn out.

Of course, not everyone cheered the news.

There are always people who may be used to kneeling. Even if they stayed up late to watch the awards ceremony, they still felt a strange feeling after the Chinese-language film won a big victory:

"Wang Jiawei is the chairman of the jury. This smell of power-seeking is too obvious. I have to mention that the power of capital is great. It can make an internationally renowned director praise people at all costs. Tsk tsk...Wang Jiawei This is considered a disgrace.”

Such remarks... sometimes you just can't figure out what his brain circuit is that makes him say it.

I don't know whether he stayed up late or just woke up and was not clear-headed.

However, when he posted this on Weibo, almost no one could see it.

Because whether it’s the # Golden Bear Award # or Yang Mi’s Weibo, the comments scroll too fast.

As a result, Tieba became a gathering place for such comments.

But it is certain that this kind of post will be criticized.

"You are really funny. Where did you find out there was something shady? If nothing else, come on, is there anyone who questions Yang Mi's role as the second palace?"


"Joker? Since you don't like it so much, why do you still stay up late to watch it? Is that a shame?"

"It's okay, just wait until the 20th. Just wait and wait for the poster to be slapped in the face."

"First, you may not understand the rules. Wang Jiawei is the chairman of the jury, but he only has 0.5 more votes than others. If the majority of the jury members fail, even he has no right to change the voting results.

Second, don’t be too quick to use capital. Act as if you understand capital very well. Yang Mi has now firmly established herself as a front-line star. Even without the blessing of the actress, she has never been able to use up all her resources, but there is no shortage of food. If she really wanted to make it work, she could focus on Oscar, that was the thing that really worked. You won’t forget that her two-billion-dollar major production is coming out this year, right?

Third, these two couples have broken away from the category of capital in the general sense, because capital pursues profits.

Fourth, didn’t Xu Gou’s last words make it very clear? They were promoting and speaking out for Xiying Studio. Xiying Film Studio is a state-owned enterprise. If he really wanted to improve his status, he wouldn't have to go abroad at all. If we follow the path of the Sixth Big Brother, relying on his honor and endorsement, we will be able to reach the position of Third Master sooner or later. You must know that he is now a well-known person in the northwest circle.

So, I don’t understand what the point of your posting like this is. Brainless? "

The post immediately became popular.

In other words, the entire Tieba and Weibo became active because of this incident.

At the scene in Berlin, as Claude Lanzmann, the old man who received the Lifetime Honor Award, came on stage and received the Berlin Bear doll representing this honor, the entire 63rd Berlin Film Festival officially came to an end.

After the live broadcast signal was cut off, the backstage staff quickly came on stage.

Pulling piece after piece of props.

Xu Xin, who felt refreshed, was still wondering what these people were doing... Then he saw them splicing the blocks together one after another, and then two staff members took out a roll of red carpet.

This is……

"Director Xu, they are setting up a photo area. People who have not won awards can take photos there to promote themselves. But if we win awards, we can go directly to the interview room. The two sides can be divided."


Xu Xin looked surprised.

I think the people at the Berlin Film Festival are really considerate.

Perhaps it is because of his complacency that he now enjoys watching the Berlin Film Festival.

But...it's not the time to worry about this right now.

He put the two trophies on the seat, turned around and opened his arms to Zhang Yi:

"Lao Zhang, congratulations!"

Zhang Yi was stunned for a moment, then smiled and hugged him:

"Director Xu, thank you!"

Xu Xin patted his back:

"Stay down-to-earth, don't be too arrogant. This is just an honor for a movie. We want to make more and better movies. Don't get carried away, act in a high-profile manner and be a low-key person. Do you know?"


Zhang Yi nodded vigorously.

Looking at Xu Xin, he suddenly giggled again.

He suddenly remembered the audition he had when he first joined Xiying Studio...

How lucky...he said to himself.

From that moment on, I met a noble person.

Xu Xin didn't care, but opened his arms.

"Old Duan, give me a hug!"


Duan Yihong smiled and nodded.

Then came Wang Qianyuan, Zhou Yiwei, Zhang Songwen...

Xu Xin gave everyone a hug, and finally it was Liu Zhishi's turn.

He looked at the imperial concubine who was waiting for him with a smile and asked:

"Do you want to say something?"


Liu Zhishi shook his head simply:

"For me, when those two German aunts touched my face and praised me on my first day, everything was already worth it! Just wait, sooner or later I can catch up!"

"Then what else are you talking about... Come on, give me a hug!"

A gust of fragrant wind enters my arms.

Xu Xin smiled and said:

"Come on, girl!"


After everyone had hugged, Xu Xin looked at the big guy who was waiting for him to leave the table first and followed him, and suddenly pressed his left hand onto his right fist.

"Thank you all for your strong support! Without you, there would be no movie of ours. It's just a different division of labor and different differences. We will continue to work hard in the future! Thank you for your hard work, everyone!"

After everyone saw the world's only fist-holding ceremony and Xu Xin's eye-catching sincerity.

Zhang Songwen was the first to react.

He smiled and said:

"Director Xu, this kind of good thing must come often. Congratulations!"

He also pressed his left hand onto his right fist.

But compared to Xu Xin's straightened palm, his entire left hand was wrapped around his right fist.

And the hands should be closer together.

That is the ceremony of bowing.

For Xu Xin, he is the leader, and he and others are his "employees".

The head of the house holds his fist and salutes with respect, which represents humility.

The response is naturally to be a salute.

The masters of the family respect us one foot, and we respect the masters one foot!

"Congratulations, Director Xu!"


With Zhang Songwen taking the lead, everyone responded with a smile.

Finally, Xu Xin nodded:

"Let's go and be interviewed!"

Holding two heavy gold and silver bears, he left the table with a smile on his face and walked towards the interview room.

"Director Xu Xin, what do you think of Chinese-language films becoming the biggest winners this year? Does this represent an overall improvement in the international status of your country's films?"

"You can say that, but I would rather call it a kind of fusion of Eastern and Western cultures. Everyone is willing to look at the artistic collision between different civilizations from a more open perspective. Chinese films are also films, and film art needs more different colors. flowers bloom.”

"Director Xu Xin, I know you are a disciple of Director Zhang Yimou. You won the Golden Bear Award. Is there anything you want to say to him?"

"Although this is not a live broadcast, he may not be able to see this reporter's interview. But I still want to say that it should be about five o'clock in the morning, Tianchao time. If Director Zhang has watched the broadcast, then take a rest. "

"Why? Is Director Zhang not sleeping well?"

"Of course not. Didn't I say it again? It's five o'clock in the morning and all the prizes have been won. Please go to bed quickly, haha."

"Director Xu Xin, what do you most want to do now?"

"What I want most is to find my wife... By the way, have you seen where she is?"

"The crew of "The Grandmaster" is visiting over there."

"Okay, thank you, today's interview ends here... Haha, just kidding. But I really want to find her and then go back to rest. We have been away from the child for too long, and the child sees her every day We all cry and we just want to get home."

"Director Xu Xin, how do you think Chinese films can gain more international recognition?"

Hearing this question, Xu Xin, who was talking eloquently, paused.

It was rare that his nonchalant look turned into a trace of thought.

Seeing him thinking, the reporter added:

"This time, you are the biggest winner. But... no offense. But I don't think you have the influence to become a mainstream Western movie."

"Well, you're right."

Xu Xin nodded seriously and did not feel that the other party was looking down on him or Chinese movies.

He is not that narrow-minded.

After nodding, he said seriously:

"At least not now. But like I said, I will use my country to compare. Our country was a few years ago, when Hollywood had become mainstream in the world, but in the early days of entering our country, it was actually Not recognized.

What I want to express with this example is that, first of all, we don’t need influence.

The second thing is that rather than influence, what we want is recognition. At least, when everyone mentions our country’s movies, they will recognize them. When some movies are released in foreign countries, they will rely on this recognition to achieve good box office.

Note that this has nothing to do with money, but purely a recognition based on the artistry of the film.

And, not just China, I hope that movies all over the world, and movies and TV shows in every country, can slowly reveal the customs, customs, and charming stories of their own country based on this "recognition". Isn’t this also the starting point of the Berlin Film Festival and even international film festivals?

So, this is what I want. Recognition requires a process and needs to be friends with time. What we can do is continue to provide a steady stream of excellent movies.

I believe that human beings have a common sense for beautiful things. One day, Chinese-language movies can be like Hollywood, Bollywood, and even movies from various countries.

People recognize it, people appreciate it.

We are willing to work hard for this goal. This is my answer to your question, Mr. Journalist. "

He answered very seriously.

He gave all his understanding on this issue.

The reporters were recording his answers quickly.

Some people were even nodding slightly.

Obviously he agrees with what he said.

And after Xu Xin answered a few more questions one after another, the time was almost up.

The film festival staff took the initiative to end his visit.

He was not with Zhang Yi and the others.

As the winner of the best picture, he is naturally qualified to "open" a game.

After the interview was completed, it was discovered that Zhang Yi and the others were already waiting there.

Even Sun Ting was with them.

Xu Xin walked over quickly.

"Brother Xu, congratulations!"

Hearing Sun Ting's words, Xu Xin smiled slightly and asked:

"Where's your sister?"

"Go and change clothes. Come out soon."

"Well, where is Director Wang?"

Sun Ting pointed in a direction.

Only then did Xu Xin see that the reporters over there had just dismissed.

Including Wang Jiawei, the judges stood up one after another.

Seeing this, Xu Xin walked over.

"Director Wang."

Wang Jiawei, who was wearing sunglasses, nodded after seeing him.

At the same time, several other people came over after seeing him.

"Congratulations, Xu."

The leader, a tall middle-aged man with gray hair on his temples, said with a smile.

But Xu Xin showed an unusually humble look.

"Thank you, Mr. Robbins."

Tim Robbins, or... the famous Andy Dufresne.

Starring in "The Shawshank Redemption".

He is also one of the judges this time.

"I know you've probably heard this many times. But to this day, The Shawshank Redemption is still one of my favorite movies."


Tim Robbins smiled and nodded:

"Of course, I have heard many people say this. Xu, congratulations. Your film has been unanimously favored by all the judges, including me. Excellent film, especially the character "Spring". Frankly speaking, even I am a little moved.”

"Thank you for the compliment, Mr. Robbins. That's the best compliment I can ever receive!"

"Haha, come on! I hope to see your work in Hollywood one day."


The two shook hands and even took a photo together.

After bidding him farewell, the other judges also expressed their love for the film "Heart of the Sun".

Finally, he walked up to Wang Jiawei.

"Director Wang."

Wang Jiawei smiled slightly:

"Director Xu, your acceptance speech was great."

"haha, thank you."

"Director Xu will return to China tomorrow?"


"That's it... Then after I finish working on "The Grandmaster" landing in several other countries, I'll go to Xiying Studio to visit you."


Xu Xin subconsciously raised his eyebrows:

"Director Wang has a new work?"

"Well, it's true, but it's not mature yet. Let's talk to Director Xu more about it then."


Xu Xin agreed immediately.

After the members of the jury left, everyone else also left.

Xu Xin was called to the interview booth by Zhang Yi and others to take photos.

After the photos were almost taken, Xu Xin found the shadow of his wife.

She had put on a normal outfit and was looking at him with a smile.

Standing next to him was Liu Zhishi who was also laughing and joking.

Xu Xin couldn't help but complain:

"You changed your clothes very quickly. I also said we should take some photos."

"We have finished filming."

Yang Mi hugged Liu Zhishi next to her.

Liu Zhishi, who had also changed her clothes, nodded vigorously:

"Yes, we have finished filming!"

Then he also embraced the emperor:

"The emperor will turn over my sign tonight. We have agreed that you should stay back a little."

Although the imperial concubine was famous for her beauty and beauty, she won the emperor's heart.

But as the closest pillow person, Xu Xin sneered after hearing this.

Dog woman.

Are you afraid that I'll rush you?

I'm afraid you think too highly of yourself.

Even with your sequined clothes, I'm afraid it will hurt my thighs when I rush.

So he ignored Liu Zhishi and said directly:

"Shall we take a photo together? If we don't take a photo, we'll retreat... I'm a little tired."

"Come on. Use your mobile phone to take photos. Mobile phones can beautify your face~"

The emperor immediately let go of the imperial concubine, hugged the queen's waist, and said to the imperial concubine:

"Remember to find an angle and make my legs longer. I'm not wearing high heels."

"You really trust her, don't you know she's blind?"

"Xu, see if I don't tear your dog's mouth apart!"

"My beloved, calm down, hurry up and give me a beautiful photo~"

Just holding her husband like this, she looked concave in various shapes, and after taking dozens of photos, she said with satisfaction:

"You send me the picture, and I'll ask Lao Wang to edit it together. He's very good at using PS on his computer."

Xu Xin's mouth twitched...

Where did you find Wang Sicong?

But then I thought about it, why the hell did my grandson smile so much when I bought a flower pot worth two hundred thousand yuan?

He nodded immediately:

"Yeah, yes, let him fix it. If he can't fix it, he'll break his leg!"

Just as he was talking, the phone vibrated.

Lang Lang sent a message:

"Can you guys come out? I want to go back to the hotel to poop."


Xu Xin was speechless and showed this message to Yang Mi, who was filled with disgust:

"Hey~ let's go, let's go, I'm so sick."

Everyone walked outside together.

In fact, at this moment, everyone is in a state of "desensitization".

Everyone who should be excited has been excited.

At this moment, all that was left in the laughter was happiness.

Didn't even mention the film festival.

When Xu Xin walked out of the door, he immediately looked for a place to smoke and catch fire in the cold wind.

As for Lang Lang’s news…

Pull it.

Anyway, it's his own person who is embarrassed.

"Shock! World-renowned piano artist Berlin Incontinence"

This news is much more explosive than when he won the Golden Bear.

While he was holding a cigarette and waiting for Sun Ting to arrive with the car, he heard Liu Zhishi next to him saying:

"Tsk tsk... That year, I had my hands in my pockets and didn't know what my opponent was."


Xu Xin turned to look at her:


"Your memes."

Liu Zhishi, who was browsing Weibo, directly handed over the screen.

The couple took a closer look...

"Ah, isn't this the one from last night?"

Yang Mi looked at the picture, her eyes locked on "himself".

"Look, how beautiful I look when I smile!"

Xu Xin nodded:

"Who says it's not, playful smile...puff...ahem."

He was speechless after receiving an elbow for no reason:

"You're going to kill me!"

"Tell you, I'm in a state of excitement right now. If you say something nice and praise me, I'll sleep with you tonight..."

Liu Zhishi was stunned:

"Aren't you following me?"

Yang Mi glanced at her and suddenly pouted in Xu Xin's direction:


"Ah!!! Shut up!"


have to.

Xu Xin took a look and saw that this person was really happy.


Don't worry about whether it's true or not, who is sleeping with whom.

He recalled the words on the photo, subconsciously put one hand in his pocket and took a long drag on the cigarette.

This sip is really refreshing.

"Want something to drink?"

After arriving at the hotel, Lang Lang, who had been waiting in the waiting room all night, was obviously a little restless.

Xu Xin's throat moved and he glanced at his wife subconsciously.

Yang Mi's eyes turned to Liu Zhishi.


The corners of Liu Zhishi's mouth twitched...

It's not that she is in a hurry to go to bed, but she still has to worry about the food and drink in Germany.

But either Yang Mi understands her.

"Tingting, there are snacks there."


Sun Ting was confused now.

My heart says you went through my suitcase?

But through these years of getting along, Yang Mi, who has long been familiar with Tingting's "habits", directly took Liu Zhishi's hand:

"Let's go, Tingting brought a few packs of snacks to my room. Let me tell you, the beer in the refrigerator tastes pretty good..."



Four cans bumped into each other.

There was no big show.

Just these four people, what are the spicy strips, spicy broad beans, spicy shredded squid, spicy dried fish and spicy duck neck on the table...

After one person took a sip.

Except for Yang Mi who couldn't bear the cold and let out a "Ha~~~~", the other three people didn't say anything.




Xu Xin held the wine glass with empty eyes, chewing broad beans subconsciously in his mouth, making a squeaking sound.

Liu Zhishi held a shredded squid and ate it with relish.

Yang Mi held the wine glass with both hands. She didn't know whether she was too lazy to speak, or she was stupid and wanted to use the warmth of her hands to warm the can of beer.

As for Lang Lang...he didn't know who to send a message to on his mobile phone.

This silence lasted for about ten seconds.

Liu Zhishi, who was so spicy with shredded squid that he took another sip of wine, complained:

"What happened to Tingting? Are you rushing to give birth to a daughter and never come back? Everything is spicy."

Xu Xin came back to his senses and glanced at her without saying a word.

Lang Lang, on the other hand, tore the slits on the spicy strips package twice, but didn't tear them open... Yang Mi grabbed it in disgust, tore it open from the other end, and threw it on the table.

He sneered:

"I played the piano too much tonight, and I developed tenosynovitis."

"What a fart! You played for less than five minutes."

Yang Mi rolled her eyes at him angrily.

Apparently he has gotten used to the shamelessness of such a big loser who still refuses to admit it.

Then she helped to tear open the small bags of dried fish so that he could easily take them, and then she took a look at her husband.

"What are you thinking about?"


Xu Xin came back to his senses, looked at her, smiled slightly, and picked up the wine can again:


The four cans made a clattering sound again.

After Xu Xin drank half the can in one breath, he let out a wine burp along with a sigh:

"Hiccup... Phew. It's over~"



Yang Mi and Liu Zhishi were startled at the same time.

Then, both of their shoulders slumped in unison.


it's over.

Success comes to an end, and meritorious deeds come to a successful end.

From winning the award to now.

It seems like... I'm coming back to my senses.

It's like... just like a dream.

Neither Xu Xin nor Yang Mi paid attention to the numerous congratulatory messages on their phones.

Just mute it.

Don't bother anyone.

Listening to his sigh at this moment, everyone wanted to continue to say something for a while, but the energy and energy fell completely as if the skeleton had been taken away.

I can no longer feel any interest.

It seems that these four cans of beer and a few packs of snacks are enough.

Nothing else is needed at all.

Only Lang Lang looked a little ugly.

Lao Xu's wine burp and sigh were just facing him.

As soon as he took a breath, he smelled the smell of beer + broad beans.

After fanning himself helplessly twice, he picked up another spicy stick.

Not to mention, this stuff is sweet, spicy, and quite delicious.


Seemingly remembering something, he wiggled his fingers and twirled the paper twice, then took out his phone, took a photo, and sent it to Gina.

And Gina’s last message was:

"Just the four of you? I thought you were going to hold a grand party."

After sending the photo, Lang Lang replied:

"Yes, just the four of us."

After sending it, he raised his head and glanced at the three people who started to relax again.

After thinking for a while, he replied:

"Maybe we are all old. That kind of celebration party is too noisy and everyone doesn't like it. Why don't we have a drink quietly."

"Don't think that we are very simple. Have you seen the photos I sent you? These are Chinese snacks, and they taste very good! Especially the long food with a black seal and a transparent bag. It's called LATIAO, and it tastes very good. "

After sending the message, he put down his phone and picked up another one.

Just like a little hamster eating celery, he sips it into his mouth bit by bit.


The phone vibrated again.

Gina replied:

"Really? It's delicious? Can you buy it here?"

"You shouldn't be able to buy it. But..."

After typing this, he suddenly paused.

There was some thought in his eyes, and then he replied:

"Wait until I go to the United States next month to bring you food."

After typing, he suddenly felt that the light was a little dim.

He subconsciously looked up and saw a big dog's head stretching its head and looking this way.


"Woof woof woof..."

Yang Mi and Liu Zhishi instantly felt as if they had received some terrible news, and the gossip antenna behind their heads stood up with a "whoosh".

"Ouch, ouch, ouch~"

"Woof woof woof woof..."

Suddenly, Lang Lang was speechless.

You won the Best Director, Best Actress, Golden and Silver Bears, I’ve never seen you three so excited.

When you inquire about other people's gossip, you can see the bad behavior among the three of you.

You guys really deserve to die!

A total of 19,600 words, rounded to two W, thank you Nuanyangju.

People are going crazy and their brains are numb.

do not know what to say……

I really responded to the sentence: I am so grateful that I don’t know what to say.

But I still want to say... a 20,000-word update is really difficult for me now in the low-carbon period. It’s too difficult, too difficult…

Thank you also for your tolerance and understanding.

Thousands of words... At this moment, there is only a blank in my mind.

In fact, I am not satisfied with my recent writing or other aspects of my state.

My daily carbohydrate intake is seriously insufficient, I feel very anxious, my brain feels very sluggish, and I want to break the habit and eat and drink too much every day... The recent feedback on the plot makes me unable to sleep at night...

I want to say sorry, but I also know that everyone is tired of hearing this.

But I don’t know what to say other than this.


I'll try my best to adjust.

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