I’m a Director, I’m Not Bad

Chapter 936 The 932 trophy is lost

Chapter 936 932. The trophy is lost

The four of us didn’t actually drink much.

I drank three times in total and couldn’t even mention it.

That works out to about four cans per person.

This amount of wine may be enough for people who can't bear to drink. But for four large wine bags, it’s not even water.

But...that's okay.

After receiving the instructions, Sun Ting came in to pack her luggage and Yang Mi urged the two of them:

"You two should go back and clean up quickly. We'll leave early tomorrow morning."

"What time is it?"

"It will definitely take off before 9 o'clock."

"Okay...good night then, best director and best actress."

After hearing Lang Lang's words, Xu Xin shook his head seriously:

"No, it's Best Picture!"

"Go away, you idiot. Are you serious about flattering you?"

Lang Lang complained and left first.

Yang Mi was teasing Liu Zhishi:

"My beloved concubine, don't leave, let's go together~"

"Please go to hell, thank you. Even if I am with Lao Lang, I will not be with you two!"

"Lao Lang has Gina, thank you."

"Then he will die too! Burn you heterosexuals to death! Hold high the FFF flag!!!"


Lang Lang was speechless for a moment.

Finally, snap.

The door is closed.

The woman who was sitting cross-legged on the sofa straightened her legs in an instant.

Put it on my husband's lap.

Just as Xu Xin was about to take action, she quickly dodged:

"Don't make trouble, it's stockings and high heels, it tastes so sour."

"Yo? Specially prepared for me?"

"Hey! Brother, please calm down, Tingting is still here!"

Yang Mi had a look of disgust on her face, while Sun Ting, who was folding her clothes and putting them in her suitcase, didn't hear it at all...or maybe she just ignored it if she heard it.

In all these years, I haven’t seen anything ridiculous about you two?

But Xu Xin still grabbed her feet, put them on his legs, and started to massage her little by little through the cotton socks.

"Are you tired?"

"Hiss... try harder."

She lay down on the sofa and snorted:

"Actually, it's okay, but... I feel so exhausted. Let me tell you, I am less nervous about winning the prize than you are about winning the prize. When I saw those two old men reading your name, I burst into tears and couldn't stop them. Don’t live like that.”

"Me too...didn't you hear what Shishi said? When I was working as an actress, my hands were as cold as dead...but I didn't tremble. Her nonsense was an exaggeration. How could I be trembling?"

After he finished speaking, Yang Mi did not respond.

Instead, she felt her husband's right pressure and closed her eyes tightly.

Xu Xin thought she was tired, but he didn't expect that after a few seconds, he heard a sniffling sound.

When he turned around, he saw that she was wiping away tears.

"...What's wrong? Why are you crying?"

"I don't know, I just feel like my eyes are dry and I want to cry for a while..."

She reopened her slightly red eyes.

He retracted his legs, sat up, pulled out a piece of paper on the coffee table, held it and leaned on Xu Xin's shoulder.

"It's not sad, it's not sad, let's just say happy... It's not to the point of crying with joy. But I just want to cry for a while..."

As she spoke, she hugged Xu Xin's arm.

She rubbed her face against her husband's strong arm and suddenly said:



"I'm thinking about something now."


"Just...if you didn't know me, what would you be doing now?"


Xu Xin was stunned for a moment.

Then his eyes narrowed.

After about a few seconds, he said:

"Do you still remember that I told you that I had a dream?"

"...that time you dreamed about Tang Wei's nude scene?"


Sun Ting, who was packing her clothes at the side, made a move.

Then things returned to normal.

Sister, you are still awesome...

Xu Xin was also speechless:

"When did I dream about Tang Wei's nude scene?"

"Last year, one morning you were chattering like crazy, and I was still asleep... After you finished, I asked you why you were so crazy. I knew you must have something wrong with you because of your slumped belly. That's why you said it. Say you dreamed about her nude scene, and the male protagonist is yourself..."

"Okay, stop, don't talk any more."

Xu Xin, who thought our memories were really different, shook his head helplessly:

"I mean the time we talked two years ago. I said that sometimes I always feel like I have experienced certain things before, and that dream happened."

"Uh... didn't I give you Baidu? What you call... the Manchester effect. It's actually just your illusion."

"...Isn't it right? I remember it was Man, three words."

"You remember wrongly, it's the Manchester effect."

"Well... it was that dream anyway. I have almost forgotten the content of that dream, but... I think if I hadn't had that dream, then I might... still be driving a Ferrari."

"Then continue to go to class and sleep, then go to the bar and nightclub after class?"

"Absolutely. If this is the case, will you still like me?"

"Probably not."

Leaning on her husband's shoulder, she answered with almost no hesitation:

"I have actually been very clear about what I want since I was a child. At that time, my idea was very simple. I must not fall in love, and if I want to fall in love, I can't be with someone like you. I entered the industry early, and those few years were when I grew up. When I was in college, I heard some sisters in the company talk about a lot of things in the industry at that time. The concept at that time was that rich people were not good people. What’s more, I just wanted to be a big star... There was no such thing as being a big star at that time. The aspirations and aspirations of a good actor. I just want to be a big star!"

"A conspicuous bag?"

"Yes. So, you, a rich second generation, especially a rich second generation with no ability, cannot attract me at all. I want to become a small star first, and then a big star. Before becoming a small star, I will definitely not consider it. About love. I made a vow at that time. Even... the reason why I participated in your short film audition was just to get acquainted with Teacher Yu. If there are any other opportunities in the future, I can take advantage of them. I saw it at that time You, I’m quite disappointed.”


Xu Xinxin said you are really realistic.

Then he continued:

"Then I guess...if I hadn't had that dream at that time, first of all, I would have had nothing to do with the Olympics, right?"


"If I follow this line of thinking, maybe I will play for another two or three years. After graduating from school, I will probably play in Yanjing for one or two years? Then go back to work and wait to die? Or maybe I will become a small investor and have nothing to do. A little star or something... eh? Speaking of which, if you were a little star and I was an investor at that time, I might still be able to reach you through unspoken rules."

"Impossible. I won't accept this at all~ Think about it, I was a virgin at the time. I have already made up my mind to become a big star. How can I accept the unspoken rules? Then I won't be a bus?"

"...Okay. Anyway, I'm quite grateful for that dream."

"Shouldn't you be grateful to those two girls you flew with before you had that dream?"

"Don't mention it. Although I stopped drinking, I still remember...the two girls took off their makeup and looked like they were too big for me...Don't say it, I really have to thank them. If they don't leave, I may not be able to have that dream. If I don’t have that dream... we may really be two parallel lines."

There is no talk of "remembering the bitter and remembering the sweet" or reminiscing about old times.

The topic came up purely out of haste.

Many, many years have passed since that dream, and he can hardly remember anything about it.

But I am extremely grateful.

Grateful, it was that dream that allowed him to find a new self.


He breathed a sigh of relief and rubbed his nose.

And when I took another breath, I suddenly felt something was wrong.


Put your finger to the tip of your nose...


With a flick of his shoulder, the confused Yang Mi was thrown away, and he stood up and walked into the bathroom.

"Your feet stink!"

Hearing this, Yang Mi was stunned...

Suddenly he laughed happily.

Although the dream is beautiful,...it is precisely because of this that the reality is so unforgettable.

As she spoke, she held her feet and came closer to smell them.


No more high heels.

Go wash JIOJIO.

"What!? You didn't take it!? You didn't take such a big box!?"

On the plane, Yang Mi was immediately confused:

"Didn't you say you were carrying it!?"

"I said... but I don't want to go to the toilet. You said the car was coming. As soon as you urged me, I put on my clothes and got out... Quick, quick, quick, contact the hotel, this is going to be lost. The joke is getting too big!"

Xu Xin looked anxious and quickly took out the phone:

"What's the hotel phone number?"

"How did I know... Please contact Brother Zhong quickly."

"Brother Zhong is on the plane too. It's already 11 o'clock. Their flight is at 9 o'clock!"

"Oh my God! What else can you do with the surname Xu!...What should we do?"

The couple was in a frenzy on the plane.

Liu Zhishi and Lang Lang were also confused.

The reason why this happened is also very simple. Xu Xin forgot two silver and one gold trophies in the hotel.

After the two returned to the bedroom last night, their little love was sweet.

Finally, under the influence of the alcohol and the ups and downs of my mood, I had a rare sleep and had a clear sleep.

When I woke up early in the morning, Yang Dalin sent a video.

The two children started to make noise again, crying and wanting to see their mother.

So, there was a lot of excitement, and the couple wanted to leave quickly.

After notifying Lang Lang and Shishi, he called for a taxi. Before leaving, Xu Xin put the three boxes containing the three trophies on the bed.

The thing was heavy, so he was very considerate and didn't let his wife take it. He took it down with him after he used the toilet.

As a result, he squatted for a long time. When the cars and people arrived, Yang Mi urged him.

He stood up, put on his clothes and walked out...Su Meng was usually responsible for checking whether there were any omissions. He was used to being the boss. The result is better now...

Yang Mi said she wanted to take some selfies with the trophy. Xu Xin looked around and realized that she seemed to have forgotten the trophy in the hotel!

What to do now...

When he was speechless and anxious, Lang Lang was stunned and said:

"How about... could you please Gina? I have the phone number of someone from the Berlin Film Festival. I'll communicate with them and ask them to call the hotel. Gina can pick it up?"

"Okay, okay, hurry up... hurry up. Then ask her to mail it over..."

After hearing Yang Mi's words, Liu Zhishi subconsciously said:

"Do you dare to mail this thing? What if it is damaged or lost?"


Yang Mi opened her mouth, but she didn't dare to say anything.

This is an international mail package.

She wasn't sure either.

At this time, Lang Lang said:

"Gina is going back to the United States in early March, and I have to go back as well. How about... I let her hold it? Then I can bring it back to you?"

"Okay, okay! You should call and communicate first and let her get it...Oh, I'm so impressed! Tell me what you can do!"


Xu Xin, who knew he was in the wrong, didn't say anything and just gave Lang Lang a quick look.

I wanted him to deal with it quickly.

Otherwise, he might not survive lunch.

But when Liu Zhishi, who was lying on the massage chair and was enjoying herself, heard him calling Gina, she got up and moved closer.

After Lang Lang found out, he said:

"Hey, do you understand English?"

Liu Zhishi was stunned.

My heart is right.

He sat down again.

He just gave Yang Mi the same look.

It means: listen to it and translate it to me.

Yang Mi ignored her.

My best actress trophy was lost to that heartless man who killed me a thousand times!

Where is the time to listen to gossip?

Lang Lang also made a call.

First, I called the people from the film festival. After explaining the situation, the phone hung up:

"He said to contact the hotel immediately and asked me not to worry. This situation happens once or twice a year. After the hotel sees it, if it cannot contact the room owner, it will report it to the association. He will check it, and after a while Give me a reply."

Within 2 minutes, the reply came.

"The three trophies have been placed at the front desk of the hotel by the cleaning staff... Shall I call Gina?"

"Fight. Hurry~"


Yang Mi felt at ease instantly.

Then...she replaced Liu Zhishi and sat next to Lang Lang:

"You put it on speakerphone."

"……are you crazy?"

Lang Lang was completely speechless when he saw his friend, who had been so angry just now, but now full of gossip.

But the call was made.

After two beeps...

"Hello, hello, didn't you say you wanted to rest? It's only been less than half an hour, have you slept well?"




In addition to Liu Zhishi, who looked confused, Xu Xin and Yang Mi, who felt at ease, also showed disgusted expressions.

It’s not that I dislike Gina.

But Lang Lang.

Lang Lang's blood pressure is also a bit high at the moment.

This is the attitude of you two old bastards asking for help, right?


"Well, I just wanted to tell you that I woke up. There's nothing else to do. I'm hanging up..."




Lang Lang, who received a slap on the back, instantly became honest:

"Gina, can I ask you a favor?"

"Yeah, okay. Just tell me~"

"Xu and Yang forgot their trophies at the hotel..."

After honestly explaining the cause and effect of the matter, Gina agreed in a bright voice:

"Yeah! Okay. Then how do I leave it to you?"

"You're not going to be a teacher in March."

"Yes, I'll go there on March 10th. I'll give it to you then? ... But I have to go back to South Korea in two days. My grandma is not in good health, and my mother wants to take me back to visit. Is it far between Seoul and Yanjing?"

She had just finished asking, but before Lang Lang could answer, Yang Mi said:

"Gina, I'm Yang. Seoul is not far from Yanjing. Do you want to come as a guest? It's about a three-hour flight away. Have you been to Yanjing?"

After hearing the invitation, Gina hesitated and asked:

"Then...is Lang here?"

"He is here. He must be here. Don't worry, he can't run anywhere."

Yang Mi’s answer was extremely positive.

Lang Lang's mouth twitched.


Surprisingly, he didn't protest.

Then I heard Gina’s laughter:

"Hehe... That's great."

On the side, Xu Xin, who was also paying attention to the movements on the phone, let out a "poof":

"Bah~! Beast!"

I don't know who I'm talking about.

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